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Celebrating Ivan Kupala. Scenario of a summer game program at a summer camp Competition program for Ivan Kupala for children

Ivan Kupala.

While people are gathering, cheerful folk music is playing.

Decor: on the stage there is a backdrop of the sun with flowers, the name of the holiday, on the sides of the stage there are large bathing suits made of grass on poles, in front near the stage there are circles wrapped in straw dug in. There is a fire on the site, attributes for competitions (log for sawing, log to drag, fences for jumping, birch for curling, stick for bucket) There are signs on the pole with the names of a tavern, a pharmacy, a photo studio, and a shooting gallery. I will hide a fern flower in the forest.
Along the edges of the site there are names dug in on long poles and tables for the fair.

Neptune, concubine, little Arab with a fan, Agrofena the bathing suit, Kikimora, Leshy.

The beginning of the holiday.

Ved.: Good evening, guests are invited and welcome.
Today we have a beautiful holiday
Today we have an ancient holiday
And what is it called?…. That's right Ivan bathed

Ved.: Come for a walk and meet Kupala!
Gather people for our Kupala round dance.
It’s good today brothers, we can all gain strength together
Take a walk and laugh! It's a really good evening!

(“Ivushka” comes out)

On our holiday there is an iron law
The gloomy and sad are not allowed here!
To good people - our respect
Today we have a holiday! Songs, games, different dances!

Song “The girls were nibbling the grass”

Ved.:. According to ancient belief, the holiday of Ivan Kupala personifies the dawn of the forces of nature; it is filled with rituals associated with water, fire and herbs.
And today you and I will weave wreaths, tell fortunes, sing Kupala songs, dance in circles, play games and jump over the fire.
And so we set off into the magical Kupala night...
Song "Ivana Kupala" to the tune of "Kolyada"
Sobyania A. Rybachk.V. Kuramshina N. Lomteva A.
Ved.: Today all the conditions are for you. Just this evening -
kebabs, sand and river. We have a new fairy tale...
Between heaven and earth, in the middle of one country
Somewhere in the depths of the sea, Neptune was taken by a torment
It's boring there, at the bottom of the sea!
I decided to take a walk around the world
To stretch the bones
I decided to come to Mylva to visit us
View rituals, everyday life.
And now the sovereign sits in the tent of this fairy tale
And we will accept the concubine - Neptune's secretary
-Well, where are you, Neptune, king of lakes and seas?
Get out of your tent quickly
Cheerful and friendly people have gathered here
I'm looking forward to this meeting with you

\Neptune comes out with the concubine and everyone else to the beat of the drums\

concubine: Your Majesty, what does your soul desire? Should I take a break from the road or try some fresh sunflower seeds?
Nep: Yes, there are only frogs left in the local swamp!
cash: Why are frogs not good for you? The French are eating it, it’s already cracking behind the ears
Nep: So these are French frogs. No, why did I get into this wilderness! Where is the Russian exotica, where are the Manupuners? Where are the village entertainments - a bathhouse, downhill skiing, skiing... Come on, babysitter, quickly bring the locals here. Now I will organize everything myself!
Nep \addressing the people\: Hello eagles! Hello beauties! \saw Agrofena and turns to her\ Hello beauty!
Agr: What do you want?
Nep: What are you supposed to do on vacation? I want everything! I would like to go to the bathhouse in the black, ride from the mountains, ... roll in the snow
Agr: You were a little mistaken, father! In the summer we sunbathe, swim, and mushrooms. They pick berries, cut hay, fish, and pickle mushrooms. And we only have a bathhouse on Saturdays. They rest on Sundays. Well, you can also go to a disco.
Nep: Ugh, how boring! I’m tired of fishing at home, I gave up sunbathing a long time ago, I have a solarium. Cutting hay is not a royal thing. And I can arrange a disco myself... I did something stupid, I went into such a remote place where I can’t even wash my face from the road, maybe I can take a dip in the lake?
Agr: But I don’t advise you to go into the lake today, it’s not safe. Today Ivan bathed us, evil spirits are on the rampage! It can conjure anything, cause mischief, or even drag it under water.
Nep: Tsits, old one! You decided to argue with the king! Are you trying to scare me with evil spirits? Give me water!
\takes out the basin, washes himself, bowing his head low, puts on the horns, straightens up\
Nep: Oh how good! And you could take a swim, it’s so hot!
\the concubine screams in fear, Agrofena laughs\
Nep: What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at the Tsar? Cool down!...Well, what about girls of good appearance? I would like to meet you!
Agr: Who needs such a beautiful little guy with horns! Look in the mirror!\handles the mirror\
Nep: Oh, what is this, oh-oh-oh! It's probably some kind of infection. Maybe the flu.
Agr: What flu?
Nep: What a goat! There is swine and bird flu, and this is definitely the goat flu!
Agr: No, good sir. It's not an infection
Nep: And then what?
Agr: We warned you. But no, after all, \mimicking\ They don’t argue with the Tsar!
cash: It must be some kind of witchcraft. I can smell him a mile away.
Mat: There is witchcraft!
Nep: Oh woe is me!
Agr: Well, let the undines sing to you, maybe make you laugh. In the meantime, I’ll tell you some water and you’ll wash yourself...
Nep: I don’t need this, I’ve already washed my face. Well, I love listening to songs!

Musical number

Nep: \looks in the mirror\ Did not help! It didn’t help, what should I do? How can I get home? How can I appear before the people in this form?
Agr: We don’t know, sir, you are our dear guest. Why should you, Majesty, worry? You are a fairy-tale character, an extra element will not spoil you, you even look like a satire.
Nep: Who are you comparing me to, this goat-legged guy?
Agr: What, he’s a goat-footed man, you’re a goat-horned one!
Nep: Please, no insults!!!
Agr: Okay, calm down, now we will take radical measures!
Nep: Is this something to cut down? I won’t give it to you, there will be stumps left later
Agr: So, let me do it for now folk remedy I’ll look, maybe I can put some grass there, eat some fungus. Just sit still, our artists will entertain you!

Musical number

\goblin comes out\

Goblin: All sorts of people have come here, there is no peace from you! Little people bother me - they sneak around all night, looking for ferns, the music is strumming loudly, bottles are flying into the bushes, but this is not enough, some kind of king has come here. There are enough kings of our own, and they rule the region no worse. Well, what do you need?
Nep: Who are you that I should report to you? I am the king of the sea, they call me Neptune. I came to rest with you, and then you realize... it’s your holiday. Evil spirits are walking around. Either he caught the goat flu or it was local witchcraft
Goblin: However, this is a familiar job. You can’t do without all sorts of herbs here. Because today is a special night. Today, not only evil spirits are walking around, but also various herbs are gaining strength. Herbs have great power on this night; they not only cure various misfortunes, but also dry, bewitch, and preserve eternal love. It is today that healers and sorcerers collect various herbs. They are the best Kupala pharmacists. And you, dear guests, do you know anything about herbs and drugs? Now we'll find out
1.Which herb, if owned and worn on the body, brings fear to all vacationers:
Archilin grass, weeping grass or buttercup
2.what herb should you carry in your pocket to be an excellent hunter and shooter? -strawberry
3. Do you know what herb you should have with you? To be happy all your life?
Peter's cross, bear's ear or flight - grass.
4.On Kupala night, witches become more dangerous. What kind of grass do you put on the threshold and windowsill to protect yourself from their misfortunes? \nettle\
5 And what plant blooms only on Ivan Kupala and fulfills all the wishes of the one who picks it? That's right, fern.
Nep: Whoa! I need this flower, what do you say they call it?
Lesh: Okay, I'll bring you a fern. Well, it will cost you... \whispers in Neptune's ear\
Nep: Wow appetites, yes I can afford that amount plastic surgery I'll do it in Switzerland!
Lesh: If you get to this Switzerland first, who will let such a handsome man through customs? And for free I can only offer nettles and thistles, or tell your fortune on a daisy, maybe it will help
Agr: I wondered about Ivan on Kupala with a daisy
Darling loves you or not, you are a daisy, give me the answer.

