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Lesson on the emotional development of children of the senior group of preschool age: “Journey to the country of Emotions. Summary of an open lesson on emotional development in the senior group “In the kingdom of emotions Lesson on the development of emotions in preschoolers

Target: Development emotional sphere older preschoolers.


  • Strengthen the ability to recognize and express emotions and emotional states in facial expressions.
  • To develop self-regulation in students through listening to music.
  • Create a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, a cheerful and joyful mood;
  • Preserving the health of pupils through psycho-gymnastics and relaxation.
  • develop a positive attitude towards others, balanced emotions;
  • form friendly and equal relationships between peers;
  • exercise the ability to maintain a conversation, participate in a collective conversation.

Composition of the group:

Age of participants: 5 – 6 years.
Number of children in group: 6-8 people
Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

Materials for the lesson:

  • "Magic Ball";
  • Pictograms of emotions and photographs: fear, joy, anger, etc.
  • Magnetic board; People-emotions;
  • Drawing paper, pencils;
  • Children's chairs according to the number of children;
  • Mirror;
  • Small sandbox, frames with sand; tassels;

Lesson technologies used:

  • Accompanied by CD music: Tape recorder and disc with recording of calm music; Audio recording “Joy” from the collection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva; music E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves” or “In the Cave of the Mountain King”;
  • Elements of health-saving technology
  • Playing with sand.
  • Psycho-gymnastics.

Methodical techniques: conversation, group discussion of various feelings; questions for children; pictograms of emotional states; examination; display; explanation; practical activities of children.

Preliminary work:

– acquaintance with basic emotions: fear, joy, anger, sadness
– listening to music
– conducting psychological games and exercises

Progress of the lesson:

Greetings. "Magic Ball".

Hello guys. I'm glad to see you!
- Children, what is this in my hands? (children's answers) But this is not a simple ball, but a magical one. Passing the “magic ball”, let's greet each other.
The psychologist passes a ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name or says the “magic polite word,” then passes the ball to another child, etc.
Guys, today we will go on a trip. And what country we will go to, you will tell me after I read the poem to you.

Animals have feelings
In fish, birds and people.
Affects everyone without a doubt
We're in the mood.
Who's having fun!
Who's sad?
Who's scared?
Who's angry?
Dispels all doubts
ABC of mood.

(brief discussion of the poem, repetition of the names of emotions)

– Our mood depends on our actions, on what we do and how. In turn, our mood affects the mood of others, and they experience different emotions.
- Guys, do you know what emotions are? (children's answers)
– What do you think we will do today? What are we going to talk about? (children's answers)
– Guys, we are now going on a journey to the land of “Emotions”. In order for us to travel, we need transport. What transport did you use? Let's build a fairy train. Stand behind each other, grab the person in front by the belt. Our train will be able to move using magic words:

Our magic train
He takes all his friends forward...

(Children say the words and walk in a circle, pretending to be trailers)

1 stop. "Glade of Joy"» (audio recording “Joy” from the selection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva plays)

Who do you see in this clearing? (Man-joy)
-What is his mood?
“Children, what is joy?” (children's answers)

For example:

“Joy is when everyone is happy, everyone is having fun.”
“Sometimes joy is great, and sometimes it is small. Small is when it’s for one person, and big is when it’s for everyone.”
“Joy is when everyone has a holiday.”
“Joy is when no one cries. No one".
“Joy is when there is no war.”
“Joy is when everyone is healthy.”
“Joy is me, because my mother says: “You are my joy.”

- What do you do when you're having fun? (Children's answers.)

Sketch "Who is happy" Children stand in a circle. The psychologist invites them to depict, show without words, how happy they are when meeting their mother, when they greet guests on their birthday, when walking together with their parents or when going to the zoo or circus.
Expressive movements: hugs, smiles, laughter, joyful exclamations.

Exercise “Draw an emotion”

– Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme “Joy”. Take some leaves and pencils and let everyone draw joy the way they want.
(Then the children are invited to sit in a circle and talk about what they drew. Then the psychologist, together with the children, pastes the drawings onto a large sheet of paper - an exhibition is held (discussion, selection of the most original drawing, answers to the question “What is joy?” and the most interesting stories ).

Psycho-gymnastics “A trickle of joy” (calm music sounds)

Children sit on the floor in a circle, hold hands, and relax.

