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Olga Buzova explained why she does not delete joint photos with Dmitry Tarasov from social networks. Dmitry Tarasov commented on the altercation with Olga Buzova. As far as I know, you have your own business

// Photo: Instagram

TV presenter Olga Buzova has been happily married to football player Dmitry Tarasov for four years. A woman supports her husband in difficult situations and also tries to carry out everything free time in his company. The star admits that when she got married, she did not plan to immediately have offspring. Olga is already quite tired of questions from social network users about children. Buzova believes that we must first live for ourselves.

“Over the five years of our relationship, Dima and I managed to fully enjoy each other and understand what we did right choice. Believe me, this approach is much better than quickly getting married, immediately having a child, being disappointed in a person, getting a divorce, finding someone else, and so on several times. In such situations, children suffer. I always dreamed of living my life with one man. Now Dima and I have come to the conclusion that we can give our love to someone else. Everything has its time,” said the TV presenter.

As Olga admits, she loves children very much and gets along well with them. The girl communicates with her husband’s nephews, she is comfortable in the company of small relatives. Buzova said that at a young age she tried her hand at being a trainee counselor. According to her, the kids obeyed her well.

“I’m sure I’ll have to experience the awe of a newborn, maybe more than once. But, again, everything has its time. Naturally, not only dogs will live in our house with my husband,” Buzova noted.

Olga supported her husband when he was recently injured in a match with Turkey. She flew with her husband to Italy, where she was on duty at the hospital while he underwent surgery. According to Buzova, she is not at all embarrassed by the fact that her husband will not be able to work for some time. She admits that she has become much more economical.

“If at first we didn’t look at the price in principle, we are now discussing what we can afford, what we can’t afford, and where we need to cut down on requests. We have become more economical because we are thinking about the future, making long-term plans, and with them the house in which we are going to live. Our life in general has also changed. Parties and going out have faded into the background; we increasingly want to be alone in the apartment. Yes, and I completely reconsidered my priorities. The main thing now is family and work. I don’t focus on other things,” Olga admitted in an interview "Antenna-Telesem".

“No matter how adults we are... for our parents we will always be children... (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Ed.), - the socialite wrote on the microblog. - Take care of your loved ones, and remember, girls, no man is worth the tears of our mothers. I try to protect my relatives from unnecessary worries, and I always say that everything is fine with me, even if it’s not so... This time it didn’t work out... mommy, forgive me for your tears. I love you very much. And I will be happy, I promise."


Subscribers began to actively sympathize with the unfortunate Olya. "It was dangerous that she plunged so wholeheartedly into her family relationships not expecting that her most beloved, reliable shoulder could stab her in the back like that... I can understand how hard it was for her and I’m sure she’s not playing around a bit,” “I’m on your side. And I support you. I love it very much. I'm your fan. And to yours ex-husband everything will come back like a boomerang!”, “After this type of man! And such a “tragedy for ourselves” finally makes you grow up and look at men more soberly. And it will come soon normal man caring, who protects and protects, helps in everything and will not give it to anyone! ”- the fans wrote.

Let us remind you that recently Olga Buzova’s mother, Irina, gave a frank interview in which she shared the details of her daughter’s separation from the scandalous athlete. “Olga naively believed that her love would “save the world” and she was behind a “stone wall”, and her husband was responsible for his vows. But the fact that saying and doing are different things became a difficult discovery for her. It’s not the separation itself that’s scary. , but how a person does it. Tarasov has already broken up inhumanly with his wives twice. Having betrayed once, he will betray the next time," Irina Buzova told Antenna magazine.

Olga and Dmitry divorced in December 2016. According to rumors, the reason for the breakup was the footballer’s infidelity with model Anastasia Kostenko.

The most talked about couple in domestic show business, which everyone (including Olga and Dmitry themselves) called “tarabuziks,” broke up after four years life together. The event caused a great stir. And if Tarasov literally immediately found solace in the arms of model Anastasia Kostenko, then Buzova was drowning in grief and could not come to terms with the fact that he seemed to her perfect marriage collapsed.

