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Finger games with mathematical content. Finger gymnastics for children

3.4 Finger gymnastics in math class

The level of development of a child is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements - movements that contribute to the development of thinking, memory, attention, and speech. Therefore, development work fine motor skills should be carried out regularly. Only then can the greatest effect be achieved. Finger gymnastics games and exercises can also be used in mathematics classes.

Exercises that are complicated by solving related problems are interesting. For example, according to the poem by Yu. Chuzhak “I bought a lamb of a bagel,” you can fix the countdown. At the market (exhibits fist)

Early in the morning (place palm on edge)

Bought (show palm)

Ram (fist)

Baranok (rib)

For lambs (the fingers of the left hand “play”)

For sheep (fingers right hand"play")

Ten poppy rings (showing 10 fingers)

Nine dryers

Eight buns

Seven cakes

Six cheesecakes,

Five cakes,

Four crumpets,

Three cakes

Two gingerbreads

And I bought one roll

(show the corresponding number of fingers).

I didn’t forget about myself (negative head movement),

And for the little wife - sunflowers (fingers of both hands are spread out, thumbs pressed against each other)!

Game "Clock"

(We sit on the mat (on our knees). We move our fingers (“run”) from the knees to the top of the head). The mouse climbed for the first time. See what time it is. Suddenly the clock said: “Bom!” (One clap above the head). The mouse rolled head over heels. (Hands “roll” to the floor). The mouse climbed up a second time to see what time it was. Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom!” (Two claps). The mouse rolled head over heels. The mouse climbed for the third time to see what time it was. Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom, bom!” (Three claps). The mouse rolled head over heels. Game "Worms"

One two three four five,

The worms went for a walk.

(Palms lie on your knees or on the table. Bend your fingers, pull your palm towards you (movement of a crawling caterpillar), walk along the table with your index and middle fingers (the remaining fingers are pressed towards the palm).

One two three four five,

The worms went for a walk.

Suddenly a crow runs up

She nods her head

(We fold our fingers into a pinch and swing them up and down).

Croaks: “Here comes dinner!”

(We open our palm, moving away thumb down and the rest up).

Lo and behold, there are no worms!

(Clench our fists, pressing them to our chest)

Game "Kittens"

(We fold our palms, press our fingers together. Elbows rest on the table).

Our cat has ten kittens,

(We shake our hands without separating them).

Now all the kittens are in pairs:

Two fat, two nimble,

Two long, two tricky,

Two little ones

And the most beautiful ones.

(Tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the big to the little finger).

Game "Spring"

(We fold our fingers into a pinch. We swing them.)

The woodpeckers are knocking louder,

The titmice began to sing.

(Palms are closed in a “bucket”, we raise our hands up, open our palms, the sides remain pressed, fingers spread).

The sun rises early

To warm our earth.

(Movements are repeated).

The sun rises early

To warm our earth.

Streams run downhill,

All the snow has melted,

(We perform wave-like movements with our hands (fingers straightened, closed, palms turned down).

And from under the old grass

(Palms are closed in a “bucket”).

The flower is already looking...

(The palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, the fingers are open, half-bent (flower cup).

And from under the old grass

The flower is already looking

(Movements are repeated).

The bell opened

(Hands stand on the table, resting on the elbows. Fingers clenched into a fist.)

In the shade where the pine tree is,

(The fingers gradually loosen up and are freely relaxed (bell cup).

Ding-ding, rings softly,

(We swing our hands in different directions, saying “ding-ding”).

Ding-ding, spring has come.

Ding-ding, rings softly,

Ding-ding, spring has come.

Chapter 4. Mathematical competitions and leisure activities

Preschoolers love competitions and competitions, including math ones. Colorfully illustrated and musically staged competitions give them aesthetic joy, the joy of victory, and the joy of participating in joint activities with their peers. And the satisfaction they receive from engaging in mental work develops interest in mathematical activity and a desire to engage in it.

With the help of mathematical competitions you can solve a number of important learning problems:

consolidate, clarify, test children’s knowledge about quantity, magnitude, numbers, time, space, geometric shapes;

teach to apply acquired knowledge in modified game and life situations;

develop perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech;

develop the ability to analyze perceived and presented material, highlight the main thing in it, generalize it, compare, draw conclusions, reason;

develop intelligence, attention, observation, quick thinking, memory for numbers;

activate mathematical vocabulary in speech, learn to express thoughts in simple and common sentences, coherently, understandably for those present.

Mathematical competitions are valuable for the development of moral and volitional qualities: persistence in achieving goals, independence, activity, resourcefulness, fairness (when assessing the results of the competition), goodwill, courage, objective self-esteem.

Mathematical competitions are held once a quarter based on a variety of entertaining mathematical material: didactic and outdoor games, exercises with objects and toys, word games, riddles, counting rhymes, rhyme problems, joke problems, poems, stories, fragments of fairy tales, music, songs .

The material is selected taking into account the level of development of children, their knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process in the classroom, as well as interest in various types of mathematical activities.

It is necessary to consider the combination of material and the sequence of its use. First there is a warm-up. This is mental gymnastics, the purpose of which is to “collect” the attention of children and set them up to solve cognitive problems. As a warm-up, it’s good to offer simple tasks, riddles, and logical exercises.

During the competition it is recommended to use various options entertaining mathematical material accessible to children, provides for a change in mental and motor activity, collective and individual performance of tasks. It is necessary to alternate work with and without the use of visual aids, and also include different kinds children's activity. Difficult material is replaced by lighter material; at the same time, the easiest, most interesting, calming one is given at the end of the competition.

The musical accompaniment of the competition gives it a positive emotional connotation and lifts the spirits of participants and fans.

Children especially love competitions, competitions on a specific topic related to one plot, for example, “Sellers Competition,” “Geometric Competition,” “Catch-up,” etc. While maintaining the theme and plot of the competition, the teacher can complicate or simplify the tasks depending on the level of development of the children, their knowledge and skills.

