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What can you buy a child for 7 years. What to give a boy for his birthday? Examples of Bad Gifts

When handing a gift to a child, I want to see delight and surprise in his eyes, to give not just a thing, but a moment of real sincere happiness! This task is not easy, but that is why it is interesting. If, when choosing a gift for a boy, try to take into account his interests, desires, age features and show a little imagination - then the question of what to give a child, a boy for his birthday will be resolved. And the result of your efforts will conquer the children's heart!

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Learn and learn by playing

Seven years is a kind of boundary between a carefree childhood and a conscious one. The school begins, which means that you will have to learn a lot and work hard. Perseverance is not the strongest quality of first-graders. It is necessary to develop it and in every possible way encourage classes that require attentiveness, concentration, and assimilation of the necessary information.

To capture the attention of the child and teach him to concentrate for a long time, give him a big colorful encyclopedia: about ships, cars, pirates or space. Very captivating books with secrets and maps inside. Publications are very popular with children about dinosaurs and dragons.

It is important that the books have bright illustrations and large print. Then interest in such a gift will remain for a long time.

Easel with magnets in the form of numbers, letters and mosaics, as well as a side to write on markers on water based, is not only a subject for creative implementation, but also a practical teaching aid for doing homework.

What kid doesn't love adventure? Large wall maps or glowing globe will lead the young tracker to complete delight. There are even space maps with a description of the constellations, looking at which the boy will imagine himself a great future astronaut.

There is a creator in every child

Junior boys school age creative manifestations. The child is interested in drawing
sculpt? Then the range of interesting materials for the realization of the most daring ideas is unusually wide: large sets of felt-tip pens, painting by numbers, engraving, hardening plasticine, kits for creating magnets.

If a child has musical ability, you will bring him joy. children's drum set or guitar. Or maybe it makes sense to buy karaoke center, so that the boy would practice singing, and in the future become the soul of any company.

Movement is life!

A fidget lives in every boy, and therefore equipment for outdoor activities and sport equipment are not redundant.

Channel the stormy childish energy into right direction help technical devices such as bicycle, scooter, balance bike, bibikar, rollers. It is simply necessary for a complete physical development boy presence Swedish wall, climbing wall or children's sports
complex with horizontal bar, rope and rings.

Wonderful mobile entertainment for egoza - home trampoline, because children are now and then forbidden to jump on the sofa or bed.

magnetic darts- an exciting and safe remedy for boredom, which also develops coordination and accuracy. A soccer ball- a classic and win-win gift for a boy at any age.

Also great gift options for outdoor activities are: small dumbbells, yo-yo, diving mask, fishing rod, kite.

To communicate with family and friends

At the age of seven, boys are extremely sociable. They enjoy spending time with their parents and friends. Therefore, board games are not stale with them. The guys are practicing with great interest in modern sea ​​or star battle, are fond of economic business games, who develop analytical thinking, business skills, the ability to act in various game situations.

Great gift for a first grader collective game "Erudite", having mastered which the child will significantly expand the vocabulary, develop attention, memory and gain a solid knowledge of spelling.

It's difficult to imagine modern child without "Twister"- mobile, popular and insanely fun game for active people different ages. Such entertainment will be the highlight of the program of any children's and family holiday!

Passion and entertainment

A little person always has a lot of hobbies. Some of the boys fan of Lego, someone is drawn to scientific experiments, and someone's imagination is captured by space aliens and fantastic weapons. In the world of toys there are gifts for every taste.

In the top of the most desired presents for boys are leading constructors: classic, magnetic, interactive, electronic, thematic. Construction is extremely useful for small motor skills, perseverance, patience. It promotes the development of imagination and creative skills. It's great that the designers never gather dust in the corner, this is a gift for many years.

If a child is interested in transport, he will be pleased a car park, a railway, a simple prefabricated model of an aircraft or a ship.

Especially popular now toys from the Bakugan or Monsuno series, minions, furby. Favorite gifts will be: comics, a machine gun with a laser sight, sets of scientific experiments and tricks, a children's telescope, binoculars or a microscope.

If you want to give your child puzzles, choose their unusual variety - 3D puzzles, or even better soft floor in the form of colored puzzles with the Russian or English alphabet, numbers or figures. Such a gift is very practical, decorates the interior of a children's room, promotes development and learning.

Gadgets - fashionable and prestigious

Even in kindergarten, boys begin to brag to each other about cool new products from the world of technology. At school, interest in progress is closely related to the emergence of a child's awareness of his status. Boys not only instantly master various gadgets, but also strive to surpass each other with a more recent model of a phone, tablet or fancy toy.

