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Develop your child's design skills. Developing construction skills at an early age

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Sverdlovsk region

GBPOU SO "Revda Pedagogical College"

Development of design skills among junior schoolchildren in the process of studying the “Technology” educational course


Gromova Valeria Olegovna

4th year student, group 46

specialty 44.02.02

"Teaching in primary school»


Gusarskaya Valentina Vladimirovna,

Teacher 1KK.



      Characteristics of design as a type of productive activity for junior schoolchildren

      Design skills and features of their development in primary school age

ChapterII. Possibilities of the “Technology” training course in the process of developing design skills in junior schoolchildren

2.1. Technology lessons in primary school

2.2 Comparative analysis of programs for the “Technology” training course


List of sources used


The importance of education in the life of modern society is visibly increasing. Recently, it is the quality of education and upbringing that increasingly determines the level of development of countries and becomes a strategic area that ensures their security and potential through the preparation of the younger generation.

The modern school is faced with the task of finding opportunities to educate a creative, active personality. The main goal of education is to ensure the readiness of the younger generation for future creative activity, for the emergence of new opportunities that life provides.

We live in the age of information, in the age of rapid changes that have occurred in a relatively short period, in order to adequately respond to these changes, a person must intensify his Creative skills, developing creative activity.

Logical and creative thinking develops throughout children's education in primary school. A special place in this process is given to the educational subject “Technology”. The art of origami is very popular all over the world, which leaves no one indifferent, especially children. Origami-type construction develops students' fantasy, imagination, hand motor skills, spatial thinking, and cultivates aesthetic taste, will, accuracy, and hard work.

The name of constructive activity comes from the Latin word constructio - construction.

Children's construction is an activity in which children create various play crafts (toys, buildings) from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, special construction kits and construction sets).

Construction is a rather complex activity for children. In it we find a connection with the artistic, constructive and technical activities of adults.

Anton Semenovich Makarenko emphasized that a child’s games with toys from which he constructs, “are closest to normal human activity: a person creates values ​​and culture from materials.”

Thus, the constructive activity of children is close to the constructive and technical activity of adults. The product of children's activity does not yet have social significance; the child does not contribute anything new either to the material or cultural values ​​of society. However, the guidance of children's activities by adults has the most beneficial effect on labor education schoolchildren.

Object of study - development of design skills in children of primary school age.

Subject of study - technology lessons.

Purpose of the study - to substantiate the importance of technology lessons for the formation of constructive skills in children of primary school age.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following are set: tasks:

    Study scientific, methodological and reference literature on this issue;

    Consider the concept of constructive activity;

    Identify the formation of design skills in technology lessons;

    To develop a comprehensive program to introduce origami to children of primary school age.

During the research process I used the following methods:

    empirical research method: allowed us to identify sources for studying the research problem;

    methods of theoretical research (literature study, analysis of facts, systematization of what has been studied) to determine the theoretical foundations of the problem.

In the process of work, analysis of scientific, practical and methodological literature, review of Internet sites, selection of illustrative material, lesson notes, development of samples and technological maps for performing origami were used.

ChapterI. Theoretical basis development of design skills for junior schoolchildren

      Characteristics of design as a type of productive activity for junior schoolchildren

Construction (construere)- creating a model, constructing, putting into a certain order and interrelation of various individual objects, parts, elements, aimed at obtaining a product.

Construction is one of the types of productive activities that allows you to develop creative abilities, promotes the development of an individual’s aesthetic culture, and at the same time provides an opportunity to consolidate and deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in technology lessons. Artistic taste and the ability to find adequate means of expression also develop. created image, forming the creative potential of the individual, as well as knowledge, skills in the field of work. But at the same time, design, as a productive type of activity, creates good opportunities for modeling various types of interaction between children in the process of activity, which fosters a sense of duty, responsibility, the ability to obey the requirements of the group and work creatively in a team, show mutual assistance, and assimilate norms of social behavior.

In the process of construction, schoolchildren develop spatial imagination more intensively, develop the ability to quickly move from thinking to action, thinking in advance about the course of their work, plan it, accuracy and dexterity of movements are formed and developed.

In the literature, two types of design are distinguished:

    Technical design - creates an object in its material and functional basis.

    Artistic design - fills the object with social content, convenience, harmony and beauty.

It must be said that design is present in the creation of all objects around us, and every person should be able to create beautiful things.

You can use design elements that are included in the subject:

    unity of color and shape;

    combination of material and shape;

    compliance of form with purpose;

    proportionality of various forms in the composition.

Impact subject environment on children occurs in the process of activity. Children of primary school age emotionally perceive changes in the layout and furnishings of the room and navigate these changes quite correctly. They are also attracted by the design of the object environment: original design, unusual color finish, and mobility of objects.

Due to the fact that children of primary school age are almost never associated with the working environment, they limit the range of things under consideration to only household ones and use objects such as streets, homes, etc. for research. playgrounds, city transport, clothes, toys.

In the process of a child’s formation, not only changes and complication of knowledge, skills, and abilities occur, but also the development of general personality traits. In the course of training and upbringing, different aspects of children’s mental activity change, methods and abilities to perform increasingly diverse actions accumulate and change, knowledge and ideas change, and new motives and interests are formed. Among all the diversity of these changes, psychologists identify the most common and defining properties:

    personal focus;

    psychological structure of activity;

    level of development of thinking mechanisms.

In addition to the above properties, it is necessary to develop in children visual memory, “visual experience”, evaluate visual impressions.

Thus, it is necessary to develop the following personality traits of children:

    creative imagination;

    visual perception and visual memory;

    purposefulness of actions, the ability to change them depending on changes in the goal.

The ability to correlate and synthesize abstract and concrete knowledge.

The formation of these personality traits can be facilitated by design knowledge and skills that children master under the influence of the surrounding subject environment and as a result of training.

Students are faced with technical tasks that require mental effort. As a basis for solving them and developing students’ design abilities, teachers determine design and technical knowledge and skills that need to be developed in younger schoolchildren:

    knowledge and skills in handling tools and processing materials;

    knowledge of material properties and basic technology;

    ability to analyze work tasks, plan and apply knowledge in practice.

