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Summary of entertainment in the senior group “Journey to the land of fairy tales. Entertainment scenario for kindergarten

Entertainment summary

Autumn fun

(senior group)

With. Mirny, Taishetsky district, Irkutsk region

teacher ( I sq. category): A.V. Chuvashova

Target : creating a cheerful and cheerful mood, satisfying children’s natural need for movement.


Foster the need for play activities;

Improve children's motor skills and abilities;

Strengthen knowledge about the world around you;

Develop creative initiative;

Form communicative behavior at the event.

Progress of the event:



Autumn leaves are circling in the wind,

Autumn leaves are in a hurry for the holiday.

We collected the leaves into a huge bouquet,

Autumn beauty sends her greetings to us!

We'll have a party today

We will invite guests to our place,

We play autumn games with

Let's sing autumn songs!

Good afternoon, dear guests! We're glad to see you! Thanks to everyone who took the time to come and support our guys!

We are happy to present autumn fun so that everyone in the world will not be sad!


Presenter: “Guys, today the postman brought a parcel to the kindergarten! I thought it was for me, I opened it, and there was a note inside. It turns out this is for you! Listen and guess who it is from!

"Hello guys! Brothers have been writing to you for months! Our mother's name is Autumn! We love her very much. She helped us collect a parcel of autumn gifts for you today. Do you remember what our names are? Please tell us our names! We give you a hint: we are brothers of the month, there are only three of us, our mother’s name is Autumn. What is the name of each of us?

If you can say our names then you can play funny Games, which we have prepared and written for you. And then all participants will receive autumn gifts from this parcel! Do you guys agree?

Children : September, October, November are the brothers autumn months. We agree to play fun games!

    Paired pictures:

Host: “To play games, we need to create pairs! I invite everyone to come to the board and choose a card for themselves. On the back of the card there are pictures: a mushroom, a carrot, a pear, an apple and a leaf. Who has a fungus on their card? Sit down together, you will play games and compete with each other. Who has the leaf?" And so on.

(this is how pairs for games-competitions are formed by random choice)

    Musical exercise “Little feet ran along the path”

Presenter: “To show speed and dexterity in games, we need to stretch our legs and arms! Get in order for some fun exercises!”

    Game program:

    The hummocks are the leaves!

We will need two large ones autumn leaves for each team. We draw the sheets on cardboard and cut them out. The essence of the relay: the player takes two sheets of paper, stands on one of them, and places the other in front of him. Then he jumps to the second sheet, and places the first one in front of him. Thus, you need to cover the distance from start to finish. The player from the pair who completes it faster wins.

(then the next pair is called to participate. For example, a pair of leaves! Etc.)


This competition can be done either with your eyes open or blindfolded. The player's goal is to collect as many cones as possible into the basket.



(to the melody of “Autumn Tale” by A. Oleynikova)

    Autumn pictures!

We need to prepare several pictures of apples cut into pieces. The kids' task is to collect a picture with an apple. Whoever collects it faster wins.

(for another pair you can have a different picture)


Leading: “Guys, let's remember how animals prepare for winter in the fall! (children's answers) How is the bunny prepared? He changes his fur coat from gray to white! I suggest you help the bunny! We need to help change his fur coat to a white one. We will have cotton pads as a white coat!”

You will need two pieces of paper with a picture of a gray hare attached to the board on one side of the group and two chairs with cotton pads laid out on the other side of the group. You need to take one disk, run to your hare, smeared with glue, and apply the disk. Go back, take another disk and run to the hare again. So whoever covers the hare's fur coat with cotton pads the fastest will win! (disks in a certain quantity!)

MUSICAL GAME “Drip-drip”


We determine the boundaries of the “puddles” (most often these are hoops), prepare several pairs of rubber boots. The child must, on command, put on his boots and run through the “puddles” and come back. The game is funny if you take the boots several sizes larger than the child’s feet.

Presenter: “In order to play the next game well, we need to prepare our lungs, which will have to arrange the fall of leaves! Let's all come up together now and imagine that we are a warm autumn breeze! Let’s blow on the leaves hanging on the carousel!”

    Leaf fall!

You will need leaves from trees or cut out of paper. The leaves are placed on the table, the kids stand near the table. On command, each participant begins to blow on his sheet. Whoever blows it to the floor faster wins.

