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Stand material - Maslenitsa. Wide Maslenitsa

On Monday, February 12, began Maslenitsa week and we present a full schedule of folk festivals and entertainment in Kaluga and outside the city. This year, for the first time, a Maslenitsa procession will take place in Kaluga! Read about it below.

  • 17.00 - entertainment program “Merry Maslenitsa” Typhoon microdistrict, Grabtsevskoe highway, no. 108
  • 11.00 - entertainment program “Shiroka Maslyona - good party!” microdistrict Severny, Dorozhnaya st., 33a
  • 12,00 Team relay“Physical education: pancakes and weights” Square named after. V. N. Volkova
  • 12.00 - folk festival“Broad Maslenitsa” Moskovskaya Square
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Start a round dance - Maslenitsa at the gate” Mayakovsky Square
  • 12.00 - Maslenitsa celebration “Maslenina Week” Pukhova str., 52, MBUK “City Leisure Center” square
  • 12.00 - festive celebration “Miracle Maslenitsa” Malinniki lane, 20, area in front of the Malinniki recreation center
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Broad Maslenitsa” Guryanova str., 27, area in front of the Silikatny cultural center
  • 12.00 - theatrical performance “Maslenitsa adventures” in the village of Kanishchevo, area in front of the Kanishchevsky Sports and Disaster Center
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Burn, red sun - bring a clear spring!” village of Muratovsky crushed stone plant, area in front of Muratovsky SKDC
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Maslenitsa has come!” Rosva village, area in front of Rosvyansky SDK
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Walk, people, Maslenitsa is at the gates!” Obukhovo village, area in front of the Obukhovo SDK
  • 13.00 - theatrical program “Farewell to Winter”, Dubrava St., 3a, House of Culture “Dubrava”
  • 13.00 - folk festival “Our dear guest - Maslenitsa” Tsentralnaya str., 18, area in front of the Shopinsky SDK
  • 13.00 - festive program"Maslenitsa" village of Pletenevka, area in front of the Pletenevsky SDK
  • 14.00 - theatrical performance “Maslenitsa Adventures”, Terepets microdistrict, Entuziastov Boulevard, 6
  • 14.00 - folk festival “Shiroka Maslyona - a good festival!” Turyninskaya str., 10a, area in front of the Turynino CDC
  • 14.00 - game program“Have a blast, Maslenitsa!” Ilyinka village, area in front of the Novoiliinsky SDK
  • 15.00 - folklore festival “Broad Maslenitsa” in the village of Kolyupanovo, area in front of the Kolyupanovsky SKDC

11.45-15.00 – folk festival “Kaluga Maslenitsa” Theater Square

This year, the main events of the Kaluga Maslenitsa folk festival will take place on February 18. A real Maslenitsa town will unfold on Theater Square, where Kaluga residents can expect concert programs, folk games, Maslenitsa competitions and entertainment, sonorous songs and lively dances, master classes, shopping arcades and a folk crafts fair.

During the festival, outdoor sales will be organized, and the main dish, of course, will be Maslenitsa pancakes. For lovers of active recreation and Maslenitsa fun, interactive platforms will be organized: “Bogatyr Casting”, “Well Defile”, “Buffoon Fun”, “Pancake Fun”, “Merry Rest”, “Straw Maze”. Photo zones will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of folk festivities, where everyone who comes to the holiday will be able to transform into heroes of Russian folk tales and Maslenitsa characters. Traditionally, as part of the folk festival, an exhibition-fair of craftsmen, the “Festival of Crafts,” will take place on Teatralnaya Square.

  • 12.00 The festive program will begin with a Maslenitsa procession. A column of mummers with songs, jokes and jokes will march along Theater Square; along the way, heralds will call guests and inform Kaluga residents about the holiday program. Then on the main stage there will be a concert and theatrical performance “Walk, Kaluga Maslenitsa” with the participation of Kaluga creative groups.
  • From 12.00 on Teatralnaya Square, other thematic venues will begin operating. In Theater Square, on the site near the fountain, there will be an interactive platform “Art Workshop “Maslena - Craftswoman”, where everyone will be able to make a variety of Maslenitsa souvenirs and gifts with their own hands.
  • 12.00 to 13.30 It has become a good tradition to hold a city competition for best production Maslenitsa doll “Madame Maslenitsa”. An exhibition of the competition participants' works will be located on Teatralnaya Square, followed by an award ceremony for the competition winners on the main stage.
  • 14.10 The most dexterous and courageous residents of Kaluga will enjoy the main Maslenitsa attraction “The Amusing Pillar”
  • 15.00 The finale of the Kaluga Maslenitsa on Theater Square will be the “Burning of the Scarecrow” ceremony and the large “Kaluga Round Dance”

