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Wedding bouquets for ivory dresses photo. Wedding bouquet for a red wedding dress

Every bride should know this! How to choose the perfect wedding bouquet? Are you a bride and you want your bouquet to be perfect and delight you throughout your wedding day and even longer?

Then read 10 rules of choice from one of the best event designers in the USA -

The bouquet must match the image

The choice of flowers for a bouquet depends on the design of your dress, the style of your celebration, your color type and your build. Therefore, at your first meeting with the florist, you need to bring a fabric sample of your wedding dress or a photo of it; also a photo of the place where the ceremony will be held. Try to describe all the details as much as possible. What is all this for? To create a harmonious, complete image.

The bride's bouquet should complement her dress, not compete with it. Luxurious dress, “richly” decorated, requires cleanliness and modesty of accessories, without excesses. Conversely, a modest dress can be organically combined even with an extravagant bouquet studded with crystals and decorated with silk ribbons.

Choose the shape of the bouquet carefully

Ask your florist to introduce you to the different shapes and types of wedding bouquets. There are many of them - round, cascading, sphere bouquet, on a porta bouquet or on their own stems, etc. Having analyzed your preferences, the image you have created and the style you have chosen, a professional will always help you choose the shape of the bouquet that is ideal for you.

By the way, the bride’s floral accessory can be more than just a bouquet. And maybe your choice will be an attractive flower bracelet, or a wreath, or a delightful boa (photo), or flowers woven into your hairstyle. In this case, flowers such as freesia, gardenia, rose, stephanotis are best suited. And don't forget that flower accessories decorated with beads, ribbons, sparkling crystals, brooches or flowers handmade from the fabric of your dress always make a wonderful impression.

Particular attention to the decor of the bouquet handle

After all, this is another opportunity to express your style wedding day. The bouquet on its stems looks very impressive, natural and organic. Often florists tie them tightly with ribbons or fabric that matches color scheme all wedding story. Be careful to make sure the handle doesn't look too long or disproportionate. This always catches your eye, spoils the overall picture and looks ugly in the photo.

The scent of your flowers is another way to impress your guests!

Imagine - the ceremony, exciting happiness and pleasant anticipation fills you, you smoothly pass by the guests, captivating them with your beautiful dress and the heady aroma of your bouquet, and you yourself enjoy the subtle notes of lilac or luxurious roses and peonies, or the juicy amber of citruses. Truly a dizzying effect, isn't it?

Hold your wedding bouquet correctly

The bride's bouquet is the point of attraction for the eyes of guests and the camera lens. Never keep it at waist level or completely below your chest! Keep your flowers as low as possible. You may not notice that you are holding the bouquet incorrectly. Since you are the center of attention, you are nervous, you are worried, a natural, protective mechanism is triggered, and you subconsciously want to hide behind a bouquet. This happens very often with brides. Tune in to a positive wave and enjoy your most beautiful day!

Well, so that your memories of him are not spoiled, learn this rule ☺

The position of the bouquet under the breasts cuts your body into two parts, optically making you shorter and thicker!

Take care of the bouquet

Flowers are very fragile creatures and can easily die. That's why many wedding bouquets are made from hardy roses, peonies, and lilies. But if you choose thinner varieties such as gardenias, lilies of the valley, hydrangeas, take precautions. Hydrangea must be kept in water for as long as possible. Lily of the valley and gardenias are easily damaged and must be stored and kept upright.

Demand the freshness of your bouquet from the florist

The bouquet should be created no earlier than one day before the event and stored in a refrigerated place until the appointed hour - this is the most optimal way to preserve the freshness of the bride’s bouquet throughout the special day. Tip: if you are expecting a photo shoot before the ceremony and your bouquet is made of delicate, fragile flowers, order two bouquets.

(c) Translation prepared by Olga Borisenko, especially for Buketio

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Because white is traditional wedding color, most girls try to choose him. For brides who prefer not to use bright colors and white seems outdated, there is a great option - an ivory dress. All that remains is to choose a wedding bouquet to match the ivory dress, and the image will be perfectly complemented.

How to choose a complementary color to ivory?

