Pregnancy Diets Health

Twenty-fifth obstetric week of pregnancy. Twenty-fifth week of pregnancy: the hormone prolactin and its effect on mom and baby

25 weeks pregnant: fetal development

By the time the twenty-fifth week of an alarming but wonderful condition called pregnancy begins, the woman has already fully assumed her new position.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, if the development of the fetus is going well, there is usually no discomfort, the emotional state is leveled, the expectant mother is going to go on long maternity leave.

All her thoughts are focused on the child preparing for the birth. But she still has many questions. What does the baby look like now and how should he move? What should be the weight gain? What does the doctor's words "short cervix", said during an ultrasound, mean? Let's figure it out.

  • What's new in the development of pregnancy in the twenty-fifth week?
  • What happens to mom's belly?
  • How does fetal weight change?
  • What's going on with the baby?
  • Normal movements at 25 weeks of gestation
  • Premature birth
  • Allocations
  • Sexual relationship
  • Colds at 25 weeks

How many months is 25 weeks pregnant?

The pregnancy calendar tells us that twenty-five weeks are equal to the sixth month (or the seventh - according to the obstetric calendar). The second trimester is in progress, which lasts from the 14th to the 27th week.

Knowing which month is the 25th week of pregnancy, a woman can calculate how much time she has left before giving birth, and can calmly complete all planned tasks in order to leave work with a sense of accomplishment. Soon she will be able to devote all herself to thinking about the future heir and preparing for his birth. It turns out that now is the quietest period when you can gather strength before a new stage in life.

25 weeks pregnant: what's going on

By this time, the threat of spontaneous abortion had practically disappeared. A calm period continues, when there are no nausea and other signs of toxicosis, the expectant mother feels good, is full of optimism and enjoys her situation. The belly, although it grows quickly, still does not interfere with her usual activities. Normally, there should be neither diarrhea or constipation, nor severe abdominal pain. Sometimes there are such sensations:

  • hurts, pulls the lower abdomen;
  • tingles in the lumbar region;
  • it happens long and;
  • the pubic bone hurts a little.

All these sensations are quite normal at 25 weeks. If they are not painful and pass quickly, no emergency measures need to be taken. All these sensations are due to the peculiarities of the child's development at the 25th week of pregnancy: the fetus is rapidly gaining weight and increasing in size, which, of course, affects the mother's condition.

Mild pains in the abdomen and lower back are explained by sprained ligaments, so you should not be afraid that childbirth will begin: the time has not yet come for them. In the pubic joint, the processes of softening of the articular tissues began - the birth canal is being prepared for childbirth. Periodically, the stomach turns to stone, training contractions occur - this is also normal, the body is gradually preparing for the upcoming labor activity, which will begin in a couple of months.

Belly at 25 weeks pregnant

The abdominal circumference continues to grow during this period. A woman adds about 1 cm in volume every week. She herself feels an increase in weight: by this time she has already gained up to 6 - 9 "additional" kilograms.

She has well-noticeable movements in the lower abdomen, and you can even discern which part of the body the baby is moving at the moment. 25 obstetric week of pregnancy is the time to buy a bandage and start wearing it. The weight gain is such that the volume of the abdomen increases at a fairly rapid pace, so stretch marks and increased back pain may occur. The bandage will help prevent these troubles. The fetus weighs more every week, and therefore you cannot do without such support.

Fetus at 25 weeks gestation

The baby at 25 weeks of gestation has reached a solid size. The size of the fetus is about 34-35 cm. The weight of the child reaches 650 grams. -25 week is the period when you can do the second scheduled ultrasound to make sure that everything is in order with the baby. If for some reason you did not have time to conduct a survey, you can slightly shift the date - up to 25-.

25 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

What does the fetus look like at 25 weeks gestation? This is an almost fully formed person. At this stage, at the end of the second trimester, the body is mainly gaining fat mass. All major vital organs are already formed and functioning. At the 25th week of pregnancy, the respiratory system is actively developing.

Alveoli are formed in the lungs, their inner surface is filled with a special substance - it will prevent the lungs from sticking together after exhalation. The child has the following "skills":

  • squeezes palms into fists;
  • grimaces with might and main;
  • touches the umbilical cord, the walls of the uterus, his face;
  • moves his arms and legs.

Any position of the fetus at this time is still acceptable, but ideally, the child should take a more physiological position - head down. If breech presentation is observed, the woman is offered a specially designed set of exercises, the implementation of which will help the baby to take the correct, more physiological position before childbirth. If by the beginning of labor the fetus remains in breech presentation, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that the midwife will have to show more skill and effort.

