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Popular shoe brands. Brands

The branded products differ from the usual not only externally, but also at the first step - they are more convenient, more durable, create comfort for the legs of your owner. If you choose a well-known brand, then you are guaranteed to get a reliable thing from the highest quality materials. But how to decide if such firms are several dozen, and each of their own features? In this article we collected a list of the best brands of shoes from around the world.

Before finding one or another company and proceed to buying it, we recommend deciding with the selection criteria. They will help to narrow the final list of manufacturers who are suitable for you best. On the Internet there are a lot of recommendations, most of which are reduced to the phrases "Check the level of sewing, reveal hidden disadvantages." There are no such problems with brand samples, but there are its own characteristics. First, decide in the image and desired duration of operation. In the second - with the price range.

Casual, Classic, Military, Ero, Oxfords, Derby, Brogia - and this is not the entire list of existing models, but only a small part of it. Almost everyone has good shoe firms There are the following rules:

  • Classic. It is suitable for a working meeting, and for a date. This is a choice in favor of respectability and good taste.
  • Sport. In sneakers and kids you can work in training and active vacation, and just wander around the city. They are combined with any informal way.
  • Street-Casual. Shoes and shoes bright flowers, with focus on convenience and practicality.

Not so long ago, any product could be called bad if it is from China, middle - if from Russia, high-quality - from Europe or America. But recently everything has changed, and many domestic firms have already stood in one row with foreign. They take into account the climatic conditions of the country (tightening winters and problem offseasons). Shoes produce not only taking into account the technological requirements of the factory, but also according to state standards. Therefore, when choosing, try not to focus on the geography of production.

Top 5 shoe brands

Includes popular brands in which the responsible approach and low price are pleasantly combined.


Danish passion and uncompromising quality - the key to the success of this enterprise. All products are created using Fluidform technology - an elastic shock-absorbent material located in the layers of the sole. This ensures accurate balance between depreciation and rebound.

There are several lines:

  • men's;
  • female;
  • children's - for boys and girls from 3 years;
  • sports: Sandals, sneakers, sneakers;
  • "golf".

The design of almost all models is made in urban style, with an emphasis on an active lifestyle. ECCO produce classic shoes with revolutionary comfort, as well as boots for strong and self-confident men.


This is an Italian company, which is included in the top brands of good, high-quality shoes. Its feature is the use of moistureproof, but breathable materials. Production technology has more than 60 registered patents.

Male and female shoes are characterized by elegance and refinement. A total of about 10 different types are produced:

  • boots;
  • on the heel without it;
  • sandali;
  • amphiboxes;
  • moccasins and sneakers;
  • business and everyday.


The German firm founded in 1874 produces high-quality products. Riker very quickly responds to new trends. Therefore, their collections not only look stylish, but also have functionality.

One of the secret technologies of the company is the method of making weightless soles. Also, the features of production include stretching of the skin in such a way that it becomes soft, elastic. The upper part of any pair allows the stop to feel free. Branded orthopedic insoles Have a shock-absorbing and shockproof effect - the load on the spine and the foot decreases. All this helps to ensure the maximum comfort of the legs.


Included in the top 30 of the largest factories of England. I became the best shoe firm according to SHOES INDUSTRY AWARDS. For 250 years of work, it released more than 22,000 models. Experts assess them as ahead of time. There is a separate collection for children - "back to school".

Of course, such a progressive enterprise has its own patented technologies: Plus (comfortable), Vibram (non-slip superposition), Active Air Vent (Ventilation), XL Extrailght (Ease), Gore-Tex (Waterproof), Ortholite (breathable antibacterial insoles).

Ralf Ringer

This Russian firm with the German character of one of the first was at the peak of popularity in our country. Ralf Ringer received more than 15 domestic and foreign premiums. Mark is included in the list of the most titled on the shoe market in Russia. It is highlighted in quality and careful attitude towards each pair. For example, special fittings of the soles provide it with maximum strength and durability. And the features of nubuck models are water-repellent properties.

  • Children's collection is represented by several groups - from stylish sneakers to elegant shoes.
  • Male Linek 4: For business meetings, everyday, sports and weekend.
  • Women's also have both evening and free urban options.

The best manufacturers of shoes in the price segment up to 20 000 rubles


This is a large American company, the global manufacturer of clothing and shoes that have become legendary. Even before promoting an active lifestyle, Mark did focus on sports and functional variations. In production, a patented technology is used, thanks to which the legs remain dry into any weather. That is why boots are so popular in walking tourism and mountaineering.


