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We make our own spider costume. How to make a spider costume for the New Year with your own hands for children

New Year is my favorite children's party. And you can’t do without a carnival costume. An interesting idea is to dress up a child as a spider. You can find such a suit in a special store, but it will not be cheap. You can make an outfit at home without much difficulty. The cost of its production will be minimal, but the created image will delight the child and surprise others with its originality. Below is a description of several options for carnival spider costumes.

Option one: the simplest

How to quickly and easily make a spider costume? To do this, you will need dark-colored clothing from your baby’s wardrobe: a hoodie and shorts or sports pants. In addition, 4 pairs of gloves will be needed, preferably light shade, black knitted hat and dark comfortable shoes. If the bottom of the outfit is shorts, then you should wear white tights or leggings underneath them.

The most labor-intensive process in this case will be the process of making the paws. There should be six of them. You need to make spider legs from black fleece. Synthetic padding will be used as padding. A wire should be placed inside each paw along its entire length. Thanks to this, the legs will not hang lifeless. On the contrary, they can be given the desired position. A white glove should be placed on the end of each paw. The other edge of the spider's leg is sewn to the sweatshirt.

You need to attach the spider's eyes to the hat. They can be made from large buttons and, if desired, decorated with tinsel.

Your little black spider is ready to surprise others.

Second option: hat + cape

What other outfit can you make with your own hands? This could be a spider costume, the main components of which will be a hat and a cape.

The cylinder can be made of thick cardboard. After painting the headdress black, you need to decorate it with cobwebs, which can be painted on. It will also be interesting to look at a fluffy figurine of a spider made, for example, from thin woolen threads.

The cape should be made of black cotton fabric. You can cut this item of clothing as a half-sun skirt. To do this, fold the fabric in half and draw a semicircle from the corner. Afterwards you need to process the bottom of the product and sew ties to it. To decorate a cloak you can use wool threads white. They should be sewn to the cape, imitating the web pattern. Instead of such threads, you can use voluminous braid or lace of golden or silver color.

Option three: with a backpack

Another element with which you can make a spider costume is children's backpack. If you use this item, you will end up with the image of an ominous cross spider. The backpack behind the baby's back will imitate the abdomen of this insect. The satchel should be filled tightly with cotton wool or foam rubber, covered with gray or black fabric and a cross should be drawn or glued on.

The spider costume must be supplemented with six legs. They should be made of wire, which will be wrapped in several layers of knitting threads called “grass”.

You can put a hat with funny spider eyes on your child’s head, which can be made from cardboard or buttons.

In this case, it will be interesting to look at the web, which is recommended to be drawn on the baby’s cheek with a transition to the neck. To create such a design, you should use paint designed for children's makeup in black, white and silver.

Method four: using a clothesline

The highlight of this outfit will be a cape that needs to be woven from a clothesline. This item of clothing will represent a web. Her appearance reminds fishing net with large cells. The top of such an improvised raincoat needs to be sewn to a vest from the baby’s wardrobe. It is recommended to make loops on the corners of this cape to secure it on the child’s wrists.

In order for the spider costume to look convincing, it is necessary to supplement it with six legs. You can make them from knitted tights and fill them with synthetic padding. A wire should be inserted inside - then the legs can be given the desired position. Another option is to do without such fixation. Then it is recommended to sew the ends of the paws to the mesh cape, and they will move funny along with the cape.

Under the raincoat you should wear a black turtleneck, which should be decorated with cobweb patterns. For this purpose, you can use the same clothesline. This will make the image harmonious. The bottom of the outfit can be shorts or pants.

You can complement the costume with a hat or top hat with eyes. Such headdresses have already been mentioned in the descriptions of previous outfits.

Spider-Man costume

5 years is exactly the age when a child already wants to feel like some kind of superhero, for example, Spiderman.

In order to make such an outfit, it is recommended to take a ready-made suit made of elastic blue fabric as a basis. This could be clothing for cyclists or divers. Using scraps of blue and red stretch material, you can add matching elements to your outfit to bring your little Spider-Man look closer to the screen.

After this, you should decorate the costume with gold and silver threads and sparkles to create an imitation of a cobweb. You can also use special fabric paints.

A mandatory attribute of Spiderman is red glasses or a mask. It is recommended to make them from an elastic material of the appropriate color and apply a web-shaped pattern with black paint. In the end it will work out original accessory, which your little Spider-Man will be very happy about.