A baby at 25 weeks of gestation, in principle, is able to survive at birth. During a pregnancy of 25 weeks, what the fetus looks like can be seen on a 3D ultrasound, which will demonstrate to the expectant mother: the baby is almost ready for independent existence. If childbirth suddenly begins, the child will be allowed to leave. Premature birth at 25 weeks of gestation most often ends safely: babies weighing more than 500 g have every chance of life, subject to special care and medical supervision.

An ultrasound examination will show the doctor and the mother how the future baby is developing. The doctor will analyze if there are any dangers, will see the reason why the woman has a small belly, whether there are signs of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

He will calculate how much the child gained in weight, what are the features of this pregnancy, what a woman should be ready for. During the ultrasound, they will take a photo of the fetus as a gift to the mother, tell in detail about what is happening with the baby at this stage. If the doctor sees a hematoma, he will prescribe bed rest and take other measures for its early resorption. On ultrasound, the tone of the uterus is well diagnosed.

Stirring at 25 weeks gestation

How many movements should there be by this date? Gynecologists talk about such a norm of movements: if a mother feels about 10 movements a day, then this is normal. If there are fewer of them or they suddenly stopped, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a doctor. Too much activity of a child is also not a very good sign: perhaps he does not have enough oxygen, so constant movements should also alert him. Remember that at the twenty-fifth week, the baby's activity increases, he becomes more agile, and his movements are more precise.

By 25 weeks, the baby independently chooses his own sleep and wakefulness regime, so that he can move when the mother is asleep, and vice versa. As a result, the norms of perturbations are met, it's just that the mother does not feel all of them, it seems to her that the child does not move much. You should not panic in any development of events; instead, if you suspect that the process is going wrong, you should consult a doctor.

Childbirth at 25 weeks is infrequent. And yet they do happen. Risk factors are:

  • short cervix during pregnancy 25 weeks ();
  • frequent uterine tone;
  • flu or SARS during the first two semesters;
  • a history of gynecological diseases.

If the mother of the future woman in labor has given birth to a child prematurely, the daughter should also “be on the alert”. The "precursors" of childbirth can be bloody discharge, brown discharge, pain. Contractions (regular) and leakage of amniotic fluid indicate that the process has already begun. If a low placentation was noted on an ultrasound scan, this should also alert the woman and force her to be more attentive to her feelings. With twin pregnancies, the risk of preterm birth also increases.

If a woman has a clear danger of giving birth to a child ahead of time, the doctor may prescribe Utrozhestan or Duphaston. Under their action, the muscles of the uterus are relaxed.

It should be remembered: children born prematurely, but weighing more than 500 grams, are quite viable. At 25 weeks, even with twins, babies already weigh more. This means that they have great chances of surviving and "catching up" with their peers outside their mother's tummy.

Discharge at 25 weeks of gestation

What kind of discharge does a woman observe at this time? Colostrum is secreted from the breast, which must be carefully blotted, in no case rubbing or pinching the mammary glands. Now the breasts are being actively prepared for lactation.

Normal vaginal discharge is profuse, clear, or light. White discharge, which is cheesy, indicates the appearance of thrush. It needs to be treated, as it increases the risk of ruptures during childbirth and infection of the baby, who will pass through the birth canal.

You can have sex for this period. Activity and desire increases due to the well-being of the mother and the stability of her condition. But a woman should take a position that will be most comfortable for her and for the child. How to lie correctly? It is best to lie on your side with your knees bent.

Pose - on the side will soon become the only one in which a woman can sleep. It is time for women who sleep only on their back or stomach to "train" to fall asleep in this position.

If there are any risks or the gynecologist does not recommend having sex, you will have to postpone this "physical education" for the future.

If the mother-to-be has a cold

A cold at 25 weeks no longer carries the same risks as in the first trimester. In addition, many previously prohibited drugs can already be used for treatment. At a temperature of 37-380 C, if the head is spinning (or hurts), there is a runny nose, sore throat - in a word, the beginning of a cold is felt - you need to stay at home and lie down calmly, taking decoctions of herbs (chamomile) and drinks such as rosehip infusion. Has a cough joined? Better not to delay a visit to the doctor. If the state of health does not improve (we observe ourselves for 3 days), you need to take serious measures - you may need medications.

To reduce the likelihood, you should establish nutrition, walk more often in the fresh air, take vitamins, and visit public places and transport less often. Be patient - soon you will meet with the most dear creature in the world - a son or a honey-daughter.

Pregnancy calendars

Twenty-fifth obstetric week of pregnancy - what happens, how is the fetus located and how does it develop?