By perceiving surrounding objects, the relationships of various shapes, combinations of colors, as well as receiving relevant knowledge in classes at school, children acquire a certain system of knowledge about various combinations and means of expression in artistic design.

Let's consider the most common forms of organizing students' work to create new product designs:

1. Design under the dictation of the teacher.

The teacher shows the designs of the parts one by one, demonstrates the principles of their manufacture and connection, the order of finishing the product, and its intended use. Students are engaged in reproductive activities, reproduce, copy the actions of the teacher.

2. Design by analogy.

After students, under the guidance of a teacher, have made a product, they are asked to independently construct a product that is similar in design or somewhat more complex, but similar in design.

3. Design based on a sample.

Students analyze the design of the sample, find out what parts it consists of, find out the order and techniques for performing individual operations, assembling and finishing the product. In this form of teaching design, the direct transfer of ready-made knowledge to children is ensured. This is a necessary stage during which children learn about the properties of the material and master construction techniques.

4. Design according to your own plans.

This is a type of design based on independent consideration of the task of designing a product, the manufacture of which requires the use of materials, tools and previously learned work techniques known to students.

5. Design based on written or graphic product descriptions.

Including general technical requirements for the finished product (its purpose, conditions of use, material, general design requirements, etc.).

6. Design according to conditions.

Without giving a sample and methods of production, children are given only the conditions that the composition of the design must meet and which, as a rule, emphasize its practical purpose.

7. Design in a team of 2-4 people with the distribution of responsibilities for creating a design, implementing it in material, testing it in action.

When developing practical tasks for students, they use design according to their own plans, according to conditions, according to written and graphic descriptions using the material:

  • plasticine;

  • natural material.

It is these types of construction that contribute to the development of students’ personalities and the development of their character. Making crafts requires certain volitional efforts. Gradually, children develop such qualities as determination, perseverance, and the ability to complete the work they start.

One aspect of constructive activity is the result, expressed in a completed object. The child needs to prove that everything that a person does has its own shape, composition, color, line, and therefore what he himself does can be beautiful or ugly, beautiful or ugly. When designing the result of work, a student should think not only about whether a given thing is convenient, but also about how it looks. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of teaching design is to teach the child not only the skills of conscientious work, but also a sense of form, color combinations, composition, and symmetry. First of all, children comprehend the important idea that the design of the form should be expedient, reasonable, manifested in the convenience of the thing when using it. The more fully the form corresponds to its purpose, the more expediently it is solved, the simpler it is. Therefore, healthy aesthetic taste regards simplicity of form as an expression of its beauty.

The process of constructive activity consists of 2 stages:

    the process of creating a plan;

    the process of its implementation.

In the process of creating a plan, thinking about the upcoming activity occurs, presenting the final goal - the design, choosing ways to achieve this goal, planning a sequence of practical actions. However, practical activity aimed at fulfilling the plan is not purely performative; it combines mental and practical actions. In this case, practical actions of a search nature play a special role; they are, as it were, the source of the child’s thoughts and his further reasoning.

In the process of constructive activity, children develop the ability to purposefully examine objects, analyze them and, based on such analysis, compare similar objects, noting what is common and different in them, and make generalizations.

By solving constructive problems, children learn to analyze their conditions and find independent solutions, create a design plan and plan their activities in accordance with it. The basis for systematizing the content of design training should be the dependence of the objects being constructed on their practical purpose.

1.2 Design skills and features of their pdevelopment in primary school age

New goals of education involve the formation of a creative personality capable of independently determining the methods of their activities. The quality of the educational process is largely determined by the extent to which the student is a subject of cognition, showing activity and cognitive independence in the learning process.

The most effective for the formation and development of children's creative activity is design, which provides the opportunity for real invention and modeling, with the disclosure of creative potential. But in order for learning to be effective, it is necessary to create conditions for younger schoolchildren, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics.

The following psychological and pedagogical conditions have been formulated to promote the development of design skills:

      taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children of primary school age.

      taking into account the psychological laws of the process of knowledge acquisition.

      implementation of a system-activity approach to the formation of design skills.

      selection of technology tasks for pre-design and redesign of products.

      use of different types of educational design.

Let's reveal them in more detail.

Primary school age is characterized by acuteness and spontaneity of perception, a kind of contemplative curiosity, which the teacher and parents must support and create all the conditions for increasing interest in learning.

The most characteristic feature of the perception of elementary school students is weak differentiation, where they make inaccuracies and errors in differences when perceiving similar objects. The next feature of the perception of students at the beginning of primary school age is its close connection with the actions of the student, with practical activities. For a child to perceive an object means to do something with it, to change it in some way, to perform actions: take it, touch it, i.e. the predominance of practical activities, perception at the sensory level.

The younger schoolchild has several forms of ideas with types of sensations and perceptions. Most ideas are associated with visual and auditory perception, which is an important factor for creative activity - a productive form of activity for primary school students.

A distinctive feature of students is their pronounced emotionality of perception. When developing creative activity, great attention should be paid to creating an emotionally positive environment in the classroom. Since “emotion precedes thinking,” as a result, it will be easier for the child to solve the questions posed when making the design of any product.

As noted by N.M. Konyshev, when teaching design, “in the lower grades, it is more expedient to rely on the natural interest and curiosity of children, and to focus on the formation of general educational skills, communication skills and internal motivation.” For example, individual tasks, tasks taking into account the interests of children, reliance on practice and spatial concepts that are formed at this age.

