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The personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been reduced due to fears of pension reform. Cancellation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - what awaits police officers Pensions for police officers this year

In 2019, at the legislative level, it was decided to increase pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This circumstance is associated with the development of a new state budget bill. At the end of 2018, the main points of the financial act, which provides for the budget for the near future, were considered. In this regard, the President of Russia issued a decree to increase official salaries for persons working in internal bodies, as well as to index subsidies.

Types of pension

  • for length of service - 18 thousand rubles;
  • if there is a disability group - 18,968 rubles;
  • subsidies for the loss of a breadwinner - about 12 thousand rubles.

Subsidies based on length of service

To receive a pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the employee must comply with all the conditions specified in regulation No. (Article No. 3). Thus, security in this form is assigned if:

  • there is sufficient experience;
  • reaching a certain age in service in the department.

When entering a well-deserved retirement, the latter circumstance is subject to additional requirements:

  • the maximum possible age has been reached;
  • the employee has been diagnosed with a disease or has been assigned a disability;
  • carrying out regular measures (downsizing).

To calculate pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from January 1, the inclusion in the work experience of the period of obtaining education at universities, as well as activities in other law enforcement agencies of Russia, also remained unchanged.

Retirement rules

To assign security, department employees must serve at least 20 years in the relevant departments. If, upon reaching age, the employee does not have such length of service, then subsidies are formed to his address on the following grounds:

  1. Reaching 45 years of age, as well as having an official document indicating a health limitation that prevents service;
  2. Have 25 years or more work experience. In this case, a minimum of 12.5 years must be related to the department, military service or other similar departments. However, in this case, the person must receive a special title and undergo certification.

Procedure for calculating insurance coverage

Based on the federal law “On Insurance Subsidies” (Article No. 8), pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are assigned while maintaining basic security on the following conditions:

  • a man must be 60 years old, a woman 55;
  • presence on the personal account of an IPC in the amount of 13.8 (for the 18th year);
  • The insurance period must be at least 9 years (information for the 18th year).

The transition period, regulated by Article 35 of this Federal Law, indicates the value of individual points, which is necessary to obtain the right to insurance coverage, is subject to increase by 2.4 points so that in 2025 there are 30 IPC on the account. Insurance subsidies are also increasing annually.

Deductions upon dismissal due to disability

Subsidies for disability groups are assigned to employees in the event of serious injury or damage to health only while performing official duties.

In this case, the size of the pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2020 will depend on factors such as:

  • period of work from 20 years;
  • total work experience - 25 years, where 50% of the service took place in the internal affairs bodies;
  • wage.

At the legislative level, there is now a discussion about increasing the level of labor activity to enter a well-deserved retirement based on length of service.

The amount of deductions for the loss of a breadwinner

Close relatives and dependents of the employee are entitled to receive this type of support, namely:

  1. Children under the age of majority;
  2. Husband wife;
  3. Mother and/or father.

Receipt of subsidies by relatives occurs in the event of the death of an employee who served within 3 months after dismissal, as well as if the death occurred as a result of injury or injury during performance.

There are two ways to calculate collateral:

  1. Death occurs due to injury - family members receive security every month in the amount of 50% of the employee’s official salary;
  2. The death occurred due to illness - relatives are given subsidies in the amount of 40% of the allowance.

Indexation in 2020

An increase in pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2020, as well as indexation, is expected for all persons, regardless of the form of benefit. The Government of the Russian Federation reports that at the last discussion a final decision was made to approve the amount of indexation.

This positive trend indicates an increase in the standard of living of citizens on well-deserved retirement. It is noteworthy that officials do not express negative opinions about the need to increase subsidies for employees. This is due to the fact that, according to recent population surveys, such measures are necessary to increase the comfort of life for the elderly.

Formula for calculation

RPO =1 / 2 *(OD+OSZ+NVL)*72.23%, Where

  • RPO - amount of benefit;
  • OD - official salary;
  • OSZ - salary for rank;
  • NVDL - long service bonus;
  • DD - allowance + salary + bonus.

An employee can increase the amount of subsidies by exceeding their length of service - every year after 20 years - 3% of the DD, but in total cannot exceed 85%. If the work experience is mixed, then for each year after 25 years an increase of 1% is due.

