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DIY folk doll made of fabric. DIY folk toy

Dolls are present in every home. Today, neat baby dolls and pretty young ladies can be found in hundreds on the shelves. They buy them for their daughters and sons. Of course, there are different types of dolls for boys. These toys have undergone evolutionary development throughout history. Most recently done folk dolls, which carried a certain meaning.

The doll has come to us from ancient times. Even in the days of mothers, they tried to make a toy for their child. Of course, progress does not stand still, and the dolls have undergone modifications. They are created by human hands and therefore charged with special energy. Previously, this process was treated with reverence. Russian folk dolls have their own special character. Absolutely anyone can do it with their own hands. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of history.

History of origin

The doll appeared as the very first among the regular toys. It has been known since very ancient times. Folk dolls have their own traditions and designations. Almost all women made dolls for their children. At that time, there were no stores that sold these important toys for children. Historians claim that the doll is more than a thousand years old. Of course, very few traditional products of that time have reached us. This is due to the fact that the dolls were made from wood, straw and fabric. Material of natural origin decomposes and breaks down in a matter of years. Especially if it lies under the thickness of the earth.

Each village had its own technique for creating a doll. Any housewife wanted to add a special twist to her product. For this purpose, characteristic embroidery was done on clothes, or a unique knotting technique was used. At that time, dolls could not be thrown away or treated carelessly. The Russian folk doll protected the family and had its own soul. They respected her and played with her carefully. A special doll was made for the baby. She was placed in the cradle next to the baby. It was believed that such a product preserved the sweet dreams of an infant.

The dolls were made for the holidays and that's it special events. But they were made without faces. People believed that such a doll could not be possessed by an evil spirit. It was used to decorate wedding cakes and house walls. They made dolls putting a special meaning into each of them. Attention was paid to size, shape and detail. For example, a new wife was given a doll with ten arms. Such a number of hands indicated that the daughter-in-law must keep up with everything. And the peasant woman had a lot to do.

Folk dolls carried their meaning. Some were playable. Some were hung over the marital bed. And there were also those that were carried in your pocket all the time.

Play dolls

Such dolls were made for the amusement of children. Until a certain age, Russian folk dolls were intended for girls and boys. The children had the same toys as long as they ran around the hut in their shirts. But as soon as the girls put on skirts and the boys put on portages, their interests were divided.

The most popular was the finger bunny. It was made from a small piece of fabric. Such a rabbit was tied to the finger and became the baby's friend. The kids talked to them and kept them carefully. The pattern of a folk doll was a square or rectangle. First, the head was formed, and then the ears and arms were designated using thread.

Ritual dolls

In every region of Russia, special festivities and rituals were held. Such celebrations were accompanied by songs, ditties and dances. Dolls were also made for this day. They carried a special semantic load. The most famous is the Maslenitsa doll.

Maslenitsa was made from straw and a wooden base. She was dressed in textile clothes and tied with a scarf. There was always a blush and eyes on the face. Such dolls were made in They were made at the end of the winter months. A week-long celebration was held. People baked pancakes, the result of the celebration was burning. It was believed that it was necessary to leave all the negativity at this fire. After all, it was expected after Forgiveness Resurrection, and followed by Lent.

Amulet dolls

A folk doll was made with one's own hands in each hut. They put soul and special meaning into it. Special dolls-amulets were made; they brought goodness and light. For each occasion, they made their own toy, which was hung in the house.

Kuvatka is a doll that was given as a gift to a pregnant woman. She was hung in front of the door. It was believed that it protects from the evil eye and protects mother and child. After birth, the toy was given to the baby until he turned three years old. There were such dolls in folk costumes.

The grain is a symbol of prosperity. It was done after the grain was collected. Housewives sewed a bag, doing embroidery on it. During this, a song was sung and a prayer was read. Grain was placed in a bag, after which it was sewn up. The head was sewn to the base and a scarf was tied. This doll did not have a face. If the family was starving, they were allowed to take grains from this bag.

Happiness was given to women on holidays. A special distinguishing feature was the braid. It was believed that the girl longer braid, the more economical it is. The folk braid was made to be woven long and served as a support for the entire structure.

Dolls for a wedding

Young people were given a One-Handed doll. The man and woman in such a toy had a common hand. They were made from light shades fabrics. Usually it was made by the parents of the bride or groom. The World Tree Doll was placed on the wedding cake. The guests tried to present the dolls with meaning. To have children, dolls with babies at the waist were given as gifts. They were made with love and prayers were read at the same time.

Two folk dolls were clinging to a stick. One was male, and the second was female. They were made from colored pieces of fabric and dressed in folk costumes. The Horse-Fire dolls were especially popular. They were a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the future family.

Manufacturing Features

They make dolls in Russian folk costumes without using a needle. The fabric is simply rolled up and tied with threads. The pieces are torn apart by hand without using sharp scissors. It was believed that it was necessary to make a doll according to all established rules:

  • Do not use a needle or scissors.
  • The face is not drawn, since an item with a face is vulnerable to evil spirits.
  • The outfit was made not for beauty, but with meaning.
  • It was impossible to fit the body of a female doll. Sundresses should hide shapes and charms.
  • Each holiday had its own doll.

Folk dolls as a business

Many craftsmen make good money from folk dolls. Women make toys according to all the rules of ancient Russia. Such dolls are sold at folk art fairs. If you want to decorate your home with such a product, then make it yourself. Perhaps you will enjoy the manufacturing process and decide to take this craft seriously.

All you need is a few scraps of fabric and some string. Remember not to use a needle. Choose natural fabrics, no synthetics. You can use fragrant herbs as filling. Usually the dolls were stuffed with earth, sawdust, herbs or fabric scraps. You can't draw a face either. This is the only way it will be a real talisman for your family. Give such a doll a place of honor near the door or bed.


As you can see, folk dolls are not a relic of the past. There are still many craftsmen who accept only such products. Simple and beautiful toys fit harmoniously into any designer interior. You can make such products together with your children. You won't worry about your baby getting hurt or getting pricked by a needle.

They can be used as a gift or simply to decorate your home. Dolls will protect your family and attract prosperity and wealth to your home. Dolls will always be a part of our lives. It is impossible to imagine childhood without them. Yes, and older ladies love to play with dolls. It is especially interesting to make them with your own hands.

Know how our ancestors defended themselves from Likh or Tryasovits, attracted good luck and maintained health. The Russian word “doll” comes from the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”). This name denoted a certain bundle or bundle of straw, which girls loved to swaddle and rock, showing maternal instinct.

Fun facts:
The skill of creating dolls goes back to ancient times. The dolls found in Egyptian graves are about four thousand years old. Egyptian women made figurines of the god Osiris from clay and knew how to create humanoid figures from wax or wood. They had movable joints and hairstyles made of natural hair. Historians call Cleopatra one of the first owners of a collection of designer dolls. In the palace, dolls played the role of mannequins; the queen ordered her ceremonial outfits based on their vestments.
In France in the 17th century, dolls were dressed according to latest fashion, they were considered a stylish gift and an example of newfangled trends.

