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Toasts about the passing year in prose. The best New Year's toasts that must be heard

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale alcoholic drinks home-made” illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages, apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their production, and also money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Point No. 1 states: “Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices* used for their production - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

The custom of celebrating New Year dates back more than 25 centuries. Scientists believe that this holiday appeared in Mesopotamia and it was the ancient Sumerian civilization that first celebrated it. In Rus', the New Year was traditionally celebrated on March 1, and only in 1699 Peter I decided to count the new rotation of the planet on January 1. From that moment on, tradition prescribed firing cannons on the nights from December to January and dancing around a decorated Christmas tree.

By making wonderful toasts from this collection, you will certainly please your family and friends who will gather at the festive table, give them a good mood and a wonderful New Year's evening.

New Year is a holiday of contrast: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home it’s sunny, fun, warm, the Christmas tree is decorated, the table is festive.
We wish that this contrast will be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and storms rage, no matter how uncomfortable it may be around, but at home your soul will be sunny and warm.
For fulfilling your wishes!

One day three wanderers were walking. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened the door for them and asked: “Who are you?”
- Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night.
- It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in.
The sick mother said: "Let's let Health in." The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place for Health in our home,
Love and Wealth!

There is an ancient statue called "Opportunity". It depicts a man standing on
tiptoe, symbolizing the brevity of the moment of opportunity. He has wings on his legs, meaning that a person can fly using opportunity. Him long hair- a symbol of benefit gained through opportunity, and on the back of the head a bald spot is a symbol of loss when opportunity is lost. Opportunities come and go.
So let's drink so that we don't miss our opportunities in the new year!

Life has limits, it is short, but dreams are limitless. You yourself are walking along
on the road, but the dream is already at home. You yourself are going to your beloved, but she already has a dream.
hugs. You yourself live at this hour, but your dream flies away many years into the future.
She flies further than the line where life ends in darkness. She flies into the centuries.
So let's drink to making all our dreams come true in the new year!

What does the glass consist of?
From a support and a drink bowl.
What does a person consist of?
From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup.
Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often
wonderful wine, and the cups of the soul - wonderful feelings!

One man is asked:
- Why do you wear shoes two sizes too small?
He answers:
- On purpose. My wife is not beautiful. Besides, she’s angry and doesn’t cook well! The son is a loser! Mother-in-law is a witch!..
The only joy I have in life is when I take off my shoes in the evening!

Let's drink to the fact that we will have other joys in the new year!

At this table all the women are as beautiful as the Snow Maiden. But I want to
wish that, unlike her, the hearts of our women would be warmed by love for
for us men in the New Year.
For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world has arrived, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults, generously spreading to people all over the world.
kindness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly - faith in miracles. And therefore, I want to wish you with all my heart a special, magical mood in the New Year, so that you approach every endeavor with inspiration, strength and energy. May amazingly wonderful events await you at any turn of fate that will bring you and your family prosperity, well-being, and confidence in the future. Good health and simple human happiness! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas! Wishes are made and toasts are made to the solemn chiming of the chimes. Let all the worst and unnecessary things remain in the old year, and let all the best come into the New Year - dreams, desires, aspirations. Let old year will be remembered as another passed stage of life, which taught something, gave something for the future. Let everything planned on New Year's Eve happen, let everything that is unrealizable come true! Let the magic of New Year's Eve touch everyone, and let the Christmas angels, quietly writing down your wishes, help make them come true throughout the next year. In the New Year, I wish you happiness, health, good luck, true friends and sincere people on the road of life. May the New Year be better for you than the previous one!
May the new year be the year of five peaks for you!
The first peak that you will conquer this year will be love. Up there, you will feel that life has acquired a new meaning and will be filled with the most vivid impressions!
The second peak will be friendship. Having climbed to the peak, you will see that you have real friends, which means life is good!
The third will be the peak of calling. From here the path to success and fulfillment of your cherished dreams will open for you!
The fourth peak is well-being. From the moment your foot touches this peak, all obstacles ahead will disappear.
In the end, you will find yourself on the last, fifth peak, from which all the others will be visible. The last peak will be empty and quiet, but standing on it, you will see that in your life there is Love, true Friendship, Vocation and Prosperity.
And then you will feel completely, inexpressibly wonderful feeling, which will fill you from the inside, and you will understand that the fifth peak is happiness!