If you are sure that the child is internally ready for such a gift, that is, he already has a sufficiently developed sense of responsibility and accuracy in relation to valuable things, then why not please the little boy?

Successful in all respects presents for a seven-year-old boy - controlled helicopters and cars, as well as transforming robots. Everything that actively moves and makes noise, leads the guys into insane delight!

If you need something quieter and more serious, buy a child camera, mp3 player, diode clock.

The pinnacle of children's delight will be receiving as a gift game console, preferably immediately bundled with several games.

Creativity and originality

If you want to be creative in choosing a gift and really surprise a child, pay attention to unusual things that also turn out to be practical and in demand. For example, children love bean bags- this and original decoration children's room and a comfortable pouffe for relaxation.

Always come in handy certificates for visiting the quest room, rock climbing section, sand painting studio. Definitely an application a large magnifying glass, a pen with disappearing ink, an interactive piggy bank in the form of a safe, a house or an animal. Very popular with children starry sky projectors and projection alarm clocks, which function as a night light and allow the child to fall asleep in a magical, soothing environment.

Also, if you need to meet a modest budget, small gifts are relevant: slimes, flashlights, interesting little things for school (stylish pencil case, unusual pens, funny erasers, flexible pencils). Or give tickets to a circus, a trip to an amusement park, a dolphinarium, an experimentarium, a water park, to the long-awaited premiere of the cartoon.

Speaking of cartoons. Remember the Kid from the fairy tale about Carlson? He was just 7 years old, although he looked, in the words of a well-fed friend, at all 8. The kid intensely dreamed of a dog, like the best gift in the world.

If you, in a noble impulse to make your child happy, came up with the idea of ​​a living gift, try to be critical and sensible about this idea.

Think back to yourself as a child and those unfortunate pets you had at that age. Children are not able to take proper care of animals. All responsibilities for caring for your gift will fall on the shoulders of the parents, who are unlikely to say thank you for it. So, as a living gift, an eco-figure for sprouting can be quite suitable. Caring for her is elementary, and in the event of an oversight and the death of a grassy pet, nothing terrible will happen.

No one can be sad when they have a balloon!

And finally, the most important - give your child a holiday! Wrap the gift in a beautiful bright package, complete it with a large colorful ball in the form of cartoon character or a bunch of colorful helium balloons. When presenting a gift, put on a festive cap, a clown nose, distribute confetti, crackers, buzzers and noisemakers to guests. Children remember not only gifts, but the general mood and atmosphere of celebration are firmly imprinted in their memory. Give impressions, become a little child yourself, have fun and fool around - then you will give

What to give a boy for seven years? What does a boy dream about when he leaves the status of a “preschooler” and enters the big world? What is his young research soul longing for?

He longs to discover new worlds, build castles, collect fantastic devices, control transformers and constantly feed on new information.

And although there is no perfect recipe for a gift for a boy for 7 years, let's take a walk along the imaginary store shelves together and choose something that will make a small male heart beat faster.

Over the past decade, traditional toys for a 7-year-old boy have changed a lot. And although many are still happy with pistols and knightly swords, but in letters to Santa Claus they increasingly indicate PSP game console, the tablet, camera or smartphone.

Such technical innovations and assorted gadgets are not cheap things. They are usually given by parents or close relatives.

If you are among the chosen and closest, and are ready to spend money for the sake of your beloved grandson / nephew, then before buying, be sure to check if your parents are against it. Often, mom and dad are psychologically unprepared to give their son such an expensive and controversial item for 7 years.

If the child has long mastered the game console and his father's laptop, a universal gift will be computer games. Little men prefer virtual "walkers", "shooters" and even designers to ordinary plastic and paper ones.

They can abandon a fresh robot in a couple of days, they can scatter the designer, but they won’t let go of the prefix even at night.

As you already understood, we have a seven-year-old "not a boy, but a husband." At least he thinks so. Therefore, he will be seriously offended if you show up for a birthday with a plush hare at the ready.

Much more efficient donate money- in an envelope, cheerful musical postcard or a stylish wallet. My nephew once admitted that he was the happiest New Year met precisely at the age of seven, when Santa Claus put a purse under the tree with his first own large bill.

The next day, the boy dragged his parents to the children's store and for a long, very long time pondered the first adult purchase, proudly waving the "thousandth" piece of paper.

So he grew up kindergarten, but he has not yet grown up to school, which means that he did not have time to become a book lover. Giving a boy a book for 7 years is a good, right, necessary idea. Parents will undoubtedly approve, teachers will praise, you can mentally applaud yourself, only the child is likely to be upset.