The teacher warns children about a particular competition two to three days in advance. Children prepare for it, help them choose the necessary aids and attributes.

At the beginning of the competition, before warm-up or even earlier, children are divided into two teams. If there are few children in the group, you can not divide them into teams, but hold a competition between all the children in the group, rating the best answers, for example, with stars or flags.

Teams choose names and captains. If the children themselves find it difficult, the teacher can suggest names. It’s good when the team name is related to the theme and content of the competition. So, in the competition for children capable of mathematics, “Come on, little star, light up!” teams can be called “Stars” and “Know-It-Alls”; in the competition “Let's help Dunno and Pochemuchka maintain their friendship” - “Good Guys” and “Brave Guys”; in the “Geometric Competition” - “Balls” and “Cubes”, etc.

The competition is led by the teacher. He evaluates the children’s answers, the tasks they completed, and motivates his assessments. During the competition, the teacher uses indirect management techniques: reminder, advice, clarification, suggestion, clarification of answers. Leading and prompting questions will be appropriate. It is important that all children understand the essence of the tasks, as well as acceptable methods of solution.

At the end of the competition, the number of stars, flags, candies or other prizes received for completing tasks is counted. The winning team or winning children are determined and awarded with souvenirs and badges. Losing participants of the competition also receive memorable gifts. The children greet the winning team with applause.

Competitions can be held in a group room or in a room decorated with mathematical material.

During the competition, the teacher monitors the condition of the children, their mood, and desire to continue the competition. Depending on this, it can be extended or shortened. It is important that children look forward to math competitions and take part with pleasure.

The purpose of the competition is for teachers to test their professional knowledge and skills. They can be carried out both in kindergarten and in teacher training colleges - as a type of practical exercise.


Kindergarten, as we know, is an intermediate stage between infancy and school. This stage is incredibly responsible, since the child must go to school with a decent amount of knowledge and life skills behind him. Basic mathematical concepts are taught to children in kindergarten. But today’s kids, it turns out, are much more restless than previous generations! It is almost impossible to make them sit in one place, and any training requires perseverance, patience and attention. What can be done to instill in them the necessary knowledge, avoiding the usual moralizing and boringness? Phrases like these: “Sit quietly!”, “Listen carefully!” will scare anyone away. Then there is only one way out - GAME!

Luckily, the numbers fit happily into the game's action. The first thing we must do is to interest the children. And if interest appears, then there will also be a desire to become more closely acquainted with mathematics. The second is to organize creative and active cooperation between children and the teacher. We must remember that for this we will need a large amount of visual material, otherwise it is impossible, especially with regard to mathematical calculations, where we cannot do without clarity.

Play is a natural way for a child to develop. Nature created us this way, because it is no coincidence that baby animals acquire all their vital skills through play. Only in play does a child joyfully and easily, like a flower under the sun, reveal his Creative skills, masters new skills and knowledge, develops dexterity, observation, imagination, memory, learns to think, analyze, overcome difficulties, while simultaneously absorbing invaluable communication experience.

Of course, you can’t do without the educational process of doing mathematics. But it’s up to us to make it fun and exciting. We must remember that the key word in the classroom should be the word - CREATIVITY!


1.Novikova V.P. Mathematics in kindergarten. 5-6 years: Lesson notes. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008.

2.Novikova V.P. Mathematics in kindergarten. 6-7 years: Lesson notes. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008.

3. Durova N.V., Novikova V.P. Developmental exercises to prepare children for school. - M.: School Press, 2009.

4.Novikova V.P., Tikhonova L.I. Geometric mosaic in integrated classes. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2007.

5. Durova N.V., Novikova V.P. Steps to knowledge: a manual for parents with children aged 5-6 years. – M.: Childhood – press, 2003.

6.Novikova V.P. My watch: Time, clock, calendar: practical lessons: for children 5-7 years old. – M.: Karapuz, 2003.

7.Kanashevich.T. Mathematics. Spatial relations. – M.: Modern School, 2008.

8. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in senior group kindergarten. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2009.

9. Falkovich T.A., Barylkina L.P. Formation of mathematical concepts. - M.: VAKO, 2009.

10. Program of education and training in kindergarten. / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

Avdeeva Svetlana
The importance of “finger gymnastics” in the development of children

The meaning of “Finger gymnastics”

in child development preschool age

(consultations for parents).

There is a short but exciting period in life when baby brain capable of extreme formation and learning - this is preschool age. And this period is called the “tender age.” Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and sensitive in the matter of child development. Notice with what joy and attention the child learns ANY information, acquires ANY skills without additional motivation with ease and excitement.

Statements of famous people.

1. “A child’s mind is at his fingertips.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

2. “The hand is the tool of all tools.” Aristotle.

3. “The hand is a kind of external brain.” Kant.

4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his novel about education "Emile" about needs small child wrote this: “...he wants to touch everything, take everything in his hands. Not to disturb him is a necessary matter for him. This is how he learns to distinguish between heat and cold, hardness and softness, heaviness, size, and shape of objects. The child learns about the properties of things around him by comparing what he sees with the sensations he receives from his hands..."

"Finger gymnastics"- This is a fun, exciting and useful activity! Finger games develop a child's brain, stimulate speech development, creativity, and imagination. Simple movements help relieve not only tension in the arms themselves, but also weaken the muscles of the whole body. They are able to improve the pronunciation of many sounds; the better the fingers and the whole hand work, the BETTER THE CHILD SPEAKS! Why is this so?

Performing exercises, rhythmic movements of the fingers, inductively leads to excitation in the speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech. The nerve endings responsible for the functioning of the human hand have the largest “representation” in the cerebral cortex (especially the thumb). Moreover, they are located next to the organs of speech and hearing and have the closest relationship. And that is why the child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers achieve sufficient accuracy. Hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech.