Fetal development at 25 weeks gestation

The weight of the fetus at this time is already about 750-800g. At the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy, the baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid along with microscopic skin scales and particles of cheese-like lubricant that cover the entire body of the fetus. The liquid part of the swallowed substance is gradually absorbed in the intestines, and the rest of the particles are mixed with bile pigments that are secreted by the liver. So, throughout pregnancy, the original feces are formed - meconium. Under normal conditions, it does not leave the digestive tract until birth, but in conditions of a lack of oxygen, it can pour out into the amniotic fluid, after which the latter will acquire a greenish color.

    Biparietal size (BPR): 65mm;

    frontal-occipital diameter (LZD): 81mm;

    head circumference (OG): 241mm;

    femur length (DB): 46mm;

    tibia length: 41mm;

    length of the fibula: 39mm;

    shoulder length: 42mm;

    radius length: 35mm;

    ulna length: 39mm;

    foot length: 46mm;

    fruit length (height): 34cm.

25 obstetric week of pregnancy - how many months is it?

The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is five and a half months. Until the expected date of birth is three and a half months.

What happens at 25 weeks of gestation?

Now you can clearly identify the periods of sleep and wakefulness of the baby. Even at this stage of development, there are already several phases of sleep - just like in an adult - the phase of REM sleep and slow sleep. Scientists have not yet been able to find out whether the fetus has a dream, but there are suggestions that the baby experiences some experiences in a dream, processing the information received. The 25th week of pregnancy is characterized by the development of the bronchopulmonary system, its structures are almost completely formed, but surfactant is not yet produced - this substance is necessary so that the alveoli of the lungs do not collapse. It is with the absence of surfactant that the risk of premature birth is most often associated, since the baby is not able to fully breathe without this substance. However, in many clinics its synthetic analogues are now successfully used.

How is the fetus located at 25 weeks of gestation?

To independently determine the location of the fetus, lie on your back and place your hands on your stomach. Where the child pushes more, there are legs.

You should not worry if the child is somehow "wrong", he may change his position more than once.

The upper edge of the uterus at 25 weeks of gestation is already determined just above the navel. Every day, the skin of the abdomen is stretched more and more and with a hereditary predisposition, stretch marks may appear. It is very difficult to deal with them after childbirth, it is much easier to start preventing the appearance of this annoying nuisance. There is a huge selection of special products on sale, but just applying them to the skin is not enough - you need to do a massage. Regular stroking in different directions, without strong pressing, alternating with light tingling, will improve the blood supply to the abdominal skin and reliably protect against stretch marks.

Due to the enlarged tummy, you may begin to experience discomfort when walking, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. 25 weeks pregnant is a good time to get your prenatal brace fitted. No matter how much a woman wants to be slimmer, preference should still be given to the model that absolutely does not squeeze the tummy, but raises it. Universal braces, which can be worn both before and after childbirth, tend to support the tummy less well than standard braces.

The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is the last opportunity to go to rest and lie on the beach. After all, by thirty weeks, doctors do not recommend flights and long-distance travel.

Your baby is still considered a fetus, but it is becoming more and more like a newborn, although it is still too early for him to appear. By this time, the crumbs have practically formed all the vital organs. The remaining time in the womb, the fetus will prepare for the first meeting with you and the world around you.

Size, weight and formation of the fetus

From the crown to the heels, the size of the fetus at 25 weeks of gestation is approximately 33-34 cm, weight - 700 g.

The child continues to store subcutaneous fat. The face is already clearly formed: the nose is well defined, there are eyelashes and eyebrows, the outlines of the cheeks are noticeable.

The skin gradually acquires its characteristic color and density, folds typical for babies appear on it.

The auricles are still soft and thin, the relief elements are just being formed.

How the baby develops and grows

Let us consider in more detail the development of the fetus at 25 weeks of gestation:

  • Lungs... They continue to accumulate surfactant, which prevents the lungs from collapsing after the first breath. But the respiratory system is not yet fully developed. With a premature birth, the baby will not be able to breathe on its own without the help of ventilators. However, at the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already performing training breathing movements, swallowing amniotic fluid. He also hiccups funny, which can be seen from the rhythmic movements of the abdomen.
  • Bone marrow... The development of the bone marrow ends. Now he takes over the function of hematopoiesis, which until then was performed by the liver and spleen. Bones continue to strengthen, calcium is deposited in them.
  • A heart... Putting your ear to your stomach, you can clearly hear the fetal heartbeat. The number of beats per minute can be about 120-150.
  • Genitourinary system... The gender of the child is finalized. On ultrasound in girls, you can already see the vagina, and in boys, the penis. In the twenty-fifth week in a male fetus, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum.
  • Grasp reflex... Well-formed fingers are clenched into fists. The fruit touches everything it can reach. He likes to feel his face and umbilical cord.
  • Stirring... Fetal movement at 25 weeks of gestation is pronounced. The mode of sleep and wakefulness is established, which can be easily determined by the degree of activity of the crumbs. At this time, the child already prefers to take the correct position - head down. If this has not happened yet, then it is too early to worry, there is still plenty of time.