After all, he asked for Lego. And they brought book (about robots, or dinosaurs, or pirates, with crazy 3D effects, or juicy panoramas, or reusable stickers).

He will definitely appreciate it, taste it, but not immediately, the next day or a week later. Read to holes. But on the holiday itself, it’s good, if at all, to give you a polite smile.

If you want to make a useful, educational gift for a boy for seven years, give preference to telescope, microscope, binoculars, "Young Chemist" and "Young Physicist" sets, games with electric circuits and puzzles.

Any set that will allow the boy to create, invent, discover (having done the experience) and learn something new will be received with a bang. BUT electronic designer(for example, "Expert") will teach him the basics of physics so that he can achieve a specific result (light a light bulb, spin the wheel, turn on the siren).

Original gift for the seventh anniversary - home planetarium. It will allow you to learn a lot about space and see all the stars. To support the love of the night sky, you can use the Starry Sky set with a telescope, a rotating solar system 3D constructor and books about the planets.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to surprise a child. Today, manufacturers of children's goods provide a huge selection of various products. A seven-year-old boy or girl is an already formed personality. At this age, all the guys go to school, so they have their own preferences, interests, hobbies and desires. As a rule, future birthday people discuss in advance with their parents what it is better to give them. And the most the best way- fulfill the dream of a son or daughter.

What toys can you give a seven-year-old child

Today, on the shelves of stores you can see a lot of toys that a child at this age will like. But the older the future birthday boy, the more difficult it is to choose the right present on your own. Not all guys are fond of cars, someone prefers robots. And girls may not be interested in dolls at all, some like to play with the designer more.

Toy preferences in children of 7 years old can be very different, always consult with parents

Before buying a surprise for a birthday, consult with the child or his parents. It is better to give a thing that will please the hero of the occasion.

Children of seven years of age will definitely appreciate:

  • sets for role playing: There is a huge selection of options. For girls, a beauty salon, a sewing machine, a sewing kit are perfect. Boys are bought a set of a young mechanic, various designers;
  • radio-controlled toys: such gifts are selected individually depending on the gender of the child: a fairy or a helicopter, for example. But there are also universal models: a robot pet will definitely appeal to both boys and girls;
  • musical rug: playing with such an invention not only helps to develop hearing, a sense of rhythm and speed, but also guarantees a fun pastime on your own or in the company of friends;
  • airbrush for a tattoo: don't get scared right away, because we are not talking about a real machine. The manufacturer offers a special kit for creating beautiful drawings on the body. The kit also includes stencils, sequins, a brush and special glue for the body;
  • favorite cartoon characters: dolls, robots, transformers, Stuffed Toys. The main thing is to first ask the birthday man which character he prefers;
  • collectible figurines: Today, many school-age children collect collections. As a rule, they consist of small toys. In addition to such a gift, they buy special houses or castles where new models are placed;
  • children's musical instruments: give your child a synthesizer with a microphone so that he can hum while playing music;
  • tent: personal space is very important for guys. Today, Indian-style wigwams are popular. And if space permits, you can order a real wooden or plastic house with a door, windows and a roof. The child will be absolutely delighted.

Gallery: what toys to choose for a birthday at seven years old

The girl will learn how to sew clothes for dolls
The child will learn to understand music and rhythm
Collectible figures are sold singly or as a set Boys love not only to disassemble, but also to assemble models Radio-controlled pet can follow some commands
The music mat can be played by the whole family
With such a gift, a 7-year-old kid will have fun. Such a plastic house can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Today, many manufacturers produce entire collections of dolls and robots.

Video: robot cat review

Useful gifts for the development of a child at 7 years old

Not only early development important for the full maturation of boys and girls. School-age kids also need to exercise, devote time to logical and other activities.

Shopping for active kids

Forcing children of this age to do anything is not recommended. It will be more productive to interest the child with the help of interesting and useful gifts. AT game form boys and girls will perform all exercises much faster and with pleasure.

