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Annual report of the 1st junior group according to the federal state standard. Report on the work done in the first junior group for the academic year

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

“Kindergarten No. 91 of the combined type “Rosinka”, Orsk”

Report from the teacher of the first junior group on the work done for

September, October, November, December 2015 academic year


Baimukhanova Karina Amanguzovna

Orsk, 2015

Progress report for the 2015 - 2016 academic year

teacher of the first junior group Baimukhanova K.A.

There are 30 children in the group. (16 girls, 14 boys)

The upbringing and education of children is carried out according to the program preschool education

“From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. When working with children, modern technologies are used, such as the socio-game approach (the use of predominantly game, plot and integrated forms educational activities, games for a walk, musical, round dancing and outdoor games of an imitation nature, role-playing games), health-saving and environmental technologies.

Educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, various gaming aids.

Prepared for the start of the school yeardevelopment environment , which was divided into centers taking into account a gender approach and in accordance with the principle of flexible zoning. The placement of equipment is organized in such a way that it allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

A huge amount of work has been done to fill out the methodological and didactic collections.

Various cognitive development games have been produced.

"Find your house"

Multi-colored felt cars,

"Flower Glade"

"Garland of felt"

"Feed the Piglet"

"Planes landing"


Multi-colored rice,

We draw with semolina,


Panel on the bed "Masha and Misha"

Herringbone Lacing,

"Wind it on a reel"

During the first half of the year, the following was of paramount importance:

Care and health of every child; well-being and comprehensive development of each child; creating a friendly attitude towards all students in the group; maximum use of various types of children's activities and their integration; creative creativity educational - educational process; unity of approaches to raising children in conditions of the preschool educational institution and families.

When working with children, we used various methods to achieve good results: observations, conversations, comparisons, diagnostic examinations, self-analysis, and individual work with children.

Adaptation of children to the conditions of being in kindergarten

Of course, the adaptation process for each child took place individually,

The children have coped with a difficult stage in their lives - entering kindergarten and are already actively participating in all routine moments, in classes, in communication and games with peers and adults.

Throughout the entire adaptation period, we strived to ensure that the child coped with the difficulties of getting used to a new environment at the level of easy adaptation. And all the children adapted easily.

A favorable environment in the group has been created in order to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

Contributed to the formation positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, the teacher, the children.

During the first half of the year, the following activities were carried out together with children and their parents:


Drawing competition " Golden autumn»

Crafts competition from natural material;

Doll competition dedicated to Mother's Day "Mother's Daughters";

Contest " Winter fantasies »;

Drawing competition “The sorceress winter has come”


Autumn holiday

New Year's celebration

The group systematically worked on interaction with parents. Long-term plans have been drawn up, they indicate everything joint events, consultations, parent meetings, visual and poster information “Parents Corner”, “Our Life”, “Happy Birthday”, “Menu”. In turn, the parents were willing to make contact and tried to participate in all the promotions and joint events of the group and the preschool educational institution.


Children's attendance at preschool educational institutions has increased;

Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past half of the year, the following tasks are planned for the second half of the 2015–2016 academic year. year:

Continuing targeted work with children across all educational fields;

Improving work on interaction with parents;

Continued improvement of the subject-development environment.

Increasing the level of teaching skills through self-education, sharing work experience, attending city events (seminars, workshops, master classes);

Active participation in preschool events.


Analysis of the fulfillment of requirements for the content and methods of education and training, as well as analysis of children’s assimilation of program material show stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development;

This positive process is positively influenced by: close cooperation in the work of educators, specialists, managers, and parents. Using developmental teaching techniques and an individual approach to children.

The knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in various types of children’s activities. Use did. games that allow you to consolidate and develop relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

Report for the academic year of the “Kapelka” group (I junior group)

Characteristics of the group. In our MBDOU for care and health improvement there are 12 “Herringbone”, one group early age, it is visited by children from 2 to 3 years old. The list of members of the group: 14 children, of which 9 are boys and 5 are girls. Information about the families of the pupils: Complete family; Not a complete family; Single mother; Large family.

Activities. Cognitive and speech development. Goals: To promote the active formation of technical thinking, the ability to erect simple buildings according to the model and design; Create interest and need for reading; Master constructive ways and means of interacting with people.

Activities. Social and personal development. Goals: Mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system social relations; Form ideas about safe behavior. Develop interest in work, encourage independence in self-care.

