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Fur vest and scarf. What to wear with a fox fur vest? Do jeans go with fur vests?

Created 04/22/2012

Fur vest - stylish thing, which, moreover, warms very well. And the variety of styles and colors will allow every woman to find exactly the vest that will look good on her figure.

This item of women's wardrobe is suitable for both young girls and older women. But if the way for the most daring experiments is open to young people, older women are advised to give preference to natural or discreet colors and the quality of the product.

Vests made of natural fur look rich, but not everyone can afford such luxury. Yes, this is not necessary, because modern models made of faux fur can look no worse.

The red fox fur vest is bright in itself. To be on the safe side, wear it with things in black, white, gray or beige. Orange will be a wonderful companion as a finishing touch.

Faux fur is cheaper than natural fur, however, choose responsibly. You shouldn’t save too much - the vest should look decent. Pay attention to eco fur. It is almost indistinguishable from natural, but the price is more affordable.

How and with what to wear a fur vest

The choice of a fur vest, regardless of whether it is natural or artificial, primarily depends on height and build.

Tall women with a slender figure can afford a vest of any length, which can be worn with a wide belt.

If you are a lady with curvy figures, then choose vests no shorter than a few centimeters below the waist. The fur of vests should be short. The model is trapezoidal or fitted, which can be emphasized with a thin strap. Leather inserts on the sides will visually make your figure slimmer.

Choosing for yourself fur vest, keep in mind that it will add volume in any case. Remember simple rules:

  • With a vest made of fluffy fur, the bottom should be tight-fitting - a pencil skirt, tight pants, jeans, leggings.
  • A vest made of smooth fur can be worn with any clothing.

Things will go well with a red vest natural colors: brown, golden, beige. With a fur vest bright color wear plain black, white or gray things - this way you definitely can’t go wrong if combining bright colors is not your thing.

You can also pair a vest of any bright color with a pair of the same color, but a tone or two lighter.

A white fur vest looks great. Since this is one of the basic colors, it can be combined with anything.

The classic contrasting combination of black and white will look interesting.

Pink looks very gentle and refreshing. A discreet look will be achieved in combination with gray trousers and a white blouse.

Fur vests can combine different colors. Modern fashion encourages not to be afraid and combine bright colors together.

A fur vest interspersed with pile of a different color will perfectly complement a pair of these embellished boots.

A monochrome look is also a great option. You can choose clothes in one color and add accents: shoes and accessories of a different color.

A fur vest goes well with leather and corduroy, cocktail and evening dresses, jeans and trousers, sweaters, blouses, shirts, turtlenecks, long and short skirts and dresses.

You can combine shirts with a fur vest, including denim and flowy chiffon blouses.

Jumpsuit with a fur vest? Of course yes!

You can choose any style of jeans and trousers. The main thing is that the image as a whole looks harmonious. Skinny jeans and skinny trousers are versatile and go with any fur vest.

Skinny leather trousers are the perfect pair with a fur vest.

The extended vest will suit short dresses and skirts, but in such an ensemble there must be shoes with heels. Short vests will look good with skirts or floor-length dresses.

But these rules are not mandatory. Examples of combining a fur vest with skirts and dresses:

In fairly warm spring or autumn weather, a fur vest can be worn with a sweater.

On cool days, a fur vest is worn over a light leather or dermantine jacket. The vest can also be worn under a fur coat, down jacket or oversized coat.

A fur vest with shorts is a bold combination for young girls. When it's cool, don't forget about tight tights. They don't have to be black - a bright color will add a bold touch to your look.

Modern fashion allows you to wear a fur vest even in summer. It will come in handy on a cool night.

To the office you can wear a fur vest with a business suit, classic trousers or a pencil skirt and turtleneck, a long sleeve shirt or blouse, a sheath dress, tight tights and closed-toe shoes.

You can also create evening looks with a fur vest. For example, with a little black dress, a string of pearls and long leather gloves. For the most daring - a bright red vest and hat.

It is important not to overdo it with fur. You should not wear a vest, hat and fur boots together. It is acceptable to wear a hat or gloves with fur trim along with a fur vest, but in this case their fur must be the same.

Accessories for a fur vest include large jewelry, a pendant on a chain, and metal bracelets. But fur does not tolerate cheapness, so jewelry must be of high quality and look expensive.

