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How to manage your funded pension. All about funded pension

“I came to the bank on my own business, and the manager suggested that I transfer my pension savings to a non-state pension fund (NPF). He said that this money would be kept at a good interest rate, otherwise I would lose everything, since the transfer can only be made until the end of this year,” the young girl Valeria knew nothing about the pension system until this conversation happened in one of the branches jar. The arguments seemed convincing, and she agreed.

The pension system is indeed not inferior to the housing and communal services sector in terms of complexity and complexity. However, if the moment of plunging into utility bills can be delayed by simply paying the required amount, then with pensions the decision needs to be made now: there are less than six months left until the end of the year.

How is a pension formed?

The future pension is divided into two parts - insurance and funded. The employer makes monthly contributions to the Russian Pension Fund () in an amount equal to 22% of the employee’s salary. Of these, 16% goes to insurance part and 6% - to the funded account (contributed only to persons born in 1967 and younger).

Moreover, the threshold of the annual salary from which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are paid in 2015 is 711 thousand rubles. Upon reaching this amount, the employer pays 10%, but they no longer affect the size of the future pension. That is, it doesn’t matter to you whether you receive 59.25 thousand or, for example, 100 thousand rubles. per month.

The insurance part is used to pay current pensions, that is, to today's pensioners. And the savings account remains in the citizen’s account, and he can invest it.

The funded part of the pension automatically goes to the Pension Fund, where it is further invested by the management company. However, each citizen can choose a different management company or even transfer money to a non-state pension fund (NPF).

However, since 2014, a moratorium on the funded part came into force. That is, all contributions from employers since then have not been divided into two parts, but have gone entirely to the insurance company. This spring, non-state pension funds that entered the guarantee system (that is, actually passed licensing) began to receive frozen savings. With full list can be found on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA).

So far, the authorities have said that the funded part will return next year, but discussions on this matter are still ongoing.

The decision must be made by the end of the year

By the end of the year, all citizens must make a choice: keep the funded part or abandon it, so that all contributions are sent to the insurance part.

There is such a concept in the pension market - “silent people”. These are those who have never applied to change the management company or choose a non-state pension fund. That is, in fact, the majority of the population. If by the end of the year this category of citizens does not submit an application to maintain the funded part, then it will no longer be replenished, all contributions will be transferred to the insurance part. Those who have successfully applied at least once in their lives will continue to accumulate 6%.

Option No. 1: leave everything as it is - the accumulative part in

If the insurer of the funded part is the Pension Fund, then your funds are invested by the state management company of VEB (Vnesheconombank).

It invests citizens' pension savings in two investment portfolios - basic and extended.

Citizens’ savings are automatically invested in an expanded portfolio. This includes government securities, corporate securities of Russian issuers, guaranteed by the Russian Federation, bank deposits in rubles and foreign currency, mortgage-backed securities, bonds of international financial organizations.

If a citizen wants his savings to be invested only in government securities and corporate bonds of Russian issuers (basic portfolio), he must submit an application to the local Pension Fund office by December 31.

You can change the management company.

Let us recall that annual inflation in Russia in 2014 was 11.4%, in 2013 - 6.5%, in 2012 - 6.6%. Annual inflation accelerated to 15.6% in July this year. At the end of the year it expects 10-10.5%.

Option No. 2: transfer savings to NPF

“The state fully regulates the process of investing pension funds. Thus, according to the law, NPFs have the right to invest pension savings only in permitted instruments with maximum reliability. In addition, NPFs themselves have a risk management system at the internal level, which allows investing pension savings only in profitable, reliable assets,” the president of the National Association of Non-State Pension Funds (NAPF) told Gazeta.Ru.

With the introduction in 2016 of the possibility of a five-year period for investing pension savings, NPFs will be able to further diversify their investment portfolio by investing part of their pension savings in riskier, but highly profitable instruments, he added.

“Also, in the near future, the NPF’s portfolio of investment instruments will be supplemented with infrastructure projects, the expected return on which will be significantly higher than the inflation rate. This will allow NPFs to increase the efficiency of working with pension savings, and insured persons to receive more income from the formation of a funded pension,” says Konstantin Ugryumov.

Option No. 3: abandon the savings part altogether

Citizens born in 1967 and younger (that is, those who had a funded portion formed by law) until December 31, 2015 can choose: to form only insurance pension or insurance and savings at the same time. “Silent people”, that is, those who have never applied to choose a management company or non-state pension fund, will automatically lose the funded part - all contributions will be directed towards an insurance pension in the future.