Pension news for internal affairs workers in 2020

News about pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs indicates that the amount of payments has been raised since January 1, 2019. At the same time, the increase in the level of provision occurred earlier than expected. This shift in indexation is due to the need to promptly increase insurance and social security in accordance with inflation.

Raising the age threshold for retirement

The regulatory document states an average price increase rate of 4%. The amendments to increase the age threshold for retirement by pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 will not affect only 1/100 employees of internal affairs bodies. However, this has to do with the prevailing numbers of the population.

A significant increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 is an increase in the official salary of working persons.

For those who have already retired, this state of affairs indicates a recalculation of basic payments.

Note: salaries for police officers have not been indexed since 2013. Due to the fact that the activities require significant budget expenditures, the volume of allowances and the announcement of the decision on this moment

not published. Along with this, the legislator, planning the budget in conditions of deficit, notes that the number of employees of the internal affairs bodies is almost 40 million. Therefore, the department will reduce staff by 10%.

Amount and increase of the second benefit

This year it is planned to increase benefits by 7%, and the planned indexation should have already been carried out. The average amount of payments per person will be one thousand rubles.

Additional increase in subsidies

The amount of security is based on the size of the salary, so pensioners by law cannot receive less than 50% of their previously received wages, but no more than 85%. In addition, the presence of disability is taken into account.

The increase in pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is due to the introduction of a new coefficient, consisting of the volume of payments and wages at the former place of work. The lowering index was approved at the legislative level. Thus, at the end of 2018, the coefficient should be 72.23%, taking into account the established amendment - 6.3%.

Second pension

In a situation where an employee of the department sent a letter of resignation, but continues to officially work in a municipal institution or private company that makes insurance contributions to the Russian Pension Fund, he has the right to receive a second benefit. The countdown of the second work experience begins from the moment of hiring.

Possible changes to pensions for employees of internal bodies

In the event of stabilization and improvement of economic conditions in the Russian Federation, at the government level they promised that each pensioner would have their benefits paid from the federal budget indexed.

Please note: the planned indexation will be 4% for all groups specified in the resolution.

The reason for the list is that the State Duma believes that increases in subsidies are due to those who retired upon reaching the appropriate age - 45 years. And also for those employees who have worked for at least 20 years. It is noteworthy that next year the income level of the department’s pensioners will increase.

Grounds for deprivation of benefits for a police officer

Deprive an employee of internal affairs bodies of the due state aid in old age is possible only on the basis of committing a particularly serious criminal act while on duty. Moreover, such a situation must be regulated by the executive authorities, i.e. the court deprives the employee of his title, and, accordingly, of subsidies.

This type of pension involves the retirement of a police officer after 20 years of service, or 25 total experience, provided that at least half of these years the person devoted to service in the authorities upon reaching 45 years of age. In the second option, you need to indicate the reason for dismissal. Such a pension can be assigned upon reaching extreme age, due to illness or poor condition health, or due to personnel changes in the department.

Periods that are counted as length of service: service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military service, work in drug control agencies and the Federal Penitentiary Service, fire service.

Grace periods are considered periods of service in hot spots. Also, for both privates and officers, length of service is considered to be studying at universities, but not more than five years. The calculation is as follows: two months of training is equivalent to one month of service. For rehabilitated employees, the time spent serving the sentence is also equivalent to the length of service.

The size of the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received for length of service is calculated based on the following factors:

  • The salary amount of the position in the state that the employee held before leaving.
  • Salary according to special rank.
  • Additional payments due to an employee for length of service.
  • Monthly food compensation in cash.

Here are the criteria based on which the monthly amount is calculated pension payments. For example, a police officer has more than 20 years of service, his pension will be made up of half full years length of service, plus 3% for each subsequent year.

What is the procedure for registering pension benefits for employees?

All former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have worked for more than twenty years can apply for a salary based on length of service.

A pension of mixed service is established for those persons who have crossed the pension threshold or were dismissed due to layoffs at 45 years of age and older. However, the citizen must also have twenty-five years of work experience, half of which was spent in police service. Otherwise, no benefit is due, even in situations where a person spent fifteen to twenty years in service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and was then dismissed due to staff reduction. Then the former employee is awarded not a pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but a social one.

In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ experience includes work in other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation:

  • Period in the Federal Drug Control Service (drug control service);
  • Time of service in the Russian Guard;
  • Service in armed forces Russian Federation;
  • Period in the fire service;
  • Time in the FSIN (penal service).