In a fresh interview, the 31-year-old TV personality admitted that she was able to survive a difficult stage in her life only thanks to her creativity. "I I found a way to drown out my pain with creativity and began to seriously pursue my career. In the second song, “I’m getting used to it,” I sang about the fact that it doesn’t hurt me anymore. This was not the case. I was just trying to calm myself down in this way to find the strength to move on. Then I released “People Didn’t Believe”, “Fly Away”, and soon the first album,” Olga shared.

It is noteworthy that immediately after the separation, Dmitry Tarasov decided to get rid of all memories associated with his ex-wife, including deleting joint photographs from social networks. Buzova herself noted that she was not going to be like her ex-husband, so she left all the pictures on her microblog on Instagram. According to the celebrity, she cherishes the memories of this marriage.

“Everything that happened in the past, apparently, was meant to be. I know that there is no turning back. I’m not ashamed of my love, I lived with a man for six years. Yes, then I realized that everything was fake on his part, but I truly loved and cherish it as a memory. Six years is not a year, but long term, and I don’t consider it necessary to delete our photos together from social networks. This is history. I was happy. What he does - let it remain on his conscience. But I’m not ashamed of my feeling,” explained the presenter of “Dom-2” in an interview with the publication "Antenna-Telesem".

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova

By the way, yesterday it became known about the marriage of football player Dmitry Tarasov and model Anastasia Kostenko. “Tarasovs. Write what you want, we don't care. We are happy,” wrote the ex-husband of Olga Buzova, publishing the first wedding photo. Buzova’s fans had no doubt that the star would react on social networks to the news about her ex’s marriage, and Olga didn’t have to wait long. At night, a photograph appeared on the TV personality’s microblog showing the presenter of “House-2” reading Dostoevsky’s book “The Idiot” in bed. The photo was accompanied by a sarcastic post.

“A wonderful evening in the company of Dostoevsky. I decided to re-read one of Fyodor Mikhailovich’s most favorite works #The Idiot about the unfortunate merchant Parfen and the kept woman Nastasya... What do you like from Dostoevsky?” - Olga Buzova wrote with an obvious hint at Tarasov and his now wife Anastasia.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko officially got married

“People think: if a girl gets married, she just needs to give birth right away. Otherwise, the marriage is invalid, fictitious. She gave birth to the first, and a year later they are chasing the second. Single at 25 - spinster, you can give up, at 30 without children - an old-timer. All these labels are quite annoying,” admits the TV presenter.

Olga, judging by your pages on social networks, you get the feeling that you live in an atmosphere of eternal holiday: flowers, gifts, travel... How much does the virtual picture correspond to reality?

This is a fairly common misconception that the life of public people, including mine, consists entirely of joyful moments. Yes, I consider myself a happy person. But still, most of the events happen outside of Instagram. There are difficulties and tears, but they remain behind the scenes. I’m just not ready to cry to everyone and everyone, I don’t like to complain. Even my mother calls me a steadfast tin soldier for this. Although, I repeat, there are enough tests.

Was your husband's injury one of them?

Yes, and how. What happened in August (in a friendly match with the Turkish national team, footballer Dmitry Tarasov tore the cruciate ligaments of his knee. - Antenna note) broke our fighting spirit. She flew to the Italian hospital with Dima and was with him during the operation. For four days, until he could not walk, she kept watch at his bedside and spent the night right in the room on the sofa. She carried food and fruits. I postponed everything and canceled meetings to support my husband. Fortunately, the producers and colleagues came to their senses and let me go to him, for which I am very grateful to them. I know that the injury was a real blow for Dima. But over the five years of our relationship, I realized: there are times when it’s better not to get under his skin, not to touch the problem, not to encourage him. It’s more important to him that I just be with him, without further ado. The worst is over. But there is a recovery course ahead, and this is a long and painstaking process. It’s mentally difficult because you can’t run, play, or do what you love. This is not his first injury. But I was always by his side at such moments, I was with him in clinics in Germany, Italy, Finland. At this time, I myself try not to become limp, to be as collected as possible and to think positively.

Did the fact that your spouse left the profession for a long time affect the family budget?

