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Knit long mittens with knitting needles with description. Mittens knitting patterns and descriptions of knitting for beginners


Mittens have always been the most practical and convenient for cold winter. Today there is a huge selection of mittens in stores for the whole family, but it is much more pleasant to wear things that were created with love with your own hands.


Having learned to knit, you can create entire sets: hat, scarf, mittens. They will harmonize beautifully with each other if they are made in the same style with the same pattern.


I propose to go directly to the discussion of the topic: “how to knit mittens with knitting needles - step-by-step instructions.”

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How to knit mittens with knitting needles (step by step for beginners)



In order to learn how to knit beautiful stylish mittens, you need to learn how to knit the simplest ones, on the basis of which you can create the most original models for the whole family.


Seamless mittens - master class with detailed description

The most interesting thing is that even the lazy can handle this model. They can be plain, but the author suggests adding a few red stripes for variety.


For work we will need wool thread (70 g), 5 double needles No. 3.

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The product is knitted from top to bottom on five needles, as a result of which it will turn out without a seam. Calculation of the number of loops: 20 x 1,7 = 34 loops. Distribute 34 stitches onto 4 knitting needles. I suggest rounding up and casting on 36 loops, so we get 9 each.



To make the explanation easier, let's give each knitting needle a serial number.


Closing the circle, we knit four loops of the 1st knitting needle together with the end of the yarn remaining on the 4th knitting needle from the set of loops, so that the circle closes tightly around the edge.

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We will knit the thumb on the 1st needle, for the left - on the 2nd.


To do this, knit the first loop on the 1st knitting needle with a thread of the main color.


All other loops, except the last one, are knitted with colored thread.


Then we return the loops connected with the colored thread to the 1st knitting needle and knit again with the main thread.


We get a colored touch. This will be the hole for thumb.

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Then we proceed to decreasing the loops on the toe of the mitten.


On the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, at the beginning, we knit the first two loops together with the front one in the second way (at the back walls), having first turned over the 1st loop.


On the 2nd and 4th knitting needles we knit two loops together at the end of the knitting needle using the first method (behind the front walls). So we decrease the loops through the circle until each knitting needle has half the number of loops (in our case, when the number of loops on each knitting needle is odd, we decrease the smaller part through the circle - 4 loops), then we decrease the loops in each circle (5 loops). At the same time, on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, in those rows where we do not decrease the loops, we also turn the first loops over and knit them in the first way. When there are 2 loops on each knitting needle, tighten the loops and secure them on the wrong side.

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Now let's get started thumb tying.


To do this, carefully pull out colored thread from the thumb hole. Then we insert two knitting needles into the vacated loops, we get 7 loops on the bottom knitting needle, and 6 on the top knitting needle.


We begin to knit the finger, distributing the loops on 4 knitting needles: on the first 4 loops, on the second 3 and pull one loop from the side edge of the hole, on the 3rd and 4th knitting needles there will also be 4 loops each (3+1 from the side edge of the hole) .


To make it more convenient, the end of the working thread can be lowered into the hole (on the wrong side of the product).

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We continue to knit the finger in a circle until the middle of the nail, and then begin to decrease the loops in the same way as when knitting the toe of the mitten: on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles at the beginning, on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles at the end, but decreasing We do it in every row.


When there is 1 loop left on each knitting needle, we tighten the loops and fasten them on the wrong side.


Left mitten knitted similarly to the right one, but in a mirror image: we knit the hole for the finger on the 2nd knitting needle.


Step-by-step instructions for knitting mittens on two knitting needles

These long mittens can also be knitted on two knitting needles. You can knit two parts separately and then join the halves, but we will consider the option where you only have to make one invisible seam (this will be correct and visually more beautiful).



Needed: yarn, knitting needles, regular and knitting pins, measuring tape, hook, needle.

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Let's start with the right part.


We measure the circumference of the wrist, the length of the palm and thumb. It is also necessary to measure the knitting density by knitting a little. We measure how many loops there are per 1 cm. My girth is 20 cm, there are 2 loops in 1 cm. You need 40p-4 = set of 36p + 2 edges.


We start from the bottom with a 2x2 elastic (knit 2, purl 2). It turned out to be approximately 10 cm (15 rows).

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In the second row, add 4 stitches evenly.

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The finger in the mitten is not on the side, but somewhat closer to the palm, so for the right mitten we knit as follows.

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  • A. - edge, 2p. We knit according to the drawing and remove it with a regular sewing pin.
  • B. - For a finger, take 6-7 loops. Depending on completeness. We knit 7 loops according to the pattern, and remove all the remaining ones with a pin.
  • V. - we only have 7 thumb loops left on the working knitting needle.

We knit in height with the main pattern, without edges!!!


We multiply the length of the finger by 2. My finger is 6 cm * 2 = 12 cm in height. 21 rows came out.