  1. Bicycle: this transport does not lose its popularity today. A seven-year-old child will be able to master the two-wheeled model without much difficulty. The size of the wheels depends on the growth parameters of the young cyclist - if the kid is 115-130 cm, the tire size should be 20 inches, if above - 24 inches.
  2. Skateboard: If it's summer and the weather is nice, it's time to learn how to ride such a board. Many parks have special places and slides where children and adults can train and learn new elements. For children 130-140 cm tall and with standard shoe sizes, a 7" wide x 28" long board will fit. If the child is tall and has a larger foot size than their peers, then you need to take a board 8 inches wide and longer.
  3. Rollers: if your son or daughter doesn't already have these skates on wheels, hurry up to get one. While riding, the muscles of the whole body are strengthened. Along with the product, it is recommended to buy a helmet, knee and elbow protection to minimize the risk of injury during a fall.
  4. Ball: If the guys are fond of football, basketball or volleyball, this is a great gift for the holiday.
  5. Gyro scooter or segway: there are special models for sale for children. They are smaller and come with protection. For a seven-year-old child, a model with a handle is also suitable.
  6. By interests: it all depends on what kind of sport the student is fond of. Gymnasts will appreciate a soft rope and leotard, boxers - gloves, etc.
  7. Training uniform and shoes: a must for a child who likes to spend time actively.
  8. Children's simulator: if the parents have a place in the house where you can install this product, feel free to buy such a present for the birthday boy.

Gallery: sports gifts

Not only gymnasts can train with the help of a rope
Recently, hoverboards have become very popular. Along with the rollers, you should also buy a protective kit. All children love to ride a bicycle. Soccer ball- a great gift for a young football player. In many sports sections, children are engaged only in training uniform
Skateboards come in different sizes
Children benefit from keeping fit
Learning to ride a Segway is very easy.

Video: how to choose a children's bike

Video: how to choose a skateboard

Educational gifts

  1. Modeling kit: special kits with plasticine mass are popular, which does not leave marks on hands and clothes. In addition, special molds are sold to sculpt anything. If the plasticine has become unusable, just buy the necessary colors, they can be purchased separately.
  2. Constructor. For children of seven years, it is better to give a large themed set. From small details, children will build a whole city.
  3. Bulk puzzles. Children will also like to collect ordinary pictures from a variety of elements. But 3D models are much more interesting.
  4. Creativity kits: it is better to buy such a surprise for the interests of the birthday boy. Boys will love the fire-burning kit, while girls will love making their own jewelry or decorating a jewelry box.
  5. Board games: on the shelves of stores there is a large selection for every taste. One of the most popular is Monopoly. It is interesting to play not only for children, but also for adults.

Gallery: Educational Gift Ideas

With a set for creativity, the child will feel like an adult
Such a puzzle model will be an excellent decoration for a child's room Different colors of plasticine can be purchased separately There is a Monopoly for children, so the child will quickly understand the rules The most popular sets of designers today - Lego

Gallery: books for 7-year-old birthdays

With the help of the encyclopedia, the child learns a lot of new Reading fairy tales develops the imagination of the child On the pages of such a coloring book, you can draw, color and draw details

Surprises for a first grader

Useful gifts will be items that will be useful during the educational process:

  • desk: the child does homework every day, draws, sculpts from plasticine, so he just needs his own workplace. A wonderful present for a seven-year-old student will be a table and a chair with drawers, compartments for books, notebooks and stationery;
  • tablet: buy a children's device for the birthday boy, where the master will download training programs in the form of exciting games;
  • drawing set: this is a case that contains pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, watercolors, gouache and oil paints;
  • educational notebooks: there are whole sets on sale that vary depending on the age of the child;
  • smart watches: with their help, the student will be able to call parents on mobile phone, and mom and dad will know where their child is;
  • student's smartphone: to be constantly in touch, the kid already needs a phone. Mobile phone stores sell special models for children;
  • school backpack: a good orthopedic model is not cheap. Therefore, both parents and the child will be happy with such a gift;
  • e-book: with the help of this invention, the student will be able to read more of the literature he likes.

Gallery: gifts that students are interested in

A pencil case and a change bag can be sold with a backpack. With the help of educational programs on a tablet, the student will do math, reading and other exercises. Such a drawing set will definitely come in handy for a student.
Desks are sold in different configurations Today, more and more parents buy e-books for children Smart watches are very popular with children in primary school A student's smartphone is not too different from a phone for adults. A child in a playful way performs tasks in notebooks.

Commemorative and symbolic gifts

  1. Jewelry. At this age, the child already understands the value of such a gift. The donor can buy ready product in the store or order from the master according to an individual sketch. In addition, they ask to make an engraving with the name of a boy or girl, date of birth, and a short wish.
  2. Medal. Every kid wants to feel his importance, so to reward him with such a gift is a great option. Many people buy a beautiful case and present a surprise in it. Some guests prefer to solemnly wear the product around the neck of the birthday man. Then you need a chain or ribbon.
  3. Named crockery. Usually it is a cup, but today it is popular to give whole sets, for example, a plate, spoon, fork and knife.
  4. Festive outfit. A ball gown is ideal for a girl, but a boy will be a real gentleman in a strict, classic suit.
  5. Photobook. It is ordered in advance from a professional photographer. Some parents arrange a special photo session a few weeks before the birthday, so that the professional has time to process the photo and print the album, portrait or book.