It is best to complement it with blue or red sports shoes. This way the child will feel more comfortable.


If your baby decides to New Year's party try on the image of a spider, no need to rush to the store for carnival costume. After all, you can make such an outfit with your own hands. The costs of its production will be minimal. In addition, in such a suit the child will look impressive and original. The article describes several options for making a carnival outfit. Choose the look that suits your baby. It could be a black spider or Spiderman. The main condition for success is that the costume should please the child and give a feeling of comfort.

Fortunately, cliches affecting the form of clothing, including festive costumes, have disappeared, unable to withstand the pressure of style and the onslaught of fantasy. Now, in addition to bunnie boys and children, you can try on many outfits from holiday uniforms. If you are puzzled by the selection of clothes for a matinee, then look how interesting it looks baby suit spider. A variety of masquerade accessories can decorate themed holidays- for example, for Halloween, costumes of spiders and vampires will come in handy.

Spider Showman

A blinding light rushes onto the stage. Intriguing fluctuations in the musical accompaniment tickle your nerves. From the opposite side, opening the curtain, a charming boy in a children's spider costume jumps out.

He greets the audience cordially, clapping three pairs of hands. Mittens made of satin fabric are put on the palms. They are made according to the principle of oven mitts. The spider legs, located on one side, are tied using thick twisted rope without unnecessary tension. It becomes possible to observe the amazing synchronicity of limb movements.

The basis of a children's spider costume consists of black trousers and a sweater (shirt). Starting from the middle of the sweater, a blank bag made of black plush material is sewn on. To give the spider's belly volume, cotton wool or pieces of foam rubber are stuffed inside the bag. A vest is attached to the front of the sweater. The material of the vest should be bright with a cobweb pattern applied. You can sew a large button made of cardboard and covered with soft material to the vest.

A bow tie is tied to the collar. It's easy to make. It is enough to attach two rectangular pieces of colorful fabric to each other and stitch around the perimeter. Using the same method, a jumper is made that pulls the tie in the center.

The only complication of the children's spider costume is the top hat. This accessory can be purchased at a shop selling carnival paraphernalia. And for safety general style tie a ribbon on the hat from the same fabric from which the vest is made.

The spider can be executed differently. Such a suit may lack a colorful vest and snow-white mittens. But the hat must have crazy eyes (made in the same way as buttons) with funny eyelashes (for example, made from tinsel).

Little spider

Guys younger age children's spider costume turns into cute and funny toys. Black tights or panties are worn underneath, and a warm black blouse is worn on top. A plump cape with a stitched cobweb pattern is pulled on. Several pairs of legs filled with synthetic padding are sewn on the back side, and wire frames are inserted for flexibility.

You can place a soft toy spider on the web. A cap with perky antennae-antennas with suction cups is placed on the baby's head. You can depict a mischievous face with eyes and a smiling mouth on the hat.

Second wind

Mothers of small children represent a whole team producing crafts, drawings, even clothes. While the child is in kindergarten, his mother discovers her artistic talents. With the passion of a fashion designer, she cuts out fragments of the costume at night so that her child will be the best, the most unusual at the children's party.

If you have the desire and free time, you can amaze others with masterpiece delights. But will the labor costs and night vigils pay off? That’s why mother costume designers rarely “conjure” clothes for months.

The financial side of the matter plays an important role. Understanding that the child will appear in this outfit only once forces you to save on materials. It’s gratifying that a children’s spider costume can be constructed from clothes available in the baby’s wardrobe. Casual wear, turning into a part of a festive costume, finds a second wind. Parents can rejoice in the money and time they save.

Yulia Denisova especially for the site I am a young mother

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Children really like the image of Spider-Man; they try to imitate this hero in every possible way. Parents are often asked to buy a costume, however, if you know how to sew, it is not difficult to make it yourself. How to make a costume yourself and what does it consist of?

What does the Spider-Man suit consist of?

There are several options for tailoring a Spider-Man costume for a boy:

  1. Simplified version. Enough jeans, just add a blue and red turtleneck on top. Or a full-fledged suit, but the top and bottom are in the form of leggings of blue color separate. A hat-mask may or may not be included. There is a simplified version of the mask in the form of an ordinary carnival one, you just need to paint it with cobwebs;
  2. More complex tailoring. One-piece overalls with gloves and boots. That is, all the elements go together. More often than not, this model is chosen for performances, but at home this option is difficult to replicate. Only professionals can do this. This suit fits the body and looks more believable. The suit consists of 6-7 separately cut pieces that need to be sewn. Of course, this requires more skills and patience.