On cool days, gloves and scarves will perfectly complement a fur vest.

Another accessory to the vest is a belt or belt.

As for shoes, you can combine almost anything with a fur vest. The choice depends only on general style and weather.

Pumps in a bright color will immediately add a unique touch to your look.

For several seasons in a row, sleeveless fur vests have been popular among fashionistas. But often many people don’t buy these clothes for themselves because they simply don’t know how to combine them with other clothes. In our article we suggest considering what to wear a fur vest with, with what and when it would be appropriate, and what is trending now?

Before figuring out how and what to wear a women’s fur vest, you need to decide on its intended purpose. Contrary to differing opinions, this outfit is only suitable in a warm and snowy winter or late, dry autumn.

This is explained by a fashionable axiom called “dry fur.” According to leading stylists, a woman should have several types of outerwear in her closet:

  • coat - for cold windy weather;
  • trench coat - during rainy autumn weather;
  • fur coat - for a cold but dry winter;
  • down jacket - for wet winters, with wet snow and blizzards;
  • leather jacket - worn mainly in spring and autumn, although it is not uncommon for a leather jacket to be used in the evening in summer;
  • sleeveless vest (vest) – for use during warm winters;
  • knitted cardigan - for warm autumn weather.

At first glance, it may seem that this list was compiled for fairly wealthy ladies, but think for yourself, what will happen to one vest made of natural fur if it gets caught in a heavy autumn rain?

Video: how to wear a fur vest correctly

What to wear underneath

The easiest way is to combine a fur vest and long sleeve. For example, a faux fur vest and wool sweater or knitted golf. Another good option is a sleeveless vest and a classic blouse.

Photo – Star style

A very subtle theme - a vest and a skirt. In fact, it's a matter of taste. Depending on the style you choose, you can choose the right skirt. For example, for a smart casual look, a narrow midi skirt, knee-length, a mid-thigh vest and a knitted blouse are optimal. You can wear both oxfords and heeled ankle boots here. If your style is grunge, then a flared one just begs to be worn under a vest. woolen skirt deep color(burgundy, dark green, deep blue), checkered blouse and gloves with spikes. On your feet, either wide ankle boots with low speed, or boots with a high platform. It is absolutely not necessary to choose tight sleeves. Any jacket with round or voluminous shapes will look much more interesting.

It is worth remembering a simple rule: the shorter the sleeve, the longer the glove. This principle can also be used to create an evening look with a vest. Let's say we put on a sleeveless dress or blouse, a vest and long leather gloves. For a daytime option, a combination of thick, spacious gloves (a la jockey gloves, the idea can be taken from the penultimate Tom Ford show) and a beautiful sleeve is suitable middle length, possibly flared from the shoulder.

Photo – Replacements in fur vests

If you think through options for looks based on the length of the clothing, then you need to say that a short vest (to the waist, perhaps slightly below this line) can only be worn with high-waist or solid-cut items. These are woolen and knitted dresses, high-waisted or corseted jeans, knee-length or high tunics classic pants-pencil.

Photo – Celebrities in fur vests

Long vest models can be worn with almost everything, from fall shorts to vintage flared skirts. The currently fashionable sweaters go very nicely together. crocheted in boho style and long vests made of natural fur.

Organizing your wardrobe by color

Nowadays the following colors of sleeveless vests are very fashionable: black, gray (this is especially stylish if the vest is made of arctic fox), gradient (vests made of silver fox or fox) and snow-white. What can you wear with a white vest, say, made of rabbit? There are several ways to dilute this total white look:

  • play in contrast, respectively, wear black and white, this, by the way, is another trend of the season;
  • create an original combination of “blood and milk” and try on a blouse coral color to a sleeveless vest;
  • We highly recommend trying to combine this set: knitted sweater deep green, blue jeans and a white long vest.

Photo – Vest models 2014
  • again, a white jacket or blouse;
  • bright blue sweater and black dress pants;
  • a bright light green (but not acidic) sweater and dark-colored pants.

A red vest is simply a win-win option. The fact is that natural color Fox clothing can be combined literally with all other shades of the palette, especially if it is set off with the right accessories.

Complementing the image

It’s not as important what to wear a fur vest with as what to decorate the look with. This season, wardrobe items such as hats have become very popular. With their help, you can instantly transform into a mysterious stranger.