Since the foundation (1910), more than 200 stores around the world opened under this brand. Italian taste, flawless style, high-tech production - all attracts buyers. At first, manufacturers captured the German and France market, and now they got to Russia.

This is designer shoes for all occasions: for solemn events, officially business meetings, everyday socks, outdoor activities. In each season, the fashion designer Jimmy Baldinini represents more than 20 types of coloring. SWAROWSKI crystals, pearls, glass, fur, metal, geometric and ethnic prints are often used as decor. A significant part of the line is performed manually.


In 1965, in the heart of the shoe area of \u200b\u200bMark (Italy), Fabi's family created its business, whose main principle was respect for the client. The brothers shaped the design, which is also characterized by elegance and classic style.

Firm uses only environmentally friendly clean materials. Even the color, a special aesthetic element of their products, they create with natural dyes. Love for nature is traced in all collections, so they perfectly fit the fans of outdoor activities.

Eber Klaus.

Russian company world name. In the production of all climatic nuances of the capricious Russian weather and the features of urban rhythm are taken into account. There is even Full-Winter boots that will be useful to residents of the Far East.

Otherwise, the emphasis is placed on an active lifestyle, which has become the main trend of recent years. Even in classic shoes, wildlife and endless forests are traced. If you decide to stay on this brand, we recommend picking up on the "product" appropriate clothes - for example, in the brand catalog Notte Bianca to create a solid image of a person loving relaxing outdoors.

Ted Baker.

British company, which is part of the world rating of the most popular shoe brands and brands. The emphasis was always made on quality, attention to detail. In this price segment, these are especially extravagant rules.

Each collection is highlighted by its bright palette, colorful prints, abundance of metal elements. The main distinguishing feature is a single concept. All wardrobe items are sustained in one stylist. Thanks to all this, the company received the NO Ordinary Brand award, as the most unusual in Britain.

Emporio Armani.

Giorgio Armani one of the first began to segmented his brand. This label appeals to the rhythm of the life of dynamic megacities. The assortment is made in dark colors, with a convenient design and technological "smart" sole. It adjusts to the movement of the foot, and the insole with the effect of memory takes the shape of the owner's foot while walking. At the same time, after socks returns to the initial species not deforming.

Hugo Boss.

One of the most popular brands in history, founded in Germany. A long company adhered to his own direction - classical monochrome models. BUT B. last years Stand gradually follow the trends: multicolored neon sneakers appeared, stylish sneakers. Despite this, the company constantly produces traditional business collections.

Tommy Hilfiger.

Hilfiger began his career in the 80-90s of the last century. He worked with global brands like Calvin Klein and Perry Ellis. All wardrobe items are focused on free urban style. Materials are characterized by softness and practicality.


A few years ago, in response to the question "Which firm is the highest quality company?" Many called this brand. "Crocodile" has always been a symbol of status and high position. Related bends, elegance and classic design - mandatory attributes of each pair. And although modern domestic analogues are no longer inferior to this brand, there are many fans of this product in Russia.

Polo Ralph.

The company's products reflect the concept of "American Dreams", and to some extent she had an impact on what kind of shoes people choose now. Models from the finest skin have become iconic style elements.

Best Premium Shoe Brands

There are ordinary shoes, branded, and some are works of art.

Creations of the manufacturers presented below want to admire constantly. However, they have two essential drawbacks:

  1. Incomprehensively high cost. The average price of trend shoes - from 30 000 rubles).
  2. Difficulties with search and delivery. It is almost unrealistic to find the original pair in the Russian Federation, so it is necessary to order directly at the manufacturer. Because of this, shipping time can delay - from Italy and France the parcel will go for almost a month.

The exceptions are Russian brands, with factories and shops in our country. Some of them come to the rating of the best manufacturers of premium shoes in the world.

Thomas Munz.

The popularity of German Thomas Munza speaks the number of his salons only in Russia: 19 in Moscow and more than 40 in other cities. Assortment combines a high level of comfort and exquisite solutions. All this makes each pair exclusive artwork. Rulers combine adult elegance and youthful informality.


Not just fashion house. This is at the same time conciseness, restraint and solemnity. New collections are not followed by trends, they ask them.

Bruno Magli.