Important! The choice of costume depends on the purpose, on the perseverance of the child; for some it is difficult to wear a whole set, then you can limit it to only the top. True Spiderman fans welcome any interpretation that somehow resembles the hero.

It doesn’t matter which option you decide to go with, but it’s not just about the tailoring. To make the costume resemble a spider, you need to make the appropriate decoration. Paint all the red elements with a “web” and don’t forget about the spider applique. If desired, you can draw or embroider.

What you need to make it yourself

In order for the costume to turn out the way it was originally intended, you need to have the following materials and tools before sewing:

  • Stretch fabric in red and blue;
  • Scissors, ruler, measuring tape;
  • Chalk or piece of soap;
  • Threads are red and blue;
  • Black fabric marker;
  • Sewing machine and overlocker.

The simplified option is chosen, the less need for sewing machine. For example, you can buy a red turtleneck and sew on blue elements. This can also be done manually.

Important! Supplex fabric is very suitable for such a suit. It stretches well, and the product does not lose its shape. Plus, the color palette contains the most suitable red and blue colors, completely identical to the original.

If you need to sew the top and bottom together or separately, you will need a pattern. No, you don’t need to build or draw anything. It is enough to find a children's sweater or turtleneck of the right size, leggings or sleep pants, lay them out on fabrics folded in half, and the pattern is ready. All that remains is to circle it, taking into account allowances of 1-2 cm.

How to make a Spider-Man costume: instructions

To sew your favorite Spiderman costume, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Start with a pattern. As already mentioned, pants that fit properly will do. Lay them out on blue fabric and cut them out, but only shorter in length. Because there will also be an imitation of boots in the form of red cuffs from the shins to the ankles. To do this, you just need to cut out two rectangles from red fabric. Sew and paint an imitation of a web with a marker. They will be worn over pants, so you will need to look at the fitting to see if an elastic band may need to be inserted to ensure they stay in place on the legs. Sew the parts of the pants and insert an elastic band so that they are securely fixed at the waist;
  2. Now do the same with the top. Cut out the front and back of the baby's sweater. In this case, the parts should have a yoke made of red fabric. All other elements are made of blue fabric. In order not to get confused about what and where, it is better to cut the top by looking at a photo of the suit from the Internet or a sketch drawn with pencils. Again, the sleeves should be approximately to the elbow. For red inserts (imitation gloves), you need to cut out 2 rectangles. Since the decor of the top is more saturated, you should make an applique or embroidery of a spider at chest level, paint all the red inserts with cobwebs, and then sew all the elements;
  3. To make a hat-mask pattern, a very ordinary hat will do. Lay out and cut out two pieces on red fabric. The only thing is that the hat needs to be lengthened so that it reaches the neck. Draw an imitation of a cobweb with a marker, sew it together and make slits for the eyes at the desired level. Well, or an alternative in the form of a mask, as described above.

That's all! The costume is ready, all that remains is to find a reason to wear it. You can speed this up by arranging a photo shoot at home with your family.

What does almost every boy dream of? Of course, become a real superhero. Making a child's dream come true is quite simple. You can buy a costume of your favorite hero in a store or make it at home with your own hands. A beginner can create an image; it will take a little time and effort, as well as a great desire to make the baby’s dream come true.

Preparing the necessary tools and materials

How to make a Spider-Man costume with your own hands? Before you start creating a Spider-Man suit, you need to decide what materials will be needed for the work and prepare all the tools necessary for the work.

To work, the needlewoman needs to choose a fabric. Knitwear is ideal, but for a festive costume you can use supplex. It will look original and unusual thanks to its shine. If the suit will be used as home wear or pajamas, then you should give preference to more natural materials, namely:

  • Footer.
  • Cooler.
  • Interlock.

You will also need:

  • A spool of thread to match the material.
  • Acrylic paint and brush for decoration.
  • Black marker.
  • Sewing machine.
  • White corrector or paint.

It is advisable that clothing be made of thin materials and not have rough seams. This will make it more convenient to transfer it to prepared red and blue material. And the product will look neater.