Musical number

Nep: Do you have any healer?
Agr: Yes, Father, there is. But won't you be afraid?
Agr: Get your old lady!
\Kikimora comes out\
Kikim: Oh, someone here is so beautiful. Oh, what horns. And where did such a guy come to us from?
\Neptune is trying to say something\
Agr: Shut up, shut up, otherwise it will get worse!
Kikim: Well, it won’t get any worse, but I won’t give up my witchcraft power for nothing!
Nurse: And what do you want with the old one?
Kikim: I'm not old, I'm in full swing. And for complete happiness I need a husband! I recently had a if I saw a groom with horns. It’s okay, you’ll do just fine!
cash: Wake up grandma! Yes, anyone will gladly go for Neptune!
Kik: Well, you don’t want it, as you wish \getting ready to leave\
cash: Wait, grandma
Kik: Don't waste your time! I build a fence with such suitors. Got it... Okay, we persuaded \casts spells, makes various passes with his hands\
Woman cast a spell, grandfather cast a spell. There were horns. No, no
I conjure you for now - fall off your horns!
Nep: I don't think she can do magic! Well, get out of here, you evil spirits
Kik: Whoa, keep it down, I'll leave on my own! \leaves\
Nep: What we are going to do? I ask again, I can’t look like this... I’m a king, not a goat.
Agr: You can ride in the morning dew, maybe it will help, or try jumping over a fire, well, I don’t know how. But I remembered one effective, ancient remedy - you need a beautiful girl to kiss you. Not just like that, but out of love.
\Neptune approaches Agrofena and wants to kiss, Agrofena dodges\
Agr: No, pipes! It hurts me to want to kiss a horned one...
cash: But in vain! I’ll tell you a secret that if a pretty girl kisses Neptune, then guys will stick to her all year long, a proven remedy.

\kiss competition\
Small prizes.

Agr: Well, single girls, not married, take your turn to kiss Neptune! Who wants to bewitch all the guys with one kiss?
\if you left: Stand with Neptune's back to each other, on the count of 3 you must turn your head in any direction you wish. If you turn in one direction, it means you are kissing. If they are different, then I’m sorry, it’s not fate\
\kissing, Neptune touches the horns\

Nep: Well, your kisses don't help. The girls apparently did not kiss with passion. For the kiss, thank the beautiful girls, and let them walk with God. Oh, my life is a tin, let it go to the swamp!
\if you haven't left\
Agr: Well, if there are no takers, then I’ll try my luck. I can’t live alone forever! Go Neptune, let's kiss! \kissing, Neptune touches the horns\
Nep: Well, your kisses don't help. Agrofena apparently did not kiss with passion. Oh, my life is a tin, let it go to the swamp!
cash: Well, why are you upset? I don’t know how to cheer you up, except with a funny song.

Musical number

cash: Well, do you feel better?
Nep: It seems a little easier. What are we going to do with the horns?
Agr: Honest people, kind people, help Neptune get rid of his horns. It’s not his age to walk around with horns. Maybe someone knows what folk remedy, suggest it, we’ll try everything
\if no one offers to shout about water themselves\
cash: And it’s true, we didn’t try it with water, as you say “knocks out a wedge with a wedge”
1 \bottle competition\
Musical accompaniment
4 male participants, 4 buckets of water, 4 mugs, four pl. bottles, text, 4 lollipops\
4 prizes:
Agr: Good fellows, Neptune needs water, please bring some river water, those who are stronger and faster. \men carry 4 buckets of water, remain for the competition: 4 buckets of water, 4 mugs, four pl. bottles, text\
cash: Oh thank you killer whales. Don't leave yet, I'll reward you \gives one at a time\ Here's to your water pleasure for the whole night. \leaves them for the competition\
Agr: Lake water is certainly good. But in order for her to heal Neptune, a ritual must be performed. First, this water needs to be spoken, but only to those who brought it. So here are some incantations for you, good fellows, everyone stand next to their bucket and read it loudly, and when you read it, blow on the water three times. \everyone reads or all together one conspiracy\
Agr: Well, now the simplest part. We need to fill these bottles with this water. There is only one condition, the bottles need to be filled in a special way: put the bottle halfway in your pants and pour it in a mug; whoever fills the bottle the fastest will have the strongest water, and then Neptune will give you gifts. \they do it, while the concubine goes to get an apple\
Agr: Well, time is up, let's see who has the fullest bottle.\They take it out\ Apparently they started talking a lot, the bottles were corroded too. And if you pour such water on his head, he will not only have no horns, but will remain completely bald.
There's such a strong man standing there \name what he's wearing\.Honey, please. Run, bring some more water, we’ll try to talk to her ourselves. \if you didn’t go, ask the lady\ Oh, let’s better ask this lady over there, after all, a woman’s hand is light \brought - stayed\
\carries water, pour it into the basin, Agrofena seems to whisper something over the basin. At this time the concubine runs out with an apple\
2\competition with apple
bowl of water, willing participants
1 prize
cash: Hey Agrofen, I read about the rejuvenating apple, maybe it will help? \drops it into the basin\
Agr: Well, here's how we'll get it. You can’t touch the water with your hands, I just said it. If you touch it, the conspiracy will come off. (Address the person who brought the water) Try to get this apple without your hands, if you get the apple, you will exchange it with Neptune for a gift.
\whoever gets it hands over the apple to Neptune receives a prize\
Nep: \eating an apple, touching the horns\ And it doesn't help! Well, what are you going to do with them?
Agrofena takes a broom: Yes, let me just sprinkle you with water from the broom
\splashes, Neptune dodges and at this time takes off his horns\
Nep: Oh, the water helped, the horns fell off.
Agr: Hurray, what a handsome man you have become with us now, now you can have a wedding, I wouldn’t mind living abroad. Oh, and I’ll arrange a honeymoon for you!
Nep: What a wedding, what a honeymoon, what a village! No, I'm fed up with your games and amusements. \to the concubine\ pack your things, pack your suitcases, let's set off.
cash: Oh, what happiness, let's quickly get out of harm's way \Neptune leaves\
Agr: Oh, the fish got lost again! Oh women, women, I wish I could get married, but where can I find a good man?