How profitable it is to stay only in the insurance part, there is no clear answer.

The Pension Fund emphasizes that the insurance pension is guaranteed to be indexed by the state at least according to the level of inflation, while the funds of the funded pension are transferred either to the management company or to the non-state pension fund and are invested by them in the financial market. “The funded pension is not indexed by the state. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses,” the fund emphasizes.

In fact, there is no obligation to increase the insurance portion by the amount of inflation, retorts Sergei Okolesnov, general director of the consulting company Pension Partner.

“Everything that is calculated using a complex formula (taking into account experience, age, earnings) is multiplied by a coefficient, and the coefficient is determined by the government every year depending on the state of the budget. That is, by and large, the size of the insurance pension depends on the capabilities of the state. In recent years, it has indeed grown by the amount of inflation, but one can only guess what will happen next,” says the expert.

What to consider when choosing

“They invest money primarily in the stock market, as well as in bank deposits and some real estate. And last year was a complete failure for the stock market,” Sergei Okolesnov explains the dip in profitability at the end of 2014. — At the same time, at the end of last year, when deposit rates began to rise, many pension money managers tried to take advantage of the situation and shift part of their assets into deposits, to the extent permitted by law (up to 60%). Therefore, this year we should expect significant growth in at least this part of assets.”

The expert is confident that this year the yield will be higher than last year, but whether it will surpass inflation will depend on the state of the market in the second half of the year.

“The most important thing is diversification. Pension savings, unfortunately, can be transferred to only one operator - either the Pension Fund or the Non-State Pension Fund. And here, according to statistics, NPFs have traditionally beaten the Pension Fund for one simple reason: from a legislative point of view, they have a wider opportunity to choose financial instruments for investment,” says the expert.

He recommends trusting money to a non-state pension fund, which has several management companies: “Accordingly, your money will be distributed evenly across several managers, and in this case this will be diversification. And funds should be chosen, of course, for reasons of safety and reliability of investments: out of 80 funds that exist, 29 are included in the guarantee system, which means that savings in these funds are guaranteed by the state represented by the DIA.” You should also pay attention to profitability for previous reporting periods.

However, both those who understand the pension system and those who do not at all, out of habit, do not place high hopes on the safety of funds in either case. And they certainly don’t count on profitability. “I haven’t transferred my funds anywhere and I don’t intend to. Anyway, in tens of years, when the time for payments comes, everything in the pension system will change again,” says Alexander, who actively works in financial markets.

“It seemed to me that this was not a principled procedure and it was simply not worth my effort. No matter how much interest VEB or NPF earns, my pension savings will still only be enough to meet my minimum needs,” shares Peter, an economist by training.

His retirement strategy is different: retire as late as possible and have an activity that brings in additional income. “You also need your own savings,” he believes.

More recently, the funded pension operates as a separate part. Each citizen has the right to decide for himself where he will transfer this part.

There are few options, but it is worth considering each of them carefully before deciding where to transfer the funded part of your pension.

Of course, every person cares where his money goes. How to find a reliable source for saving your savings - there are several options.

Transferring pension savings is a responsible decision, since a person’s future and his material well-being depend on them. There are only 2 options for what to do with your funded pension:

  1. Keep pension savings in a government organization.
  2. Write consent to transfer all funds to a non-state fund.
  3. Avoid saving altogether.

Every citizen for whom contributions are made by the employer has the right to choose the pension organization to which the money will go.

It is worth remembering that the amount of savings directly depends on the employee’s salary, so a good solution would be to get a well-paid job.

Having made a choice in favor of the state, it is worth knowing: all pension savings will be invested annually in a management company chosen by the person.

Important! Every year, detailed reports on investing funds in different management companies are posted on the official portal of the Pension Fund. If a citizen is not satisfied with something in the management company he has chosen, he has the right to change it at any time.

When a Russian decides to transfer his pension to , he should carefully consider the options. You should choose those non-state pension funds that have passed the guarantee system. This list of funds is also listed on our website.

Transfer of pension to NPF will be good option, since such funds specialize in pension savings. Employees of these non-governmental organizations invest savings funds in enterprises with consistently high profits or in securities, which contributes to a good increase in citizens’ savings.

