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Lesson on traffic rules in the second junior group. Lesson summary for the younger group traffic rules

Summary of an integrated lesson in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old “My friend traffic light”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This material will be interesting preschool teachers, teachers of extended day groups, can be used by teachers primary classes for extracurricular activity on this topic for students primary school. The summary is designed to familiarize children with road signs and their meaning.
Target: Introduce some signs traffic.
- consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and their signals;
- develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to go on a journey according to the rules of the road. Do you agree?
Educator: Imagine, you need to go on a visit and you need to cross the road, and there are cars and buses driving there. For this you need to know the rules. Listen to the riddle and tell me the answer.
I never sleep
I look at the road.
I'll tell you when to stand
When to start the movement.
Children answer: Traffic light.

Educator: Right. What colors are shown on the traffic light sign?
Educator: What does each traffic light color mean?
Educator: And now the second riddle is prepared for you:
You can't take this tape,
And you can’t braid it.
She lies on the ground
Transport runs along it.
Children answer: Road.
Educator: Tell me, can we walk on the road?
Educator: Why can't we walk on the roadway?
Educator: Tell me the transport that you know?
Educator: Who's behind the wheel, what's it called?
Educator: And what about the people who travel on a bus, tram, minibus, what shall we call them in one word?
Educator: I suggest you take a short break in the form of a physical minute.

The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
Look left first
Then look to the right.
You turn left
Smile at the friend next to you.
Stomp your right foot
Stomp your left foot
And go home boldly.
Educator: Well done, they listened to the words carefully, performed all the movements correctly. Let's continue the conversation, listen carefully. Another mystery.
A man is walking over me.
He calls me a zebra.
Children answer: Pedestrian crossing.
Educator: What does a pedestrian crossing look like?
Educator: And to find out what another name is for a pedestrian crossing, listen to the following riddle.
Under Seryozhka’s feet,
Striped path.
He walks along it boldly,
And behind him are all the people.
Children answer: Zebra.

Educator: They answered well, you know the rules, I suggest you play a little and collect the sign. And we need to assemble a traffic light. Do we remember what colors are on a traffic light sign?
Educator: What shape are they?
Educator: And in what order are they located?
Educator: I invite you to the table,
And I suggest you assemble a road sign.
Educator: It turned out to be a very beautiful sign. But in order to remember everything better and consolidate the knowledge gained, I also suggest you draw a traffic light sign. But for this, you need to stretch your fingers.
Finger charging:
One two three four five.
(Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.)
The fingers went out for a walk.
(Rhythmically we open and close all our fingers together.)
One two three four five.
(We clench one by one, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)
They hid in the house again.
(Rhythmically squeeze all fingers together.)
Educator: Now, I’m absolutely sure that you will do amazing work. We sit down at our workstations and begin to do the work, or rather, draw a traffic light.
Educator: Good work, you worked hard, you can relax.

Follow the road rules strictly
Don't rush like you're on fire,
And remember: transport is the road,
And for pedestrians - sidewalk!
Yes, and parents are also punished -
After all, your children are looking at you.
Always be a worthy example,
And no trouble will happen on the road!

Thematic week in kindergarten "Let's be friends on the road." Junior preschool age

What is traffic rules? We sometimes take this abbreviation lightly, completely forgetting that these rules are written in blood. When we see a report on TV about a terrible accident, we are horrified and only then do we realize that mistakes on the roads are very expensive. Many of us have lost loved ones in road accidents. What should we do to stop this traffic nightmare? How and who should teach our children how to behave safely on the road? I think that everyone, both school and kindergarten and first of all parents. Is it easy to teach a child to behave on the road? At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of traffic rules and there will be no problems. It's actually very difficult. After all, parents themselves violate these rules every day in front of their children, and do not think that they are setting an impossible task for their child: what is the right way? What do they say or what do they do? It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life. Therefore, from the very early age It is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules.

In our kindergarten, work on learning traffic rules by preschoolers is systematic. As part of this work, projects, competitions, exhibitions of children's drawings, quizzes and many other events are held. On my blog you can find a description of work on studying traffic rules with older preschoolers. Now I work with kids. Our group carried out theme week"Let's be friends on the road." As part of this week, the children and I studied the rules of the road in a game, in class, on a walk, etc. I offer you a plan of activities for the week to familiarize children with traffic rules.