We return the loops from the large pin to the knitting needle.

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I have 16 front rows. Trying it on and checking the size.

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Divide all the loops by 2. Slip one part onto a pin.

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Let's start cutting down.

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We knit the purl row according to the pattern. I don't have 20 stitches on my needle. I knit like this: edge, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 12, knit 2 together, knit 1, purl 1.


Total 20 loops. We shorten this way in each front row until there are 6-8 loops left on the knitting needle. I have 7.

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Close the loops and do the same procedure with the second half.


To finish correctly, simply knit two stitches together, transferring the knitted one to the main needle.

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From these lessons we can conclude that knitting is not that difficult.


Knitting mittens requires basic knowledge and a little free time.


Knitted mittens with a pattern (diagrams and description)

Having learned to knit the most simple models, you can dilute them with beautiful patterns, giving free rein to your imagination.


And now I suggest switching to more complex mittens with knitting needles (diagrams and descriptions will help you understand this difficult task).


How to knit beautiful mittens with braids for women

Mittens with braids, knitting patterns and descriptions for lovers of the classics.


The braid will be the main decoration. We chose simple braid, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, you can choose a more complex and original option.


Yarn - acrylic (can be made from angora), approximately 70 g; stocking needles No. 3.5.

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Elastic pattern: K2, P2.


Knitting a braid pattern: 8 loops cross to the left (leave 4 loops on the auxiliary needle before work, knit 4 and knit loops from the auxiliary needle).


Cross 8 loops to the right (leave 4 loops on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 4 and knit loops from the auxiliary needle).


Cast on 48 stitches and distribute them onto stocking needles, resulting in 12 stitches on each needle. Knit with a 3.5 cm elastic pattern (if the elastic is not enough for you, knit more than cm).


Then, we start knitting the main pattern. For the convenience of knitting the “braid” pattern, I transfer the loops from the 1st and 2nd knitting needles to one knitting needle. Those. I have the loops distributed over 3 knitting needles (not 4 knitting needles), on the first knitting needle there are 24 loops of the main pattern, and on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles from the palm side there are 12 loops each.


So, the first row after the elastic begins with a knitting needle with 24 loops, we begin to knit the main pattern.


Rows 1-6: K1, P2, K8, P2, K8, P2, K1, knit stitches on 2 knitting needles from the palm side.


7th row: K1, P2, 8 loops cross to the left, P2, 8 loops cross to the right, P2, K1, loops on 2 knitting needles from the palm side we knit. Repeat rows 1-7 throughout the entire work.

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At a height of 10 cm from the beginning of knitting (you don’t have to have 10 cm, everyone’s hands and fingers are different), we form a hole for the thumb.


Let's start with the left mitten. On the knitting needle from the side of the palm (3rd knitting needle) we knit 4 knits, remove 6 sts on a pin, put 6 sts on the knitting needle (so that there are 12 left, as before), k2.


We knit the hole for the thumb of the right mitten symmetrically, i.e. on the second knitting needle from the palm side: knit 2, knit 6, slip onto a pin, and knit 6, knit 4 on the knitting needle.


Formation of the toe carried out after the little finger on the hand is closed.

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For a rounded toe, knit two middle stitches together on each needle.


Decrease stitches in each row until only 1 stitch remains on the needles (4 in total). After this, tear off the thread of the ball and thread it into the needle. Use a needle to pick up all 4 stitches, pull them off and fasten them from the inside of the mitten.

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After the two mittens are knitted, we begin knitting the thumb. To do this, remove 6 sts from a pin onto a knitting needle, cast on 6 sts on a parallel row and cast on 4 sts on two side rows. In total, we got 20 stitches, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles (5 stitches per knitting needle).

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And we knit circular rows of faces. to the required finger length. We form the toe of the finger similarly to the formation of the toe of the mitten.

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Knitting mittens for children

Children really love it when their mother creates, for example, beautiful foxes or bears with her own hands, which they can put on their hands and go play in the snow.


Knitted children's mittens with owls

There is nothing more interesting for a child than mittens with a pattern. He wears such things with great pleasure, so I propose to please the child with wonderful owls.

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Materials and tools:


1 skein;
stocking needles No. 1.5;
additional knitting needle or special stitch remover;
yarn needle;
four beads;
thread and needle for sewing on beads.
The mittens are knitted in two threads.


So, we cast on 32 loops, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles (8 on each).
Rows 1 - 10: knit 1 rib. x 1 purl.
11th row: faces.
Row 12: knit; add 2 persons from the broaches. on every spoke
13 - 18 rows: faces.
Row 19: we begin to knit the “owl” on 12 loops of the third and fourth knitting needles. The first knitting needle is knitting; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - knit 4, purl 6; fourth needle - purl 6, knit 4.
Row 20: same as row 19.