Many people distrust all non-governmental institutions and consider them unreliable. In fact, control over the activities of NPFs is carried out by very serious authorities, such as the Pension Fund or the Financial Market Supervision Service. Like government agencies, businesses operating on a private basis are carefully scrutinized.

How to transfer the funded part of a pension to one of the funds - you just need to write a statement about choosing the organization where the contributions will be made.

Citizens who have already crossed the threshold of the appropriate age can receive their funded part. To receive it, you must also declare this in writing and submit documents confirming your identity and pension status.

By transferring funds to non-state institutions, pensioners can be sure that they will receive their money in full size based on investment results.

On a note! A person who forms his money savings can find out at any time detailed information about their condition and growth by contacting employees of organizations directly, or by going to the official website of government services.

There is also a 3rd option: completely abandon all actions with the savings part. It is enough to simply write a confirmation of refusal to form pension savings.

If the citizen has not yet made a decision in anyone’s favor, then the contributions made by the employer will form only the insurance part of the pension.

No one can say which type of deduction is more profitable. One thing is certain: insurance benefit It is indexed annually depending on inflation, but the state does not influence the funded pension in any way; it is invested in the financial market, and this market may suffer losses.

Expert opinions

No expert can say unequivocally what is best to do with the funded part of the pension, since each person must make a choice himself so as not to regret it later.

However, there are expert opinions that favor one or another organization to which contributions should be made.

Those who support the side of non-state institutions say that they will be better able to manage funds, namely, they will have more opportunities to invest and invest them. Transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund – good decision for those who work under an official employment contract and have a stable, high income. For those who work informally, it is preferable to make contributions to a state enterprise. Others say that the NPF transfers real money, and government organizations transfer funds to pension points, and it is unknown how much a citizen’s old-age benefit will be.

Some experts in this field believe that if a citizen will soon retire, then there is no point in transferring funds, since this will not affect the amount of the benefit.

Still others consider the choice in favor of a non-state fund to be too risky, since the investment may fail and people will lose their money. Therefore, it is recommended to choose only guaranteed organizations.


So, where it is better to transfer the funded part of the pension, everyone decides for themselves, depending on their preferences, capabilities and means. Before making such an important and serious decision, everyone should take a tour of the laws and regulations regarding retirement savings.

By choosing where to transfer pension savings, a citizen will be able to ensure a reliable future for himself, and have no doubt that the state will take full care of him!

Citizens planning to retire have the right to independently choose the method of managing their funded pension. The legislator has provided several options for this process - Pension Fund, Non-State Pension Fund and management company.

The procedure for disposing of a pension

The trust of savings funds requires the insured person to study in detail the performance indicators of the funds. As a rule, the last 5-7 years are accepted using independent sources. After reviewing the information, the future pensioner can send documents to the selected company.

A change in the insurance organization is carried out at the time of transition from one fund to another, for example, from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to a non-state pension fund and back. In the event of a transfer of savings from a state company to a private organization, the Pension Fund remains the insurer of the invested funds.

Individuals can use the right to change the manager every year, but in this case the procedure is endowed with the term “early”. A cost-effective method includes changing the organization once every 5 years, since with the first option the user risks losing part of the money from investing.

How can you manage your pension savings?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation offers insured persons 3 ways to use contributions:

  1. Write an application to refuse a funded pension in favor of increasing insurance payments. This option allows you to increase the number of IPCs on the user’s account. However, for this, a citizen must have experience in conducting labor activity at the time of reaching the appropriate age;
  2. To form the funded part of the pension, entrust investment to the Non-State Pension Fund;
  3. Conclude a contractual relationship with a private or public management company. It is noteworthy that the activities of the former are under the control of the state, but the profitability of such investments is lower than that of non-state pension funds.

When choosing a method for managing the funded part of a pension, citizens are advised to consider:

  • You can switch to a specific method of disposing of collateral only once;
  • the number and frequency of insurer changes is not regulated.
Note: to transfer to a non-state pension fund or management company, you must send an application and documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person, through a person authorized by a power of attorney, as well as by the MFC or by Russian Post.

Factors influencing the increase in the funded part of the benefit

For 2020, the calculation uses a fixed rate of 240, which is an indicator of 20 years of survival. When retiring after 55 years (for women) and 60 years (for men), the amount of payments increases. At the time of applying for security, all funds accumulated in an individual personal account are taken into account:

  • insurance premiums;
  • voluntary contributions;
  • maternal capital;
  • bonuses for participation in the co-financing program;
  • profit from investment.