For the teacher primary classes individual characteristics are important in terms of the dynamic characteristics of the mental activity of each student (pace, speed, rhythm, intensity), especially in technology lessons, which are mainly practice-oriented, since most of the time is spent working with hands. The younger schoolchild expresses his emotions through shape, composition and color. If a student cannot independently solve the assigned tasks, then the teacher offers him prepared blanks, templates, stencils, tools, and creates all the necessary conditions for maintaining a positive emotional background among students. Since any emotion motivates, evokes and directs mental and mental activity and behavior, which is important for the development of creative activity and design skills such as:

    the ability to recognize and highlight an object (see the essential);

    the ability to assemble an object from ready-made parts (synthesize) or construct it using drawing tools;

    the ability to dismember and isolate components (analyze);

    the ability to modify or transform an object according to given parameters;

    the ability to assemble a new one from a transformed or modified object, or its individual parts.

Primary school students have general ideas. This factor is important for the full development of students’ understanding of the approach to performing a particular work related to the modeling and design of an object from whole and composite parts. Design activities in which the child is involved presuppose the presence of a fairly broad outlook. The leading activity of a junior schoolchild is learning, where new formations of age-related development occur, such as volition, an internal plan of action and, of course, reflection.

In children of this age, visual-figurative thinking predominates. Memory develops by reproducing ideas. Psychological research shows that during primary school age it is thinking that has a greater influence on the development of all mental processes.

The following types of thinking are distinguished:

    objective-active thinking – thinking associated with practical, direct actions with an object;

    visual-figurative thinking – thinking that is based on perception or representation (typical for young children).

Visual-figurative thinking makes it possible to solve problems in a directly given, visual field, having an image, without taking into account the internal characteristics and interactions of the object. The further path of development of thinking is the transition to verbal-logical thinking - this is thinking in concepts devoid of direct clarity inherent in perception and representation. This new content of thinking at primary school age is determined by the content of the leading educational activity. The development of thinking in primary school age plays a special role. With the beginning of learning, thinking moves to the center mental development child and becomes decisive in the system of other mental functions, which under its influence acquire a conscious and voluntary character.

Studying at school allows younger schoolchildren to learn to regulate and control their thinking. Such abilities are formed by completing compulsory tasks, regularly assigned educational tasks by the teacher in class and as homework. In many ways, the formation of such voluntary, controlled thinking is facilitated by the teacher’s assignments in class, which encourage children to think.

An important feature of primary school age is fantasy - this is their myth-making. Children consider “semantic marks” in the objective and spatial world that they are mastering. Therefore, at this age, they can without much difficulty bring to life a seen object, composing it from the proposed details, selecting the forms necessary to create images, and drawing an associative parallel with objects according to the description, which have certain spatial types: shape, color, size.

All this suggests that the younger student has a psychological basis for learning and independent productive activity in technology lessons. The teacher needs to take into account age characteristics children in the learning process.

Construction is the “wall” for a ready-made foundation of skills when working with paper, fabric, natural materials, metal and plastic parts from the “Constructor” set. This area needs to be gradually included in the topics of technology lessons and, of course, developed creativity to perform the work, as well as offer all sorts of independent options for completing tasks that arouse interest in the primary school student and allow him to be motivated to study.

In the design process, the main developmental impact in practical activity is determined by the extent to which it obeys the original plan. Home, most meaningful work at the same time, it is carried out using a system-activity approach in the learning process. Of course, for a child learning about the world, not only theoretical, but also practical actions aimed at implementing speculative constructive ideas are important: mastering tools, methods of processing materials, etc. They allow you to accumulate sensory experience, form coordination and accuracy of movements, and teach you to build a conscious system of actions. However, the complex design process cannot be reduced only to the enrichment of practical actions with objects. Sensory processes and practical actions, gradually becoming more complex, should interact more closely with thinking processes, which in the future will become the basis for completing tasks with additional aspects in the work, such as pre-designing and re-designing a product.

Spontaneously, in itself, such interaction in children, as a rule, does not arise; This requires the creation of a special learning environment. Therefore, at primary school age, the sensory experience formed in children should be included. In the construction of more complex cognitive processes, it is necessary to include various types of construction in practical activities.

Based on this, it is impossible to recognize as meeting scientific requirements such methods of teaching technology that separate the practical and mental activities of students. A similar division occurs in all those cases when a child mechanically works from beginning to end according to instructions, step by step carrying out actions developed by someone else. This organization of work actually excludes the student’s activity and limits his ability to think, learn and develop, the main thing for which learning exists. It is advisable to offer students tasks in such a way that they independently look for ways to complete them, and the mistakes made in this case will contribute to the search and stimulate their knowledge.

It is from this position that we must approach the definition of educational design: this process includes the active thinking of the student, aimed at solving an intellectual and pedagogical problem. Children assimilating knowledge already known to mankind and doing this with the help of adults does not exclude, but on the contrary, presupposes the need for children to have genuine, independent thinking. Otherwise, the assimilation of knowledge will be purely formal, superficial, thoughtless, and mechanical.

Let us note once again that if the task does not cause any difficulties for the child, then mental support is not required when completing it. Here, the decisive role is played by the corresponding skills and elementary technological operations firmly fixed in his memory.

The teacher will have to purposefully develop the design abilities of younger schoolchildren, and not just use them in their work. In order for subject-based practical activity to be called design and have an educational and developmental meaning, practical tasks for students must contain conditions and tasks that require a certain intellectual and emotional stress.

I would like to note that planning practical actions aimed at obtaining a tangible result of a product for a student can have a certain meaning: it teaches you to “cover” this part of the design process in its entirety, analyze the relationship between actions and their results, and find the most rational sequence. Taking into account the above, the technique of students planning their actions can and should be used in organizing work when constructing technology in lessons. Unjustified use of this technique can cause significant harm, turning the creative process of solving a constructive problem into a chain of mechanical practical actions.

ChapterII. Possibilities of the “Technology” training course in the process of developing the design skills of junior schoolchildren

2.1. Technology lessons in primary school

Technology, from the standpoint of socialization of students, occupies a key place in the system general education, its study begins in primary school, continues at the level of basic general education and ends at the basic or specialized level at the senior level of general education. Ensures the development of technological competence among schoolchildren in the general education system. Promotes the development of abilities for creative, transformative activities, preparation for solving practical problems.