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21 row: first knitting needle - knit.; second knitting needle - k2, slip 6 stitches onto a pin for the thumb hole, cast on 6 additional stitches, k2; third needle - k4, p2, k4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.


22, 23 rows: first knitting needle - knitting needle; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - k4, p2, k4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.


Row 24: first knitting needle - knit; second knitting needle - faces; third knitting needle - knit 4, purl 2, remove 2 loops for extra. knitting needle at work, knit the next two knit stitches, then knit stitches. spoke - persons; fourth knitting needle - remove two loops for extra. knitting needle before work, knit the next two knits., then loops on extra. knitting needles, knit 2, knit 4.


25 - 31 rows: first knitting needle - knit, second knitting needle - knit, third knitting needle - knit 4, purl 2, knit 4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.
Row 32: same as row 24


33 - 35 rows: first knitting needle - knitting needle; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - k4, p2, k4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.


36th row: same as 24th and 32nd.


Row 37: first knitting needle - knit; second knitting needle - faces; third knitting needle - k4, p2, k2, p2; fourth needle - p2, k2, p2, k4.


38 - 41 rows: first knitting needle - knitting needle; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - knit 4, purl 6; fourth needle - purl 6, knit 4.


Row 39: we begin to decrease. First knitting needle - knit the first 2 stitches together. behind the back wall; second knitting needle - knit the last 2 knit stitches. behind the front wall; third needle - knit the first 2 stitches together. behind the back wall; fourth knitting needle - knit the last 2 knit stitches. behind the front wall. Knit the remaining loops according to the pattern (knit and purl)

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When there are only 8 loops left on the knitting needles, tighten them with a needle. For the thumb, transfer the 6 loops removed on the pin to the knitting needle, and cast on 2+6+2 loops from the edges onto three knitting needles.

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Video lessons from the best masters

YouTube today has become a real treasure trove where you can find a huge number of educational videos. For example, on Svetlana Bersanova’s blogs you can watch a video lesson for free. And there are quite a few such good authors. You can find a mentor to your liking and receive valuable knowledge absolutely free.


Original mice or white hedgehogs for kids

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How to knit mitts

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Warm openwork for girls (double mohair)

Part 1

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Part 2

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25:340 25:345

Interesting two-color minions for a boy 7-8 years old

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Jacquard products (video tutorials)

Jacquard with a winter theme is a classic that will always be relevant, so I suggest moving on to the most complex options that require maximum time and attention to detail.

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Original knitting with ornaments (Norwegian patterns)

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For girls with deer

If you want to learn how to knit a complex but very original “deer” pattern, this lesson with detailed description will help you.

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Men's mittens with arans for little men

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If you learn all the lessons we offer, you will be able to fantasize and create products of any complexity: ladies gloves fingerless, flip top, false pattern, thick yarn and embroidery. Good luck in your endeavors. Try, experiment and pamper your family with pleasant fagots.


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Mittens knitted You can tie it for yourself and your loved ones, because This accessory is always needed. You can knit warm mittens, double winter ones, or thin ones for the off-season. We have compiled large selection different mittens so you can choose the one that suits you best interesting models. Mittens can be knitted with a jacquard pattern, openwork pattern or beautiful braids.

Knitting mittens– the process is not complicated, the main thing is to understand the basic knitting techniques. And then you can start experimenting. The easiest way is to knit mittens using stockinette stitch and decorate them with appliqué or embroidery to suit your taste. Embroidery with ribbons or woolen threads looks very beautiful on mittens. Some craftswomen go further, they knit beautiful applications crochet, decorate the mittens with beads, rhinestones and multi-colored patterns.

Knitted mittens decorated with braids and arans are real art. Of course, not every craftswoman is able to immediately knit complex patterns like this. But, if you set a goal and practice knitting arans first, then you will certainly be able to knit any pattern. You can do it easier - find good video– master class on knitting mittens on At the end of the article we will definitely offer you several videos, maybe you will like them.

For those who do not know how to knit or crochet mittens, the option of knitting mittens on a machine may be suitable. I never thought that knitting machine You can even make mittens. But our readers sent several models.

Knitted mittens. Descriptions from our website

Knitted mittens with a star pattern

Traditional “Norwegian stars” will decorate soft mittens. You will need: 50 g each of white and light gray Permin Qual Navia Trio yarn (100% wool, 120 m/50 g); set of double needles No. 3 and No. 3.5.

How to knit mittens with knitting needles with a complex pattern

To knit mittens with knitting needles you will need: 2 skeins of 100 g (each length is about 126 m) of straw-colored yarn; a set of stocking needles number 8 (5 mm) or diameter that will allow you to knit a sample; auxiliary needle for knitting braids.

In addition to magazine works, readers send us many beautiful knitted mittens.