Musical number

3 wreath competition

Musical accompaniment for the display of wreaths

3 prizes for wreaths - 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Ved.: Well, they escorted Neptune, which is good for a Russian, but not good for the king of the sea. And we continue the holiday. Ivan Kupala – the most beautiful summer, holiday of love. And one of its most beautiful rituals is fortune telling on wreaths. The girl puts the wreath on the water and waits where the current will take it.
Ved.: If he takes the wreath far away, it means that his dear one will not soon ask you to get married. If she drowns, there will be no love, the girl will not marry. Well, it will wash ashore, wait for the matchmakers to visit you soon.
Ved.: And sometimes a girl lets down two wreaths, for herself and for her boyfriend, and wishes: “If they come together in the water next to each other, it means to be together.”
Ved.: But before we let out the water on the wreaths, we invite those who have woven their own wreaths to come to us. Let's see whose wreath is the most beautiful
\come out, make a circle around the stage to the music, showing wreaths, prizes for wreaths\
4th competition “Tie a broom” 3-4 participants
\in buckets or baskets there are different types of grass, twigs, strings\
Ved.: And now we invite young girls, and unmarried ones. You know how to weave wreaths, but do you know how to knit brooms?....Here are some branches and all sorts of herbs for you, each one of you knit a wreath for yourself. As men say, all girls are good, but where do bad wives come from? Now we will find out, the herbs will tell us the whole truth: which girl is a craftswoman, who is not afraid of dashing, who will love her husband, and who will break pots. While our girls are knitting brooms, we will amuse you with a song.

Musical number

Ved.: Well, our brooms are ready. Now we will find out everything about our beauties \takes a broom\
1. Here is a smooth, neat broom. This girl has a pleasant character
2. But the broom is no big deal, this girl loves children
3. Here you can see the character from the colors, cheerful and lively. Likes to dance
4. And here there is a thorny twig, this girl is lucky in life
5. But on this broom, the knot is smooth - this beauty loves order
6. And in this broom everything is intertwined, both chamomile and lungwort - oh guys, watch out!
7. This broom is gossiped from the heart, it’s easy, whose girlfriend it will be, consider the guy lucky
8. This one loves to twist twigs, she will love her husband to death
9. This broom is very beautiful - whoever marries her will be happy!
So we have found out your character, and now we will tell your fortune. Take your broom and throw it behind your back, on which guy the broom falls, lead him closer to us.
\lead those on whom the broom fell\
5 “game of 12 sticks” – \log, board, sticks\
Can we collect the music while we're at it?
2 prizes for the winning couple
Ved.: So our beloved couples have been decided. And now we will find out which couple will get married first. Let's play the game of 12 sticks. Do you think only kids play with it? But no! In all the villages, brides and grooms played it. While the host was collecting the sticks, the couples hid in the corners and managed to kiss while no one was looking. So we'll have some fun. The presenter will break the sticks, and you will quickly collect them. Whose couple collects the most sticks means that couple will be the first to get married. And to live with it all your life is grace, good things to gain! But so that you are not separated while you collect the sticks, we will connect your hands with these handkerchiefs. And so the pairs are connected, the game begins. Ready, one, two, three, catch!
Ved.: Well done, get a prize! He is yours by right. And it sounds like a gift to everyone

Musical number

6 round dance game “shoulder to shoulder”
Musical accompaniment

Ved.: Well, now people are honest,
Drive away boredom
Come out into the circle quickly
Let the guys lead their girlfriends!
We invite you to fun fun
Those who have chosen a mate!
Young people and those who are older, choose your partner and come to our circle.
\All willing couples come out and stand in two circles\

And now the couples form two circles - the guys are on the outside, and the girls are in the inner circle. To the music, the guys walk in a circle in one direction, and the ladies in the opposite direction. As soon as the music stops, you will need to find your match and complete the task of the presenter. All clear? And so let's try
\cheerful music plays, stops, completes the task, then the music turns on. again and so several times\

Stand back to back ear to shoulder
Stand shoulder to shoulder knee to palm
Nose to nose Palm to palm
Back of head to back of head cross legs
Foot to foot kiss

7 at once until the “third wheel” dispersed
\Birch broom\
Musical accompaniment

Ved.: And now we will continue to dance, but only now in pairs. Other couples are welcome to join us. And so everyone stands in a circle in pairs and dances while the music plays. And in the center the so-called “third wheel” will dance with a broom. As soon as the music stops, everyone needs to quickly change their dance partner, including the one with the broom. Who was left without a partner? he continues to dance with a broom..
Music on

8. dance “lady”
Musical accompaniment

Ved.: And now you have the following task: divide yourself into circles so that there are two pairs in each circle. And so everyone is ready, now gather your thoughts and remember the dance movements \4 stomping with your right foot, 4 with your left, eight steps in a circle, then crossed your arms and four steps in one direction around you, 4 in the other, now you have made collars and one pair passes, then another and again the first pair, then another and again stood in a common circle. And now all this is accompanied by music. And got ready.

Muz on is dancing

Musical number

9 break the pot 3-4 participants
\stick and scarf, bucket on a buried stick\
Musical accompaniment
4 prizes for participants who knocked on the bucket
1 prize for the finder of the fern

Ved.: While we were having fun here. They forgot about the main secret of the Kupala night. Today the fern flower blooms for just a moment. It will sparkle with a golden-fire color for the lucky one and give mercy to the one who picks it. Those who want to try their luck can go look and see if the treasured flower has bloomed somewhere nearby, we wish you good luck in your search. And we continue our fun. We invite those who wish to participate in the brave fun “disperse the evil spirits.” Come out, good fellows, show your brave prowess!
The participant is given a stick in his hands, blindfolded and spun around himself. Point towards the bucket. The participant goes and tries to hit the bucket with a stick; whoever hits it wins a prize

10 Sawing logs.

\log on trestles, 4 saws, 4 pairs of participants\
Musical accompaniment while sawing

Ved.: For those who still have strength left, we invite those who want to cut wood for the fire. Yes, not with modern saws, but with a simple old-fashioned way - a saw, as people call it, “friendship two”. We have 4 saws, which means only 4 couples can participate. Hurry up, otherwise you won't get it
\music on, sawing logs\

11 stretches.
Musical accompaniment
\pull a log by a rope, a stick to outline a cut\
Ved.: Oh summer days, but the nights are short! On Kupala night, the guys had fun and showed off in front of the girls. They rode in the dew, gained strength, and showed off their strength in various fun activities. So our fun is not childish, but youthful! Look at the log we have prepared! Whoever wants to show off his strength, move this log from its place. And whoever not only moves it, but also drags it the furthest in 1 minute, gets a prize! Come out, good fellows, heroes of the Mylvinskys and visitors, show off your strength.

12 stretchy 2
\chain, put a stick for marking\

Ved.: 1. First, we invite single guys from Mylva, single from Pechorsk to compete with each other. Team Mylva one way, and team tr.pech. to another. We'll have a folk tug-of-war to see who can pull who over. We stand near the mark in a chain with our arms crossed with each other. Those at the head of the chain cling with their hands and, at a signal, begin stretching.

2.And now we invite married men to our tugs. Also the village of Mylva and guests tr.pech.

3. And now the general teams. All singles in one direction, married in the other. Let's find out who has more strength - married people or bachelors.