As a result, the goal "finger gymnastics" there is a development of the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and the synchronization of their work. In the right hemisphere, various images of objects and phenomena arise, and in the left hemisphere they find their verbal expression; the stronger this relationship, the more active thought processes, more precisely, attention, thinking.

« Finger games» - a good helper to prepare a child's hand for learning at school and writing.

What happens when a child does “finger gymnastics”?

Speech development.

"Finger gymnastics" creates not only a favorable background and develops the ability to imitate an adult, but also teaches one to listen and understand the meaning of speech, and increases the child’s speech activity.

Speech accompanied by moving images is more expressive and understandable to the baby. The poetic form of the presentation of the material has an appropriate rhythm, which helps to coordinate speech and movements. If a child performs exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, then his speech will become clearer, rhythmic, bright, and control over the movements performed will increase.


By playing with his fingers, the child develops memory, as he learns to remember certain hand positions and sequences of movements. It’s easier for a child to learn and remember a nursery rhyme, poem, or fairy tale after just a few readings. Text supported by action is remembered very quickly and for a long time, several times faster than during normal reading. The child quickly begins to associate visual images with the corresponding text in his mind.

Preparing your hand for writing.

As a result of mastering all the exercises, the hands and fingers will gain strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will make it easier to master the skill of writing in the future. A child’s strong, skillful, dexterous fingers are the key to his future success in writing. Drawing, handicrafts, construction, etc. The child’s hands are not yet very coordinated, but mental development The baby is ahead of his graphic skills.


The most important way for a preschool child to learn and develop is imitation. Our children imitate everything they see, good and bad, simply because imitation is their innate ability and leading activity. But imitation is not developed equally in all children. It depends on the ability to maintain attention.


At first, a child's gaze is drawn to movement. Fingers create certain shapes, which, thanks to speech, are formed into images. The baby’s incredible imagination begins to actively work, and instead of simple fingers, a whole gallery of images appears. Having mastered many exercises, he will be able to “tell” whole stories with his hands.


As a rule, emotional speech is supported by gestures, and they, in turn, add expressiveness to words. Children who have completed the “finger play school” master the dynamics of gestures more easily, are more relaxed and sociable.

First mathematical concepts.

"Finger gymnastics"- This wonderful material for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (FEMP, starting from counting and ending with the following categories: right-left, higher-lower, further-closer, longer-shorter, more-less, day-night, etc. These concepts are supported by the plot and gestures Therefore, they are clear and accessible to the baby.

Rules of speech behavior.

1) speak a lot and correctly yourself;

2) monitor the pace of speech (speech should be leisurely, measured, accessible to the baby);

3) listen to the child without turning away from him, look into his eyes. Show interest;

4) do not interrupt the child (“that’s enough, I understand everything!”);

5) do not use slang language!

We need to help children settle into their living space more easily and comfortably, just play with the child!

1. Before the game, you need to discuss its content with the child, and immediately practice the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare children to perform the exercise correctly, but will also create a positive emotional mood.

2. It is advisable for an adult to know the text.

3. Before starting the exercise, children warm up their palms by stroking them until they feel pleasantly warm.

4. All exercises are performed at a slow pace, first with one hand (if the participation of both hands is not provided), then with the other, and then with both hands at the same time.

5. Show your own passion for the game.

6. It is necessary to involve, if possible, all fingers.

7. Make sure that the child correctly reproduces and maintains the position of the hand or fingers and correctly switches from one movement to another. If necessary, help your child or teach him to help himself with his other hand.

8. It is necessary to ensure that the exercises are performed easily, bring joy to the child, without excessive strain on the hands.

9. Each exercise has its own name, lasts several minutes and is repeated 2-3 times during the day.

10. Any exercise will be effective only with regular exercise. Exercise daily for about 5 minutes.

11. Do not set several difficult tasks for your child at once, the attention span is limited, and an impossible task can “discourage” interest in the game.

12. Having chosen 2-3 exercises, gradually replace them with new ones.

13. When playing the game repeatedly, children often begin to partially pronounce the text (especially the beginning or end of phrases). Gradually learning the text by heart, pronounce it in its entirety, correctly correlating words with movements.

14. For better understanding of the game, you can choose an appropriate illustration. Created visual image. First, show your child a color drawing and explain how the exercise should be performed. Gradually, the need for explanations will disappear. You show the child, name the exercise, and the child remembers what position of the hands or fingers he should reproduce.

15. Great importance is given to “finger gymnastics” accompanied by music. She gives a lot positive emotions and children really like it.

16. Distribute games according to difficulty.

It is better to divide all games into three groups.

1 group. Exercise for hands:

They develop the ability to imitate, are quite simple, and do not require subtle differentiated movements;

They learn to tense and relax muscles;

Develop the ability to maintain the position of the fingers for some time;

They learn to switch from one movement to another.

For example:


Initial position. The fingers of both hands are collected in a “Pinch” and the tips touch.

“Inflating the ball”: we give our fingers the position that occurs when our hands hold a ball or ball.

“The ball burst”: the fingers return to their original position.

I inflated an elastic ball

A mosquito bit him.

The balloon bursts - no problem,

I'll inflate a new balloon.

2nd group. The finger exercise is conditionally static.

Improves previously acquired skills to a higher level and requires more precise movements.

For example:


Initial position. Make rings with both hands. Bring it to your eyes, simulating glasses.

Here are the rings - look!

Turns into glasses!

3rd group. Dynamic finger exercises:

Develop precise coordination of movements;

They learn to bend and straighten their fingers;

They are taught to oppose the thumb to the rest.

For example:


The movements of the fingers illustrate the poetic lines.

Initial position. Place your hands vertically and connect them. Place your rounded palms with fingers spread to the sides.

Scarlet flowers in the morning

The petals open.

Move your palms, folded like a flower, from right to left, while moving your fingers.