All samples are made mainly in classic style, with a small note of Italian emotionality.

The company annually produces about 1,000,000 pairs and 60,000 accessories in a single stylist. In the client list, Hillary Clinton, Queen Elizabeth II. Several designer samples are stored in the New York Museum of Contemporary Art.

Salvatore Ferragamo.

The founder at the beginning of his career did everything personally and only for the elected Stars of Hollywood. He constantly visited lectures on anatomy, hoping once to create shoes, all 100% appropriate feet of the client's legs. He was the first to come up with the use of cork tree as a sole, invented an anatomical block.

Today, the Corporation creates women's, and men's classic collections, as well as bright children.

Carlo Pazolini.

The list of the best firms of shoes would be incomplete without this brand. If you judge the name, it seems that this is an Italian or French brand. In fact, the production and offices of the company are located in Russia. Despite the premium status, this product has quite low prices. We recommend paying special attention to their business samples, weathered in the European style.

Just Cavalli.

Roberto Cavalli is the famous Italian fashion designer. A predominantly assortment consists of autumn-winter options with orientation for European weather. Sneakers and boots with extravagant design combine a comfortable sole with injury protection and amazing design: images of algae, sun and moon, gold stars. There is a separate line dedicated to the maritime subject.

Sneakers have a flexible microporous platform. And for warm weather, leather slippers are produced on the whole world.

Best manufacturers of men's shoes

The number of collections for the strong half of humanity has always been undeservedly little, if compared with female. And from the side, one model was not very different from the other. Therefore, in recent years, all world brands have tried to add them uniqueness.


A modern man 90% of life spends either in business shoes, or in dies, sneakers. Therefore, the company focused on them. Their ruler offers a wide selection of sports boots that will be appropriate both on a run and at a party, and even in the office. There are not a lot of classic variations, but each of them is an indispensable attribute of fashion amateur.


Heavy bots that have already become cult. Pride of the domestic industry. At one time, as soon as they appeared in the late 90s, representatives of youth subcultures were also dreamed of "Camelota", and adult serious people.

It's all about the restrained brutality, which products are famous for products.

Today it is also soft sneakers, warm boots that will help to emphasize any image.

The most popular brands of good shoes: a list for women

In the ladies, everything is exactly the opposite - too many brands, types, difficulties in choosing. In addition to the above already described above, two more companies should be celebrated.


Handmade shoes from Florence at an affordable price. The company carefully selects materials and technologies, carefully related to each pair created. If desired, you can contact directly with the manufacturer and order an exclusive design in a single instance.

The brand is not sprayed on different styles, external attributes, designs. Professionals are engaged in manual production for more than 100 years, adequately competing with modern Italian fashionable houses.

Corso Como.

This Russian trademark has everything to create bright and immaculate collections: a long history, an international team, European technologies and factories in the Russian Federation. For more than 10 years, the company has been cooperating with world fashion designers to create beautiful and functional lines. The main advantage is the fast adaptation of modern trends under domestic realities.

Best manufacturers of children's shoe models

We also compiled a rating of popular firms for children for children. They are much more active than adults, most of his free time spend in games and movement. Therefore, boots should be wear-resistant, comfortable, ideal for the rapid feet.


The company has been engaged in the development and production of things for kids and adolescents. During this time, it has formed its own standards that meet all parent requirements. Boots are tightly sitting on the leg, do not hang out, look stylish and withstand many hours of marathons on the playground.


The largest premium-level store in Europe, which cooperates with the majority of modern fashion designers. Famous shoe firms develop their children's collections together with this label to achieve a better result - preserving the health of the growing organism and create comfortable conditions for active pastime.


Domestic production in Tver. The manufacturer is engaged in the creation of narrowly plated lines of polymer products: boots, Sabo slippers. It uses only environmentally friendly, non-toxic materials. We can get acquainted with the brand and purchase a suitable pair in the «Product" catalog.

Let's summarize

"If you think that clothes are the main component external vieware doomed to fiasco. Feet - That's what can give you head. " Pierre Cardin

Solving, what brand of shoes is the highest quality, remember that it should be not only beautiful, but for a long time to serve, not to deliver discomfort when walking. Dear foreign options are sinning. Do not rush to a loud name - carefully evaluate the convenience at fitting.

Russian footwear manufacturers are in the list of 340 factories and shoe plants.Large brands and new brands. Catalog 2019: Official sites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers. Providers of own production - reliable wholesale partners. Become a dealer, order a price list!

