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Which mixture is better nan. Rating of mixtures for newborns - expert reviews

Only a mother can decide what to feed her child. Although breastfeeding is considered the most suitable option, it happens when the baby has to be fed with a mixture. And then the task of the mother is to choose the best type of food for her baby.

When mixtures are the only way out?

Breastfeeding is not possible in all life situations. Mixtures are indispensable in such cases:

  • If the baby was born much ahead of time or he has problems with the nervous system, the result of which was the suppression of the sucking and swallowing reflex.
  • If the baby is in the hospital in the intensive care unit.
  • If the mother has serious illnesses, for example, oncological pathologies, tuberculosis and others.
  • If the mother is forced to take medicines that enter the milk and are dangerous for the baby.
  • When a nursing mother developed purulent mastitis.
  • If several children were born and there is not enough milk to feed them.
  • If a woman does not support the idea of ​​breastfeeding.

In many situations where breastfeeding is not possible due to immaturity or illness, the mother may give the baby expressed milk rather than formula.

About which is better: breast milk or formula, read in another article.


Babies under one year of age are fed both liquid and powdered breast milk substitutes. Such substitutes can be fresh, as well as sour-milk.

Most mixtures are made from cow's milk, which is subject to special treatment aimed at reducing the risk of allergic reactions and the maximum approximation chemical composition to women's milk.

Based on the adaptation of mixtures to breast milk they are divided into the following types:

  1. Adapted. Their name indicates that their adaptation to human milk is maximum. Proteins in such products are often whey and are absorbed by the body of crumbs very easily. They contain the optimal amount of phosphorus, as well as calcium, substances important for bone mineralization. Most of the mixtures of this species contain the amino acid taurine, which is necessary for the development of the brain and eyes. Some formulations include nucleotides to help build your baby's immune system. Examples are Nan, Nutrilon, Hipp, Frisolak, Bona, Heinz and others.
  2. Less adapted. Since the main protein here is casein, they are also called "casein formulas". They are recommended for children who have a tendency to spit up. Since the satiety of these mixtures is increased, they are the best choice for crumbs that do not withstand the breaks between feedings.
  3. Partially adapted. The composition resembles human milk only partially, so their use is recommended for children older than two to three months of age. These include Malyutka, Detolact, Vitalakt M, Milumil, Baby and others.
  4. "Subsequent Formulas". This is the name of the mixture intended for children older than six months, in some cases - older than a year. They are distinguished by an increased energy value, suitable for the needs of children of this age.

In addition, infant formulas are divided by consistency:

  • In the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted in boiled water before feeding;
  • In liquid form - they need to be warmed up before giving to the child.

There are mixtures based on milk, which are fresh, and sour-milk, which include various lacto- and bifidobacteria. Fermented milk mixtures are often prescribed for children with allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, or simply with unstable stools.

If the child tolerates the selected mixture well, do not change it only on the advice of a friend. New food is stress for the child's body and a test of strength. Do not load the baby with unnecessary additional loads.

Types of therapeutic mixtures and indications for their administration

Only a doctor should prescribe a medicinal mixture to a child. They have strict indications, for example:

  • If a baby has a deficiency of a lactose-splitting enzyme, a lactose-free mixture is recommended for him.
  • There are special mixtures for babies who were born prematurely.
  • For babies who cannot tolerate cow's milk, soy formulas are offered.
  • A crumb, in which food allergies are very difficult and digestion processes are disturbed, semi-elemental mixtures are shown.
  • If a child has frequent regurgitation and bouts of vomiting, he is prescribed mixtures that contain thickeners.

Overview of brands and their analysis

When choosing a suitable mixture for a baby, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the product, taking into account the main components.

To begin with, we note what ingredients are in mixtures and why they are for the baby:

  1. Squirrels. As a rule, it is represented by the amount of 1.4 g per 100 grams of product. In women's milk, this figure is slightly lower, because absorption is better.
  2. The ratio of whey proteins and casein. In mother's milk, it is represented by numbers from 80:20 to 60:40. It is this indicator that a mixture received by a baby under six months old should have. If there is more casein component, it is called casein and is not considered highly adapted.
  3. Taurine. This amino acid is important for the development of the nervous system of the baby, as well as vision. It is added to all mixtures.
  4. Vegetable oils. For greater similarity of the fat component with human milk, mixes of vegetable oils are added to the products. There is controversy regarding palm oil, although this oil, like rapeseed oil, is legal for infants.
  5. Fatty acid. Among them, one of the vital ones is linoleic. It is essential for the retina and brain. This fatty acid is obtained from soybean, sunflower, coconut and corn oils. No less important is the ratio of this fatty acid to linolenic. It should be no more than 7 to 1 - if there is more linoleic acid, this is unfavorable for the development of the immune system, heart and nervous system of the baby.
  6. Lactose. This carbohydrate is extremely important for babies, as it gives the baby's body energy, helps the absorption of calcium and iron, and is also needed for the development of beneficial microflora.
  7. Maltodextrin. A substance that belongs to carbohydrates and is also necessary for the development of bacteria in the intestines. The addition of this ingredient makes the mixture sweeter and more satisfying.
  8. Prebiotics. They are represented by fibers, oligosaccharides and lactulose, the main effect of which is to regulate digestion.
  9. Probiotics. This is the name of the microorganisms included in the composition, stimulating the development normal microflora in the intestine.
  10. Starch. Important for thickening nutrition, so it is added to formulas for babies who spit up a lot.
  11. Vitamin and mineral formula. The mixtures include all the minerals and vitamins that are important for the development of the baby, in greater quantities than they are present in a woman's milk, since they are absorbed much worse. When choosing, you should pay attention to the ratio of calcium to a mineral such as phosphorus. The optimal indicator is 2 to 1. The best ratio of sodium and potassium is 1 to 3, copper and iron - 1 to 20, zinc and iron - 1 to 2. But such a trace element as manganese should be less in infant formulas, since it excess can cause hyperactivity. Among the vitamins in the composition, special attention should be paid to ascorbic acid, which the baby of the first half of life should receive more than 30 mg per day.
  12. Nucleotides. These substances are important for the development of the baby, the formation of immunity and intestinal function.
  13. Choline. Such a substance is necessary for the nervous system of the crumbs.