Condition and weight gain of the expectant mother

At 25 weeks of gestation, many women consider themselves clumsy, citing significant weight gain.

However, the rate of increase in this period is from 6 to 8.5 kg.

The breasts are full and continue to grow, the areolas around the nipples darken. Colostrum is usually produced in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is completely normal for a slight release of it when pressing on the nipple, but even if it does not flow out yet, this is also normal. At first, colostrum is thick, sticky, yellowish, and closer to childbirth, it becomes more liquid and transparent.

The skin on the abdomen dries out from tension, so peeling and irritation may appear on it. Use hypoallergenic moisturizers.

Symptoms and sensations at 25 weeks of gestation

Typical symptoms at 25 weeks of gestation are as follows:

  • Heartburn and constipation... The increased size of the fetus presses on the ribs and stomach, provoking the occurrence of heartburn. Intestinal peristalsis is impaired, so constipation during pregnancy is not uncommon.
  • Lower back pain... From the severity of the abdomen, lower back pain appears. Try to rest more and not be in one position for a long time.
  • Cramps and swelling... Every second pregnant woman is worried about numbness and leg cramps, especially at night (when the bones of the fetus begin to actively deposit calcium). From a long stay on their feet, swelling may appear on them. Varicose veins can often be found in pregnant women.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the teeth... At this time, the expectant mother may notice a deterioration in the condition of the teeth, which, again, is associated with an increased baby's need for calcium.
  • Allocations... For a pregnant woman, clear or light discharge with a slightly lactic acid smell is considered normal. Any changes in color and odor are a reason to see a doctor.
  • Dyspnea... The load on the body increases from day to day. Physical activity, of course, is necessary, but it should be moderate.
  • Visual impairment... At this stage of pregnancy, many mothers may have vision impairment. In this case, you need to seek help from an optometrist.
  • External changes... External changes for each woman may be different. Some rejoice at the unusual shine of their eyes, thick and shiny hair, while others complain about their appearance, because the hair has become dull, brittle, and quickly fattening. In addition, pregnant women may develop age spots (most often on the face). After some time after giving birth, usually not a trace remains of them.

Belly at 25 weeks pregnant

Now you are adding in circles, on average, 1 cm every week. Now the belly grows not only forward, but also to the sides, so pulling sensations appear. They are especially felt with increased activity of the baby.

The fundus of the uterus rises above the navel and is located 25 cm above the pubic joint. The uterus itself takes the form of a soccer ball. Despite your growing belly, it is important to lead an active lifestyle so as not to start gaining weight rapidly.

25 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when stretch marks (striae) may appear on the body.

At first they have a bright red color with a purple tint, but over time they fade and become barely noticeable. They are the result of rapid weight gain. They can appear both in the abdomen and on the chest, thighs and buttocks. You should not wait for their appearance, it is better to do prevention.

The tummies at 25 weeks of gestation look like this:

Medical examinations for a period of 25 weeks

At this time, the gynecologist must be visited twice a month. As part of the examination, the doctor measures the circumference of the abdomen and hip joint, your pressure and weight, and also listens to the fetal heartbeat.

Necessary tests and complaints

At the 25th week, a blood and urine test is taken to determine the level of hemoglobin and protein. If necessary, or if there is a complaint about an atypical discharge, the doctor will take a swab from the vagina and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Ultrasound results

For a period of 20-24 weeks, a second scheduled ultrasound is performed. However, if you are a little late, it is not too late to do it now. The specialist will compare the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the fetus with the established gestational age. The diameter of the fetal head is 62.5 mm, the chest is 63 mm, and the abdomen is 63-64 mm. The uterus will also examine the thickness of the placenta wall (normally about 26 mm), determine the size of the uterus and its location.

The specialist monitors the development of internal organs, excludes developmental defects, diagnoses the presence or absence of an umbilical cord entanglement, and finally specifies the term of delivery.

The second ultrasound is much more interesting than the first... The expectant mother is already shown the little baby in all its glory. If this is a 3D ultrasound, then you can even see every finger of the crumbs. If the baby turns successfully, it is possible to examine his gender.