New Year is knocking on our windows! And even the harshest hearts are filled with anticipation of a fairy tale. In these magical pre-New Year moments, I would like to wish adult optimism and childish faith that everything will turn out in a new and most in a successful way!
It doesn’t matter what we leave behind in the outgoing year: let’s thank it for the good and leave the bad in the past.
Let's open a white, snowy, New Year's blank sheet and write on it everything that we want to embody in our destiny.
Let children grow up healthy and let parents make their parents happy with their health.
Let your work flourish and bring prosperity to your home and satisfaction to your heart.
And let love rule in your soul - for loved ones, for life, for the world.
I wish this to come true in the New Year!

The long-awaited and joyful holiday childhood - New Year's Eve. The smell of orange peel and spruce branch fills us with a touching state of anticipation of a miracle. Look back at the past year, it brought a lot of good things, and may all the achievements and victories of the outgoing calendar multiply in the new year, full of discoveries and celebrations! And the old year will take with it everything that brought disappointment. Ahead are the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires, and your home will be filled with kindness and prosperity. You need to enter the New Year with pure thoughts, transparent as the freshness of frosty days and open to new achievements. Let all the sincere wishes of friends spoken at the festive table come true!

Happy New Year! Under the slow waltz of snowflakes, under the chiming of bells and glasses, under the happy laughter of adults and children, the New Year decisively enters every home. Noisy, cheerful, elegant. So let this all-encompassing feeling of your favorite holiday last! May the coming year be rich in bright, joyful events! I wish you immense happiness, excellent health, and an enthusiastic mood. Let there always be sincere, caring friends next to you, and in your personal life - a loved one and a devoted one. close person! I wish you not to lose courage, to maintain faith and hope in any situation. All the best, brightest pure wishes to you and your families! Let all your plans come true, and let what comes true not disappoint!

Dear friend! This year is coming to an end, bringing us all a lot of news, both good and incomprehensible. The first made us happy, the second... Well, we tried not to pay attention to the second, and they, thank God, did not cause us any inconvenience. Be that as it may, they have already become history, which, as we know, teaches us to look into the future.
Therefore, without looking back, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and with all my heart I wish you health, success and happiness! I also wish you to achieve your previous goals and find new ones; I wish you strength and opportunity to implement the most daring plans and implement the most secret plans; I also wish you faithful and devoted friends who will help you accomplish all this! Happy New Year!

Here he is already knocking on your door, sparkling with colorful Christmas balls, sparklers and colorful garlands! Decorated with Christmas tree tinsel and fluffy snow, showered with confetti and streamers, the New Year is about to enter your home! Welcome him as a dear guest, without looking back at the past year! New Year - waiting for a miracle and a wonderful fairy tale! I congratulate you with all my heart on the upcoming New Year! I wish it to bring you a sea of ​​joy and the fulfillment of all your hopes. I wish you happiness, love and health! May this holiday bring you a flurry of positivity, sincere fun, many gifts and the expectation of a miracle! Meet him joyfully, with a smile and hope, and he will definitely fulfill all your dreams. Make wishes while the chimes are ringing, and they will definitely come true.
Happy New Year!

In the New Year I wish you a peck of chervonets, a pile of bottles, a lot of fornication and a hundred friends!

Son, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish that the chiming clock will mark the beginning of your new life. Let there be no illnesses, disappointments, sadness, enemies, mistakes, failures and bad moods. We wish you to achieve everything you dream of. May this year reveal new abilities, skills and talents in you.

On this New Year, I want to wish you a blizzard of happiness, strong health like frost, a snowdrift of money and love pure as ice. May all your dreams come true this New Year, and may your needs disappear under the pressure of the fact that you already have everything. I wish you crazy luck and self-confidence.