Leading domestic shoe manufacturers represent a decent range - you will see if you review the directory on the Internet exhibition. For several years in a row, footwear production in Russia demonstrates growth in the range of up to 10%.

Factory shoes russian manufacturers More often than buyers in stores, they prefer recognized brands and quality, proven time and evaluate new shoe market companies. Shoes that cannot serve one season, now not interesting to buyers, even in cheap prices.

In Russia, government programs for the growth of internal manufacturers of shoes and the restoration of the sector are introduced. Investments are on the development of the shoe industry, and shoes imported from abroad are subject to additional duties.

However, the share of shoes of foreign manufacturers remains significant, find and buy wholesale shoes of Russian factories is still difficult, especially sneakers and fashionable women's high-heeled shoes. Although measures to restore the shoe industry sector give results. In addition, choosing between the goods of the same quality and the price of a domestic and foreign brand, buyers give a choice in favor of Russian manufacturers.

Russian companies managed to achieve special success in the release of children's and winter shoes. Children's shoe factories as a rule, pays more attention to the safety of materials and reliability of fittings.

On the online exhibition catalog of only Russian manufacturers of shoes, producing products in the territory of the Russian Federation. Now buy shoes of Russian manufacturers just - it is enough to choose from the list of the company you are interested in and contact it - published contacts belong to the manufacturer.

Manufacturers are looking for wholesale customers, dealers, corporate customers, shoe stores for uninterrupted supply of products, including export.

This is an indisputable dignity that is especially valued today, when the proposals in the fashion world are more than enough. But not only the quality attracts shopaholics around the world to this shoe. The special European style, which almost all trademarks of Germany adhere to almost all, is at the peak of fashion.

German shoes: nonsense elegance and good quality

When choosing any pair of brand shoes of German producers, it is practically impossible to make a mistake. Restrained, nonsense elegance, quality of materials and thoughtful calculation of comfort. This is what the European style is famous for.

Contact the collections of German brands women's shoes It is above all, the true connoisseurs of the style of Casual in all its manifestations. It is the style of Casual - the strong side of almost any collection, and the German designers are not equal in its incarnation. At the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the price of such models may be higher than the average.

The reverent attitude to the quality of materials is almost erected into the cult, both owners of major concerns and tiny factories producing limited collections. In addition, the production of most brands are located directly in Germany - this also affects the price, but also guarantees high quality standards.

Fashionable German shoe brands: list



Rieker Antistress






Camel Active.





Thomas Munz.

K + S.

Peter Kaizer.


Josef Seibel.


Brands of German shoes for women: Premium segment brands

Rieker. - Worldwide recognized and trustworthy brand, one of the oldest in Germany, the date of its foundation is 1845. Business still remains family, as well as the founders laid down by its founder. In production female models Only primitive skin is used and handmade is used. The main style is a classic in the luxury version, high-speed heels and demi-season models deserve special attention. This brand is ideal for those who adhere to a strict business dress code.

Lloyd. - Also, a brand that makes bets on the model of the "benefits." Lloyd design policy is designed for sophisticated customers, the basis of the style of collections is the modern fashionable classic and casual style style. Unlike most luxury brands, Lloyd actively uses the most recent fashion ideasBut even for the sake of original styles, the brand never changes its quality standards. Recently, the brand began the release of sports models that deserve special attention.

Rene Lezard - actively works with young designers and implements the most relevant ideas for the current season. The main styles in which Rene Lezard is running - urban, business and classic. The brand is focused, first of all, to a youth audience, but never changes the standards of the highest comfort, throughout the world it is famous for its unique pads. Rene Lezard produces collection not only shoes, but also clothes and accessories and is considered one of the laws of the current European style.

Daniel Hechter. It also includes the list of brands of German shoes working in the premium segment. Mark managed to combine the famous German quality in his collections and french design. For 30 years of brand's existence, Daniel Hechter shoes design is invariably developed in Paris, and the models are sewn exclusively in Germany. The brand is focused on the youth audience, and the Middle Age Modnitz, in its collections, the most recent trends and ultra trendy stylistic trends are always reflected. In production, only high-grade genuine leather is used, part of the Daniel Hechter collections is sewn manually.