Superhero image details

In order to create a recognizable image, you need to pay attention color scheme and costume details. The Spider-Man costume is made in blue and red tones. Patterns that are applied with black paint by hand.

The colors of the outfit must be distributed correctly, the overall appearance of the product depends on this. The bottom of the product to the knee should be made in blue, but the trouser leg from the knee to the heels should be made of red fabric. The top of the product (jacket) must have a hood, which will subsequently be put on the child’s head and create a mask. The holes for the eyes should be thought out and cut out in the mask.

The colors must be distributed in this order: the hood, shoulders, sleeves and stripes on the back and chest should be red, but part of the sleeves and sides of the product should be sewn from blue fabric. The chest should be decorated with the image of a web with a spider. This decoration is applied with ordinary black acrylic paint and a thin brush. A similar web pattern is also applied to all parts of the costume, which are made in red.

Cutting the product

They made it for the costume and it was impossible to cut it by eye. For this you need to have a suit pattern. Since the entire suit consists of a T-shirt and sweatpants, then the pattern will help us make the child’s things. So, take the baby’s pants and T-shirt and turn them inside out. We lay out the parts on a pre-prepared paper sheet and outline them. All available seams must be indicated on the product and allowances must be measured. In order for the template of the lower part of the product to be made correctly, you need to turn the pants inside out, insert one leg into the other, and then trace the back and front of the product.

The resulting costume parts will need to be cut into elements that differ in color.

Assembling the finished suit and processing individual parts of the product

At the beginning of work you need to collect the parts. The product must be assembled in the following order:

An elastic band must be inserted into the upper part of the legs. To do this, you need to make a turn and stitch it.

Decorating a suit with a pattern

In order to create a high-quality spider costume at home, you need to give preference to a special acrylic paint for textiles. It is securely fixed, impregnating the fibers of the fabric.

The paint should not be liquid, otherwise it will be applied in wide stripes and spread along the fibers of the fabric. The paint should be carefully diluted with water. A thin brush will help you do the job carefully.

Work on creating a web pattern should begin by creating the rays for the web, after which you can draw curved bridges between the rays. This course of work will allow you to apply the drawing symmetrically. To prevent the paint from bleeding onto adjacent parts of the product, you need to place a sheet of cardboard under the canvas.

When creating the Spiderman suit for small child You should give preference above all to the baby’s comfort. For a matinee in kindergarten, you can use a simplified version of the costume. In this case, the child’s main clothes will be jeans and a blue T-shirt. Over the T-shirt, you can wear a cape or vest, which is sewn at home. The cape should be made in red and blue colors. You can complement the look with red sleeves or new gloves purchased at the store.

The design on the cape can be done using a black marker, and the spider patch can be purchased in advance. If there is no black marker in the house, then the web can be embroidered with ordinary threads. True, in this case you will need to spend more time and a little more effort. But ready product will amaze you with its realism.

In addition to the image of Spider-Man, shoes should also be selected. It can also be decorated in the appropriate color scheme, or you can simply take ready-made sneakers or sneakers in red.

Don't forget about the mask, which will add mystery to the image. The mask can be made of fabric or colored cardboard. It should be attached with an elastic band. But what format of mask to use for the image is up to the little hero to decide. As a rule, the mask covers:

  • Whole face.
  • Only eyes.

To make a Spider-Man mask from fabric, you need to take a child’s hat from a thin material, attach it to the prepared red material, trace and cut it out. Sew the details along the side seams and trim the bottom of the product with tape. Then you will need to sew on special ties that will help secure the product to the child’s head, and cut holes for the eyes. The area around the eyes should be overlocked and outlined with a black marker and white corrector for greater realism.

Attention, TODAY only!

A masquerade look that parents sew themselves is always more valuable for a child. It will turn out unique, not like others! The kid will know for sure that there is no other spider like this at the party.

In this article you will learn how to make a spider costume with your own hands. Photos will inspire you with ideas, and detailed instructions and patterns will help in creativity.

Making a Spider Suit

The spider can look different. Be sure to include recognizable details: 8 legs, large “eyes”, of which there can be either 2 or 6. The color of the main set does not have to be black, use other colors. For example, add white or orange stripes.

We offer do-it-yourself instructions for the boy whose photo you see below. This is a classic look that would look great on Halloween or at a masquerade party at school or kindergarten. Its main advantage is that the process is simple and does not take much time.