Game with the audience: “Falling Leaves”

Host: “Let’s hand out some leaves to our guests, let everyone put them on their palms and try to blow them away! Let them have a leaf fall too!” (you can use a piece of heavy cardboard)



Group games with children:

    What color is the vegetable!

Cards with cut out silhouettes of vegetables are distributed. A colored card is attached to the board using a magnet. The child must guess what vegetable he has in his hands, go up and attach it to the card of the corresponding color. For example, a cucumber is green. And so on.


Children stand in front of the leader. The presenter takes turns naming vegetables, berries, and fruits. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the children should sit down, and if it is a berry or fruit that grows on a tree, the children stand up and raise their arms above their heads.



Host: “You played so well! And a little tired! Let's relax and read poems about autumn!” (Annex 1)

    Result of the event.

Presenter: “Although they say that autumn is a sad time, in our kindergarten the autumn fun went off with a bang!” Based on the applause of our spectators, dear guests, parents, we will receive a rating! If there are loud, ringing claps, then everything was fine! So, dear viewers, dear guests, parents:

Did the guys play well?

Are you proud of your children?

Were you interested in joining us?

Do children deserve autumn gifts from the brothers of the month? Of course yes! Guys, come and take a prize from the package!

(children are given a gift - an apple or a pack of juice)

Thank you!

And thank you very much for your attention!

This concludes our autumn fun!


May your good mood never leave you!

Annex 1

Poems about autumn

Summer has passed.

Autumn has arrived.

In the fields and groves

Empty and sad.

The birds have flown away.

The days have become shorter.

The sun is not visible.

Dark, dark nights.

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy,

If it rains -

So this time of year is called Autumn!

I'm walking on the leaves

And they crunch in response.

I’ll pick up beautiful leaves -

There will be a bouquet for mom.

I took him home

Mom found a vase

And she said: “Look, Autumn has come to our home!”

Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light.

Summer is lost somewhere.

Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering.

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink - maple.

Autumn really is so beautiful!

And the chrysanthemums began to grow...

Shining like the heavenly sun

Gilded bushes..

The birds sing and rejoice,

Catching the last warm ray.

And now he lies at your feet

A piece of rainbow from the clouds.

The sun shines less often

Warm rays.

A flock of birds flies to the south,

Parting with us.

Frequent rain outside the window,

The sky is crying like a cloud,

The leaves are yellow all around.

It's autumn, that means.

It's raining down the street,

Wet road

Lots of drops on the glass

And there's a little heat.

Like autumn mushrooms

We carry umbrellas

Because it's outside

Autumn has come.

Autumn is coming in our park,

Autumn gives gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan,

Pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella for poplars,

Autumn gives us fruits

List of used literature:

    Zatsepina M. B., Antonova T. V. National holidays V kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014.

    Lipatnikova T.N. The holiday begins / Artist E.A. Afonicheva. Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2003

    Ryabtseva I.Yu. Zhdanova L.F. Come to our holiday: a collection of scripts for children / Artist E.A. Afonicheva. Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2000

Tasks: To consolidate ideas about professions. Create play situations in which children can perform a wide range of movements. Foster a positive, respectful attitude towards each other. The desire to compete in a friendly manner, without offense.

Equipment: Tape recorder, medal “For the Most Knowledgeable”, tokens - 20 pcs., landmarks - 2 pcs., envelopes - 8 pcs., ladle - 2 pcs., vegetables - 6 pcs., bandages - 3 pieces, easel - 2 pcs., felt-tip pens - 2 st., set of things, fishing rods - 2 pcs.

Dictionary: Test, medal, bakery, bakery, easel, painter, tailor, laundress.

In the hall there is an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “Who will I be when I grow up?” To the music, children enter the hall and take their seats.

Leading. Today we will talk to you about professions.

You already know about some professions, you will learn about new ones today, and you can even test yourself in some. And now we will draw a medal for “The Most Knowledgeable”. This medal will be received by the one who names the most professions. For each correct answer you receive a token. Whoever has the most tokens will be the owner of this medal.

A “Most Knowledgeable” competition is being held.

Leading. Well done! You know a lot of professions. Now let's go to the exhibition of your drawings, look at them and choose the ones you liked the most. And don't hesitate to say if you liked all the drawings. Today we will reward the winning artists with gifts.