The breeze will blow-

The flowers are exciting.

Gradually close the fingers, performing the BUD exercise. They swing the “buds” back and forth.

And in the evening all the flowers

The petals close

They shake their heads,

They fall asleep quietly.

Place your palms folded together under your cheek.

When many of the movements are well known to the child, you can perform the following game tasks:

1. Memorize and repeat a series of movements according to verbal instructions, starting with two movements and ending with three, four or more.

2. “Tell with your hands” small stories, fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. First, you come up with a story yourself, then invite your child to write his own story.

3. Of course, it is better and easier to use illustrations with a diagram of hand movements (there are now a huge number of wonderful books). First, the child remembers the movements with the help of a picture, then they will repeat them without an illustration.

4. For a more complex task, lay out several cards on the table and ask them to come up with new story using pictures. Then tell the story using your hands.

I wish you a great and exciting game with your child!

Bugaeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Educational institution: KSU "Kalinovskaya" high school" mini-center "Smile"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2016-12-23 The role of finger games and physical education minutes in the formation of mathematical concepts in children Bugaeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna KSU "Kalinovskaya Secondary School" mini-center "Smile" Methodological topic: the role of finger games and physical education minutes in the formation of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age. Finger games and physical education develop memory and speech.

The role of finger games and physical education minutes in the formation of mathematical concepts in children

Methodological topic: “Development of mathematical abilities of children 5-6 years old through play activities”

Work period: 2013-2018

Subject:The role of finger games and physical education minutes in the formation of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.

Work period: 2014-2015

There is a short but truly unique period in a person's life when the child's brain is programmed for intensive formation and learning. And at the same time, it is no coincidence that this period of a child’s life is called “tender age.” You need to be very careful and sensitive in matters of development and education of children. early age.
Not only teachers, but also parents notice with what joy children absorb any information, acquire any skills without additional information with ease and excitement. However, at present, much attention is paid to studying the influence of finger games on the development of fine motor skills and speech in preschool children.
Finger games develop a child's brain, stimulate speech development, help show creativity and imagination, and contribute to the formation of mathematical concepts. Some finger games are aimed at learning to count, while others introduce the baby to the names of body parts and the fingers themselves. In some finger games, the baby must act with both hands at once - this helps him better navigate in space, master concepts such as high-low, right-left. Finger games provide an opportunity for parents and educators to develop mathematical concepts in a way that is fun for children. And it is also important to arouse and consolidate a stable interest in mathematics in children. Thus, finger games are the most effective, interesting and convenient way formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children.To relieve mental fatigue during exercise, physical education minutes are often used. The purpose of holding a physical education minute is to increase the mental performance of children in classes, to provide short-term active rest for children during classes, when the organs of vision and hearing experience significant stress; muscles of the trunk, especially the back, which is in a static state; muscles of the hands. Mental fatigue is recognized primarily by decreased attention.

Target: the formation of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age through finger games and physical education sessions.


1. To develop children’s emotional responsiveness through finger games and physical education sessions with mathematical content.

2. Develop independence of cognition, encourage the manifestation of creative initiative.

3.Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

4. A selection of card files: physical education minutes, finger games.


1.Averina I.E. Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions: practical allowance. – 4th ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2008.

2.33 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles for children (6-7 years old)./Auth.-comp. Nikitina A.V. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.

3. Alyabyeva E.A. Total days by lexical topics: Planning and notes: Book. 1 – M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 224 p. - (Development program).

View certificate of publication

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Finger gymnastics for children



The pads of the thumbs do not simply touch the pads of the remaining fingers one by one, but press on them with force.


Press your bent fingers firmly against your palms.


When unclenching your fists, strain your straightened fingers.


Move straight, tense fingers together and apart.


Connect the palms of both hands, cross and bend your fingers, press them to the back of your hands.


The position of the palms is as in the previous exercise, but the crossed fingers are straight and tense.


The thumb and index fingers rhythmically touch the pads, the remaining fingers are straightened and pressed against each other.


Connect the pads of the thumb, middle and ring fingers; Straighten your index finger and little finger and move them.


Tilt the straight index finger left and right, the remaining fingers are bent into a fist.


Keep your hands parallel to each other, with pressure, rhythmically connect the pads of the fingers of the same name (“knock” with the pads).


Straight fingers apart, tense - rhythmically bend the first and second phalanges of the fingers.


Jumping on branches

Little squirrel.

The tail flashes among the branches. Who will keep up with her?

Use your thumb to touch the remaining fingers in turn, performing the exercise first with one hand, then with the other.

“Who sleeps in winter?”

The bear in the den sleeps soundly, snoring all winter until spring.

Chipmunks sleep in winter,

Prickly hedgehog and badger.

Only the bunny can’t sleep - he’s running away from the fox.

He flashes among the bushes, He chattered - and he was like that!

Squeeze your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger. Show your thumb and rotate it. Connect the thumb of the right hand with the index finger of the left and vice versa

"Visiting a fairy tale"

One, two, three, four, five - We love to read fairy tales.

Princess Frog,

The Little Humpbacked Horse,

Little Mouse and Kolobok. We still need to name the chicken Ryaba - we are happy to remember the heroes from fairy tales.

Unclench your fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger. Clench your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.

Let's call fairy tales:

This fairy tale is “Teremok”.

This fairy tale is “Kolobok”.

This fairy tale is “Turnip”:

About granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather.

"The wolf and the seven Young goats" -

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

They stretch their arms forward, playing with their fingers. Alternately touch the others with your thumb, starting with your index finger. Show thumbs up.

"Fun Meeting"

Hello kitten!

Hello, little goat!

Hello, puppy!

And hello, duckling!

Hello, cheerful, funny pig!

Extend your fingers, starting with the little finger, move each finger, greeting the animals.

"Funny men"

Funny people were running past the river.

Jumped, galloped,

We greeted the sun.

We climbed onto the bridge

And they hammered a nail.