The year is coming White Rabbit! There is no need to remind you once again what this sexual predator is known for. It’s worth thinking about something else - this year the rabbit is not only White, it’s also Metal! And this is almost an energizer! I congratulate you and wish you amazing, long and bright New Year's fireworks and unexpected meetings!

Happy New Year, dad! Let it bring you new strength, stability, confidence in yourself and the future. I wish you never have to seek help from doctors, police officers and firefighters. May God grant you health, prosperity and all earthly blessings. I love you very much.

Dear (boss’s name), please accept the modest, but my sincere congratulations Happy New Year. Let every day on the calendar of your life be marked by another achievement, a good deed, words of gratitude addressed to you and the fulfillment of at least one wish.

If trouble knocks on your door on New Year's Eve, let happiness open it and answer: “No one is home”!

Time flies, taking with it both good and bad, leaving only memories, leaf by leaf, creating a chronicle of your life. I congratulate you and wish that this new year will be another wonderful leaf of success and achievements for you!

People change, and the direction in which these changes occur depends largely on the teacher. It is people like you who improve humanity! Thanks to your work, we become a little smarter, a little more spiritual, a little better than we were. But not only we change, by changing us, you change yourself. I congratulate you and wish you only positive changes in this coming year!

My dear and beloved mother, I congratulate you on the New Year and, first of all, wish you unshakable health. May everyone’s eyes be as beautiful and kind, and their hearts open and caring. I wish that gray hair does not rush to appear on your head, and that wrinkles form only from regular smiles.

Darling, I simply have no words how much I want you... to wish you a Happy New Year! May this year be full of passion and love for you. And now, I’m writing these lines, and my soul, and... my soul, is eager to come to you, to congratulate, congratulate and congratulate... Your Rabbit.

Happy New Year to the person to whom we owe our children’s school successes! Thank you for your patience, attention and fairness! We appreciate your work and wish it to continue to bring you joy and satisfaction!

I wish Happy New Year to my dear and beloved life partner! You were and will always be the most beautiful, caring and gentle wife in the world for me! I love you and wish you to always feel happy!

We are pleased to wish Happy New Year to our regular customers! We thank you for choosing us and hope that next year our cooperation will become even more fruitful. We wish you prosperity and prosperity in the coming year!

I sincerely congratulate the most charming woman on the New Year! I wish you to amaze everyone with your beauty, intelligence and charm in the new year! Let joyful minutes in your life turn into hours, and let moments of sadness fly by instantly!

My dear husband, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and say once again how much I love you! You are the most reliable, faithful, strong and affectionate husband in the world! I promise to never leave you, to care and love you for many years!

Our dear and respected leader, we congratulate you on the New Year! You have turned our team into a close-knit team that can handle any task! We are glad that we are working under your leadership, and we hope that the coming year will not be the last in our cooperation!

My dear and faithful friend, I wish you a Happy New Year! Thank you for always being there when I needed your help and support! Thank you for always being sincerely happy for me! I wish you fulfillment of all your desires and great happiness!

For all leaders, the New Year of the Rabbit will be especially successful. All problems will be resolved very quickly, simply and to the complete mutual satisfaction of the parties. This is easy to guess, knowing the habits and habits of this little furry playboy. Therefore, I congratulate you, but I will not wish for anything - everything will be better for you than anyone else!

Darling, another year next to you fills my soul with happiness, and my house with warmth, and no matter how cold the winter is, the main thing is that it is outside, on the street, and inside, in my heart, it’s a cheerful spring day. Happy New Year to you, my sun!

Our dear girl, we congratulate you on the New Year holidays! You are beautiful, charming, smart, we love you very much! May you be surrounded only by good friends, and the surprises will only be pleasant! May all your New Year's wishes come true!

Happy New Year to our dear and beloved son! Every year you become more mature, more independent and delight us with your new successes. May there be even more of them next year, and may your life be even brighter!

We are pleased to wish you a Happy New Year! We sincerely wish you to realize all your plans in the coming year and bring all your conceived ideas to life! And may your beloved woman and faithful friend be nearby not only next year, but always!