Consider the features of the composition of common mixtures:

Mixture name



Similac Premium 1

  • No palm oil.
  • Enriched with lutein to help develop baby's vision.
  • Does not contain maltodextrin.
  • Includes pro- and prebiotics, as well as important fatty acids.
  • Contains beta-carotene.
  • Rapid dissolution.
  • The ratio of whey fraction and casein is 50:50.
  • The ratio of linoleic acid to linolenic acid is 11 to 1.
  • There is no dosing scraper in the jar, the spoon is very deep, and the lid does not fit snugly.
  • Includes excess manganese.

Nestle Nestogen 1

  • Enriched with prebiotics (oligosaccharides).
  • Differs in fast dissolution in water.
  • Sold in soft packaging, in which there is no lid.
  • Too sweet taste.
  • Includes maltodextrin in a fairly large amount.
  • Does not contain probiotics and nucleotides.
  • There is no DHA in the formula.

Nestle NAN 1 Premium

  • Includes bifidobacteria.
  • Enriched with essential fatty acids and nucleotides.
  • Does not contain maltodextrin.
  • The package consists of two sections.
  • Dissolves quickly.
  • Does not contain oligosaccharides.
  • Inaccurate measuring spoon.
  • Contains too much manganese.

HiPP Combiotic 1

  • It has a pleasant taste.
  • Enriched with nucleotides, pro- and prebiotics, arachidonic acid and DHA.
  • Does not include maltodextrin.
  • The spoon attached to the mixture is accurate.
  • Contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is important for the nervous system and sleep.
  • Contains a lot of carnitine.
  • Dissolves quickly.
  • Convenient quality packaging.
  • Foams when stirred.
  • High cost.

Nutricia Baby 1

  • Contains prebiotics as well as nucleotides.
  • Enriched with ARA & DHA fatty acids.
  • Divorces pretty quickly.
  • Low price.
  • Includes tryptophan.
  • The composition includes a fairly large amount of maltodextrin.
  • Little lactose.
  • Cardboard packaging.
  • Its composition includes nucleotides and prebiotics, as well as the valuable fatty acid DHA.
  • Mixes easily.
  • High content of vitamin C.
  • Lots of carnitine.
  • Moderately sweet taste.
  • Convenient packaging with a polyethylene lid.
  • Does not contain probiotics.
  • High price.
  • Contains maltodextrin.

Malysh Istra 1

  • Differs in very fast solubility in water.
  • Pleasant natural taste.
  • Contains a lot of maltodextrin.
  • The composition does not contain omega fats, pro- and prebiotics, as well as nucleotides.

Nutrilon Comfort Premium 1

  • Contains nucleotides.
  • The leader in the content of prebiotics among milk mixtures.
  • The formula includes DHA and ARA fatty acids.
  • Contains tyrosine, choline and inositol.
  • Distributed in stores.
  • Does not contain probiotics.
  • It costs quite a lot.
  • Very long spoon handle.

Enfamil Premium LIPIL 1

  • Enriched with nucleotides.
  • Without maltodextrin.
  • Contains arachidonic acid and DHA.
  • Very fast dissolution.
  • Does not include probiotics as well as prebiotics.
  • Poor ratio of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Can be difficult to open.

Agusha GOLD 1

  • Contains prebiotics.
  • The formula also includes nucleotides and healthy fats.
  • Includes lutein.
  • High quality convenient packaging.
  • Includes a fairly high dose of maltodextrin.
  • Whey proteins are less than in human milk.
  • Doesn't dissolve well.
  • It does not have a very pleasant taste.
  • Very inaccurate measuring spoon.
  • The ratio of calcium and phosphorus is suboptimal.

Friso Frisolak Gold 1

  • It tastes similar to breast milk.
  • Lots of taurine.
  • Includes oligosaccharides.
  • Contains a lot of carnitine.
  • In the packaging, the measuring spoon is accurate.
  • The formula contains nucleotides and omega fats.
  • Contains maltodextrin, albeit in small quantities.
  • Does not include probiotics.
  • Contains less iron than indicated on the package.
  • The ratio of calcium and phosphorus is not optimal.
  • Excess manganese in the composition.
  • Does not include maltodextrin.
  • Contains valuable fatty acids.
  • Good ratio of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Protein contains a little more than in other mixtures.
  • Contains starch.
  • Dissolves very slowly.
  • Does not contain pro- and prebiotics, as well as nucleotides.
  • Diluted in hot water.
  • Sold in a cardboard box.

MD Mil SP Goat 1

  • The base is goat's milk.
  • The taste is pleasant, natural.
  • Enriched with nucleotides, ARA, prebiotics & DHA.
  • No maltodextrin added to the formula.
  • Dissolves fairly quickly.
  • Does not include probiotics.
  • The spoon measures out a little less mixture than necessary, but there is a dosing scraper in the jar.

Bibicall NANNY 1

  • Based on goat's milk.
  • Enriched with probiotics.
  • No palm oil.
  • The package contains a precision spoon and a dosing scraper.
  • It contains nucleotides and prebiotics.
  • Contains omega fats.
  • The formula contains maltodextrin.
  • High price.
  • Poor solubility in water.
  • The ratio of phosphorus and calcium is suboptimal.

Nutrilak Premium 1

  • The formula includes nucleotides, prebiotics and valuable fatty acids.
  • The spoon in the box is accurate.
  • Enriched with lutein.
  • The non-optimal ratio of linoleic and linolenic acids is 10 to 1.
  • The packaging is not sealed.
  • Contains a lot of maltodextrin.