12.00 - festive program “Maslenitsa fun” shopping center “Torgovy Kvartal”, Moskovskaya str., 338a

14.00 - folk festival “Maslenina Week” New city park, Marata St., 2

15.00 - concert and game program “Farewell, Maslenitsa!” Right Bank microdistrict, Mother's square


12.00 Maslenitsa in Nikola-Lenivets. The sculpture of Nikolai Polissky “Flaming Gothic” will be given to the fire. The flames will instantly turn a huge art object into an openwork fiery building. This time the sculpture will be thirty meters, which is exactly ten meters more than last year.

12.00 "Maslenitsa 2018" in Lavrovo-Pesochnya. Guests are welcome: Concert program; Dancing, games, competitions, funny pole (valuable prizes), burning of the Maslenitsa effigy, fair, hot tea, pancakes (with various fillings), shish kebab.

10.30 Maslenitsa in Ethnomir. Guests can expect: an exhibition of world Maslenitsa, fair rows, dishes for every taste, an ice column, Maslenitsa games and fun, Maslenitsa children's fun, the creation of large stuffed animals to see off winter in the traditions of the peoples of the world, Maslenitsa round dance, folklore program, sun dances of the peoples of Siberia, welcoming spring in Indian traditions
Burning of Maslenitsa

Stand material - Maslenitsa

This is where the saying came from: “It’s not life, but Maslenitsa.” What is the most important thing about Maslenitsa? Well, of course, pancakes! Without them there is no Maslenitsa.

Throughout Maslenitsa they bake pancakes and pancakes.
Housewives baked pancakes every day from buckwheat or wheat flour. On the first day - pancakes, on the second - pancakes, on the third - pancakes, on the fourth - pancakes, on the fifth - pancakes, on the sixth - pancakes, on the seventh - royal pancakes. The pancakes were served with sour cream, jam, butter, honey, fish caviar, eggs.

Damn is not the only one good.
The pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split the belly!
Like during Shrovetide, pancakes were flying out of the chimney!
You, my pancakes, my pancakes!
Wide Maslenitsa, we boast about you,
We ride in the mountains and gorge ourselves on pancakes!

During Maslenaya Week, ritual pancakes were baked - the personification of the sun; The girls danced in circles and sang songs. The songs talked about the abundance of butter, cheese, and cottage cheese. The boys and girls wore their best clothes.

Maslenitsa, goodbye!
And come next year!
Maslenitsa, come back!
IN New Year show yourself!
Goodbye, Maslenitsa!
Goodbye red!

The main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw doll named Maslenitsa. She was dressed in a dress, a scarf was tied on her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes.

The doll was seated on a sleigh and taken up the mountain with songs. And next to the sleigh, the mummers were jumping, running, teasing, and shouting jokes. Sometimes horses were harnessed one after another into large sleighs. It turned out to be a train. A young guy sat in the sleigh; various rattles and bells were hung on him. A chest with pies, fish, eggs, and pancakes was placed in front of him. The train traveled through the entire village amid the laughter and jokes of fellow villagers, and then went to the neighboring village.

The fun continued until the evening, and at the end of all the activities they “said off Maslenitsa” - they burned an effigy,
depicting Maslenitsa.


Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name and its own fun.

Monday - meeting. They made a Maslenitsa doll, dressed it up, put it in a sleigh and took it up the hill.
They greeted her with songs. The children came first. Starting from that day, the children rode down the mountains every day.

Tuesday is a game. Children and adults went from house to house, congratulating them on Maslenitsa and begging for pancakes. Everyone visited each other, sang songs and joked. On this day, games and fun began, girls' swings and horse rides were organized.

Wednesday is delicious. The adults started skiing down the mountains. From that day on, we rode around the village in a troika with bells.
Relatives visited each other's families, visited with children, feasted on pancakes and other Maslenitsa dishes.

Thursday - wide, roam-four. This day was the day with the most entertainment.
There were horse races, fist fights and wrestling. They built a snow town and took it in battle. We rode horses around the village. We went down the mountains on sleighs and skis. The mummers amused the people. Everyone enjoyed pancakes. They walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties.

Friday is mother-in-law's evening. On mother-in-law's evenings, sons-in-law treated their mothers-in-law to pancakes. And at noon the girls carried out pancakes in a bowl on their heads and walked to the hill. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to try the blink to find out if she was a good mistress
will come out.

