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How to make a beautiful short manicure at home. How to do a manicure for short nails at home? Features of applying conventional varnish

Every girl cares about the health and beauty of her hands. For that to make your manicure look well-groomed and neat people don’t have to visit an expensive salon. You can get your nails in order yourself, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Well maintained manicure no matter what color it is painted or what design is depicted on it, it will look excellent.

Preparing tools

Before you do quality manicure at home, it’s worth preparing the following tools:

  • manicure scissors made of high quality stainless steel;
  • wire cutters;
  • knipsers;
  • cuticle spatula (for independent purposes, it is advisable to use a wooden one);
  • nail file;
  • polishing buffs;
  • bath or bowl;
  • a product for softening and removing dead skin around the nail plate;
  • cream, hand mask;
  • nail degreasing agent (you can use pharmaceutical alcohol or face cream).

In order to master the art of creating a manicure yourself, you need to pay due attention to the preparation process. First you need to get rid of the old coating, then the dead skin near the nail plate is removed, and the process is completed by filing and leveling the surface. Owners of thin and brittle nails It is better to use a crystal file; for extended nails, a glass file is suitable. Everyone's favorite metal file is only suitable for strong and healthy nails. The oval shape of the tool takes care of long nails, shortens them and processes the edges.

Boomerang file
rounds the nail plate, rectangular - suitable for any purpose. Polishing buffs are used at the final stage to level the surface and help get rid of small grooves. In addition to hand tools, you can use a special device (milling cutter) to facilitate the preparation process.

Before use, instruments should be thoroughly treated with disinfectants; you can use alcohol wipes at home. In case of using an orange file to get rid of cuticles. The instrument is disposable and does not require disinfection.

Creating a manicure at home, step-by-step instructions:

European manicure created without the use of tools. There is no need to soak your nails. Old varnish is removed, the nail plate is degreased, and a special product is applied to the cuticles. After 5 minutes, the cuticle becomes soft, you can remove it with a wooden spatula. All that remains to be done is to wipe the nail with remover and apply a special base for the varnish; it will fill all the cracks and uneven spots.

Trimmed manicure with regular polish

It is advisable to do manicure on short nails, he will look more attractive on them. All preparatory procedures are carried out in the same sequence as described above. With a simple varnish you can create such varieties of manicure as: artistic, gradient; ombre, patterns on water.

Regular coating at home It won't be difficult to do and will save time. After the base is completely dry, coat the nail plate with varnish. If the shade is not too saturated, apply a second layer, but after the first has completely dried. On top of the dried varnish, the nail is covered with a fixative. It sheds the life of the varnish, strengthens the plate, and the fixative also enriches the nails with nutrients.

Creating a French manicure yourself

Do French at home, quite easily without special skills and abilities. All you need to purchase is varnish with a thin brush; you can also use ready-made stencils.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To low fat base coat is applied to the nail plate. After complete drying, a layer of the main color is applied. To create this type of manicure, pastel colors are used (pink, cream, beige, peach).
  2. Once dry base varnish creates a “smile”. Can be used ready-made stencils, but they have their drawbacks: they peel off and let varnish through.
  3. At the edge of the nail plate a white stripe is drawn, resembling a “smile”. Depending on individual preferences, it can be of any shape (triangular, oval, square). The optimal strip thickness for a French jacket is 2-4 millimeters.
  4. After the “smile” becomes dry, coat the surface with a fixative. Thanks to it, the manicure will not crack and will give your nails a natural shine. Instead of a regular fixer, glitter varnish with sparkles is sometimes used.

How to do a mirror manicure correctly?

There are several ways to create beautiful mirror manicure. It is made using foil, reflective film or nail art varnish.

The most in a simple way at home, is the use of foil:

  • cover the surface of the nail with varnish of any shade;
  • without waiting for the polish to become dry, stick foil on top and tear along the contour of the nail plate;
  • cover with fixative.

Elegant moon manicure

Creating a lunar manicure yourself is not difficult. The technique is reminiscent of a French manicure. Unlike French, only the holes are covered with white varnish. You can paint your nails with either regular or gel polish.