-Guys, mentally imagine that a kind, cheerful stream has settled inside each of you. The water in the stream is clean, transparent, warm. The stream is very small and very mischievous. He cannot sit in one place for a long time. Let's play with it and mentally imagine how clean, transparent, warm water flows through your hands.friend in a circle.

Children mentally convey joy to each other.

2nd stop. "Island of Sadness"

What is sadness?
-Guys, who lives on this island? (Man-Sadness)
Look at this boy. What an expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes? What is this emotion? (children's answers)
How did you guess? (in the face, in the eyes, eyebrows are knitted, lips are lowered)
Guys, you also probably have sad moods? Tell me. (children's stories)
Not only humans, but also animals can live on the island. And now I suggest you portray an animal.

Game "Good Animal". Stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will check how you can breathe together. We will turn into one big, kind animal. (Calm music starts.) Let's listen to how it breathes.

Now let's breathe together. Inhale - take a step forward together. Exhale - step back.

Our animal breathes very smoothly and calmly. Now let's picture and listen to how his big heart beats. Knock - take a step forward. Knock - step back.

3 stop. « Cave of Fear"

We also reached the cave. (The psychologist turns on the music.)

Exercise “Scary sounds” (music by E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves” or “In the Cave of the Mountain King”)

Guess what sounds we hear? (children's answers)
We hear many sounds, some of them scary. We will listen to sounds and guess which ones are frightening, scary, and which ones are calming or joyful. (discussion of children)
Was the sound always scary? The sound of the train also seems scary to you, but if you remember the trip on vacation by train, which was fun and interesting, then the fear goes away.
What kind of person lives here? (Man – Fear)
-How did you guess? (children's answers)

Game “I’m not afraid of horror stories, I’ll turn into whoever you want”

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce these words in chorus. When the driver (initially maybe a psychologist) names some scary character (Koshchei, wolf, lion, etc.), children need to quickly “turn” into him and freeze. The leader chooses the scariest one and he becomes the driver and continues the game.

Exercise “Fear has big eyes”

- Now, let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear. (Children spread their arms wide apart.) Everyone who is afraid has big eyes because of fear. (Depict big Round eyes using your hands.) But now the fear is lessening. (Children move their hands.)
And then it disappears completely. (They shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands in bewilderment.)
Look at each other and make sure that no one has big eyes anymore and, therefore, none of you is afraid of anything, since the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

4 stop. "Mountain of Anger"

Who lives on this mountain? (Man-Anger)
-How did you guess?
-What happens to the mouth? Show! The mouth is open, the teeth are connected. The mouth may be distorted in an evil person.
-What happens to the eyebrows? Show! The eyebrows are lowered, with folds between them. His nose wrinkled.
-What happens to the eyes? Show! The eyes became narrow, like slits.
– Children, in what cases do they experience such emotions? (come up with a life situation together with the children).

Exercise "Mirror"

Children are asked to pretend to be angry in front of the mirror.
Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The presenter asks a question to which the children must stomp if they want to answer “yes.” If “no,” then the legs stand still.
I'll tell you when mothers get angry, and you can guess whether I'm saying it right.
Moms get angry when they are late for work.
Moms get angry when they eat ice cream.
Moms get angry when they are yelled at.
Mothers get angry when they are given gifts.
Mothers get angry when they are late with their child kindergarten.
Moms get angry when they say “bad” about moms.
Moms get angry when people take their personal items without asking permission.
Mothers get angry when they are loved.
-Well done boys. You guessed what events the Angry man likes.

Exercise “Complete the sentence.”

Think carefully and complete the sentence “I rejoice when...” (children’s statements are recorded).
-I get angry when... etc.
– Guys, look at what emotions there are and what pictograms correspond to them. (photos and pictograms)
Pictograms are schematic representations of emotions.

Reflection. Conversation with children:

And to make our meeting memorable, let’s take a photo as a souvenir.
This concludes our lesson. Thank you bye.


· The child’s awareness of the emotional states of others;

· Ability to understand and accept other people;

· Updating experience and knowledge related to the emotional sphere.


· Developing the ability to convey your emotions using color;

· Development of imagination and fantasy;

· Creating motivation for self-knowledge;

· Improving self-regulation mechanisms;

· Development of skills with the help visual arts express your feelings;

· Stabilization of mental processes, stress relief;

· Develop the ability to determine the expression of a person’s face.