Children have learned to reflect stories in games, engage in role-playing dialogue, accept a game task, know the purpose of a traffic light, express interest in the work of adults. They strive for independence in self-service. They know the components of transport. They have mastered safe ways of handling objects.

Participation in the work of the methodological association. I took it for a year Active participation in methodological association kindergarten. Participated in viewing open events and matinees. Participated in the All-Russian festival of creative works “Seed, Love and Fidelity” and received the laureate “Unique New Year"received the laureate and took 3rd place. Participated in the All-Russian Internet competition of pedagogical creativity. Attended the defense of the innovation platform.

Interaction with society. During the year, I solved such problems as: -psychological and pedagogical education of parents; -studying and summarizing best practices family education; -prevention of violations in parent-child relationships; -involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work. In working with parents I used the following techniques and methods: Visual propaganda (creation of advertising brochures, posters, updating an information stand, creating photo newspapers, thematic exhibitions), Practical methods (involved participation in various leisure activities, competitions; participated in both educational and joint activities) Verbal methods (parent meetings were held, consultations on various topics, both individual and subgroup conversations) Based on the results of the year, we can say that parents are informed about the goals and objectives of work in the group, and are satisfied with the care, education and training that children receive in kindergarten , actively participate in the life of the group.

Marina Mironenko
Annual report in first younger group for the 2017–2018 academic year

IN first junior group 21 people, of which 8 are boys and 13 are girls. Children's age is from 2 to 3 years. The atmosphere in the children's team is friendly and positive. Children aged 2 to 3 years old face many problems when entering preschool. All changes: in daily mode; in requirements for behavior; new premises; constant contact with peers - attack the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation.

For educational year, the work of educators was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten garden: introducing parents to age characteristics children and the causes of stress during the adaptation period; gave recommendations on preparing for admission to a preschool institution; strived to establish emotional and physical contact with the children, involved them in joint activities, maintained activity and formed a positive attitude towards the kindergarten staff.

During the year, children developed according to their age, studied program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. Teachers' work 1 junior group was carried out based on the basic per annum tasks and in accordance with annual work plan for 2017-18 academic year.

Before the teachers groups the following were supplied tasks:

1. Create conditions for improving the quality of training and education junior schoolchildren in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Develop new technologies in training and education through the introduction of design- research activities pupils into the system educational and extracurricular work.

3. Establish work with capable children at all levels.

4. Create an individual educational route.

The daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in the MADO were strictly observed. According to the plan, medical, psychological and pedagogical examinations of the pupils were carried out, confirming the positive dynamics of the development of each child and groups as a whole.

The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor,

cognitive-research, productive, musical-art and reading fiction. All types of activities represent the main directions of development children: physical, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-communicative.

Organized educational activities were carried out on the basis of comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Physical development: Children have mastered the simplest skills of behavior while eating, notice and eliminate disorder in clothes, wash themselves properly, wipe dry using an individual towel, many try to take care of their appearance, dress, hang clothes in a certain order, and keep their clothes and shoes clean. They know how to carefully use a spoon, make requests, and say thanks. Children's understanding of outdoor games with rules has expanded, they can walk and run, maintaining balance in different directions as directed by an adult, they have learned to crawl on all fours, they can jump long jumps from a standing position, and their knowledge of basic norms and rules has expanded. healthy image life (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, when forming useful habits, etc.).

Cognitive development: Many children know their first and last names, the names of their parents, look at illustrated editions of children's books, show interest in them, have learned to navigate the premises of the kindergarten, and name the name of the village in which they live. Distinguish: color, shape (circle, rectangle, square, triangle); know how group items: by color, size, shape, can determine direction movement: up, down, right, left, distinguish and name "day Night", "morning evening", correctly determine the quantitative relationship groups of objects understand the specific meaning of words "more", "less", as many". Children are inquisitive, show a steady interest in research and project activities. Most children are able to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences. Can easily distinguish colors spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (chromatic, white and black, but some children cannot distribute colors according to lightness and saturation and name them correctly.

Create simple movable structures, highlight characteristics appearance animals, modes of movement, food. They know and name some plants and animals, their babies and toys.

Speech development: Have sufficient vocabulary. They look at the pictures and are able to briefly talk about what they saw. Answer questions from an adult regarding the immediate environment. Pronounce vowel sounds and determine the given vowel sound. Use parts of speech, simple sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. They know how to carry on a conversation and share various impressions with teachers and other children.