Stages of creation moon manicure using gel polish:

  1. When working with gel polish, special products are used for degreasing; alcohol and regular toner are not suitable. Professionals use preparations enriched with minerals and silicone.
  2. Next, the surface of the nails is painted over with gel polish, and holes are drawn. To obtain an even image, it is advisable to use acrylic brushes. The holes can be decorated with rhinestones, for reliable fixation, pressed gently with a stick. Nails are dried for two minutes under an ultraviolet lamp.
  3. Then the entire plate is painted with gel polish, then placed under a lamp for two minutes and dried. For getting rich color, apply a second coat.
  4. Completes the wiping process with a fingernail special means, to remove stickiness.

To create a lunar manicure, you can use contrasting shades
(green and yellow) and pastel tones (cream and white).

Velvet or matte manicure

IN last years became especially popular matte manicure. You can use both special velvet varnishes and regular ones.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a velvet manicure:

  1. When using regular varnish, apply it in several layers. Dry your nails over steam for a few seconds, keeping a distance of ten centimeters, so as not to burn yourself. After drying, the nails become matte.
  2. A quick and simple option is to apply matte varnish.
  3. Using a special sand coating, after drying, it turns into powder.

Matte manicure will look impressive using different textures. For example, you can cover your nails dark color, put dots or draw lines. A velvet leopard manicure will look beautiful. Cover the nail plate with light varnish, draw glossy dots on top, circle them matte varnish a different shade. For example, a dot can be put in black and outlined in brown.

Water manicure

Doing a water manicure is not so easy. This method allows you to create unusual drawings, for this you need to purchase high-quality varnishes, show accuracy and dexterity.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The nails are painted with white varnish, this is necessary so that the colors look rich and bright.
  • Add varnish drop by drop into a container with warm water, at intervals of a few seconds. You need to act quickly, otherwise the varnish will dry out, which will complicate the process.
  • Using a toothpick, draw the desired design.
  • There are several schemes. The easiest one is to start from the center and draw circles.
  • Once the pattern is ready, lower your finger into the container perpendicular to the liquid for a few seconds.
  • Using nail polish remover, remove excess polish.

Water manicure is interesting and original; it takes very little time to create. For quick effect It is better to give preference to acrylic paints.

How to do an ombre manicure

Gradient manicure holds a special place in the hearts of many girls. Smooth transitions from one shade to another look fashionable and elegant. In the salon, an airbrush is used to create ombre. Due to its ease of use, a simple sponge will do just fine at home. It should be smooth and dense.

Stages of creating a gradient manicure:

  1. Apply base and white polish to the prepared nail plate.
  2. Cut out a small part of the kitchen sponge and apply varnish of different shades over the surface in strips. You can combine cherry with white, sand or gold.
  3. Lightly blot the nail with a sponge. With strong pressure, a smooth transition will not work.
  4. Apply glitter and fixative to help hide sponge marks.

Letter or newspaper manicure is a fashion hit in recent seasons. Created using newspaper, in just a couple of minutes. For printing, ink is used that can be easily erased with alcohol. If you turn the newspaper over and rub alcohol on the back side, the letters will come off to the other surface.

Stages of creating a letter manicure:

  1. Prepare the nail plate in advance. Then apply the base and varnish in any shade except black.
  2. Apply a small part of the printed publication to the nail with the reverse side.
  3. Go over the newspaper a couple of times with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  4. Once the letters are on the nail, apply a sealer.

Make it beautiful and unusual manicure Everyone can do it on their own, all it takes is a little effort and care.

Manicure provides its owner with attractive and well-groomed hands. Regardless of the color of the varnish, neat nail design involuntarily attracts attention. Not everyone can afford extensions long nails, and sometimes they break during everyday activities. Therefore, manicure for short nails becomes the only quick, inexpensive and effective option for getting your hands in order. Nail treatment should be done patiently and carefully so as not to spoil its shape.



A good manicure can be done only after acquiring the necessary skills and using a quality tool.