Examination of illustrations “On a City Street” Book “On a City Street”.
P/i "Sparrows and the car"
Observing passing vehicles while walking. Continue to introduce children to vehicles and their purpose.
D/i “Assemble a car” (cut-out pictures)
Target. To develop in children the ability to form one whole from 2 parts and to distinguish the assembled type of transport. GCD Drawing. Subject. “Path for cars” - drawing a horizontal line without lifting your hand.
Interaction with parents. Together with your children, observe the traffic lights at the intersection.

Conversation based on pictures “Traffic light” To give children a basic understanding of traffic rules (traffic lights regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians; red traffic lights need to stand, green traffic lights - move; you can cross the street only with an adult, holding hands tightly.
P/i “Traffic signals”;

D/i “Assemble a Traffic Light” Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals. Assemble a whole from parts according to a model.
Reading N. Migunov “Learning to cross the road”
GCD Sensory. Subject. "Close - Far"
Target. Give children an idea of ​​the concept of close - far, consolidate knowledge of red, green, yellow. Enrich children's sensory experience while playing with colorful toys.
Interaction with parents. Watch cars and trucks with your children

D/i “Big - small” Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to select garages in accordance with the size of the car, to consolidate the names of vehicles.
D/control "Car" (ZKR)
Reading A. Barto “Truck”, N. Pavlov “By car”.
P/i "Colored cars",
GCD Speech development. Subject. “Examination and description of the toy” (car). Purpose. Improve your understanding of cars and trucks. describe the main parts and the purpose of each of them and actions with machines. Develop the ability to describe a car in words in 2–4 sentences.
Interaction with parents. Consultation “Children's safety on the street”;

Examination of thematic pictures from the “Transport” series. D/i “Fix the car” Goal: to improve the understanding of cars and trucks, to assemble a whole geometric shapes
Reading: S. Marshak “Ball”, V. Berestov “About the Car”;
P/i "Cars".
GCD Modeling Theme. "Colorful Wheels"
Goal: to develop the ability to roll plasticine balls in a circular motion hands; flatten the workpiece; consolidate knowledge of colors.

Reading: V. Semerin “Follow the road rules strictly”;
Car prints on wet sand.
Finger gymnastics
“I will call transport”
Game-dramatization “How the car rolled the animals.”
Parents accepted Active participation in this job. Thanks to their efforts, the group now has a model of a street with houses, traffic lights, and of course cars. These machines are made from cardboard boxes and have straps. The child gets into the car, puts the straps on his shoulders, and now he is no longer a pedestrian, but a driver.

And we don’t roll toy cars on the floor or carpet, we have a real road with pedestrian crossings. Come visit us, we will teach you how to follow the traffic rules.

Card index of traffic rules games in the 2nd junior group
Didactic game"Traffic light"

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, its signals, develop attention and visual perception; cultivate independence, speed of reaction, ingenuity

Material: circles of red, yellow, green, traffic light

Progress of the game: The presenter, having given the children circles of green, yellow, red colors, sequentially switches the traffic light, and the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each of them means

Didactic game "Fourth odd"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to classify objects

    Name the extra road user:

 Truck

 "Ambulance"

 Snow blower

    Name the extra vehicle:

 Passenger car

 Truck

 Bus

 Baby stroller

3. Name a vehicle that is not related to public transport:

 Bus

 Tram

 Truck

 Trolleybus

4. Name the extra “eye” of the traffic light:

 Red

 Yellow

 Green

Didactic game “Smart machines”

Target: Form children's ideas about various types transport, consolidate knowledge about sensory standards of color, practice distinguishing objects by shape and size, develop visual-figurative thinking, develop the ability to combine objects based on certain characteristics (classification)

Material: 3 game cards, silhouettes of different types of transport (motorcycle, bus, truck and car of 3 types) in the amount of 36 pieces different shapes, color and size

Progress of the game:

Start of the game: get children interested with a poem

Look what happened

All the cars got lost.