Then we plunge into the river.

Where are the little men?

“Men”-fingers run along the “paths”-hands of children standing opposite each other. Jump your fingers on each other's shoulders. Gently place your hands on your friend's cheeks. Make a bridge using your hands. Knock your fists. Bend over and swing your arms freely. Hide your fingers under each other's armpits.


for the development of fine motor skills without speech accompaniment

1. The tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers (“fingers say hello”).

2. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

3. The same exercise is performed simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hands.

4. The fingers of the right hand touch the fingers of the left hand in turn (“say hello”): first the thumb with the thumb, then the index finger with the index finger, etc.

5. The fingers of the right hand all simultaneously “hello” the fingers of the left hand.

6. Straighten the index finger of your right hand and rotate it (“wasp”).

7. The same movements are made with the index finger of the left hand.

8. The same movements are simultaneously made by the index fingers of both hands (“wasps”).

9. The index and middle fingers of the right hand “run” across the table (“little man”).

10. The same movements are made with the fingers of the left hand.

11. The same movements are simultaneously made by the fingers of both hands (“Children are running a race”).

12. Extend the index finger to the little finger of the right hand (“Goat”).

13. The same exercise is performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“Kids”).

14. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

15. Form two circles from a large and index finger both hands, connecting them (“Glasses”).

16. Extend the index and middle fingers of your right hand upward, and connect the tip of the ring and little fingers to the seal of the thumb (“bunny”).

17. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

18. The same - simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“hares”).

19. Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers spread wide (“trees”).

20. With the fingers of both hands raised towards you back side, make an up and down movement (“birds are flying, flapping their wings”).

21. Bend the fingers of your right hand one by one, starting with the thumb.

22. Perform the same exercises, only bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.

23. Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand.

24. Bend the fingers of your right hand into a fist, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb.

25. Perform the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the little finger.

26. Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand.

27. Connect all fingers except the thumb together, extend the thumb upward (“flag”).

28. Bend both hands into fists, extend your thumbs up, bring them closer (“two people are talking”).

29. Clench your right hand into a fist, and lean your left hand vertically (“stream” - “chair”).

30. Clench your right hand into a fist, place your left hand horizontally on top of it (“table”).

31. Bend the fingers of your left hand into a fist, leaving a hole on top, leaving a hole on top (“a barrel of water”).

32. Left hand in the same left position, insert the index finger of the right hand into the hole from above (“the bird is drinking water”).

33. Bend the fingers of both hands slightly and apply them to each other (“bowl” - “nest”).

34. Both hands are in the same position as in the previous exercise, and the thumbs are down inside (“bird’s nest with eggs”).

35. Holding your fingers up, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands, raise your thumbs up or extend them horizontally inward (“gate”, “door”). 36. Connect the fingertips of your right and left hands at an angle (“roof”, “tower”, “house”).

37. Hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only place the index fingers horizontally in front of the “roof”.

38. The fingers are in the same position as in the previous two exercises, only the thumbs are on both sides of the “counter” (represented by the index fingers located horizontally) and “talk” to each other.

39. Raise your hands up with your palms facing each other, place your fingers horizontally, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands (“bridge”, “road”, “house”). 40. Hands in a vertical position, press the palms of both hands together, then slightly spread them, rounding the fingers (“cup”, “flower”).

41. Press your hands with the backs of each other, lower your fingers down (“plant roots”).

42. Extend the index finger of the right hand, the remaining fingers “run along the table” (“the dog is running”, “the horse is running”).

43. The fingers of the right hand are in the same position as in the previous exercise, but spread the index and middle fingers of the virgin hand (they represent the “rider”), place the “rider” on the “horse” - the index finger of the right hand.

44. Place your right hand on the table, raise your index and middle fingers, spread them (“snail with antennae”).

45. Right hand - as in the previous exercise, and put the reconciliation (“snail shell”) with your left hand.

46. ​​Middle and ring finger press your right hand with your thumb to your palm, bend your index finger and little finger, raise your hand up (“cat”).

47. Connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers of the right hand, index finger and little finger, bending slightly, lift up (“cat”, “dog”).

48. Bend your left hand into a fist, raise your thumb up, wrap it around the fingers of your right hand (“bird in the nest”).

49. Point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, open them slightly (“boat”).

50. Cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers (“sun rays”).

51. Press the back sides together, cross your fingers, lift them (“Christmas tree”, “branches”).

52. Cross the fingers of both hands, the backs of the hands facing upward. Lower the middle finger of your right hand down and rotate it freely (“bell”).

53. Crossed fingers facing down, the backs of the hands facing up, thumbs extended upward (“passengers on the bus”).

54. Rolling plastic balls.

55. Tearing paper into small pieces.

56. Stringing rings, large buttons, beads.

57. Fastening buttons.

58. Untying and tying knots.

59. Lacing boots.

60. Folding pyramids, houses, etc.

61. Game "mailbox".

62. Modeling, drawing, shading, working with mosaics, sticks, construction sets, etc.

63. Finger games (“white-sided magpie”, “Indian ladder”).

64. Shadow theater.

Correction exercises stereognosis

Stereognosis (stereo + Greek gnosis cognition)- this is the ability to recognize objects by feeling them.

a) determining the texture of various objects with eyes closed, first with the “best” then with the “worst” hand;

b) developing the ability to determine the shape of various objects by touch, first with the “best” hand, then with the “worst” hand;

c) determining the shape of various geometric bodies by size, thickness, etc.;

d) determining the texture of the fabric by touch;

e) identification of three-dimensional numbers and letters by touch;

f) sorting 2 and 3 types of objects by touch.

Finger gymnastics complexes

1. Palms on the table (count “one-two” with fingers apart and together).

2. Palm - fist - rib (counting “one, two, three”)

3. Fingers shake hands (on the count of “one-two-three-four-five” the fingers of both hands are connected: thumb to thumb, index to index, etc.)