Social-communicative development: Children try to follow the rules of behavior in public places, when communicating with peers and adults, and in nature. They strive to listen and hear the adult. Have the skills to behave in new, unusual life situations, when meeting strangers, when meeting animals, they have an idea of ​​the benefits of hardening procedures and proper nutrition. Understand the social assessment of the actions of peers or heroes of illustrations and literary works. They act out excerpts from familiar fairy tales independently and at the request of an adult.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Use a brush or pencil correctly. Paint over with a brush or pencil, drawing lines and strokes in only one direction. Draw wide lines with the entire brush. Can draw unconventionally ways: finger painting, blotography. They know how to roll a ball between their palms.

With a slight pull, pinch all the edges of the flattened ball, small parts, and pull out individual parts from the whole piece.

Children use and name various details wooden constructor. They are able to replace building parts depending on the available material. Most children are able to identify the main parts of a proposed building. They change buildings by adding on or replacing some parts with others.

All children show aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, and interest in art. They know how to listen to pieces of music until the end. Recognize familiar songs. They sing without falling behind or ahead of others. Learned how to dance movement: spin in pairs, stamp your feet alternately, move to music with objects. Distinguishes and names musical tools: metallophone, drum. Notices changes in sound (quiet-loud).

Since in younger in preschool age, sensory education serves as the basis for understanding the world, and the success of mental, physical and aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children.

Search and research activities were regularly organized throughout the year children: experimenting with sand, clay, pebbles, water, air, objects; observations of weather, objects of living and inanimate nature. Children of this age are distinguished by a high degree of cognitive activity. In this regard, teachers groups sought to so that the educational impact is developmental in nature with the gradual complication of educational tasks taking into account the capabilities of the children.

To maintain their activity and interest, we introduced different types movements, fragments of outdoor games, dance movements. Subject-based practical activities under the guidance of an adult stimulated the overall development of children, contributed to an increase in their performance, and the development of the ability to finish what they started. In the conditions of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child, the education of children at the stage of early childhood is just being formed, but its significance in the implementation of tasks aimed at the development of each pupil is undeniable.

The organization of cultural and leisure activities made it possible to provide students with rest, emotional well-being, and the formation of the ability to occupy themselves.

During the year in group Work was systematically carried out to interact with parents. A long-term plan has been drawn up, indicating all joint events, consultations, parent meetings, and visual poster information. At the parent meetings, the following relevant issues were studied in detail: Topics: “Know and understand the child”, “Game in a child’s life at home and in the garden”, “Let the child grow up healthy”.

Parents were presented with visual information material: “Games that promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers”, “Games and exercises that promote sensory development of preschoolers”, “Games-experiments with children junior preschool age" Also, individual conversations were conducted directly with parents.

Consultations: “How to ensure successful adaptation to kindergarten conditions”, “Sensory development of children under three years old”, “If the child does not eat well”, “Speech development of children 2-3 years old”, “What should a 2-3 year old child be able to do”,

"The importance of theatrical activities".

The work to update the subject-development environment turned out to be fruitful. The developmental environment contributed to the most effective development of the individuality of each student, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of development. The work of educators was aimed at solving educational problems in the process of organizing various types of children's activities, during regime moments, independent activities of children.

The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in various types of children's activities. When conducting organized educational activities, both traditional and non-traditional methods were used work: articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises that promote interhemispheric interaction. Monitoring children’s achievement of the planned final results of mastering the basic general education program allows us to assess the dynamics of students’ achievements, the effectiveness and balance of forms and methods of work.

During the year we achieved some success. Thanks to systematic, purposeful work with children, built on the principles of a humane and personal attitude towards the child, it was possible to achieve positive results in: comprehensive development of students, formation

positive personal qualities, mastering basic moral standards, acquiring moral qualities.

The following activities were also carried out with children: "Autumn Festival", "Mothers Day", "New Year's party", "March 8"; Musical entertainment timed: for Defender of the Fatherland Day, April Fool's Day, Victory Day, Children's Day, staging of Russian folk tales and nursery rhymes. Teachers and children took part in competitions and thematic exhibitions,

by design groups for the beginning of the school year, decor groups for the new year.