It all depends on the bride’s preferences, but you definitely shouldn’t combine beige flowers with an ivory dress; they will get lost against such a background. Ivory dresses have become very common, so florists know how to choose the perfect bouquet. It will be combined with a bouquet of white flowers, which does not always suit White dress. We can say that the ivory color is ideal for a winter wedding, it does not blend in with the snow, and wedding photographs turn out much more interesting.

To continue the delicate image, you can choose a bouquet of pink, lilac and blue shades, harmonious greenery. A variety of flowers with splashes of cream and orange create an image that is both delicate and contrasting. If you correctly emphasize the bouquet with additional accents, it can be made of red flowers. It is especially suitable for brown and cream ivory.

Which bouquets to choose for an ivory wedding dress?

Not all flowers will suit this dress, the main ones are the most successful combinations– with roses, orchids, callas, chrysanthemums, gerberas, different types tulips.

Wedding bouquet of roses

As already mentioned, it is better not to choose a tea or cream rose for a bouquet, but to give preference to a pink, red, yellow or fiery orange rose. If white color is used, the rose must be diluted with another flower.

Ivory goes well with brown, so you can create a unique composition of white roses, dried lotus flowers, cotton, decorate with brown satin ribbon. To cheer up the composition, you can add small white santini chrysanthemum flowers or statice flowers. It is better to complement the bouquet with neutral greenery, for example, tlaspi or eucalyptus branches, baby blue variety.

A bouquet of white roses and eryngium looks incredibly unusual. This blue flower spherical in shape, all covered as if with small flowers, has blue narrow leaves under the ball.

Red, orange and yellow roses can be combined with many flowers, including ranunculus, anemones, peonies, chrysanthemum santini and eagle owl, bush rose and eustoma, lilies and callas, freesia. The choice of greens is also unlimited.

Bouquets with hydrangea

Hydrangea wonderful flower, lush, voluminous, delicate. It comes in white, pink, blue, lilac, violet. It resembles a ball of butterflies and is a favorite among florists. In bouquets, hydrangea can be safely combined with a rose; the combination of pink or blue with white roses and satin ribbons looks especially tender.

A good duet will turn out with peonies or ranunculus, but for wedding bouquets it is better to choose them with small buds. Hydrangea is combined with lilac and freesia, we can say that this is simply a unique flower. By itself, it can become a neutral background for a complex composition, add volume to a bouquet, or be the main accent and decorative element.

Delicate and bright tulips in wedding images

White tulips are more likely to get lost against the background of an ivory dress, especially on a light shade, so it is better to use bright colors, and the range is almost the same as with roses - pink, yellow, orange, red, purple and so on. French tulips, which have a two-tone color, will add a highlight.

Tulips can be arranged in a mono-bouquet or combined with other flowers. For example, these could be hyacinths, irises, peonies, anemones, eustoma or spray rose, santini chrysanthemum, lavender, lilac and other small flowers. Suitable greens include pistache, robelini, salal, eucalyptus, bergrass, and ruscus.

Unusual combinations with orchids

As you know, orchids are a favorite flower of brides. It looks luxurious, elegant and carries a special meaning. A combination of white orchids in a single bouquet is not always suitable for an ivory dress, so you should select certain types and varieties.

For example, for a spring bouquet the delicate yellow-green color of a cymbidium orchid will look great, complemented by pink or orange. It can be represented by roses, alstroemeria, freesia, lilies, ranunculus, chabot carnation, chrysaanthemum.

Bright callas and gerberas in bouquets

Most brides are accustomed to a bouquet of white callas, but this flower actually has a wide color palette. A bouquet of orange or burgundy callas will look incredibly relevant for an autumn wedding. It simply carries all the energy and richness of autumn colors; it is a very “incendiary” bouquet, which in itself is contrasting and does not require additions.

Gerberas are known to everyone as sunny flowers; their variety of colors is simply amazing. You can choose any bright color, which matches the overall color of the wedding or is simply liked by the bride. In any case, against the background of an ivory-colored dress, it will look bright and juicy.

We won’t reveal any secrets by saying that the bride’s hairstyle, accessories and shoes should be in harmony with her dress. This also applies to the wedding bouquet. However, if accessories and shoes are easier to choose based on color and patterns, then some problems may arise with the shape and composition of the flower arrangement. Therefore, we will tell you what types of bouquets are suitable for certain dress styles.