Knitting mittens with our readers

Openwork mittens knitted

Light openwork snow-white ones are perfect for winter with moderate cold (up to -15). Helen's work. Thanks to the weaving of shiny thread, the mittens are reminiscent of the shine of freshly fallen snow in the bright sun, and the presence of wool in the yarn (20%) will not allow fashionistas to freeze even in fifteen-degree frost.

Knitted mittens with owls

These mittens were knitted by Tatyana using Kamtex yarn ( Argentine wool).

Knitted mittens with jacquard patterns – the work of Marina Temerova

Always make a sample before starting knitting. This will help you correctly calculate the required number of loops.

Knitted mittens. Master class from Olga

Yarn “Bebe Batik”. Acrylic 100%, knitting needles No. 2.5. We cast on 48 loops, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles, 12 loops on each. We knit with an elastic band 1X1 30 rows. Then we knit 4 circular rows facial stitch.

Knitted jacquard mittens. Lyubov's work

Jacquard mittens. Composition: wool, wool mixture. To medium woman's hand, medium thickness. Wash by hand in warm water.

Bullfinch mittens. Work by Lyubov Afanasyeva

Mittens “Bullfinches” with pom-poms. Associated with the addition of down thread. The mitten itself is knitted. The “Bullfinch” applique is crocheted and made three-dimensional. The parts are firmly sewn. Perfect for an exclusive gift.

Mittens knitted Patriotic. Lyubov's work

Mittens “Patriotic”. I've been wanting to knit for a long time men's mittens with an ornament, I found a suitable diagram, and then happily forgot about it in the bustle of things. Well, recently she caught my eye again, and so things went well. Good for a gift for “February 23rd”. Although, some women also want these for themselves.

Children's mittens Funny sheep

Knitting mittens from the fingertips is a great way to get a neat rounded blunt top of the mitten.

This method is distinguished by a unique set of loops, which is also used for knitting socks from the fingertips. To cast on stitches you need 2 knitting needles, which you hold in parallel in your right hand. Make a starting loop, leaving a small end of thread for casting on, and put it on the second needle away from you. Place the ends of the threads in your left hand as with a classic set of loops.

Knitted mittens with openwork pattern

Mittens knitted from goat down and angora.

Knitted mittens with owls. Author Lyubov Afanasyeva

Mittens with “Owls”. Mittens are knitted from yarn from Troitsk “Simple” (wool blend-200m/100g) white in one addition - the main background.

Knitted mittens - interesting models from the Internet

interesting selection to the website 37 children's models only

Knitting pattern:

Mittens “Cranberry” from Nosova Tatyana

Merino yarn 50% merino wool, 50% acrylic, 200m/100g, consumption less than 100g, knitting needles No. 2.5

Mittens knitted with Magic Mirror (designer Kristel Nyberg)

Transformable mittens using Vasama knitting needles

Fashion model women's mittens with a free description of knitting a beautiful pattern. But that's not all, they can easily be transformed into mitt gloves to open your fingers and easily send SMS with mobile phone, which is convenient for young people, and not only young people.

Beautiful knitted mittens with a jacquard pattern

Designer: Adrian Bizilia

The mittens are knitted from the bottom up. First, the outer part is knitted, then loops are raised along the inside of the dur-cord and the lining is made.

Both mittens are the same, that is, there is no left and right, which means they can be worn longer.

Mittens knitted

For those who crochet, we suggest you go through, where you will find several models crochet mittens.

Knitting mittens video

How to knit mittens with owls

Double mittens knitted

Mittens are knitted for a 5 year old girl. The yarn used was Pekhorka Children's novelty, knitting needles No. 3.

The video should load here, please wait or refresh the page.

Knitted mittens with a pattern

The mittens are knitted from 100% merino yarn, 50 g/125 m, Italy, using stocking needles No. 3.5.

The video should load here, please wait or refresh the page.

With the onset of cold weather, mittens are an indispensable item in everyone's wardrobe. It is very important to protect your hands from the cold, otherwise you can dry out the skin, which will lead to cracks and wounds.

How to knit mittens for beginners step by step

For knitting we will need: wool - 100 g., sp. x 4. We start knitting from the cuff (the initial part of the product). We measure the circumference of the cuff according to the circumference of the hand.

We knit with a 2 x 2 elastic band, so that the number of stitches cast on is a multiple of four. We cast on loops for 2 sp., then distribute in equal quantities to the rest. Knitting occurs in circles. Please note that we make front loops (k.p.) behind the front walls, purl loops (p.) - behind the back ones.

We make a cuff 5 - 6 cm high, then move on to the main pattern. We knit the main pattern, also 5-6 cm high, and create a hole for the thumb.
Let's assume that we have 12 loops on each needle (sp.).