During the period of working activity, the insured person has the right to increase funds pension provision due to the choice of disposal method and investment package. Contributions paid by a citizen are transferred into government bonds or shares of domestic enterprises.

Transfer of the funded part of the benefit

When deciding to transfer contributions to a non-state pension fund, you should enter into an agreement on trust management of pension savings. After signing the agreement, the NPF is obliged to send a copy to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for archiving.

The essence of the trust order

The State Fund, unlike a non-state fund, conducts open activities and provides the opportunity to independently choose an organization to manage funds. An individual can choose either a state-owned company or a private one, subject to an agreement concluded with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The full register of management companies and non-state pension funds is available on the Russian Pension Fund website.

Benefit disposal options

Based on current laws, citizens have the right to independently manage finances from the insurance portion of the benefit. This is possible by choosing one of the options for managing pension savings.

How is a savings benefit formed in a non-state pension fund?

By choosing a non-state pension fund, an individual, in essence, refuses the services of the Russian Pension Fund. Thus, the Non-State Pension Fund will pay this type of benefit. The fund cannot conduct independent investment, according to Federal Law No. dated May 7, 1998. Therefore, without prior notice to the insured person, it chooses a private management company.

Formation of savings in the management company

State management companies have the authority to invest the population’s finances from insurance premiums. Federal Law No. dated July 18, 2009 regulates management companies to make contributions to the corresponding portfolios.

This is carried out on the basis of an application submitted to the Russian Pension Fund. For 2020, there are basic and advanced portfolios.

Investments using pension savings

By choosing a method of managing funds for the funded part of a pension, a citizen increases future income in old age. You can choose one of the following options as a benefit administrator and insurer:

  1. State management companies by default enter into an agreement on an expanded portfolio;
  2. Private management companies offer to make investments in government securities. To do this, you need to write an application;
  3. NPFs, in accordance with the citizen’s application for transfer and the compulsory insurance agreement, provide services for investing the funded part of the benefit.

In accordance with the new reform, NPFs now have expanded deposit opportunities than the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, citizens can count on high profits.

Trust management

Trust management of pension savings is an order from individual to dispose of funds in accordance with the concluded agreement. Federal Law No. indicates that only management companies are vested with this right, and state funds are deprived of these powers.

Placement of pension savings

Pension funds can only be placed in an account with a management company or non-state pension fund. The form of management may be changed at least once every 5 years. It is allowed to change the fund to a management company ahead of schedule. However, this option leads to loss of investment profits.

An exceptional case - the insured person sent an application for premature transfer to the year of expiration of the contract, i.e. to the fifth year.

Selecting a non-state pension fund based on profitability and reliability rating

The main criteria when choosing a fund are:

  1. Reliability. To determine this indicator, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of organizations provided by the Expert RA rating agency;
  2. Profitability. The information indicates the profitability of completed financial transactions. Information is indicated on the websites of companies, rating agencies and the Federal Financial Markets Service.

Types of strategies for investing pension savings

The strategy for managing pension savings depends on the choice of institution:

  1. State-owned companies offer conservative types of deposits - bonds, deposits;
  2. Non-state management companies listed in the register of the Ministry of Finance of Russia - a balanced strategy, where savings are placed in state and corporate shares;
  3. Non-State Pension Funds are balanced types of investments managed by the management company.

Who controls the activities of the management company

The activities of management companies are under the control of the following departments:

  1. Pension Fund. Engaged in signing and terminating contractual relations with management companies and special depositories selected on a competitive basis. Receives applications from citizens for portfolio selection. Based on the agreement, it transfers funds to the management company for management and investment. Receives and analyzes reports from organizations on financial activities to formulate future benefits. In addition, it has the authority to request and receive money from the management company for payments to the population;
  2. TSB RF. The body is responsible for control over the financial market, including non-credit institutions operating in the field of managing public funds on the basis of federal regulations;
  3. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. This federal body is a representative of the executive branch. The Ministry of Finance regulates, controls and supervises investments and the formation of future benefits. In addition, it carries out state-level activities to create savings for pensions. It also accepts legal documents, approves standard forms of agreements and contracts between entities in the field of pension provision. General rules payments of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation state that the heirs of deceased insured citizens can receive money by transferring to a bank account or through the Russian Post;
  4. Depository. Based on legislative requirements, the body monitors the activities of the management company for compliance with regulatory provisions regarding money from the insurance part of the benefit. A specialized depository keeps records of powers for securities and is responsible for storing certificates in which the population's contributions for future old-age payments are invested.

