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Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga are the last. The ex-wife of Vadim Kazachenko is trying to forget him

Marriage with a former fan brought the artist to scandal and courts

A month ago ex-lover artist Olga Martynova gave birth to a son. Baby Vadim has not yet seen. Now between him and Olga there are proceedings in court.

— Vadim, what do you know about the newborn baby?

- Nothing. I don't even know if he has a name. Only once in court, Olga's representative showed an empty medical certificate of the birth of a child - so she considered it possible to notify me of his birth.

- Sooner or later the conflict will subside anyway, life will go on. A little boy will grow up - your son. Would you like to communicate with him, participate in his life?

- If this is my son, then as a human being I have both an interest and a desire to communicate with him. But now I am under psychological pressure. There is no communication. Olga simply put me before the fact in September and said: "You hit." Serious charges were brought against me. After all, Olga doesn’t tell people the whole truth: “You know, I have to explain that I didn’t live with my husband, and he saw me once a month. Yes, and he talked all the time with me that he wants to get a divorce. The whole situation was described by her as if we had normal family, we met at home every evening, went on vacation together, planned the birth of a child, and as soon as she became pregnant, I left her. But it's not like that!

Naturally, she did not explain all this to people. And for the public, our story looks terrible. In reality, after the wedding, Olga never moved into my apartment and continued to live either with her parents or in her own house, I don’t even really know. I didn't have any of her things in my apartment. Now she says that I kicked her out from somewhere. But what if we didn't live together? She just came to visit me from time to time. I also transferred money to her from time to time when she asked. Where she spent them, I don't know.

Of course, I am worried and worried about everything that concerns the child. But right now we have no chance of normal communication.

- Many people are concerned about the question: why did you need this marriage? You lived with Irina Amanti, your director, for many years. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, a wedding with Olga. What was it?

— I had a difficult period. At that time, I broke up with Irina and thought that I could build a family with Olga. She actually played on this when she promised that we would be together in sorrow and in joy. At the same time, I always tried to be honest and open, so already in the first year of marriage I confessed to Olga that I didn’t feel at all that we were becoming family people, that we had some kind of family relations. After the registration of the marriage between us, in fact, practically nothing has changed. Life went on as if we were just having an affair - rare meetings, dates. Only Olga was already in the status of a wife, whom she really wanted and with whom, apparently, it was so hard for her to part. Notice that she does not talk about feelings, about love, about the fact that she is sorry to part with me as a person. And in Malakhov’s program, she calmly said: “No. I don't need this person." But then what is needed? Apparently, money, for which she came to fight on television, because of them she met with me from time to time.

In general, I am a gentle person by nature, always looking for a compromise and understanding. I gave her official status. And he was waiting for this when he said that our family did not work out, it simply did not exist, and it was better for us to disperse. In theory, I had to put my hands on my feet and go to the registry office, write a statement. But I wanted this decision to be made in solidarity, with understanding. Unfortunately, things turned out differently. And I got accusations, like I'm some crazy, deranged uncle who suddenly went crazy.

Her fans write about me: "Old, scary, useless, forgotten." Well, leave me alone! Stop warming up the conflict, throwing firewood into the firebox. If I'm so disgusting and nasty, why then should we try to annul our divorce, and in fact, an invalid marriage that took place back in December? Why indulge in long and nerve-wracking lawsuits? It looks like some people haven't paid enough attention.

Now she is engaged in the fact that she does advertising for herself at the expense of my name. Instead of taking care of the child, she gives out interviews for money and participates in a TV show. And you know, in my opinion, all this is very far from real life.

In the 90s, the most popular singer was Vadim Kazachenko. Everyone knew his hits. But suddenly he disappeared from Russian television screens, his songs could only occasionally be heard on the radio. What happened, no one knew.

After the participation of Vadim Kazachenko in the TV show "One to One", he again becomes in demand. But his new compositions are not as popular as the hits that sounded at the end of the last century.

At the end of 2017, the singer was involved in a scandalous story. He did not want to admit that the boy born by his former wife was his son. Although the DNA examination confirmed the paternity of Vadim Kazachenko, he believes that there was a mistake. A popular artist does not consider a born baby to be his son.