We make a hole for the thumb on the third sp. according to the scheme:
1. Knit the first stitch, remove the next stitches with a pin or marker;
2. To another sp. we throw on as many air loops as we removed on a pin;

Popular articles:

We knit further in the circle. We knit the product to the end of the pattern. After we have knitted the main part of the mitten, we begin to knit the thumb.

Drag the pinned loops onto the sp. The number of loops for the thumb should be a multiple of 3. We knit the loops in a circle, starting to decrease the loops from the thumb nail. When we have 6 loops left, we pull the woolen thread through the loops and tighten.

Knitted men's mittens with ornament

In order to knit winter men's mittens with the “Deer” pattern for beginners, we will need: yarn - 150 g, knitting needles.

Basic patterns:

- elastic band 1 x 1 = 1 l.p x 1 i.p.
— front surface: l.p.

Knitting density: 16 p. x 18 r. = 10 x 10 cm.


Left mitten with an ornament for beginner needlewomen:
We dial 36 p. on sp. and distribute it into 4 sp. We knit a 1 x 1 elastic band about 10 cm in a circle. Change the row between the first and fourth sp. Next we make knits. satin stitch - 2 r.

We knit a pattern with an ornament according to the diagram:

1. on the 1st and 2nd sp. do 2 p. rapport A x 9 r.;

2. on the 3rd and 4th bedrooms. knit 18 stitches of rapport C;

3. We repeat in rapport 1 the first and second rows, in rapports B and C we do from the 1st to the 24th row;

4. Starting from the 2nd row of faces. In satin stitch we make additions for the wedge of the thumb:
A. on the 2nd bedroom we knit the loops according to the picture. When there are 4 stitches left to the end of the row, then add 1 stitch;

b. We knit 2 stitches according to the pattern, then add 1 stitch again and so on according to the pattern. We include all the added loops in our overall drawing;

We do repetitions every 2nd r. x 5 times. After we have completed all the additions, we make 1 row. In the next r. cast on new 2 sts above the loops and continue knitting in the round up to 16 cm.

To form the top, at the beginning of the 1st and 3-1 knitting needles we knit 1 stitch, according to the pattern + 2 stitches. together. At the end of the 2nd and 4th knitting needles we knit 2 knitting stitches. together with a broach (remove 1 stitch like a l.p., then knit 1 l.p. and pull it through the removed one), 1 l.p. We repeat these decreases in each row until we have 9 stitches left.

Take scissors and cut the thread. Pull the thread through the loops and tighten.

When we reach the fingernail, we begin to decrease the loops. To do this, we knit 2 l.p. together until 4 stitches remain. Take scissors and cut the thread. Pull the thread through the loops and tighten.

Right mitten: knitted similarly to the left one, according to symmetry.

How to knit mitts for beginners

Mittens - fashionable winter accessory winter look young needlewoman. After reading the article, you will be able to knit mitts for beginners yourself.

To knit mitts we need: thread - 100 g, knitting needles x 5.

In order for the mitts to fit well on the hand, we will slightly reduce the number of loops. So, we knit 44 stitches, then after 5 cm we reduce their number to 40.

We cast on loops and start knitting with an elastic band of 1 x 1, approximately 5 cm (1 stitch x 1 stitch). We evenly distribute the loops into 4 sp., so 11 stitches on each.

After we have finished knitting the elastic band, we reduce the number of stitches by knitting 2 stitches together and move on to the main pattern.

The first 2 knitting needles are the front part of the mitts, the rest are the lower part. We knit the lower part only in single stitches, and make the front part according to the “double rice” pattern.

We make 1 sp., knit 2 l.p. together for a "wedge". The basic pattern is very similar to the 1 x 1 rib, but with offset rows. We knit 2 p. according to the figure, the next ones change direction - above the l.p. we knit i.p. and vice versa. Thus, we alternate rows, changing direction. After 4 rows we knit a “wedge”, starting from 2 sts of the first sp. We make increases, knit 1 p., yarn over (n.), then 2 p. + n.

We work according to the drawing. In the next r. We knit yarn overs. We reach the base of the thumb. We knit 1 stitch on the first knitting needle, then remove 9 stitches on a pin, and make 4 air loops. Next we knit yarn overs. In the next row we knit these loops 2 together.

Towards the end we again switch to knitting an elastic band, then close off the loops.

Let's move on to knitting the thumb. Add 7 more p. to 9 (= 16 p.). Distribute 4 sts for each sp. and knit l.p. - 6 rubles, then an elastic band.

We knit several rows with an elastic band and close the loops.

The left mitten is ready!

We knit the right mitt symmetrically according to a similar pattern.

How to knit mittens for beginners using 4 knitting needles

Knitting warm mittens- a hot topic in the cold season. In order to knit them for beginner needlewomen, we will need: wool - 160 g, 4 knitting needles.

Knitting density: 1.7 p. x 1 cm

Before we start knitting simple mittens, we measure the girth of the hand. We got 20 cm. The mittens are knitted on 4 sp. all around.