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. On this day, the newlyweds invited their relatives to visit them and treated them with refreshments. There were conversations about life and being, they made peace if they had been in a quarrel before. Remembered
and deceased relatives, they spoke good and kind words about them.

Sunday is a forgiven day. It was farewell to Maslenitsa. They made a fire of straw in the field and burned a doll with songs.

The ashes were scattered across the fields in order to reap a rich harvest the following year. On Forgiveness Sunday, we went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if we had offended them earlier. They said: “Please forgive me.” “God will forgive you,” they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the insults. But even if there were no quarrels or insults, they still said: “Forgive me.” Even when we met a stranger, we asked him for forgiveness. This is how Maslenitsa ended.

Maslenitsa is a wonderful holiday loved by many. It comes at the end of winter, when the cold is about to recede, when the warm spring sun timidly peeks through the cold February sky, when all of nature is waiting for the spring revival. Our ancestors rejoiced at the arrival of spring no less than we do, and therefore passed on this cheerful and cheerful holiday to us as an inheritance.

So every year we go out into the street, sing songs, eat pancakes, burn an effigy, dance in circles, and visit each other.

Every city celebrates Maslenitsa in its own way. The experience of the small town of Ukrainka, located on the banks of the Dnieper, 40 km from Kyiv, is interesting. About 14 thousand people live in the city. Mainly power engineers from the Tripolskaya State District Power Plant and members of their families.

In Ukrainka, the mayor’s office announces a competition for the most hospitable and delicious food for Maslenitsa. festive table. Small money is allocated from the city budget, flour and other ingredients for pancakes are bought and all this is distributed to the organizers of each yard that wishes to participate in the competition. It must be said that in Ukrainka the houses are more and more 5- and 9-story, and therefore there are several hundred people living in the courtyards. Among them there are always activists who prepare pancakes and pies, and residents of the yard also bring all kinds of fillings and additives from home - jams, pickles, and vodka, of course. In colorfully decorated tents on the festive square, representatives of the court treat their neighbors, city residents and the jury. To traditional entertainment program Thus, a citywide feast is added - tasty, fun and... free.

This idea can be implemented in any small locality; it will brighten the holiday and unite the residents.

In the publication of Maslyan in Ukraine. Wall newspaper, decorated in holy Ukrainian style. Just rozdruk, templates (posters) for the design of wall newspapers, posters, postcards or invitations about Maslenitsa in Ukrainian were posted for download.

Here we offer cards-posters in Russian. These pictures can be used to make invitations, posters, wall newspapers, and decorate a pancake tent.

These collages were used to decorate one of the festive food tents in Ukrainka. It might be useful to you too.

Click to enlarge and copy the image to your computer

The people are dancing and singing,

Chews pancakes and pies.

And let it be on Maslenitsa

Everyone's heart rejoices!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Leave all your worries behind and come visit
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa!
See for yourself: we'll treat you to pancakes!
Let's wave to February
Martha - “Hello!” let's say!

And this is how Maslenitsa was celebrated in Ukrainka. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Friends! Happy start of Maslenitsa to you! Have delicious pancakes everyone and, of course, have a great time have a fun week. We're spending the winter well - spring will come soon! Well, where and how to carry out the fierce one - our Poster will tell you!

And at the Fair Square of the RUS Park from 12:00 there will be a folklore program “Broad Maslenitsa”, which will introduce participants to national Slavic traditions. Also on the square there will be a circus performance “Colorful CLOWN Inflatable Show”, which has no analogues in the whole world! At the end of the holiday at 17:15 there will be a burning of an effigy, a fire show and jumping over a fire. The cost of a ticket to the program for 1 person is 500 rubles, for 2 people – 800 rubles, for 3 people – 1000 rubles. The price includes participation in the “Broad Maslenitsa” program, participation in all competitions, a Maslenitsa pole with prizes and welcome pancakes. The park is located approximately 30 km from Oktyabrsky in the village of Orlovo, Leninsky district. Information by phone: 8-985-908-11-23 and 8-901-506-48-08.

Lyubertsy parks “Natashinsky Ponds” and Central Park are open all week from March 7 to 13! Every day from Monday to Sunday on the central stages of the parks there will be concerts, animation, traditional Russian entertainment (prize pole, sack fights, etc.), theatrical and play performances, master classes, attractions, horse riding, fairs, games - round dances. Well, the culmination of the week will be the burning of Maslenitsa.

Well, now everyone together: “Winter, go away!!!” ;)

Views: 2105 Author of the article: MyOktyab