Also, try not to wear fur vests with anything that “cuts” them in half. For example, clutches or bags with a long strap. It is better to give preference to models with short straps or without them at all, which, for example, were presented in new collection Victoria Beckham.

Photo – Glamorous look

Please note that combinations of natural vests and wide belts with powerful plaques look very cheap. Also, there is no need to burden yourself with obviously fake details, say, Burberry scarves bought on the market for 300 rubles or Yves Saint Laurent earrings for 40.

But the combination of fur hats and vests looks very stylish. This is a classic combination that has been at the top of the fashion charts for many seasons now. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the fur on the headdress matches the material of the outerwear.

A vest is one way to buy an inexpensive, worthy alternative to a fur coat. It is very convenient that almost any mass market brand will offer you to buy a fur vest for a child or a man.

A fur vest is an incredibly stylish, noticeable, beautiful and comfortable part of a woman's wardrobe. This item of clothing can be found in the collections of almost all famous fashion designers. He is not only stylish accessory and an excellent addition to any woman’s wardrobe, but also an excellent alternative to boring cardigans, coats and jackets.

Product options

When buying a fur vest, you should pay attention to several characteristics of the models. They are needed in order to buy a decent, high-quality item that is suitable in all respects.

Fur vests are also popular because every woman can afford them, because this product is several times cheaper than a fur coat.

They can be made of various furs, both expensive (sable, mink) and more affordable (beaver, fox, arctic fox, rabbit, mouton). In addition, faux fur vests are also quite common.

The thermal insulation and practicality of the product depend on what material the vest is made of. It must be remembered that natural fur requires more attention than artificial. Certain storage conditions must be observed. At the same time, natural fur is much warmer and more beautiful than artificial fur. If you want to wear a fur vest during the cold season, it is better to purchase a vest made of natural material.

Vests also come in different styles. They can be loose fit or fitted, long or short, with or without a hood. The versatility of this item will depend on what style suits you. For example, a vest with a hood is suitable for a walk with friends or sporting events. But you can’t wear such a thing if there is a dress code in the office.

Those girls who have a slender figure can wear any style of vest. A fitted and shortened model can emphasize perfect figure. If you need to hide some problem areas, then it is best to buy a loose-fitting vest.

Those with wide hips can afford an elongated vest, which should reach mid-thigh.

For disproportionate hips, a fur product is suitable that can completely hide this area.

With the right choice of vest style, you can hide all your shortcomings and highlight your advantages.

According to texture, vests are divided into: fluffy, smooth and cropped. If you decide to purchase a vest with fluffy and thick pile, it will add additional volume to your figure. That is, such a thing will not suit girls with curvy figures, as it will visually make them even larger. Vests with smooth fur are suitable for them. Long pile in this case can act as decoration. For example, a vest is made of one material, but the fur on the collar is not trimmed. Due to this, the girl’s bust will look visually larger.

Fur vests can be considered one of the most versatile hit items in a woman's wardrobe. Not only can they be worn with so many styles, but such a thing also suits all body types. You just need to correctly decide on the style of the vest and the choice of wardrobe for this product.

Combination with other wardrobe items

If you have not yet purchased a fur vest, but are already asking the question “What to wear it with?”, you need to choose it depending on the purpose of use.

For example, if you are going to wear a fur vest exclusively for special events or meetings, you can choose expensive furs (sable or mink), they never go out of fashion. But such sleeveless vests are perceived more as an accessory, not suitable for daily use.

If you are going to wear a fur vest every day, then it is preferable to choose high-quality, but less expensive furs (beaver, fox, arctic fox). When funds are tight, you can safely turn your attention to vests made of faux fur or eco-fur.

When choosing a vest with which you are going to wear various items of your wardrobe, also take into account the characteristics of your figure. In general, such vests can be called universal; they are suitable for girls of any height and build. The main thing here is to choose the right fur structure, size and length of the product, since, whatever one may say, it will add volume to the figure.

Girls who do not have problems with their figure can wear short vests made of arctic fox with fasteners in the form of zippers or buttons. In this case, the length of the product can be up to the waist of the trousers or to the waist line. This vest will highlight the advantages of your figure.

An arctic fox vest will look great with skinny trousers and skinny pants.