State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region main comprehensive school No. 9 of the city of Novokuybyshevsk, Novokuybyshevsk urban district, Samara region, structural unit "Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Summary of a lesson on the development of the emotional sphere of older children preschool age

"Land of Emotions"

Conducted by an educational psychologist

Usova Irina Viktorovna

g.o. Novokuibyshevsk, 2014

"Land of Emotions"


  • The child's awareness of the emotional states of others;
  • The ability to understand and accept other people;
  • Updating experience and knowledge related to the emotional sphere.


  • Developing the ability to convey your emotions using color;
  • Development of imagination and fantasy;
  • Creating motivation to know yourself;
  • Improving self-regulation mechanisms;
  • Development of the ability to express one’s feelings using visual means;
  • Stabilization of mental processes, stress relief;
  • Develop the ability to determine the expression of a person’s face.

Necessary materials:

  • Recording calm music;
  • Cards depicting various emotions from the “Magic Chest” series by Maria Lebedeva;
  • Forms with a drawn human figure;
  • Pencils, markers, wax crayons.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Greeting. Creating an emotional mood.

Teacher-psychologist: “Hello, guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's all hold hands together, smile at each other and say " Good morning"! Well done! Tell me, please, what world were we in last time? At the last lesson, we visited the magical land of Feelings.

Today I want to invite you to go on a new journey, to the land of Emotions. Residents of the world of Emotions, addressing each other, say their name affectionately. Let's try this too.

Exercise “Tender name”

The teacher-psychologist asks the child’s name, and asks the others to call him affectionately in chorus. If the children can't come up with pet name, the psychologist helps.

Before we set off on a new journey, we will answer the inhabitants of the world of Emotions what our mood is today.

Exercise “Bag of Moods”

The teacher-psychologist invites the children to determine what mood they are in today in class and what it can be compared with. For example; “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud, what about yours?” Participants in a circle say what time of year, natural phenomenon, weather their current mood is similar to. Then the psychologist generalizes what the mood of the whole group is today: sad, cheerful, funny, etc. and shows the children the bag and says that it is magical and that all unnecessary feelings can be put into it, for example, resentment, anger, fear, etc. If the child is in a bad mood, then he is asked to do this by imitating folding movements. Then the psychologist ties a bag and invites the children to throw their bad mood in the trash.

2. The main part of the lesson.

Educational psychologist: “Guys, the inhabitants of this world are very interested in seeing you. And to help you imagine them, they provided cards with pictures of the inhabitants of the world of emotions. Do we always know how to understand another person? Is it possible to tell by a person’s face what mood he is in? Let’s now try to guess what mood is on these faces.”

Game "Guess the Mood"

The psychologist shows the children cards with drawn images of various emotional states of a person’s face. “The faces of people with different moods are depicted here. What do you think is the mood portrayed here? What happens to eyebrows when we are angry or happy? When are we afraid of something, surprised, angry? What can we say about lips? How does the mouth express our emotions, our mood? A conversation is taking place.

“Well done guys, you can really guess what mood another person is in by their face. Now let’s try to apply the “magic” means of understanding that we have already become acquainted with.”

Game "Repetition"

Residents of the world of Emotions play an exciting game, which they invite you to play too. Children are given cards with different emotions and ask the child who is depicted on it and what emotion this character is experiencing. They ask the child to show this emotion on his face.

And now we need to rest. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and exhales...”

Relaxation exercise “Smile”

Educational psychologist: “During each exhalation, you can feel how your face relaxes more and more. Let your mouth, nose, ears, forehead, eyes relax with each exhalation. Now take a deep, deep breath and hold your breath. Throw your head back, exhale forcefully, blowing the air as high as possible so that it reaches the ceiling. Say it again. Now breathe in again. And when you exhale now, try to smile. Feel how your lips stretch and how your cheek muscles tense when you smile. Do it again and try to smile wider. Imagine that you see in front of you in the picture a beautiful sun, whose mouth has spread into a wide, friendly smile.

It is important to see a smile on the faces of all children. When you smile again, feel how the smile goes into your hands, reaching your palms. Breathe and smile...and feel how your arms and hands are filled with the smiling power of the sun. When you smile again, feel how your smile goes lower and lower and reaches your legs, to the very tips of your feet. Feel the warmth of the sun under the soles of your feet. Feel the smile throughout your whole body. When you smile, you feel good from head to toe, you feel joy in all the cells of your body. You love and accept yourself. Now stretch a little and straighten up. Open your eyes and find yourself in this room with us again.