Photos taken by ultrasound in the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy:

Possible complications of pregnancy

Which of what happens at the 25th week of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother?

  • Polyhydramnios... This is an excess amount of amniotic fluid. This problem can be caused by various reasons, the most common of which are infectious diseases (for example, herpes viruses). Polyhydramnios is the cause of excessive mobility of the baby, which can lead to entanglement with the umbilical cord. The child may never take the head presentation, but remain in the pelvic or lateral position.
  • Malnutrition... Like polyhydramnios, this is an alarming sign. Low water makes it difficult for the baby to move, making them painful, which can lead to dislocations and curvature of his bones. A baby at 25 weeks takes up the entire uterus. This puts pressure on the cervix. There is a risk of large dilatation of the cervix and early termination of pregnancy, fetal death, bleeding.

    Do you want something interesting?

  • Discharge and pain... Any discharge other than normal should alert the expectant mother. Any changes may indicate an infection. It is a bad sign if, instead of the usual transparent and light discharge, dark or bloody discharge appears, especially accompanied by aching or cramping pain in the pelvis and lower back. You should immediately consult a doctor, because this may be the first sign of a high risk of miscarriage.
  • Increased tone of the uterus... Increased uterine tone is considered a complication of pregnancy. Hypertonia is accompanied by abdominal compaction and pain.
  • Stillbirth... The next alarming factor is stillbirth - fetal death after the 20th week of pregnancy. Therefore, mom should carefully monitor the movements of her baby. In case of strange or absent movements, contact your gynecologist immediately.
  • Anemia... This is a disease in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin content is below normal. The most common is iron deficiency anemia, caused by a lack of iron in the body. Also, anemia can occur with a lack of folic acid. When appropriate, she is treated with iron supplements or folic acid. In addition, it is recommended that you pay special attention to your diet. It must necessarily contain meat, chicken liver, cottage cheese, buckwheat, green apples, etc.
  • Varicose veins... Another problem can be varicose veins if the expectant mother is on her feet for a long time. Wear tight-fitting tights, bandage your legs.
  • Hemorrhoids... At the end of the second trimester, a woman can expect another insidious problem - hemorrhoids. It can be the result of constipation, which you did not pay due attention to in a timely manner. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

Remember, ignoring symptoms and postponing a visit to the doctor can lead to disastrous consequences!

  1. Take folic acid throughout your pregnancy. Lack of this vitamin can provoke impaired development of the brain, neural tube defects in a child, spina bifida.
  2. Wear a bandage. It is very important to choose the correct size: measure the circumference of the abdomen and add another 5 cm to this figure. This is the size of the bandage. Now they sell many one-size-fits-all models, the volume of which is adjustable with a Velcro fastener.
  3. If you have frequent seizures, talk to a specialist about taking calcium supplements.
  4. If you have iron deficiency anemia, start taking iron supplements. Include meat, liver, buckwheat in your diet. Do not neglect the recommendations of your doctor, because anemia can cause hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.
  5. Varicose veins, the treatment of which is prescribed by a doctor, involves the use of ointments and the wearing of draping underwear. During your stay at home, you can bandage your legs with an elastic bandage. The diagnosis signals that you walk a lot or carry heavy things. Apparently, it's time to take maternity leave.
  6. When hemorrhoids are confirmed, the doctor prescribes rectal suppositories. Since hemorrhoids are often the result of constipation, we advise you to reconsider your diet. Include foods high in fiber.
  7. A pregnant woman's diet must include fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat. Junk food should be excluded. The menu should be varied and tasty. It is advisable to limit sweets, or even better - replace them with dried fruits.
  8. Depending on your general condition and the course of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend to limit or completely stop having sex with your husband. If there are no medical contraindications, sex is possible with caution. Avoid sudden and deep movements during intercourse.
  9. At this time, you can already attend preparatory courses for childbirth. There you will not only be provided with comprehensive information about the childbirth process, but will also tell you about many aspects of raising a child. In addition, in such courses, expectant mothers can communicate with each other, discuss similar problems, share advice.
  10. Exercise for pregnant women is essential. If you neglected them before, then 25 weeks of pregnancy is the time when it's time to start performing them. The load should be moderate. The list of prohibited activities includes: jumping, playing with the ball and other activities that can strike in the stomach. Take care of yourself!

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information presented, you must be sure to consult a specialist.

The 20th week of pregnancy becomes such a "borderline" of the entire period of bearing a baby. After all, the 20th week of pregnancy falls at the end of the fifth month: if childbirth occurs at 40 weeks, then the 20th week of pregnancy will be exactly "half the path traveled."