Analysis of the fulfillment of requirements for the content and methods of education and training, as well as analysis of children’s assimilation of program material show stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development. The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in various types of children's activities. Particular attention should be paid to the use of a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods of work, allowing for the development of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

Last year the following problems were identified and flaws:

not all parents listen to the advice of teachers and nurses. In this regard, problems arise. Many parents do not realize that when they find themselves in an unfamiliar social environment, children experience severe stress, characterized by an increase in aggressive behavior with a significant decrease in cognitive activity and indicative reactions, there are disturbances in sound pronunciation, and vaccinations are not given on time.

Performance results groups for 2017-2018 academic year year were carefully analyzed and conclusions were drawn that, in general, the work was carried out purposefully and effectively.

Taking into account the successes and problems encountered in the past academic year, the following tasks are planned for 2018-2019 academic year:

1. Continue to carry out preventive measures in order to increase children’s attendance, improve health, and develop the motor and hygienic culture of children.

2. Continue to take an active part in the methodological activities of the district and kindergarten.

3. Development of children’s cognitive activity through enrichment and understanding of the world around them.

4. Continue to cultivate creativity, emotionality, and activity in children for their further achievements and success.

5. Top up: didactic and handouts for development logical thinking; role-playing game corner; book corner with literature by age. Purchase new educational games according to the age of the children.

6. Work on a topic for self-education.

7.Continuation of targeted work with children in all educational areas;

8. Improving work on interaction with parents;

9. Continued improvement of the subject-development environment in group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

10. Increasing the level of teaching skills through participation in seminars, master classes, and training in advanced training courses.

11. Replenish the attributes of role-playing games.

12. Make a corner according to PPD.

13. Update the equipment for the touch corner.

14. Replenish the attributes of theatrical activities.

15. Replenish the attributes of the music corner and the library of children's songs.

16. Purchase books on individual topics of the program.

Report on the work done in the 1st junior group of MBDOU No. 39 “Alenka” for the period 2016-2017 academic year. of the year.

List of members of the group: people. Boys: Girls: Children's age is from 2 to 3 years.

During the first half of the school year, my work was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. Throughout the entire adaptation period, we strived to ensure that the child coped with the difficulties of getting used to the new environment at the level of easy adaptation. And all the children adapted easily.

The organization of the educational process was built on the basis of the preschool education program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” / ed. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015.

The purpose of this program:

- creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a child in preschool childhood;

Formation of the foundations of basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age individual characteristics;

Preparation for life in modern society, schooling, ensuring the continuous, comprehensive development of the child. The main priority areas of general development are:

-physical development;

-Social and communicative development;

-Cognitive development;

-Speech development;

-Artistic and aesthetic development.

The work was planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of areas, SAN PIN. Throughout the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions were strictly observed.

Comprehensively thematic planning in the 1st junior group was carried out according to the long-term plan prescribed in the work program.

The development and learning of children took place in specially organized games and activities, during which children acquired knowledge and skills, without which their normal development is impossible.

The methodology of educational activities with young children has its own specifics. It is associated with the development and behavior of children:

Educational activities were carried out in game form, taking into account the decisive importance of the emotional factor of children.

- The duration of the lesson did not exceed 8-10 minutes, always including a motor task.

It is important to repeat classes, actions, skills, and knowledge acquired by a child do not become stable immediately and are easily destroyed. The theme was repeated, but with different materials; or the same material, but the task changed.

The development of young children in the group is systematically monitored, the older nurse, senior teacher, and me. The goal is to determine the actual level of development of the child and age group generally; to identify the correctness of medical and pedagogical influences, educational conditions, and the quality of educational work. Based on the criteria for the development of young children in the group, an individual diagnostic card for supporting the child’s development is filled out at the beginning of the school year, which makes it possible to detect initial deviations in his development and behavior, and to timely adjust educational influences.

Daily educational and educational work allowed us to achieve the following results:

1.  Children are interested in surrounding objects and actively interact with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of their actions;

2.  use specific, culturally fixed object actions, know the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and know how to use them. Possess basic self-service skills; strives to demonstrate independence in everyday and play behavior;

3.  have active speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understand the speech of adults; know the names of surrounding objects and toys;

4. strive to communicate with adults and actively imitate them in movements and actions; games have appeared in which children reproduce the actions of an adult;

5.  show interest in peers; observe their actions and imitate them;

6.  show interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, trying to move to the music; responds emotionally to various works of culture and art;

7. Children have developed gross motor skills and strive to master different kinds movements (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

At the end of the year, diagnostics were carried out, which showed the following results:

The atmosphere in the team is friendly and positive. There is a partnership between me and the children. Joint activities were carried out during regime moments and were aimed at solving educational problems. I tried to achieve discipline by acting within the framework not of the formal authority of an adult, but through the creation of an entire system of interests, including through the choice of topics in the educational process that were interesting and meaningful for the child. The level of conflict in the group is low. But sometimes behavior problems arise in several children. I try to create conditions for the formation of children’s ability to manage their actions on the basis of primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.