Awards for artists.

Leading. Well, now there are competitions in which you can test yourself and test yourself. Who knows, maybe in a few years you will choose this particular profession.

Relay "Postman".


Our cheerful postman.

Of course, you know him.

He delivers it home

Many letters, telegrams.

A. Rastsvetnikov

Choose two teams of four people. Each child has an envelope in his hands. At the signal, the first team member runs, reaches the person sitting at the opposite end of the hall, and hands him an envelope. Returns to his team. The next participant completes the task.

Chef relay race.


Every business has a special smell.

The bakery smells of dough and baked goods.

Choose two teams of three people. Running with a ladle in which you need to carry vegetables (fruits). Each participant carries one vegetable.

Relay race "Painter".


Smells like a painter

Turpentine and paint...

Choose two teams of four people. Opposite each team there is an easel and a pack of markers. Children take turns running to the easels where the house is drawn and shade parts of the house. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading. We looked at our drawings and were satisfied with everything.

Competition "Nurse".


Doctor in a robe -

A pleasant medicine.

Choose three girls for the competition. They will need to bandage their arm (leg, head). Complete the task quickly and efficiently. Time - one minute.

"Chauffeur" relay race.


Driver's jacket

Smells like gasoline...

Choose two teams of four people. At the signal, the first team members run to the designated place, run around it and return to their team. The next participant “sits into the cabin” with him, and they run to the landmark together and return to their team. They take the next participant with them and the three of them complete the task. And so on until the driver has transported all his passengers.

Relay "Fisherman".


Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman...

Choose two teams of four people. On command, the first participants run to the appointed place, catch fish with fishing rods (the fish is made of cardboard, in place of the mouth there is a metal clip; the fishing rod is a twig, at the end of which there is a fishing line with a magnet), run to the pot, remove the fish and put it in the pot. They return to their team. The next participant completes the task.

Leading. Well done! You did everything correctly and quickly. Can you now guess the riddles that I have prepared for you? And don't forget that we are talking about professions.

He will heave the log deftly,

Will make walls, a canopy.

He has resin overalls

The forest smells like pine.

This employee

It's called, children... (carpenter).

V. Stepanov

Can he make buffets?

Chairs, cabinets, stools.

There are shavings all over his workbench.

Here's how to work!

A man is walking towards us

With brush and bucket.

Fresh paint himself

Whitewash and paint the house.

Well, who will sew for us?

Dresses, skirts - top class?


If children do not know about these professions, tell them about them and show illustrations.


The soap foams in the trough.

I'm doing the laundry, look.

Rhythmic dance “Big wash”(to the recording of the play “Macarena”). The author of the composition is I. Menshikhina.

The main movement is “Rocking chair”. Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend the knee of your left leg and leave your right leg straight. Shift your body weight to your right leg. Slightly straighten your left knee, then return it to its previous position, as if slightly “swaying” your knee. Now bend the other knee and perform a rocking motion in the other direction.

The first movement is “Erase.” Clench your fingers into fists.

1 - bending your elbows, raise your fists to waist level, then lower them down. 2 - repeat the same thing. First, “wash” 2 times to the right, then 2 times to the left, while performing a “rocking chair.” The movement is performed 8 or 16 times.

Movement two - “Rinse”. 1 - leaning forward slightly, move your arms to the right (fingers gathered into fists). 2 - repeat to the left.

Movement three - “Squeeze.” Place your arms, slightly bent at the elbows, in front of your chest and rotate them in a helical manner: “squeeze out the laundry” with your hands gathered into fists, to the right and to the left.

Movement four - “Shake.” Take an imaginary towel with both hands and shake vigorously 2 times on the right, 2 times on the left.

Movement five - “Clothespins”. Hang an imaginary towel on a rope that is stretched just above your head. 1 - secure the clothespin right hand. 2 - repeat the same with your left hand.

Leading. I have prepared a new task for you.

Competition “Dress a doctor, teacher, cook”. From the proposed things and objects, choose those that are necessary for a doctor, teacher, or cook. Set of items: white robe, a cap, a white scarf, various vials and jars, a phonendoscope, glasses, a magazine, books, a pointer, a briefcase, a saucepan, a ladle, spoons, a white apron and others.