In the primary education system, work activity is one of the important factors in the development of a child: moral, mental, physical, aesthetic.

It is in the elementary grades that the foundations of a socially active personality are laid, showing interest in work, independence, respect for working people and other valuable qualities that contribute to the assimilation of the demands of life and establishment in it.

The purpose of the technology course in primary school is to develop a creative, active personality with an interest in technical and artistic creativity and the desire to work.

This goal leads to the following tasks:

    development of sensory and mental abilities, moral, aesthetic, economic and environmental education;

    formation of inclinations and interests, education of student behavior;

    developing in students practical skills in artistic processing of various materials, design and modeling, handling of the simplest tools; development of amateur creativity, elements of technical thinking;

    purposeful and systematic formation of skills, skills of planning work actions, independent and mutual control of the assessment of one’s own and others’ work, self-service.

The labor training program in primary school provides for introducing students to various types of work, namely:

    agricultural labor;

    household work;

    the basics of artistic processing of various materials;

    self-care work;

    technical labor and technical modeling.

The activity-based approach to building the process of teaching technology is the main characteristic feature of this educational subject. This contributes to the formation in younger schoolchildren not only of ideas about the interaction of man and the world around him, about the role of people’s labor activity in the development of society, but also allows them to develop initial technological knowledge, the most important labor skills.

Schoolchildren's education is structured taking into account the mastery of specific technological operations in the process of creating products from various materials and mastering initial skills project activities. The types of practical activities and the sequence of practical work are determined by the age characteristics of students and are built on the basis of a gradual increase in the degree of technological complexity of manufactured products and taking into account the possibility of students demonstrating creative initiative and independence.

When selecting specific training content, the social and moral aspects of work activity and the personal and social significance of the products being created are of fundamental importance.

Characteristic Features the educational subject of technology are: practice-oriented orientation of the training content; application of knowledge gained from studying other educational fields and academic subjects to solve technical and technological problems; application of gained practical experience to perform household work duties.

In the process of teaching technology in primary school, the following goals are realized:

    sensory development, fine motor skills hands, spatial imagination, technical and logical thinking, eye; ability to navigate various types of information;

    mastering knowledge about the role of human labor in transforming the world around us, initial ideas about the world of professions;

    mastery of basic technological knowledge, labor skills, practical experience in creating personally and socially significant objects of labor; ways of planning and organizing work activities, objective assessment of one’s work; skills to use computer technology to work with information in educational activities and everyday life;

    nurturing hard work, respectful attitude towards people and the results of their work, interest in information and communication activities; practical use rules of cooperation in collective activities.

The subject “Technology” is studied in all grades of primary school, thereby ensuring the integrity of the educational process and continuity in learning between the primary and main levels of education.

In the new federal component of the state standard on technology for primary general education, the following content lines are highlighted, which implement the concentric principle of study, make it possible to gradually deepen and expand the program material: general labor knowledge, skills and methods of activity, technology for manufacturing products from various materials, practical experience, housework, practice of working on a computer.

The content of the labor training course includes the section “Fundamentals of artistic processing of various materials”, it includes students’ mastery of the simplest ways and techniques of working with various materials, and is aimed at introducing children to various types of folk crafts, developing creative abilities and aesthetic education of younger schoolchildren.

In the process of studying a technology course, children develop a concept of technology such as:

      skill, ability to perform interesting creative tasks;

      the process of transforming unnecessary materials and raw materials into the desired product;

      ways for man to transform what nature gives him for life;

      ways to create conditions for a comfortable life;

      the science of converting materials, raw materials and energy into the necessary product.

In elementary school, students become familiar with technological processes manufacturing various products, learn to find rational and shortest way to solving educational and practical life problems. This makes it possible to quickly move from reproductive to productive, creative learning, as well as to develop the skills and abilities necessary for further technological education.

At primary school age, there is a gradual change in leading activity, a transition from play activity to educational activity. At the same time, the game still retains its leading role. Based on this feature, the game should become the basis for the development of students' learning skills.

“Game technologies” mean a broad group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a “pedagogical game” has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, highlighted explicitly or indirectly and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

IN last years Among primary school students there are many children with poor health. These children have physical and psychological difficulty in mastering academic skills and abilities throughout the lesson. Children can be captivated and interested in the learning process through play. It is learning in and through play that allows each student to believe in themselves. And it gives the teacher the opportunity to teach all children in the lesson without overloading them, but, on the contrary, developing their individual abilities.

The game creates a sustainable interest in further study of design, as well as confidence in successfully mastering it. But I would like to note that the game has not only motivational functions.

The use of game moments in lessons helps to intensify the cognitive and creative activity of students, develops their thinking, memory, fosters initiative, and allows them to overcome boredom in teaching design skills. The game can force the student to remember the skills he has learned and expand his knowledge. Games develop intelligence and attention, enrich the student’s creative abilities.

According to B.M. Teplov, creative activity, in the proper sense of the word, is activity that produces new original products of high social value.

Schoolchildren, with the exception of a few, cannot create products that have social novelty and significance. Therefore, this definition for secondary school cannot be accepted.

The creativity of a schoolchild, believes I.P. Volkov, is the creation by him of a certain product, product (solving a problem), in the process of working on which he independently applies acquired knowledge, skills, skills, including transferring them, combining known methods of activity or creating a new approach to solving a problem for the student. IN creative process an image of the future object is mentally created, a continuous independent search is underway the best options achieving the desired result.

Creativity must be distinguished from meaningless fantasy. One of the types of creative activity is design. By its very nature, a technical task is associated with search activity.

The term construction means the construction, bringing into a certain relative position of various objects, parts, elements. The design process is aimed at building a model of the designed object that satisfies the requirements of matching the form and content of the plan.

Design as a type of activity is characterized by a targeted search for the shape of parts, materials for their manufacture, manufacturing technology, as well as methods for connecting parts and their position in space in order to create a product with specified properties.

The inclusion of gaming technologies in a lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood in children, and makes it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material. In games, especially collective games, a child’s moral qualities are also formed. During the game, children learn to help their comrades, take into account the opinions and interests of others, and restrain their desires. Children develop a sense of responsibility, collectivism, discipline, will, and character.