In the late 80s of the last century, Vadim Kazachenko began working in the Freestyle show group. Since that time, the star has attracted the attention of numerous fans, who even now, after almost 30 years after that, can answer the question of how tall, weight, age, how old Vadim Kazachenko is.

The artist celebrated his 54th birthday in 2017. Despite his no longer young age, Vadim Kazachenko impresses with his good physical shape. With a height of 178 centimeters, he weighs 74 kilograms.

Vadim Kazachenko, a photo in his youth and now which can be seen more and more often on the Internet, still wins the hearts of numerous fans.

Biography of Vadim Kazachenko

The future popular singer-performer was born in the Poltava region (Ukrainian SSR) in 1963. Vadim's mother and father worked, so a neighbor looked after the fidget. From childhood, the boy fell in love with music, it was then that he decided that he would deal with it professionally. Even at the age of 6, he stood on a bench near the house and sang songs for peers and grandmothers who were sitting at the entrance, which they met with applause.

AT school years the guy always performed school activities. His compositions invariably made a splash with teachers and students.

After receiving a certificate, a talented guy goes to Moscow. Soon he was invited to the Freestyle group. From that time on, the biography of Vadim Kazachenko becomes creative plan successful.

After 4 years, the popular performer leaves Freestyle and embarks on a free voyage. It was at this time that songs appeared that are still loved by listeners, among them include “It hurts me, it hurts”, “Snowstorm” and others.

But suddenly a popular performer disappears in the late 90s of the last century. His songs cease to sound, and he ceases to appear on television. According to rumors, this happened due to a quarrel with a friend - Igor Krutoy.

A new round of the artist's popularity occurred after his participation in the One to One show program, in which he portrayed a large number of a wide variety of images.

Currently, Vadim Kazachenko is actively touring throughout the territory Russian Federation and far beyond its borders, invariably gathering full halls of their fans. At concerts, he collects not only new compositions, but also songs of bygone times, which are still loved by listeners.

Since 2014, the arrival of a popular singer-performer has been prohibited on the territory of Ukraine. This is due to the fact that he supported the choice of the inhabitants of the Crimea to self-determination of their own destiny. The artist performed in several cities of the peninsula and in the city of Sevastopol.

Personal life of Vadim Kazachenko

The personal life of Vadim Kazachenko in 2017 became embroiled in a scandalous story. His ex-wife Olga Kazachenko, whose marriage was annulled shortly before, said that the son she gave birth to is the son of Vadim Kazachenko. But the popular artist himself did not recognize his paternity.

Currently, the artist is happily married to a woman named Irina. The couple say they have been waiting for a meeting all their lives. They travel together, appear at all events. At the beginning of 2018, the couple traveled together to the United States of America, where Irina's daughter, born in her first marriage, lives.

Family of Vadim Kazachenko

The family of Vadim Kazachenko is his beloved wife, whose name is Irina. She supports her beloved husband in all his endeavors.

The popular artist considers his beloved daughters to be his family, one of whom lives in Germany, and the other in the United States of America. With his wife, Vadim Kazachenko visits girls quite often.

The star of hits, the artist also considers his constant admirers of his talent to be his relatives. He often talks about it at concerts.

Children of Vadim Kazachenko

Officially, the artist has one daughter who lives permanently in Germany. Vadim Kazachenko often calls her, is interested in everything.

The artist also considers the daughter of his wife Irina to be his child. They recently traveled to the United States of America, visiting their stepdaughter and visiting Hollywood.

Other children of Vadim Kazachenko are not recognized by them. According to rumors, he has a son, born to one of the fans at the beginning of the new millennium. At the end of 2017, the ex-wife, Olga Kazachenko, announced that she had a child from ex-husband. One could learn about this firsthand on the program “Let them talk. The artist said that all this was an ex-wife's ensenation, and refused to admit the fact of his paternity in relation to the boy.

Daughter of Vadim Kazachenko - Marianna

The only daughter of Vadim Kazachenko, Marianna, was born at the end of the second millennium. The girl was born by a former lover of a popular artist. For a long time, Vadim Kazachenko hid the fact that he had a daughter. Only in 2012, he said that his daughter Marianne lives in Germany.

In 2017, the girl came to the TV show “Let them talk” to support her father. She said that all experiences take away a large amount of strength and health from the artist.

It is known that Marianne studies at the University of Berlin. She connected her life with journalism. Currently, she does not have lovers, as her studies take all her strength.