Musical number

Lighting a fire.
\prepare 5 sticks with a wrapped and soaked rag
The Ivans light a fire if many Ivanovs come out. Then 4 Ivans light up the wheels near the stage. If not, we light it ourselves\

Ved.: You and I sang and danced and competed against each other. The moment everyone had been waiting for had arrived. It’s time to move on to one of the main rituals of tonight – the Kupala bonfire. It’s not for nothing that Ivan Kupala is called the Festival of Lights. Fire was the symbolic embodiment of the powerful sun.
Ved.: There is one belief - in a fire you can burn all adversities, sorrows and sorrows. You need to take any piece of wood, say everything you want to get rid of on it, and throw it into the fire. Everything will burn with her.

Ved.: We give the right to light the Kupala bonfire to the Ivans. Well, in order for our fire to burn better, let’s all stand in a circle together and hold hands. Now we raise our hands up, create traction and with the words “Burn, burn clearly so that it does not go out,” we narrow the circle. Then we lower our hands and step back with the same words.
\did 4 times\
musical accompaniment

Ved.: Our fire got so hot. Here's another belief. In the center of the fire there is a pole called Kostroma. When the fire begins to burn out, Kostroma falls. Whoever Kostroma points to when it falls will be lucky all year.
Let's make the circle wider, move further away, otherwise Kostroma will fall.
We dance in a circle to the music, let Kostroma choose the lucky one.
Music on

Musical number

While the fire is burning down, there are games and round dances.

\Before you jump over the fire\
little train game\
Musical accompaniment

Ved.: Like ours at the gate, a round dance began to spin
He spins and spins, who will he make friends with?
We invite everyone to make friends in two teams, one team has only the female half of the holiday, and the other has the male half. Divided? Well done! And now the stronger half forms the collars, and the beautiful girls form the train. And to the music our little locomotive drove through the gate, and the gate then rose and then fell lower.

\Jumping over the fire\
Musical accompaniment

Ved.: The Kupala bonfire is special. Around him they danced, cleansed their bodies and souls with fire, and jumped over the fire. Whoever jumps higher will be happy and healthy. Young couples also tried their luck. They jumped over the fire, holding hands. If their hands do not separate, they will live together in love and joy.
Bathed by the sea by the water
Ivan's horse played at night
A spark lit the fire
Ride first, horse
through great fire.
The king and queen are behind you
And the red maiden
And peace and feast,
and with kind people.
Now is the time to jump over the fire, to be cleansed of all diseases and adversities. P Everyone, we stand one after another and jump over the fire to the music.
The music turns on, they walk like a snake, approach the fire and jump in turns

After everyone has jumped, we do the braiding.

Braiding hair
Birch, ribbons - 2 sets of 1.5 meters each
Musical accompaniment
2 prizes for the winning couple
Ved.: There is another beautiful ritual. From the Red Hill holiday to Peter and Paul, the birch tree is glorified, dignified and decorated. Let us decorate our birch tree too beautiful ribbons Let's braid her hair. We invite two couples who know how to braid hair. Whichever couple braids the hair the fastest will win the prize. The couples got ready, hugged each other, and grabbed their ribbons.
Don’t stand there, don’t yawn, braid the birch tree’s braid! \prize to the one who braided first\

Musical number

Braiding your hair with your feet
2 braiding kits
Musical accompaniment
4 prizes for the winning team
Ved.: We practiced braiding, now each couple that participated will call 2 more people to help them. You have to try your hand at braiding hair with your feet. One holds it, and the other three put rubber bands on their legs and first begin to braid music. Whose team will braid first will take the prize

Ved.: It is also popular among people that the birch tree these days fulfills any desires. You just need to make a wish and tie a ribbon on a twig. Yes, your desire is not to tell anyone. Those interested, come and knit ribbons.
\distributing ribbons to those who wish\

Musical number

The end of the holiday.
Ved.: We had a lot of fun today. Even the water gains strength on Ivan Kupala. Delivers from all kinds of diseases and sins. That night the boys deliberately smeared the girls with mud and then doused them with water and jumped into the water together. They swam to wash away all the failures and hardships along with the dirt. And those who did not want to swim in the river, bathed in the morning dew. It has the same power. People collected dew with clean sheets, and sprinkled all the corners of their houses to get rid of all wickedness. So, good people, take a bath and gain strength.
And we wish you
A cheerful sea of ​​joy,
And the lakes of love are transparent,
Bottomless reservoirs of prosperity,
Waterfalls of money from Neagara,
Rivers of happiness for you are endless,
And streams of carefree fun.
Relax, don't be bored
Collect healing dew
Meet the sunrise!
See you again!

Play a CD with folk songs

\games while the fire burns down\
Games that we didn’t have time to play are carried out after jumping over the fire

Kissing round dance with wreaths
2 or 4 hoops wrapped in grass
Musical accompaniment

Ved.: What a big and friendly round dance we had. While our fire is burning down, it's time to play kissing games. We throw a wreath/hoop in a circle in different directions to the music. You need to pass the wreath through yourself from top to bottom and pass it on to someone else. Those who still have the hoop in their hands when the music stops kiss in the center of the circle. The game continues.

Kissing round dance with fern
2 sprigs of fern
Musical accompaniment.

Ved.: Everyone stands up one after another in a round dance, and in the center stands a beautiful girl and a brave fellow \tie a scarf and put on a hat\. Everyone extends one hand into a circle and walks in a circle to the music. The driver touches your hand with a sprig of fern. Whoever the music stops on goes and kisses the girl or guy in the center of the circle,
We played until the first stop
Ved.: We kissed, well done! -And now the couple in the center takes off their hats and puts them on those who kissed. The presenters give the branches to those who were kissed and take a place in the general round dance. And you and the twigs walk in a circle again to the music.

Jumping over a fence \2 people\
Buried fences
Musical accompaniment.

5-6 prizes
Ved.: Our fire is still burning out, it’s too early to jump over it. Let's practice for now. Let's stretch our legs. Anyone who knows how to jump over fences, come and don’t be shy. There are 6 fences in front of you, behind the last fence the prize lies. Whoever comes running first will take the prize.

competition with hoops 2-3 pairs
\6 glasses or cups with juice, 2 hoops covered with grass\
Musical accompaniment
6 prizes for winners

Ved.: Who was attentive today?
– Tell me, what flower blooms only tonight? We have a prize for the correct answer! That's right, fern, come out to us who answered
.\one participant leaves\
– Who can answer what power this flower is endowed with? Well done, he knows everything about ferns, come to us for a prize
.\second participant comes out\
- Well done, you all answered correctly, but we don’t get prizes so easily. It would take some effort. Here are 2 Kupala wreaths for you. Your task is to twist the wreath around your waist and drink juice at the same time. Whoever drinks the fastest will win a prize
\on cheerful music, perform, prize for the winner\

Who else wants to try their hand at this competition?

Fishermen competition.