For this you will need:

  • small scissors with sharp ends;
  • several nail files for shaping;
  • metal tweezers (if the manicure is trimmed);
  • a wooden or metal spoon for moving the cuticle;
  • materials for softening the skin during steaming (sea salt, special oil);
  • ear sticks, discs;
  • cuticle oil;
  • substance for removing overgrown cuticles;
  • nail polish remover (if your nails were painted);
  • drying-fixer;
  • tinted nail polish;
  • hand cream.

To do a manicure for short nails at home, you need to choose a nail file. It is this that plays an important role in the further formation of the plate. A low-quality tool damages the nail, causing cracks and chips. This leads to the fact that nails do not last long, quickly break off and lose their attractiveness.

You should immediately exclude ordinary metal files. They have the only advantage - we quickly cut them to the required length when it needs to be done urgently. Otherwise, such a tool leads to injuries to the arch of the nail. After just two days, such treatment will lead to delamination. nail plate. It is very difficult to restore the damaged surface and tip of the nail.

Sometimes it is necessary to trim the nail several times to make it healthier. In some cases, recovery takes two weeks with constant coating of the nail with fortified compounds. If thin and weak nails were not pre-strengthened; a glass nail file is ideal for them. She carefully polishes the nail and gives it the required shape, maintaining a special smoothness and natural shine.

The manicure looks great after using a sapphire file. She is released in various options– with coarse-grained and fine-grained crumbs. There are also combined models. They are gradually replacing their traumatic iron counterparts.


Do not use rough, coarse-grained files. They are used to treat extended nails, but they are not suitable for a thin natural nail plate. Great care must be taken when processing nails with a rough file. It may damage the skin. And in manicure it is better to exclude unnecessary cuts.

Secrets of a perfect manicure

  1. Strong cutting of the cuticle leaves unsightly marks at the base of the nail, often it is damaged and has ichor. This also leads to its abundant growth in the future.
  2. Gently move the cuticle with a soft cloth or piece of towel.
  3. After steaming, use a wooden spatula. Regular use of softening oil based on cotton or apricot kernels will help prevent roughening in this area.
  4. Rapid nail growth is ensured not only by taking vitamins internally, but also by external influences. Salt baths with sea minerals or iodized components are ideal for this.
  5. A significant effect is expected from a special varnish, which includes a vitamin complex and medicinal components.

Types of manicure

Manicure on nails is done in several ways. The safest and simplest is the unedged method. It can be learned quickly and is simpler than hardware processing. A manicure without circumcision is indispensable for people with sensitive and delicate skin on their hands, teenagers and children. Infection is excluded, since it does not use scissors or cuticle trimming tools. Beware of damage from scissors, tweezers and nail files. They may be painful in the sensitive area near the nail.

  • Stages of unedged manicure

It is recommended to steam your hands for several minutes in a bath with added liquid soap, foam or sea ​​salt. Before other actions, the skin of the hands and each nail are thoroughly wiped with a towel until completely dry. The entire nail and its base are covered with a special product designed to remove the cuticle. The exposure time is indicated in the special instructions on the tube.

Excess material is removed using a cotton pad. The remains of the softened cuticle are moved to the base of the nail using a wooden spatula. When buying a stick, you should inquire about its quality, so that it is made of soft, polished material. Best option- orange stick. When processing the nail plate, a file is used to give shape.

If varnish is used in a manicure, then the nails are not treated with special oil before applying it. The surface is degreased and coated with the selected varnish. And only after drying the base of the nail is smeared cosmetic product with a soft texture - cream or oil.

  • Trimming technique

A trim manicure is done using a tool that will remove dead skin around the nail or cut off the cuticle. Before steaming your hands, the varnish from the previous manicure is removed, and the excess overgrown ends are carefully removed with scissors. It is necessary to take into account that the nail will be filed, so it is not recommended to cut the plate too short.

When using a nail file, movements should go from the edge to the center. You should not file your nails abruptly and fussily, as this leads to further separation of the tissue. IN skin A cuticle softener is gently rubbed into the base of the nail. After this, the hands are kept in a warm bath with salt. Hands are dried with a towel.