The ex-wife of Vadim Kazachenko - Olga Kazachenko

When a popular singer decided to get married, no one was interested. The wedding was quiet and modest. But the wedding was attended only by the closest.

In mid-2016, the artist filed a lawsuit in which he asked to recognize their marriage as invalid. He said that together they did not live a single day, and the marriage was concluded as a joke.

Ex-wife Vadima Kazachenko - Olga Kazachenko soon announced that she was pregnant. She will give birth to a child from Vadim. The couple came to the program “Let them talk”, where they publicly sorted out their relationship. It soon turned out that the woman gave birth to a son precisely from her ex-husband.

The former lovers are currently not in touch. Even mentions of an ex-wife evoke anger from a star of the 90s.

Wife of Vadim Kazachenko - Irina Amanti

The popular artist met his current wife back in the mid-90s of the last century. Then they parted ways for a few years. During this time, the woman managed to get married and give birth to a daughter.

Shortly after breaking up with his ex-wife, Olga Kazachenko, the star of the 90s married Irina. He states that she is his lover, whom he has been looking for for years.

The wife of Vadim Kazachenko, Irina Amanti, was able to give happiness to the artist. She always supports him. According to the singer himself, they will live happily until their death, which will not be soon.

Wikipedia Vadim Kazachenko

Wikipedia Vadim Kazachenko is the only source of information about the popular artist, who became the highest paid singer in the 90s of the last century. It is on Wikipedia that you can read how Vadim Gennadievich's creative path went. Here are listed all the songs that have ever been performed by him.

Pages per social networks the singer does not. Only in Odnoklassniki one of his fans leads a page dedicated to Vadim Kazachenko. She posts photos taken in different years his creative activity. Here, fans of the talent of the star of the 90s can leave their wishes to the artist, which are then transferred to Vadim himself.

Vadim Gennadievich Kazachenko. Born on July 13, 1963 in Poltava. Russian singer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2011).

In his youth, he was seriously engaged in swimming, played for the youth team of Poltava, often went to training camps and competitions. He gave swimming six years - until the very end of school.

At the same time he was fond of music. From the age of 14 he was a member of an amateur school vocal and instrumental ensemble.

At some point, he said, a choice had to be made. "I had a choice: music or sport. I chose music. Still, sport is somewhat rude for me, I'm a soft person, a little romantic, it's hard for me to count life for seconds. And then, I really appreciate comfort, but this does not linked to constant training, training camps and competitions," the artist recalled.

I played with an amateur group in restaurants, at weddings, graduation parties in his native Poltava.

He worked in the Philharmonics of Kursk, Barnaul, even in the Amur Region.

Since 1985 on the professional stage. In the same year he moved to Moscow. He worked as an entertainer in a variety show.

Then he was invited to work with the ensemble "Festival" under the leadership of Maxim Dunayevsky - a legendary team that recorded music for the films "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", "Sold Laughter", "Carnival". Of course, I left the variety show. In 1987-1989 - vocalist of VIA "Festival". "It so happened that I left the Festival group because the musicians stopped understanding each other - each of the 12 participants suddenly wanted to play in their own way, and the unity of the team collapsed," the singer said.

Then great luck came to him: an invitation to perform with the group "Freestyle", then left without a soloist. "Freestyle" with soloist Vadim Kazachenko recorded four albums, which included "golden" hits "Farewell forever, last love...”, “Red-haired girl”, “Last candle”, “White blizzard”, “God will punish you”, “It hurts me, it hurts...” and many others.

The popularity was incredible. “In a matter of months, popularity came - we performed at stadiums, and we were literally torn to pieces. It was impossible to walk down the street, people rushed with conversations and questions, waited at the entrance,” he said.

He was the soloist of the Freestyle group during 1989-1991. In 1991, the song “It hurts me, it hurts!” Was released, which became calling card singer.

In 1992, Vadim Kazachenko left Freestyle and began his solo career.

Vadim Kazachenko - It hurts me, it hurts

In 1993, his debut solo album, Everything First, was released. In 1995 - the album "Bless". In 1999, the album "Night Rains" appeared.