4. Little man (the index and middle fingers of the right and then the left hand run across the table, the same movements are made simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“children run a race”)

5. Children run a race (movements are the same as in the fourth exercise, but perform both hands at the same time)

6. Ring (the tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers; perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand; perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hands)

7. A barrel of water (bend the fingers of your left hand into a fist, leaving a hole at the top)

8. Alternately raising and lowering the fingers (the hands are on the table):

a) right hand,

b) left hand,

c) both hands at the same time.

Finger gymnastics

1.Flag (pull your thumb up, connect the rest together)

2. Birds (alternately the thumb is connected to the rest)

3. Nest (connect both hands in the form of a bowl, clasp fingers tightly)

4. Flower (the same, but the fingers are separated)

5. Plant roots (press the roots-hands with their backs to each other, lower your fingers down)

6. Horns (hands in a fist, only the little fingers and index fingers raised up, synchronously)

7. Freely pat your hands on the table alternately and simultaneously

8. “Claws” - strong half-flexion and extension of the fingers.

1. Bee (rotate the index finger of the right and then the left hand around)

2. Bees (the same exercise is performed with both hands)

3. Boat (point the ends of the fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, slightly opening them)

4. Sun rays(cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers)

5. Passengers on a bus (fingers crossed down, backs of hands up, thumbs up)

6. Ears (we show the Latin letter “V” with the fingers of both hands, synchronously)

7. Fist-palm. The arms are extended forward at chest level. One hand is clenched into a fist and bent at the elbow at the same time, the other with the palm straightened down, then the position of the hands changes

8. Scissors - spreading the fingers apart and bringing together first one, then the other hand, then both hands together.

Finger gymnastics

1. Lock (on the count of “one” - palms are together, and on the count of “two” - the fingers are connected into a lock)

2. The Fox and the Hare (the fox is sneaking - all fingers slowly walk forward on the table;

the hare runs away - fingering, quickly moving backwards)

3. Spider (fingers bent, slowly moving across the table)

4. Butterfly (put your palms together with the backs of your hands, wave your fingers tightly clenched together)

5. Count to four (the thumb is connected alternately with all the others)

6. Bend, unbend (bend the fingers of your right hand into a fist, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb; do the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the little finger; perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand)

7. Ring fist. The fingers of one hand are clenched into a fist, and the fingers of the other take turns with the thumb to form a ring, then the positions of the hands change

8. Raising the hands to the sides without opening the wrists (arms extended forward)

Nursery rhyme
Come on, brothers, let's get to work!

Show your hunting.

The big one needs to chop wood.

The stoves are all yours to light.

And you should carry water.

And you have to cook dinner.

And for the little one to sing songs.

Sing songs and dance,

To amuse siblings.

Children turn to their right hand, bent into a fist, bending all fingers in turn.

Finger gymnastics

1. Flexion-extension of fingers (alternately bend the fingers of the right hand, starting with the thumb; perform the same exercise, only bend the fingers, starting with the little finger; perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of the left hand)

2. Bowl (fingers of both hands slightly bent and placed next to each other)

3.Roof (connect the fingertips of the right and left hands at an angle)

4. Magazine (hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only place the index fingers in a horizontal position in front of the roof)

5.Flower (hands in a vertical position, press the palms of both hands together, then slightly spread them, rounding the fingers)

6.Birds are flying (with the fingers of both hands, raised with the back of them towards you, make up and down movements)

7. Press alternately with the pads of your fingers on the surface of the table. Performed first with one, then with the other, and then with both hands simultaneously.

8. Exercises with a lock (fingers intertwined, palms clenched): squeezing the palms, turning, tilting left and right, unclenching the fingers without releasing the lock - “Sun rays”.

Hand massage

It is carried out first on one hand, then on the other.

1. Stroking from the fingertips to the middle of the hand from the outside and back

2. Finger kneading: intense circular movements around every finger

3. Exercise “Magpie-white-sided”

4. Intense movements of the thumb back and forth, up and down, in a circle

5. Flexion-extension of all fingers at the same time

6. Flexion-extension of the arm at the wrist joint

7. Intensive rubbing of each finger

8. Acupressure of each finger between the phalanges from the lateral and

front-back sides

9. “Fingers go to bed”: alternately bending the fingers, then straightening them simultaneously, accompanied by a poem:

This finger wants to sleep

This finger jumped into the bed

This finger took a nap

This little finger is already asleep.

Hush, little finger, don't make noise,

Don't wake up your brothers.

Fingers stood up, hurray!

IN kindergarten it's time to go.

10. “Fingers say hello”

11. Repeat the first exercise.

Self-massage of hands and fingers

1. Pressing tightly squeezed four fingers of one hand on the base of the thumb, the middle of the palm, the base of the fingers of the other hand.

2. Rubbing the palms with a hexagonal pencil with a gradual increase in effort.

3. Rubbing your palms with up and down movements.

4. Rubbing the side surfaces of clasped fingers.

5. Kneading, then rubbing each finger lengthwise, then crosswise.

6. Place the walnut between your palms and make circular movements, gradually increasing the pressure and pace. You can perform the exercise with two walnuts, rolling one over the other, with one hand, then with the other.

7. Pressing the unsharpened pencil onto the painful points of the palm, then rotating the pencil to the right and left.

8. Kneading the right hand with the fingers of the left and vice versa, then rubbing alternately.

Relaxation of fingers and hands

The child reproduces actions with some real object. “Painting the fence” movement of the hand up and down, left and right.

“Let's pet the kitten” smooth stroking movements are performed first with one hand, then with the other.

“The chicken is drinking water”: the elbows rest on the table, the fingers are folded in the form of a beak; rhythmic forward bending of the arms.

“Musicians”, with hand movements, the child copies the game on various musical instruments.