However, some types of service may be subject to preferential calculation, which includes:

  • Period of service in a conflict zone;
  • Period of service in criminal investigation units;
  • Taking part in anti-terrorist operations.

If a civilian has officially worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in some position as an employee, then the person can only count on a regular benefit when he reaches the age threshold.

Monthly allowance may be prescribed for several reasons:

  • Length of service;
  • Sufficient overall work experience;
  • Long service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Reaching the age limit for being in organs.

The last case belongs to the category of mixed type pension, which has already been discussed a little higher. However, in addition to reaching the age threshold or reduction, the reason for receiving this type of salary may be the development of a disease.

If the illness was acquired as a result of work, the person is entitled to disability benefits. This also applies to the occurrence of serious injury or injury while the employee was on duty. The disability payment is in no way related to length of service, and therefore is assigned to any employee who meets the established requirements.

The presence of northern experience can affect the pension of a police officer. In this case, the threshold for entering a well-deserved retirement shifts to 55 years for the male half and to 50 years for the female half. This applies only to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For employees in such regions, a different rule applies, namely that the completion of such service affects the salary based on length of service.

This process is different from that which a civilian goes through because, as you know, benefits are determined by a different law. The future pensioner should apply not to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but to several organizations:

  • The personnel service of the specific unit where he served in order to obtain the necessary package of documents;
  • Military registration and enlistment office to register at your current place of residence;
  • Pension department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The application is reviewed within ten days. If a citizen fits one of the categories, then payments are assigned, but the terms differ:

  • If a person has a disability, then the benefit is paid from the moment it is documented;
  • If a person applies for a salary based on length of service, then he must first resign from the authorities;
  • If a person claims payment for the loss of a breadwinner, then from the moment of death, but earlier than when the benefit was paid.
  • If a former employee is an applicant for insurance benefits, then the standard procedure for any Russian takes place. This is an appeal to the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

When contacting Pension Fund You need a package of documents including:

  1. Original and copy of passport;
  2. SNILS;
  3. Employment history;
  4. Documents confirming awards and titles;
  5. Statement;
  6. If there are persons in care, appropriate confirmation is required.

This is the main process, but there may be some additional nuances during registration, which will be reported to the Pension Fund.

#Increasing pensions#Pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018#Indexation#Pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs#Ministry of Internal Affairs#Pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs#Pension#Pension 2018# Pension reform#Pension reform 2018

Based on current legislation, this category of citizens can be appointed different kinds provision:

  • by length of service;
  • in case of assignment of disability status (regardless of age and length of service);
  • families of police officers who have lost their breadwinner.

The system by which pensions for security forces are calculated is carried out in accordance with existing legislation and taking into account multiple important factors (service life, salary, whether the subject was in a combat zone and others). There is only one category that should not count on an increase - pensioners who continue to work and continue to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the law on working pensioners adopted by the State Duma, compensation for their benefits in 2018 is not provided. They will be paid a salary, and during their service they will earn a certain amount of points in PF. These people will be able to take advantage of their legal right to indexation when they retire for their due and well-deserved rest.

Payments due to ex-police officers

Retirement due to disability of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is possible in cases where the disability was acquired during service in the police, or within 3 months after its end. Disability is assigned only after a medical examination and on the basis of its conclusion (see Pension by disability group).

Family members of the employee who was in the service and who are dependent on him have the right to count on this type of pension. This includes minor children, spouse and parents. Relatives can receive such a pension if death occurred while the employee was in service, within three months after dismissal, or when death occurred from injuries received in the service.

In addition to the main pension payments, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for a second old-age pension. The insurance period is taken into account here; it must be at least five years. The applicant for the second pension must be over sixty years of age and must already be receiving long-service payments.

How did pensions change in 2018?

To begin with, it is worth noting that the procedure for entering a well-deserved retirement differs from that which ordinary Russians go through. Retirement for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs follows the same pattern as for military personnel.

In Russia, there are two regulations regulating payments to the military, and also responsible for their size:

  1. Federal Law No. 4468-1, which was issued on February 12, 1993;
  2. Legislative act number 941, released that same year in September.

The first act is responsible for carrying out indexation, but no indexing has been carried out for the last seven years. The exception was this year. At the end of 2017, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin announced that the government’s plans include increasing military pensions regulated by Law 4468-1.