Throughout the year, we worked closely with the families of the students. We held four parent meetings on the following topics:

The world of children and adults is mutually interconnected. And one of the options for strengthening relationships with your child is to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

During the year, events were organized: “Golden Autumn”, “New Year”, “March 8”, “Spring”. Also took part in the exhibitions: “Gifts of Autumn”, “ Christmas tree", "Dad is always there."

The group has a subject-development environment; play areas are organized in accordance with age and individual needs. There are educational and developmental games, and story-based toys: dolls, cars, etc. Organized corners with large furniture for role-playing games. The group has a selection of construction sets, small toys, cubes

For the next academic year I plan to:

1. Continue to maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group;

2. Maintain partnerships between teachers, children and parents;

3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a child from one and a half to four years old;

4. Find and apply innovative methods, continue to work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle among children and parents;

5. Pass certification and attend advanced training courses.

6.Increasing the level of teaching skills through self-education, sharing work experience, attending city events (seminars, workshops, master classes);

7. Active participation in preschool events.


1 Report on the work done in the first junior group for the school year Author: Maevskaya Vera Anatolyevna MADOU Novoturinsky kindergarten “Lukomorye” group “ gold fish» There are 29 children in the group: 13 boys, 16 girls. Over the course of the year, children developed according to their age, mastered program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. All children adapted well to kindergarten. We worked according to the basic general educational program of preschool education of the Moscow Regional Preschool Educational Institution of the Novoturinsk kindergarten “Lukomorye”. The program provides for solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education. The leading goals of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education are:. creation of favorable conditions; formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual; comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics; ensuring the life safety of preschool children. The goals are realized in the process of various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading. All types of activities are included in the main areas of children's development:. Physical;. Cognitive-speech;. Artistic and aesthetic;. Social and personal. During the school year, work was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten: familiarizing parents with the age characteristics of children and the reasons that cause stress during the adaptation period; gave recommendations on preparing for admission to a preschool institution; They tried to establish emotional and physical contact with the children and involved them in joint activities. By the end of the year, the children had grown noticeably and become stronger. Many have become more confident in self-care: they can dress themselves and use personal hygiene items. They began to show cognitive activity, using a variety of actions. The children's interest in group games and communication with peers has increased. They rejoice at their achievements and new successes.

3 Listen to short stories without visual accompaniment. They use speech as a means of communication with peers. READING FICTION. Listen to poems, fairy tales, and stories that are accessible in content. When reading again, they pronounce words and small phrases. Read by heart A. Barto’s poem “Toys”; know some nursery rhymes. ARTISTIC CREATIVITY. Artistic and aesthetic development is of great importance for the all-round development of a preschooler. They know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes. There are red, blue, green, yellow, white, black colors. Able to roll out a lump of dough straight and in a circular motion hands; break off small lumps from a large lump of dough and flatten them with your palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other. During the year, the children had two clubs. The “Mukosolka” circle was attended by 8 children. The “Talented Hands” circle was attended by 9 children. During the year, the guys and I held such events as: “Travel to Autumn forest", "My favorite toys", "Mother's Day", "Journey to the Winter Forest", "Let's help Nastya not get sick", New Year's party“Whose little mitten”, “Our little sandy friend”, “Gifts for Valentine’s Day”, “Fun starts” dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day, “Sun at Mother’s Day”, “Summer Holiday”. Over the course of the year, the group systematically carried out work on interaction with parents, consultations, individual conversations, parent meetings, visual and poster information, joint exhibitions, crafts for the holidays, took part in project activities, and in the production of wall newspapers. 3 parent meetings were held: 1. “Child adaptation in kindergarten” (September 2014) “Introducing parents to the tasks of raising and educating children 2-3 years old according to the program “From birth to school”, consultations were held on “ Psychological characteristics three-year-old children” A parent committee has been elected. 2. “Formation of self-service skills and education of independence in children 2-3 years old.” Prevention colds. “What our children play with” (January 2015)

4 3. “How our children have matured and what they have learned in a year.” Summing up the results of educational work for the school year. "The role of family in speech development child” “Instilling safe behavior in children at home and on the street” (June 2015) For the next school year, I set the following goals for myself: - Continue the development of children in all areas of the general education program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education; - Maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group; - Maintain partnerships between the teacher, children and parents; -develop speech, memory, attention of children; -continue to work on self-service skills; -develop fine motor skills; -develop play activity; -develop the artistic and aesthetic development of children. Educator Mayevskaya V.A.