We calculate the number of loops: 20 cm x 1.7 = 34 sts. Next, divide them into 4 sp.: 34: 4 = 8.5 Round up to 9 sts, thus cast on 36 sts. For each sp. 9 p.


We knit the first mitten. Mentally divide 4 joints. into 2 parts - lower and upper. Thus the first 2 sp. - the lower part, the rest - the upper.

We begin to knit the cuff with an elastic band of 1 x 1. We alternate the colors of our mittens every 3 rows, so we knit up to 5 - 7 cm.

Next, we make the main part of the mitten in a circle, to the base of the thumb (approximately 5 cm).

We will make a hole for the finger on the 1st sp. for the right mitten, and on the 2nd for the left. We knit 1 st on 1 sp, knit the rest, and return to the 1st sp. This should give us a hole. Next we knit in a circle until the end of the knitting (8 cm).

Let's make a toe. To do this, we decrease p. in the rows. On the 1st and 3rd sp. at the beginning we do 2 l.p. together, and on the 2nd and 4th we knit 2 l.p. at the end. We knit until there are 2 stitches left, close them off.

Let's return to knitting the thumb. We should have 7 loops on one stitch, 6 on the other. Next we work according to the scheme, decreasing the loops at the end. Bind off the remaining 1 stitch.

We make the left mitten symmetrically with the right one.

Warm mittens are ready!

Knitting openwork mittens on two knitting needles

For knitting openwork mittens on 2 knitting needles for beginners we need: wool - 120 gr., sp.

Making the back part:

2. We work with an elastic band 1 x 1 or 3 x 3, as you like. Approximately 8 cm;
3. We knit with the main pattern up to the little finger;
4. Decrease the loops and close the knitting;

Making the front part:

1. We cast on the knitting needles the required number of loops (depending on the size);
2. We knit with an elastic band 1 x 1 or 3 x 3, as you like. Approximately 8 cm. Make a hole for the thumb;
3. Divide all loops into 4 parts. We remove 3 parts with a pin;
4. We recruit the rest to the joint venture. and pick up as many loops as we have on the back. We knit the thumb, close the loops;
5. We work the main part with the main pattern;
6. Decrease the loops and close the knitting;
7. Connect the 2 parts;

Children's mittens knitting patterns and descriptions

After reading the article you will learn how to knit children's mittens for beginners yourself. In order to knit them you will need: threads and sp..

Guided by our description and diagrams, you can easily cope with this task, even if you are a novice needlewoman.

To knit mittens with ornaments we will need: 25 g. thread different color, knitting needles, large needle.

We cast on 32 sts and sew into a circle. We knit 17 rubles in a circle. elastic band 1 x 1.

After the elastic, add 5 stitches to the row, alternately changing the colors of the yarn. After 14 p.m. From the elastic we make a hole for the finger. WITH back side we knit 22 l.p. We knit 7 stitches and throw them back. Next we do the main part to the end. At the end we decrease the loops and close the knitting.

We knit the thumb on the mitten. Take the loops and knit up to 16 sts.

We knit 14 r. in height and decrease p. At the end, close the finger.

We make the second mitten in the same way as described.

Knitted mittens with ornaments for children

In order to knit children's mittens with an ornament we will need: yarn - 200 g, knitting needles x 5.

We cast on the required number of loops, make 5 cm with a 1 x 1 elastic band. We look according to the description of the diagram.

On each sleep 12 p. We make a hole on the 3rd. Knit the first loop, remove the remaining 10 with a pin. Cast on 10 stitches on the right needle and then make the main part as described.

We do the second one symmetrically to the description of our circuit.

For girls, mittens with braids, knitting patterns and descriptions

Cast on 52 sts and knit 40 r in the round. elastic band 2 x 2. Next, add 2 more stitches and work according to the diagram:

1. The finger will start after 10 p.m. main pattern.

2. On the sides we add sts 3 times, so on the sp. 20 sts are formed.

3. Place the stitch on a pin. We cast on the missing loops and knit according to the pattern.

4. We make the main part according to the diagram. At the end we close the loops.

Children's mittens knitting patterns and descriptions for a 3-year-old boy

In order to knit children's mittens for the 3rd boy we will need: yarn - 200 g, knitting needles x 5.

We cast on the required number of loops, distribute them to each sp.. We make a cuff with an elastic band 1 x 1, approximately 5 cm (the number of loops is briefly 4). First and second sp. - the top part of the product, the rest - the bottom.

We make the main part of the product (5cm), add 2 stitches in a row.

We make a hole for the finger. For right hand We make a hole on the 3rd knitting needle, for the left one - the 4th.

On each sleep 12 p. We make a hole on the 3rd. Knit the first loop, remove the remaining 10 with a pin. Cast on 10 stitches on the right needle and then make the main part according to the diagram.