Choosing the shape of the most important attribute of the bride

If the bride decides to wear a long fluffy dress or an A-line model - you should choose a classic round bouquet with a short stem. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fabric from which the outfit is made. If it is dense and heavy, the bouquet should be collected and “strong”. If the fabric is light and flowing, then the flowers can take some “liberty” in the field composition.

Speaking about, it should be noted that the shape of the bouquet will depend more on the style than on the length. So, for models with voluminous skirts they are also suitable round options. More laconic products can be complemented with a lush cascade or emphasized with a restrained thin bouquet of a small number of flowers. As for short dresses with a train, both options will look good with them.

returning to long models, we note that cascades are also suitable for dresses with a straight or flared bottom style, especially if the outfit includes a train, and thin bouquets of a small number of flowers. However, in the case of the latter, it is worth choosing the length of the leg in accordance with the silhouette of the dress. How more dress tapers towards the bottom, the longer the leg should be. A round bouquet with a “tail” of blades of grass instead of a stem of stems will also look impressive.

The last two options for the most important wedding attribute of the bride are an excellent choice for the “mermaid” silhouette. If we talk about unusual flower arrangements, then a fan will go well with a long, elegant straight dress, and a basket with flowers - for a flirty short outfit with a not too full skirt. As for models in the Empire style, options in the form of a ball, heart or muff would be appropriate here. Since they are original in themselves, the unusual shape of the bouquet will perfectly highlight them.

Pay attention to shades

Any flowers can be used to fill the bouquet, the main thing is that the bride likes them. But it is important not to make a mistake with the color. So, white or soft pink flowers will look good with a snow-white dress, but they must be complemented by green leaves and buds. A peach or milk composition will suit ivory dresses.

If the bride prefers bright image, she can choose rich yellow, blue, red and any other flowers. The main thing is that the shades are in harmony with each other. If some accessories are also bright, they must match the color of the bride’s bouquet.

If you decide to wear to a wedding ceremony, then you will undoubtedly be faced with the question of: how to choose a wedding bouquet. Red, white...or should you prefer some other shade? We advise you to look at photographs of real brides and choose the color scheme that you like best.

Red wedding bouquets

Stylists do not advise choosing a bouquet of the same color as Wedding Dress, explaining this by saying that in this way it will blend into the general background. But if you want to draw all the attention to your red dress, then you should avoid contrasting shades. If you want the bouquet not to distract attention from your outfit, but at the same time stand out in your wedding look, then let it be decorated with green leaves.

White wedding bouquets

White bridal bouquets in combination with a red dress look very beautiful, thanks to the bright contrast. The best bouquet is white colors will suit your look if you decide to use white accessories. For example: a veil, jewelry, handbag or umbrella. This way your outfit will look very harmonious. But if your wedding dress already contains elements white, then you can choose red accessories.

Red and white wedding bouquets

White and red wedding bouquets go perfectly with a red wedding dress. They will create contrast in your wedding look and emphasize a single style. This option is especially suitable for brides who choose red and white or.

Pink wedding bouquets

The red dress is a symbol of the fatal and passionate woman. But if you decide to add a little romance to your look, choose a pink or red-pink wedding bouquet. It will look very beautiful, especially when combined with pink flowers in your hairstyle.

Wedding bouquets of different colors

Many brides choose a wedding bouquet based not on their own image, but on how it will fit with the style of their wedding. They can choose a bouquet to match the color of the groom’s suit or the color of the decoration banquet hall or in accordance with their themed wedding (for example, red will go perfectly with a black wedding bouquet). However, this option will look good in general photographs, where the harmonious combination of the bouquet and wedding decoration will be visible. But in a photo where the bride is alone, a bouquet that is not similar in color to her outfit will look tasteless.
Therefore, when choosing a wedding bouquet for a red wedding dress, think carefully about what effect you want to achieve. Remember that the color of your outfit itself defies tradition and public opinion, so you shouldn’t reinforce this accent with an extravagant bridal bouquet.