Exercise “Exploring your mood”

Teacher-psychologist: Guys, in the magical land of Emotions, there live Joy, Pleasure, Fear, Guilt, Resentment, Sadness, Anger and Interest. Residents of a magical land love to visit each other, tell different stories, and do things together. They invite you to imagine and try to learn to explore yourself.

To do this, close your eyes and feel where your feelings live: joy, anger, anger, resentment, etc. On ready-made forms with a picture of a man

Children are invited to explore themselves and color in with colored pencils where what Feelings live, who do they live next to? Children complete the task. Reflection. Was it difficult or easy for you to complete the task? What was difficult? What's easy? Did you enjoy exploring yourself? Was it pleasant or not? A collective discussion is held, during which children share their impressions.

The final stage. Summarizing.

Educational psychologist. Guys, our journey ends. Let's give the residents of the Land of Emotions a common photo with our smiles as a souvenir.

Exercise “Wishes in a circle”

Children are invited to express their wishes for the future lesson, as well as talk about what the participants liked and did not like during the lesson. You and I have visited different magical worlds, met amazing residents. Now let's smile, thank each other for our work and say goodbye until the next time we meet.

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Lesson objectives:

  • Form a concept about the emotions of joy and anger, show their schematic representation.
  • To update experience and knowledge in the field of the emotional sphere, to promote understanding of one’s states and understanding that negative emotions take away health, and positive ones contribute to its preservation.
  • Teach ways to express negative emotions in a socially acceptable way.
  • Develop the ability to control various muscles (face, arms, legs), develop volitional regulation of behavior.
  • Develop kinesthetic sensations, perception of the shape of objects.
  • Develop spatial orientation, attention and thinking.
  • Contribute to the unity of the children's team and establish a positive emotional mood in the group.

Glossary of terms

Emotion– these are our moods and experiences that accompany the events of our lives.
Joy- this is when we feel good about something we have done, from communicating with our mother, a friend, from the fact that we are given gifts, we have fun. Light wrinkles around the eyes, the eyes are slightly squinted, the upper lip is slightly raised, the corners of the lips are raised and usually pulled back, the lower jaw is relaxed, the mouth may be slightly open.
Anger- when we are angry with someone, for example, with someone who undeservedly offended us, who beat us, called us names... Tightly compressed eyebrows, horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose, swollen nose, clenched teeth, neck convulsively contracted, while hands can be clenched into fists.

Equipment: envelope with letter; a magic bag with various items, a scarf; tape recorder and audio recording of the songs “If you are kind”, “Smile”; a box with medals for each child; 3 colored cardboard hands; a toy hedgehog that laughs.


- Hello guys!
I was walking to your class and met a postman on the way. He gave me an unusual letter. Let's see what kind of letter it is? So, the Golden Key kindergarten for children. This letter is for you. Who is it from? From Smesharik Hedgehog. Do you know this one? Shall we read the letter? Listen carefully.

Hello guys! The Hedgehog is writing to you from the country of Smeshariki. If anyone doesn’t know me, I’ll send you my photo (2nd slide). My favorite pastime is making different collections: candy wrappers, mushrooms, cacti. I look for items for my collections everywhere: in the mountains, the sea, even in a dark forest. Just recently I wandered into one of these forests in search of something new for my collection.
And suddenly I came out into a clearing on which stood a beautiful palace (3rd slide). I became interested and went into this palace. There lived different emotions: joy, anger, fear, surprise and others (slides 4 and 5).
It turned out that on this day the evil wizard Sad Cry made his way into their kingdom (6 slide). He quarreled all the emotions among himself, and I really like to reconcile everyone, even those who do not want to reconcile at all. And I succeeded. The evil wizard got angry with me and locked me in a dungeon. He also took away my laughter from me, and I love to laugh so much. Help me get my laughter back and get out of the dungeon of his palace, and to do this, complete the tasks of the evil wizard Sadnesscry. Thank you guys, I believe that you will easily cope with all his tasks.

- Well, guys, can we help the Hedgehog?
– With each correctly completed task, we will come closer to the castle of the evil wizard Sadness, the closer we come, the better we will see it, but for now we do not see it.
- Let's start the first task.

Exercise “Depict an emotion”

Sad Cry gives the following task: to portray two inhabitants of the palace of emotions. 1 pictogram – joy (7 slide).