Help the cars soon

And take them to the right garage

Card No. 1. Children are invited to “put the car” in the garage of the same color as the car:

Look, these are not simple garages, but colorful ones.

Car desired color take it

Card No. 2. It is necessary to select a machine according to the size of the garage:

Well, look carefully

How are the garages different here?

Large and small garage

Of course you will give me the answer.

Choose the right size machine

And take it to the right garage.

Card number 3. You need to choose a car according to the silhouette in the garage:

Look how different the garages are here.

Each one has its own machine,

Look at the picture and feel free to go ahead!

Didactic game “Our Street”


1. Expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers on the street;

2. Strengthen children’s understanding of traffic lights;

3. Teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational) intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: model of a street with houses, intersections, cars (toys), pedestrian dolls, driver dolls, traffic lights (toy), road signs, trees (models).

Progress of the game

The game is played on a layout

First option (for pedestrians)

With the help of dolls, children act out various road situations. So, at a controlled intersection, when the traffic light is green, the dolls cross the street, when the traffic light is yellow they stop and wait, and when the traffic light is red they continue to stand.

Then the dolls walk along the sidewalk or side of the road to a pedestrian crossing, marked with a “Pedestrian Crossing” sign, and there they cross the roadway.

Second option (for drivers)

The presenter shows road signs: “Traffic light regulation”, “Children”, “Pedestrian crossing” (warning); “Entry prohibited”, “Bus stop location”, “Underground passage” (information and signposting). Children explain what each signal means and act out traffic situations.

For the correct answer, the child receives a badge. The number of icons is used to calculate the points scored.

Didactic game “Different machines are needed, different machines are important”


    Introduce children to different types vehicles that people need: a passenger car, a fire truck, ambulance, dump truck, truck, crane, grain store, bus;

    Learn to distinguish them by appearance and call it correctly;

    Know their purpose and understand their significance in a person’s life;

    Learn to assemble a whole picture from two parts

Progress of the game:

Educator - Children, what cars do you know? (Children's answers). Yes, there are many cars and they are all different! Machines benefit people! They take people to work, to kindergarten and other places. This is a bus, a car, a taxi. Machines rush to our aid when necessary. This is an ambulance, a fire truck. Cars carry different loads. This is a dump truck, a truck, a crane, etc. I brought you pictures that show different machines. But, I had a little trouble. Someone cut all my pictures into two parts and they all got mixed up. What should I do? Maybe you can help me put the pictures together correctly?

The teacher lays out all the halves in front of the children, and the children try to put them together into whole pictures. If necessary, the teacher helps the children and gives suggestions. When the task is completed, the teacher praises the children and reads poems to the children about these machines.

All day - home and work

Transporting people is his concern!

Accurate, on time and deftly

Pulls up to a stop.

Everyone entered, the door closed, -

You are passengers now.

All! We've arrived! Hooray!

Come out, it's time for you!

Fire engine

The red car is in a hurry,

Without turning off the headlights,

For service, for dangerous -

He rushes to put out the fire.


If someone gets sick

The doctor needs to have time.

The ambulance will take him home

The doctor will help, heal!

Dump truck

You can load a lot

In a powerful dump truck body.

He will deliver everything you need:

Fast, fun and friendly.

Passenger car

I'm so brilliant

Along the road I rush like an arrow

I have a steering wheel and tires

Call me a passenger car!


Lifted by a giant

Piles of cargo to the clouds.

Where he stands, then

A new house is growing.


What a hard worker truck!

He's used to hard things

He will transport everything you need

Carefully, quickly, friendly!

Bread machine

I'm a bread machine!

Very useful.

After all, everyone has long known

That bread is the head of everything!

I'm bringing bread and rolls

For Masha and Mishutka!

Children look at pictures of different cars. The game is repeated at the request of the children 2-3 times.

Didactic game “On the Road”

Goals: Strengthen knowledge about various types of transport; train attention and memory.

Material: Pictures of cargo, passenger transport, chips.

Progress of the game:

Before the trip, agree with the children who will collect what type of transport (for clarity, you can distribute pictures of trucks and cars, you can also take specialized transport: police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). On the way, children pay attention to the cars, naming them and receiving chips for this. Whoever collects the most wins.