A variety of play activities, with the help of which one or another mental task is solved, increases children’s interest in the subject and in their knowledge of the world around them.

The main thing to remember is that the game is only an element of the lesson, and it should serve to achieve the didactic goals of the lesson. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly what skill or abilities are being trained in this game, what the child did not know how to do before the game and what he learned during the game.

2.2. Comparative analysis of programs for the training course “Technology”

Modern education provides the teacher with the opportunity to choose educational programs. Each educational institution, guided by its capabilities and the necessary legal and methodological framework, can independently choose programs in various subjects, including technology.

When studying the programs, I was able to find out that all programs confirm the fact that the educational subject “Technology” is complex and integrated. The practice-oriented focus of the content in the programs naturally integrates the knowledge gained from studying other subjects. This similarity creates conditions for the development of initiative, ingenuity, and flexibility of thinking, which is important for such activities as design and modeling.

Thus, all programs provide for familiarity with basic materials, techniques, basics of design and modeling, and safety precautions. The main teaching method in the programs is the practical and project method.

In all teaching and educational complexes, the tasks of studying technology are set in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO and are focused on the development of all universal educational activities. The tasks cover not only the need to develop technological knowledge and skills, but also the development of the cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, moral, and communicative spheres.

It was revealed that the largest number of hours devoted to design was noted in the “School 2100” program (Table No. 1).

This table provides data on the formation of design skills (in the “Design” section) by number of hours and in the analyzed programs by class.

Education in primary school in technology lessons lays down the basic skills when working with two types of design: technical and artistic, and this is the oriented focus in the content of the analyzed programs. Design - creation of various objects. Mental and practical activity is aimed at creating a product, an object that carries an element of novelty and does not, unlike modeling, repeat real objects. Technical Modeling should not be understood as simple reproduction of finished drawings, copying of graphic and visual images at the initial stages of training.

In technology lessons, we often have to consider and analyze natural forms and structures as a universal source of integrated and combined method teaching younger schoolchildren. It is this factor that is the same when comparing these programs, since the topics of the programs under consideration contain an integrated focus for organizing independent and differentiated work.

The variability of the programs is manifested in the interesting and variety of individual approaches to completing tasks by students, in the presentation of the choice of materials, which should be carried out by a systemic activity approach in productive design activities with a positive result.


As a result of analyzing the scientific literature on the research problem, I came to the conclusion that at primary school age, successful teaching of construction to schoolchildren in “Technology” lessons based on sequential problem solving involves ensuring in the teaching process those general pedagogical conditions that are necessary for the intensive development of constructive activity . These general pedagogical conditions are nothing more than the implementation of the principles of general didactics in “Technology” lessons - taking into account the specifics of this academic subject, the objectives of its teaching, its content, the originality of the teaching methods and techniques used. The development of schoolchildren’s activity in “Technology” lessons assumes, first of all, the creation at each of these lessons of the pedagogical conditions necessary for its manifestation, and then the consistent - from lesson to lesson, restructuring of these conditions in order to ensure a gradual increase in the requirements for students, for the manifested activity. their activity, to the level of their creative work.

Paper design lessons in elementary school are an ideal way for a child to develop comprehensively and a fun way to spend leisure time. Origami is folded paper, as well as the art of folding paper, creating various figures and decorative things. The range of possibilities of origami is great: from a simple children's game to a whole art. Origami is used in certain Japanese rituals and ceremonies, during the rehabilitation period after certain illnesses. Origami occupies a significant place in the education and development of a child:

    teaches children various techniques for working with paper, such as bending, folding, cutting, gluing;

    develops in children the ability to work with their hands, accustoms them to precise finger movements, their fine motor skills improve, and their eye develops;

    stimulates the development of memory, since a child, in order to make a craft, must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding;

    develops the artistic taste and creativity of children, activates their imagination and fantasy;

    promotes the creation of play situations, expands children's communication abilities;

    improves work skills, creates a work culture, teaches accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

As a result of the work done, we can conclude that the importance of construction in the lives of schoolchildren is great. The creative thinking of schoolchildren and their creative activity should have a positive direction. They should contribute to better knowledge of the world around us, self-discovery and self-improvement of the individual, and not develop into passive daydreaming, replacing real life with dreams. The range of creative tasks in school is unusually wide, but their essence is the same: when they are solved, an act of creativity occurs, a new path is found, or something new is created. Therefore, when offering children this or that task, first of all you need to take into account the availability of knowledge this issue.

To summarize, I can say that the goal and objectives of the final qualifying work have been solved.

List of sources used

Appendix No. 7. Table No. 1

Comparison options

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

UMK "Perspective"

UMK "School 2100"

Number of hours per year

Goal and objectives of the program


    mastering technological knowledge and technical and technological skills;

    mastering productive project activities;

    formation of a positive emotional and value-based attitude towards work and working people.


    developing the ability to make a personal choice of methods of activity, implement them in practical activities, and bear responsibility for the result of one’s work;

    formation of motivation for success, readiness to act in new conditions and non-standard situations;

    formation of initial design and technological knowledge and skills based on training to work with technological map, strict implementation of the manufacturing technology of any products;

    development of sign-symbolic and spatial thinking, creative and reproductive imagination, creative thinking;

    training in the ability to independently evaluate one’s product, one’s work, understanding the obligation to evaluate product quality, working on a product in the format and logic of the project;

    training in how to work with natural, plastic materials, paper, fabric, working with a designer, developing the ability to select the tools necessary to complete a product;

    Forming the habit of strictly observing safety precautions and rules for working with tools and organizing the workplace.

No target identified.


    formation of motivation for success and achievements, creative self-realization, interest in subject-transforming, artistic and design activities;

    development of symbolic and spatial thinking, creative and reproductive imagination, creative thinking;

    the formation of an internal plan of activity based on the step-by-step processing of objectively transformative actions, including goal setting, planning (the ability to draw up an action plan and apply it to solve educational problems), forecasting (anticipating the future result under various conditions for performing the action), control, correction and evaluation.