Lioness Gold 1

  • Contains many nucleotides.
  • Differs in the low price.
  • Includes a large number of minerals.
  • The composition includes maltodextrin in large quantities.
  • Rarely found in stores.
  • Small amounts of prebiotics and omega fats.
  • Dissolves slowly.
  • Unsealed box.

A study comparing these formulas and their safety, compliance with the composition written on the label, as well as ease of use, determined that all formulas on the Russian market are safe for babies.

The best composition was determined for the mixture of the Humana brand, the worst - for Malysh Istrinsky (less minerals, no nucleotides and omega fats).

If we compare quality and price, then the best ratio mixes differ from manufacturer HiPP.

Also, studies have determined that a spoon in a jar is often inaccurate. The greatest deviation was found in the spoon applied to Agush mixtures.

The most accessible to buyers are mixtures of the brands Agusha, Malyutka, NAS, Nutrilak, Nutrilon, Nestozhen. You can find them in a lot of stores.

Inexpensive mixtures are Malyutka, Nestozhen, Semper, Nutrilak, Similak.

Before purchasing the mixture, you must always consult with the pediatrician observing your child, since the right choice affects the health of the crumbs. Immediately after birth, unleavened mixtures are recommended, since regurgitation may increase from fermented milk products. From the second or third month of life, 50% of the fresh mixture can be replaced with fermented milk.

Calculate your feeding schedule

A young child needs mother's milk. But there are circumstances when breastfeeding is not possible. How to find the best infant formula for a newborn? Any mother wants to give her baby the best, including choosing the first meal. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of infant formula. Some brands develop lines not only for healthy children, but also therapeutic and prophylactic, hypoallergenic. For mothers, due to lack of time, it is difficult to navigate in this diversity. The list includes both well-known foreign manufacturers and domestic ones, which are often found on the shelves in stores and pharmacies. This top will help you make the choice easier and find out which the best mix for newborns. This rating is not a buying guide. To make a decision, consult your pediatrician.

Infant formulas: rating

Manufacturers divide infant formula into 5 categories, by age:

0 - for premature

The rating includes various mixtures for babies. This is the first stage of nutrition, focused on babies from birth to six months. Please note that most "baby milk" contains lactose, so if you are intolerant of a component, choose an alternative option. In the list, we will consider which mixture is best for newborns. This product does not contain sugar pure form. The sweet taste comes from lactose, glucose syrup or "-saccharides".

10. Baby Istra (Nutricia)

Compound Contains 1 prebiotic, 16 vitamins and 11 minerals + fish oil.
pros Affordable cost. The presence of useful components. No added preservatives.
controversial issues 5 types of oils, palm oil predominates. Soy lecithin.
Contraindications for whom it is undesirable to use For celiac disease, gluten intolerance.
Weight of packing from 350 g
Minuses Contains maltodextrin. It belongs to fast carbohydrates and is a sugar substitute. Improves the taste properties of the product. The packaging states that the product does not contain starch. Keep in mind that maltodextrin is not a fully hydrolyzed form of starch.

9. Agusha ready-made formula for babies

Compound Based on whole milk and water. Premixes of vitamins, minerals, prebiotics and nucleotides.
pros Without sugar, GMOs and dyes. Can be stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator. The mixture is already ready, so you do not need to dilute in water. It is enough to pour into a bottle and simply heat it in a water bath to the desired temperature. Affordable cost.
controversial issues Contains vegetable oils.
Weight of packing 200 ml
Minuses After opening, the package must be thrown away, it is not divided into several portions. There are cases of rash. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging at the bottom, which is not so convenient.

8. Agusha "Original"

Compound Similar to "GOLD", but with a smaller equivalent of minerals, vitamins, beneficial acids.
pros No dyes, enriched composition with useful ingredients for full growth and development.
controversial issues Children like it because of the sweet taste that maltodextrin gives. Has soy lecithin. Limited quantities of oils: palm, soy and rapeseed. Usually, parents support sunflower and coconut oils.
Weight of packing From 400 g
Minuses It is poorly soluble in water, forming lumps that are difficult to mix. Inconvenient lid. Peculiar smell and unpleasant taste. There are frequent cases of colic, increased gas formation and bloating.

7. Baby (Nutricia)

  • "Sour milk". Designed to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Helps improve digestion.

"Baby 1". Well-known infant formula on the Russian market

Compound Prebiotics. A set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, fish oil.
pros Does not contain dyes, sugar, preservatives. Saturated with useful ingredients, the composition is necessary for the full development. Affordable cost.
controversial issues The composition does not contain starch, but there is a set of oils and soy lecithin.
Weight of packing from 300 g
Minuses There were cases of regurgitation, allergies. Cardboard box.

6. Mamako "On goat's milk"

5. Agusha "GOLD"

4. NAN (Nestlé)

A series of milk formulas for babies and infants, presented in 3 products.

  • "Sour-milk", helps to improve the intestinal flora and enrich the body with bifidobacteria.
  • "Hypoallergenic ON Optipro". Belongs to the class of super-premium. Contains partially hydrolyzed whey protein. Therefore, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.

NAN Optipro

Compound Base: whey and skim milk. Multivitamin, there is fish oil, useful acids.
pros presence of bifidobacteria. A balanced composition that meets the needs of a growing organism. Convenient bank. Price-quality ratio.
controversial issues There are vegetable oils, but without the addition of palm. No starch other than maltodextrin.
Weight of packing From 400 g
Minuses The initial period of transition to the “new product” is difficult for some: bloating and discoloration of the stool. After a while, everything goes back to normal. After prolonged use, constipation may begin. Therefore, some mothers recommend alternating this mixture with Sour Milk.

3. Nestogen (Nestlé)

  • "Low lactose". Helps to quickly restore the gastrointestinal tract after diarrhea. Contains nucleotides and useful substances.