In pagan Rus', gods were carved out of wood and rag and straw amulets were created. They were an important part of the life of the Slavs. They were worshiped and used as a means of protection against negativity. After a while, hand-made characters began to decorate everyday life, please the eye and keep the children occupied.

The primary task of a Slavic folk doll is to attract what is desired for a specific person or family. It was used in magical rituals and as a participant in the most significant events in life, as well as for holidays. Thus, “lovebirds” were made for newlyweds - two dolls from one piece of fabric with a common hand. And with the “Kuvadka” doll, the husband imitated the process of childbirth in order to protect the newborn from dark forces. When creating the dolls, only natural materials were used, prepared in a good mood.

Fun fact:
Initially, the making of amulets was exclusively the prerogative of women. Men at this moment should not have been present even somewhere nearby. It was believed that only the keeper of the hearth was able to make a truly strong amulet and put a particle of living energy into it. The girl's readiness for marriage was determined by her skill in creating the first doll.

Slavic dolls made of wood

Beregin dolls were carved by men for their beloved women from branches of sacred trees broken by the wind. The spiral of the origin of life and symbols of female fertility were applied to the miniature wooden figurine. The husband put such a doll in a linen amulet, which the woman wore on her belt, so that there would be healthy children in the family.

Slavic straw dolls

Folk dolls “Horse-Fire” made of talash and bast. Photo: A. Stepanov / Photobank Lori

Six-handed straw doll

Straw was most often used to make guardian spirits and animals. Leshy, brownie or vodyanoy were carefully decorated and used as ritual dolls at Slavic holidays. They helped solve family problems, restored health by transferring diseases to the figurine and then burning it.

To keep up with housework, women made six-handed dolls from straw. During the process of their creation they were sure to say: “I make you successful in all things and do them well. I turn this handle so that there will always be order, peace and comfort in my house. I turn this hand so that my husband is always well-groomed and happy with everything.”

Slavic thread dolls

Creating a doll-amulet from threads

Traditional Russian amulets made from natural material. Photo: Svet / Photobank Lori

Even small children could make reel dolls from threads, which, in addition to the beneficial magical properties, contributed to the development fine motor skills. They were worn as a talisman on the road and served as protective decoration for the corners of the house. The misfortunes, adversities and illnesses of the owner were wrapped around such beregins, as if they were a double.

Rag dolls-amulets

Most often in Ancient Rus' rag dolls-amulets were made that served their owners throughout their lives. A ritual, or protective, doll was considered a powerful talisman for the benefit of the family.

Bereginie dolls were made without the use of needles and scissors, so that they could not harm their owners. The threads were torn off by hands or bitten by teeth. Even fabric was torn by hand in the old days. When they made the doll's breasts, they thought about happy motherhood and abundance. Bereginya was created on the hem, that is, on the knees, in the woman’s personal space, and not on the table, because it was considered a common place.

Each doll was made with a white or plain face, symbolizing the purity of thoughts and animation of the owners. During the creation process they said: “A bright head, clean, filled with goodness and love”. The Slavs never painted or embroidered the eyes, mouth and nose of their beregins, so that evil spirits would not move into them and evil thoughts would not be transferred.


The process of creating a Zernovushka doll

Grains. Photo: G. Markov / Photobank Lori

She has several names - Krupenichka, Goroshinka, Zernushka or Zernovushka - and is considered the main doll in the family. During the creation process, it was traditionally filled with buckwheat grain. The first grains for the upcoming sowing were taken from the bag in her hands or from herself. After the end of the harvest season, the bag was filled with grain from the new harvest. Sometimes the bag was filled with other cereals: oats for strength, barley for satiety, rice for a holiday. Bereginya brought wealth to the family and made life full. She was dressed up and placed in the most prominent place - in the red corner of the hut next to the icons.

Doll for happiness and good luck

Making a doll for good luck. Photo: S. Lavrentiev / Lori Photobank

Ready-made amulet doll “for good luck”

The youngest and most charming doll differed from the rest in its long braid, symbolizing a long and carefree life. Moreover, the longer the braid, the greater the protective power of the bereginya. According to legend, in women's hair was the life force.


Amulet doll Traveler.

The dream guardian was always made in the spring. Such a doll was tied with an orange thread, symbolizing Sun rays, and a protective cross was embroidered on the chest with red thread. The “day-night” doll was made from figures of white and black fabric tied to each other. Hanging near the bed, it not only protected the peace of the night, but also charged with energy and joy for the coming day.

Master class “Folk rag doll - twisting”

The master class is designed for children preparatory group kindergarten, teachers, parents.

/A master class for children is possible after preliminary development of labor skills: folding, twisting, wrapping, tying/

Purpose: play doll for a child; amulet; handmade gift; decorating your favorite corner in the room.

Target. Extracting beauty from ordinary, seemingly waste scraps and scraps of fabric edges.


1. Teach how to make a rag doll in a seamless way, showing imagination and creativity.

2. Arouse interest in folk art. Will restore and preserve for new generations such a phenomenon as a folk traditional doll.

3. Strengthening labor skills in children: folding, folding, twisting, wrapping, tying.

4. Get parents interested in reviving and preserving folk traditions family handicrafts.


2 squares of white fabric (20x20) for the body and blouse;

One square (20x20) and two strips of colored fabric for a sundress;

A rectangular patch for an apron and a triangular one for a scarf;

White threads;

Cotton wool for volume;

Belt tape.

“He who does not play with dolls does not know happiness” /proverb/

Now I’ll tell you about the folk doll,

And if you like it, I’ll show you how to do it.

For centuries, hand-made dolls have accompanied the life of Russian peasants. They were carefully kept in chests and passed down from generation to generation. Mothers, older sisters, grandmothers sewed dolls for small children, “...despite all the incredible busyness, they found time for this. The child was specially taught traditional techniques for making a doll, and from the age of five, any girl could make a simple rag doll.” Girls began to be taught how to make dolls from the age of three.

The main feature of the doll is that it is made without a needle and is faceless. For a child, a doll will be a toy-friend and a talisman at the same time, so it is useless to prick it with a needle, and according to popular beliefs, it is forbidden to make a face, since such a doll can gain a soul and become dangerous. A “faceless” doll is considered an inanimate object and cannot harm the child. A doll made with love with your own hands will be a source of pride for its craftswoman.

The doll is just a sight for sore eyes,

To the surprise of all the children,

If you want to learn

Make this doll

You will have to not be lazy

And put in the effort!


Pupa manufacturing technology

Take one square of white fabric and fold the edges inward, as shown in the photo. Where the wider edge is folded (on the right) there will be a base. It will be thicker so that the doll is stable.