The skin steamed around the nail is removed using tweezers. Burrs are trimmed with care. If they are not softened enough, then removing them may cause injury to the skin. In this case, it is recommended to use an antiseptic.

The nail plate is degreased with nail polish remover. It is advisable to use a substance without acetone. To better preserve the nail polish, you can use a colorless base, then apply the main color and cover it with a fixer on top. This will give a special shine to the nail.

  • Hardware manicure

Manicure using a machine requires skill. It should only be performed on dry hands. Using the device, nail treatment takes a short time. The device has several attachments for grinding, filing, and cutting cuticles. While working, they make quick rotational movements.

You cannot combine hardware and trim manicures. The technology for using them is different. For trim manicure, well-steamed and damp hands are recommended. If you use a grinding device on a wet cuticle and plate, this will lead to severe thinning of the nail and other injuries.

Hardware manicure does not include preliminary steaming. When treating the nail, the device is tilted slightly so that it is at a slight angle. The movements of the nozzle should be made from the central part to the edge.

After removing the cuticle and giving shape, degreasing and varnishing are carried out. According to statistics hardware manicure When handled correctly, it causes less damage than cutting equipment.

Nail shape

For short nails, you need to decide on the shape so that they look perfect. The length of the fingers and the size of the hand are taken into account. For long fingers, you can choose any shape, even rectangular. The classic oval will help hide the shortcomings of strong and short phalanges. For plump hands, a round or teardrop shape is preferred.

  • the length of the nails should be the same, any deviation in this regard will be noticeable;
  • The nail can be visually lengthened if you use dark shades of varnish, vertical patterns, or slightly leave the edges of the nail on the sides;
  • on a short form, volumetric design, beads, rhinestones are unacceptable;
  • geometric patterns and color graphics are ideal for a rectangular plate;
  • before work, all tools must be disinfected with alcohol;
  • To prevent the nails from turning yellow from colored varnish, paint underneath it with a basic colorless base;
  • uneven nail plates with tubercles are pre-polished;
  • A suede cloth can polish the nail well;
  • To prevent nails from peeling, after the bath they are thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth;
  • You can’t constantly use varnish to paint your nails; they need rest.

Types of manicure by design

American manicure

These are fashionable bright shades that match lipstick in tone. Red, coral and scarlet colors will look perfect on oval nails even with a short shape.

Spanish manicure

To paint nails, deep and rich shades with stripes are used. The manicure hides the thin nail plate well.

Art French

Special style french manicure which can be done at home. It combines bright colors. An ordinary jacket is characterized by pastel colors and a white tip, but in art painting you can use the boldest shades. Also, the white tip of the nail can be combined with any color.

By using simple techniques at home, self-care for your hands allows you to refuse the expensive services of salons where they do different kinds manicure

Manicure for short nails - video

Simple and universal designs are in demand not only for special occasions, but also for every day, in the office, school, and trips. It is not for nothing that the most popular coating in professional salons is a single-color coating with red gel polish.

Color plus minimal decor - the formula for a successful manicure modern woman and girls leading an active lifestyle. Let's look at popular simple designs, easy-to-learn textures, and step by step two of the most popular manicure techniques for preparing nails for coating.

Easy manicure to prepare nails for design: edged and acidic options

When you don’t have a single extra minute, and you want to make a simple and beautiful nail design, then half the battle is preparing to apply the coating. It can also be minimized and the procedure can be performed at home. The most simple options manicure – edged and acidic. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Trimmed or classic manicure:

Acid quick manicure

At home, I want to reduce manicure to a minimum and devote more time to creativity - drawing out the design. The acid version of the procedure will help with this. At home it will take 15 minutes.

Simple and quick option– gel polish or shellac with the effect “ cat eye" It is applied in two layers, each of which is processed with a magnetic stick to create a stripe or ribbon of shiny particles in the composition of the product (photo).