After finishing the main part, we return to the thumb. We transfer the loops from the pin to the knitting needle, adding loops so that the total number is a multiple of 3.

Distribute the stitches onto 3 knitting needles and knit in the round. At the end of knitting the finger, decrease the loops and close the knitting.

We make the second symmetrically to the description of the first.

We crochet the details of the birds in st. b.n. Sew beads in place of the eyes.

How to knit mittens with knitting needles with a pattern

To knit mittens with a pattern we will need: wool - 120 g, knitting needles.

We work according to the description:

1. Dial to sp. required number of loops (40 stitches);

2. We knit with an elastic band 1 x 1 or 3 x 3, as you like. Approximately 8 cm. Make a hole for the thumb. Remove the loops with a pin;

3. Make the main part the main pattern;

4. Decrease the loops and close the knitting;

5. Return to the thumb and knit according to the pattern;

6. Connect the 2 parts;

Knitted mittens for children video

There are many on the Internet free videos lessons on how to knit baby mittens step by step. For this we will need: thread - 150 g, knitting needles.

Look detailed master cool on the next video

Beautiful patterns for mittens knitting patterns

We present a description of several beautiful knitting patterns:

1. Openwork braids. The pattern repeat in the diagram is indicated by a red rectangle. The number of rows in the repeat is 10, loops are 18. Empty cells are front ones. In purl r. We make the front loops purl.

2. Openwork leaves. Repeat pattern 16 p. (blue color). In empty cells - l.p.

3. Openwork chessboard. Pattern repeat 13 p. Repeat the pattern in height from 1st to 24th p. We knit yarn overs i.p., purl r. according to the scheme.

In winter, mittens are a must in a set of warm accessories. Soft, warm, they reliably protect your hands from the burning cold and piercing wind. You can knit the mittens yourself, choosing the yarn and pattern to suit your taste.

Features of work

Knitting mittens is called “pipe knitting”. Most often, the cast-on chain is divided into 4 knitting needles, and the 5th is used as a working one, alternating the knitting needles. IN circular knitting The mitten has no seams and is made in the round without knitting edge loops. All stitches are knitted, all rows are considered knit stitches.

When knitting a mitten, a knitting pattern may contain several features:

  • A row is knitted loops from all four needles. For convenience, you can mark the knitting needles, then there will be no confusion as to which section is knitted.
  • The upper part of the mitten is knitted on the first two knitting needles, the lower part (palm) - on the third and fourth.
  • To preserve the pattern, it is necessary to knit the loops in reverse in every second row. That is, if in the purl row a purl loop is knitted in this place, then you need to knit a knit stitch.
  • In those patterns where odd rows are knitted according to the pattern, the odd rows are repeated twice.
  • In order to knit a pattern with an offset on both sides, it is necessary to knit all odd rows according to the patterns for knitting on two knitting needles.

Beginning of work

Where to start knitting mittens? Diagrams and descriptions make the process many times easier. In order to start working directly, first determine the quality and texture of the yarn. Mittens come in fluffy and not so fluffy varieties, made from goat fluff, mohair, wool, acrylic, and cotton.

Drawing is no less important. Mittens with a complex knitting pattern look better if they are in laconic colors. The cuff is knitted with an elastic band. This way the mitten will fit tightly on your hand. In addition, the cuff can be tied long, then the mittens will be fashionable: it can be worn under outerwear with 3/4 sleeves.

Loop calculation

After choosing the yarn and pattern, begin to calculate the loops for the mitten. The knitting pattern is the same for all sizes. The only difference is how many loops you need to cast on to fit your hand and thumb.

First, a sample is knitted on which the knitting density will be calculated. Having knitted approximately 10 by 10 cm, the sample is slightly stretched and the knitting density is measured. Then they measure the circumference of the arm and calculate how many loops need to be cast on so that the product fits comfortably around the arm. The obtained parameters are worth writing down, since a little later they will be useful for calculating the required number of loops for the thumb.

Knitting mittens

Beginners learning how to knit mittens, patterns, patterns, and descriptions should take simple ones. You can start with an unusual but simple pattern that is knitted on two needles.

To knit, you first need to draw a pattern. To do this, trace your palm with a pencil on a sheet of paper.

Knitting starts with the thumb. Cast on such a number of loops that their length corresponds to the distance from the tip of the thumb to the wrist + the length of the cuff + 1 cm for fit. 3-4 rows are knitted in turning rows (depending on the selected yarn and the thickness of the knitting needles).

In order to form the thumb, close the loops, moving from the top of the finger to the palm. They continue knitting on the palm, and when they reach the junction of the thumb and index finger, they cast on the loops on the knitting needle for index finger. Continue knitting in the same way as the thumb - in rotating rows.