Gallery: surprises for memory

The girl will feel like a real princess in a ball gown. The photo book will remind you of the happy moments of childhood

Original ideas to make the holiday unforgettable

It is not necessary to buy toys or other things, you can come up with something more interesting and unusual. A seven-year-old child will be delighted if the surprise is:

  • electronic piggy bank-ATM: this is a kind of bank safe for the birthday boy. With it, he will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount and spend it at his own will. The panel has a calculator and a clock so that the baby can navigate by time. But you can't just get money. For this you need to use bank card. The guys will surely be interested in such a gift;
  • music player: children of this age already have certain preferences in music. With such a present, they will be able to listen to their favorite performers in their room;
  • furniture: opt for the original bed, because this is the main detail of the interior of the nursery;
  • culinary master class: the birthday boy will not only have fun, but will also try his dish after the end of the process;
  • all-day subscription to the children's entertainment town: many centers have rooms for birthday parties. You can order there and the celebration of this date;
  • organization of the holiday: the child will definitely appreciate if on his birthday guests will be entertained by animators and fairy-tale characters. And the highlight of the evening will be a show of air bubbles or a real candy bar with a cake in themed style.

Gallery: unusual gift options

With the help of such a piggy bank, the child will be interested in collecting money A bed in a thematic style will be an excellent gift Parents will also be able to try the dish prepared by the child
The main thing when ordering a candy bar is to choose your favorite birthday theme

Video: choosing a gift for a boy

Video: choosing a gift for a girl

To please a child on his birthday, it is enough to show attention and give exactly the thing that will interest the birthday man. Many invited guests are lost and do not know what to choose in the end. Do not worry, most children's goods stores have consultants. They will help you make a decision and buy a product that is suitable for a seven-year-old boy or girl.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to surprise a child. Today, manufacturers of children's goods provide a huge selection of various products. A seven-year-old boy or girl is an already formed personality. At this age, all the guys go to school, so they have their own preferences, interests, hobbies and desires. As a rule, future birthday people discuss in advance with their parents what it is better to give them. And the best option is to fulfill the dream of a son or daughter.

What toys can you give a seven-year-old child

Today, on the shelves of stores you can see a lot of toys that a child at this age will like. But the older the future birthday boy, the more difficult it is to choose the right present on your own. Not all guys are fond of cars, someone prefers robots. And girls may not be interested in dolls at all, some like to play with the designer more.

Toy preferences in children of 7 years old can be very different, always consult with parents

Before buying a surprise for a birthday, consult with the child or his parents. It is better to give a thing that will please the hero of the occasion.

Children of seven years of age will definitely appreciate:

  • role-play sets: there is a huge selection of options here. For girls, a beauty salon, a sewing machine, a sewing kit are perfect. Boys are bought a set of a young mechanic, various designers;
  • radio-controlled toys: such gifts are selected individually depending on the gender of the child: a fairy or a helicopter, for example. But there are also universal models: a robot pet will definitely appeal to both boys and girls;
  • musical rug: playing with such an invention not only helps to develop hearing, a sense of rhythm and speed, but also guarantees a fun pastime on your own or in the company of friends;
  • airbrush for a tattoo: don't get scared right away, because we are not talking about a real machine. The manufacturer offers a special kit for creating beautiful drawings on the body. The kit also includes stencils, sequins, a brush and special glue for the body;
  • favorite cartoon characters: dolls, robots, transformers, soft toys. The main thing is to first ask the birthday man which character he prefers;
  • collectible figurines: Today, many school-age children collect collections. As a rule, they consist of small toys. In addition to such a gift, they buy special houses or castles where new models are placed;
  • children's musical instruments: give your child a synthesizer with a microphone so that he can hum while playing music;
  • tent: personal space is very important for guys. Today, Indian-style wigwams are popular. And if space permits, you can order a real wooden or plastic house with a door, windows and a roof. The child will be absolutely delighted.

Gallery: what toys to choose for a birthday at seven years old

The girl will learn how to sew clothes for dolls
The child will learn to understand music and rhythm
Collectible figures are sold singly or as a set Boys love not only to disassemble, but also to assemble models Radio-controlled pet can follow some commands
The music mat can be played by the whole family
With such a gift, a 7-year-old kid will have fun. Such a plastic house can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Today, many manufacturers produce entire collections of dolls and robots.

Video: robot cat review

Useful gifts for the development of a child at 7 years old

Not only early development is important for the full maturation of boys and girls. School-age kids also need to exercise, devote time to logical and other activities.