Insurance coverage

This category includes former police officers who, for some reason, ended their work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but did not stop working altogether. We are talking about civil service, so a person may be awarded insurance pension, but there are a number of conditions to receive it.

For getting insurance benefits a citizen must:

  1. Reach the age threshold established in the Russian Federation;
  2. Obtain 9 or more years of work experience (this experience is relevant only for the current year, because a decree was issued that there will be a gradual increase in this parameter to 15 years of experience);
  3. Score at least 13.8 points on your personal account (the government also plans to increase the value of this parameter until it reaches 30 points).

Actually, this is a standard set of requirements for all Russians.

Can a police officer's pension be revoked?

(Salary by position Salary by rank Bonuses and allowances) * 69.45% * pension as a percentage = Amount of pension payments.

You can also find a pension calculator on the Internet yourself and find out the amount of payments by entering the data necessary for the calculation.

Deprivation of the pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is possible if he commits a serious or especially serious crime during his service, but only if the court deprives the employee of a special rank, then he will also lose his pension.

  • Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can expect an indexed pension as early as December of this year.
  • Employees of the Russian Guard will also receive an increased pension at the end of 2017 on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In total, the federal budget allocated 11 billion rubles for pensions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Forces.

You need to know that the second pension for retired former police officers is calculated and paid without taking into account the fixed payment. Fixed payment or fixed supplement (FSD) - federal social supplement to pension up to the amount living wage is an additional payment that is paid to those pensioners whose pension is below the subsistence level in a given region. Accordingly, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not have the right to this additional payment when they are assigned an old-age insurance pension.

Like other pensioners, police pensioners will have their basic pension increased in 2018.

Where to contact

If a former police officer has reached the required age and has a minimum length of work experience in civilian life, he needs to go personally to the nearest Pension Fund office to receive a second old-age pension.

If a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had periods of work in civilian institutions before 2002, for them he has the right to provide documents confirming the average monthly salary for any 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002.

To accrue a second pension, you must submit the following documents:

  • Application of the established form (the form is issued and filled out on site);
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or another law enforcement agency through which the citizen receives his basic pension;
  • SNILS;
  • work record book and employment contracts;
  • other documents confirming “civilian” experience (certificates from employers or relevant government agencies).

To achieve this, the previously mentioned law 4468-1 was adopted in 1993, according to which certain parameters must be taken into account:

  1. The amount of salary depending on the employee’s position;
  2. The amount of salary, which depends on the rank assigned to the employee;
  3. Life time;
  4. Additional payments accrued for length of service.

The calculation is carried out according to the following formula: Pension = 50% DD x 72.23%. Explanation of values:

  1. DD - the amount of monetary compensation, which includes salary for the position, salary for the rank, and payments for length of service;
  2. 72.23% is the percentage of the reduction factor for the current year.

The reduction rate is the so-called military pension tax. This means that the benefit will not be 100% of the current salary of active military personnel, but 72.23%.

Bonuses can be not only for length of service, so it is worth considering the reasons and amount of additional payments:

  • Longevity gives from 10 to 40% of the salary every month;
  • Activities related to state secrets and classified data may result in an increase of up to 65% of the salary;
  • Class varies from 5 to 30% of salary every month;
  • Significant achievements or extremely hazardous conditions in the service they can increase the increase to 100% monthly;
  • Good service may result in an annual bonus, which can be up to 300% of salary.

Second pension for police officers: terms of provision

Those who serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation should know that police officers (or members of their families) through the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the following types of pension payments:

  • Long service pension;
  • Survivor's pension;
  • Disability pension.

After dismissal from the internal affairs bodies, these types of pensions remain with the former employee, but since this pension can be earned in 20 years (or even in 10 years if we are talking about special conditions of service, for example, when you have to maintain law and order in the Far North or in hot spots), then such pensioners are often called “young pensioners” because of their age. Many people deserve their first pension at the age of 40-45. However, in Lately information has appeared about increasing the length of service to 25 years for police officers.

And if, after a notice of dismissal, a police pensioner continues to officially work in a state or private organization that makes contributions for him to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then from the moment he completes a certain length of service “in civilian life,” such a pensioner receives the right to a second pension.

To take insurance contributions into account in a future second pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the employer of a civil institution must register the hired police pensioner in the compulsory pension insurance system. To do this, an individual personal account is opened for this employee at the nearest branch of the Pension Fund, which reflects the following information:

  • accrued insurance premiums,
  • paid insurance premiums,
  • civil experience,
  • salary amount,
  • periods of work in civil organizations.