Choose three children. To the music, children choose items related to a certain profession. Things are put on oneself, objects are taken in hands. When the music ends, the competition ends.

Leading. And you completed this task. You are just great! I really want you to come home today and ask your parents about their professions. Well, when you grow up, you will choose the profession that you like best. Some of you will treat people, and some will treat animals, some will teach children, and some will transport them, some of you will build houses for people, and some will invent new machines.

All professions are so different, but they are all so necessary.

The children come out.

1st child.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

Required workers -

Joiners and carpenters.

2nd child.

Good for the carpenter

It's better for an engineer.

I would go build a house

Let them teach me.

3rd child.

Good for an engineer

And the doctor is better.

I would go treat the children

Let them teach me.

4th child.

Good doctor

And it's better for the workers.

I would go to work

Let them teach me.

5th child.

It's good at the factory

It's better on the tram.

I would become a conductor

Let them teach me.

6th child.

Good conductor

A driver would be better.

I would become a driver

Let them teach me.

1st child.

Having turned the book over,

Wrap it around your mouth...


All works are good

Choose according to your taste.

V. Mayakovsky

Entertainment scenario for children senior group"Journey to the country of Flowerland"

I offer a summary of the entertainment based on fine art “Journey to the Country of Flowerland”, for children of the older group. This work will be of interest to educators preschool institutions, arts and crafts instructors at preschool educational institutions.

Entertainment for children 5-6 years old “Trip to the country of Flowerland”

Entertainment for older children

Target: keep children interested in fine arts. To consolidate knowledge about primary and derivative colors, the order of colors in the spectrum. Introduce the history of pencil creation.
Tasks: Expand knowledge about the history of pencils.
Continue to develop children's interest in visual arts.
Continue to develop the ability to express your impressions in speech and express aesthetic judgments.
Form children's creativity.

Material and equipment: cut-out picture depicting a Pencil; cardboard circles in rainbow colors; colorful satin ribbons; “trick” illustrations for well-known fairy tales for children. Pencil costume - pencil nose, beret, cape, bow and palette.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator:You guys are passing.
Look at each other.
Say hello with your palms
Everyone smile a little.
(In the group, the children find an envelope containing an image of the artist Pencil, cut into several parts.)
Educator. Who is this letter from? There are some colored pieces in the envelope... What should I do with them? (I encourage the children to act independently. After collecting the picture, the children will recognize the artist Pencil).
Pencil comes out to cheerful music.
Pencil. Hello guys. I am very glad to be in your kindergarten.
I want to invite you on a journey to a magical land of color and color called Colorland. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Pencil. magic wand
I have it, friends!
I'll wave this wand
And in an instant we will find ourselves in magical Flowerland!
And now I want to introduce you to the inhabitants of this country, but they are hidden in mysteries. Guess the riddles and the answers will appear.
(riddles about colors)
He outrages all the bulls,
It is forbidden to go further,
It flows through us along with the blood,
It bakes the cheeks of all liars!

It is in the egg and in the chicken,
In the oil that lies in the oil can,
In every ripe spikelet,
In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand!

Heavenly color forget-me-not
I haven’t forgotten for a minute.

I decorated all the flowers
Not one has forgotten!
(Three colored circles are laid out on the easel: red, yellow and blue)

Pencil. You guessed the riddles and saw the answers. And now the magic and transformation begins.
I'll take the main three colors.
Colors guys - these are not simple!
After all, if you mix them friends,
We will always get a different color!

If red and yellow are together
We will get a known color.
This color is familiar to us children,
It is the most delicious in the world!
Warm, juicy and healthy.

Children. Orange!
(an orange circle is laid out between red and yellow)

Pencil. Well done boys!
If we mix yellow and blue,
What color do we get?

Children. Green!
(a green circle is laid out between yellow and blue)
Pencil. Red and blue are friends if
What color do we see?

Children. Violet!
(a purple circle is laid out.)

Pencil. Guys, look, don’t our colored circles remind you of anything?

Children. Rainbow! Only we don't have blue!

Pencil. How attentive you are! (a blue circle is displayed)

Educator. Guys, let's tell Pencil how we remembered the colors of the rainbow?

Yes! Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.