Shopping for active kids

Forcing children of this age to do anything is not recommended. It will be more productive to interest the child with the help of interesting and useful gifts. In a playful way, boys and girls will perform all the exercises much faster and with pleasure.

  1. Bicycle: this transport does not lose its popularity today. A seven-year-old child will be able to master the two-wheeled model without much difficulty. The size of the wheels depends on the growth parameters of the young cyclist - if the kid is 115-130 cm, the tire size should be 20 inches, if above - 24 inches.
  2. Skateboard: If it's summer and the weather is nice, it's time to learn how to ride such a board. Many parks have special places and slides where children and adults can train and learn new elements. For children 130-140 cm tall and with standard shoe sizes, a 7" wide x 28" long board will fit. If the child is tall and has a larger foot size than their peers, then you need to take a board 8 inches wide and longer.
  3. Rollers: if your son or daughter doesn't already have these skates on wheels, hurry up to get one. While riding, the muscles of the whole body are strengthened. Along with the product, it is recommended to buy a helmet, knee and elbow protection to minimize the risk of injury during a fall.
  4. Ball: If the guys are fond of football, basketball or volleyball, this is a great gift for the holiday.
  5. Gyro scooter or segway: there are special models for sale for children. They are smaller and come with protection. For a seven-year-old child, a model with a handle is also suitable.
  6. By interests: it all depends on what kind of sport the student is fond of. Gymnasts will appreciate a soft rope and leotard, boxers - gloves, etc.
  7. Training uniform and shoes: a must for a child who likes to spend time actively.
  8. Children's simulator: if the parents have a place in the house where you can install this product, feel free to buy such a present for the birthday boy.

Gallery: sports gifts

Not only gymnasts can train with the help of a rope
Recently, hoverboards have become very popular. Along with the rollers, you should also buy a protective kit. All children love to ride a bicycle. A soccer ball is an excellent gift for a young football player.
Skateboards come in different sizes
Children benefit from keeping fit
Learning to ride a Segway is very easy.

Video: how to choose a children's bike

Video: how to choose a skateboard

Educational gifts

  1. Modeling kit: special kits with plasticine mass are popular, which does not leave marks on hands and clothes. In addition, special molds are sold to sculpt anything. If the plasticine has become unusable, just buy the necessary colors, they can be purchased separately.
  2. Constructor. For children of seven years, it is better to give a large themed set. From small details, children will build a whole city.
  3. Bulk puzzles. Children will also like to collect ordinary pictures from a variety of elements. But 3D models are much more interesting.
  4. Creativity kits: it is better to buy such a surprise for the interests of the birthday boy. Boys will love the fire-burning kit, while girls will love making their own jewelry or decorating a jewelry box.
  5. Board games: on the shelves of stores there is a large selection for every taste. One of the most popular is Monopoly. It is interesting to play not only for children, but also for adults.

Gallery: Educational Gift Ideas

With a set for creativity, the child will feel like an adult
Such a puzzle model will be an excellent decoration for a child's room Different colors of plasticine can be purchased separately There is a Monopoly for children, so the child will quickly understand the rules The most popular sets of designers today - Lego

Gallery: books for 7-year-old birthdays

With the help of the encyclopedia, the child learns a lot of new Reading fairy tales develops the imagination of the child On the pages of such a coloring book, you can draw, color and draw details

Surprises for a first grader

Useful gifts will be items that will be useful during the educational process:

  • desk: the child does homework every day, draws, sculpts from plasticine, so he just needs his own workplace. A wonderful present for a seven-year-old student will be a table and a chair with drawers, compartments for books, notebooks and stationery;
  • tablet: buy a children's device for the birthday boy, where the master will download training programs in the form of exciting games;
  • drawing set: this is a case that contains pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, watercolors, gouache and oil paints;
  • educational notebooks: there are whole sets on sale that vary depending on the age of the child;
  • smart watches: with their help, the student will be able to call parents on a mobile phone, and mom and dad will know where their child is;
  • student's smartphone: to be constantly in touch, the kid already needs a phone. Mobile phone stores sell special models for children;
  • school backpack: a good orthopedic model is not cheap. Therefore, both parents and the child will be happy with such a gift;
  • e-book: with the help of this invention, the student will be able to read more of the literature he likes.