Flippers, swimming mask. Participants by number of fins
Musical accompaniment
1 Prize for the winner
Ved.: Are there fishermen among the guests of the holiday? Now we will check:
1.Name what kind of fish is found in the Pechora River?
\Based on the answers, we select 2-3 participants, give out masks and fins\
Ved.: You know what kind of fish there is in our river, but now we’ll check whether you know how to catch it! While the music is playing, you have to catch as many fish as possible. All the ladies of our holiday will be fish.
\if there are 2 participants\ You only catch blondes, you only catch brunettes, you catch them while listening to music and bring them here.
\if there are three participants\ You catch those who have red in their clothes. You are the ones who have green, but you got yellow. catch it to the music and bring it here.
Team game "Pies"
2 buckets, 2 shovels, 2 teams of 5-6 people
Musical accompaniment
6 prizes for the winning team
Ved.: We invite 2 teams of 5-6 people who know how to make pies.
Here are your tools - a bucket and a shovel. One person from the team with a shovel goes to the shore of the lake. The rest with a bucket take turns running to the lake, collecting wet sand into the bucket, bringing it here and turning the bucket over so that it turns out to be a pie. Each team should have 4-5 beautiful ones. Even pies. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Decoration of the theatrical stage area:

The venue is decorated with greenery, wreaths, flowers, herbal garlands, mounted on trees, where there are (stylized) signs for different venues. On a large stand - the holiday program: - Kupala fortune-telling - purification by fire - purification by water - competitions - folk games, fun, fun - arrival of the merman with his retinue - search for treasure - Sabbath of evil spirits - dancing around the fire.

A large Kupala bonfire in the center of the site, near the lake. Straw kupala - a stuffed animal on a pole. The tree is a bathhouse, decorated with ribbons. Necessary materials for games and wreaths (candles and wire). Wicker fences (large and small). Venue lighting and sound.

First presenter: Good evening, invited and welcome guests! Come for a walk and meet Kupala! Songs, summer and dance! We'll start soon!

Second presenter: Gather people in our Kupala round dance! It’s good today, brothers, we can all gain strength together, take a walk and laugh! It's a really good evening. Aren't you happy?

First presenter: We will sing and dance at the celebration today. Today we invite everyone to joke and play!

Second presenter: There is an iron law at our holiday: the gloomy and sad are not allowed here!

First presenter:(a song about Ivan Kupala sounds - Village.)

It’s a beautiful holiday, an ancient holiday, we’ll celebrate today, and it’s called IVAN KUPALA. An old song defines its meaning this way:

Like we have three holidays a year:
The first holiday is Semik honest,
Another holiday is Trinity Day,
And the third holiday is the Bathing Suit!

Second presenter: Did you know that this holiday is called the Festival of Lights. And it was fire that was the symbolic embodiment of the powerful sun, and by jumping over the Kupala bonfires, according to popular belief, they become healthy and gain new strength.

First presenter: On Kupala, many herbs and plants acquire healing and magical powers. And on Kupala they wish for their destiny, bathe in dew, and douse themselves with water, which on this night has a cleansing power.

Second presenter: And today you and I will also weave a wreath, wish for our destiny, sing Kupala songs and dance in circles, play Kupala games and jump over fires, and most unexpectedly, we will get to a witches’ Sabbath and go in search of treasure. So, if you are ready, we are going on a journey into the magical Kupala night.

First presenter: Tonight is of particular significance for herbalists; it was they who the healers and sorcerers went to look for. Let's try to find out which of our guests is real


1) What kind of grass, if owned and worn on the body, brings fear to vacationers?

  • archilin
  • weeping - grass
  • buttercup

2) What herb, if owned and carried with you, makes everyone repeat the movements of the owner of the herb?

For example: I, the owner of this grass, will somersault and everyone will immediately somersault?!

  • Datura - grass
  • swimsuit
  • Adam's head

(Datura weed)

3) What herb should you have in your pocket to be an excellent hunter and shooter?


4) Do you know what kind of herb you need to have with you in order to be happy all your life?

  • Peter's cross
  • bear ear
  • Flight - grass


Second presenter: Well done! They answered in unison, did you weave wreaths for the holiday? If not? Red girls, it’s time to braid grass into wreaths and lower them into the water. We already picked flowers for you, it’s up to you. You will weave a wreath, you will wish for your destiny, and then you will find out who is waiting for you!

(The game “Braid a wreath” is played. Props: 2 tyns, behind them is an old grandfather, a young lad, the third is the devil).

First presenter: What would Kupala games be without funny songs and round dances?!

Second presenter: Tonight is not an easy evening, where the simplest things turn into magical ones. Here, for example, is a merry tambourine musical instrument, and today it’s magical, don’t believe me, try it yourself. We are now passing it around, try to pass it to your neighbor as quickly as possible while the music is playing, as soon as the music stops, the one who has the boubouen in his hands goes out to the Kupala bonfire.

The game "STOZHOK" is played

First presenter: Remember, everyone jumps over the fire on Ivan Kupala, so that they can be purified by fire and happiness cannot be avoided. Now you and I will practice together how we will do this when the Host of the holiday, Ivan Kupala, lights our big bonfire. And whoever doesn’t jump over our haystack, thank you, will have to redeem himself with something. So, jump higher and have more fun!!!

Spectators jump, and those who couldn’t smoothly move into the game “Whose rope is longer?”

Second presenter: In ancient times, on this night, tar barrels burned on high hills, and boys and girls in wreaths made of oak branches swung on swings entwined with flowers. On this day, homes are decorated with birch and oak branches. The doors of the houses are open to everyone. This is the festival of water, the festival of fire, the most beautiful HOLIDAY OF LOVE.

First presenter: Before sunrise, young people sing and dance, gathering on the lawn, singing Kupala songs, decorating the bathhouse and leading maiden round dances. And here it seems that they are.

(Kupala songs sound, girls appear on the site, decorate Kupalitsa with ribbons and wreaths, involving vacationers in a round dance around Kupalitsa).

First girl

Oh, willow, willow, willow -
Time has come for you! –
Oh, it’s not the time yet, it’s not time...
It's time for you, Ivanka, to get married
Oh, it’s not the time yet, it’s not time.

First guy

Oh my girl is young
Until summer, until Ivan,
So that my girl can take a walk,
Until summer, until Peter,
So that my girl grows up

(Round dance to the Kupala song)

First girl

There was a birch tree at the edge of an open field,
Stop, birch, don’t develop,
Don't give in to the free wind!

Second girl

Our birch tree has four falcons:
The first falcon is young Ivanko,

Third girl:

And the second falcon is young Nikolko,

Fourth girl:

And the third falcon is young Mikhailo,

Fifth girl:

The fourth falcon is young Vasilko.

(To the melody of the Kupala song, young boys appear on the playground. They carry with them a doll made of straw - KUPALA)

First guy

The girls walked around the Bathing Suit,
At sunset
Weaved wreaths on willow trees so that fate
I looked out the window.

Guys (together or in turns):

The sun is playing on Kupala,
Our Ivan Kupala swam
And he swam boldly!

Second girl

Ivan was swimming and fell into the water,
I lost the keys to the night of Kupala,

Third girl:

Ivan and Marya swam on the mountain,
Kupailitsa and Kupala kissed together,


Where Ivan swam, the shore swayed,
Where Marya swam, the grass spread out.

(Round dance. Song about Kupala)

First presenter:

Isn’t it time for us to call Vodyanoy,
Our holiday will continue.


Come out, come out from the depths,
Come out to the shore, Vodyanoy;
Let us swim
Play over the water
Throwing wreaths into the water
Tell fortunes to the people.

(The Vodyanoy appears from afar. Together with him, the Mermaid comes ashore with her mermaid friends)


Who dared to disturb me
In the depths of lake waters.
Why is he making noise and dancing?
Are there people near the shore?