We put cotton wool in the middle so that our doll is not too thin.

Perform a tight twist.

The result is a twist - a roll. This is the “body” of our doll.

We tie the twist with thread at the level of the neck and waist.

We take a second square of white fabric, place a twist and a piece of cotton wool in the center to make the head more round.

Tie with thread at neck level.

Straighten the fabric. Let's try to remove excess folds from the doll's face.

We form the arms: determine their length and wrap the excess fabric inward. We tuck the edges of the sleeve into the middle.

We measure the size of the palms and tighten them with thread. We tie the loose corners around the body with a thread on the belt, trying to distribute the fabric evenly.

The base of our doll is ready. But the outfit is your imagination and creativity. I made a sundress for the doll. We take two narrow colored strips of fabric and place them crosswise across the shoulders on the chest and back. We tie it with a thread at the waist.

Fold the square of colored fabric in half, placing the thread inside.

We tighten the thread, apply the fabric to the belt, evenly distributing it around, and tie it.

We tie a scarf on the doll, tie a belt and the doll is ready.

Another variant. The scarf is tied around the head. The doll is decorated with an apron. The ornament is drawn with a felt-tip pen.

But my doll is sad: there is no one to dance with.

Make friends for her, the doll will have more fun.

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Folk culture is the spiritual culture of the people; it was the main value of man. She imparted knowledge, taught her to work, made her happy, and beautified her life. This is nature itself, and the historical memory of the people, and the unbreakable connection of times. Thanks to folk culture, generations were united among themselves. In order to feel this unity, to join the customs and traditions of my people, I decided not just to get acquainted, but also to put into practice the introduction to Russian folk culture. For my age and based on personal interest, I chose to get acquainted with Russian folk dolls.

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

Study material about the history of the emergence of folk dolls and its varieties;

Study the technology of making Russian folk dolls and create your favorite toys with your own hands;

Find out from the guys whether they are familiar with the history of Russian folk dolls and whether they have a desire to make this acquaintance (questionnaire 1);

Conduct a master class on making Russian folk dolls among students of grades 6 “A” and 6 “B”;

Find out from the guys whether they liked the lesson (questionnaire 2).

Relevance of the project:

Interest in folk crafts in modern world everything is increasing. Our today's desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, lies not only educational interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of the people.

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an integral attribute of ancient rituals. Since time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'.

It was believed that dolls made by hand from scrap materials have magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to ward off evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.

This topic will allow you to learn more about the history of our country, its people, traditions and customs, which will allow you to treat the cultural heritage of your Motherland with even greater respect.

Project implementation stages:

Planning the project “Russian folk doll”.

Setting goals and objectives, distribution of roles during project implementation.

Collection and clarification of information on the selected topic.

Project implementation: making Russian folk dolls with your own hands, conducting a survey and a master class.

Analysis of achieved results.

Project presentation.

Practical significance of this project:

In history and social studies lessons;

In art and technology classes;

During extracurricular activities;

On the classroom clock.

The following work methods were used in the work: collection and processing of materials, analysis, questioning, methods of statistical data processing, design methods.

Chapter 1. The history of the Russian folk doll

The doll is one of the most interesting pages in the history of culture. It has been known since ancient times, its history can be traced from the time of the Egyptian pyramids to the present day. Russian folk doll has its own glorious history and rich traditions. Excavations carried out near Novgorod confirm that the Slavic doll is about a thousand years old. Very few dolls have survived to this day, because the material from which they were made (wood, fabric, straw, birch bark, clay) is short-lived. Each province, each bridle, village or hut had its own special dolls. And the attitude towards them was special. It was impossible to throw away or break the doll, because it was like a living creature. The doll was not just a toy, but a symbol of procreation, a pledge family happiness, it was believed that such a doll protects children's sleep and protects the child from evil forces. Playing with dolls was encouraged by adults, since by playing with them, the child learned how to manage a household and acquired the image of a family.

She accompanied a person from birth to death and was an indispensable attribute of any holidays.

The toy was not standard even within the same street. Each family did it differently. The dolls were different from each other. They bore the imprint of the mental environment of these families, their understanding of the world. They put their love and wisdom into the toys that fathers and mothers and grandparents created for their children. The children felt this and treated their dolls and toys with care. In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, and learned the traditional art of dressing. The doll stood in direct relation to the activities of the future member of society.

The need for communication was clearly expressed in the toy. It was one of those centuries-tested means by which older generation could convey, and the younger one could accept, preserve and pass on an important part of the accumulated life experience.

Dolls - amulets in Rus' trace their history back to ancient pagan times. They were carried out from natural materials that are brought from the forest: wood, vine, grass, straw. And this is no coincidence, because the forest is the habitat of Russian people. Dolls made from birch logs are a talisman of family happiness. Aspen has always been considered dangerous for evil spirits, so dolls made on the basis of aspen wood are amulets for the home, driving away evil spirits from the home. The main feature of Russian folk dolls is a clean face, without a nose, mouth or eyes. Because according to ancient beliefs, it was believed that “if you do not draw a face, then evil spirits will not move in and will not bring harm to either the child or the adult.” According to legend, such a doll once saved a life by replacing a person during a sacrifice. Then the amulets began to have other “responsibilities”. Wedding lovebirds protect a young family from the evil eye, and fever dolls will drive away all illnesses.

Since ancient times, a traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has been a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated.

Dolls were not just girls' fun. All the children played until they were 7-8 years old, while they wore shirts. But only boys began to wear portages, and girls began to wear skirts; their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

While the children were small, their mothers, grandmothers, and older sisters sewed dolls for them.

Cloth doll - the simplest image female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a “rolling pin”, a face carefully covered with a white linen rag, breasts made of smooth, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit made of colorful rags. As they got older, the girls sewed more intricate dolls, and sometimes they turned to a craftswoman, a woman, who made these dolls excellently, and she made them to order.

The face was embroidered or drawn in with a pencil, and in earlier dolls, with charcoal. They had to attach a braid and weave a ribbon into it if they were sewing a girl, and if they were sewing a woman, then they really took apart the hairstyle. They dressed up beautifully, tying an apron and a belt over the shirt.

The child's skills were assessed by adults. The doll was considered as a standard of handicraft; teenage girls often took a cart with dolls to get-togethers along with a spinning wheel. They were used to judge the skill and taste of their owner. From the age of five, any girl could do such a nursery rhyme. Toys were never left on the street or scattered around the hut; they were kept in baskets, boxes, and locked in chests. They took them to the harvest and to gatherings. Dolls were allowed to be taken as guests; they were included in the dowry. They allowed the “young woman” who came to the groom’s house after the wedding to play, because people were married at the age of 14. She hid them in the attic and secretly played with them. The eldest in the house was the father-in-law, and he strictly ordered the women not to laugh at the young woman. Then these dolls were passed on to the children.