Cat eye manicure in black and white palette

If you need a simple and quick manicure with an original effect, the “cat’s eye” will come to the rescue. You can choose combinations of base and highlights in the most different shades. The everyday option is black and white or black and gray. It will suit most office and school outfits and basic accessories. If you do not use a magnet to draw a highlight or stripe, you will get an even shimmering background.

Simple red manicure with a matte finish and a graphic design

A matte finish or matte shellac can tone down the red color a little for everyday looks, while still adding the right shade accent. The matte finish of the varnish is given by the finishing top with the effect of the same name. Black lines can be drawn on the nails with a brush or needle.

The manicure in the photo also illustrates a life hack - when durable coating grows, you can extend the line to the cuticle, and we get a new lunar design. It will last another week if the ends are in good condition.

Lightweight casual design with web gel

The new viscous texture was a real discovery for 2018-2019. A simple monochromatic manicure can be transformed with the help of a contrasting graphic design, even if it is abstract, chaotic lines. The consistency of the gel resembles melted chewing gum. To apply, place a drop at one point of the nail, and from it, using a brush or needle, lines are drawn along the perimeter of the plate.

In the drawing, before applying the web gel, shiny foil was additionally secured. It creates the effect of depth.

Simple French glitter

Continuing the theme of simplified lunar design, you can make a French jacket with the same approach. The base is made with a pink camouflage base, and transparent shellac or gel polish with glitter is applied to the tips of the nails and stretched with a brush from the edge to the middle of the nail. You will need a flat wide brush - a comb brush, for example.

Simple nail designs with stickers or stamping technique

Original, bright, even mischievous manicure ideas come from nail slider stickers. They are attached over a plain base and then sealed with a top coat. You can choose inscriptions, animals, flowers, patterns, abstraction and even a gradient.

A similar stamping technique produces spectacular and original designs. Stamping requires a special kit and time to practice. The design is engraved into a template into which the polish is poured, a stamp is pressed onto it, and then the print is transferred to the nail. We fix the result with a top coat. This technique makes it easiest to draw patterns and abstractions.

Simple nail designs: ideas, photos, patterns, drawings for inspiration

A beautiful gentle manicure in a minimalist style can be done using polish, gel polish, paint and gel with the addition of sparkles, rhinestones, rubbing, powder, velvet sand and airbrushing. Let's consider ideas for simple and easy nail designs for every day, for the office, school and special occasions.

Gray monochromatic manicure with glitter

On short nails, plain neutral designs look even more expressive if you highlight the color with glitter. In the photo they are stretched using a gradient technique from base to edge. The plate is visually lengthened due to blurred lines and shine. It's easy to do a manicure using a brush and small glitter with a transparent base. .

Black and white simple nail art: abstract graphics

If it is difficult for you to draw beautiful compositions when applying a design, use small graphics. Broken lines, dots, blots - everything will look beautiful in contrasting black and white and other colors. Use a thin brush to make the graphics neat. This design is also suitable for small nails.

French in black and white

A win-win simple manicure for short nails – black and white French. In the photo, the design is supplemented with original vertical lines to visually lengthen the plate and draw attention to the style. If it is difficult to draw three nails using this technique, design only one of your choice.

Red manicure with a small simple pattern

It is easiest to draw fine lines, strokes and abstractions. Take advantage of graphics and draw transitions between shades in contrasting tones, as in the photo.

The second option is to complement the small pattern with rhinestones. In the photo this is one pebble that complements the heart. The composition is based on contrast, volumetric lines and brilliance of the decor.

Rhinestones in the decor of the picture

Even the simplest design, decorated with rhinestones, immediately gains volume and attracts attention. Draw such simple branches with leaves, and decorate each with small rhinestones or broth. It is recommended to attach the stones to a building gel or rubber base, securing them with a top coat at the final stage.

Rhinestones on a plain background

Even a beginner can master the design. We apply a background coating of any shade, in the photo it is white, and complement it with a composition of colored or plain gold and silver rhinestones. A simple combination of color and shine is suitable for evening looks. .

Blue manicure with a large flower on the ring finger

Painted flowers in designs are not easy to draw, but if you take the dandelion as an example, even a beginner will be able to do the task. Easy technique, black and white combination, simple pattern of base and dots around the perimeter. Look at the photo and you will succeed.