First presenter

Sorry, dear Vodyanoy! But today is a big holiday, Ivan Kupala! The red girls lead round dances and wish for their fate, and the young men play games with them and get married.


Grooms! What a deal! It was stressful with them in the lake! Here at the marriage ceremony for mermaids, I’ll say it’s a full house! And the main Rusalka, who is my sister, has been waiting for a groom for a long time, and he’s not like that! Why are you making noise, I forgive you, as the Master of the Waters I wish you to look at the suitors, let them show who they are?!

Main mermaid:

All handsome, daredevils!
I know, well done!
Bring them into the circle of friends,
Start round dances.

I look carefully
I'll show you whoever I like
Let them show all their skills
And ingenuity and joy.

(The mermaids with the girls involve young men from the vacationers in the round dance, and leave them for the game “Take the Wreath”, for one participant more than the wreaths themselves).


Tell me something, sister!
If not, he goes to drown himself!

At once the mermaids will tickle you,
If he doesn’t want to get married?!!

Main mermaid:

One is not enough for me, brother,
I would like them more.

Let them show their strength
So that I love them.

(The game “Untie the Knots” is played.)


You should go my sister
Dance with the grooms.
Let them see how beautiful she is
And keep your mind busy.

And from the wealth of Vodyanoy -
I'll give you half
We'll have a wedding in the lake,
We will edit in half.

(The mermaid dances with the mermaids and men from the vacationers. After everyone leaves for the game “Break the Pot”)


Did my sister choose
Who is good enough to be my son-in-law?

Main mermaid:

Yes, my dear brother,
Honored Vodyanoy by all!

(Brings the guy she chose to Vodyanoy).

Main mermaid:

Here, my good groom!


Get on the road now, my friend!
Carry the bride in your arms.
Right up to the wedding venue.

Don't be afraid of water,
I'll give you tea for your efforts.
What is the main mermaid
Are you ready to give now?

I'm happy! Let there be a holiday!
I have found a son-in-law!

(Music sounds. The representative of the vacationers carries the main mermaid to the water. She involuntarily pushes him into the water).

First girl

Dear merman! Allow us to float wreaths on the water and make our fortunes!

Water: Light the candles on the wreaths and lower them into the water. May fate smile on you and may your heart be filled with love.

(A song sounds, the girls float wreaths on the water, the guys help them, someone catches the wreath of their beloved girl).

First presenter

Ivan Kupala - the most beautiful holiday summer, holiday of love. And one of his most beautiful ritual actions is fortune telling on wreaths.

Second presenter

The girl puts the wreath on the water and waits to see where the current will take it. If the wreath floats far away, it means that your dear one will not soon ask you to get married. If she drowns, there will be no love, the girl will not get married. Well, if he washes up on the shore, expect guests to come to the house soon, they will come to woo you. Sometimes a girl puts two wreaths on the water - for herself and for her betrothed, and wishes: “If they come together in the water side by side, it means “to be together.”

First presenter

The girls are beautiful, they wished for fate,
They wished for fate, they were looking for a sweetheart.

You float, float the wreath,
The path to love is long.

On Kupala in fortune-telling -
Make your destiny.

(The song “About the Witch and the Fortune Teller” plays. The Witch appears on the improvised platform with her retinue as the Leshy, the Devil and the young witch).

Witch: Who's going to do magic here without me? Why have you completely forgotten about me? When there are herbs for bewitching, or for illness, you always find a path to me, but on such a holiday, I, the Witch, were not invited to the festivities. (to Vodyanoy) And you, my dear, have completely forgotten that on the Kupala evening you rule, and that night is mine, the Witch’s. Today I will fly with my girlfriends to the famous gathering place for witches on Kupala night - in Kyiv, on Bald Mountain.


Witch! Don't hurt!
Don't load the water guy!
Don't scare our people with honesty.
The evil spirits of your forest!

Tell us about the night,
Circle in a round dance.
Reveal all the secrets of herbs,
What if we make peace with you!?

Witch: So be it, I’ll tell you a few of my witch secrets, but you will help me today. A long time ago, we witches taught girls to weave grass into the holiday of Ivan Kupala “to make guys stick,” “for love affairs,” “for a love potion.” So today I prepared a love potion for you. A man will drink it, and he will have no end to the ladies, and if a woman’s lips touch my potion, she will charm all men with her magical gaze! (The witch treats everyone to herbal tea).

First presenter(Against the background of refreshments)

Eternity has bitter smoke in its throat.
For centuries the air was infested with witches,
They saddled their brooms in the night,

Second presenter

They circled over the rooftops and laughed
And they sang tenderly, like Circe,
Blessing the world and cursing.

The witch decided to cook soup:
Crushed the dried snakes,
Made a big fire
And she set the boiler - here it is!

Between pines and meadows
I collected a bucket of toadstools,
Jumped over the hill,
I found a fly agaric.

(Stirring the brew)

(Girls pour tea and treat)

From a mad toad and a dry skeleton,
She needs to brew the brew before dawn
Great for evil broth
Kikimora's laughter, dragon's skin.
Soon they will pour into mugs
Enough for me and all my girlfriends!

(treats everyone to tea)

First presenter

Somehow the witch went wild at the festival. We forgot about songs and dances. Come on, honest people, don’t stand there, drive away boredom, go out dancing in a circle and take your friends with you!

Second presenter

(Games: (between dances) – “Jump over the tyn”, “Jumping with a bag”, “From the vest to the sleeves”, “Nimble couple”, “Climb through the rope”.)

Witch: This cannot continue like this! It’s time for me to fly to the Sabbath, but I haven’t chosen any new witches or girlfriends for myself. If you help me, I will help you too. What would a holiday be without Kupala itself and Agrofena the Bather, but it’s not in vain that they stay late for the holiday, it was I who bewitched them.

Second presenter

Dear guests! If you have a desire to go with a witch to the night Kupala Sabbath, we invite you to this exciting journey!

(Dance with the witches and the lad)

(Games are played: “Assemble a broom”, “Witch warm-up”)

Witch workout: Hearing the word - “Witches”: everyone says loudly - “Top-top”, hearing the word - “Curtain”: everyone says - “Whack-Whack”. All men imitate thunder - saying “Bom-bom”, all women - lightning, saying “Tra-la-la”. So let's begin!


First presenter

That's the end of the witch's witchcraft. And at our holiday it’s time for Ivan Kupala and Agrofena the Bather, our main heroes of the holiday, to appear!

Second presenter

Kupalenka arrived, bringing goodness and health, wealth and honors! And with her Ivan Kupala, the master of the fire!

(Music sounds. To the point playground Ivana Kupala and Agrofena Kupalnitsa arrive).

I. Kupala:

Happy holiday, good people!
I wish you many years of health!
Chests full of goodness,
Happiness bright eyes!

Agrofena Swimsuit:

Have you collected medicinal herbs?
Did you sing great songs?
Have you wished for a girl's destiny?
Did you tear wormwood from witches and mermaids?
Did you have noisy round dances?

First presenter Everything was done by mother, Agrofena Bathing Suit!

Second presenter Order the fires to be lit, and to sing and dance! (stuffed animal and madder). Douse everyone with Kupala water! (pouring).