It is thanks to an individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the number of which is on SNILS, that the right to a second insurance pension arises.

To obtain an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS), you must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person at your place of actual residence or registration.

A second pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can be assigned to a retired security officer if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. Required age
  2. Minimum amount of pension points
  3. Minimum experience
  4. Pension through the Ministry of Defense

In other words, a police pensioner can apply for a second pension only from a certain age, having the necessary length of service, having earned a minimum amount of pension points and at the same time receiving a pension from the law enforcement agencies.

To receive a second pension from the Pension Fund of Russia, a man must reach 60 years of age. From this moment on, he has a generally established right to an old-age insurance pension in an amount that depends on the length of service and the amount of pension points.

To receive a second pension from the Pension Fund, a woman must reach 55 years of age. From this moment on, he has a generally established right to an old-age insurance pension in an amount that depends on the length of service and the amount of pension points.

In addition, those former employees of internal affairs bodies who worked “in civilian life” in conditions of Far North or localities equivalent to them, as well as in particularly difficult or harmful working conditions and have earned the right to early retirement by old age.

Where to contact

Recently, the issue of increasing the length of service from 20 to 30 years has been actively discussed, but so far no such law has been adopted.

Before retiring, the employee must submit an application addressed to his department head. For this application, special forms are issued by the HR department. Here the future pensioner must indicate the following:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic in full;
  • Personal phone;
  • Current title;
  • Residence and registration address;
  • Reason for dismissal;
  • The pension that the employee is applying for;

IN last years There are many changes taking place in the work of law enforcement agencies in our country. They concern not only the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, personnel changes, but also the material satisfaction of employees, including those who are already on well-deserved rest. What conditions must be met in order to receive a Ministry of Internal Affairs pension in 2018, and whether to expect its increase and indexation.

The pension system in our country is still in the reform stage. Labor pension is divided into two parts - and. Citizens can apply for it subject to certain conditions:

offensive retirement age, having a minimum work experience and accumulating a certain amount of points.

Every year the government plans to increase the retirement age to 63 for women and 65 for men.

Already in 2018, this period was extended by one year for civil servants.

The changes will also affect the required minimum length of service. Today it is 9 years, and by 2025 it will be equal to fifteen.

All these measures are aimed at saving budget funds. In addition, benefits for working pensioners have not been indexed for several years. All these issues concern not only ordinary citizens, but also those whose work activity was associated with special conditions, such as former military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Conditions for receiving a Ministry of Internal Affairs pension in 2018

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, like the military, are also civil servants. However, given the complexity of the work they perform, which often involves risks to health and even life, the government has developed a number of incentive measures that can compensate for the difficult conditions of service.

In particular, all law enforcement officers have the right to receive a long-service pension.

To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • The retirement age has been raised by one year from this year and should be 46 years old,
  • work experience in the authorities - 20 years.

If, upon reaching this age, a person has not accumulated the required work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then he can still apply for benefits if his total seniority amounts to 25 years, and he works for the police at least 12.5 years.

It is planned to increase seniority as gradually as age. This takes into account:

  • years of military service,
  • studying at a university,
  • time spent working in government agencies.

Employees of the traffic police and transport police, all police departments (federal and regional throughout Russia), special forces military personnel, the National Guard, operational investigative and search units, investigative bodies, departments of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Service for Turnover can count on a long-service pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for drug control and other units related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Participants in combat operations and anti-terrorist operations, including for service in the North Caucasus, and for their courage in detaining especially dangerous criminals, receive special pension supplements.

The size of the pension depends on the length of service, as well as on the rank and reduction factor. The government planned to gradually increase it to 100%, but its size has been frozen for several years, although this year it was decided to increase it again and gradually bring it to the previously mentioned amount.

In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for a second pension - an insurance pension, which is paid by the Pension Fund to all working citizens of our country. This can be done after reaching retirement age, subject to the following conditions:

  • minimum work experience - 9 years,
  • accrual of the required amount of insurance points on an individual personal account in the Pension Fund - this year they should be 13.8 points.

Indexation of pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

What can pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expect in 2018, who have already received their pension? Will there be a promised increase and how will the benefit amount change?