By choosing a belt that matches the vest in a contrasting color or finish, you can make your waist more noticeable, placing emphasis on it. If the waist needs to be visually reduced, choose models with cropped, short fur length to mid-thigh. They should be loose-fitting, which would smooth out the waist and hip lines.

In spring and autumn, you can wear a fur vest instead of light jackets, layered over warm turtleneck sweaters, and combined with trousers, as well as low boots or ankle boots.

If it's cool enough outside, you can wear a fur vest over the top. leather jacket or a wool coat.

If you don’t know what color vest you want, then it’s best to choose classic white or black. These vests will look great with any item in any style. These universal colors will add tenderness, lightness and mystery to the image.

Fur vests, especially silver fox, go well with classic clothes. You can wear them over a business suit, with a classic skirt or trousers, complementing the ensemble with a blouse or thin turtleneck. Such classic version Suitable for those who do not have obvious problems with their figure. In this form, you can safely go to a business meeting or to work in the office.

Vests with belts will look good with cocktail dresses, and with a long evening dress, wear a short fur vest or cape. It’s fashionable to add high heels and gloves to this look and you’ll get the look femme fatale. Typically, famous designers recommend wearing a fox vest for these events. This immediately shows the woman’s status and makes the image even more luxurious.

The vest can be worn with a knitted dress every day.

It is advisable to avoid images where fur is on several things at once. This also applies to accessories. You should not wear fur hats or take a bag made of such material with you. This will immediately make the image heavy and ridiculous.

With a fur vest, be sure to wear accessories and jewelry that suit your style: wide belts, long gloves, clutch bags, chains with pendants, beads, brooches, bracelets.

A belt with a wide buckle will help emphasize your waist. With short fur, you can wear a scarf and elbow-length gloves.

A magnificent combination of fur and leather, so a handbag made of this material is never superfluous. If you wear jewelry, it should be made of high-quality material. It is desirable that the medallions be large, but without fanaticism.

As for shoes, a fur vest will look great with both high-heeled boots and autumn boots.

In the cold season, a fur vest can become simply irreplaceable, because it can not only warm you up in cold weather, but also help create a stylish and original look. What is the best way to wear your fur vest?

Many fashionistas today prefer to use a fur vest in their wardrobe in winter or autumn, but not many know that this item was popular not only today, but also adorned girls and women many years ago.

This item became especially popular in the 60s, when the hippie style became popular (both in clothing and in life). At that time, fur vests were combined with flared jeans, light flowing skirts and floor-length dresses with short skirts.

Today this item is no less popular due to its practicality and style, so today we will talk to you about what to wear with a fur vest.

Faux or real fur? Choose

Just a few years ago, this question probably would not have occurred to anyone, because artificial compared to natural ones not only looked cheap, but also could hardly give you warmth and certainly would not protect you from the cold. but today the situation has changed, because technology is developing and today there is faux fur on the market, which is difficult to distinguish from natural fur. I would like to highlight three advantages faux fur compared to natural:

  • no animals are harmed during its production;
  • such fur warms perfectly;
  • it is much cheaper than natural.

What to wear with a fur vest - photo images

So let's now take a closer look at the most best options, with which you can combine our vest. For example, I take a black faux fur vest, it is more versatile and can be easily combined with different things and colors.

+ Pants

A fur vest looks great with a variety of trousers, especially skinny (narrow), straight-cut, cropped, and flared trousers. Black trousers are suitable as a basic option, but in fact there are no restrictions on color, the main thing is that your entire look looks harmonious.

Under the vest you can wear a sweater, tunic or leather jacket.

Shoes may be limited only by your look, but different styles of shoes are best, ankle boots with stilettos, thick heels or wedges, low shoes flat sole, boots with not very high heels.

+ Jeans

Of course, we can’t do without jeans :) Jeans different models(classic, flared, skinny, boyfriend), like trousers, go well with a fur vest. In this case, the image turns out to be more informal and not so strict.

Stiletto heels, high-heeled ankle boots, knee-length boots, and wedge sneakers are suitable as footwear. Only due to shoes can your outfit be perceived differently, so when choosing it, focus on the style you want to create.

+ Leather trousers

Do you want to look daring, stylish and at the same time unconventional? It's time for you to buy a pair leather trousers:) Unfortunately, not all fashionistas have this item in their wardrobe, but in vain. Despite the mixed opinions about leather trousers, this item is capable of a lot when creating the most stylish looks.