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Abstract to the work program for the development of children of the second group of early age The work program was developed by educators in accordance with the content of the main educational program of preschool educational

Topic Goal Period Final activities Arouse in children the joy of returning to children's entertainment for garden Continue to get to know the kindergarten as children, the child’s immediate social environment: organized

Abstract to the work program of the early age group The work program for the development of children of the early age group has been developed in accordance with the content of the educational process of the first junior group

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Izluchinskaya general education Primary School» Long-term plan for working with parents in the group of general developmental orientation of pupils of the fourth

Month 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week September “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” "Rules and safety traffic» Goal: Assistance Goal: Expanding orientation in the emergence

Long-term plan for working with parents in senior group for the 2017-2018 academic year Features of interaction between the teaching staff and the families of students. The teacher actively involves parents in

Teacher's analytical report middle group"Munrukan" for the 2015-2016 academic year. Educator: Sleptsova Ekaterina Alekseevna general characteristics Groups: Total people: 12 Boys 7 Girls 5 Age of children


Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization“Kindergarten 5 “Stork” of a combined type” Volkhov Results of the year Author compiler: Marina Vasilievna Kokina, teacher Tasks: Education

MDOU "Kindergarten 3 Goldfish" Regulatory and legal framework of educational educational institutions Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"; Federal Law of July 24, 1998 124-FZ

Work programs of teachers of the MDOU “BCRR d/s “Zhuravushka” Work programs of teachers of the preschool educational institution are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Educational Program

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 35 of Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg Structural unit “Center for accompaniment of a child with disabilities

Model for organizing educational activities of the 1st junior group for the 2018-2019 academic year. Month Pupils Teachers Parents September Conversation with children “Goodbye, Entertainment “Summer Time” summer!” examination

Long-term plan for working with parents of the middle group 2015-2016. For working with parents, the following goal was determined: To promote the establishment of cooperation between kindergarten and family in matters of education,

Educational activities in kindergarten in accordance with Federal State Standards Deputy Head of Educational Institutions: E.V. Todorenko. MBDOU kindergarten 11 “Beryozka” 2016. Educational activities

Month Parent meetings September Parent meeting “The journey to the land of knowledge continues, or only forward!” (Psychophysiological characteristics of children of the fifth year of life. Objectives of education and

Analytical report on the results of pedagogical monitoring of the educational process and child development in the secondary preschool group 2015-2016 academic year Educational process in secondary

State Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium 1529 named after. A.S. Griboyedov" preschool structural unit 1 (short-term stay group) Great importance for emotional

Abstract to the work program of the teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center, kindergarten 462" g.o. Samara for the 2017-2018 academic year. year In the municipal budget

Final Parent meeting in the second junior group “What have we learned in a year” Purpose: summing up the results of educational activities. Objectives: to introduce parents to the achievements and successes of their children;

ADOPTED by the decision of the pedagogical council, protocol 1 dated 08/28/15 APPROVED by order of the State Budgetary Educational Institution 46 dated 09/01/15 m.p. CALENDAR SCHEDULE for the 2015-2016 academic year St. Petersburg 2015 1 Specifics of educational

General parent meetings Topic, content Duration Responsible 1 Topic: “The art of educating.” Familiarization with the directions of work for the 2018-2019 academic year. Introducing parents to basic documents

Completed by teachers: Belyaeva E.K. Nazarova G.D. Now there are 29 children in the group - 15 girls, 14 boys. Children aged 2 to 3 years old when entering a preschool institution have many problems. All changes:

Adopted by the Pedagogical Council Protocol 1 dated August 31, 2017. APPROVED: Order 51 of 08/31/2017 Syllabus for the 2017-2018 academic year of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Children's

Group 1 “Cornflower” Olga Valentinovna Kosenkova Highest qualification category Olga Andreevna Maxina First qualification category During the 2016-2017 academic year, the group’s teachers completed