The bride's bouquet is an important attribute on the wedding day. It is a unique decoration, an exclusive detail of the bride’s wedding dress, so its choice must be approached especially seriously and responsibly. How to choose the right wedding bouquet?

Following a long-standing Russian tradition, the wedding bouquet is given to the bride by the groom after the redemption, as a symbol of a long and happy life. If the bride accepts a bouquet from the groom, this means that she agrees to become his wife. But before you give a wedding bouquet to the bride, you still need to choose it. Today, the groom can use the services of professional florists to choose a wedding bouquet, since it is quite difficult to do this on your own, since in our time a wedding bouquet is a complex design than the usual selection of flowers of the same type, which was used in the times of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Professional florists have many options for wedding bouquets in their arsenal, and choosing just one is quite difficult. Bridal bouquet should be ideal for the bride, so when composing it, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties. In addition, a wedding bouquet is a rather expensive thing, so before going to the salon you need to decide on a budget, that is, how much money you can spend on it. In the salon you will be offered a choice of several options for wedding bouquets, within the amount you specify.

It is worth noting that you should not purchase a wedding bouquet in a flower tent or make a flower arrangement there. In such places, as a rule, professionals do not work, so the bride’s bouquet will be ordinary and will not become a decoration for the celebration. In addition, the flowers may not be fresh, and the bouquet is made from what is available.

It is best to order a bridal bouquet a couple of weeks before the celebration, this will give florists the opportunity to collect required material for making a bouquet. After all, it happens that a wedding bouquet is prepared by florists a few hours before the wedding, but they do it from the flowers that are available in the salon. You must order fresh flowers for your wedding bouquet. It is also worth remembering that not all florists are professionals in composing wedding bouquets, so when ordering a bouquet you should ask for photographs of ready-made compositions made earlier. You can also show clippings of photos of wedding bouquets from magazines that you like and that might be perfect for the bride. The bride's bouquet can be made up of rare, exotic flowers or flowers of rare colors, it all depends on the budget and your imagination.

As a rule, the selection of flowers for a wedding bouquet should begin after determining the exact style in which the future celebration will take place, after the bride has made her final choice of a wedding dress, headdress, and jewelry. After all, a wedding bouquet must perfectly match and be combined with the style, color and material of the bride’s dress, accessories, veil or floral wreath on the head. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the bride’s flower preferences, her height, character, eye and hair color, hairstyle, and wedding makeup.

The shape and size of the wedding bouquet also play an important role in its composition, since the bride will have to hold it in her hands for quite a long time. In addition, not only the flowers, but also the way they are decorated should be combined with wedding dress.

When choosing flowers for a wedding bouquet, it is very important to take into account possible headaches and allergic reactions to certain types of flowers and their aroma.

Wedding bouquet and bride.
The wedding bouquet should be combined with the height of the bride, her figure and wedding dress. The height of the bride is a determining factor in choosing a bouquet. For a petite girl, it is best to choose a small round bouquet-ball on a bouquet holder; for tall girls, the options for flowing bouquets are recommended - “waterfall”, “drop” or “muff”, these are the types of wedding bouquets that ideally emphasize the dignity of the figure, high growth And thin waist. Slender girls of average height are best suited to large bouquets with flexible hanging flowers.

With the help of the shape, color and composition of the wedding bouquet, you can accurately convey the character of the bride. If the bride has an even and calm disposition, it is best to choose a bouquet of a regular round shape, made up of roses and decorated in a white and pink color scheme. If the girl is an exalted person, then it is better if the bouquet is original, made in an unusual color scheme - yellow, purple, red, and the shape can be very diverse (ring, cone, umbrella, etc.). As a rule, brunettes most often choose a bouquet designed in orange and bright red tones, while blondes, on the contrary, often opt for light colors to emphasize their “heavenliness”, but sometimes they don’t mind pampering themselves with contrasts - “a snow-white angel with fiery flowers ". For brown-haired women, the most suitable options are bouquets of warm pink or cream shades, the color of a tea rose.

The age of the bride is also very important when choosing a wedding bouquet. For a young girl, you should choose romantic and frivolous flowers in light colors; for a mature woman, flowers are selected individually; it is better to choose bright ones rich colors and the intricate shape of the bouquet.