Dad! I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! I sincerely wish you to maintain the same cheerfulness, the same presence of mind, the same cheerfulness next year. Thank you for the life experience that you willingly share. Thank you for being not only a good father, but also best friend, I always want to take an example from you. Happy New Year!

My beloved, dear, Happy New Year! Thank you for every day, for every minute that you give me. You make me the happiest woman in the world! Darling, on New Year’s Eve I want to wish you optimism, inexhaustible energy, more joyful moments and pleasant surprises. And in moments of sadness, remember that a loving wife is always waiting for you at home.

Our dear daughter! Happy New Year! May the coming year bring you a lot of joy, good emotions, pleasant meetings and new impressions. Let all adversity remain in the past, and good luck awaits you ahead, the fulfillment of all your desires. We sincerely wish you that on your way you will meet only good people, communication with whom would give you pleasure. Your dad and mom.

Dear friends! We cordially congratulate you on the New Year. Over the past year we have become very close to each other. Like Saltykov and Shchedrin, like Lebedev and Kumach, like Pankratov and Cherny. We sincerely wish us to continue constructive cooperation and not stop there. Let our relationship become even closer. Hurray, comrades!

Dear (name, patronymic). Thank you for your noble work, patience and responsiveness. We always enjoy attending your lessons. Your professionalism makes every lesson interesting and memorable. We want to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and Have a good mood. Happy New Year!

Dear (Name). Happy New Year! A huge load rests on your strong shoulders, which you cope with with honor. I wish you courage, fortitude, optimism, and perseverance in achieving your goals. Let your wildest plans come true and conquer the highest peaks. The one who walks will master the road!

Our beloved and dear son, Happy New Year! We are very glad to have you. Every day you make our lives happier and more joyful. We want to wish you happiness and fulfillment of your cherished desires. Let the next day be better than the previous one, and let luck accompany you everywhere and in everything, and we will try to help you.

When planning something for the holiday, we believe in the best and make wishes. I would like to wish you that all your plans come true and your dreams come true! Happy New Year!

We offer you toasts for the New Year in prose, which will become a lifesaver in almost any New Year's holiday situation. There's no shame in making your toast ahead of time. On the contrary, such preparation should only be praised and worthy of respect.

If you think that toasts for the New Year 2015 for a corporate party in prose or for a family company are too formal, then you can take them as a basis. Add a few jokes, incidents from life and you will be able to make each toast original, individual and touching to the core.

New Year's toasts 2015 for different companies:
May every day of your new year be as active, fun and bright as this New Year's money. Let troubles melt away as quickly and without a trace as snowflakes on your palms. I know that on New Year's Eve you will make some secret wishes. I wish them to come true. Let Santa Claus, who is at the North Pole or somewhere else, hear all your wishes and make sure they come true.

Congratulations on the upcoming 2015 and I know how serious and long the celebration is ahead of us. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, allow me to congratulate you in advance on February 23 and March 8, April 1 and May 9. Each guest is also congratulated on his upcoming birthday. All that remains for me is to congratulate everyone on the upcoming year, 2016. See you in a year!

Congratulations on such a wonderful and magical holiday. I wish all of us to be able to find benefit and joy even in the most seemingly fruitless things. Let our enemies allow us to feel the taste of life and victory as often as possible, and let our friends not leave us in difficult moments. Troubles are an invaluable experience, but I hope that in 2015 this experience will happen to us as little as possible.
This is the very best New Year you can imagine. I congratulate you on this and wish that every new day brings many interesting and bright events, like every day of our long New Year holidays.
We have 365 days ahead of the new year 2015. I wish that from 12 months they give hope and confidence in a bright future. Despite crises and disasters, let life be fun, joyful and full of extremely pleasant surprises. Every second of 2015 is new for us. It simply must be filled with fun, friendship and mutual love.