Didactic game “Red, yellow, green”

Target: development of attention, memory

Progress of the game

Educator: I will show you the mugs different color: green circle - everyone clap their hands together; yellow circle - raise their hands up; red - silent

Didactic game “Name the car”

Target: teach children to recognize and name cars, develop visual memory, thinking

Material: pictures of cars (car, truck, bus, trolleybus, ambulance, fire, police)

Progress of the game

Pictures of cars are laid out in front of the children, and the teacher asks them to name them. The child names the car, shows it, the other children show with signs whether they agree or not

Lesson notes on traffic rules in the second junior group. “Everyone should know the rules of the road”

Teacher Gnezdilova Maria Sergeevna

Description of material:

I offer you a direct summary educational activities on this topic “Everyone should know the rules of the road” for children 3-4 years old, this material will be useful to teachers preschool education second junior group. This educational activity is aimed at strengthening children's understanding of traffic rules.

Equipment and materials: two dolls, images of road signs, TV, educational game "Sparrows and Cars" .


  • Give children knowledge about where and how to cross the street, familiarize them with special signs - pedestrian crossing signs, introduce the word to children's active dictionary "transition" .
  • To acquaint children with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, develop cognitive abilities, speech, expand spatial orientation, get children to answer questions, arouse interest in learning traffic rules
  • Explain to children that they need to go out only with adults, to cultivate in children such qualities as kindness, attentiveness, responsiveness, independence, curiosity

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, children! Oh, someone is knocking on our door, let's see who it is. (The teacher brings in the dolls Masha and Katya.) Guys, the dolls Masha and Katya came to visit us. When they came to visit us, they almost got into trouble on the road. They are still small and do not know at all how to cross the road correctly and where to cross it. Shall we show and tell our dolls where to cross the road? Children (in unison): Yes!

Educator: Is the road needed for cars?

Educator: That's right, cars are driving along the road. Tell me, is it possible to play on the road and cross it wherever you want?

Children: No!

B. Correct. Let's remember what they call people walking down the street?

D. Pedestrians.

V. Well done! Tell me, should pedestrians obey traffic rules?

V. Of course! And we teach you these rules. And we must cross the roadway in specially designated places and where the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is installed. It is installed at the crossing point of the roadway, next to the pedestrian crossing markings, such markings are called “zebra crossings”.

This sign is not complicated at all,

But so reliable

He helps along the way

We need to cross the road.

D. This sign is called "Pedestrian Crossing".

Q. Let's repeat once again, how do pedestrians walk?

(with a calm step, along ... the sidewalk, on the right side, so as not to disturb other pedestrians who are walking towards you. But we need to cross to the other side. What should we do?)

D. Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.

B. Correct. You must cross the road in a specially designated place and only when the traffic light is green. What is another name for the sign? "crosswalk" ?

Q. Why?

D. Because the zebra also has black and white stripes.

Educator: Yes, that's right! But I know that Masha and Katya were in a hurry to visit us and ran across the road in the wrong place. Is it possible to do this?

Children: No!

Educator: Remember, Masha and Katya, and you guys: walking across the road not at a pedestrian crossing is dangerous for life!

Physical education minute "On the road"

We're going, we're going home
By car.
(movements simulating turning a steering wheel)
We drove up the hill: bang!
(hands up, clap overhead)
The tire goes flat: stop.
(arms down to sides, sit down)

Educator: What great fellows you are! Now guys, let's watch a cartoon about the rules of behavior on the road.

Children: Let's go!

Educator: Well done! Let's repeat it to Masha and Katya again: where should you cross the road?

Children: Along the pedestrian crossing.

The teacher invites the children to play a game "Sparrows and Cars" . The game is repeated at the request of the children 2-3 times.

The teacher asks the children questions to consolidate their acquired knowledge: So, can children play on the road? (No). That's right, well done, we can't play on the road because it's dangerous for our lives. Now tell me where to cross the road? (On the pedestrian crossing). Absolutely right, we cross the road only in specially designated areas for pedestrians. Is it possible to cross the road in the wrong place? (No). Well done, this is dangerous for our lives and is a violation of traffic rules. Now the guys and I are sure that you Masha and Katya will not break traffic rules and will be competent pedestrians, like the guys and I. Thank you bye.