And now, guys, I suggest you play with our colors.
I will give you ribbons, and while the music is playing, you must line up in the correct order. (the game “Stand the Rainbow” is played)
Well done boys! How clever and fast you are! And now I offer the game for your attention. I will give you pictures, but these are not simple pictures, but “cunning pictures”
(children are given pictures in which the artist made mistakes)

Educator. Thank you Pencil for the fun games.
We have a surprise for you too. Our guys will read poetry for you.

1 child.
Blue sky,
Blue shadows,
Blue rivers
They dropped the ice.
Blue snowdrop,
Resident of spring,
On a blue thawed patch
Growing boldly.
(L. Yakhnin)

2nd child.
Black cat on a black night
Jumped into the black chimney.
There is blackness in the chimney.
Look for the cat.
3 child.
White snow, white chalk
The white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white
It wasn't even white.
(E. Izmailov)

Pencil. Thank you guys for the poems!

Educator. Thank you Pencil for interesting trip, well, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Pencil. Goodbye, guys!

Children. Goodbye!
Educator. Guys, you enjoyed today's lesson! Then I ask you to draw your mood after class.

Children enter the room to cheerful music. music hall. They are greeted by the Good Fairy.

Fairy: Hello guys! I, the Good Fairy, have invited you to a holiday. It's so beautiful here. Fabulous! You like? I am very glad that distinguished guests came to us. Let's welcome them! There is such a word - the best of words. This word is Hello! So - be healthy!

There will be a lot of interesting things at our holiday, you and I will dance, sing, and most importantly, we will learn to be polite and kind in order to give joy to everyone around us! Do you agree with me? (children's answer)

Fairy: Who is this talking to us?

Fairy: Guys! Is it possible to live without kindness, without smiles?

(Children's response)

We need to save our kindergarten from the evil sorceress Zlyuchka. I propose to go to the land of Kindness and Politeness, and I really need your help - together we will return joy and fun to everyone and, of course, good, polite words. Guys! Will you help me? Then we’ll go on a trip with you, and I have one song in store for the trip, so we’ll go with it. Is everyone ready? Go!


Fairy: This is the first stop - and the Sun meets us. Guys, please tell me, what is it like, Sunny?

(children’s answer: bright, warm, kind, affectionate)

Fairy: Probably good people live here. Each of us has a little sun inside us. This sun is kindness! A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. Let's remember the kind words.

Game "Tender words"

Adults: Sun

Children: Sunny

(Bird, children, mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, etc.)

And now you and I will sit down and relax.

Cheerful music sounds, Dunno peeks out from behind the screen.

Fairy: Hello, boy!

Dunno: Hello, Good Fairy and guys!

Fairy: Please tell me what is your name?

3 Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself, I’m Dunno from Sunny City! I see that you are having fun here, can I have fun with you too?

Fairy: Dunno! Of course you can. But we not only have fun, but also learn polite and kind words.

Dunno: Do ​​you really know what kindness and politeness are?

Fairy: Children know a lot of kind and polite words.

Dunno: This is very good, recently in our city all kind, polite words suddenly disappeared. Here is one word “Hello!” - that’s all that’s left, and I don’t remember anything else.

Fairy: Guys! Let's help Dunno remember?

I’ll start, you continue: answer in unison!

3. Game "Rhymes"

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word (thank you)

The old stump will turn green when it hears (good afternoon)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say (excuse me, please)

Children and adults say goodbye to each other (goodbye)

Dunno: Thank you all, I remembered everything - all the magic words and now I will say them to everyone: thank you, please, excuse me, good afternoon, goodbye, thank you, please.....

Fairy: Wait, wait, Dunno! You know kind words, but when should you say them?

Dunno: Yes, I know, check me, please!

Fairy: Let's see, so! Dunno - imagine that you need to get up early so as not to be late. This morning mom woke you up, and what should you say?

Dunno: Oh, mom, let’s have breakfast quickly, otherwise I’m late.

Fairy: And even earlier, what were you saying?

Dunno: Mom! Where are my socks? I forgot where I threw them last night?

Fairy: Dunno! Have you forgotten what you need to tell your mom first of all, when you just opened your eyes and stretched in the morning? Help, guys!

Children: You need to say: “With Good morning, mommy!"

Dunno: Oh, good morning... I see!

Fairy: Let's continue, you've had breakfast and what do you tell mom? Spa…

Dunno: Good night, whether?

Fairy: Guys! Need your help again

Children: You need to say: “Thank you, mommy!”