“Salt the soup”: the elbows rest on the table, the fingers of both hands reproduce the corresponding movements.

Make soft fists that can be easily unclenched and into which an adult can stick his fingers, and strong ones that cannot be unclenched.

« Weather"
Cold. Autumn. my fingers

They all scold the cold days.

The dandelion finger (little finger) complains:

How cold it is!

The index finger whispers barely audibly:

What if it snows? The middle finger grumbles:

The wind made me deaf! The ring finger screams:

Ah ah ah! Sun, come out!

Big Thumb exclaims:

It's a pity I'm not wearing boots!

Give me the casing!

We rub and stroke our fingers

"Ten Fingers"
Ten thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree, and there were nine of them left.

Nine thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree, and there were eight of them left.

Eight thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree, and there were seven of them left.

Seven thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree, and there were six of them left.

Six thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree, and there were five of them left.

Five thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree, and there were four of them left.

Four thin fingers were picking mushrooms.

One fell asleep under the tree,

And there are three of them left………

"Your fingers"
This finger is the biggest.

The most cheerful, the funniest!

(Show your child your thumb and rub it.)

This finger is the index finger.

He is respectable and attentive.

(Point to something

index finger.)

This finger is middle

Neither the first nor the last.

(Bend your middle finger.)

This finger is the ring finger,

He doesn't like semolina porridge.

(Bend your ring finger

as if he doesn't want porridge.)

The smallest one is the little finger,

Loves to run to the store!

(Stick out your little finger as if he

wants to escape from the other fingers.)

Thick and big finger

I went to the garden to pick plums.

Index from the threshold

Showed him the way

The middle finger is the most accurate

He knocks plums off the branch.

Nameless eats

And the little finger is gentleman

Plants seeds in the ground.

(based on a folk song)

A squirrel sits on a cart

Sells his nuts;

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the clubfooted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

(extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

"Autumn leaves"
One two three four five,

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

We will collect leaves.

(clench and unclench your fists)

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long.

This fat pig was scratching his back on the fence

This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose

This fat pig drew something himself

This fat pig is lazy and impudent

I wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all my brothers out of the way

Take turns stroking your baby's fingers, first the little and ring fingers, then the middle and index fingers.

This is the thumb

He's like a fat boy

I ate ten servings of porridge,

That's why I got fat.

This is the index finger,

He is the most attentive

He will see everything, but will not say,

It will only point to the side.

The middle finger is here,

He lives in the heart.

And to the other finger

No name was given

That's why nameless

Everyone called him.

Well, this finger -

A little boy,

The little finger is called -

The hand ends there.

Tukkaeva Zarema Kazbekovna

Finger games for preschool children

Mikhalenok Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Place of work: NDOU kindergarten No. 68 JSC Russian Railways, Bryansk
Description of material: I present to your attention a selection of finger games for preschool children. This material will be useful for educators, speech therapists and parents.
Target: Development of children's logorhythmic abilities.

What are finger games for?

To the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky owns the saying: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.” Today, all mothers and fathers, without exception, know that playing with fingers develops the child’s brain, stimulates the development of speech, creativity, and imagination of the baby. Simple movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. In general, the better the fingers and the entire hand work, the better baby speaks. To determine the level of speech development, speech therapists have long developed the following method: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers and three. Children who are able to make isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and straighten only together and cannot move separately from each other, then these are children with problems in speech development.

The fact is that the hand has the largest “representation” in the cerebral cortex, therefore the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain and the development of speech. And that is why the child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers achieve sufficient accuracy. The child’s hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. In addition, the goal of classes to develop dexterity and accuracy of the fingers is to develop the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and the synchronization of their work. The fact is that in the right hemisphere of the brain we have various images of objects and phenomena, and in the left they are verbalized, that is, they find verbal expression, and this process occurs thanks to the “bridge” between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, the faster and more often nerve impulses travel along it, the more active the thought processes, more precisely the attention, the higher the abilities.

If you want your child to speak well, learn quickly and easily, and deftly perform even the most delicate work, start developing his hands: fingers and hands from an early age.

In China, exercises with stone and metal balls are common. Regular exercise with them improves memory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, eliminate emotional stress, develop coordination of movements, strength and dexterity, and maintain vitality. And in Japan, exercises for palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between your palms has an excellent effect.

At the most different nations Finger games have been widespread for a long time. So, from an early age, our children were taught to play “Ladushki”, “White-sided Magpie”, “Horned Goat”. Today, experts are reviving old games and inventing new ones.
I present to your attention finger games that I use in practice.

Autumn leaves.
There is silence in the forest,
Smooth hand movements.
You can barely hear the rustling of the forest
Raise your finger to your lips.
The wind will blow stronger
Hand movements left and right
The leaf will rustle more boldly Sh-Sh-Sh... Louder.
The wind will blow again, a leaf will fly off the branch:
Raise your arms above your head and gently lower them down, rotating your hands
He will dance and sing
And it will fall to the ground.
Place your hands on the table.


Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
Alternately touch your fingertips to each other, starting with the thumb.
Hello, free breeze! Hello, little oak tree!
We live in the same region, I greet you all.
Close your fingers, open and close your fingers.


The tap was opened: chick-chick,
Rotational movements of the brush.
They washed their hands: chic, chic.
Rub your palms together.

Let the water run
Smooth movements of the palms.
We'll wash our face.
We rub our palms with soap,
Simulate hand washing.
Let's get wet with a towel.

Lightly patting each other's palms.

Here are clean palms,
Show palms.
We'll clap a little!


One day the mice came out
“Walking” with your fingers on the table.
See what time it is.
Tapping index
with the finger of the right hand on the back of the palm of the left hand.
One two three four
Bend the fingers on your right hand one at a time.
The mice pulled the weights.
Make both hands into a fist and lower.
Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -

Get out of here, mice!
Fingers are running away.