– What does a person look like when he is happy? (Eyes sparkle, lips smile).
- Look what beautiful faces those who rejoice (slide 8).
- Guys, when do you feel happy? (When mom comes, they read books, buy a toy, sweets...)
– You see how many reasons we have for joy (slide 9).
– Remember something joyful and when I count to 3, let’s all pretend to be happy together. Fine. Now the palace of the evil sorcerer Sadness has already become a little visible (slide 10).

2nd pictogram – anger.

– What does a person look like when he’s angry? (Face is angry, lips are compressed, eyebrows are frowned, eyes are angry)– 11th slide.
– How ugly we are when we’re angry (slide 12). And when do you get angry? (When they offend, something doesn’t work out)– 13 slide.
- Let's try on the count of 3 to show how angry we are. (Another piece of the palace - slide 14).

Exercise “Ways to master a negative emotional state”

– Sad Crying believes that if a person is angry, this can last for a very long time. What do you think can be done to make anger quickly leave you? (Merry yourself, draw something beautiful, beat a pillow, tear paper, play fun game, watch an interesting cartoon, read a funny book, eat candy, sculpt from plasticine, run outside, blow soap bubbles)– 15 slide.
– Being angry is bad for your health. Which people are more pleasant to communicate with: good or evil?
- Well done, he didn’t know that you could find the answer to this question. (16 slide).

Game "Chant-clap-silent"

- Oh, there are some palms here. So, what is this task?
Sad cry does not believe that we will be able to complete this task, because here we need to be very careful and remember the order of actions (slide 17). And the order is this: If I show a blue palm, then everyone needs to loudly shout the sound “A” together, if it’s green, then everyone needs to clap loudly together, if it’s red, then you need to sit quietly. Let's remember and practice. Well, now we very carefully carry out this task of the evil wizard (slide 18).

Game "Magic bag"

- The Sad Cryer put various small objects in this bag and pinned the bag so that you eyes closed They couldn’t guess by touch what was there. Who will be the first to risk completing this task?
- Well done! Another part of the castle has appeared (slide 19).

Exercise "Find the differences"

– We have the next task (slide 20). Sad Cry drew the two inhabitants of the palace of emotions as best he could. What emotions are these? They seem a little similar, but in fact they have 5 differences. We need to find all the differences.
– Well done, the last part of the castle has appeared (21 slides).

Exercise “Tower of Joy”

- And here is the Hedgehog, but his laughter has not returned yet (slide 22). Sad Cryer is always sad, angry and cries very often, so that the effect of his magic ends and laughter returns to the Hedgehog, you need to build a tower of joy.
To do this, everyone in turn needs to tell what they like or what makes them happy. I will name what I like and extend my hand, palm up, and you will come up in turn, name what you like or what makes you happy and put your hand on my palm. What a nice tower of joy we have, and the Hedgehog is laughing again. Sit down quietly, and the Hedgehog, as a token of gratitude and in memory of our fabulous activity, gives you magic medals with his photo, and on the back is written the magic word “Smile.” Let this medal help you become more cheerful and kinder when you are sad or angry. ( To the song “Smile, everyone is given a medal with a picture of a Hedgehog.”

– Our fabulous lesson has come to an end.
– What did you remember and like?
– Which emotion did you like best?

- When a person is angry, he has an ugly face, angry, and evil eyes. You must always treat people kindly and welcomingly, then they will treat you the same way. It’s good when a person is in a joyful mood, then any task works out.


1. In the world of children's emotions: a manual for practical workers of preschool educational institutions [Text ]/ T.A. Danilina, V.Ya. Zedgenidze, N.M. Stepina. – M.: Iris-press, 2007. – 160 p.
2. Lyutova, E.K., Monina, G.B. Training for effective interaction with children [Text]/ E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina. – St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing House “Rech”, 2001. – 190 p.
3. Semenaka S.I. Social and psychological adaptation of a child in society. Correctional and developmental classes [Text]/ S.I. Semenak. – M.: ARKTI, 2006. – 72 p.
4. Tarasova, T.A., Vlasova, L.V. Me and my health: A practical guide for developing and strengthening skills healthy image life in children from 2 to 7 years. Lesson program, exercises and didactic games[Text]/ T.A. Tarasova, L.V. Vlasova. – M.: School Press, 2008. – 80 p.
5. Khukhlaeva, O.V., Khukhlaeva, O.E., Pervushina, I.M. Small games for great happiness. How to maintain the mental health of a preschooler [Text]/ O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaeva, I.M. Pervushina. – M.: April Press, EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001. – 224 p.
6. Zhigalova, N.Yu., Kulikova, I.N. Valeological entertainment and games in kindergarten [Text]/ N. Yu. Zhigalova, I. N. Kulikova.// Preschool pedagogy. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 16-18.
7. Zedgenidze, V.Ya., Eroshkina, N.G. Correction of disturbances in the emotional and personal development of preschool children in conditions of the preschool educational institution[Text]/ V.Ya. Zedgenidze, N.G. Eroshkina. // Directory of senior educators. – 2009. – No. 1. – P. 35-37.
8. Biktasheva, N.P. Country of colorful emotions [Text]/ N.P. Biktasheva. // Preschool teacher. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 51-52.