Self-development and personality development of each child in the process of mastering the world through his own creative subject activity


    formation of initial design and technological knowledge and skills;

    development of sign-symbolic and spatial thinking, creative and reproductive imagination (based on solving problems of modeling and displaying an object and the process of its transformation in the form of models: drawings, plans, diagrams, drawings);

    creative thinking (based on solving artistic, design and technological problems);

    development of a regulatory structure of activity, including goal setting, planning (the ability to draw up an action plan and apply it to solve practical problems), forecasting (anticipating a future result under various conditions for performing an action), control, correction and evaluation;

    formation of an internal activity plan based on the stage-by-stage development of substantively transformative actions;

    development of communicative competence of junior schoolchildren based on the organization of joint productive activities;

    developing the ability to search and transform the necessary information based on various information technologies (graphic - text, drawing, diagram; information and communication technologies).

1 class

Design and modeling of products from natural materials, from paper (folding, bending, according to a sample and drawing.) Non-demountable and collapsible structures (appliques, textile products, combination of materials), general presentation. Fixed connection of parts

“Design and Modeling” - is represented by the following structural units: “Design. Assembling models from designer parts”, “Using measurements to design and solve practical problems”, “Modeling aids for various lessons”. They are based on familiarization with the concepts of “product design”, “model”; initial ideas about the types of structures and in various ways their assemblies. The “Design and Modeling” section presents designs of products (aids), the implementation of which is necessary for other subject areas. The natural result of making these manuals is to test them in action in other lessons (the functional component of the product).

Elementary concept of design. Product, product detail. Design and modeling of products from natural materials, from paper by folding, bending, according to a sample and drawing. Non-demountable and collapsible structures (appliqués, textile products, combination of materials), general idea. Fixed connection of parts

2nd grade

Construction from ready-made forms. Obtaining volumetric shapes by bending. Movable connection of product parts. Methods of assembling collapsible structures (with bolts and screws, thread mechanism). Design and modeling of products from different materials, vehicles according to a model, simple drawing or sketch.

A general idea of ​​modern transport used by humans in the air and on water (purpose, historical analogues, general idea of ​​the design). Product, product detail. Design and modeling of simple technical objects according to a diagram and a simple drawing. Practical work: creation of turntables and aircraft models, dynamic model

Construction from ready-made forms (packaging). Obtaining volumetric shapes by bending. Movable connection of product parts. Methods of assembling collapsible structures (with bolts and screws, thread mechanism). Compliance of materials, design and external design with the purpose of the product). Layout, model. Design and modeling of products from different materials, vehicles according to a model, simple drawing or sketch.

Utility, durability and aesthetics are common requirements for various designs. Relationship between the purpose of the product and its design features: shape, connection methods, connecting materials. Production and design of three-dimensional geometric shapes (pyramid, cone, prism). Design and modeling of products from different materials according to specified design, technological and artistic conditions.

Design and modeling. Concept of product design. Various types of structures and methods of their assembly. Types and methods of connecting parts (moving and fixed). Basic requirements for the product (compliance of the material, design and external design with the intended purpose of the product). Design and modeling of simple technical objects according to a drawing, diagram and the simplest drawing, sketch, according to given conditions (functional, decorative and artistic). Practical work: making a device demonstrating air circulation; snakes to determine the movement of warm air; devices made from strips of paper; compass; scales for determining the weight of air; weather vane

Utility, durability and aesthetics are common requirements for various designs. The connection between the purpose of the product and its design features: shape, connection methods, connecting materials. Production and design of three-dimensional geometric shapes (pyramid, cone, prism). Design and modeling of products from different materials according to specified design, technological and artistic conditions.

4th grade

Design and modeling of products from different materials according to specified design, technological and artistic conditions


Design and modeling of simple technical objects according to given (functional) conditions.

Design and modeling of products from different materials according to specified design technological and artistic conditions.

Design - construction.
Children's construction is an activity in which children create various play crafts (toys, buildings) from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, special construction kits and construction sets).

To teach children to design, it is necessary to use a variety of techniques.
The choice of techniques depends on the requirements of the program for a given age group, on the material with which children work, on their experience in knowledge of objects and existing connections between them, on their design skills.
When determining the program content of a lesson, one should rely on the existing experience of children, constantly complicating educational tasks, developing the ability to independently solve feasible constructive problems. The main teaching methods are the following:
1. The teacher demonstrates how to make a structure or toy. Explanations help children learn not only the actions necessary to complete the structure, but also the structure of the lesson and the general order of work.
Before starting the practical implementation of the task, it is necessary to consider the object or sample, select the main and additional parts, then think through the manufacturing process, select the necessary material, prepare it (for example, make a pattern from paper, select and paste individual design elements, etc. ) and only then fold and glue the toy. At the same time, it is determined from what material the structure should be made, in what sequence.
A sample or picture depicting an object can be used in classes where only an explanation is given, or when there is a need to help children check their work, clarify their understanding of the subject, or at the end of the lesson as a model of the most successful and correct solution to a constructive problem for comparison with children's works.
2. Explanation of the task, defining the conditions that children must fulfill without showing how to work.
3. Demonstration of individual design techniques or technical work techniques that children master for their subsequent use in creating buildings, structures, and crafts.
4. Analysis and evaluation of the children’s work process and the finished product are also methods of teaching design, and it becomes clear which methods of action they have learned and which ones still need to be mastered.
Elements of analysis and control can take place while children are performing work or at the end of a particular operation.
In this case, it is necessary that during classes the teacher communicates with the whole group and with each child separately to check whether he has learned new material. When assessing the collective work of individual groups of children, the teacher must take into account not only the quality of the finished product, but also the process of joint activity itself, encouraging respect for the work of comrades, initiative in coming up with an original design, the ability to motivate their proposals, and negotiate with each other who will do what. do.