The doll was supposed to bring prosperity, health, and joy to its owner. This is a miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a designated face, the character of the doll was conveyed.

The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.

Chapter 2. Varieties of Russian folk dolls

According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: dolls - amulets, gaming and ritual.

2.1. Amulet dolls

A talisman is an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an object on which the spell is cast and which is worn on the body as a talisman.

Amulet dolls are an important part of folk culture. Previously, not a single family could do without it. Our ancestors asked them for help, admired them, admired them and shared their experiences with them. Nowadays, the heritage of our ancestors has gained new strength, and more and more people are interested in and reviving this art.

Amulet dolls include:

Folk doll "Pelenashka" has deep meaning. It was made by a pregnant woman before childbirth (or even during or between contractions), from a long piece of worn fabric that absorbed the energy of the expectant mother. To get in the right mood, the fabric was twisted and untwisted six times, and only on the seventh time was it tied with a red thread in the middle, with a knot in the front, symbolizing the umbilical cord. Naturally, neither needles nor scissors were used to make this doll, so the thread was bitten off like an umbilical cord. Then the upper third of the twist was tied up to create the baby's head. Then the doll was swaddled, saying sweet words and wishes for the future child. A total of seven such dolls were made, they were next to the mother during childbirth, they were placed in the baby’s crib to distract evil spirits, these were the baby’s first toys.

To make a “Pelenashka” you need pieces of fabric and red thread. It was believed that it was necessary to tune in to positive thoughts and feelings and make a talisman for the baby.

There were also amulets for every time of day. " Day and night" - two little angels: one is made of dark fabric, the other is made of light. They are connected by a two-color thread and are inseparable; During the day, one was placed in front, and at night, the other. These dolls are a talisman for the home, white - during the day, blue - at night. Interestingly, the night is blue and not black. After all, colors were given special meaning in Rus': black meant misfortune, emptiness, and blue meant mystery.

"Plantain" is one of the few folk amulets dolls that women made for their men: husbands and sons. They made the amulet with their own hands when one of them had a long journey ahead of them. The doll was supposed to protect the traveler on a campaign or war, in battle and help him return home safe and sound.

Since in those days people mostly got to their destination on foot, the doll had to be very small. They wore it in their pocket or in their bosom. The “Plantain” necessarily had a bundle-knapsack, into which, according to various sources, they put: ashes from their home, so that the traveler would not forget his father’s house; mother earth - to give strength in overcoming difficulties on the road; grain so that there is no hunger; a red protective thread so that he can find his way home.

"God's Eye" - this is the most ancient protective doll of our ancestors - the Eye of God, or God's Eye. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of ​​spreading the forces of good or protective forces to all four cardinal directions. The “Eye of God” is placed above the front door of the house, room, above the child’s bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the person entering. The bright and unexpected image of the amulet attracts the attention of the person entering, who forgets about the bad intentions towards the owners of the house.

Made as a birthday gift doll "Angel" . This is a simple, but very cute doll - a talisman that existed in many provinces of Russia. It was made using ancient traditional technology, with only scraps of light fabric, scissors and thread on hand. This doll is made from four squares of fabric. The largest square is used to make the head and body, two identical smaller ones are used for the wings and a very small one is used for the halo.

2.2. Play dolls

Play dolls were intended for children's amusement. They were divided into stitched and rolled. Rolled up dolls were made without needles and threads. A thick layer of cloth was wrapped around a wooden stick and then tied with rope. Then they tied a head with handles to this stick and dressed it in elegant clothes.

Finger Bunny Doll . Such dolls were made for children from the age of three so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. The bunny fits on your finger and is always next to you. This toy before parents given to children when they left home, and if you become bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain or just play. This is both a friend and a talisman. Children are very responsive and see a kindred spirit in their favorite toy, open up and talk as if they were with a living person.

Doll "Sacrum" - very symbolic and easy to make. A small doll could be used by girls to play as a male doll.

But more important were the human-sized dolls that were made at Epiphany. During the holiday week, during the festivities, the guys dressed up and put on masks. It was believed that such mummers could be inhabited by evil spirits, so the ritual of washing in an ice hole at Epiphany was obligatory. Such a Sacrum was placed in a snowdrift near an ice hole, so that the evil spirits that were driven out by holy water would not move into someone else. To attract the attention of evil spirits, the Sacrum was decorated with strips of bright colored fabrics.

Another “shifter” was called “ Girl-woman" . It was used for a game during which a peasant girl learned how different traditional clothes girls and married women.

Protective and ritual dolls were also used for children's games after they had already been used for their intended purpose.

2.3. Ritual dolls

The Russian land is rich in rituals. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in the hut, in the red corner. They had a ritual purpose.

Ritual dolls include:

Doll "Pokosnitsa" . When all the women went to haymaking in the summer, they took their children with them. And so that the kids had something to do, they made simple dolls for them - “Pokosnits”. The dolls had bright outfits, in honor of the first mowing of the year, and handles carefully wrapped with crosses to protect the mowers’ hands from cuts. Accordingly, the doll combines play and protective functions.

Birdie . A ritual of welcoming spring and arriving birds is associated with a bird made of fabric. You can simply decorate your house and tree branches with fabric birds.

Doll "Vesnyanka" - a doll, the concept of which comes from the name itself. Her calling is to bring joy and spring enthusiasm. They started making the doll on March 14, seven weeks before spring equinox. Vesnyanka is considered a protective doll of youth and beauty. Her arms are spread out to the sides, as if she is stretching them towards the bright sun during spring. This doll was one of the few that served several purposes at once and was at the same time protective, playful and ritual.

According to custom, stoneflies were given to each other by free, unmarried girls at the beginning of spring. She brought beauty, health and good luck to her owner. The doll could be made from almost any available materials; any fabric, straw, or even clay was quite suitable. Vesnyanka's braid should be long and bright and stick out to the top like an antenna. The important thing is that the hostess must be a woman. It is recommended to make the doll without using scissors; tear the threads only with your hands.

Vep doll (cabbage, jerky) is a ritual doll symbolizing fertility and prosperity.

They carried out ritual checks on the guys with this doll: they watched how the guy takes this doll, what he pays attention to, how he examines it. And from this it was clear what was important to him now, and what he was still passing by. By the guy's handling of this doll, the older women looked at his readiness for marriage. The doll is made from linen and cotton fabrics. They spin the doll without letting go of their hands until the last knot. When making this doll in the old days, they did not use a needle or scissors, but manually tore the fabric into shreds of the required size.

Ritual multi-armed doll “Ten Hands” . It was made from bast or straw on October 14, Pokrov, when they sat down to do needlework. In production, red threads are used, which is a protective color. 9 red strings-bows are necessarily tied in a circle to the bottom of the sundress. The doll was intended to help girls preparing their dowries and women in various activities, such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. Traditionally, after production, it was burned almost immediately. The “Ten-Handed” doll is given as a wedding gift so that the woman can manage everything, so that everything goes well for her.