Brands shoes from German manufacturers for mass buyer

Along with premium stamps, the interests oriented brands are also caused. Some of them work perfectly with a classic design, and someone experiments with youth trends. They are also characterized by the highest quality standards, but each German brand shoes from this list has its own advantages.

Salamander - One of the most masts and not needed in the recommendations of the brands. Women's collections Interest in the style of Smart Casual, models on special attention flat sole, in the company "Salamandrovsky" style. Laconic design, discreet color palette, high-quality skin or suede, as well as always impeccable anatomical block characteristic of each model. Salamander models are an excellent solution for any everyday image, brand shoes are designed for experts and are famous for its convenience, good quality and respectability.

Gut. - Pretty young company and one of the most dynamically developing companies among German 5 brands of shoes for women. With his heroine GUT chose a resident of a metropolis, which loves individual and fashionable image solutions. The design of models of this brand most accurately reflect the European style in which the sake of beauty is not taken to sacrifice comfort. It is in such a way that the GUT winter collections are solved, in which there are many models of comfortable ultra fashionable boots and boots. For summer, the company offers very stylish moccasins and sandals. GUT prefers natural materials and pedantically monitors the quality, while maintaining its production in Europe.

Caprice. - Another young German brand, elevating comfort in the cult. She manages to make its models amazingly convenient thanks to modern innovative technologies. Corporate shock-entertaining heel and a special kind of soles - know-how of the brand. Caprice is a reference representative of the brand of the "mass market", in its models, the balance of prices, European quality and actual design is perfectly observed. The main style of collections is everyday, but very respectable, designed for a youth audience.

According to the press service of Roskkaya, the experts concluded that shoes for men are non-toxic, but not always stitched. In addition, the high price is not always a guarantor of quality.

The research took part in the Ralf Ringer, Pazolini, Pierre Cardin, Chester, Ecco, Francesco Donni, Geox, Mascotte, Baldinini, Rieker, Paris Commune, Salamander, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Marks & Spencer, Aldo, Zenden and Tomas Munz. Five of them were Russian production, 11 were produced in China, four in Italy, three - in Germany, two - in India and Portugal, one sample from Cambodia, Romania and Turkey.

The shoes were tested for toxicity, the quality of sewing, flexibility, strength, deformation and clarified, is it true of genuine leather. All pairs of shoes do not contain poisonous substances. Verch material in shoes is natural skin. And each pair corresponded to the stated 42 size.

"The leaders of the steadworks of men's trading brands" Paris Commune "(production - Russia), Zenden (China), Hugo Boss (Germany), Clarks Tilden Plain (India).

Products of another 15 brands, including Fabi, Freccia by Tervolina, Geox, Ecco, Mascotte are named with high-quality goods. Mango Man, Tomas Munz, Tommi Hilfiger, S.Oliver, Zara, Marks & Spencer, Bata, TJ Collection, Rieker, Junichiel, "says Rotchka.

Non-compliances are revealed only in 11 samples. The main claims relate to the quality of sewing, fastening the soles and heels, the resistance of lining and flexibility. The most durable seams of the top details were detected from Freccia by Tervolina, Pazolini, Chester, "Paris Commune", Zara. The most fragile boots from Francesco Donni, Ralf Ringer, S.Oliver, Pierre Cardin and TJ Collection.

"The lightest shoes were a pair of Ralf Ringer, and the hardest - Tomas Munz. Eight steam under the trademarks of Baldinini, Pazolini, Chester, Salamander, Calipso, Ralf Ringer, Ionesi and Pierre Cardin paint lining, "explained in the study.

Sole problems have shoes from Ionesi, Francesco Donni, Alessio Nesca, Chester and Calipso, with heels - Baldinini and Aldo. In addition, the experts found out that the myth that Italian footwear is high-quality, and Chinese - no, does not have the actual basis.

"Does not depend on the quality of shoes and from the price, experts found out: the cheapest sample (Zenden) and the most expensive product (Hugo Boss) - increased quality. And the goods with violations are also among the cheap, and among expensive brands, "the researchers added.

The myth and the so-called eco-skin has been debunk. In fact, this is just a marketing stroke. These are synthetic materials that do not have skin properties.

In the footwear of domestic production there was no presence of formaldehyde and hexavalent chromium. But it was found in shoes from China and other Asian countries.

In the list of brands of men's shoes about 1,000 well-known manufacturers. But we will choose and tell about the best European, Russian and American brands of shoes for strong sex.