Not ready to discuss this question, this is our personal business. I’ll just say, despite the fact that I think a man should be a breadwinner, it’s not difficult for me to invest my finances if the situation requires it. I'm not greedy. I provide for my grandmother, help my mom, dad, and sister. There are no disputes or problems about money with my husband. Moreover, in Lately We have become much more judicious about spending. If at first we didn’t look at the price at all, we are now discussing what we can afford, what we can’t afford, and where we need to cut down on requests. We have become more economical because we are thinking about the future, making long-term plans, and with them the house in which we are going to live. Our life in general has also changed. Parties and going out have faded into the background; we increasingly want to be alone in the apartment. Yes, and I completely reconsidered my priorities. The main thing now is family and work. I don't bother with anything else.

I find language easily with children

The question of children immediately arises. I suspect that they are already fed up with you...

And how! Over the course of several years, I developed immunity, although at first it was very stressful. Our society is very tactless and thinks stereotypically. People think that if a girl gets married, she just needs to give birth right away. Otherwise, the marriage is invalid, fictitious. She gave birth to the first, and a year later they are chasing the second. At 25 years old, unmarried - an old maid, you can give up; at 30, you haven’t given birth - old-timer. These labels are quite annoying. Why do they treat this differently in America and there are forty-year-old women in labor? normal phenomenon? I see what a stir has flared up because of Ksyusha Sobchak’s pregnancy, literally the whole country, seeing her belly, exhaled: “Well, finally!” What finally? It was as if everyone had been waiting for many years for her to give birth. Over the five years of our relationship, Dima and I managed to fully enjoy each other and understand that we made the right choice. Believe me, this approach is much better than quickly getting married, immediately having a child, being disappointed in a person, getting a divorce, finding someone else, and so on several times. In such situations, children suffer. I always dreamed of living my life with one man. Now Dima and I have come to the conclusion that we can give our love to someone else. Everything has its time. I am also a long-awaited and planned child for my parents, and therefore a very beloved one.

I noticed how well you get along with your husband’s nephews. Have you studied books on child psychology?

No, I just love them and consider them my nephews. Somehow I managed to find it by myself mutual language, contact. I know what to talk about, how to make people laugh. I feel comfortable with them, and they feel comfortable with me, I hope. I also find a great common language with my two godchildren. At the age of 14, I was an intern at a children's camp in the junior squad. And even then the kids obeyed me and at the same time loved me. They cried when the shift ended and we had to leave. I think it is impossible to deceive children; they feel sincerity, kindness, goodwill. I'm sure I'll have to experience the awe of a newborn again, maybe more than once. But, again, everything has its time. Naturally, my husband and I will have more than just dogs living in our house (laughs).

Do constant questions about children bother you, and does criticism on the Internet also irritate you?

I can’t say that I don’t pay attention to it, but I try not to react. Although often criticism addressed to me can hardly be called constructive. People lash out at insults. Sometimes they simply write: “Die, creature.” I would like to come to such a “well-wisher” and ask him directly: “What did I personally do that was bad to you?” We have already talked about how my life is judged by photos on social networks. And periodically they leave boorish comments under them. They blame me for having it all easy. Perhaps people don't realize what beautiful picture It's hard work, sometimes around the clock. I don’t undertake to evaluate other professions, but believe me, mine also requires colossal daily work. Sleepless nights, a huge amount of text that I study. I was never given roles on a platter, I didn’t get on television through connections, no one paid for my participation in performances. I achieved everything myself. Often I had to deal with a huge amount closed doors. I became a popular presenter, but at the same time a hostage to the image of a frivolous blonde. I’m easy to talk to in real life, too, but I have many qualities and talents that I cannot demonstrate within the framework of a project. But, fortunately, there are directors who are not afraid to work with me and see me as an actress much broader than my television image. I heard a lot of positive reviews about my role in the series “Poor People,” including from professionals. Now I’m filming a project that’s important to me. This is a full-length film by Kirill Pletnev, in which I have the main role. And for one of the three-minute scenes, I drove several hundred kilometers from Moscow and spent the night in the car. And so it is in everything. I never feel relaxed and rarely feel satisfied professionally. It's never enough. I am greedy for new roles, projects, emotions. I don’t rest on my laurels. I work non-stop. Even on vacation, I switch off only on the fifth day, and even then not completely. This is how I was raised by my mother, who once asked me to buy boots and said: “Do you want boots? Go make money on them!” I work too. I’m tired, of course, but at the same time I don’t suffer from the blues, I don’t have depression. And I developed immunity to attacks from spiteful critics back in school.