Target: Development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


Strengthen the ability to recognize and express emotions and emotional states in facial expressions.

To develop self-regulation in students through listening to music.

Create a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, a cheerful and joyful mood;

develop a positive attitude towards others, balanced emotions;

form friendly and equal relationships between peers;

exercise the ability to maintain a conversation, participate in a collective conversation.

Materials for the lesson:

"Magic Ball";

Pictograms of emotions and photographs: fear, joy, anger, etc.

Magnetic board; People-emotions;

Drawing paper, pencils;

Lesson technologies used:

Accompanied by music: A tape recorder with a recording of calm music; Audio recording “Joy” from the collection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva; music E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves” or “In the Cave of the Mountain King”; screen, projector.

Methodical techniques: conversation, group discussion of various feelings; questions for children; pictograms of emotional states; examination; display; explanation; practical activities of children.

Preliminary work:

– acquaintance with basic emotions: fear, joy, anger, sadness

– listening to music

Progress of the lesson:

Greetings. "Magic Ball".

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you all! What's your mood now? What does it look like: the sun or a dark cloud?
(children's answers)

Children, what is this in my hands? (children's answers) But this is not a simple ball, but a magical one. Passing the “magic ball”, let's greet each other.

The teacher passes a ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name or says the “magic polite word,” then passes the ball to another child, etc.

- Guys, today we will go on a trip. We will visit the “Kingdom of Emotions”. The inhabitants of this kingdom invite us to visit and send us a flying carpet. Children sit on the carpet and fly to the music. The song “The Road of Good” is playing.

What is the mood of this song (cheerful, cheerful, kind, bright).

How do you understand the words “On the path of goodness?”

How did you feel when you listened to this song? Guys, I have cards with faces. They are called pictograms. Let's look at them. They depict people with different facial expressions. What is the facial expression of this person, this one? (Hands out envelopes with pictograms to each child.) - Which pictogram will you show to listen to this song? (show).

The magic carpet lands. Children are greeted by fairy tale heroes.

Educator: - And now we will remember the heroes of our favorite fairy tales.
- What feelings do the heroes of these fairy tales experience?
1. Bunnies and squirrels are happy,
Boys and girls are happy.
They hug and kiss the clubfoot:
“Well, thank you, grandpa, for the sunshine!” (joy)
2. The gray sparrow is crying:
- Come out, honey, quickly!
It's a shame without the sun,
You can't see a grain in the field! (sadness)
3.And the doctor sewed his legs
And the bunny jumps again.
And with him the mother hare
I also went dancing (joy)
4.The hare came running
And she screamed: “Ay-ay!
My bunny got hit by a tram
And now he's sick and lame
My little bunny!” (fear)
Educator: - Children, you probably guessed what we will talk about in class? (children's answers)
- Yes, we will talk about feelings. How do you understand this expression
"feelings"? (children's answers)

The children walk into the clearing.

Who do you see in this clearing? (Man-joy)

What's his mood?

Children, what is joy? (children's answers)

“Joy is when everyone is happy, everyone is having fun.”

“Joy is when everyone has a holiday.”

“Joy is when no one cries.

“Joy is when there is no war.”

“Joy is when everyone is healthy.”

“Joy is me, because my mother says: “You are my joy.”

- What do you do when you're having fun? (Children's answers.)

Sketch "Who is happy" Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to depict, show without words how happy they are when meeting their mother, when they greet guests on their birthday, when walking together with their parents or when going to the zoo or circus.

Expressive movements: hugs, smiles, laughter, joyful exclamations.

Exercise “Draw an emotion”

Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme “Joy.” Take some leaves and pencils and let everyone draw joy the way they want.

(Then the children are asked to sit in a circle and talk about what they drew.