Any cool toast for the New Year in prose can be played out in your own way. For example, let everything come true next year. Everything that did not come true the year before last and all the years before that will come true. Someday your moment will happen and everything will go like clockwork. This is what I wish for you from pure heart and with all my petty soul.
Many people call the New Year a fabulous holiday. Agree that magic is present: spruce, explosion of firecrackers, the smell of tangerines and the taste of champagne. This is a fabulous night on which I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes. If something planned hasn't happened yet, don't be upset. After all, the best is, of course, yet to come. There will be a lot of laughter, happiness and fun, you just have to wait a little longer.
We are celebrating family celebration. Now we are together, colleagues, but on New Year’s midnight everyone will gather at the festive table with their loved ones. I wish both this and that night to be joyful and happy. Believe, and everything in your life will definitely come true, everything will be very good. Let each generation in your family understand and support the previous one.

In the coming year, luck will cross your threshold. I don't have psychic abilities, but I can definitely see it. Also, two inseparable girlfriends will fly into your windows: love and beauty. They will help you overcome all troubles and inspire you to do many things. If something doesn’t work out, then call me for help. I will find these naughty creatures and make them work.
Remember that toasts to colleagues for the New Year in prose can also be sincere and heartfelt. For example, very soon the bright and fun party. I’m sure your Christmas tree at home is already sparkling with toys, and your wife’s eyes are also sparkling when you return from work. Buy a bottle of champagne on the way home and share your joy with your wife. I am sure that every woman will definitely like this approach and you will definitely have a rich intimate night.
Champagne on New Year's Eve is usually poured into crystal glasses. This is because they ring beautifully and fill the atmosphere around with romance, kindness and magic. Let the same feelings be in your soul and heart the next day. No hangover, only positivity, smiles and a bold look into a bright future.
My toast is simple, but I can’t do without these wishes. In 2015, I wish you health, love and care. Get rid of all doubts and let there be only happy occasions in life.
We want to join in with every toast given in this article. We are sure that you deserve all the best in the new 2015. Have a great time and enter the new work rhythm full of health, energy and strength.

New Year's toasts 2020 in prose

We offer you a lot of universal New Year's toasts for the holiday table so you don't get bored. After all, a good congratulatory speech is always appropriate!

20 toasts of 2020

“People for whom the outgoing year was happy see it off with regret, and those for whom it was unsuccessful are waiting for it to end as quickly as possible.” Let's drink so that in 365 days we all see off the coming year with regret!

– When celebrating the New Year, most people believe and hope that in the New Year all problems will disappear, and they will be replaced by success. So let's drink so that in the coming year our faith and hope turn into reality!

– New Year is usually about summing up the results of the past year and making plans for the next one. Considering what has been said, I propose to drink so that the results of the coming New Year will be comforting and your plans promising!

– New Year is unthinkable without traditional Olivier. So let’s drink to making our New Year’s gatherings just as traditional!

– New Year is a holiday of opposites: it’s cold outside, but it’s warm at the festive table. So let's drink to the fact that in the coming New Year there will be peace in our souls, even when society becomes stormy!

– New Year and Christmas tree are inseparable concepts. So let's drink to the same, so that next year health, happiness and success will be inseparable!

– New Year is a carefree feast, fun, dancing. So let's drink to the fact that next year will be as carefree and problem-free as this evening!

Christmas mood creates an inseparable attribute - a Christmas tree. So let's raise our glasses to ensure that such an important attribute as a holiday is inseparable from our lives.

– They say that how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it. So let’s drink to the fact that this energy and enthusiasm that reigns today in our company will last us for a whole year.

– The New Year means our new dreams, plans and hopes. So let's drink to dreams come true, plans fulfilled, and hopes justified!

– In order to make this New Year’s holiday possible for us, many people are now working – from doctors to police officers. I propose to drink to those who protect our health and peace!

– Everyone celebrates the New Year: from children to old people. I propose to raise a glass to our parents, thanks to whom we now have the opportunity to enjoy life!

– New Year is a festival that children like most. I propose to fill our glasses and drink to the healthy and happy future of our children!

– New Year is unthinkable without Father Frost and Snow Maiden. So let's raise our glasses so that these generous heroes will accompany us throughout the coming year!