A. Swimsuit: Wait, my friends! You seem to have forgotten about the main secrets of the Kupala night! Today a fern flower is blooming, for just a moment the “golden-fire color” will sparkle for the lucky one, and will give special power to the one who plucks it, revealing the secrets of nature and rewarding with wealth. Yes, only the “Fire-flower” is surrounded by dawn guards from all forest evil spirits. So Ivan Kupala and I will show you the way, but which of you is the most active today, who will go looking for the treasure?

(those who wish are selected, they are given a search guide with a hint, the finder brings an envelope indicating the treasure. He is given a casket with chocolate medals and champagne).

I. Kupala:

Isn't it time for us to light fires, dance around a big fire, and sing in praise of love! And kiss each other.

(I. Kupala lights the Kupala bonfire)

I. Kupala:(after the fire)

And now the girls are red, the beauties are written, it’s time to choose a friend and lightly kiss! Let fire, as a symbol of truth, a symbol of life and goodness, cleanse your souls until the very morning.

A. Swimsuit:

Now let's play "Lychki"
We invite you to join the circle!
Go boldly, young men, and bring all your friends!

(A game of “Lychki” is played - with colored ribbons, background melody).

First presenter And now?

I. Kupala: Dance until you drop!

A. Bathing suit: Anthem of love!

First presenter And then?

Main mermaid: Let's celebrate the sun!

Second presenter Watch at dawn?

Water: How rays bathe in dew.

Witch: Walk on earth and be healthy!

All: Happy holiday!!!

July has come into its own, which means that everyone is about to celebrate one of the most interesting holidays per year - . We will tell you when and how Ivan Kupala is celebrated in 2017, what fun things to tell children about this day, how to have fun and what traditions to follow.

Once upon a time, when our ancestors lived according to natural cycles, each holiday was special and in one way or another connected with the elements. So, which falls on June 20-21, was a holiday of gratitude to the Sun for life and a bright day. The ancient Slavs celebrated the Kupala holiday on this day. But with the advent of Christianity, the day of Kupala was separated from the day of the solstice and was timed to coincide with the day of John the Baptist. Therefore, it is now celebrated.

Ivan Kupala holiday: customs of day and night

The most important elements of the holiday are water, fire, herbs and, of course, songs. Not a single ritual on Ivan Kupala is complete without these components. And although the holiday is very mystical, among the people it has been turned into one of the noisiest and most fun.

Already from the name of the holiday it is clear that the main actions on this day are associated with water. In ancient times, from the very early morning, all the people could be found on rivers and lakes, because people believed that water cleanses the body and mind. Now the tradition has acquired a slightly different character - on this day, in addition to swimming in a pond, it is also customary to douse yourself with water, because “douse whoever you want!” Children take an active part in such fun.

Game "Tails". For this game you need a rope cut into as many pieces as there are participants. Each player tucks the rope into their belt so that about 2/3 of it hangs down the back like ponytails. The essence of the game is to take away the “tail” from your opponent while keeping your own. The one who “collects” the most “tails” wins. In the game you cannot fight, push, or trip. You can only grasp the “tail” with your hands.

Game "Jumping over fire". Instead of fire, you need to take a long stick. Two participants take the stick by the edges, and the rest line up. The task of each participant is to jump over the stick. After the whole team has jumped, the stick is raised and the jumps are repeated. The one who can overcome the highest level wins.

Game "Weave a wreath." You need to choose a leader. Each child must decide what kind of flower he will be. Then the presenter takes turns calling a flower, and the participants must, holding hands, weave a wreath in the sequence in which the leader names them.

Play, rejoice and have fun on this day with the whole family. May the holiday of Ivan Kupala 2017 bring you a lot positive emotions and bright impressions!

Don't be afraid of water,

I'll give you tea for your efforts.

What is the main mermaid

Are you ready to give now?

I'm happy! Let there be a holiday!

I have found a son-in-law!

(Music sounds. The representative of the vacationers carries the main mermaid to the water. She involuntarily pushes him into the water).


Celebration scenario for the night of Ivan Kupala in the camp - teacher's piggy bank

Celebration scenario for the night of Ivan Kupala in the camp


Kupalenka flower,

flower Ivan da Marya,


Three girls

The stage is decorated with ribbons and birch branches, the Kupalenka and Ivan da Marya flowers are hidden in the corners, there is also a fern there, and somewhere behind the stage a river gurgles. The song sounds, the Well done and the Maiden come out.

Like we have three holidays a year:

The first holiday - Semik honest,

Another holiday - Trinity Day,

And the third holiday is the Bathing Suit.

GIRL: Where are you going, dear friend? Come with me to sing songs, lead round dances, weave wreaths, and make fortunes.

WELL DONE: I won’t go with you, my beloved. I want to go into the forest and find the color of the fern.

GIRL: What do you need it for? The whole land is yours - take it - I don’t want it. Don't go into the forest, it's scary there.

Well done: I decided to find the treasured color, so that I could later find all the treasures and lay them at your feet.

Girl: Oh, I don’t need all the treasures, I need you alive and well. Don’t go, it’s better to go to the river, bathe in the dew, and sprinkle yourself with holy water. Today the sun has lost its way and the bright-eyed maiden Dawn appeared to help him. She not only led him across the sky, but also washed him with dew, filled with the summer fragrance of flowers. Come swim with me, we will be cleansed of all sins, we will live new life.

GOOD GUY: No, I won’t go with you. I’ll go into the dark forest, seek, torture, explore my happiness. Don't remember it badly!

The fellow and the girl go their separate ways. The girl leaves for the song playing behind the stage:

The night is short!

Marya did not sleep

Petra took the keys

The dawn opened,

Released Rosa.

Honey dew,

Silk grass -

In the middle of the meadow

Against the sun.

The song stops, the young man is left alone. It gets darker, flowers and ferns come out of their hiding places, and Leshy joins them. They all circle around the young man, saying:

Like on Ivan Kupala

The sun was playing red.

The girls will go pick grass,

Remember your sister and brother:

Oh, where is that grass -

Thu brother and sister.

On brother - Blue colour,

The color on my sister is yellow.

Zarya-Zaryanitsa fell like dew,

Married my sister and brother.

Everyone starts pushing the young man, he becomes completely confused and screams. Everyone freezes, only the Ivan da Marya flower remains.

WELL DONE: Who are you?

IVAN-DA-MARYA: Ai didn’t recognize it? I am a reserved, magical flower. Take me, I will bring you happiness.

WELL DONE: Oh, I know you. You are the flower of fortune telling Ivan da Marya: the girl and the fellow fell in love with each other and got married, not knowing that they were brother and sister, and they turned into a flower with yellow and blue petals. I know you, I won’t take you with me. Go to the girls, they will pick you off, weave you into a wreath, and they will tell fortunes based on the wreath. I don't need you. I'm looking for another fiery color.

Everything started spinning again, spinning around the young man, again they began to kick and push him, chanting:

Kupala, Kupala,

Where did you fly?

I flew in the forest

Under the broom bush,

Under a birch leaf!

Kupala, Kupala,

Where did you winter?

I wintered in a meadow -

Under the little white snow!

Everyone runs away, only the Kupalenka flower remains.

KUPALENKA: Hello, good fellow. What are you doing here? Why did you come to the forest at night? Go to people, walk, jump over fires. On a sacred night you should not wander here.