If only we want
Clench and unclench your fists.
Let's make everything out of snow! Kolya makes a bun, ,Make pies.
Tanya sculpts the tower,
Place your palms together.
Sveta sculpts different fish,
Press your palms together
make wave-like movements.

Sasha is sculpting a white mushroom.
Make a fist with one hand and cover it with the palm of the other hand.


The first drops fell
Tap the fingers of one on the palm of the other.
The spiders were scared.
Fingers are running away.
The rain began to pound harder
Light pops.
The birds disappeared among the branches.
Wave your arms.
The rain poured down like buckets,
Loud claps.
The kids ran away.
Lightning flashes in the sky,
P use your hand to lighten the lightning.
Thunder breaks the whole sky,
Knock your fists on the table.
And then the sun came out of the clouds
Raise your hands up, lower them and move your fingers at the same time.
He will look at us through the window again.

Magic palms.

Raise your palms higher
Raise your hands up and close
house above your head.

And close it over your head.
What happened? The roof came out
And under it you and I. Raise your palms higher
Place your hands in front of your chest
squeeze your fingers.

And close them in an arc.
What happened? The geese came out:
Here's one, and here's another.
Clench and unclench your fingers.
Raise your palms higher
Place your hands in front of your chest Touch each other with the tips of your straight fingers.
And close it in front of you.
What happened? A bridge has emerged, the bridge is strong and large.


That's what a cat is
Place your hands in front of your chest
lowering your hands down, shake your head.

Round face.
And on every paw
Place your palm around your face.
Scratchy claws.
Clench and unclench your fists.
The cat sharpens its claws
Scrape your fingers across the table.
They are very sharp.
And then he plays -
Fingers are running across the table.
The ball is catching up.

My family.

I know what I have
Clench and unclench your fists.
Friendly family at home:
This is mom, this is me,
Bend your fingers one by one.
This is my grandmother
This is dad, this is grandfather,
And we have no discord.
Clasp your hands.


There is a hut-house under the fungus,
Place your palms in front of you.
A cheerful gnome lives there.
We'll knock softly
Tap the fist of one hand on the palm of the other.
Let's ring the bell.
Shake your clenched fist.
The gnome will open the door for us,
He will invite you to a hut.
Inviting movements with hands.
The house has a plank floor,
Press your palms together.
And on it is an oak table,
Clench one hand into a fist and cover it with the palm of the other hand.
Nearby is a chair with a high back,
Make a fist with your other hand
put your palm on it.

There is a plate with a fork on the table
Show the palm of one hand,
On the second, spread your fingers.

And there are mountains of pancakes -
Show the mountain.
Treats for the kids.
Place your hands in front of you
palms up.


Needle, needle,
Children turn their index finger left and right.
You are sharp and subtle.
Don't prick my finger
Wag your finger.
Shay sundress.
Simulate sewing movements
Needle, needle, Shay, don’t be lazy! Mashenka, Mashenka,
Wag your finger.
Be careful not to inject yourself!

We decorate the Christmas tree.

We hung up the toys
From the stand to the top!
Raise your hands from bottom to top.
Colored balls,
Rotate your fists.
Wave-like movements of the hands.
Golden cockerels,
Place your hands on your head like a comb.
Multi-colored flags.
Squeeze four fingers together, place thumb perpendicular.
The firecracker slammed loudly -
Clap your hands. Bang! All the toys rang:
Rotation of brushes.


I chop wood with an ax,
Movement of the palms from top to bottom.
And then I cut with a saw,
Movement of palms back and forth.
I'll take them to grandma
Fingers are running across the table.
To bake pancakes.
,Bake pancakes.


Look softly cat
Clench and unclench your hands into fists.
Unclenches his claws
And squeezes them lightly
She scares the mouse so much.
Fingers are running across the table.


Can you count your fingers?
Bend the fingers on your right hand one by one.
On the other hand again -

One two three four five.
Ten fingers - a pair of hands,
Squeeze and unclench your hands into a lock.
Here is your wealth, friend!

We are building a house.

All day - here and there
Bang your fists against each other.
There is a loud knock.
We are building a house, a big house
Fold your hands into a house and raise them above your head.
And with a porch and a chimney.
Place your palms in front of you
horizontally, close, turn to vertical position

We'll decorate the house
Imitate brush movements.
We'll put a flag at the top,
Tap your fist on your palm.
We'll bring flowers
Spread your arms to the sides.
New home, meet the residents!
Place your hands on your chest, lightly
lean forward.

They will live in the house:
Bunny, with a bear and an elephant.
Alternately: put your hands to your head, spread them to the sides, make elephant ears.

Let's help mom.

One two three four,
Alternately bend your fingers
right hand.

We washed the dishes: Kettle, cup, ladle, spoon
Bend the fingers on your left hand one by one.
And a big ladle.
We washed the dishes
Imitate washing movements.
We just broke the cup.
Alternately touch your fingertips to each other.
The ladle also fell apart,
The teapot's nose was broken, we also broke the spoon -
This is how we helped mom.
Clench and unclench your fists.


The woodpeckers are knocking louder,
Knock on the fist with one hand
palm of the other.

The titmice began to sing.
Place your fingers in a pinch, squeeze and unclench.
The sun rises early
Raise your hands up, put your hands down
through the sides.

To warm our earth,
Streams run downhill,
Perform wave-like movements with your hands.
All the snow has melted
And from under the old grass
Fold your palms into a cup shape
The flower is already looking. The bell opened
Slowly open the cup''.
In the shade, where the pine tree is,
Ding-ding, rings softly,
Move your fingers.
Ding-ding, spring has come.


I'll cook porridge for the doll,
Imitate the movements of stirring porridge.
I'll pour milk into a bowl,
I'll put some cereal there,
Rub your fingers together.
And I'll put it on the stove.
Extend your hands, palms up,
stretch forward.

The porridge will be good
Eat, doll, slowly!
Wag your finger.