"Nestogen 1"

2. Mamako "Premium"

The best mix for newborns on goat's milk. The Spanish brand has already managed to fall in love in Russia. Many women choose the Spanish goat dereza because it boosts immunity and helps them gain weight.

Compound Unlike other infant formulas, the basis is demineralized goat whey and whole goat milk. The composition contains a set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
pros The presence of beneficial bifidobacteria and prebiotics. It does not contain sugar, soy, gluten, starch, lecithin. Convenient packaging in the form of a jar. Normalizes the child's stool, nourishing mixture, prevention of colic and spasms in the tummy.
controversial issues There is no palm oil, but there is soy, sunflower and coconut.
Weight of packing from 400 g
Minuses Lack of fish oil, but useful elements are replenished. Goat milk may not be suitable for every child.

1. Nutrilon (Nutricia)

The Dutch manufacturer is the leader in the number of series of mixtures for infants and infants up to six months. They paid maximum attention to the development of nutrition for early childhood.

  • "PRE" series for premature babies,
  • "Amino acids" - relieves allergy symptoms,
  • "Pepti Gastro" is a hypoallergenic mixture for a baby with impaired intestinal absorption.
  • "Hypoallergenic" - it does not contain milk protein, starch, sugar and preservatives, which reduces the risk of developing allergies.
  • "Lactose-free" - compensates for the lack of lactose, the basis of the composition: glucose syrup.
  • "Antireflux" is a dietary formula for newborns. Prevents regurgitation.
  • "Sour-milk" - suitable for crumbs suffering from digestive disorders. Refers to dietary nutrition.
  • Nutrilon comfort. Helps with colic in the tummy and constipation. The composition includes prebiotics that normalize the flora of the gastrointestinal tract. No sugar or preservatives.

Nutrilon "Premium"

Helps to strengthen the immune system and the development of intelligence. Designed for healthy children.

Compound Fish oil, minerals, vitamins and other useful elements.
pros Convenient tin can with tight lid. Good composition. The mixture is enriched with prebiotics. Thanks to them, the child sleeps better, does not suffer from stomach problems. There are no preservatives. Contains minerals, trace elements, vitamins necessary for proper development baby. Rare cases of an allergic reaction.
controversial issues Pediatricians, nutritionists have not yet come to an unambiguous conclusion whether the content of oils, lecithin and starch in the diet is useful for up to six months. Therefore, the final decision should be made by the parents, based on the observations and advice of your pediatrician. This mixture does not contain starch, sugar. There is soy lecithin and a complex of vegetable oils: palm, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower.
Weight of packing from 350 g
Minuses Unusual smell, reminiscent of a bit of fish, possibly due to the presence of fish oil. The smallest package of 350 g is made in the form of a cardboard box, which is not as convenient as in plastic containers.

What is important to consider when choosing a mixture for babies

According to WHO regulations, the law of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union, formulas that contain at least 50% whey protein are suitable for feeding babies from 0 to 6 months. Pay attention to this when studying the label.

The best mixture for newborns is chosen not only based on the rating. It helps parents compare products in the baby food market. But this is not enough to make an affirmative choice. When switching to a new product, consult a pediatrician. Follow his advice. The best formula for newborns may not be suitable, despite the quality and reviews of most. New nutrition must be introduced correctly and carefully. Then it will turn out to avoid problems with digestion in the baby. Often, when parents see a rash in a child, they think it’s sweaty, continuing to feed the child with an inappropriate mixture. Don't forget - it could be a food reaction.

Why is formula suitable for some babies and not for others?

Everything is individual and depends on the body of the child. Manufacturers may offer similar products that meet quality standards. But the baby has his own tastes and he can reject the mixture. Therefore, what is ideal for the children of acquaintances may not please your baby.

The need to introduce ready-made mixtures into the diet of a newborn is dictated by objective reasons. Lactation problems, kidney disease, lung disease, anemia and heart problems, taking medicines limits the mother's ability to breastfeed her child.

Choosing the right formula for your newborn is easier with proven tips and helpful information.

What mixture is better to feed a newborn baby, and how safe are the products of Russian and foreign manufacturers for the child's body? Let's figure it out.

Types of prepared food for an infant

Going to buy a finished product, a young mother should pay attention to the type of mixture so as not to harm the baby.

When choosing food for a child, it is important not to choose options that are obviously useless or harmful. All mixtures for newborns can be divided into 4 types:

  • highly adapted- nutritional compositions that have minimal differences with human milk (due to the presence of additional substances - taurine, choline, lecithin);
  • moderately adapted- dry or ready-made formulations relatively close to breast milk (casein formulas with cow protein);
  • partially adapted- milk components that remotely imitate mother's milk (do not contain additives);
  • unadapted- mixtures of cow's milk that require additional processing, not suitable for infants under 1 year old.

What formula is best for a newborn baby? For babies up to 6 months, products with maximum adaptation must be used.. For older age, others are also suitable, with less identity in relation to women's milk.

All breastfeeding substitutes are also divided into more expensive liquid formulas for newborns, which allow you to get completely prepared food, and cheaper dry forms that require dilution.

Fact. According to statistics, liquid forms of the total number of mixtures presented in the store take only 10%.

Therapeutic compositions

Most mixtures are prescribed for nutritional purposes., however, there are versions of targeted therapeutic effects.

Self-purchase of such funds is not recommended.: only a pediatrician (based on the tests of a newborn) is able to choose a safe remedy.

Medication products:

  • Lactose free and soy. Useful for lactose intolerance.
  • with iron. Solve the problem of insufficient blood circulation and relieve anemia.
  • Antidysbacteriosis. They are prescribed for frequent intestinal disorders.
  • Antireflux. Reduce the number of regurgitation, recommended for vomiting.
  • Gluten Free. They are prescribed for celiac disease (a hereditary disease that makes it difficult to break down proteins).