Such well-known composers as Vladimir Matetsky, Arkady Ukupnik and Vyacheslav Malezhik collaborated with the singer. The authors of the lyrics performed by Vadim were Alexander Shaganov, Yulia Kadysheva and Grigory Belkin. The artist's tour schedule in the 1990s was extremely busy, with almost no days off. Hits were such songs as "Yellow Night", "Cinderella", "Alien", "Bless on a long journey", "On a flying horse", others.

Then he disappeared from the stage and TV screens for a while.

“In order not to become mentally ill, in the late 90s I stepped aside. For seven years I lived in pop noise and stage noise, in an endless number of TV shoots. And suddenly I realized for myself that I can perfectly do without show business. From 1998 to 2001, I did not give poster concerts in the country, I only traveled with commissioned performances for city days, professional holidays miners and metallurgists. I felt very tired. I decided to take a break so as not to stop loving my job," he explained.

He spent some time in Germany, where his first wife and daughter live. Somehow he even saved the girl: "The studio where I worked was in Leipzig, and I lived outside the city, after recording I returned home by car, drove along the river, it seems some kind of tributary of the famous Elbe. The road passes almost close to the river, and I enjoyed watching the quiet flow of the river.At first I did not even pay attention to the girl floundering in the water, I saw her again in the rearview mirror and only then realized that she was drowning. normal man- to come to the rescue, I, in what I was, in boots, trousers, a shirt, waved into the water. In general, it was not difficult for me to pull the girl ashore, after all, it was not in vain that I was taught to swim for six whole years, "he said.

In the 2000s, it made itself felt again. In 2007, the album "Two Shores of the Same Destiny" was released. In 2008, he took part in the Superstar 2008 show. In 2011, he was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" and released the album "...but it doesn't hurt me!". A solo concert of the artist dedicated to the 25th anniversary of his professional work took place in the Kremlin Palace.

In 2014, he took part in the popular show "One to one!", and in 2016 - re-participation in the One to One! Battle of the Seasons. Reincarnating either as Louis Armstrong, or as Sofia Rotaru, or as Garik Sukachev, the artist gained wide success with viewers.

At one time he played for star football teams: Starco, Fortuna, Artist. An active football fan, he is a fan of Real Madrid, he has no favorites among Russian clubs.

He also loves fishing and driving.

Nothing is known about the political predilections of the singer. "I have never participated in political actions, in pre-election concerts. But, alas, being out of politics, I seemed to be out of time," he noted.

"Life has no subjunctive mood. Yes, not everything went smoothly, but I have a happy artistic destiny. I live by the principle "tomorrow will be better than yesterday," realizing that this requires a lot of work ", says the artist.

Height of Vadim Kazachenko: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Vadim Kazachenko:

He married for the first time at the age of 21. The wife's name was Marina. As the singer explained, he got married because the girl became pregnant: "Actually, that's why Marina and I got married - it turned out that there would be a child, and we urgently signed."

The couple had a daughter, Marianne.

Family life upset when the artist moved to make a career in Moscow. Soon they parted officially. After their divorce, Marina remarried, and a few years later she left with her friend and daughter Marianna to work in Poland, then they moved to Germany, where they still live.

Daughter Marianna is now married, has her own small business, Marianna has no children of her own, but together with her husband they are raising her husband's daughter from her first marriage.

In Moscow, he met a girl named Zhanna, with whom he lived for five years. They broke up when he began performing in the Freestyle group. “It was then that Jeanne left me. I couldn’t come to terms with such a life. We met when I was a modest worker in a variety show, and then suddenly I became a celebrity. She couldn’t stand it,” he recalled.

“Indeed, the whole country was gossiping about our relationship with Tanya. In fact, it was a typical” love affair at work". I left Freestyle and went solo. Tanya, like me, toured a lot, we often participated in the same concerts. Our relationship started by accident. Tanya then had a difficult period - her beloved went to stay in Australia and disappeared. Then it turned out that he just decided not to return," the artist shared.

Once in the USA, he met businesswoman Irina Amanti, co-owner of Russian Radio in America. She became his de facto wife and director for many years.

In April 2014, Vadim Kazachenko married Olga Martynova. She is almost 20 years younger than Vadim. In December 2016. According to the girl, when she showed him the ultrasound data, Vadim told her: "have an abortion, get a divorce and live our own lives."

In the next program, which came out two weeks later, trying to prove that each of them is the real wife of Kazachenko. Kazachenko himself already participated in the third program,.