Design classes develop creativity, dexterity, foster perseverance, hard work, and patience. Construction, more than other types of activities, prepares the ground for the development of children's technical abilities, which is very important for the comprehensive development of the individual.

Motor and play activities - children performing play manipulations with construction sets and play equipment. Building for play brings children together. During the design process, they learn to jointly discuss the construction plan, come to a common decision, learn to subordinate their desires to constructive plans that are supported by the majority, and also defend their ideas about a more successful design option. Children learn to reconstruct an already erected building, etc.

Labor and productive activity - appliqué, modeling, design are very significant and relevant for the development and correction of spatial concepts, imaginative thinking, speech, creative imagination, motor skills.

Communication activities - discussing the details of the work to complete the work.

Informative- research activities - also construction from waste material.

It is necessary to draw children's attention to various buildings and structures around residential buildings and kindergartens. During walks while playing, look at cars, carts, buses and other types of transport with children, highlighting their parts, naming their shape and location in relation to the largest part.

Cognitive and research activities develop the ability to distinguish and name building parts (cube, plate, brick, block); learn to use them taking into account their structural properties (stability, shape, size). Develops the ability to independently measure a building (in height, length and width, to comply with the design principle set by the teacher (“Build the same house, but tall”).

Musical and artistic activities -

Reading fiction -

The problem of developing children's creativity is currently one of the most pressing problems, because we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of the individual identity of a person already in the first stages of its formation.

Children's construction is usually understood as a variety of buildings made from building material, making crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. In its nature, it is most similar to visual activity and play - it also reflects the surrounding reality. Children's buildings and crafts are for practical use (buildings - for games, crafts - for decorating a Christmas tree, for a gift for mom, etc.), so they must be fit for purpose.

Constructive activity is, first of all, the most powerful means mental development child. During the design process, the relationships between the structural, functional and spatial characteristics of the designed object, with its visible and hidden properties, are modeled. Children construct different structures, models of their building materials and construction kit parts; create crafts from paper, cardboard and waste material; construct artistic compositions from paper, cardboard and waste material. In artistic design, in addition to the mental development of the child, the development of his artistic abilities is carried out.

With properly organized activities, children acquire:

1. constructive and technical skills:

  • construct individual objects from building materials - buildings, bridges, etc.
  • make various crafts from paper - Christmas decorations, boats, etc.

2. generalized skills:

  • look at objects purposefully
  • compare them with each other and divide them into parts
  • see the common and different in them
  • find the main structural parts on which the location of other parts depends
  • make inferences and generalizations.

It is important that children’s thinking in the process of constructive activity has a practical orientation and is creative in nature. When teaching children to design, planning mental activity develops, which is an important factor in the formation of educational activity. When children design a building or craft, they mentally imagine what they will be like and plan in advance how they will be completed and in what sequence.

Constructive activities contribute to practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships:

Children's speech is enriched with new terms and concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc.), which are rarely used in other types of activities;

  • children practice using concepts correctly. (Tall - low, long - short, wide - narrow, big - small).
  • in precise verbal directions. (Above - below, right - left, down - up, behind - front, closer).

Constructive activity is also a means moral education preschoolers. In the process of this activity, important personality qualities are formed:

  • hard work,
  • independence,
  • initiative,
  • perseverance in achieving goals,
  • organization.

Joint constructive activities of children (collective buildings, crafts) plays a big role in developing initial teamwork skills:

  • ability to negotiate in advance (distribute responsibilities, select the material necessary to complete a building or craft, plan the process of their manufacture, etc.);
  • work together without interfering with each other.

Making by children various crafts and toys. Gifts for mother, grandmother, sister, or peer are raised by a caring and Attentive attitude to relatives. The desire to do something nice for them. It is this desire that often makes a child work with special zeal and diligence, which makes his activity even more fulfilling and brings him great satisfaction.

Finally, constructive activity is of great importance for the education of aesthetic feelings. When introducing children to modern buildings and some architectural monuments that are understandable to them. Artistic taste develops, the ability to admire architectural riches and understand that the value of any structure lies not only in its practical purpose, but also in its design - simplicity and clarity of forms, consistent color combinations, thoughtful decoration.

Making crafts from natural material Forms in children not only technical skills and abilities, but also a special attitude towards the world around them - children begin to see and feel the beauty of emerald moss and bright red rowan, the whimsicality of tree roots and branches, and feel the beauty and appropriateness of their combinations.

However, constructive activity acquires such a multifaceted significance in raising children only if systematic training is carried out and a variety of methods are used aimed at developing not only constructive skills, but also valuable qualities of the child’s personality and mental abilities.

The problem of children's creative design is a pressing problem, and we are solving it at the preschool educational institution.

Consultation “Construction as a means of developing children’s cognitive abilities”

Children begin designing at a very young age. early age, let’s remember everyone’s favorite colored pyramids and colored cubes that everyone without exception likes. There are two types of design - technical (from building materials, design parts with different methods of fastening; large-sized modular blocks) and artistic (from paper and natural materials)

The first type is technical design. Children mainly display real objects and come up with crafts based on associations with images from fairy tales and films. In this case, structural and functional characteristics are modeled. Design is closely related to play activities(children build buildings and rebuild them repeatedly during play). The second type is artistic design. Children, when creating images, not only display their structure, but also express their attitude, convey character, using color, texture, and shape. Role-playing games, which include design elements, contribute to the development of the plot. Full-fledged construction influences the process itself (material is selected, methods are considered, activities are planned and controlled.) At an early age, construction is merged with play; V younger game already an incentive to design. Constructive activity contributes to the development of cognitive abilities, manifested in the ability to identify characteristic properties and differences, understand complex situations, ask questions, and observe. A necessary condition the development of these abilities is a craving for mental effort. Cognitive abilities ensure the success of any cognitive activity.