Gallery: gifts that students are interested in

A pencil case and a change bag can be sold with a backpack. With the help of educational programs on a tablet, the student will do math, reading and other exercises. Such a drawing set will definitely come in handy for a student.
Desks are sold in different configurations Today, more and more parents are buying e-books for children

Commemorative and symbolic gifts

  1. Jewelry. At this age, the child already understands the value of such a gift. The donor can buy a finished product in the store or order from the master according to an individual sketch. In addition, they ask to make an engraving with the name of a boy or girl, date of birth, and a short wish.
  2. Medal. Every kid wants to feel his importance, so to reward him with such a gift is a great option. Many people buy a beautiful case and present a surprise in it. Some guests prefer to solemnly wear the product around the neck of the birthday man. Then you need a chain or ribbon.
  3. Named crockery. Usually it is a cup, but today it is popular to give whole sets, for example, a plate, spoon, fork and knife.
  4. Festive outfit. A ball gown is ideal for a girl, but a boy will be a real gentleman in a strict, classic suit.
  5. Photobook. It is ordered in advance from a professional photographer. Some parents arrange a special photo session a few weeks before the birthday, so that the professional has time to process the photo and print the album, portrait or book.

Gallery: surprises for memory

The girl will feel like a real princess in a ball gown. The photo book will remind you of the happy moments of childhood

Original ideas to make the holiday unforgettable

It is not necessary to buy toys or other things, you can come up with something more interesting and unusual. A seven-year-old child will be delighted if the surprise is:

  • electronic piggy bank-ATM: this is a kind of bank safe for the birthday boy. With it, he will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount and spend it at his own will. The panel has a calculator and a clock so that the baby can navigate by time. But you can't just get money. To do this, you must use a bank card. The guys will surely be interested in such a gift;
  • music player: children of this age already have certain preferences in music. With such a present, they will be able to listen to their favorite performers in their room;
  • furniture: opt for the original bed, because this is the main detail of the interior of the nursery;
  • culinary master class: the birthday boy will not only have fun, but will also try his dish after the end of the process;
  • all-day subscription to the children's entertainment town: many centers have rooms for birthday parties. You can order there and the celebration of this date;
  • organization of the holiday: the child will definitely appreciate if on his birthday guests will be entertained by animators and fairy-tale characters. And the highlight of the evening will be a show of air bubbles or a real candy bar with a themed cake.

Gallery: unusual gift options

With the help of such a piggy bank, the child will be interested in collecting money A bed in a thematic style will be an excellent gift Parents will also be able to try the dish prepared by the child
The main thing when ordering a candy bar is to choose your favorite birthday theme

Video: choosing a gift for a boy

Video: choosing a gift for a girl

To please a child on his birthday, it is enough to show attention and give exactly the thing that will interest the birthday man. Many invited guests are lost and do not know what to choose in the end. Do not worry, most children's goods stores have consultants. They will help you make a decision and buy a product that is suitable for a seven-year-old boy or girl.

Rida Khasanova

Without exception, all girls and boys are waiting for the magical New Year holiday to open boxes and bags with gifts as soon as possible. They should be interesting for the child, original and with an element of surprise. Children of any, even primary school age, believe in Santa Claus so don't disappoint them.

What to give a girl 7 years old for the New Year 2020?

Girls of 7 years of age usually already know for sure what they would like to receive as a gift for the New Year. So you need to choose it carefully according to the interests of the child.

The doll is the most versatile new year gift 7 year old girl. The choice of these toys is so huge that you can get confused. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth acquiring a doll that looks similar to the famous barbie doll. Or a baby doll, which comes with accessories such as a stroller, a pacifier, a feeding bottle and a potty.

Girls who like to create something with their own hands will be pleased modeling kits with materials that do not stick to hands. Or you can choose a large drawing set as a gift, with many pencils, felt-tip pens and coloring books. A picture that needs to be painted by numbers is also suitable.

If a girl likes to sew clothes for her doll, then you can give her children's sewing machine . good app threads will become such a gift different colors, a set of small cuts of fabrics and various buttons.

A real fashionista can put a mini-mannequin under the Christmas tree, which is applied with a variety of makeup and hairstyles.

The book may seem like a bit of an old-fashioned gift, but if it's filled with beautiful illustrations and good tales, then a seven-year-old girl will definitely like it. Besides, when else to instill a love of reading, if not in childhood.

Inexpensive cost a set of children's jewelry or decorative cosmetics for this age. It is not so important how much money will be spent on a gift. The main thing, keep the atmosphere of magic and not hand the present personally from hand to hand, but quietly leave it under the tree.

What to give a boy 7 years old for the New Year

Boys of 7 years of age have a lot of energy, they like to fantasize and show a keen interest in everything. They like to play active games, this is what needs to be taken into account when thinking about the question of what to give a seven-year-old boy.