The choice of flowers for a wedding bouquet is also determined by the symbolism of a particular shade. For example, red flowers are a symbol of fiery and burning love, white flowers are a symbol of the bride’s youth and purity, traditionally white flowers are used to make a wedding bouquet. Yellow flowers are the flowers of life, act as well-being in marriage and symbolize long and happy life. Blue flowers light shades will look original and sophisticated.

Dress and wedding bouquet.
The style of the wedding dress and the material from which it is made also make a significant contribution to the choice of a bouquet for the bride. The bride's dress and bouquet should complement each other. A wedding bouquet should become an accessory that will highlight the beauty of the outfit and focus attention on its details. Therefore, when meeting with a florist, you should definitely bring a sketch of the dress, describe it in as much detail as possible, so that he can imagine the image of the bride and complement it with a correctly selected wedding bouquet. A "scepter" ("rod") bouquet of flowers with long straight stems fits perfectly with a pantsuit or wedding dress straight silhouette. For classic dress with a full skirt ideal option there will be a cascading bouquet. If the outfit is short and tight, it will look best small bouquet. If the bride is an extravagant person and has chosen a bright dress of an unusual style and color for the wedding, then the bouquet should be equally extravagant. For a romantic bride who prefers modest pastel colors, the bouquet should be composed in the same style.

The fabric of the wedding dress should also match the wedding bouquet. Against the background of brocade and satin, camellia and hydrangea with shiny leaves will look advantageous, and small white roses will perfectly complement lace and flounces made from lighter fabrics.

What flowers are included in a wedding bouquet?
Of course, roses are considered the most popular flowers used to make a wedding bouquet. White, cream and pink tones are the most popular. Traditionally, a wedding bouquet is made up of short roses with unopened buds. It's very beautiful and elegant. Roses can be matched to the individual artificial flowers decorating the hairstyle, neckline or waistband of the dress. Roses are not at all necessary flowers for a wedding bouquet. In addition to roses, tulips, peonies, and carnations are usually used to make bouquets. Callas, lilies, lilies of the valley, and gardenias look very beautiful. It is not recommended to use gladioli and daffodils, as they symbolize mourning. Nowadays, modest and cute wildflowers (snowdrops, lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, cornflowers) are in fashion; as part of a wedding bouquet, they can become a wonderful decoration for the bride. As a rule, the number of flowers in a wedding bouquet is odd. It is worth noting that you should not include the maximum of her favorite flowers in the bride’s bouquet, since she will have to hold it for more than one hour.

When choosing flowers for the bride's bouquet, you should also take into account the time of year in which the wedding celebration will take place; it is better if the flowers match it. It will be cheaper and look more natural. Roses are appropriate at any time of the year.

A wedding bouquet for a ceremony in the registry office is not appropriate in a church, so it is best to choose another bouquet for the wedding, made up of traditional light colors. A bouquet that is too lush and bulky will not correspond to the church sacrament.

Types of wedding bouquets.
Just a decade ago, brides holding a regular long bouquet in their hands when they got married. Bouquets are being made today different shapes and shades of various flowers and plants, which are an elegant addition to the bride's image. He is influenced by fashion. Luxurious massive bouquets began to replace small, neat bouquets and bouquets of unusual bold shapes. There are only two types of bridal bouquet: round and teardrop-shaped. They can be performed in various styles: decorative, vegetative, formal linear and parallel. According to the assembly method, bouquets are divided into three types: on their own stems, on wire (taped bouquets), in a port-bouquet.

Rules for choosing a wedding bouquet:

  • Flowers are selected in such a way that they do not merge with the dress. Therefore, to compose a bridal bouquet, you should choose flowers of different colors.
  • The wedding bouquet should be combined with the details of the dress, complement and emphasize its style.
  • When choosing a wedding bouquet, you must take into account the character of the bride, the style and decorations of the wedding.
  • Under no circumstances should you choose flowers with a strong scent for your bouquet; this can cause headaches or an allergic reaction not only in the bride, but also in the guests.
Be sure to take into account all the recommendations and give fabulous bouquets to your brides!