GOOD GUY: What shouldn’t this be? That's it.

KUPALENKA: You know, it’s a witch’s night now. All sorts of evil spirits wander through the forest, mermaids crawl out of swamps, goblins don’t sit in hollows, they lead and spin around the forest. Get out of here.

WELL DONE: I know you, you Kupalenka, forest flower. But it’s not you I’m looking for, it’s not you I want. Let me in.

KUPALENKA: Oh, well done, you’ll be lost, you’ll perish in vain, brave valor will not help you, daring praise will not help you.

GOOD GUY: Let me go!

And again everything started spinning and spinning. A fine fellow goes forward, but they interfere with him, they howl a song:

Round, small field,

There are a lot of wonderful berries on it:

Ripe, mature,

Red and white.

Who walks at night

He will dial.

And Marya took the ripe ones,

And Ivan took mature ones -

Red and white.

Everything has disappeared, only the fern flower stands, blazing in all directions with an unprecedented, unheard of light.

Well done: That's what you are, a cherished, reserved flower. I've been looking for you for a long time, waiting. Here you are.

And the flower is getting brighter, glowing brighter. The young man rushed towards him and wanted to grab him, but Leshy grabbed him instead.

A girl's song is heard from afar:

Oh, on Ivan,

Oh, on Kupala

The girls wondered

Into fast water

They threw wreaths.

Tell me, water,

To the red maiden

About young life,

With whom to live forever?

Whom, little river,

Call it your favorite?

How long to live

Walk on the ground?

Bring, river, wreath

To the other bank.

Together with the song, three girls and a girl come out, holding wreaths in their hands. They finish them and throw them into the “river”, watching the flow. Two of them have buckets of water. They wet their hands with water, wash their faces, and splash it on their neighbors and in the hall. The girl is thoughtful.

FIRST GIRL: Why, my friend, are you sad? Or did you remember something bad?

GIRL: My good fellow went into the forest to torture his happiness, to look for a fern-flower. Oh, I'm afraid something bad will happen to him.

SECOND GIRL: And you hope, dear, that he will return to you.

THIRD GIRL: Let's light a fire, cheer ourselves up, cheer ourselves up.

The girls leave to prepare the fire, the girl goes in the opposite direction. A fine fellow “falls out” onto the stage and lies motionless. The girl runs out.

GIRL: Dear friend, what happened to you? What happened?

WELL DONE: Oh, I barely escaped the evil spirits. I saw the flower, but couldn’t take it.

GIRL: It’s good that he remained intact. And we will find treasures anyway. You are more valuable to me than all the treasures in the world.

WELL DONE: Oh, how old is the Kupala forest at night.

GIRL6 And we’ll go to the river, jump over the fire, and your soul will warm up. Let's go.

The fellow gets up and walks with the girl. Girls come out, light a fire, and sing:

Kupala by the water-sea!

Ivan's horse played at night,

I broke the stone with my hoof,

A spark lit the fire.

Ride first, horse,

Through the great fire.

The king and queen are behind you,

And the red maiden

And peace and feast,

And with kind people.

The young man and the girl begin to jump over the fire. The other three girls in the hall find the guys and jump with them. While everyone is jumping, the farewell Kupala song sounds in the background:

Like Kupala

The sun was playing!

Go, little siskin, at the gate,

Collect a round dance:

Guys - out for a walk,

The young ones are going for a swim,

And wreath the girls,

Walk to the river

Throw wreaths into the water,

Guess your destiny!

ALL: Happy holiday, good people! Happy holiday, Happy Bathing Night.

From July 6 to July 7, a very ancient, one of the main holidays of the Slavs is celebrated. It is rich in its rituals and traditions: collecting fragrant flowers and herbs, weaving beautiful wreaths, decorating houses with greenery, jumping over bouquets and bonfires, fortune telling, dousing with water, night riots and tracking down evil spirits.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is known as the day of the sun, green mowing and the ripeness of summer.
Celebration of Ivan Kupala consisted in the fact that people girded themselves with flowers and herbs, put wreaths on their heads, danced in circles, danced and sang songs, lit fires, in the center of which a pole with a burning wheel was fixed - a symbol of warmth and sun.
The holiday of Ivan Kupala is a revered and riotous holiday among the people.
The celebration of Ivan Kupala is associated with various water treatments and rituals. For example, in the morning on Midsummer's Day you must take a swim.
And the main feature of the Kupala night is the cleansing bonfires. There are dances around them, and young people jump over them. Once upon a time, parents burned the clothes of sick children in these bonfires so that all diseases would burn away with them.
The Kupala dance “Rucheyok” is still known, in which young couples, holding hands, run through a special “gate” made of raised hands. This dance is mystical in nature. It depicts the moon and sun emerging from the heavenly “gate.”

Fun and games for the holiday of Ivan Kupala

1. Game "Tails"
It needs to be played in pairs. Each participant takes a rope of the same length as his opponent and tucks it into the waistband of his trousers so that 2/3 of it hangs down behind him, resembling a tail. Each player must take the “tail” from the enemy without losing his own. But the interesting thing is that during the game you cannot fight, push or grab anything other than the “tail”. The winner is the player who took the “tail” from the opponent, but did not lose his own. This game can be played by 5-6 people. Then you need to collect more “tails” of your opponents and save your own.
2. Game "Water"
For it you need to choose a driver who sits in a circle with eyes closed, and the participants move in a circle saying:
Watery, Watery,
Why are you sitting under water?
Come on out,
Sit with us.
At the end of these words, the circle stops, and the merman gets up and approaches one player. He must determine with his eyes closed who is in front of him. If you guess right, you change places with the participant you guessed right.
3. Game "Golden Gate" If there are many participants, they must divide into two teams. One of the teams forms a circle, and the participants join hands and raise them up. In a circle, players are positioned at such a distance from each other that a person can pass between them. The second team, moving like a snake, goes around each player in turn, finding itself either in the middle of the circle or outside it.
The first team says the words:
Golden Gate
They don't always miss.
The first one is allowed
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
At the end of these words, the members of the first team abruptly lower their hands. Everyone who remains inside the circle leaves the chain and continues to stand there. The one who remains in the chain wins.

Traditions and rituals that accompany the holiday of Ivan Kupala

A very important tradition of Kupala night is jumping over the fire. It is believed that it cleanses a person from everything bad with fire. If the jump is successful, when the flame does not touch the jumper, then marriage awaits him. Whoever jumps the highest will be the happiest.

Bathing and dousing on the night of Ivan Kupala - also for cleaning.
A popular tradition is fortune telling. Single girls and women make fortunes about their future husbands. They weave wreaths of flowers and herbs and throw them down the river. If you make a wish during this process, it will definitely come true. If the wreath sinks, it means death. If she floats, the girl will soon get married. If she washes ashore, she will be unmarried.

Another custom associated with this holiday is searching for fern flower. It was believed that only on Kupala night the fern blooms for a moment in a fiery red color and that whoever manages to see it will be lucky and rich. He will see all the treasures, no matter how deeply they are buried in the ground. Such a person will gain power over everyone.

Kupala night is magical and it was believed that on this night wishes and cherished dreams come true. Do you have any doubts? Try it, make a wish and find out whether it’s true or not.