Olga Martynova - wife of Vadim Kazachenko

Discography of Vadim Kazachenko:

in the Freestyle group:

1989 - "Get it!"
1989 - "Get it! Double-2"
1990 - "Get it! Double-3"
1991 - "Get it! Double-4"


1993 - "All over again"
1995 - "Bless"
1996 - "Good riddance"
1996 - "Goodbye forever ..."
1999 - Night Rains
2007 - "Two banks of one destiny"
2011 - "... but it doesn't hurt me!"

Last year, the wife of the star of the 90s Vadim Kazachenko Olga told in the studio of the program “Let them talk” that she was expecting a baby. However, the man said - his marriage was fictitious. For several months, the court either invalidated their union, or took the side of the woman. In April of this year, the singer married his director Irina Amanti.

In March of this year, Olga's son Philip was born. She assures that Vadim Kazachenko does not communicate with the baby. Today, she and her mother reappeared at the Let They Talk studio to talk about how this situation is developing now.

“We are a normal Moscow family. I gave my children everything - cars, apartments. Is this really a dream - an elderly "downed pilot," said Olga's mother Natalya.

The woman said that she was against the marriage of her daughter with the artist and tried in every possible way to dissuade her from a rash step. However, Olga still decided to link her fate with a famous artist and give birth to a son from him.

“Philip’s surname is Kazachenko, like mine. I gave birth from a loved one, what happened to him next - I don’t know, ”admitted the ex-wife of the musician.

However, not all guests in the studio take Olga's side. They believe that the girl should have noticed Vadim's close communication with his director Irina. Moreover, the representative of the artist assures that she was constantly next to him.

“No need to vulgarize, I didn’t climb into any family,” Kazachenko said, breaking into a cry.

Journalist Evgenia Kirichenko appeared in the studio, who said that Vadim Kazachenko was not faithful to either Irina or Olga, and communicated with a large number of his fans. She admitted that her former boss Marina also admired the artist's work and met him on the forum. Evgenia remembered that the artist told her friend beautiful words. Kirichenko even vacated the apartment so that Marina and Vadim could arrange a private meeting.

Olga Kazachenko's lawyers Katya Gordon and Yulia Yudina said that according to the latest ruling, the artist's marriage with a fan was recognized as legal. Talk show host Dmitry Borisov asked if the woman was ready to divorce the singer in this case.

“When the time comes, he will come for a divorce. I don’t want to know him, for me he doesn’t exist as a man, I won’t comment, ”said Olga.

got acquainted Vadim Kazachenko and Olga Martynova in 2005 year, she was 23 years, and to him 42 . Vadim Kazachenko after some forgetting, he decided to start returning his audience, he started with performances in clubs and at all kinds of city events, created an Internet forum where young women and young girls became his fans, among the connoisseurs of the singer's talent was Olga Martynova. Initially communication Vadim and Olga was friendly, but a pretty girl immediately liked Kazachenko, but he did not undertake to fool her, nevertheless, at that time she was next to him Irina Amanti. FROM Irina Amanti Vadim Kazachenko met in 1995 year, then she lived in USA, owned her own business, was married to an Italian millionaire, but in 2005 year Irina Amanti left her tyrant husband and returned to her homeland in Russia. Irina and Vadim began to live under one roof, she became for him not only a beloved woman, but also a director, producer, sold her business to America and invested all the proceeds in the revival of the singer Vadim Kazachenko.

And in the meantime Olga Martynova became closer and closer to the singer, 2008 he first met her in person. Olga Martynova before meeting with Vadim Kazachenko did not live in poverty, her family owned several apartments in Moscow, which she successfully handed over, herself Olga did not work, although she had an economic education. AT 2012 year at Vadim Kazachenko a difficult period began, his once beloved woman Irina Amanti received a spinal injury, sat on hormonal injections, recovered greatly, became nervous and irritable.

well and Olga Martynova at this time bloomed: slender, long-legged, young; naturally aging Vadim Kazachenko he was drawn to this charmer, at that moment he did not think much about the fact that he and this girl were too different, he wanted to be admired, to know that he was still much more likely to seduce first-class beauties. Generally fell in love Vadim Kazachenko in earnest, and at the moment when Irina Amanti left again for USA on business, he, without thinking twice, invited Olga live for yourself. Olga noticed that the apartment of a famous singer is simply not suitable for living, according to the girl, a love nest Vadim and Irina she was simply shocked, had to redo literally everything. The renovation took a year and a half. Myself Kazachenko does not deny that the apartment was run, but all because they Irina they were on tour all the time, they had absolutely no time to deal with everyday life.