Top European Brands

The list of brands of male shoes come from Europe with several dozen known names. This list will take not one page, so you will restrict ourselves to eleven most interesting things:

  1. Loake
  2. Boggi
  3. Vittorio Spernanzoni,
  4. Carmina,
  5. Barker
  6. W. Gibbs,
  7. Fratelli Borgioli,
  8. Santoni,
  9. Tricker's,
  10. Grenson,
  11. Dr. Martens.

Loake is perhaps the most inexpensive and high-quality brand of male shoes from England.

Several lines are energized in the UK factories, and the manufacturer itself is still a yard supplier of her majesty Queen Great Britain.

Another inexpensive British brand of men's shoes from the best and verified series - Barker Shoes. Like Loake, Barker was founded in the distant 1880 year. The shoes of this manufacturer are characterized by the highest quality materials and a restrained noble, typical English design.

The best brand specializing in brogues is considered to be Tricker's. Such brogues are often called trikers, they are so noticeable and characteristic. At the top of the skin of young calves. On the sole - the skin, twin with the infusion of the bark of the English oak. A distinctive feature of the brand shoes - a clear following classical dimensional grid. Millimeter in a millimeter!

By the way, since 1983, Prince Charles prefers to wear exactly the trousers!

Grenson shoes produces the fifth generation of British shoes. One pair is manufactured 8 weeks. In the process of developing and creating a model, 130 masters participate. The stratification of some details is performed using Goodyear Welted technology, manually. It is because of this, any shoes or shoes of this famous brand You can donate in the overhaul! The factory masters simply replace the wear details, and you get your favorite pair, like a new one.

Famous Martins also British origin. This coarse shoes with a yellow snapping by the end of the 20th century became a real legend in a youth environment. Today, "eight-headed boots" Dr. Martens with no less pleasure to bear men who respect comfortable expensive shoes, but are not afraid to slip around.

Boggi, Vittorio Spernanzoni, W. Gibbs, Fratelli Borgioli and Santoni come from Italy. It is perhaps the best brands of men's shoes in Italy, creating exclusive and high-quality shoes. Manufacturers practice manual dressing, manual sewing and staining. Materials use gentle calf and buffalo skin. Goodyear Welted sewing technology provides durability of each pair: a worn or torn part of the shoe can be easily replaced.

It is impossible not to mention the Spanish brand of CARMINA shoes. He is known as the most popular Spanish brand of premium men's shoes. As the Carmina brand is still very young, but at the heart of production - technology and traditions of several generations of Famine shoes Carmina. Shoes are sewed from calf and horsepower. Shoe skin is purchased in France and Italy, and materials are combined in classical and casual styles.

Top American Brands Men's Shoes

In the list of brands of male shoes of American origin, we included the most famous and proven.

  1. The legendary Red Wing, which is really the best workers and military boots in the world. Strong, weekest, comfortable, they withstand the most rigid operating conditions. At the peak of Militari Trend come into fashion again.
  2. Timberland - best brand Male shoes for hiking and adventure. The movement of these coarse boots - Timberlands. Insensitive and powerful, they are indispensable on Trekking, in long hiking and travel.
  3. Kenneth Cole bet on classic and business style. At the same time in the brand line a lot of shoes with elements of a sports style, even in classic models. This gives a shade of ease and negligence the image of a confident and self-sufficient man.

Best brands come from Russia

In Russia can sew a worthy male shoes. Evidence of this is an impressive list of famous russian brands, about which we simply do not always know that they are Russian.

Ralf Ringer, despite the German name, Russian roots. The shoes are embracing in domestic and Chinese factories, but with tight quality control and of good skin. A variety of models and design manufacturer cannot boast, but the quality is responsible.

TERVOLINA named in Italian style is also ours, native. Shoes sew in Togliatti. There are both leather models and shoes from the leatherette. Some rules are energized in European factories.

CalipSo is also a Russian brand. The main range is made in Russia. Something sews in China. Brand has a decent ratio of price and quality indicators. The shoes are worn well, and buyers are usually satisfied with both quality and design.

Giotto - domestic shoes from Italian skin. Models are developed and searched in Moscow.

In the list of popular shoe brands, more than 50 well-known names from Russia, A La Italy, Germany, France. Someone hides the legends about european technologies and traditions. Someone honestly and openly declares the Russian-Chinese origin of the range. Who can believe - decide to you!