– For many years now, the fairytale Father Frost and his young Snow Maiden have been accompanying people on New Year’s days. So let's drink to them turning their fairy tales into our reality!

– Generous Santa Claus is unthinkable without a big bag with numerous and various gifts. So let's drink to the fact that our wallets will be just as unthinkable without a large number of banknotes!

– Sparkling Christmas tree evidence that we have lived another year. Let's drink to what christmas tree lit up as many times as we want!

– New Year is unthinkable without the beautiful Snow Maiden. Let's drink to the hope that beauty will accompany us everywhere, inspiring, inspiring and filling us with enthusiasm!

– As a rule, an elegant and sparkling natural Christmas tree is prickly. I propose to fill our glasses and raise them to our ladies, so that they do not obscure their beauty with the caustic nature of their character!

– A colorful New Year tree is not only a symbol and tradition of the New Year, but also a decoration of halls, squares and streets. Let us raise our glasses to beauty, which, as we know, will save the world!

And finally, a fresh, 21st toast about the outgoing crisis year 2020:

– We managed to do a lot this year, even if failures sometimes hit us hard, but we are not used to giving up, because difficulties only strengthen us! I wish everyone sitting at this table to reach new heights in the new year and take another step towards their cherished dream, despite the crisis in the country. And most importantly: may all your close and beloved people be healthy, because if everything is fine with them, then your heart will be calm and happy. Happy New Year to you, my dears!

One man is asked: - Why do you wear shoes two sizes smaller? He answers: - On purpose. My wife is not beautiful. Besides, she's evil. Cooks badly! The son is a loser! My mother-in-law is a witch!.. The only joy I have in life is when I take off my shoes in the evening! Let's drink to the fact that we will have other joys in the new year!

In the village, one friend tells another: “Yesterday Vasily came to see me.” At first I sat and was silent. Then he fell on me and raped me... But he never said why he came. So that you don’t have a question why I came here, I’ll tell you straight - I came to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Every person has an unquenchable candle of his soul. But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap. So let’s drink to the fact that in the new year the light of our soul can freely reach our friends!

Let's drink to the fact that in the new year you will always have someone to share any mood with!

They ask one electrician if his profession is interesting? - My profession is, of course, interesting, but dangerous. Connect the wrong wires, for example, and you'll get fucked! So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life will not enter into intimate relationships with us!

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings!

One day three wanderers were walking. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened the door for them and asked: “Who are you?” - Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night. - It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in. The sick mother said: - Let's let Health in. The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!

By tradition, we celebrate the New Year with champagne. May our life in the new year be like this champagne - light, exciting, fragrant and overflowing!

Celebrating the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is interpreted, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!” So let's drink to the joys that life gives us!
One man fell asleep and had a dream: next to him a beautiful woman. I woke up - no one was there. Let's drink to making all your good dreams come true in the new year!

Life has limits, it is short, but dreams are limitless. You yourself are walking along the road, but your dream is already at home. You yourself go to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms. You yourself live at this hour, but your dream flies away many years into the future. She flies further than the line where life ends in darkness. She flies into the centuries. So let's drink to making all our dreams come true in the new year!
Life is beautiful even when tears are streaming down your cheeks. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year tears will flow down our cheeks more often, but only tears of happiness!
From a conversation between two friends:
- I’m coming home the other day. I see my wife lying in bed with some man. This immediately alarmed me. I run to the refrigerator, open it, and sure enough, there’s not half a liter... So let’s drink to the fact that nothing will alarm us in the new year!

A certain joker took out Santa Claus's fur coat and beard on New Year's Eve. He dressed up and, rejoicing that he could amuse his wife, rang the doorbell of his apartment. His wife opened it, and before he had time to utter a word, she threw herself on his neck, began to kiss him passionately and took him into the bedroom. And there, like a madwoman, she indulged in passionate love with Santa Claus. Taking advantage of the small respite, the husband threw off his false beard and mustache. And then he heard his wife’s voice, which amazed him:
- Well, it’s you! And I didn’t recognize you at all!
So let's raise a toast to real men who know how to arrange a holiday for their wife!
Mom asks her son:
-Who taught you to say this terrible word?
- Father Frost.
- Father Frost?! Can't be!
- Maybe mom! He said this when he fell over a bicycle in my room on New Year's Eve.
So let's drink to Santa Claus!