Have you had difficult relationships with classmates?

No, with some teachers and especially with the director Tatyana Evgenievna. She was prejudiced towards me, hated me, and I didn’t even understand why. She cried and begged her mother to transfer to another school, but she refused. And she did the right thing. I stayed there and soon stopped worrying, I even graduated from school with a silver medal, and then from St. Petersburg State University with honors. Apparently, it was then that the core was laid that helps us now cope with negativity. I didn't break, I didn't run away. And here is the result. By the way, when 12 years ago they made a film about me as a participant in “House-2”, the same director did not allow the film crew to enter the school.

"Dom-2" will never be closed

As far as I know, you have your own business. How successful is he?

Yes, I have my own company, a designer clothing brand. And I also treat him responsibly. At one time there was an unpleasant story when I was deceived. The partner I trusted has let me down badly. Therefore, now I completely control everything myself: creating collections, choosing fabrics, sewing. There is also a chain of jewelry stores that my sister Anya, who is a workaholic like me, helps with. We are developing little by little. In the near future we will open a store in one of the capital's shopping centers. And recently she published an autobiographical book, “The Price of Happiness.” I felt incredible support when I presented it at the bookstore. The event was full, everyone asked questions and asked for autographs. At that moment I realized that I wrote it for a reason, someone needed it. The first edition of ten thousand copies sold out very quickly.

    At the end of last year, famous TV presenter Olga Buzova officially divorced popular football player Dmitry Tarasov. For a long time the star refused to comment on her divorce from the sportsman, but recently she decided to reveal this secret. TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova made new frank confessions about her marriage and life after it. ...Buzova said that she now lives with three dogs - Eva, Chelsea and Lovely. The mother of TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina, said that her daughter’s marriage broke up due to the dishonesty of her husband Dmitry Tarasov. ...Buzova Sr. noted that her daughter idealized her football player husband, and therefore Tarasov stopped fulfilling his obligations to his wife.

    Olga Buzova told what hell her life had become because of Dmitry Tarasov

    Olga Buzova admitted that after her divorce from Tarasov she became very weak, both emotionally and physically. Olya said that out of mental pain she leaned out of the window and lately she had been screaming in pain.

    Model Anastasia Kostenko became the reason for the divorce of Olga Buzova and her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov. ...Fans of the TV presenter believe that by the word “bowl” Buzova meant Miss Russia – Anastasia Kostenko.

    TV presenter Olga Buzova said that after her divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov, she had hysterics. However, Olga’s unstable mental state was noticed even by her fans, who supported her after the stress she suffered.

    Not only those involved in the separation, but also their friends, and now also the TV presenter’s mother, spoke out about the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. ...And then Tarasov even proposed a marriage contract to Buzova. - says Olga’s mother in an interview with Antenna-Telesem magazine.

    The mother of the host of the TV project “Dom-2” Olga Buzova agreed to an interview with reporters to talk about her daughter’s divorce. In a frank conversation, the woman reported unpleasant details of the relationship between Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova.

    The mother of TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina, said that her daughter’s marriage broke up due to the dishonesty of her husband Dmitry Tarasov. ...Buzova Sr. noted that her daughter idealized her football player husband, and therefore Tarasov stopped fulfilling his obligations to his wife.

    Olga Buzova's mother gave a frank interview in which she revealed the unsightly sides family life own daughter. According to her mother, Olga, in the course of her marriage, faced the cruel discovery that “doing and saying are different things.”

    2 months have already passed since Olga Buzova’s divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. ...She says that when she remembers this, her voice trembles and tears flow.

    Buzova’s mother dared to tell the press about her daughter’s divorce from football player Tarasov, and about Olga’s experiences in the first months after the breakup. Irina Buzova considers Tarasov a heartless and irresponsible man.