Educator: Now let's play a game, be careful.
Game "Say the other way around"
You are sad guys - We are cheerful guys.
You are lazy - We are hardworking.
You are evil - We are good.
You are absent-minded - We are attentive.
You are messy - We are neat.
You are rude - We are polite.
You are evil - We are good.
Educator: - Well done! And now I invite you for a walk through the streets
of this city. I want to make sure that you can feel the mood of those
people we will meet along the way

The children cross the bridge to the island. They are met by the Sad Man.

What is sadness?

Guys, who lives on this island? (Man-Sadness)

Look at this boy. What an expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes? What is this emotion? (children's answers)

- How did you guess? (in the face, in the eyes, eyebrows are knitted, lips are lowered)

Guys, you also probably have sad moods? Tell me. (children's stories)

Not only humans, but also animals can live on the island. And now I suggest you portray an animal.

Game "Good Animal". Stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will check how you can breathe together. We will turn into one big, kind animal. (Calm music starts.) Let's listen to how it breathes.

Now let's breathe together. Inhale - take a step forward together. Exhale - step back.

Our animal breathes very smoothly and calmly. Now let's picture and listen to how his big heart beats. Knock - take a step forward. Knock - step back.

On a way « Cave of Fear"

We also reached the cave. (The teacher turns on the music.)

Exercise “Scary sounds” (music by E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves” or “In the Cave of the Mountain King”)

- Guess what sounds we hear? (children's answers)

- We hear many sounds, some of them scary. We will listen to sounds and guess which ones are frightening, scary, and which ones are calming or joyful. (discussion of children)

Was the sound always scary? The sound of the train also seems scary to you, but if you remember the trip on vacation by train, which was fun and interesting, then the fear goes away.

What kind of person lives here? (Man – Fear)

How did you guess? (children's answers)

Game “I’m not afraid of horror stories, I’ll turn into whoever you want”

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce these words in chorus. When the driver names any scary character (Koshchei, wolf, lion, etc.), children need to quickly “turn” into him and freeze. The leader chooses the scariest one and he becomes the driver and continues the game.

Exercise “Fear has big eyes”

Now, let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear. (Children spread their arms wide apart.) Everyone who is afraid has big eyes because of fear. (Depict large round eyes using hands.) But now the fear is lessening. (Children move their hands.)

And then it disappears completely. (They shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands in bewilderment.)

Look at each other and make sure that no one has big eyes anymore and, therefore, none of you is afraid of anything, since the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

"Mountain of Anger"

Who lives on this mountain? (Man-Anger)

How did you guess?

What happens to the mouth? Show! The mouth is open, the teeth are connected. The mouth may be distorted in an evil person.

What's happening to the eyebrows? Show! The eyebrows are lowered, with folds between them. His nose wrinkled.

What's happening to the eyes? Show! The eyes became narrow, like slits.

– Children, in what cases do they experience such emotions? (come up with a life situation together with the children).

Exercise "Mirror"

Children are asked to pretend to be angry in front of the mirror.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The presenter asks a question to which the children must stomp if they want to answer “yes.” If “no,” then the legs stand still.

I'll tell you when mothers get angry, and you can guess whether I'm saying it right.

Moms get angry when they are late for work.

Moms get angry when they eat ice cream.

Moms get angry when they are yelled at.

Mothers get angry when they are given gifts.

Mothers get angry when they are late for kindergarten with their children.

Moms get angry when they say “bad” about moms.

Moms get angry when people take their personal items without asking permission.

Mothers get angry when they are loved.

Well done boys. You guessed what events the Angry man likes.

Exercise “Complete the sentence.”

Think carefully and complete the sentence “I rejoice when...”

I get angry when... etc.

– Guys, look at what emotions there are and what pictograms correspond to them. (photos and pictograms)

Pictograms are schematic representations of emotions.

Reflection. Conversation with children:

And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. They board the eoprer plane.

What did you learn in class today? (children's answers)

What did you like most? (children's answers)

Well done boys! You were friendly, active and completed all the tasks!

I also really enjoyed our trip. I wish you Have a good mood, and so that you say only good and kind words to each other.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

TOPIC: Ways of communication.

GOAL: To teach children to understand emotional condition other people and express moods in various (verbal and non-verbal) ways. Create an opportunity for self-expression, overcoming communication barriers, and relieving tension.

EQUIPMENT: soft toy Lesovichok, “Forest” screen, tape recorder, cassette recording of F. Couperin’s music “Butterflies”, pictograms with emotions of joy, sadness, fear, anger.