The morning after New Year's Eve the couple return home. The owner tries to open the door with a cigarette.
“It’s a cigarette,” says the wife, “I’m afraid it won’t open the door!”
- Damn it, did I really smoke the key?!
I suggest we drink so that in the coming year we don’t accidentally smoke the keys to our happiness!
Two friends met.
- How are you?
- It’s like in a harem: I know they’ll fuck me, but I just don’t know when.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life will not only have us, but also caress and love us!
The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their lives.” So let's drink to the fact that the new year will bring us real wealth!

Mommy, remember how you once told me that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?
- So what?
- Nothing. I just discovered a completely different path tonight.
Let's drink, friends, to women making new and at the same time traditional discoveries more often in the new year!

Once guests came to the physicist Neilson Bohr and saw a horseshoe on his door. “Do you really believe that a horseshoe brings good luck?” they asked him. “I don’t believe it, but luck seems to believe it!” So let's drink to good luck coming to our home more often in the new year.
The New Year holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but lights sparkle at home, fun, warm, a decorated Christmas tree, festive table… May the new year, no matter how the winds and adversities rage around you, be light and cozy in your home and soul. May all our wishes come true in the new year! Let's raise a glass to this!

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the New Year of throwing old and unnecessary things that have become boring during the year out of the window. We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude as unnecessary trash. If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it this way, and then the new year will be no worse than the last! Friends, I propose to thank the old year for the bright legacy it left - for moments of joy, love, success and invaluable experience for the mind and professionalism.
May you have many new friends in the new year, a new high-paying job, a new car, a new country villa in which you can sit, as of old, with our old circle of friends and spend the old year!

Friends! I propose to dedicate the last glass of the outgoing year to the spirit of fun that reigns among us!

Twice for the same ones... New Years are not coming! You cannot celebrate the same New Year twice... So let's drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this recurring holiday! Here's to the New Year!

Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on a Christmas tree... and not be in the forest! Here's to the New Year!

At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the new year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there's always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us... but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

After New Year's holiday father told his son:
- You are already an adult, son, and you must understand that there is no Santa Claus. It was me.
- Yes, dad, I know. After all, the stork is you too.
For our children - smart, quick-witted and quick-witted!

New Year is the time to dream and make plans. Here's to making your dreams come true!

One ancient philosopher said: “Throw away old worries... After all, the world is striving for the future.” Friends, let us follow his advice and immediately throw away old worries and worries - these heavy shackles, for the chimes are striking. Let's take happiness, joy and love with us into the new year! Happy New Year! Hooray!
There was a man: two years ago they met him in the hostel. A year ago he was met in a one-room, but his apartment. Now he is met at a country villa. But they don't wait in the hostel. So let's drink to HIM - to the one whom we meet in the hostel, and in the apartment, and in the villa, hoping that he will be successful! Here's to the new year!

Let's drink to the fact that in each next New Year our holiday table will be more and more bursting with food, the phone will be more and more ringing with congratulatory calls from friends, and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts!

Every time on New Year's Eve, my child stands at the frozen window and asks Santa Claus:
“Give me a toy!..” I smile, put him to bed, and then I go to the window and ask my good old friend Santa Claus: “Give my child happiness!” So let's drink to the fulfillment of wishes!

As you know, a person studies all his life. He studies every year, and every year he probably gets smarter. This means that, for sure, the years also learn something - from a person and from each other. So let's drink to each next year learning only good things from the previous one!

Life is like New Year's garland- As soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. If one thing doesn’t work out for a person, everything falls out of hand. So let's drink to the fact that the garland of bright events in our lives shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow and never burns out! Here's to not getting burned out in the new year!