Even from this small number, the species diversity of folk dolls is noticeable. Being part of the culture of all humanity, the doll retains in its image the originality and characteristic features of the people who create it. This is the main value of a folk doll.

Chapter 3. Practical part of the project implementation

At the first stage of the implementation of my project, I became acquainted with the history of Russian folk dolls and the materials from which they were made. Of particular interest was the variety of types of dolls, their features, the purpose and place of a doll in a person’s life from birth and at all stages of his growing up.

I wanted to plunge into the atmosphere of life of those times, so I decided to create with my own hands those dolls whose meaning seemed the most interesting and would resonate with our lives today.

To implement the next stage of the project, I have prepared everything necessary materials for making dolls: scraps of fabric, multi-colored threads, tree branches, grain.

In order to protect native home and household members from troubles and illnesses, I made a doll “Day and Night” (Appendix 1). Taking two scraps of fabric, white and dark, I made two angels from them. Two threads of white and blue colors I wove it into a tight rope and connected the dolls together, as required by the technology of their creation. Now this amulet protects my house, the white angel is in the foreground during the day, and the blue one at night.

My dad goes to work every day and spends a lot of time away from home. So that luck would accompany him and he would return home safe and sound, I involved my mother in working on the “Plantain” doll (Appendix 2). We put different cereals in the knapsack so that dad wouldn’t feel hungry. The doll is small enough, so it is convenient to carry with you.

I have younger brothers and sisters. So that they wouldn’t get bored when their parents are busy, I decided to make “Bunny on the Finger” dolls for them (Appendix 3) from bright scraps of fabric. Despite the fact that there are a lot of toys in the house, the younger ones really like bunnies. Moreover, this is not just a toy, but also a talisman. It was nice to put a piece of your soul into an object that protects your loved ones.

For baptism I made a “Sacrum” doll (Appendix 4). On the one hand, she will not allow evil spirits to come to her loved ones, and on the other hand, she is easy to make, very bright, and is used in the game as a male doll, which is important, since most of the dolls I make reflect the feminine essence.

On the eve of spring, I prepared the “Birds” dolls (Appendix 5), decorated the rooms with them, so that warmth, blooms and bright colors would come as quickly as possible with this favorite time of year. I also practiced making a “Vesnyanka” doll (Appendix 6), because a master class for the children on how to make it was scheduled for March 14th.

The “Pelenashka” doll (Appendix 7) also aroused my interest. Mom willingly agreed to help make it from her old clothes so that her warmth will always protect her from evil spirits.

The first survey (Appendix 8) was conducted before the master class. 17 girls from 6 “A” and 6 “B” classes took part in it. In response to the first question, “Are you familiar with the history of Russian folk dolls?” It became clear to me that most of the girls did not know her story: 12 people answered no, and only five gave an affirmative answer. The results disappointed me, since the girls are little familiar with the history of their culture, especially since it is so vividly and interestingly represented by a folk doll. To the second question, “Have you seen a Russian folk doll and where was it?” 11 people answered positively and only 4 girls remembered where it was, while six had never seen a folk doll. Based on the result, we can conclude that often we do not even pay attention to objects that were of great importance to our ancestors. The third question of the survey: “Would you like to learn about the history of Russian folk dolls and learn how to make them?” 12 people answered “yes”, and five were not interested, although one girl knew nothing about it, had not seen the dolls and did not show any desire to participate in the master class.

On March 14, as planned, I held a lesson on the history of Russian folk dolls and a master class on making the “Vesnyanka” doll. The lesson was accompanied by joyful emotions and enthusiasm, especially since the made doll symbolizes youth and beauty. After finishing the lesson, according to Russian custom, the girls exchanged their dolls for good luck, health and beauty. The master class script is presented in the appendix.

After the master class (Appendix 9), I again conducted a survey (Appendix 10) to find out whether the history of Russian culture was interesting and whether handicraft skills were useful to our peers. To the first question, “Did you like our lesson?” 13 girls answered yes, and only four were dissatisfied. I was pleased with this result not only because I prepared and tried, but also because fewer girls wanted to participate in this event. To the second question, “Did you find the master class useful for yourself?” 14 people answered “yes”, three - “no”. This result was doubly pleasant, since it gave me hope that the girls would be interested in Russian folk culture and the history of their Fatherland. The third question was: “Would you like to take part in more such activities?” 14 people expressed a desire to participate, and only three refused.

Folk culture is a part of the history of our Motherland, which can come to life in making dolls with your own hands. I tried to convey this value of our cultural heritage and the need for our own development to my peers during the lesson.


The goal that I set when planning the project was achieved: I myself learned how to make a Russian folk doll and shared my skills with my peers.

All assigned tasks were completed during the project.


1. The material necessary for further work was found, analyzed and reduced to the form that was used for the theoretical part of the project and for preparing the master class.

2. I studied the technology of making Russian folk dolls. At home I made the following dolls: “Pelenashka”, “Day and Night”, “Plantain”, “Bunny on a Finger”, “Sacrum”, “Pokosnitsa”, “Bird” and the “Vesnyanka” doll. During the master class, all the dolls they created with their own hands were presented to the girls and were accompanied by a story about them.

3. Two surveys were conducted with peers:

Questionnaire 1. The level of familiarity of our peers with the history of Russian folk dolls.

Questionnaire 2. My peers’ impressions from the master class on making the “Vesnyanka” doll.

Based on the results of survey 1, it is clear that 12 children are familiar with the history of the folk doll. 11 children saw folk dolls and only 4 people were able to remember where they saw them. To the question “Would they like to know about the history of the folk doll,” 12 children answered positively, including 1 child of those who were unfamiliar with the history of the folk doll only wrote that they did not want to get acquainted.

Based on the results of survey 2, we can conclude that 13 children out of 17 who attended liked the master class. 14 children found it useful, and 14 more children wanted to take part in similar activities.

4. A master class on making a “Vesnyanka” doll was held among students of grades 6 “A” and 6 “B” (Appendix 11).

As a result of the work done at the master class, I learned the history of dolls and their diversity, and learned how to make a Vesnyanka doll myself. I told and showed my peers how to easily and simply make a doll themselves.

A doll is a sign of a person, his play image is a symbol. In this role, she focuses time, cultural history, the history of the country and people, reflecting their movement and development. Those who study folk culture and who strive to convey its precious grains to their descendants turn to this fertile source of spirituality. The traditional rag doll is experiencing a true revival in today's Russia. The man-made patchwork figurine now performs a new communicative function. It has become a living means of communication and familiarization with folk cultural experience.

Dolls are not only toys, but also close friends. In games with dolls, children learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, and train their memory. But the main thing in these games is emotional contact with the doll. Children don't just get used to dolls - they become attached to them as if they were living beings and are painfully separated from them.