Products enriched with whey protein hydrolyzate are prescribed for serious allergic conditions, cystic fibrosis and severe prematurity of the infant. Dietary - for patients with phenylketonuria, help restore the correct metabolism.

Read the instructions for use for children! We will tell you how the drug works in the treatment of throat diseases.

Rating of popular brands in the Russian Federation and CIS countries

Domestic products are different good quality, inexpensive. Many manufacturers use foreign equipment to prepare baby food, so its quality may not be inferior to foreign equipment.

The top best mixtures for newborns are as follows:

The brand has been known since 1972, and the products are available for families even with little financial resources.

Baby food does not contain sugar, so unleavened formulas are suitable for caring parents who are looking for healthy nutrition for their baby. Most of the presented substitutes for babies have a liquid consistency.

Nutrilak. An impressive amount of macro- and microelements contributes to proper maturation and rapid adaptation to complementary foods. The product does not contain palm oil and is approved by the Russian Union of Pediatricians.

BelLact. The company has a long history: in 1970, the first dry breast milk substitute was released, which was popular among Soviet mothers.

Compliance with world standards and focus on consumers in Russia allows us to offer parents many options for mixtures for artificial feeding of newborns. The cost of Belarusian products is lower than that of many competitors.

About which dry infant formula is the best for newborns, you will learn from experts from the rating of the "Test Purchase" program:

List of the most famous European products

Nutrilon. The Dutch product is used by mothers all over the world due to a carefully selected composition. Demineralized whey, taurine, prebiotics, nucleotides and iodine provide the lowest percentage of cases of indigestion.

Baby food from Nestlé, a Swiss company, is known for producing a rich line of formulas for children of all ages.

Proteins and vitamin-mineral complexes allow you to get closer to the maximum imitation of mother's milk.

Humana. German quality is traditionally known for its high level - products for children from the center of Europe fully meet this criterion.

Milk is taken exclusively from cows who have never been ill during the period of their existence. The admission of independent research companies excludes fraud with the choice of components for the production of the product. The cost is one of the highest.

Nestogen. Time-tested whey from an additional brand, also managed by Nestlé Corporation, provides a comfortable feeding experience.

Prebiotics and L-carnitine contribute to the normalization of the intestinal flora and proper digestion. Concern is the presence of GMOs in - soy lecithin.

Similac. The mixture is medium in composition, to which omega 3 and omega 6 fats, vitamin complexes are added.

Controversy is caused by the presence of palm oil in the products of the Danish manufacturer. An additional minus is the calcium content is below normal.

Products for babies based on goat milk

The presence of an allergy to cow protein does not allow feeding with traditional mixtures - use goat milk protein products wisely.

Kabrita. An adapted mixture from a Dutch manufacturer is suitable for the physical and mental development of babies up to 1 year old. The composition is enriched fish oil, vitamins, prebiotics.

MD. Formula for newborns Mil Goat, created in Spain, helps to provide artificial feeding with optimal intake of nutrients. It does not foam during cooking and dissolves easily.

Nanny. In Russia, mixtures from New Zealand have been presented for more than 15 years and are highly similar in composition to human milk.

The manufacturer focuses on the environmental friendliness of raw materials: New Zealand goats eat fresh grass, and European goats eat grain feed. Similarly, it contains marine fish fats.

The use of dry complementary foods of this group will avoid the manifestations of allergies, associated with the intake of cow's milk, to prevent the occurrence of colic and complications in atopic dermatitis.

Note the high prices of products of this type(more than 1,000 rubles for a 400 gram jar).

Find out on our website instructions for using the drug! The composition and pharmacological properties of this antibiotic are in our review.

If a child is fed artificially, then the question becomes relevant - which mixture is best for a newborn? This is not an easy choice, because there are a lot of their varieties on the modern market. From the proposed variety, you need to choose exactly the one that suits a particular baby.

Classification: first of all, choose the type of mixture

Milk formula is not just a powder in a bright jar with a lot of vitamins in its composition. Mixtures differ from each other in features, which will be discussed below.

By consistency

They are divided into liquid and dry. The first are already ready for use, you just need to heat the food. Dry ones need to be diluted with water.

The Russian market is 90% dry, liquid can be found only in large cities. Liquid foods are stored for a short time, literally 2-3 days, so sellers prefer dry food, as it is easier to transport and store.

Zakharova D.I., pediatrician, Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, Moscow

Feeding a mixture of a newborn is a necessary measure.


Infant formulas for newborns are made on the basis of cow's milk. But it must enter the body in an altered form, since it is not as easily absorbed as mother's milk.

According to this feature, mixtures are divided into:

  1. Adapted. They add modified whey, which adapts cow protein. This contributes to easy absorption, approaching breast milk. It can be argued that this is the best mixture for newborns.
  2. Less adapted. The base is casein. They take longer to digest, but are more satisfying. The child remains full for 3-3.5 hours after ingestion. Such nutrition is prescribed to children who often.
  3. Partially adapted. Acceptable for children after six months. They resemble mother's milk a little, since they do not contain whey. The composition of such food often includes starch and sucrose.

By age

For a newborn baby and for a one-year-old child, the mixture will differ in composition. The main difference is in the amount of adapted protein. How older child, the more unadapted protein in the diet.

The age range is as follows:

  • 0 - this number on the box means that the product is suitable for newborns or children;
  • 1 - for babies from 0 to 6 months;
  • 2 - from 6 months to a year;
  • 3 - older than 1 year.

By destination

Milk mixtures for newborns not only play the role of a source of nutrition, but also have healing properties.

Regarding this sign, they are:

To choose the most suitable mixture, carefully study the packaging. There is information about the composition, useful components, preparation and the age of the children for whom the mixture is intended.
  1. Sour-milk. They are prescribed for digestive problems - frequent regurgitation, severe colic or constipation. Often they are recommended for treatment. The composition contains lactic acid and bifidobacteria.
  2. Hypoallergenic. They are used for babies with severe allergic reactions. Cow protein itself is a strong allergen, so it will be difficult to choose a mixture. As part of such a product, the protein is already partially digested with the help of special enzymes.
  3. lactose-free. They are suitable for those who have extreme intolerance to cow's milk, in which even it will not help. In this product, protein replaces soy.