    TV presenter Olga Buzova, who had been hiding from fans the details of her breakup with football player Dmitry Tarasov for several months, finally decided to make revelations and told the public about the painful issue. ...While Olga Buzova is healing her emotional wounds, Dmitry Tarasov is starting a new life with a clean slate, he is sure that from now on everything will be fine with him.

    The mother of TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina, said that her daughter’s marriage broke up due to the dishonesty of her husband Dmitry Tarasov. ...Buzova Sr. noted that her daughter idealized her football player husband, and therefore Tarasov stopped fulfilling his obligations to his wife.

    The mother of the popular presenter talked about how Olga managed to survive the divorce. ...Buzova admitted that the divorce was very difficult for her and she still cannot come to her senses.

    Recently, the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov commented for the first time on his divorce from presenter Olga Buzova, saying that he had happy moments with her, but he started a new life. ...As Dmitry Tarasov stated, on January 1 he began new life.

    Presenter Olga Buzova admitted that after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov she felt very bad, she became very weak. ...Olga Buzova admitted that recently she could climb out the window and scream with all her might in pain.

    Olga Buzova’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna spoke about the reasons for her daughter’s separation from football player Dmitry Tarasov. The woman accused the player of dishonesty and said that the marriage was based on one person. In a recent interview, Buzova’s mother said that Tarasov made the decision to divorce, because of this the “House-2” star found herself “on the brink of life.”

    The athlete has already recovered from an injury received in the fall (ruptured cruciate ligaments) and even took to the field during a game with the Chinese club Beijing Guoan. During a conversation with journalists, Dmitry touched upon the topic of his recent divorce from Olga Buzova, speaking about it quite intelligently and without malice: “Since January 1, I have a new life, a new stage for Dmitry Tarasov.

    Many fans of the host of the Dom-2 project, Olga Buzova, noticed that she had lost a lot of weight and began to often lose consciousness in public. ...The star admitted that she almost died.

    At the end of last year, famous TV presenter Olga Buzova officially divorced popular football player Dmitry Tarasov. For a long time, the star refused to comment on her divorce from the athlete, but recently she decided to reveal this secret.

    The mother of the host of the television project “Dom-2” agreed to an interview with reporters regarding the separation of her daughter. In a frank conversation, a relative laid out unpleasant details of Dmitry Tarasov’s relationship with Olga.

    Football player Dmitry Tarasov, who recently showed the public his new girlfriend- fashion model Anastasia Kostenko - told for the first time in many months what he thinks about the divorce from Olga Buzova and the scandal surrounding it. The player said that he had put an end to his relationship with Buzova and did not intend to prove anything to the public using the press or social networks. ...I wrote in my post that there were good periods, but this is how it happened,” said Tarasov. According to the football player, a few days after the divorce, on January 1, he began a new stage of life.

    Olga Buzova’s mother comments for the first time on her divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. ...Irina Aleksandrovna said that she warned Olya, but she replied that she loved Dima and did not need his money.

    Olga Buzova’s mother recently gave a frank interview and told how she now feels about her ex-son-in-law. She is very proud of her daughter, who was able to survive this difficult divorce, and she considers Dmitry Tarasov to be to blame for everything.

    The TV presenter’s mother found out that not everything was all right in her daughter’s family when Olga called her and asked for help through tears. ...Olga’s mother says that she raised her daughters to be strong and strong-willed, and perhaps this was the reason for the divorce.

    Dmitry Tarasov is not at all worried about his divorce from Olga Buzova. ...They talked about the separation of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova for a very long time.

    Olga Buzova’s mother gave a frank interview in which she revealed the unsightly aspects of her daughter’s family life. The mother of the Dom-2 presenter made it clear that her star daughter’s marriage broke up due to the dishonesty of her football player husband.

    Famous football player Dmitry Tarasov gave a frank interview in which he spoke about the recent public clash with ex-wife Olga Buzova. ...As Dni.Ru wrote, football player Dmitry Tarasov told fans what was the reason for his high-profile divorce from Dom-2 host Olga Buzova.

    The mother of popular TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina Buzova, openly admitted about the consequences of divorce for her daughter from Dmitry Tarasov. ...The eldest Buzova admits that her daughter idealized her husband too much, so now she is having a very hard time, but she does not despair and is now completely absorbed in work.