Colored stains with acrylic paints

When you want to get creative, but a specific drawing doesn’t come to mind, you can make simple abstract patterns on a contrasting background. Acrylic paint applies well and dries quickly. Before applying, mix a little pink, black and white on the palette, and then transfer a drop to the nail and make streaks. Secure everything well with topcoat. You will get a simple spring manicure, even without drawing flowers and butterflies.

Rhinestone ring on the nail

The much-loved rhinestone design is easy to make and suitable for beginners. After applying the background, place rhinestones in the shape of a ring on the nail of your ring finger. It is important to use the extension gel as a base and select the size of the rhinestone to match the size of the nail plate.

Blue manicure with rub and small pattern

A foot, a footprint, a heart, the first letter of a name and many other simple details will decorate your nails in an everyday manicure. This option is also suitable for school design, if you adjust the length. For painting, use gel paint, varnish or gel polish. Choose contrasting shades. I can't resist noticing :), .

Spring manicure on short nails

A simple drawing, a gentle background, a spring theme - this good combination even a beginner can master it. Use acrylic paints and a thin brush. If it’s difficult to draw, you can choose a spring theme in stickers or stamping bases. For short and small nails - only small designs. .

Choose a few ideas you like for every day or for a special occasion. Think about which materials would be interesting for you to master in simple designs. Start experimenting and creating!

Simple and easy manicure - ideas and techniques for pros and beginners

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To look beautiful and well-groomed, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons, because an abundance of information will always be beneficial if you are not afraid to take risks and try something at home.

Any woman, whether she is a housewife, a manager or a teacher, follows fashion trends for the current year. Looking at the huge number of photographs of professional models, on which a whole staff of cosmetologists and hairdressers work, it seems unrealistic to achieve such perfection on your own. But everything is in the hands of man.

Fashion for beautiful nails has always kept up with the fashion of the clothing industry. Professionals in this field offer photos, images of various fashionable designs and ideas for a beautiful manicure, but within the walls of their expensive salons. Have you ever thought that much of what you see in photos and on Internet resources can be turned into reality yourself? The idea of ​​a beautiful manicure for short and long nails can be done by any girl. The main thing is to be patient and use your imagination.

Popular articles:

There are many ways and design options for short nails. To choose the most suitable design, look at the photo and step by step instructions about how to do this or that manicure without leaving home.

Spatter, crackle, traces, animal print, dashes, metallic stripes, gradient, tape, marble and magnetic are very popular this season.

You don't have to go to school to do something new and interesting yourself. From all this quantity, choose what you like. Don’t forget to first clean the cuticles and trim off any excess so that these imperfections do not spoil the overall picture of the pattern and the bright color of the varnish. And if you are a supporter of gel and shellac, then the boundaries of ideas for you expand much and they can be listed endlessly. In this case, do not forget about the care of the cuticles and nail surface, which suffer from mechanical stress. Lubricate the damaged areas with oil, take baths and apply cream, then your hands will always be well-groomed and beautiful.

Photos of new items for inspiration:

Manicure ideas for short nails with rhinestones

Lovers of everything shiny should arm themselves with patience and study many photos and pictures on this topic. And it’s not worth sculpting this shine in Everyday life. Rhinestones are best suited for evening out into the world or going to night club. But even the shine and their splendor can be smoothed out pastel shade base varnish and decorate with glitter the way you want.

You will find manicure ideas with matte black, nude, pale blue, red, pastel green and other colors useful. For beginners, it is better to do everything step by step in order to avoid many incidents, such as a thick layer of varnish applied, crookedly glued stones, or an unclear pattern. In the old days, when there was no access to the Internet and women did not have photos with new ideas, they came up with designs on the spot, using several colors and using a regular sewing needle to make various bright designs.

Nail design (photo 2018): modern French ideas with a pattern for short nails

Classics have always been especially and sublimely revered in many areas of life. Especially those who were different classic style in clothing and accessories have always attracted a lot of attention and were considered style icons. Modern French – French version manicure is that classic in this area that has not gone out of fashion for many years. Photos with different variations of this trend will help your hands look strict and perfect in everyday life and even during relaxation, even if it’s a club or going to the cinema.