Belly at 20 weeks gestation

It is no longer possible to hide the belly at the 20th week of pregnancy: it rises more and more, having significantly rounded. At the same time, the waist is “blurred” and disappears. Now the use of special means that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen due to its enlargement and stretching of the skin is becoming more relevant. All kinds of gels and creams are sold in abundance in pharmacies and specialty stores today, they need to be used regularly - 1-2 times a day, rubbing massage movements into the abdomen at the 20th week of pregnancy, as well as into the thighs and chest. Ordinary vegetable oil - olive or almond oil can be a full-fledged "substitute" for special products.


The growth of the abdomen occurs as the uterus enlarges at 20 weeks of gestation. At this time, the uterus is already approximately at the level of the navel - the bottom of the uterus is 11-12 cm above the bosom. The uterus can sometimes contract at 20 weeks of pregnancy: such contractions are called false contractions, and they do not pose any threat to the fetus.


Ultrasound examination at this time is usually performed as part of the second screening. An ultrasound scan at 20 weeks of gestation may be needed to assess the progress of pregnancy, determine the sex of the child, the likelihood of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities. Also, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to determine whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age, whether the state of the amniotic fluid and placenta is normal.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, the internal organs of the crumbs are also studied: kidneys, stomach, bladder and gall bladder, liver, lungs, intestines. The baby's heart is also subject to careful research - if any discrepancy is found, a specialized ultrasound examination of the heart will be needed. Unfortunately, heart defects are one of the most common fetal malformations today.

In addition to the fact that ultrasound will help assess whether the baby's development is normal, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy will also show that the baby in the womb is actively growing and developing. And yet - he does not get bored at all, because its size still allows it to move freely in the mother's tummy, which the baby actively uses, turning over and tumbling.

Fetus at 20 weeks gestation

After all, the baby is now fully formed, its growth continues steadily, and the work of organs and systems is improving. The baby's nervous system, respiratory, digestive and hematopoietic organs are formed and fully functioning. A small heart beats audibly: you can already listen to the rhythm of a baby's heart with the help of an ordinary stethoscope.

The baby's arms and legs also acquired their final shape, marigolds grow on the fingers, and the first hairs appear on the head - lanugo. Also, fluff is formed where in the future the baby will have eyebrows and eyelashes.

At 20 weeks, the fetus already fully feels the sounds, therefore the mother needs to beware of sharp noises. The baby is already reacting to the light - even though his eyes are still closed, but the rays of light penetrate under the eyelids, which begin to open slightly.

Along with the fact that the baby's skin also thickens, the sebaceous glands produce a special "original lubricant" - while it protects the baby from the effects of a liquid medium, and in the future it will help the fetus to glide easier along the birth canal and facilitate its birth.

If we talk about the "parameters" of the baby, then the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy reaches 25 cm in length and weighs about 300-340 g. Such dimensions and weight not least of all explain the fact that the baby's activity is already fully felt by the mother.


The first movements of the baby are justifiably extremely pleasing to mommy: now she already fully feels that a new life is growing and improving inside her. Which from time to time makes itself felt with light jolts and movements - the baby hiccups, pushes off in the uterus from the wall and swims to the opposite one, jumps up in response to the sharp sound or excitement of the mother. If at first the movements of the fetus are barely distinguishable, then over time they become more and more obvious. However, one should pay attention to the nature and intensity of fetal movements: if its movements are felt too often, it is quite possible that in this way the baby declares a lack of oxygen.

Others - less "pleasant" - are the sensations at the 20th week of pregnancy, associated with the constantly growing uterus and the increasing pressure of internal organs. It is the change in the configuration “inside” of the woman that explains the appearance of heartburn, constipation, poor outflow of urine, shortness of breath. However, all these unpleasant phenomena will pass in the near future - when a woman becomes a happy mother.


Most often, expectant mothers during this period complain of pain in the 20th week of pregnancy, appearing in the lower back and back. This is a consequence of a significant load on the joints and ligaments, back muscles, due to a shift in the center of gravity. To prevent back and lower back pain, there are special exercises that help to "unload" the spine. But at the same time, it is also necessary to follow basic rules that will help, if not avoid, then significantly reduce pain in the lower back and back. These rules imply maintaining the correct posture, rejecting high heels and applying all possible measures that will make it possible not to strain your back.

Another fairly common problem among pregnant women is the appearance of leg cramps. The pain at the 20th week of pregnancy can be so palpable that it "brings" a woman to tears. Cramps are the result of an ever-increasing weight and an ever-increasing load on the legs. To minimize the likelihood of seizures, you should regularly rest your legs, resort to relaxing calf and foot massage, and stretch your legs more often on the bed.