They look great with a fur vest, especially if the length of the vest is somewhere up to mid-thigh or longer. Underneath you can wear a sweater, sweatshirt, half-over, tunic, shirt or blouse, leather jacket or T-shirt.

For shoes, stick to stilettos, high-heeled ankle boots, chunky boots, and low-heeled boots.

+ Shorts

What else should you wear with a fur vest? With shorts! Leather, denim, textile are perfect for combining with our warm item. Just don’t forget to wear warm, thick tights in addition to your shorts.

Under the vest you can wear a turtleneck, sweater, sweatshirt, leather jacket, T-shirt, blouse or shirt. Shoes will fit both with heels and flat ones, for example, low shoes with flat soles, sneakers, boots with low and comfortable heels, ankle boots with a small wedge.

An image with shorts can look not only dynamically sporty, but also very feminine and romantic, everything will depend on the model of shorts and shoes that you choose to match your outfit.

+ Jumpsuit

Another stylish option- this is to combine a fur vest. Vests below the hip, knee length and below will look especially impressive in this combination. Short models I'll look out of place here. Shoes for this outfit should be selected carefully. I recommend choosing something from the following list: pumps, ankle boots, wedge sneakers.

+ Dress

This is the most versatile option when it comes to what to wear and what not to wear with a fur vest. The most interesting thing is that neither the length nor the cut, nor even the color of the dress matter much. A fur vest will look good on a short straight or loose dress, and on a formal sheath dress and on long dress to the floor The dress can be made of light flowing fabric or thick wool, this combination will look advantageous.

You can also wear a vest with both printed and plain dresses.

Knee-high boots, over the knee boots, ankle boots or pumps can complete the outfit.

+ Short skirt

For all lovers of short skirts, I recommend this option:) A fur vest will look especially impressive with flared short skirt. With its help, you can create a very sweet and feminine image, which, however, will have a touch of courage and audacity.

Under the vest you can wear a blouse or shirt, turtleneck, sweater, cardigan, and for shoes you will need over the knee boots, knee-high boots, shoes various models and ankle boots.

+ Long skirt

Well, in cool weather, of course, you can’t do without. She already looks very feminine and romantic, and a fur vest will enhance and highlight these qualities. You can wear stilettos, ankle boots or boots with this outfit. A turtleneck, sweater, leather jacket, sweatshirt or blouse will suit the vest.

You can tie a belt over the vest, which will successfully emphasize the waist.

+ Shirt

As an option for a vest, I would like to highlight a shirt. The combination of a fur vest and jeans (or trousers) looks great.

You can try the option vest + plaid shirt, also looks very cool. Of course, this is not an office option; it is more suitable for relaxation and walking. But, if you prefer a simple, comfortable style of clothing, then you will definitely like this combination.

What is better to wear with a fox fur vest?

It will look good with classic ones blue jeans, and with a white skirt or dress, with a completely black total black outfit.

Arctic fox fur vest

Particularly good to combine with short skirts, jeans, tight dresses and trousers.

Selecting accessories for a fur vest

Correctly selected jewelry “creates an image”, making it more individual and elegant.

So we looked at the most spectacular and interesting options combinations of a fur vest with other things.

I hope you find one that you like best or if you don't already have such a great versatile item, definitely get one. After all, you and I deserve only the best :)

The fur vest has successfully won a place of honor in the wardrobe of most fashionistas. Thanks to its versatility and elegance, one vest can be used in both casual and formal wear. So how to wear a fur vest? In order for the vest you bought to advantageously emphasize your figure and complement your image, you need to know the basic secrets the right choice. In addition, special attention should be paid to your basic wardrobe, since every item should be appropriate regardless of the situation.

Most often for sewing fashionable vests use natural material with long pile. This wardrobe element can be combined not only with classic jeans and trousers, but also with romantic evening dresses and skirts of any length.

Quite often, fashion designers add original leather inserts, thanks to which the vest is not only trendy, but also visually slims the figure. But don’t forget about short fur, such as sheepskin and astrakhan fur; the most important thing is that the finished model looks sophisticated and feminine.

For budget models, artificial materials are used, which ultimately look no less attractive. In addition, faux fur is soft to the touch and does not cause allergic reactions.