A doll is not born on its own: it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination and will of its creator. Being part of the culture of all humanity, the doll retains in its image the originality and characteristic features of the people who create it. This is the main value of a traditional folk doll.

The result of the project was folk dolls made by hand.

List of used literature

1. Dine, G.L. Russian rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology / G.L. Dine, M.N. Dine. - M.: Culture and Traditions, 2007. - 120 p.

2. Zimina, Z.I. Textile ritual dolls / Z.I. Zimina. - M., 2007

3. Kotova, I.N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll / I.N. Kotova, A.S. Kotova. - St. Petersburg, Paritet, 2003. - 240 p.

4. Lykova I.A. Merry Town. Filimonovskaya toy. - M.: Publishing house "Karapuz", 2007

5. Methodical manual “Toys made of chintz”. Handicraft Guide. M.:2009

6. Neklyudov S. Yu. Living doll. Moscow, 2005

7. Ritual poetry/Compiled, preface, notes, prepared. texts by Zhekulina V.I., Rozova A.N.,-M.: Sovremennik, 1989.

8. Ritual dolls. Amulet dolls. R.M. Golovacheva. Kaluga, 2003.

Articles from periodicals

1.Agaeva I., Agapova O., Agaeva G. Day and Night // Folk Art, number 2, 2003

Electronic resources

1. Folk doll: [Electronic resource] // -2008. - date of access: November 30, 2017

2. Russian ritual dolls: [Electronic resource] // -2008. - date of access: November 15, 2017

3. Handmade: Electronic resource]: /// .- 2008. - date of access: November 20, 2017


Appendix 1. Doll “Day and Night”

Appendix 2. Doll "Plantain"

Appendix 3. Doll “Bunny on the finger”

Appendix 4. Doll “Sacrum”

Appendix 5. Doll “Bird”

Appendix 6. Doll “Vesnyanka”

Appendix 7. Doll “Pelenashka”

Appendix 8

Questionnaire 1 “The level of familiarity of our peers with the history of Russian folk dolls”

1. Are you familiar with the history of Russian folk dolls?

2. Have you seen a Russian folk doll and where was it?

3. Would you like to learn about the history of Russian folk dolls and learn how to make them?

Survey results

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Appendix 9. Master class on making a doll “Vesnyanka”

Appendix 10

Questionnaire 2« My peers’ impressions from the master class on making the “Vesnyanka” doll.”

1. Did you like our lesson?

2. Did you find the master class useful?

3. Would you like to take part in more such activities?

Survey results

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Appendix 11

Master class on making a doll “Vesnyanka”

Target: introduce peers to the history of Russian folk dolls and teach how to make them.


To acquaint peers with the history of the Russian folk doll;

Show dolls made at home and briefly talk about them;

Tell us about the technology for making the folk doll “Vesnyanka”;

Conduct a master class on making a Vesnyanka doll,

History of Russian folk dolls

Russian folk doll occupies a special place in traditional culture. The life of the people is unthinkable without folklore, traditional holidays, rituals, national costumes, objects of applied art, including dolls. Traditional Russian dolls have participated in many folk rituals, both holiday and everyday. In addition, traditional Russian dolls were also made for children. It was believed that if children played a lot and diligently with dolls, there would be harmony and prosperity in the family. Mostly improvised materials were used to make Russian folk dolls: fabric, thread, yarn, wood, straw, grass, etc. According to their purpose, there were: ritual, amulets and play Russian folk dolls. Play dolls were either made specifically for children, often using the same techniques as ritual dolls, or ritual dolls were given to children after they had already fulfilled their ritual function.

Dolls are frequent characters in works of art, fairy tales, jokes, proverbs, sayings, and songs. The most common motifs are the “revival” of a doll, the transformation from inanimate to living. Examples include folk tales in which dolls are present: “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Prince Danila-Spoken”, “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise” and others. Proverbs and sayings say that dolls play a huge role in human life. For example, “Whoever has not played with dolls has never seen happiness”, “To tinker with dolls is to learn about existence”, “The first child is the last doll”. There are also many Russian folk songs about dolls and ritual chants associated with them: “At Malanya’s, at the old lady’s...”, “Oh, Lyubushka, Lyubava,” “A young fellow is walking along the street...”, “Rich matchmakers are coming,” others calendar and family songs.

Do-it-yourself dolls made at home

Manufacturing technology of the Vesnyanka doll

Necessary materials:

Body flap (fabric) white)

A scrap of bright colored cotton fabric for a sundress

A scrap of fabric for the petticoat

A piece of fabric for the hands

Colored threads for braids

Bright ribbons for long braids

Lace for apron

Belt - braid

Headband - lace

Red woolen thread such that you can tear it with your hands

Manufacturing process

We do the twisting to form the body in this way, folding the flap along the long sides and then towards the center.

We form the head - fold the twist in half, place a piece of cotton wool just below the center and roll it up, the bulge (face) should be on top of the fold.

Secure with red thread. We make a ritual gesture - we press the thread tightly thumb and only then do we start wrapping. Wrap it three times and tie it into three knots.

Let's start with the hair. To do this, we wind the yarn bright color onto a cardboard about 40 cm long and cut from one edge.

We pass a blank of thread for the braid under the bend of the head. Now we pass the yarn into the loop of the head and straighten it so that the ends are the same.

We separate part of the hair and distribute it to the back of the head. We fasten it around the neck with a red thread and raise the free ends to the top, to the top of the head.

We braid the braid.

We make handles. We fold the fabric on both sides towards the center (the same way as the twist for the body). We secure it in the middle with a red thread. In the same way, we form palms along the edges.

Now we determine the doll’s waist. We secure the handles with a protective cross. We wrap the thread around the waist three times, then over the right shoulder, then over the left and fasten the thread into three knots at the waist as shown in the photo.

Now we dress up the doll in a beautiful spring outfit: put on petticoat. We join the fabric at the back, gather it together and secure it with red thread, and turn the skirt down.

We put on a beautiful spring sundress. We join the fabric at the front, collect beautiful folds and secure with thread. Align the ends of the skirt.

Now let’s put on an elegant apron made of lace (the apron is made from the dyes of a Slavic woman’s costume), knit beautiful belt from braid.

We will tie a lace headband on our head. "Vesnyanka" is ready.


Dolls accompany us all our lives. In childhood these are toys, later - visiting puppet shows. They entertain, teach, educate, decorate the home, serve as collectibles, and make excellent gifts. But still, the most beloved and memorable has always been and will only be the doll that we made with our own hands, into which we put a piece of our soul.

In the abundance of modern toys, the doll occupies an important place, helping the child to understand the role of a person in society and family. Our ancestors used the little rag beauty not only as children's fun, but also considered it a powerful amulet.