Abdominal pain in the 20th week of pregnancy is an alarming phenomenon. If the stomach hurts from time to time and not much, there is still a need to consult a doctor: to avoid the likelihood of increased uterine tone and possible miscarriage for this reason. If the stomach hurts badly, it is necessary to seek specialized help immediately, otherwise the tragic consequences and loss of the child cannot be avoided.

Discharge at 20 weeks gestation

After all, it is abdominal pains (sharp or pulling, but prolonged), and even accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, that become harbingers of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. Also, bloody discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, can be a symptom of placental abruption or previa - in any case, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. If spotting at the 20th week of pregnancy is not accompanied by painful sensations, but occurs more and more after intercourse or gynecological examination, most likely there is an erosion of the cervix.

Normally, the discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy has a light color - grayish or with a milky tint. At the same time, they are distinguished by a sour smell and a uniform consistency. The appearance of a discharge of green or yellow, cheesy, with admixtures of mucus lumps, indicates an onset of infection. Usually, infection is also accompanied by a burning sensation and itching in the vaginal area, and in this case you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a suitable treatment to avoid the spread of infection and not "start" the disease.


The weight at the 20th week of pregnancy must be monitored responsibly: ideally, until the end of pregnancy, the woman's weight should not exceed 15-16 kg, otherwise childbirth is much more difficult. Considering that the weight at the 20th week of pregnancy can already increase to 3-6 kg (moreover, just 3 kg is considered an "ideal" increase), the issue of weight should be given maximum attention. From this week, you need to do everything possible so that the weekly weight gain is about 500 g, therefore, it will not be superfluous to develop a diet that should be followed throughout pregnancy.


The recommendations regarding nutrition at the 20th week of pregnancy remain the same: nutrition should be balanced and healthy, food should be as natural and healthy as possible. Considering that in the second trimester (when toxicosis and associated unpleasant sensations remain in the past) the pregnant woman's appetite is excellent, it is advisable to build a diet in such a way as to maximize all the useful and nutrients from the food and not feel hunger.

To do this, it is advisable to eat often throughout the day, but a little, to have a full breakfast and lunch, preferring light food for dinner. On the table of a pregnant woman, meat (lean), vegetables and fruits in large quantities, dairy and sour milk products, cereals must be present.

Experts also advise to be sensitive to the desires "to eat something like that." For example, craving for chocolate may be related to the body's need for carbohydrates. Here are just carbohydrates extracted from chocolate and other sweets are completely unhealthy: these carbohydrates are "empty", and besides, the level of glucose in the body is raised. Therefore, it is better to "get" the necessary carbohydrates from bread with bran, fruits, cereals. Again, cereals will become a source of B vitamins, and buckwheat - also iron, phosphorus can be obtained from fish, vitamin A - from carrots, folic acid - from broccoli.

Food is best prepared by boiling, baking or stewing food. It is better to forget about smoking and frying for a while - this is not at all useful, and it also provokes heartburn. In addition, the use of salt in food preparation should be significantly reduced: salt retains water in the body and causes the formation of edema, which significantly darkens the happy time of pregnancy.


But sex at the 20th week of pregnancy may well replace the pleasure obtained from the extra floor of a bar of chocolate. Intimate life is not at all prohibited, unless, of course, there are any contraindications of the doctor. That's just, practicing sex at the 20th week of pregnancy, you should choose positions that exclude pressure on the mommy's stomach and not be too "zealous" with intensity. And you should pay attention to the sensations during intercourse: any discomfort or feeling that the uterus is "compressed" should be the reason for the obligatory and as soon as possible specialist consultation.

Tests at the 20th week of pregnancy

If before the 20th week of pregnancy, a visit to the doctor and the obligatory delivery of tests were supposed to be 1 time per month, then, starting from the 20th week, specialist control is needed twice a month. Tests at the 20th week of pregnancy (in addition to ultrasound) may be needed to study blood, urine, to assess the increase in the uterus.

A blood test allows you to monitor the level of sugar in the mother's blood, to determine the presence of anemia in time. The analysis of urine will tell you about the work of the kidneys, as well as about the possible hidden inflammatory processes. Ultrasound, as already mentioned above, and in itself becomes a very informative research method, which can sometimes be supplemented and "strengthened" by a biochemical blood test - the so-called "triple test". Such an analysis is done to assess the level of hCG hormones, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood: deviations from the norms indicate a high risk of having a baby with developmental defects or chromosomal abnormalities.