And most importantly, the result will be very similar to a spider and no one will confuse it with another insect.

Here's what you'll need:

  1. black hat,
  2. white and dark material for the eyes, it can be felt or even paper,
  3. black long sleeve T-shirt,
  4. 3 pairs of men's socks (for older children you can use women's socks),
  5. black fabric, about half a meter (or old tights will do),
  6. elastic band at least 1.5 cm wide,
  7. cardboard,
  8. wire,
  9. material for filling the “legs”: foam rubber, old fabric, newspapers or other available materials,
  10. glue, needle and thread, tape, scissors.

Tip: If you don't have wire, use old wire hangers.

First of all, make the eyes: cut out white circles and glue the pupils downwards. Don't make too many eyes, 5-6 will be enough.

Glue the finished eyes to the hat with glue. Location doesn't matter, group as you see fit.

Idea: buy ready-made eyes with “moving” pupils.

Now make the paws. Cut out two oval bases from cardboard, measure the desired size along the child’s back, the ovals should not be too large and interfere with movements.

Place three wires between them (or straighten three wire hangers and place them inside the workpiece), wrap tightly with tape. Don't worry about the straightness of the delays.

Then wrap the legs with foam rubber or your filling. Make sure they hold their shape when you lift the workpiece. If necessary, secure them at the base.

Put socks or knee socks on your paws, bend the top two up, and the rest will lie down. Place it taking into account that between the top pair and the two bottom pairs there will be the child’s hands in the sleeves.

The legs will be worn like a backpack, so you will need elastic straps. Measure the length of the elastic bands and attach them to the cardboard base. Wrap the base itself with black cloth. If the elastic bands are white, cover them with dark fabric so that they do not stand out.

The final touch: sew the base of the socks to the fabric so that the filling does not show through. Add color accents if desired. Attach them to the legs and pant legs.

Using the same principle, it’s very easy to sew a spider costume from the cartoon about the Tsokotukha Fly with your own hands, just add a web of thick white threads.

The image is ready! Pair it with black pants or jeans.

Vary the number of legs. If the wire does not hold the upper legs well, lower everything down. Socks made from soft fluffy fabrics look great.

If you don’t have suitable socks, use two-piece “bags” instead. Decorate your paws with fluff.

Get creative and create your own versions!

We complement the suit with accessories

A spectacular addition to a DIY spider costume will be. If the hat is too hot, she will replace it.

There are many mask options, from simple to the most complex and requiring even more attention than the suit itself.

First version: simple mask on an elastic band. The materials you need are cardboard, rubber band and paints.

Draw the outline of the mask on the cardboard and carefully cut it out. Make two holes on the side for the elastic and thread it through, measure the length for the child in advance. Make sure it's not too tight.

Then draw 6-8 eyes on the mask different sizes. You need to cut out the pupils of two of them.

Color the mask. Ready!

Second version: spider with legs. The materials are the same; instead of cardboard, you can use paper or black felt.

Cut out the paws carefully, do not remember. Make the eye holes larger to make the child comfortable.

A few more design options for the same mask that will help you create your own unique accessory.

A more complicated version: make a spider hat with eyes and legs.

To create it, use the wire technique. Printed voluminous eyes Sew close together for a realistic look.

We complete the image of the spider - apply makeup

It will be the final detail of the spider image. Children love face painting and feel more confident in their new role. It's no secret that the image of a spider can be terrifying, and you can paint your face to match your suit.

If your child doesn’t want to paint his entire face or you have little experience in applying face painting, stop at drawing a spider on the cheek and forehead.

You will need two colors of paint: black and white. They are easy to find in a set so you don't have to buy them separately. Start with dark and move to light, tracing the outlines when the first layer dries a little.

For effect, add highlights or shadow to make it seem like the spider is real.

Simple instructions on how to make spider face painting yourself for beginners. All you need is black paint and a thin brush.

  1. Draw a web. Start with lines around the eyes towards the cheeks, temples, and forehead. In total, draw 8-10 lines on each side.
  2. Draw the web. Connect the guides with arcuate lines.
  3. The body of the spider will be located between the eyebrows. Draw an oval outline and color it in. Make the paws with dashes (each of two strokes, pointed at the ends). Draw the head at the top or bottom, depending on where the insect is crawling.

To complicate the design, add white accents and place a red dot with a light highlight on the body.

The look is complete, it's time to celebrate!