Definition: management liability insurance

Companies involved in managing funds for the savings portion labor pension, are required to insure their activities, since they are responsible to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In case of violation of the points specified in the contract due to errors, negligence or an intentional criminal act, including inaction, organizations are subject to penalties in accordance with the current Legislation Russian Federation.

Offenses include:

  • inaction;
  • violation in the field of IT technologies (computer security);
  • offenses directed against organizations;
  • economic crimes;
  • other.

Management companies are required to insure their activities in order to make deductions as compensation if appropriate cases arise under the current contract. In this case, the amount of liability cannot be less than:

  • 5% of the entire amount of the portion of the benefit transferred for the management of pension savings, if the volume of payments does not exceed 6 billion rubles;
  • 300 million rubles, if the amount of funds under the agreement with the management company exceeds the limit of 6 billion rubles.

Obligations to protect the activities of management companies are assigned to insurance companies with capital investments of at least three billion rubles. or conducting activities in the field of co-insurance with other organizations that have a total balance sheet of at least 3 billion rubles.

The essence of investment portfolios

In accordance with the federal provisions of Law No. dated July 24, 2002 in the Russian Federation, all finances generated in a citizen’s individual account in the funded part of the benefit are subject to investment.

The level of income upon retirement depends on the results of this activity. However, such actions can become unprofitable.

The essence of investment is defined as the disposal and management of a person’s funds from pension savings transferred to private management companies or state ones for multiplication and preservation. It is noteworthy that this money can only be invested in securities in accordance with Russian legislation.

The same federal law in Article No. 26 indicates that such investment portfolios can be:

  • government securities of Russia and regions;
  • shares in the form of Open Joint Stock Companies, as well as bonds of issuers of the Russian Federation;
  • ruble deposits, foreign currency, etc.

The income from the investment activities of the management company is presented in the form of dividends received and interest on deposits from securities, deposits placed in financial institutions. In addition, the profit of the management company is considered to be other income received from investment operations at the expense of the insurance portion of old-age benefits received under the trust agreement.

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Who is responsible for managing pension savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

When choosing the option of forming future security upon retirement, a citizen must remember that the funded part of the benefit is not subject to indexation, and its size is also affected by the inflation rate.

This is a fundamental difference from insurance payments, which are subject to annual indexation by the Government of the Russian Federation. Thus, when choosing a non-state pension fund or a management company based on profitability, it is necessary to understand that a person receives net profit from the difference between invested money and inflation.

The fund itself, like non-state pension funds, is responsible for the disposal of the funds remaining in the account in the Russian Pension Fund, i.e. at its own expense.

Watch a video about funded pension

February 13, 2019, 18:28 Jan 7, 2020 19:07

The funded pension is formed from contributions from employers, their own transfers and government funding to the personal account of the pension fund. Regulated by Federal Law No. 167-FZ of December 15, 2001 “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation.”

Formation and payment procedure

Since 2015, a new pension formula has been in effect. According to it, the employer makes insurance contributions from his own funds (payroll fund) in the amount of 22% of the salary of officially working citizens. 6% of them fall on the basic part (joint tariff) - fixed payments for today's pensioners, 16% - for the individual tariff, this is the worker's personal account, the number of which is indicated in SNILS.

Until 2015, citizens were given the opportunity to decide whether this 16% would be divided into the funded and insurance parts of the pension or whether only the latter would remain. For those who chose both parts, 10% goes to insurance, and 6% to savings. Since 2014, a moratorium has been introduced on this six percent, which will continue until 2020. Perhaps this period will be extended.

This need was caused by a lack of money to pay current pensioners. Nevertheless, the accumulated amounts in the accounts of citizens nominally continue to form. As soon as the economic situation normalizes, people will be able to return this money, which will accumulate again, it’s just that now it is “frozen” - it does not bring profit and cannot be withdrawn.

  • Citizens who were born since 1967 and worked after 2001.
  • Men born in 1953 to 1966 and women born in 1957 to 1966 based on 2 percent salary deductions in 2002–2004. at the expense of the employer.
  • Citizens participating in the program state co-financing. Their personal pension contributions are supplemented by budget contributions in a 50/50 ratio (ranging from 2 to 12 thousand rubles).
  • Persons who disposed of funds maternity capital transfer to the funded part of the pension.
  • Individual entrepreneurs who made insurance contributions in 2002–2005.