The history of amulets dolls

Presumably, the first objects resembling dolls appeared many thousands of years ago, when people learned to process stone and other available materials. This is confirmed by a doll made of mammoth bone with movable limbs found in the Czech Republic. The sacred dolls of our ancestors were the personification of spirits, gods, served as an integral part of rituals and even sacrifices, and were considered powerful amulets. Such dolls were made from improvised materials.

Ash dolls are considered one of the first. Swelling in water, the ash is easily formed into a ball, to which twigs and burlap are attached. This symbolized the hearth and accompanied a person when changing his place of residence. Later, with the advent of linen fabrics, the motanka (knotted) doll was born. The filler was straw, tow, bast, and grass.

U different nations There were materials used in the manufacture of magical objects: wax, clay, wood.

Slavic dolls-amulets

Slavic dolls-amulets

The history of dolls is rooted in the Trypillian culture, which existed over five thousand years ago. Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, Sky, Water. The bull was considered a symbol of agriculture. The cult of a woman, personifying fertility and motherhood, dominated. Archaeologists have found many clay figurines that prove this assumption. It was probably during this era that the rag doll appeared. Trypillian culture was quite developed, lasted about two thousand years, traditions and rituals were passed down through generations, and therefore have survived to this day. Such talismans were widely used as a powerful amulet: they protected from evil spirits, damage, diseases, and brought prosperity and abundance.

They made dolls faceless. It was believed that resemblance to a person was dangerous, since the negativity absorbed by the amulet could transfer to the owner. In the southern regions, a protective cross was depicted on the doll’s face. They made a reel by twisting the fabric in a spiral. The ancestors associated this with the creation of the world.

The methods of making amulet dolls are similar among all Slavic peoples, but depending on the area of ​​residence they had some differences. Could be made from different materials: straw, birch bark, bast. The Ukrainian doll stood out with a large head and was armless. The Belarusian amulet was distinguished by the rich embroidery of the apron and shirt. Sometimes the amulet was made from corn leaves.

Russian folk dolls-amulets

Russian folk dolls-amulets

The Slavic amulet doll accompanied a person from the first days to the end of his life. The mother made a talisman for the child, even before birth, placing a doll in the cradle so that evil spirits would not settle there. Later, it was the baby's first toy. The craft of making reels from fabric is a purely female activity; men were forbidden to even be around during the process.

The girl made her first doll at the age of 13-14; the accuracy of the work was used to judge how ready the future bride was for marriage. The people's favorite was dressed up differently, depending on the region. The northern regions made amulet dolls in sundresses and aprons, and they put a warrior and a scarf on their heads. The southern ones “wore” a skirt-ponevu, a traditional headdress.

Depending on the purpose of the amulet doll, the fillings were different: grain, herbs, salt, ash. An important condition in the work is not to use piercing or cutting objects. It is recommended to tear the fabric and thread. In Rus', a motanka was considered a reliable protector from an unkind glance, envy, and damage. She protected the house from evil spirits, brought prosperity, and contributed to a rich harvest.

Amulet dolls made of fabric, master class

Doll Bereginya

Bereginya - the keeper of the home

Bereginya, the keeper of the hearth, was considered one of the main dolls. Let's look at how to make such a talisman step by step. We will need:

  • fabric with a bright print, preferably a folklore pattern;
  • flesh-colored material - calico, cotton, linen;
  • dried herbs, cotton wool, tow - for filler;
  • canvas;
  • scarlet thread.

Let's look at how to make a Bereginya doll with your own hands step by step.

Tear off a piece of plain fabric about 8x8 cm. Fold it diagonally, place a ball of filler in the center and wrap the material around it, tying it with thread at the bottom. Make an odd number of turns - the base of the head and arms comes out. We straighten the folds, otherwise you will get wrinkles on your face. We take the corners of the fabric formed to the left and right of the head, carefully wrap the edges inward, wrap them with thread at the level of the supposed wrists - we get hands.

Let's start making the chest. We tear off two pieces of approximately 6x6 cm from the bright material. Fold it diagonally, place the filler in the center, then tie it according to the principle of making a head. The resulting breasts need to be tied to the base of the doll in a cross way. We fix an even number of knots at the level of the navel.

We make clothes for Beregina. Let's measure the doll from the chest to the bottom. We obtained the length of fabric along the grain thread required for the outfit. The width must be made with an allowance for gathering. We tear off the resulting flap of material and apply it to the doll, below the chest, face down, on the head. We wrap the thread along the waist line, not forgetting to gather, lower the fabric down, with the front part facing out. We cut out an apron from canvas and attach it under the chest like a skirt. We measure the circumference of the head. With an allowance of 2 cm, cut off a piece of braid or narrow ribbon. We wrap it over the forehead and secure it on the neck with three turns of thread. Determine the size of the scarf, tear it off the canvas and tie it in a knot at the back. Bereginya is ready, place it in the front corner of the house. Is reliable protection from the evil eye, a talisman that brings prosperity and peace in the family.

Slavic doll Zhelannitsa

A doll that can make bright dreams come true will become a friend for women. It’s easy to make a wishlist using our master class. We will need:

  • natural white fabric;
  • multi-colored pieces of material;
  • threads;
  • pieces of braid, lace.

We take light fabric, bend the edges inward, and tightly roll it into a spiral, which is a symbol of the creation of the world. Wrap the resulting column with the same material, calculate the size based on the length of the twist. Mark the head by bandaging at neck level.

We will depict a sacred cross on the face of the amulet doll. We wind a vertical line with black thread, holding the end to the left of the head, in the center through the back of the head we lead it to the initial stage. We make several tight turns. Then we place the thread to the right of the head and continue working. We repeat the same with green and red. When making a horizontal stripe, hold the thread at the back of the head with your finger and change the direction of the turn. Using a crochet hook, we pull the ends through the neck winding, thus securing it.

Determine the length of the handles, twist the desired section into a spiral and wrap it to the body column. We place the free corners of the fabric extending from the head on the twist of the arms, turn the edges inward, and tie them at the level of the wrist.

We form the chest by placing cotton balls just below the neck. We secure it with a cross-shaped winding and make a knot in the navel area.

Every turn of the thread is your dream. Think about what you want while making a move.

The next stage is making clothes for the doll. A pattern is not needed here, just understand the length of the skirt. flap multi-colored material wrap it around your head, wrong side out. We make a skein under the chest, while simultaneously welding the fabric. We straighten the skirt down. We attach the apron using the same method. Make it equal to the hem; it is believed that its length is a symbol of prosperity. Buy your talisman a beautiful box or sew a bag, keep it away from prying eyes.