    After the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova opened the veil of secrets and announced their decision to divorce, this became a real test for the TV presenter. ...But after receiving the official document of divorce, she no longer began to restrain her emotions.

    Olga Buzova’s mother commented for the first time on her daughter’s divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. ...Irina Aleksandrovna told how her daughter’s relationship with her ex-husband developed.

    According to Irina Buzova, Dmitry Tarasov behaved ugly at the very beginning of his relationship with Olga, so the subsequent development of events did not surprise her. ...In fact, I found Olya on the verge of life,” shared Irina Buzova.

    Even though Olga Buzova, 31, and Dmitry Tarasov, 29, divorced at the end of 2016, they still prefer to refrain from directly commenting on what actually happened between them. ...Fans of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are still wondering what became the stumbling block in this once perfect couple and who was the first to decide to file for divorce.

    Two months have passed since Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov officially divorced. ... Let us recall that after breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov, Olga Buzova began a new life.

    The famous Russian TV presenter, socialite, singer and actress Olga Buzova openly spoke about how she survived her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. Despite the fact that outwardly the girl remained cheerful and cheerful, parting with her lover was not easy for her.

    Irina Buzova, mother of the presenter, singer, socialite, ex-participant of the TV show “House 2” Olga Buzova, revealed to the public the details of her daughter’s relationship with her ex-husband. ...Recall that Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova got married in 2012.

    The divorce story forced Olga Buzova to reconsider her view on gender relations. She claims that she wanted to live with Dmitry Tarasov until the end of her days.

    Four months ago, Olga Buzova broke up with her husband Dmitry Tarasov. According to the girl, she was very painful about the divorce and still cannot remember it without tears. When Olga married Zenit football player Dmitry Tarasov, she thought it was once and for all.

    The star of “House-2”, after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, thought about committing suicide. ...According to Buzova, initially she dreamed of living with Tarasov until the end of her days.

    Olga Buzova’s mother, Irina Alexandrovna, publicly commented for the first time on her daughter’s divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. ...Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova for the time being were considered one of the most beautiful and strong couples in the country.

    The mother of the TV presenter of the Dom-2 project Olga Buzova, Irina Buzova, spoke about how her daughter was going through a divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. According to her mother, Olga faced the cruel discovery in her marriage that “doing and saying are two different things.”

    Olga Buzova spoke about the help of doctors and attacks of hysteria after a turn in her personal life. Presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov have not been together for several months, now they are even emotionally sorting things out in public.

    The first two months after Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov separated, they did not comment on the topic of their divorce at all. ...The other day, a Lokomotiv football player had an argument with his ex-wife on Instagram, and after that the Dom-2 star herself gave an interview to reporters, where she told how tragic the breakup with her husband was for her.

    Recently, Olga publicly accused Dmitry Tarasov of treason. ...Buzova’s mother Irina openly spoke about how one of the most famous couples in domestic show business got divorced.

    Not long ago, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov publicly sorted out their relationship on social networks. ...Recently, Buzova’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna decided to talk about her daughter’s divorce from a football player.

    TV presenter and aspiring pop star Olga Buzova, after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, quickly pulled herself together and devoted all her time to developing her career. ...For the first time, Buzova’s mother, Irina Aleksandrovna, decided to express her point of view and tell her daughter about her divorce.

    Recently, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov publicly sorted out their relationship in in social networks. ...For the first time, Buzova’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna decided to comment on the divorce of Dmitry and Olga.

    Olga Buzova gave a frank interview for the first time and told how she survived her divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. “You know, I always considered myself strong, my mother even calls me the “steady tin soldier,” says Olga. ...And even now, although four months have passed since my separation from my husband, I can’t talk about everything calmly.

    Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov, who divorced TV presenter Olga Buzova on December 30, said whether there is harmony in his life. “Since January 1, I have a new life, a new stage of Dmitry Tarasov.

    Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, who are in the process of divorce and do not miss the opportunity to hurt each other’s feelings on social networks, staged a verbal spat on Instagram to the delight of subscribers waiting for hot news. The TV presenter accused ex-lover of betrayal, and the football player said that Olga loves to play in public too much.