Dunno: Yes - yes, yes, of course, thank you - I understand.

Fairy: What should I say goodbye?

Dunno: Oh, mom, I forgot to tell you: “Please give me a chocolate.” Is that right now?

Fairy: Dunno! Again you got everything mixed up. Guys! Help please.

Children: You need to say: “Goodbye!”

Dunno: Now I understand everything and remember: in the morning - say hello, when leaving - say goodbye, and you also need to say thank you. Guys! You helped bring everything back good words, thank you. Hooray! Now Kindness lives in my Sunny City! As a farewell, I want to give you a funny song and dance from all my friends. Bon Voyage!


Fairy: A cheerful dance led us to a clearing of fairy tales. And in the clearing there is a beautiful house - who lives in that house? I'll come up quietly and ring the bell. (Rings, the window opens and the Storyteller appears)

Storyteller: Hello, kids! I live in this house, keep order, sing songs, and write fairy tales.

Fairy: Dear Storyteller! Please come out of your house to the guys, we really love to sing songs and listen to fairy tales.

Storyteller: I can’t come out to you, dear children. The sorceress Zlyuchka flew to my fairytale house, but I made such a mess that now I can’t open the door and can’t get out of the house. I have no time for fairy tales - excuse me!

Fairy: Guys! Let's help put the house in order? How do you help adults?

Teacher with children: (show)

We wipe away the dust and water the flowers.

Let's wash the dishes - everything will be clean!

Storyteller: Oh, well done guys! Then we get to work together.

5. Song – game “Jolly Helpers”

(The Storyteller comes out of the house)

Storyteller: Thank you, kids. Your good deeds drove away sadness, there is order in the house, and Kindness now lives in my fairy-tale meadow! And that means you can tell me a fairy tale. Shall we invent it together?

Our fairy tale is not simple, what the people told This fairy tale is different - “Kolobok in reverse”

Once upon a time there was a grandmother and she decided to bake a bun for her grandchildren.

Fairy: Guys! You and I know one magical recipe for a pie, let's try to bake our Kolobok using this recipe!

Children with a teacher (show)

They made a bun and put it in the dough

200 grams

Children: smiles

300 grams of laughter

Kilogram of health

A kilogram of success

2 glasses of politeness

A handful of kind words

And a pinch of tenderness

Kolobok is ready!

Storyteller: Kolobok turned out wonderful!

Kolobok - ruddy side! (a child comes out - “Kolobok”)

Kolobok: I’ll run away into the forest now, no one will eat me there!

(Kolobok runs and dances)

Storyteller: And towards Kolobok the Bunny.

Kolobok: Hello, Bunny!

Bunny: Oh! Who are you?

Bunny: No! I won't eat you. I love cabbage, I love carrots and I really like to sing songs.

(Kolobok runs and dances)

Storyteller: And the Fox meets him.

Kolobok: Hello, Lisa!

Lisa: Who are you?

Kolobok: I am Kolobok, ruddy side - eat me.

Fox: What are you talking about, I’m on a diet, I eat a cutlet a day

And today is a holiday, a holiday of Kindness! Everyone gives each other smiles.

Storyteller: Guys! Our fairy tale came to an end, and no one ate Kolobok, and he returned home to Grandma.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Fairy: The fairy tale turned out to be good, because you guys gave joy to everyone around. You have learned to be polite and kind. The sorceress Zlyuchka flew far into the cold swamps and will never return to our kindergarten. And polite words and good deeds will always remain with us, they are so similar to little wizards. Kind little wizards are already rushing to you, meet them.

Children - It is not at all easy to be kind; kindness does not depend on growth. Kindness does not depend on color; kindness is not a gingerbread or candy. If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

Fairy guys, let's sing a song about what happened to the evil wolf. Maybe Zlyuchka will hear us and change her mind about harming everyone.


Fairy: I brought my gifts for the guys, this is a small piece of great kindness. (We give out gifts)

Fairy: Guys! I, the good Fairy, will often meet with you. Our holiday of kindness does not end, we will continue it in the group. As a farewell to all our guests, we will say in unison:

Children: Goodbye! (to the song about kindness, the children leave the music room).

Target: generalize the knowledge of older preschool children about fairy tales (Russian folk tales, fairy tales different nations, author's fairy tales).

1. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between folk tales, tales of different nations, and author's tales.

2. Arouse positive emotions in children, develop fantasy and imagination.

3. Foster a love of books.

Equipment: pictures and illustrations of fairy tales, exhibitions of fairy tale books, portraits of fairy tale writers, didactic material for games.

Progress of the event

Educator: Guys, today we will take a trip to the land of fairy tales, where our “Fun Train” will take us and visit fairy-tale heroes. Now, take your seats in the trailer. Our train is leaving. (Children sit on chairs lined up in several rows and sing a song.)

The locomotive whistled
And he brought the trailers.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I'll rock them far.

Educator: We came with you to the “Guess the Fairy Tale” station. You must guess the riddles that hang on our cute apple tree.

There are apples hanging on a cardboard apple tree with riddles written on them.

1. Red - the girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden)

2. In the thicket of the forest in a windfall,
In a new three-story house
No worries and no neighbors
Once upon a time there were three... (Bear)

3. Like Baba Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one
The aircraft... (Mortar)

4. She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents... (Mouse)

5. We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house...
Who were these?
Small children? (Kids)

6. There is neither a river nor a pond,
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water

In the hoof hole. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Educator: Guys , What Russian folk tales do you still know?

Children's answers.

Well done boys! And now, we continue our journey.

Children sing a song.

The locomotive whistled
And he brought the trailers.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I'll rock them far.

Children's answers.

The teacher reads the task and after the children answer correctly, shows pictures: goldfish, shoe, gold coin, bird feather, scarlet flower.

1. Where did the old man and the old woman from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale live? (By the bluest sea.) What is the name of this fairy tale? (The Tale of the Goldfish).

2. Which of the heroes of Charles Perrault’s fairy tales had glass slippers? (Cinderella).

3. In this fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy main character- an unusual boy with a very long nose? (Pinocchio).

4. This duckling from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale had no idea what he would become when he grew up

5. “Bring me a flower...”, asked the youngest daughter of her father from S. Aksakov’s fairy tale (The Scarlet Flower).

Educator: Well done guys! And now we are moving on.

The locomotive whistled
And he brought the trailers.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I'll rock them far.

Educator: Station “Tales of Different Nations”. Why is it called that? To find out, you need to use the cut parts to create whole pictures.

On the tables are plates with cut-out pictures - illustrations for fairy tales: “Ayoga” (Nanai folk tale), “Three Sisters” (Tatar folk tale), “Cuckoo” (Nenets folk tale), “Hare, Bear and Fox” (Chukchi folk tale ), “ Boy-hero” (Tatar folk tale). Children's answers.

Educator: Well done guys! Look guys, there is an obstacle on our way - our train cannot continue its journey - in front of us are “Magic Stones”.

There are figures in the form of stones on the floor - one of them says “Word game”.

Game “Say the Word”

Guys! In almost all fairy tales, heroes are called by a double name, I will start, and you will continue:

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa – Beautiful

Sister - Alyonushka

Boy - about the size of a finger

Ivan Tsarevich

Brother - Ivanushka


Tiny - Khavroshechka

Educator: Guys, our journey is coming to an end and we are met by the Muzykalnaya station.

Children sing the song “Fairy tales walk around the world” (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), imitating movements according to the text.

1 Fairy tales travel around the world,
Night harnessed to a carriage.
Fairy tales live in the clearings,
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.
And the prince will love Snow White.
And Koshchei’s greed will destroy...
But still Good wins!

2. The world, illuminated with miracles,
Fairy tales fly over the forests,
They sit on the windowsill,
They look into the rivers like through windows.
And the Fairy will rescue Cinderella,
Gorynych the Snake will no longer be...
Let Evil play cunning tricks,
But still Good wins!

3. Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
It’s worth closing my eyelashes -
In an instant Sivka-Burka will dream.
And the month will shine clear,
In the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful...
Let Evil play cunning tricks,
But still Good wins!

Educator: So our journey through the land of fairy tales has ended. Our locomotive has arrived at the final station. While traveling, we remembered fairy tales that you already know. What fairy tales were we talking about? (Russian folk tales, tales of different nations, author's tales). All fairy tales are instructive, they teach us goodness, mutual assistance, in them good always triumphs over evil. I want to end our journey, guys, with the words “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!”