The boys will surely be delighted if they find under the tree a water pistol or two children's walkie-talkies, because there are so many interesting games you can come up with with these things! Suitable and spy kit, which includes pens with invisible ink, a magnifying glass and other items of real detectives.

radio control car- the best New Year's gift for a 7-year-old boy from Santa Claus. More expensive cars are distinguished by maneuverability, speed and the ability to turn around sharply.

If the boy has a calm character, then for him you can purchase wooden house kit. Or games for the development of logic: checkers, chess, lotto, dominoes. For boys who are fond of needlework, you can choose a wood burning kit or a modeling kit as a gift.

A good gift would be things that are intended for active rest. For example: skates or skis, roller skates or a skateboard, a bicycle.

7 years old is a great age for physical development. In addition, such a gift will make the child break away from gadgets and spend time outdoors.

If a boy is interested in history, you can put a set of soldiers or gladiators, or Indians, pirates, dinosaurs under the Christmas tree. With such a gift, a real passion for archeology or history can begin.

Original gift ideas for a 7 year old child

Surprising children with gifts is becoming increasingly difficult. Now such a huge selection of all kinds of goods is presented, and children from birth receive a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btoys for various holidays. Boys and girls of 7 years of age are already people who have formed as individuals, they already have their own hobbies and desires. Therefore, before making a gift to seven-year-old children, you need to find out what they most want to receive for the New Year. You can do this with a letter to Santa Claus, or just be attentive to all the words of the child.

Children 7 years old will certainly appreciate the set for role-playing games. Girls can be presented with a children's beauty salon, a mini sewing machine, a doctor's or cook's set. And boys usually like the sets of a young mechanic or designer.

An almost win-win option is radio control toy. For girls, you can buy a flying fairy, and for a boy - a helicopter or a car, a tank. There are also universal gift , which is suitable for both girls and boys, is a robot that talks, dances and performs various commands, it can also be in the form of a pet, dog or cat.

An original gift for a child will be a musical rug. Such a gift will help develop an ear for music, speed and a sense of rhythm during the game.

You can also donate musical instrument toys, such as a synthesizer with music recording functions and a microphone so that you can play and sing at the same time.

Unusual gift This is an airbrush for a tattoo. This is a toy device that allows you to make beautiful drawings on the skin. It usually comes with brushes, all kinds of sparkles, stencils and special glue that is safe for the body.

What can you give a child of 7 years old for the New Year so that the gift strikes his imagination? A children's tent, which can be set up in a room, will be a great present, since at this age all children want to have their own space. Tents in the form of Indian wigwams are especially popular. And if the size of the apartment allows, then you can buy a whole house made of wood or plastic, with a real door, roof and windows. From such a gift, the child will definitely be completely delighted.

DIY New Year's present

Sweet gifts are an indispensable attribute of New Year's gifts. You can just pack sweets in a beautiful bag or box, or you can make them into interesting craft and hand it to the child or put it under the Christmas tree. Such an original presentation is sure to please both children and adults.

What can you give a 7-year-old child as a sweet gift? For example, you can make unusual Christmas decorations with sweet filling. For this you need to take:

  • cocoa powder;
  • confectionery dressing;
  • transparent christmas ball glass or plastic;
  • chocolate chips (preferably white);
  • paste.

From the New Year's balls, you need to disconnect the upper part, which is with a loop. From the outside, from the inside, wash the toy with detergent and dry well. First, pour a little cocoa inside, then confectionery dressing on it. Then a crumb of chocolate and at the end of the marshmallow, which must first be divided into small pieces. Connect the ball again and hang it on the Christmas tree. Now, to get a delicious drink, you need to pour the contents of the toy into a mug and pour hot water over it.

Kids will definitely love it gift set for ice cream. To make it yourself, you need to prepare:

  • a box for packing sweet gifts;
  • several types of confectionery topping;
  • chocolate syrup;
  • waffle cones;
  • wrapping paper;
  • a small jar of glass;
  • piece of fabric;
  • tape.

Confectionery sprinkles need to be decomposed into different small bags. Pour the syrup into a jar, wrap it with a cloth and tie it beautifully with a bright ribbon. Put all the ingredients in a box, close and wrap with wrapping paper, tie with a ribbon. The ice cream set is ready! Now you can make homemade ice cream with your children and decorate it with different toppings and syrup from the set.

New Year is a holiday that children especially believe in. They are waiting for a real miracle, magic and fulfillment of desires.

The guys believe exactly what is happening on this day a true fairy tale. Therefore, you should not take away this faith from them, but you need to try to make the holiday unforgettable and pass on from Santa Claus those gifts that the child has long dreamed of.

January 13, 2018, 15:52