Belova N.A., pediatrician, MD, Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Mothers often ask the question - how much mixture should a newborn eat?

With mixed feeding, it is quite difficult to determine this portion, because it is not known how much breast milk the child received. You will find more answers.

Fermented milk formula for newborns and other listed types of therapeutic nutrition are slightly more expensive than standard adapted ones.

Specialized therapeutic mixtures should be introduced into the diet only after consultation with a pediatrician if there is evidence.

After the desired type is selected, you should familiarize yourself with each representative in the baby food market separately. All manufacturers use different formulas for the composition. Ingredients found in one brand may not be found in another.

With full artificial feeding, it is easier - on all food banks there is a table for feeding the newborn with a mixture.

When choosing milk formulas for newborns, reviews can be very different for each brand. You need to be guided by medical recommendations and the reaction of the baby.

Infant formula rating: top 10 brands


The formula for newborns, which has been leading the list for many years, more than one generation has grown up on it.

Moms prefer it, as it contains taurine, iodine, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as whey, which brings nutrition closer to breast milk.

An additional advantage is the affordable price.

Among the shortcomings, the presence of palm oil and soy lecithin among the components is distinguished.


A mixture for newborns, the main advantage of which is in a unique composition. It is adapted to the intestinal microflora, which helps to reduce colic and bloating.

It also helps to avoid problems with colic. The list of ingredients contains a complex of minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal development of the child. Among the shortcomings, the presence of palm oil and the high price of the product are noted.


Formula for newborns, produced by the Swiss company Nestle. It is produced both for healthy children and for those prone to allergies, in the form of a lactose-free and hypoallergenic product.

The composition includes bifidobacteria, nucleotides, taurine, iodine, iron, vitamin C, phosphorus and other useful vitamins and minerals. The disadvantage is similar to the previous types - the presence of palm oil.


The Swiss manufacturer is also available on the baby food market with this brand. Available for healthy children at 5 different types, differing in age.

Prebiotics restore digestion, and only lactose gives the sweetness to the product. Has an affordable price. Of the shortcomings - skimmed milk powder and soy lecithin in the composition. The iodine in the product is slightly less than in previous brands.

What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics, as well as for the intestines of all family members, read in a separate review.


Another local product. The composition contains 50 useful substances, which contributes to the normal development of children. Produced for various age categories healthy babies, as well as for those prone to allergies. Consumers note the affordable price of the product.


Mix for newborns from a German manufacturer. The composition contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which contributes to mental development child. There are no nucleotides in the list of ingredients. Sucrose, dyes and flavors are absent, although this product is distinguished for its good taste.

The most tangible drawback is the high price, not every parent will be able to purchase Humana. It is closest to breast milk enriched with vitamins and prebiotics.


Another representative from a German manufacturer. The composition contains all the necessary ingredients, including taurine, vegetable oils, iron and lactobacilli. Among the shortcomings, the presence of potato starch, low iodine content are distinguished.


This is a palm oil free formula for newborns.
. This is important for those parents who are opponents of this component.

Replaced with coconut oil. Nucleotides and prebiotics contribute to the reduction of colic, and fatty acids - to the development of the brain.


popular product Russian production. In addition to nucleotides and taurine, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Among the shortcomings, a low iodine content is distinguished, as well as excessive sweetness, which, on the contrary, children like.


This is another answer to the question: what mixture to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding. It contains slightly less iron, calcium and potassium than in previous brands, but when fed with breast milk, this is quite enough.

Name (manufacturer), cost / rub.

1 Nutrilon (Holland),
Strengthening the immune system, improving digestion. 0 months to 2 years
2 NAS (Switzerland),
Strengthening the immune system, varieties for those prone to allergies. 0 months to 2 years
3 Nestozhen (Switzerland),
For healthy children from birth. 0 months to 2 years
4 Nutrilak (Russia),
There is a hypoallergenic series. 0 months to 2 years
5 Humana (Germany),
For premature and little gaining weight children prone to allergies. Cow's milk, with vitamins and minerals. 0 months to 1 year
6 Hipp (Germany),
For babies from 2 weeks to 10 months, on cow's milk, contains prebiotics
7 Agusha (Russia),
Sour-milk and fresh, based on cow's milk. From 0 months to 2 years.
8 Semilac (Spain),
Contains nucleides, prebiotics, fatty acids, no palm oil. 0 months to 1 year
9 Malyutka (Ukraine),
Contains nucleides and prebiotics, iodine, taurine. 0 months to 2 years
10 Friso (Netherlands),
For premature and small babies, suitable for mixed feeding. 0 months to 1 year

The final decision on which mixture is best for the newborn should be made by the mother together with the doctor.

How to make the right choice

Watching your baby, you will understand if the mixture is suitable for him. If he eats and there are no allergic manifestations, you are on the right track.

In order to choose food, you need to evaluate the following criteria:

  1. Baby's age.
  2. The degree of adaptability of the mixture.
  3. type of feeding.
  4. individual tolerance.

If everything is clear with the first three points, what about the last criterion?

This can be understood only by trying a particular product.

It is not suitable for a child if:

  • allergic rashes appeared;
  • the stool became more liquid and frequent;
  • even after feeding, the baby shows signs of hunger;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • marked weight loss.

Sokolova L.G., pediatrician, S-Profi clinic, Moscow:

The best formula for newborns is the one that suits a particular child.

Any baby requires an individual approach, especially in matters of nutrition.

What mixture to choose for a newborn in this case? The product should be replaced with another one, taking into account which symptom has appeared.