Doll Kubyshka-Herbalist

The amulet doll Kubyshka-Travnitsa, revered by the Slavs

The Herbal Pot is a revered doll that helps restore a person’s health, prolong life, and purify the air in the house. Making it with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is to fill it with aromatic herbs, which contain magical powers. The most commonly used are oregano, mint, wormwood, raspberry leaf, and currant. In our work we use:

  • piece natural fabric 17x5 cm - base of the body;
  • cream or white material 16x16 cm;
  • canvas fiber (tow) to give volume to the head;
  • wool, cotton wool as padding;
  • fabric for an apron, scarf, chest;
  • threads

We make a roller from a natural flap, bending the edges inward. Fold it in half, departing 2.5 cm from the fold, and wind the thread, securing it to an even number of knots. We wind the flax fiber, thus forming the head. We take a square piece of fabric, wrap it around the resulting ball, securing it around the neck with several turns of thread. We straighten the folds, carefully pull out the corners located on the sides - these will be the arms. We bend the edges inward and tie it with thread at the wrist.

Let's start making the bust. We take 2 square pieces of fabric in the center, place lumps of filler and tie them with thread. We attach the breast knots to the frame and tie them to the waist and neck using a cross method, tying the knots at the level of the navel. From the fabric in the design, using a stencil, cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 cm. We gather the edges of the workpiece with a long thread, without completely covering it. We place the herbs into the resulting box, insert the body of the Herbal Pot, and tighten the assembly. To prevent the skirt from slipping, make several turns of the thread around the neck.

Let's cut out an apron and tie it under the chest. We will put a warrior made of braid on our head, which we will fasten with a thread along the neck line, and we will tie a scarf and make a knot at the back. A do-it-yourself amulet doll has a more powerful protective power. It is important that the amulet is made on certain days and in good health. It was forbidden to do needlework on Sundays and holidays.

Krupenichka doll

Krupenichka personifies prosperity

Ancestors believed that a doll filled with cereals should be in every home. Krupenichka personified prosperity, abundance, and symbolized rich crops. The appearance of the doll spoke of wealth in the house. Even a novice craftswoman can do this.

We will need:

  • multi-colored cotton piece;
  • a piece of knitted material;
  • thick linen;
  • natural threads;
  • lace 12-15 cm wide;
  • cereals. Cereals;
  • ribbons;
  • coin.

We sew a “pipe” from a square piece of canvas fabric, gather one edge, tie it tightly, and turn it inside out. The size can be chosen arbitrarily, the recommended size is 20x20 cm. Place a coin at the bottom of the “box”, pour in the cereal, and compact it tightly. The bag must be stable. Gather the top edge with a strong thread and tighten it tightly, tying an even number of knots.

We received the base of the doll. We take lace for the undershirt, wrap it around the body, and wrap it at a distance of two-thirds from the bottom. We measure out the required piece from colored fabric for outerwear. It should not close in front, the distance between the vertical edges is approximately 3-4 cm. Cut out a rectangle from knitted fabric, roll it with a roller on both sides, leaving the central part free.

We get a zipun, which we wrap to the body so that the rollers are with our hands. Pre-measure the required length on the doll. We cut out an apron on which, using floss threads, you can embroider a sacred sign of fertility according to the pattern. We put a warrior on the head from a ribbon, tie a simple scarf on top, and place the knot at the back. A doll like this, made by yourself, will be a symbolic or housewarming gift.

Symbol of prosperity, satiety, healthy children - Grace

A similar doll is distinguished by raised arms, big breasts. They made it on the eve of the Annunciation and gave it as a symbol of satiety, prosperity, and healthy children. Let's make a rag amulet ourselves, following our master class.

We use:

  • horned twig (American maple is recommended, it has even forks);
  • square fabric of dense natural textile white, flesh tone on the head 10x10 cm;
  • two pieces of multi-colored fabric 6x6 cm, one rectangular;
  • cotton wool;
  • a small piece of braid;
  • scraps for a scarf and apron;
  • scarlet wool yarn

We take the spear and wrap the threads around the base, starting from the fork to the end. We return and “close” one horn, then the other. We make the winding tightly, otherwise the wood will show through. Place a wad of cotton wool in the center of the white flap and tie it with thread. We attach the resulting body to the fork - the doll's head. Using the same principle, we will make breasts from colored pieces, which we will attach to the base of the slingshot, just below the neck. The rectangular piece will serve as a skirt; we wrap it around the head with the outer side inward, attach it below the chest, and straighten the hem down. We measure the apron according to the length of the sundress and fasten it under the bust in the same way. We tie a warrior braid on the head, securing the rope around the neck, put a scarf on top, and make a knot at the back. The fabric sizes are approximate, use the size of the slingshot as a guide.

Plantain was given to travelers for good luck and an easy journey

A similar doll was given to travelers for good luck and an easy journey. It was made small for easy storage in a pocket or bag. It’s easy to make such crumbs yourself. We will need:

  • cotton fabric 6x6 cm, 7.5x7.5 cm;
  • cotton wool;
  • colored material - rectangular. Measure the quantity according to the doll.
  • fabric for an apron, scarf;
  • Narrow ribbon.

We put a ball of cotton wool in the center of the square, tie it up - we get a head. Don't forget to straighten out the folds. We put on a warrior ribbon, securing it with several spirals around the neck. Let's start creating clothes. A rectangular piece of material needs to be wrapped around the head, inside out, wrapped above the shoulders, and the sundress straightened down. Take a piece of rectangular fabric, fold it in four, and tie the ends. We received a blank for the arms, we will tie it to the neck using a cross technique. We put on a headscarf. We will tie a box of grain to the palms of Podorozhnitsa, so as not to starve on the road. Sometimes they were filled with ash, as a symbol of the home, protecting the traveler from dashing people.

Do-it-yourself amulet doll made of threads - step-by-step instructions

Do-it-yourself amulet doll made of threads

The doll is varied in purpose and manufacturing methods. One of the varieties of reels is a talisman made of threads. In March, similar white and red dolls were hung on trees, symbolizing the passing of winter and the onset of spring. A step-by-step master class will tell you how to make a talisman doll.

To get started, let's take the following materials:

  • white and scarlet yarn;
  • cotton wool;
  • piece of cardboard 15x15 cm.

We wind 25 turns of red thread onto thick paper, tie it in a knot, and remove it from the template. Separately we weave a braid of yarn of both colors, 30 cm long. We securely fasten the ends, leaving a tassel. We tie the braided line one to the skein. The next stage is the formation of the doll's head. Place a cotton ball about 3 cm in diameter under the braid knot and tie it at the bottom. We distribute the yarn on the head so that the cotton wool does not show through. Let's make our own hands - we'll wind 15 turns on the same cardboard and tie knots on both sides.

Then remove from the template and drag the ends, retreating 2 cm from the edge and cutting, creating tassels. We place the resulting blank inside the skein under the head and pull it under the arms - a waist is formed. To create the hem, cut the bottom. A doll like this should have a pair. Using the previous instructions, we create an amulet from white yarn and tie it to the second end of the braid. As you can see, making a doll with your own hands is simple; no patterns or complex patterns are required. The main thing is to have a good attitude and bright thoughts.

A rag reel is an example of folk culture, which contains a deep meaning.