1. Greetings

- Let's say hello to each other.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, and each in a circle say to their neighbor: “I’m glad to see you, ... (name).”

2. A moment of relaxation

What time of year is it now?

– What’s the weather like in winter?

- Let's show how cold we are.

– In what ways can you warm up?

– Do you want to warm up and be transported to a summer forest? To do this, let’s sit on the carpet in a position that is comfortable for you (you can sit down, lie down), close your eyes and imagine that we have been transported to a summer forest. The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing...

(music sounds, teacher creates a verbal image of summer).

So, we found ourselves in a clearing in the summer forest... We open our eyes.

– How are you in the mood?

3. Problem situation

(A rustling sound is heard)

What's that rustling sound? Where does this sound come from?

(A toy appears - Lesovichok)

-Who could it be? Let's ask him.

Lesovichok: Hello! I am a forest dweller, my name is Lesovichok.

I happened to be nearby and heard what you were saying about the mood.

– What is a mood?

– Why do you need to be able to determine your mood? (summarizing children's answers)

Lesovichok: Now I understand why I don’t have friends, it turns out that I can’t guess the mood and therefore I don’t know how to communicate.

4. Main part. Research into ways to determine mood.

4.1. Exercises to identify emotions by facial expressions. Working with pictograms.

Let's teach Lesovich to recognize (guess, determine) the mood?

- Guys, what is your mood like? (Happy, sad, angry, sometimes scary...).

– How can you find out what mood a person is in?

Pictogram "joy"

What's your mood?

- How did you find out? (eyes narrowed, smile).

- Let's pretend to be happy.

– When do you rejoice? Try finishing the sentence “I am happy when...”

– Find objects in the room that have a joyful mood.

Pictogram "sadness"

– What’s your mood?

- How did you find out?

- Let's portray a sad mood on our face.

– Finish the sentence “I feel sad when...”

– Find objects in the room that have a sad mood.

– What to do when you feel sad?

Pictogram “fear”, pictogram “anger” - analysis on similar issues.

Conclusion: How can we know a person's mood? (By facial expression).

4.2. Exercises on children’s ability to determine and convey human states using gestures and pantomimes.

How else can you find out a person’s mood? And the game will help you guess.

Game "How are you living?"

The teacher asks a question, the children answer “like this”, accompanying the words with movements.

- How are you? Like this…

- Are you swimming? Like this…

-Are you running? Like this…

-Are you looking into the distance? Like this…

- Are you waiting for lunch? Like this…

- Are you waving after me? Like this…

- Do you sleep in the morning? Like this…

- Are you naughty? Like this…

Game “Guess the Mood”.

The teacher shows different human states using expressive gestures, and the children guess.

Suggested options:

  1. wicked;
  2. thick;
  3. sad;
  4. Cold;
  5. big;
  6. heavy;
  7. glad.

Conclusion: How did you recognize the mood? I didn't tell you. With using what? (With the help of movements, gestures).

4.3. Exercises to identify emotions by voice.

– Is there any other way to find out the mood?

– And when we don’t see a person?

- When do we talk on the phone?

- Let me hide in the forest now and speak in different moods, and you try to guess? (The teacher says any phrase from behind the screen with a joyful, sad, scared, angry mood)

- How did you guess?

Similar questions are asked to a sad, frightened, angry voice.

Conclusion: How did you recognize the mood? (By voice).

Game "Kittens"

We have now guessed the mood, let’s show Lesovich how to convey the mood.

We will turn into kittens and meow in different moods. (Children meow joyfully, with anger, fearfully, sadly).

5. Generalization

  1. What do you need to do to learn to be friends?
  2. How did Lesovichok and I recognize the mood? (By facial expression, by movements, by voice).
  3. In parting, we wish Lesovich all the best and say goodbye. (Children in a circle wish him well and say goodbye to him).

6 . Conclusion.

  1. And in order for us to get back to kindergarten, we need to lie down again on the flowers (pads), close our eyes and imagine (music is playing) that we are no longer in the forest, it is getting cool outside, snow has fallen, winter has come, we are in kindergarten. (The teacher describes the kindergarten depending on the time of year). We open our eyes.
  2. Now let's praise ourselves for Good work. (Children in a circle say to their neighbor: “(Child’s name) you are a kind, good boy (girl).”)


  1. Kurazheva N.Yu., Varaeva N.V. Psychological classes for preschoolers “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”