Over time, the classics began to be diluted with different designs not only white, but also the entire remaining color range. Using techniques such as triangle, metallic, gradient or tape will always show that you are in tune with the times in which you live.

Red, black with curls on ring finger For the second year now, it has not left fashionistas indifferent. A square, triangular, or oval nail shape will initially set the idea for a beautiful design. And even rhinestones in this case can turn into a beautiful addition. The main thing is not to overdo it with the color scheme, because the truth is in simplicity. And classic is simplicity.

Interesting simple ideas with drawings

Before you start doing a manicure on short nails, start by steaming your hands in a bath of sea salt, use a nail file to correct the shape and cut off all unnecessary and superfluous nails. A colorless base and varnish for the final coating and, of course, all kinds of colors to create a fashionable design.

Start by removing the old coating using liquid. Ready-made stickers and sewing needle will give the opportunity to do good and easy simple manicure. Winter, summer, autumn or spring style will depend on color range. If it’s New Year’s for short nails, then stickers with the theme of snowflakes, Santa Claus, and deer will be very suitable.

And if it’s spring, then a neat and delicate green leaf will convey the mood of the time more than ever. Find a ready-made photo with different variations on the nails and don’t be afraid to use your imagination so that you end up with something exclusive. With a thin brush you can apply multi-colored dots and lines to create a masterpiece on the surface of the nail. Finally, seal everything with clear varnish.

Wedding manicure for short nails

It is worth paying attention to the time of year, the color and model of the dress, so that the wedding manicure does not look resonant against the general background, but harmoniously complements your image. Photo ideas on how to save money and make the most beautiful, fashionable wedding short manicure will help you realize the most difficult idea at first glance.

It can be a French jacket with hearts, a bow, a bouquet of flowers, with golden stripes, stickers and sparkles, as well as a moon jacket, with stones and silver “broths”. A delicate white ornament on a flesh-colored basis is a classic of the genre, and the shorter your nails are on this day, the more natural your fingers will look.

Manicure with a pattern for short nails

Video manicure ideas for short nails at home step by step

Very interesting photo and a video about how manicure fashion changed will help you observe the frequency and speed with which women’s tastes changed. Even without visiting expensive beauty salons, you can with great success draw for yourself something that you will not see in any photo in the public domain or in any magazine.

Evidence that people have been caring for their hands since ancient times goes back to Ancient Egypt about 2,400 years ago. During excavations, a whole staff of mummies were discovered, which were listed in the document as “guardians of the pharaoh’s nails.” But then it was possible to draw only with henna, which, by the way, is still very popular in the East and has become popularized in Europe. This only says that with a large number of different tools and a large selection of colors, you can come up with a beautiful and fashion design simply and easily.

So, the video is about how to make a stylish, beautiful design for short nails yourself.

Most women have repeatedly done and continue to do manicures at home with their own hands. The technique of performing a manicure is quite simple. It just requires patience, diligence and time. Of course, you can spend a decent amount of money to visit a specialist in a salon, but it’s quite possible to do a manicure yourself.

I must say that now the trend is simplicity and elegance of manicure on medium and short nails, which means anyone can surprise others with beautiful hands. It is enough to carefully study the necessary recommendations, tips and look at photos of various options for simple manicure on the Internet.

Necessary arsenal

To perform a manicure at home, it is not at all necessary to have a whole set of expensive tools and devices. Is this when building up or gel coating required to purchase necessary tools, and for regular manicure All you need to have on hand is:

  • small water trays for immersing your hands;
  • a pair of files: one made of metal for filing, the other made of plastic for grinding;
  • wooden cuticle stick;
  • metal tweezers;
  • a cotton or paper towel;
  • sharpened manicure scissors;
  • rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;
  • cuticle oil with vitamins;
  • hand cream;
  • wooden toothpick or dots;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton swabs;
  • simple decorative nail polish.