This year, the government refused to pay a one-time one-time increase to pensions in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, but decided to increase pensions for all pensioners taking into account inflation.

It was decided to carry out indexation in two stages. The first concerned insurance premiums and amounted to 3.7%. We carried it out right from January 1, and not in February, as before.

Indexation expected in April social benefits. It will be 4.1%.

All these increases will affect only those former police officers who have already left the service. For working pensioners, their pensions will not be indexed again this year. The increase in the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 for employees who continue to work will occur only in August, when the next recalculation of payments will be made in connection with the increase in length of service.

Does the size of the pension depend on salary?

The allowance for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs consists of several components:

  • experience in the police;
  • salary amount for the position at the time of registration;
  • rank allowances;

A reduction factor is calculated from the official salary. Initially, it was planned to increase it gradually.

However, for several years it was suspended and with 2016 the coefficient was 69,45% and didn't rise. The level of payments depends on the region, the laws adopted there and the existing benefits and allowances for law enforcement officers.

The entire amount of benefits, including bonuses, cannot exceed 85% of wages.

The increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will also occur due to an increase in the coefficient.

From this year it will be 72,23% . In addition, since the beginning of the year, the government has indexed the salaries of public sector employees, police salaries have increased by 4% Accordingly, payments to those who will retire this year will increase by the same amount.

An increase in pensions for Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioners who have received long-service benefits but are still working will occur only by increasing the reduction factor and points for length of service. However, from the moment they decide to leave the service, they will begin to receive an insurance pension with all stipulated allowances and already performed indexing. If after some time he starts working again, his benefit amount will not decrease.


Thus, salaries and pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 increased due to indexation, which was carried out at the very beginning of the year. In addition, the increase in pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out due to the fact that from this year the reduction coefficient for calculating payments to law enforcement officers is increasing again.

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date: August 7, 2018. Reading time 5 minutes.

For 2019, it is planned to index the pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the amount of 4%. The State Duma is also discussing issues of increasing the length of service of police officers for early retirement.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will inevitably affect retired police officers. It is not surprising that former and current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are interested in how payments will change in 2019.

The calculation of pensions for police officers is regulated by Federal Law No. 4468-1, adopted back in 1991, according to which preferential payments are received by those who have served in the ranks of law enforcement agencies:

  • at least 20 years;
  • more than 12.5 years, subject to a total experience of 25 years.
  • for length of service;
  • due to disability received during service or as a result of combat injury or illness;

In addition, there are surcharges for military merits, presence of dependents, awards, access to state secrets, participation in hostilities, service in hard-to-reach areas and hot spots.

How the Ministry of Internal Affairs pension increases: legislative framework

Pension payments for former police officers are indexed in proportion to the increase in the salaries of current employees.

In 2011, according to Federal Law No. 306, a reduction coefficient of 54% was introduced, which was planned to be increased annually by 2% in order to bring the provision of pensioners to 100% of allowances by 2035. Over 6 years, the size of the reduction coefficient increased to 72.23%, but the indexation of payments was frozen.

In 2018, the situation changed dramatically - payments were indexed, which resulted in an increase of 4%, but the reduction factor remained unchanged.

Against the background of the pension reform, which provides for an increase in the age and social pension, a lot of conflicting information has appeared regarding the pension provision of former law enforcement officers. First of all, the debate is about increasing the length of service to 25 years, as well as replacing military pension one-time benefit.

Definitely, there will be changes in legislation, but at this stage the Duma does not plan to make significant adjustments to the laws on the basis of which pensions are calculated for law enforcement officers.

As for the increase in the Ministry of Internal Affairs pension in 2019, clarity will be made when the federal budget for next year is approved.

How much will police pensions increase in 2019?

The latter was postponed from October to January 2018. Logically, the security forces on their well-deserved retirement expected the next indexation also at the beginning of 2019.

Unfortunately, this practice will not be maintained, since the increase in payments is traditionally planned for October 1, 2019. The next increase will also be carried out in the amount of 4%, which on average will increase the size of payments from 1,000 rubles.

The recalculation will be carried out automatically, that is, you do not need to submit an application to increase payments. To calculate how much the allowance will be increased, it is necessary to multiply the actual allowance, taking into account allowances, by 1.04.

The question remains open regarding the growth of the reduction coefficient. Most likely, since 4% indexation is planned, it will remain at the same level – 72.23%. However, the final decision regarding the abolition or increase of the cutting coefficient has not yet been made.