To look stylish and confident, regardless of the situation, special attention should be paid to the material that can be used for sewing vests:

  1. Fox fur is one of the most affordable and attractive options. The main advantage of this material is not only its availability, but also that it is always in trend. Famous designers consider it an excellent demi-season vest option that will never leave the fashion pedestal. In addition, fox fur is very warm, which is especially important if you spend a long time in a poorly heated room.
  2. Artificial fur. A few years ago, fashionistas didn’t even want to consider such models, but today this opinion has changed dramatically. Now more and more celebrities are wearing faux fur vests to fight for animal rights.
  3. Llama fur. The use of this material has gained enormous popularity over the past few years and this is not at all surprising. Llama fur is very warm and pleasant to the touch. In addition, such a vest will be highly wear-resistant and easy to maintain. But here it is important to take into account one drawback - llama fur is highly expensive due to the rarity of the animals.
  4. Arctic fox fur. For decades now, there has been an opinion that it is the arctic fox that allows one to emphasize the status and elegance of its owner. This fur is distinguished by its thickness, warmth and high strength. You are guaranteed to be able to wear this wardrobe item for many years, while enjoying its sophistication. The most popular colors are black and white, and they suit any style of clothing.
  5. Mink fur. Vests made from the fur of this animal are in no way inferior to the comfort and quality of the well-known mink coats. The special structure of this material does not allow wind and moisture to pass through, which is especially important in cold autumn and winter. Mink vests are elite products that are designed to emphasize the high social status and wealth of a fashionista. Another huge advantage is that over the past few years a huge variety of styles and colors have appeared on sale that will satisfy the desires of any, even the most selective fashionista.

Choosing the most suitable model For a fur vest, special attention should be paid to the decorative finishing, which can transform any image beyond recognition.

Over the past few years, at the peak of popularity are:

  • ethnic ornament;
  • bright floral lining;
  • patchwork;
  • casual cut;
  • gold-plated buttons of different sizes;
  • fur trim.

Despite the wide variety of design techniques, all models of fur vests are created in an elegant and fashionable style, which will suit any girl, regardless of her body type and field of activity.

An elegant fur vest is an integral element of the wardrobe of all fashionistas who want to emphasize their femininity and sense of style.

What are the fashionable colors and styles of beautiful fur vests?

The main style direction depends not only on the style, but also on the chosen fur. Due to the fact that designers are already tired of the monotony and practicality of images, every year they try to fill their collections with unpredictability and luxury.

Despite the fact that all over the world they are actively fighting for animal rights, high-fashion and many fashionistas still cannot do without natural and very rare furs. After all, every girl strives to create an original, exclusive wardrobe.

The sophistication and miniature nature of modern fur vests lends itself to the luxury of the material itself. Exotic, expensive furs have returned to fashion again - sable, lynx, vicuna and chinchilla. The main difference between these materials is that they are not produced industrially. After all, even the smallest style of vest made from these materials can cost more than any fur coat.

For those fashionistas who are not ready to shell out a large sum for this wardrobe item, stylists recommend paying attention to the fox and arctic fox.

Thanks to the wide variety of styles and well-chosen colors, every fashionista can complement her look with an original and even exclusive fur vest.

The color palette of fur vests varies from natural shades to the most unexpected options:

  • black;
  • white;
  • golden;
  • green;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • violet.

And when to wear fur vests?

Despite the fact that this wardrobe item is a very expensive purchase, if you combine it correctly with other things, you will never regret your purchase.

Before you go to the store, carefully study your wardrobe, because you should know in advance what things you can combine your new clothes with. After all, fur vests look especially relevant in the off-season, when the thermometer shows from 0°C to +10°C.

Don’t rush to run to the store and buy the first vest you come across, study your wardrobe and understand what style and color of the fur product will complement yours basic wardrobe.

It is best when your wardrobe has several pairs of trousers of different styles, stylish tight jeans and plain skirts of different cuts. Shoes can be selected depending on the situation: youth sneakers, boots, high-heeled shoes, Wellingtons and ankle boots.

And how to wear short fur vests?

Famous fashion designers were inspired by ancient motifs and created very original and unpredictable models of short fur vests.

It is best to combine this wardrobe item with bright sleeveless dresses and leather miniskirts. After all, everyone knows that it is fur in combination with leather that allows you to make a unique impression on others, demonstrating your refined taste and wealth.