Open lesson on traffic rules in the second junior group “The Adventures of the Kitten”

Target:Introducing children to basic traffic rules.

Tasks: Give children knowledge of where and how to cross the street, introduce them to the road signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Traffic light”, introduce the word “crossing” into the children’s active vocabulary.

Develop the ability to be polite and attentive towards each other.

Develop visual perception.

To foster a culture of behavior for children on the roads.

Promote the development of prudence and caution.

Develop communication skills.

Material and equipment: layouts: street, sidewalk, traffic light; cut-out pictures of road signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Traffic light”; steering wheels; music column;

Preliminary work: memorizing songs from the cartoon “The Engine from Romashkovo”, “A steam locomotive is rushing along the rails...”; memorizing poems on traffic rules; together with parents, drawing up a route from home to kindergarten; production of layouts; reading stories on traffic rules.


Educator: Guys, now we will go on a trip around the city on a steam locomotive. Ready? Then let's go.

(Children line up one after another, like the carriages of a steam locomotive, the song “A steam locomotive is rushing along the rails...” plays)

On the tracks there is a kitten with a bandaged tail who does not know the rules of the road.

Educator: Oh! Who are these guys? What happened to him?

Why did such an accident happen to the kitten?

Children: The kitten's tail was crushed because he did not follow traffic rules.

Educator: Do you guys know and follow traffic rules? (children's answers)

Then let's help the poor kitten learn the traffic rules.

(we approach the layout with the image of the street and sidewalk)

Educator: Guys, what is shown in the picture? (Street)

Tell me Katya, where can you walk on the street? (on the sidewalk).

The teacher turns to the kitten: Do you understand, kitten?

Kitten: Why should I only walk on the street and on the sidewalk?

Educator: Now we’ll show you, let’s play the game “Cars”

(Children take the steering wheels and move in different directions, the car horn sounds, and the kitten runs scared)

Kitten: Oh, how scared I was, cars are coming from all directions, honking, honking, oh! How scary!

Educator: You see, kitten, something almost happened to you again. That's why you should only walk on the sidewalk.

Kitten: I understand everything now.

Educator: Guys, please tell the kitten how and where to cross the street or road.

(children approach the model with a picture of a pedestrian crossing and tell how to cross the road and show the road sign “Pedestrian crossing”)

This sign is also called differently, but how to guess the riddle:

What kind of horse is all striped?

Sunbathing on the road

People go and go

Doesn't she run away? (Zebra)

Educator: A zebra is a section of the road where it is allowed to cross the road, indicated by wide white lines.

Guys, what's so interesting about this? (Children's answers)

(the teacher has a traffic light in his hands).

Kitten, listen to the poem and remember at which traffic light you can cross the street.

Child 1: The traffic light told us sternly:

Be careful, there's a road here

Don't play, don't be naughty,

Just stand and watch

2 child: The traffic light turned red,

And a stream of cars began to flow,

This means the path will become dangerous!

Don't rush on the road!

Child 3: Well, then it will light up,

Like grass, green!

We need to make sure again

That there is no car nearby.

Kitten: Thanks guys, now I know how to cross the street and at what traffic light. And I want to invite you to dance with me.

(The children's song “I am a fluffy little white kitten” (N. Varechkina) is played).

Educator: Well done! Now let's play the game "Collect the picture"

(On the table there are cut-out road signs “Traffic Light” and “Pedestrian Crossing”; the children, together with the kitten, collect the cut-out pictures and tell what kind of road signs they turned out to be).

Educator: Okay! Guys, you showed excellent knowledge of traffic rules. We taught the kitten traffic rules.

The teacher turns to the kitten: Kitten, did you remember all the rules of the road? Will you abide by them?

Kitten: Yes! Thank you guys, I learned a lot, I will now follow the traffic rules, and now it’s time for me to go home, my cat mom is waiting for me. Goodbye friends!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Our journey has now ended.

The song is from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkovo”.