But in their interviews Irina Amanti emphasizes that she was a very caring wife, stroked Vadim shirts, packed his suitcases, fried cheesecakes for his beloved. After some time Irina decided to return from USA, especially since the director Vadim she did not cease to be, but she had nowhere to return; another had already replaced her as a mistress.

Irina Amanti decided to step aside and let her enjoy her Vadim his new passion. Here both female pride played its part, and the inability to do anything about this situation.

AT 2014 year Vadim Kazachenko and Olga Martynova got married, and although now the singer claims that this marriage was not for love and his literally power in MARRIAGE REGISTRY tightened like a bull on a rope, nevertheless, there is wedding video, which shows how happy the newlyweds are, and if Olga rejoices, perhaps simply from the fact of marriage that happened, the fact that Vadim Kazachenko in love, visible to the naked eye, he kisses his wife's fingers, tremblingly strokes her back, eats her with his eyes, makes fiery toasts, claims that he experiences such a feeling for the first time and marries for love, and not for circumstances.

In this photo you see Vadim Kazachenko and his daughter Marianne.

By circumstances, he means his first marriage, then he was 21 year, and the pregnant bride 18 , as a result of that marriage, a daughter was born Marianne who now lives in Germany.

Well, wedding, rings, happiness in the eyes Vadim Kazachenko, but all this did not last long, soon the newlyweds realized that they would not be able to live together, Vadim all the time on the road, the apartment has not been renovated, the wife lives with her mother, a real family does not work, especially since Olga I didn't want to burden myself with cooking and ironing shirts. Nevertheless, they saw each other regularly, there was an intimate relationship between them, though Kazachenko insists that his wife came to him only in order to receive an impressive wad of money at the end of sexual intimacy. Whatever it was, but Vadim Kazachenko began to think that he had made a mistake with the choice of his lawful wife, he began to understand that his wife was to become Irina Amanti, who was with him in sorrow and in joy, has become a truly close person, he now calls her nothing more than a karmic wife. Olga Martynova she felt something was wrong and for some reason decided to get pregnant urgently, although her husband’s attitude towards her already indicated that they would not be together. Vadim Kazachenko insists that Olga deceived him - hid her pregnancy until the 4th month. But if she didn’t hide it, he still wouldn’t have forced her to have an abortion, but he could have brought her to a miscarriage with his mental anguish. All in all Vadim Kazachenko abandoned both his wife and child, he deleted them from his life and returned to his beautiful Irene Amandi, and the court recognized them with Olga fictitious marriage and divorced spouses, Martynov appealed the decision of the court and won the case, so Vadim Kazachenko became a polygamist, because he had already managed to ring with a wakeful Irina.

To be honest, I don't like a single character in this story, the whole drama is dirty, sticky and vile, and none of its participants are worthy of respect. All their dirty laundry, this trinity put on the air of the program "Let them talk", but before the skirmish in the studio Vadim Kazachenko over the phone demanded an abortion from his wife. What would you like to take away from this whole story? Aging men need to be more careful with their desires, every macho begins such an age when he wants to see a fresh young body next to him, some fight with themselves, come up with some way out of the situation in order to reanimate their relationship with his wife, but others leave the family, take lovers and very often fall into their cleverly placed nets, as a result, everyone suffers: husband, wife, mistress, children. Men should always think first of all with their heads, because everyone knows that it is only necessary for a pretty woman to put on a mini, in deep neckline show your luxurious chest how men are already ready to follow her to the nearest bed or the registry office, not realizing that by doing so they are starting a new, but far from always happy life.

On this photo Olga Martynova and her mother are joyfully touched by their son Vadim Kazachenko.

On this photo Vadim Kazachenko with my daughter Marianne, now the daughter is already an adult woman, she has her own children.

In this photo you see Vadim Kazachenko, holding the child of his daughter in his arms, not so long ago the famous singer became a grandfather.

And in this photo Vadim Kazachenko in young age.