It is impossible to withdraw pension savings before retirement (an insured event). As an exception, they are provided ahead of schedule, together with the insurance part, to preferential categories: employees Far North, locomotive crews, mines, fishing industry vessels, passenger routes, civil aviation, educational institutions, healthcare, mothers of many children, disabled people, etc. (No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, Articles 30 and 32).

How to manage your pension savings

The funded part of the labor pension is important if a citizen is going to monitor interest charges and invest additional money there from income. You can manage your personal account money in several ways:

  1. Leave funds in the Russian Pension Fund until you reach old age and receive the right to payments. The Pension Fund manages this money by investing it in securities, and acts very conservatively. The percentage of accruals is only slightly ahead of inflation. The profit is insignificant, but the guarantee of reliability is at the highest level.
  2. Transfer pension savings to the Non-State Pension Fund (NPF) while maintaining investment profits. This will work if the last such transfer was made at least 5 years ago. For example, in 2019, it is possible to “transfer” money to a non-state pension fund with benefit only if the previous registration for changing the fund was made no later than 2013.
  3. Transfer accumulated funds to a non-state pension fund ahead of schedule, thereby losing income. This will happen if 5 years have not yet passed since the previous transition. Those. If you change the fund more often than once every five years, there will be a loss of interest.
  4. Direct maternity capital funds to the funded part. This can be done by women who have given birth to a second or subsequent children and only after the child turns 3 years old. You can transfer the entire amount of maternity capital (RUB 453,026 in 2019) or some part if desired.
  5. Make additional investments using your own funds. In addition, some organizations make similar contributions to their employees, which are bonuses of the social package.

The highest profit from 6% savings can be obtained from a non-state pension fund with an active investment policy, but also a high degree of risk, which is why it is so important to choose a stable and effective fund. It is important to study its activities according to the following criteria:

  • Reliability rating. It can be viewed in the data of the National Rating Agency or Expert RA.
  • Age. It is better to choose a fund that appeared in the early 90s, i.e. before the 1998 crisis. Having withstood the economic downturn, it has already proven its ability to manage citizens’ funds.
  • Profitability. You can view it from the same rating agencies or on the website of the NPF itself. Even with high indicators, you should not underestimate the remaining criteria.
  • Major founders. Industrial enterprises of high importance or financial institutions like Sberbank or VTB are the key to stability. Small companies or individuals are not such good guarantors.
  • Savings control. The website of a non-state fund should have a convenient system for tracking finances and the availability of working feedback.
  • Reputation. It is necessary to study the reviews of people who keep their pensions in this NPF, read the criticism, and see how justified it is.

Return of the funded part of pensions to pensioners

Payment of the funded part of the pension is due to citizens who have reached retirement age and received the right to the insurance part (No. 424-FZ dated December 28, 2013, Art. 6). Citizens need to contact the institution that stores their savings by submitting the appropriate application, passport, SNILS, work books (and other documents confirming work experience), and a printout of bank details.

The personal account must have savings of more than 5% of the insurance portion. Employed pensioners can also qualify for payments. At the same time, while working, they can increase their pension capital by making additional contributions.

View pension payments

Description and mechanism of the procedure


Required for citizens whose savings amount to 5% or less of the insurance portion. The entire amount is issued immediately.

Lifetime (indefinite)

Funds are paid until the end of life. Monthly amounts are calculated based on the estimated term. For 2019 it is equal to 246 months.

Monthly payments for the period specified by the pensioner, which cannot be less than 10 years.

This includes funds from the co-financing program, employer contributions and maternity capital.

Who can receive a lump sum payment early?

Get it at once and earlier due date everyone can save money preferential categories citizens who retire early, as well as their legal successors:

  • Disabled people of groups I, II, III. The right comes into force after the award of a disability pension.
  • Persons with disabilities and those who have lost their breadwinner. They can count on a one-time payment after the granting of a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
  • Persons who do not have sufficient length of service and the size of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) for an old-age insurance pension.
  • Citizens with savings less than 5%. In this case, the money is issued all at once.
  • Legal successors, if they apply for savings no later than 6 months. after the death of a pensioner.

Pension calculator


In Russia, labor pensions are divided into three types: for old age, for the loss of a breadwinner and for disability (clause 1 of Article 5 of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001). Since January 1, 2010, the old-age pension consists of an insurance and funded part; this division into other pensions is not established by law. The size of the old-age labor pension is determined as the sum of its insurance and funded parts.