With low weight, you need to choose - with a higher protein content, with anemia - with an increased iron content, with allergies - a hypoallergenic series. You can read about the symptoms of allergies in a child.

Just like that, for the sake of testing, the mixture is not worth changing. There must be good reasons for this.

Breastfeeding experts confidently state that any woman can breastfeed a child. However, sometimes the desire to feed the baby comes across serious obstacles. The main obstacle to breastfeeding are diseases, the treatment of which is not compatible with breastfeeding. Sometimes, having started successfully, breastfeeding ends after a few months due to the fact that the mother failed to establish lactation and competently organize the feeding process. There are cases when a mother, due to her own views and beliefs, does not at all try to breastfeed her baby, giving a mixture from birth. In all these cases, the child grows to artificial feeding. It is important for parents to understand what mixtures for newborn children are in terms of their composition and properties. The fact is that the nutrition of the baby in early age- the guarantee of his health for the future. Of course, nothing can be better than mother's milk, but if, for some reason, the child grows up on artificial feeding, the choice of a mixture for nutrition must be approached very thoroughly.

Huge selection of baby formulas

Types of mixtures: study and classify

The baby food market has a wide range of varieties of baby formulas, which are consistent with the requirements of GOST and the Institute of Nutrition. It is very easy to get confused in the variety of colorful jars and boxes with baby formula. Therefore, to begin with, we propose to figure out who is who on the store shelf and what the numbers and inscriptions on the packages with the mixture mean. In other words, we will consider what infant formulas are in terms of consistency, composition, age indicator and purpose.


By consistency, infant formula can be divided into dry and liquid.

  • Dry mixes. In the Russian market, this is 90% of infant formulas. Such mixtures are a powder packed in a cardboard box or a can, which must be diluted with boiled water before use.
  • Liquid. Such mixtures are already ready for use and require only heating. They are sold in tetrapacks and packaged in 200 ml. The only problem is that in Russian stores the share of such mixtures is negligible. You can find such mixtures only in large cities.

The most common are dry, they are convenient to store, dispense, easy to transport and have a wide variety of choices. Liquid mixtures are easier to prepare than dry ones, as they only require heating. But they have a short shelf life (only a couple of days).


Almost all milk mixtures are made on the basis of cow's milk. Since cow's milk protein is foreign to our body, it must be present in the mixture in an altered form. Depending on the degree of processing of milk protein, infant formulas can be divided into:

  • Adapted. They are made on the basis of demineralized whey of cow's milk, therefore, such mixtures are as close as possible to breast milk in their properties. They are quite light, nutritious, quickly absorbed. Adapted mixtures are designed just for newborns. In addition to demineralized whey, adapted mixtures includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, nucleotides. Of course, such mixtures are more expensive to manufacture, so they can be attributed to the premium class in terms of price. The most popular adapted mixtures are:

— Nestle NAN (the cost is about 400-500 rubles for a package of 400 grams, depending on the availability of additional components);

- Nutricia Nutrilon (prices range from 375 to 650 rubles per 400g);

- Semper (sold in packs of 350g, price range 360-480r.);

Some babies suffer from intolerance to cow's milk protein, so formulas based on cow's milk whey are not suitable for them. For such children, there are adapted milk formulas based on goat's milk:

- Bibikol Nanny (packing 400g costs about 1300 rubles);

  • Partially adapted to some extent close in structural composition to breast milk, they include in their composition not only lactose, but also sucrose, they do not have a stabilized mineral-fat composition;
  • Subsequent are made from dried whole cow's milk, to which sucrose and starch are added, they do not contain whey.

Depending on the child's age: Up to 6 months - starting, and older than six months - subsequent.

Liquid mixtures are also adapted. The most accessible of them are:

- Ready milk formula NAN (price about 60 rubles for a package of 200 ml)

– Agusha ready-made milk formula (price is about 25 rubles per pack of 200 ml)

  • Unadapted. These mixtures are made on the basis of cow's milk protein - casein. As additional components, they may contain everything that is available in adapted mixtures. There are mixtures that are very “poor” in composition: they lack taurine and fatty acids. On this basis, in some sources, non-adapted infant formula divided into "less adapted" (casein instead of demineralized whey, other components as in adapted mixtures) and "partially adapted" (casein and poor composition of additional components). This is not entirely correct, because the degree of adaptation of the mixture is determined by how easily the mixture is absorbed by the child's body, and this depends precisely on what is present in it as a milk base: demineralized whey or cow's milk protein. Casein mixtures, regardless of their nutritional value, are more difficult to digest, so they are all unadapted in any case, and they should be given only after 6 months. The main "representatives" of casein mixtures are:

- Similac (price from 350 to 650 rubles for a standard package);

- Nestle Nestogen (a package weighing 370g is sold for an average of 240 rubles);

- Baby (price per package is about 210 rubles).

As a child grows, their digestive system develops. If mixtures based on demineralized whey are better suited for a newborn, then for children older than six months, casein mixtures or mixtures based on cow's milk powder (these are mixtures of the second and subsequent levels) can be used.

Age indicator

The formula for infant formula is highly dependent on the age of the baby for whom it is intended. This is due to the fact that as the child’s digestive system improves and the body’s needs for nutrients change as it grows and develops. This is a completely natural process, because breast milk also changes its composition with the growth of the baby. The formula number of the milk formula is always indicated on the packaging. Behind each number and designation is a certain age range.

The gradation of mixtures by age is as follows:

  • "0" or the prefix "pre" in the name - the mixture is intended for newborn premature or low birth weight babies;
  • "1" - a mixture for children from birth to 6 months;
  • "2" - a mixture for babies from 6 months to 1 year;
  • "3" - a mixture for children older than a year.

As we said earlier, as the age formula of the mixture changes, its milk base changes: the amount of non-adapted cow's milk proteins increases. In addition, the content of vitamins and minerals increases, because. the need for these substances increases. It is also believed that mixtures for older children are more satisfying and high-calorie.