Let's raise our glasses so that seeing off the old year will be different from seeing off a train at the station: the departing train takes away friends and loved ones, and the passing year will bring them to us! Let's drink so that it will always be like this!

Two people are talking.
- How do you live? - asks one.
“In different ways,” he answers. - When I feel bad, an ambulance comes. And when I feel good, the police come!
We're having fun now, okay, so we should expect... the police to arrive. And yet, let's drink to a good new year!

A log has been thrown across a mountain gorge. And local residents scurry back and forth along this log. But for tourists coming to these parts, such a crossing inspires fear. In this case, an instructor is constantly on duty at the bridge, who himself carries tourists along the log and charges one ruble for this. One day he came up with the idea of ​​earning two rubles at a time, that is, transferring two people at once! And so he shouldered two tourists and set off. But the burden turned out to be too heavy: he stopped in the middle of the log. Thought:
- Why the hell do I need... an extra ruble?!
So let’s drink to the fact that in the new year we too will sometimes think: do we need an extra ruble?
What can I wish to everyone sitting at this table? All the girls should get married, and the boys should find brides! And further. You probably know the New Year's wish of the Russian cosmonauts: to eat and drink, to want and to be able to! So that next year there will be someone to be with and where to be! In my opinion, this wish is worth a drink!

I wish everyone gathered here that in the new year there will be love, worries, and doubts in your life, so that it never occurs to you that you have missed something in this life.

Writer Arkady Weiner said that he likes to celebrate the New Year at the dacha, with family and friends:
“This is a thousand times better than a social gathering,” he assures, “which already lasts all year.” And at the dacha it’s quiet, except for electric trains and shots from neighboring Lyubertsy, nothing usually bothers us. In my opinion, today we have climbed into such a place that we won’t even hear shots! Let's relax, enjoy the silence and calmly await the arrival of the new year!

There lived a man. He had a house and a job. He had a wife and children. He had everything, but it was not enough for him. Then he went to the sage for advice:
- Wise man, help me! I have everything, but I want something more.
“Then go into the dense forest,” the sage advised, “and find the tallest spruce there.” There is a chest buried under it. Open it and you will find what you are looking for.
A man went into a dense forest. I found the tallest spruce there. I dug all around under it, but found the chest! I pulled it out of the ground. And then this giant spruce fell on him, crushed him to the ground, and one branch stuck right in his butt! So let's drink so that in the new year we don't look for adventures on our butt!

Excited walkers came to Lenin:
- Vladimir Ilyich, trouble! There are no products at all. We are already eating hay and straw!
- And keep eating!
- So we’ll start mooing soon!
- No, you won’t start. Nadezhda Konstantinovna and I regularly eat chicken, but that didn’t make us cackle!
It’s not dangerous to eat beef or pork, caviar or exotic fruits - we won’t turn into animals anyway! Therefore, let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will have an abundance of everything on our table!

“Each of us represents half of humanity, which is forever looking for the other,” said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes. We live in hope of a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not yet met their other half to definitely find it in the new year!

Mother asks adult daughter:
- What do you expect from the new year?
- I don’t really know either. I want something: either seeds or marriage.
Let's drink to everyone having everything in the new year, including seeds!

New Year is the brightest, most beautiful and cheerful holiday. A green decorated Christmas tree with colorful toys, sparkling and shiny, splashes of champagne, general excitement and joy. We wish everyone the same life in the New Year - colorful and sparkling, promising and generous, like the New Year holiday itself.

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time! So let's drink to his perpetual motion machine!

One sage said: “The most amazing thing about a person is that he often grieves over the lost state, but as his life passes, he is not upset.” Let's drink so that every day of the new year passes brightly and usefully.

There is an ancient statue called "Opportunity". It depicts a man standing on tiptoe, which symbolizes the brevity of the moment of opportunity. He has wings on his feet, meaning that a person can fly up using the opportunity. He has long hair - a symbol of benefit gained through opportunity, and a bald spot on the back of his head - a symbol of loss when opportunity is lost. Opportunities come and go. So let's drink so that we don't miss our opportunities in the new year!