The basis for a future pension is compulsory insurance contributions from employers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Today, contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation amount to 22% of the employee’s wage fund (in excess of his salary) in accordance with Part 1 of Article 58.2 of the Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, of which (Diagram 1):

Scheme 1

Solidary part goes to the general, joint account of the Pension Fund, from which the following is paid:

  • fixed base size labor pension;
  • social benefit for the burial of pensioners who were not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death, and other solidarity payments.

Individual part of the tariff- this is the estimated pension capital of the insured person, in other words - the future pension. These funds are stored in your personal account, you cannot dispose of them now, they are recorded only in the form of pension rights, but in reality they are used to pay current pensioners. The insurance part of the pension is indexed by the state in accordance with inflation and the growth of average wages in the Russian Federation. And you cannot influence its size.

But the employee can manage the funded part of the pension by investing, namely:

  • transfer to a non-state pension fund (NPF),
  • private management company (MC),
  • leave it at the Pension Fund.

The funded part of the pension is the basis of tomorrow. These are savings that will be paid to you personally. The main thing is that they can be inherited. Contributions that your employer pays today for the insurance part of your pension cannot be inherited.

In September 2013, the Bill “On the funded part of pensions” was introduced, which stipulates that from January 2015 the management system will change, although it will remain voluntary. The changes will affect those born after 1967, that is, people 46 years of age and younger. It is they who have to make a choice:

  • or send 6% in full to the funded part of the pension; this can be done by writing an application to either the NPF or the Criminal Code before December 31, 2014.
  • or completely attach them to the insurance part, placing responsibility for your pension future on the state, that is, remain “silent”, the funds will be transferred automatically.

Following the Draft Law “On the funded part of pensions”, the draft federal budget for 2014-2016 is being introduced, which provides for the suspension of replenishment of savings accounts by the Government of the Russian Federation. Vnesheconombank will manage the savings that citizens transferred to private management companies and non-state pension funds, RIA Novosti reports.

Pension savings managed by private companies and non-state pension funds, transferred to VEB for a year, will later be returned.

“When calculating the receipt of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in 2014, all of these receipts will be credited to the distribution component of the compulsory pension insurance system,” says the explanatory note to the draft federal budget.

According to the Deputy Minister of Finance, in return citizens will receive decent compensation. “Currently, the ruble in the insurance part is more expensive than the ruble in the savings system,” noted A.V. Moiseev.

In 2015-2016, the Government plans to “unfreeze” the funded segment, in connection with which the employer will pay contributions to the funded part of the pension at 6% or 0%, depending on the choice of the insured.

“The proposed changes will make it possible to pension system more fair and balanced. The bills provide for a departure from the equalizing principle when establishing pensions,” quotes the words of the head of M.A. Topilin. press service of the Ministry of Labor.

The latest bill as of the date of writing, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on October 19, 2013, states that if you are “silent”, that is, did not transfer 6% to a management company or non-state pension fund, then the funded part will be reset to zero, and the insurance part will be 16 %.

How to choose the best option?

It is worth noting that today it is almost impossible to calculate your future pension. Pension reform continues and a number of bills are being considered, so even experts are confused in their comments. According to the latest Bill, the question of choosing the tariff for the funded part of the pension is eliminated (6% or 0%), therefore, remaining “silent” is unprofitable, since the funded part of the pension is reset to zero, and the insurance part does not change.

The question arises: where is it better to transfer the funded part to a non-state pension fund or a management company?

  • reliability of NPF or management company
  • previous profitability of pension savings management
  • company rating
  • manager's remuneration amount
  • information transparency and openness of the management company or fund

If the management company or non-state pension fund is declared bankrupt, client funds will be transferred back to the Pension Fund. An important circumstance is that the non-state pension fund can be changed once every five years, according to the latest clarifications of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

How will the pension be calculated in the new way? In accordance with the adopted amendments?

New pension reform It also assumes that rights to an old-age insurance pension will be taken into account not in absolute numbers, but in pension coefficients, that is, points. These points will be determined based on length of service, salary level and retirement age. So, the formula is designed in such a way that if you continue to work after reaching retirement age, the size of your pension will increase.

The retirement age remains the same for now: 55 years for women and 60 for men. To calculate your future pension using the new formula, you can use the calculator on the website of the Russian Pension Fund