Specialized and therapeutic mixtures

Sometimes the characteristics of the body and the state of health of the baby impose special requirements on milk mixtures. In such cases, the child needs specialized or therapeutic mixtures. Depending on what kind of problem the baby has, the following infant formulas can be distinguished:

  • Formulas intended for premature babies: They have a lot of protein, vitamins and whey protein in the composition and have a great energy value. Manufacturers designate packages with such feed as «0» or another attachment "pre-" in the title.
  • Dairy mixtures. They are used for digestive problems (for colic, constipation, during the recovery period after taking medication, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis). Such mixtures contain lactic acid and bifidobacteria. If babies have colic, vomiting, diarrhea, regurgitation, it is effective to use antireflux nutrition containing substances (gum or starch) that act as thickeners. For example: Nutrilon AR, Enfamil AR, Nutrilak AR, Freeze. For constipation, food is also used, which is also enriched with gum, which has the characteristics of dietary fiber, or lactulose. Lactulose is a disaccharide that activates the growth of bifidobacteria. Lactulose contains Detolact Bifidus, Semper Bifidus.

More common and most popular mixtures:

- Nutrilac Sour-milk (price about 400 rubles)

- Nutrilon Sour-milk (price about 410 rubles)

- NAN Sour-milk (price about 450 rubles).

  • Mixtures with high iron content. Such mixtures are prescribed for babies older than 4 months for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The signal for the appointment of a mixture with a high iron content are low levels of hemoglobin in the child's blood. Of course, it is impossible to bring hemoglobin back to normal with just a mixture, and the pediatrician will prescribe iron supplements. The mixtures themselves with a high iron content are not positioned on the Russian market as medicinal, they simply have a richer composition and the proportion of iron in them is greater than in other mixtures.

— Enfamil Premium (price about 390 rubles)

- Similac Premium (price about 350 rubles).

  • Hypoallergenic blends. Such nutrition is necessary for babies prone to allergic reactions. Cow's milk protein is a strong allergen, therefore, hydrolyzed is used in such mixtures, i.e. already partially digested, enzyme-cleaved protein. Hypoallergenic infant formulas often have the abbreviation "HA" in their name.

- Nutrilon Hypoallergenic (price about 550 rubles)

— NAN Hypoallergenic (price about 550 rubles)

  • Lactose-free and soy blends. Used for intolerance to cow's milk protein. This is a pronounced form of food allergy, in which even hypoallergenic mixtures will not help.

- Nutrilon Soya (price about 560 rubles)

— Frisosa (price about 450 rubles)

- NAN lactose-free (price about 690 rubles)

- Similac Isomil (price about 410 rubles)

  • Anti-reflux mixtures. Essential for frequent spitting up babies. These mixtures contain special thickening components: carob gluten, rice or corn starch. The packaging of such mixtures often bears the abbreviation "A.R."

— Enfamil A.R. (price about 670 rubles)

— Frisov (price about 610 rubles)

- Nutrilon Antireflux (price is about 680 rubles)

It is important to know! There is also such a thing as "supplementary feeding with breastfeeding». Complementary formula used when the baby does not have enough mother's milk. Then highly adapted mixtures are used (they can be called breast milk substitutes).

Choosing a formula for a newborn

Choice of food for artificial feeding the child must be carried out after consultation and examination of the baby by a pediatrician. At the same time, every attentive parent must be familiar with the fundamental principles that will help you choose the right mixture.

In order to choose a mixture for a newborn baby, you need to remember what requirements high-quality infant formula meets.

  1. For newborn babies, you need to choose only adapted mixtures. They are closest in composition to breast milk, are easily digested and absorbed by the infant's body.
  2. When choosing a mixture, you must strictly adhere to age recommendations. It is possible to start artificial feeding of a newborn baby only from the initial stage of mixtures; it is impossible to switch to a mixture of another level before 6 months.
  3. If the baby has any health problems or has digestive difficulties, choose specialized or therapeutic mixtures. By the way, it is not at all necessary to completely transfer the child to the treatment mixture. In some cases, it is enough to replace it with 1-2 feedings per day.
  4. Do not blindly follow advertising, always study the composition of the mixture yourself, compare it with other mixture options. If possible, choose a blend that does not contain palm or canola oil and is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  5. Pay attention to the expiration date of the mixture. Do not buy mixture with a borderline expiration date.
  6. Buy baby food only in specialized stores.
  7. The presence of carnitine, linoleic acid, taurine is useful - they are involved in fat, protein, vitamin and energy metabolism, tissue generation, and the formation of internal organs.
  8. Watch your baby's reaction to food. If you have allergies or digestive problems, consult a pediatrician. It is possible that the mixture you have chosen is not suitable for your baby and needs to be replaced.

How to understand that the mixture is not suitable

As the experience of mothers whose babies grow up on artificial feeding shows, finding “your” mixture is not always easy and fast. The only search method is the trial and error method. In order not to get a breakdown of digestion and health problems, mom needs to carefully monitor the baby's reaction to the mixture. Some tips will help the mother navigate and understand whether the selected mixture is suitable for the child. So, you should think about a new mixture if:

  • Appear in the form of a rash and redness of the skin;
  • The child has frequent loose stools with white patches (undigested particles of the mixture);
  • The baby shows anxiety, screams and cries after feeding, does not withstand the required interval between meals;
  • The child gains weight poorly ();
  • At night, the baby sleeps very restlessly, often wakes up.

Prepare the mixture only in accordance with the preparation method indicated on the package, observe the proportions of the components.

Artificial feeding is expensive. Parents who use the mixture note that the baby's nutrition becomes a very tangible item in the family budget. However, saving on mixtures by choosing cheaper and low-quality options is not worth it. The best way save money and be sure that the baby has enough for growth and development - this is breastfeeding, so try to establish lactation and feed, and take a bottle only when breastfeeding is really impossible.

What is important to know when choosing infant formula?