Increasing the second pension

Police officers who receive the second, which is awarded if they have 9 years of civil service and minimum charge pension points in the amount of 13.8, can count on a planned increase in this part of payments.

A 7% increase in pension payments is planned for 2019. According to forecasts, indexation will be carried out according to the new law in January. If the project is not agreed upon, the benefit will increase twice: in February and April. On average, payments will increase by 1,000 rubles.

Reference! Social pension paid to security forces who have retired, also in the absence of the necessary military experience for calculating the pension allowance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What will happen to the pensions of working pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Many police officers retire after reaching the age of 45, so they try to continue their labor activity in civilian life. In this case, pensioners receive a power pension, and insurance payments are calculated only upon reaching retirement age.

If, in this case, the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continues to work, he is paid two pensions: military and funded at the expense of accumulated pension points.

However, the 2019 budget does not plan to index payments for working pensioners. Their payments increase solely against the background of the recalculation of points, which is carried out annually in August.

Officials' opinions

Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, spoke about the revision of pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and raising the age indicators at a meeting of the tripartite commission, at which the nuances of the pension reform were discussed.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs itself did not explain the decline in staffing levels in 2018. Since 2017, the ministry has not provided justification for the deviation of the actual value from the planned value. And, for example, back in 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained the failure to fulfill the personnel goal by reducing the department’s funding and reducing the maximum staffing level of internal affairs bodies in accordance with the presidential decree. RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out poor information work, some employees were really afraid of a possible increase in length of service and decided to leave the service, but the main reason is different - people simply do not want to continue working in this system, they are waiting for the expiration due date length of service in order to quit and get a civilian job, believes Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the Moscow interregional trade union of police and the Russian Guard. Employees may be called in morning, day or night and not given time off or vacation; they are also prohibited from traveling abroad, he said. “Who will like this? That’s why people quit,” Pashkin concluded.

The grounds for termination of service in internal affairs bodies are the dismissal of an employee or his death. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is dismissed from service due to the completion or termination of a contract. The contract may be terminated, and the employee of the internal affairs bodies may be dismissed either on his own initiative, or due to a gross violation of official discipline or due to length of service giving the right to receive a pension.

The pension reform did not affect the security forces

The government raised the retirement age in Russia in June last year. At that time, First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, said that the authorities were also discussing changing the length of service for retirement for military personnel and law enforcement officers. “We talked about the fact that today there is length of service to obtain the right to retire military personnel. We believe that this length of service should also be adjusted. We have such studies with the Ministry of Defense, this will be one of the elements of our proposals,” Siluanov said.

In October, the president signed a law gradually increasing the retirement age to 60 for women and 65 for men starting in 2019. The document does not say anything about increasing the length of service, which gives the right to retirement, for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Guard, Federal Penitentiary Service). The pension reform did not affect them in any way; their length of service remained unchanged.

The law on “military” pensions was signed by President Boris Yeltsin in February 1993. Military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, including internal affairs bodies, can retire after 20 years of service. Those dismissed due to reaching the age limit for service, for health reasons and those who have been laid off but have reached the age of 45 are also entitled to a long-service pension. They must have a total work experience of 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years were spent in service.

Annual staff reduction

President Vladimir Putin reduces the maximum staffing level of internal affairs agencies almost every year. Last modified occurred in December 2017, when the president signed a decree reducing the maximum number of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from January 1, 2018 to 894.9 thousand people. Thus, at the end of last year, the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not exceed 828.65 thousand people (based on the staffing level of 92.6%).

A year earlier, in September 2016, the head of state reduced the maximum number of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by almost 100 thousand people - 10%, the staffing level was set at 904.9 units. In 2015, the maximum number of employees internal organs was reduced to 1 million people, and in 2014 the number was determined at 1.113 million people.

In August 2019, Vladimir Putin signed a law increasing the age limit for internal affairs officers to serve: for police majors and lieutenant colonels it was raised from 50 to 55 years, for colonels from 55 to 60 years, and for generals from 60 to 65 years (that is, they were given the right to serve longer). However, the new law did not change the length of service standards in any way, and all employees who wish to retire will be able to do so within the time frame provided for by current legislation, the State Duma emphasized. Increasing the age limit, according to the authorities, was supposed to solve the issue of understaffing of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial bodies.