Report on pedagogical activity teacher 2 junior group 4 Valiakhmetova I.Kh. MBDOU "TsRR d/s 46 "Cinderella" for the first half of the 2015-2016 academic year At the end of the first half of the 2015-2016 academic year

Months Name of the event Purpose of the event Individual work September 1. Organizational parent meeting “What a 5-6 year old child should know.” 2. Conversation with parents “Children’s clothing

Abstract to the work program of the preschool educational institution This work program is developed on the basis of an approximate basic general education program for education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva,

October November December 1. Memo for parents “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family”, “Rules of communication in the family”. "Game as a means of educating preschoolers." 3. Conversation “Cultivating a culture of child behavior

MBDOU "Combined kindergarten 63" Report on the work done in the preparatory group "Golden Key" 2017 2018 academic year. B Teacher: Svetashova Svetlana Fedorovna Business card groups

Goal: Involvement of the maximum number of parents in the educational process carried out with children of the middle group. Objectives: 1. Create conditions for the openness of images in the group space (information from parents

Annual tasks of Murmansk MADOU 93 for 2016-2017 1. Organize interaction between children and adults to form a conscious and responsible attitude towards issues of health and personal safety in preschoolers

Long-term plan for interaction with parents. Goal: create in kindergarten the necessary conditions to develop responsible relationships with the families of students that ensure holistic development

Plan of work with parents of the senior speech therapy group “Solnyshko” for the 2014-2015 academic year Month Form Topic Purpose Responsible September Consultation “Protecting the rights and dignity of the child” Introduce parents

Forms of work with parents. Working with parents is one of the most important areas of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Effectively organized cooperation with parents gives impetus to building

Targets for mastering PEP by age Targets for mastering PEP for pupils of the 1st junior group (from 2 to 3 years old) - the child has basic rules of behavior while eating and washing;

Presentation of the Main educational program of MBDOU "Kindergarten 40" The main educational program of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 40 combined

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 30 combined type of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Educational program of preschool education Developers:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Solnyshko" Gvardeyskoye village" Simferopol district Republic of Crimea Calendar - thematic planning for the 2016/2017 school year

The main educational program of preschool education Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 35" The regulatory framework of educational educational institutions is developed in accordance with: the Convention

Appendix 7 to the work program Order dated August 28, 2016 Psychological and pedagogical support of the family within the framework of the implementation of the educational program for the 2016-2017 academic year Educators: Safarova O.N.

5) Approval of a set of physical culture and health activities for the 2017-2018 academic year. 6) Staffing groups. 7) Results of summer health work September Consultation for “Monitoring

The world in which I live My family is my world Hello, winter Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person: about the main parts of the human body, their purpose. Consolidate knowledge of your name and the names of family members. Shape

State budgetary educational institution of Moscow “Gloria School” Summer health work plan Preschool groups 2019 Summer health work with children in kindergarten has

Model for organizing educational activities of the 2nd junior group for the 2018-2019 academic year. Month Pupils Teachers Parents September “Goodbye, summer.” Traffic rules “I'm in kindergarten! We play, we grow." Traffic regulations

Long-term plan for interaction with parents. Event Responsible Dates 1. General parent meeting: “Main directions of educational activities of MDOU for the new academic year” 2. “Improvement

Long-term plan for working with parents preparatory group"Pencils" for the 2015-2016 academic year. Form of work Name of event Goal/objectives SEPTEMBER Individual conversations “Clothing for children in a group”

Adopted by the Pedagogical Council Approved by order Minutes 1 of 08/31/2018 24 of 09/01/2018 WORK PLAN of MBDOU “KINDERGARTEN 37 COMBINED TYPE” FOR 2018-19 SCHOOL YEAR. Goal: building preschool work


ADDITIONAL SECTION Brief presentation of the Program 1. Age and other categories of children targeted by the Program, including categories of children with disabilities. Main

The curriculum of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Golden Cockerel" The curriculum of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Golden Cockerel" is developed in accordance with: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On hygienic requirements

Months Name of the event Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible September October -Joint preparation for the academic year -Consultation “Unified Electronic System” “Additional

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Berezka" Presentation of the work program for joint activities of the teacher with children of the second group of early age Implementation period

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Berezka" ACCEPTED: On Pedagogical Council MBDOU kindergarten "Beryozka" protocol from the year APPROVED: by order for MBDOU children's