Frozen pregnancy

Although the fading of pregnancy is more often characteristic of the early stages, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks also happens quite often. The fetus can stop developing and die for many reasons: here you have endocrine disorders, and the impact of negative factors, and a failure in the production of progesterone.

But if it is possible to diagnose an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages only with the participation of a doctor, then a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks can be "felt" by a woman personally. The reason for suspicion may be the cessation of abdominal enlargement, as well as the absence of fetal movements. However, it should be borne in mind that the baby is not obliged to move all the time: the crumbs also have their own sleep and wakefulness regime, therefore, the absence of movements for some time can be explained by the fact that the baby is just sleeping.

Usually a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks is diagnosed without difficulty: using an ultrasound scan, as well as in the absence of a fetal heartbeat. And in this case, doctors will act immediately: the uterus must be freed from the dead fetus, which contributes to the development of infection. After curettage, the woman is assigned an additional examination, which may help establish the cause of the pregnancy fading. You will also need antibacterial therapy and a sufficiently long time to recover - after the pregnancy has faded, it is not recommended to plan the next pregnancy earlier than six months or a year later.

25 obstetric week of pregnancy begins the third trimester. From that moment on, all the processes taking place in a woman's body will be subordinated to one goal - preparation for the upcoming birth. A gradual restructuring of the hormonal background and the formation of a generic dominant are the main cause of mental and physical changes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Fetal development

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby continues to actively gain weight and height. The length of his body at this time is 30-31 cm, and his body weight is close to 700 g. The body of the fetus begins to synthesize its own growth hormone, which explains the rapid pace of physical development during this period.

The placenta gradually increases in size. Its thickness at the beginning of the third trimester is 27 mm. With a low location, the placenta begins to migrate to the bottom of the uterus in order to take the most favorable position after a few weeks.

The development of subcutaneous fat continues. The baby's body acquires the roundness characteristic of every healthy child. Characteristic folds of skin appear under the buttocks and on the limbs.

At the end of the third trimester, the formation of the bone marrow is completed. Now this organ completely takes over the function of hematopoiesis in the fetus. The accumulation of an important substance - a surfactant - continues in the baby's lungs. Thanks to the surfactant, the alveoli of the newborn do not stick together at the first breath, and the baby can safely exist outside the mother's womb.

Woman's condition

By the 25th week of pregnancy, the total weight gain is up to 6 kg. The rapid growth of the fetus leads to a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen and noticeable changes in shape. The uterus rises 1 cm above the navel. The center of gravity of the body shifts, which inevitably leads to an increase in the load on the spine and the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower back and pelvic bones.

The beginning of the third trimester means the transition of the nervous system to the phase of inhibition. This process will last a long time, but already at the 25th week, there is a certain breakdown. General weakness, daytime sleepiness and even apathy await a pregnant woman. There is no need to fear this. This condition is completely normal and once again emphasizes the successful course of the third trimester.

Fetal movements are felt very well at 25 weeks. At this time, the baby actively moves in the mother's womb, turns over and kicks with small legs. On average, a pregnant woman can feel up to 4 fetal movements within an hour. The absence of active movements for 4-6 hours should not frighten the expectant mother. At this time, the baby may be sleeping or simply not feel like communicating with the outside world. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the child does not make itself felt for more than 6 hours in a row.

Vaginal discharge should still remain light, transparent or milky, uniform in consistency, without an unpleasant odor. A change in the color of the discharge may indicate the development of an infection of the genital tract. In this case, you should get an appointment with a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. There should be no bloody discharge at any stage of pregnancy.

Possible problems

An increase in vaginal discharge does not always indicate an infection of the vagina. This symptom may hide a formidable complication of pregnancy - leakage of amniotic fluid. Normally, the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the uterine cavity is poured out with contractions in the first stage of labor. The outpouring of water earlier than this is a very unfavorable sign and can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

The release of amniotic fluid is not always noticeable. In some cases, amniotic fluid flows out drop by drop, remaining on the linen in the form of a watery yellowish or transparent discharge. At the same time, the woman's well-being does not suffer. It is possible to determine that it is the amniotic fluid that is leaking with the help of special tests. If you suspect an outpouring of water, you should immediately consult a doctor.


There are no special tests in the 25 week pregnancy plan. During this period, a woman is recommended to visit her doctor twice a month and inform the doctor about any changes in her health. During the next visit, the doctor will assess the weight gain, the height of the fundus and the circumference of the abdomen. Measurement of blood pressure is mandatory. The fetal heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope. The proposed observation scheme is sufficient to timely identify any deviations in the state of health of a woman and her baby.