Almost every woman has this entire arsenal at home, otherwise it will not be difficult to purchase all this in a specialized store. In addition, you may additionally need: tape, several rhinestones, strips for a French or moon manicure, nail polish in several colors. The gel polish manicure procedure is much more complicated and takes more time.

Hand care

Manicure implies both the beauty of nails and well-groomed hands. This means that you should also pay special attention to your hands, and therefore it is necessary to perform the following procedures:

  • Apply nail polish remover to a cotton pad and remove the previous coating of nail polish;
  • wash your hands, put them in baths with warm water and steam;
  • take your hands out and pat them dry with a towel;
  • Apply the scrub to your hands, massage them and rinse with water;
  • moisturize your hands with oil or cream.

Performing this procedure will provide your hands with softness and tenderness, and a well-steamed cuticle can be easily removed using tweezers.

If preparatory stage hands are completed, you can safely move on to the next stage of manicure: adjusting the shape of the nails and coating them with varnish.

Execution Procedure

The home manicure procedure is not particularly difficult:

  • Warm water is poured into the baths with the addition of liquid soap, sea salt, aromatic oils or lemon juice;
  • Hands are immersed in water for 5-10 minutes so that the skin steams and becomes soft;
  • Hands are pulled out and blotted with a towel;
  • Using a special stick made of wood or metal, the cuticle is moved back and raised;
  • The cuticle is cut with scissors or tweezers;
  • The rough skin of the cuticle and around the nails is cut off with tweezers;
  • The nail file gives the required shape to the nails. Nails are filed with a file in one direction so as not to damage the structure of the nail plate;
  • The skin around the nail is softened with oil, the nails are wiped with a cotton swab and acetone to remove oiliness;
  • Decorative varnish and fixative are applied.

The treatment of the skin layer around the nails is done very carefully to avoid cuts. If this occurs, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide to prevent inflammation.

A variety of options for simple manicure

The surface of the nail is like a canvas for a painter on which to depict various ideas your imagination or spied on the Internet, but the simplest are considered:

With an image. Pioneers in the field of manicure can also easily realize their simple design ideas by applying a simple, cute design to the nail. For example, peas. In general, there are quite a lot of manicure ideas with a pattern, but the most stylish and popular are: mustachioed, colored chaos, classic with adhesive tapes, dotted, graphic and checkerboard.

Colored manicure. This one is simple and beautiful manicure The chik can be used both on weekdays and on holidays. Shades of the color scheme of varnishes can be combined according to the following principles:

  • monochrome: a combination of shades of the same tone (from dark to light). These include ombre or gradient;
  • complementarity: a combination of contrasting colors in one manicure;
  • achromatic: the use of black or white and their shades;
  • triadic: a combination of three tones in one manicure.

Colored manicure combines perfectly with French, moon, newspaper and other types.

French manicure. Timeless classics are as fashionable as ever. Reproducing this manicure option is quite realistic and easy.

To speed up the manicure process and avoid getting into trouble, you should know some tricks:

  • for removing varnish bright colors, for example, red or burgundy, without leaving traces of coloring on the skin, you need to generously lubricate your hands with nourishing cream before doing this;
  • In case of skin staining, ordinary tape will help remove stains. It is enough to apply it to the skin and remove the residue with the sticky side;
  • You can easily remove polish containing glitter or sequins by wrapping each nail with cotton wool and nail polish remover, and then wrapping them in foil for 10 minutes;
  • decorative varnish is applied to the degreased surface of the nail plate and covered with a fixative on top, so it will last longer than usual;
  • It is better to apply the varnish in several layers;
  • will help to obtain a matte surface of the coating regular steam, just hold your varnished nails over it;
  • It is easy to remove varnish from the skin near the nail with a makeup brush dipped in acetone;
  • special strips for French tape can be perfectly replaced with ordinary stationery tape.

These practical recommendations will greatly simplify the manicure procedure and make it more creative. You should not regret the time spent, because the well-groomed appearance of your hands and nails will certainly attract the attention of the stronger sex!

Photo of a simple manicure