This vest style will be especially relevant among active and confident girls who do not like to sit in one place.

Particular attention should be paid color palette, it is best if these are similar or, on the contrary, contrasting tones. Large leather boots, a small handbag and black sunglasses will help complete the look.

And how to wear voluminous fur vests?

When choosing a voluminous vest, you need to be careful, since this style of clothing can add several extra pounds to the waist and hips. But for those with curvy figures, it’s better to avoid such a purchase altogether.

If you have become the happy owner of a voluminous fur vest, then it’s time to remember the main rule of contrasts: voluminous items with long fur are best combined with tight-fitting items.

Discreet dress pants and dark jeans pair harmoniously with knee-length fur vests.

For a casual look, you can choose a pencil skirt and breeches. It is better to choose shoes with stable heels or simply wedges. You can complement the look with a handbag on a long strap and a wide belt.

And how to wear silver fox fur vests?

An excellent option for those who do not like to spend a lot of time choosing suitable elements of the image.

Today, it is quite difficult to find models of vests that would be made exclusively from silver fox. In most cases, only the front panels are sewn from this material, but the back is made from leather material.

A silver fox vest is a classic look that should be in every girl’s wardrobe.

The styles in this case can be very different:

  1. One of the most fashionable combinations in modern world– a fur vest over a thin leather jacket and a pencil skirt. This look suits both young and established fashionistas.
  2. Multifaceted casual style– dark jeans or trousers combined with a bright sweater or classic shirt. It is best to complement the look with high boots or ankle boots.
  3. Romantic style - a feminine floor-length evening dress combined with a fur vest looks simply stunning.

And how to wear fox fur vests?

A natural forest fur vest is real luxury and practicality that will complement both everyday and festive looks.

In this case, it is important to remember that the combination different types fur in one look, and it’s better to completely abandon accessories. Stylists recommend using stylish legends, long skirts high neckline and tapered trousers.

The top part of the look should be simple: a neutral-colored sweater or turtleneck. High boots with thin stiletto heels will help complete the look. If you like short denim shorts, then it’s better to wear raspberry or turquoise tights under them.

But for confident, elegant girls, the stylists have chosen a win-win option: a classic tight-fitting blouse and a gray pencil skirt. This look will be simply irreplaceable for girls who work in the office.

And how to wear mink fur vests?

Mink vest – a real find For plump girls who want to hide extra pounds around the waist and at the same time emphasize their femininity.

A look made from leather trousers and a plain turtleneck will look very original. A wide felt hat and stylish pumps will help complete the look. If a fashionista’s wardrobe is dominated by skirts and knee-length dresses, then it is best to choose an elongated version of a fur vest that reaches mid-thigh.

Long black gloves and voluminous earrings will help emphasize the refined taste and sophistication of nature.

Mink vests look great not only with everyday outfits, but also with romantic evening dresses.

And how to wear fur vests in winter?

On a cold winter day, a practical fur wardrobe item will save you from the piercing wind and frost. In addition, this wardrobe detail will not only warm you up, but will also make you look chic.

A loose fur vest can be worn over a light jacket for a warm winter layer.

A vest with small leather inserts and plain gloves will look very stylish and modern. In some cases, leather can be replaced with suede. On the coldest days, a fur vest can be worn over a sheepskin coat or cashmere, wool coat. But here you also need to be careful, because this fashionable solution Suitable exclusively for thin girls who are not afraid of bold experiments.

And how to wear fur vests in autumn and spring?

For cool autumn or spring days A fur vest fits perfectly. This fashionable solution can replace the raincoats, cardigans and windbreakers that everyone is tired of.

Most popular design solution combines a win-win combination of a fur vest and a drape jacket.

An excellent addition would be classic bag and stylish ankle boots. Besides this fashionable combination can be worn until the first frost. In the off-season, a fur vest goes well with light dresses and warm plain tights. Separately, it is worth noting that such an image is especially valuable among young fashionistas. In conclusion, we can summarize that a fur vest has long ceased to be an exclusively winter wardrobe element. Modern designers actively use fur and leather in summer collections.

Such a vest will look especially relevant on a picnic or walk. You can combine it with any clothes, starting from tracksuits and ending with elegant evening dresses. The most important thing is to choose the right style and basic wardrobe, thanks to this your image will be complete and original.

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