Having reached the little finger, continue knitting in the reverse order, and in the place where the thumb is knitted, knit the second half of the finger for the thumb from top to bottom.

The resulting mitten is sewn together. The edge can be finished off by crocheting it for beauty. Or you can turn it out and steam it.

To knit such a mitten, a knitting pattern is not needed. The main thing is to draw the pattern correctly and take into account the characteristics of the thread - shrinkage or stretching during heat treatment.

Mitten "hedgehog"

Experienced craftsmen will like the model in which the mitten looks like a hedgehog.

For knitting, you need the skill of knitting a “bump” pattern with knitting needles. Having chosen the yarn and tool, begin knitting the mittens.

The calculated number of loops is cast on and distributed onto 4 knitting needles. To ensure that the upper part fits the hand and does not pull, several more stitches are distributed onto the knitting needles for the upper part.

There are from three to five loops in the cone, this must be taken into account when calculating.

The hedgehog belly is knitted with knit stitches and stockinette stitch.

Having tied the height of the mitten to the index finger, make narrowings. They narrow it strictly on the sides so that the pattern of the bumps does not move and the hedgehog’s coat does not twist. This can also be done using only facial surface, and in the last row knit a cone at the top. Then it will look like a muzzle.

To complete the mitten, the nose of the hedgehog, the topmost bump, can be knitted with black threads. When sewing on the beads, place them on the top of the mitten.

Mittens with a pattern

Often mittens are knitted with knitting needles with ornaments. Schemes can be varied. Often, needlewomen use cross stitch patterns for jacquard mittens: each cell is one loop of the mitten.

Such diagrams are convenient because there is no need to calculate the number of loops; it is enough to simply count them on the diagram.

Knitting is fun. Mittens with a pattern, the patterns of which can be either plain or multi-colored, will not leave fashionistas indifferent. To make the mitten look beautiful, you should take a responsible approach to knitting the pattern and choosing the yarn.

Mittens are one of the most popular homemade products. There are so many options for knitting mittens and their complexity that some needlewomen manage to create real works of art.

But everything comes with experience, so women whose needlework experience is quite small often make mistakes. Sometimes, due to such errors, the product has to be either remade or unraveled and knitted again. However, any mistakes exist in order to learn from them, so if you remember a few rules, further knitting of mittens with a pattern will become much easier.

Where to begin?
First of all, you should have at hand:

  • From 75 to 150 g. wool threads the color you need
  • Knitting needles 2.5 or 3 (5 pieces)
  • Schemes or drawings of future mittens

A few steps to successful knitting

  1. Many needlewomen independently make diagrams or sketches of future products and then calculate from them the required number of loops for the cast-on row. There is also another way for this: 1 cm = 2 loops. Everything is very simple: if the width of the wrist is 18 or 20 cm, then the number just needs to be multiplied by 2.
  2. The creation of any mitten begins with a cuff, which we knit with four knitting needles. The most common technique for creating a cuff is a thick English elastic band, detailed diagrams which can be found on our website. Average length cuffs - at least 5 cm.
  3. After the cuff is knitted, the rib goes into the stockinette stitch and continues to the beginning of the thumb - at this level you can start knitting the pattern. Some women have difficulties with the diagrams, but here everything is also quite simple: cell in is equal to one loop. If threads of two colors are used to create a pattern, they should always intersect on the wrong side.
  4. As for creating the thumb fabric, it is best to cast on half the loops from its base onto an additional thread, after which you will need to cast on a similar number of air loops and continue knitting in the round.
  5. It is strongly recommended to try on the future mitten at each stage of knitting.
  6. When knitting the mittens comes to an end, we knit two loops instead of one. The remaining 8 loops are pulled together and secured, after which the thread is crocheted to the wrong side.
  7. The pattern on the thumb usually doesn't fit. The fabric of the thumb is completed as follows: all the loops (including those taken on an additional thread) are collected with knitting needles and divided into three knitting needles, after which the products are knitted to the level of the nail as usual. Then, as in the case of the main fabric of the mitten, you will need to take two loops with knitting needles.
  8. When the first mitten is completed, the patterns for the second mitten should be a mirror image of the first mitten.

There is also a way to create mittens using two knitting needles

in this case, we knit the top and bottom fabric separately, and then sew them together with a knitted seam. Many needlewomen manage to crochet finished fabrics in such a way that at first glance you won’t understand that the product is knitted with just two knitting needles. For some, knitting mittens with two knitting needles seems simpler, for others it is more difficult, but in both cases the knitting patterns for the thumb are similar. Despite the many patterns on the Internet, our website contains all the most detailed patterns for knitted mittens with patterns ranging from simple ones that are perfect for beginners, to unusual and original ones for needlewomen with extensive knitting experience.

Before you stop needlework due to difficulties, remember that experience does not come immediately and over time your hands will be able to create real masterpieces.