Children get acquainted with various materials, master sensory standards, consolidate constructive skills, and learn to navigate in space. In addition, I would like to list a number of positive factors: fine motor skills develop, coordination of movements of fingers and hands improves. construction also develops mental processes - memory, thinking, imagination, attention and perception. You can't miss educational moments either. Children's work brings them together, disciplines them, and common interests emerge. Construction stimulates the development of perception. In order to correctly carry out a construction or craft, you need to carefully examine the proposed sample, understand what material it is made of, and draw the appropriate conclusions. This sample cannot always be touched.

Along with the development of perception in older preschool age, there is a process of improving attention. When making a building or craft, you need to very carefully follow the teacher’s explanation, and then also carefully carry out the actions so that it turns out good job. Practice has shown that play activities promotes the development of voluntary attention. At the first moment, children are captivated by the future activity; they really want to do what the teacher suggests. But later you need to put in a lot of effort to achieve the final result. Here it is necessary to treat work with increased attention.

I would like to propose a more detailed look at the relationship between the design and development of cognitive abilities. Before we start making a building or craft, the guys and I look at the material, identify its features, and compare it with other materials. Both classes and research activities, and didactic games are used here. Kids, for example, compare paper and cardboard, older kids get acquainted with various fabrics and yarn. Together we prepare natural material, assigning the names of trees and shrubs along the way. While making crafts, the children develop an understanding of sensory standards. The development of constructive skills is of great importance; for some children this is a difficult process. Before a building or craft can be built, it needs to be assembled, and done correctly, fit all the parts, glue or fold them evenly, accurately. The Origami technique occupies a special place in design. When making these toys, even the simplest ones, you need precision and a keen eye. And when everything comes together, the result is immediately visible. This is very good for children important point. For better results, you can use various plans, diagrams, maps, and algorithms. Older preschoolers study such instructions with pleasure; it often happens that they understand them better than some adults.

Also during the design process the following develops:

Children's speech is enriched with new terms and concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc., which are rarely used in other types of activities;

Children practice the correct use of concepts (tall - low, long - short, wide - narrow, large - small, in precise verbal indication of direction (above - below, right - left, down - up, behind - in front, closer, etc. .) .

Thanks to construction, children’s vocabulary is replenished, speech, imagination, as well as artistic and creative abilities are developed.

Creative abilities are, first of all, a child’s ability to find a special perspective on familiar and everyday things or tasks. This ability directly depends on your horizons

Creative abilities are such mental properties and personality qualities that are necessary for the successful mastery of various types of artistic activity and development of the child’s creativity. The more he knows, the easier it is for him to look at the issue under study from different angles.

A creative person constantly strives to learn more about the world around him, not only in the area of ​​his main activity, but also in related industries.

Constructive activity is also a means of moral education of preschool children.

In the process of this activity, important personality qualities are formed:

Hard work,



Perseverance in achieving goals


Joint constructive activities of children (collective buildings, crafts) play a big role in developing the initial skills of working in a team:

Ability to negotiate in advance (distribute responsibilities, select the material necessary to complete a building or craft, plan the process of their manufacture, etc.);

Work together without interfering with each other. As children get older, they more consciously assemble their buildings according to design or design. They build houses for their favorite toys from a large construction set or colored cubes, while without realizing it, they begin to develop sensory skills, explore surrounding objects by color, shape, size, and dynamic qualities.

Construction games create the need for communication, which requires one’s own activation of speech. Do not forget that any building can and should be played in various types games.

The choice of materials for construction is very large and varied, for each age there are various construction kits, a magnetic construction set, wooden, plastic or large-sized soft modules for young children.

An adult plays a very important role in the design process; to teach children how to design, it is necessary to use a variety of techniques.

The main teaching methods are the following:

1. The teacher demonstrates how to make a structure or toy. Explanations help children learn not only the actions necessary to complete the structure, but also the structure of the lesson and the general order of work.

2. Explanation of the task, defining the conditions that children must fulfill without showing how to work.

3. Demonstration of individual design techniques or technical work techniques that children master for their subsequent use in creating buildings, structures, and crafts. For example, in construction - how to make a ceiling on high abutments, how to achieve a stable structure; in paper construction - how to glue the sides of a closed cube or bar; in working with the designer - how to fasten wheels to axles using a nut; when working with natural materials - what material is best to make individual parts from, in what cases is it better to use plasticine, glue for fastening, how to use an awl, etc.

4. Analysis and evaluation of the children’s work process and the finished product are also methods of teaching design, and it becomes clear which methods of action they have learned and which ones still need to be mastered.

In this case, it is necessary that during classes the teacher communicates with the entire group and with each child separately to check whether he has learned the new material.

Playful artistic and constructive activities create the basis for full, meaningful communication between children and with adults. In addition, artistic and constructive activity performs a therapeutic function: it distracts children from sad events, relieves nervous tension and fears, causes a joyful, upbeat mood, and provides positive emotional condition. That is why it is so important to include artistic and creative activities in the pedagogical process.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Practice has shown: with the help of traditional forms of work it is impossible to fully solve this problem - the problem of developing a creative personality. This requires an individual approach to each child, taking into account his interests and abilities, that is, it is necessary to look for new forms of work with children and parents, to develop the need for creative activity.

Work practice shows that preschoolers’ speech and creative abilities are developed to a greater extent by such forms of organization of design training (according to L. A. Paramonova, such as:

Design based on a model - provides a transition to independent search activities of a creative nature, helps children master a generalized method of analysis,

Designing on a theme - allows children to create ideas for specific buildings and crafts themselves, choose methods for their implementation, materials,

Designing according to plan – develops the ability to build a plan, look for a solution, without fear of mistakes,

Design according to conditions - design tasks in this case are expressed through conditions and are problematic in nature, which corresponds to the principles of the activity approach.

To summarize, it should be said that design as an activity covers a wide range of diverse different images ative, developmental and educational tasks: from the development of motor skills in children and the accumulation of sensory experience to the formation of quite complex mental actions and speech development, creative imagination, artistic development and child behavior control mechanisms.

Seminar at the preschool educational institution “Designing is a tool for the development of a child’s personality”

Name: Seminar “Construction – a tool for the development of a child’s personality.”
Description: The seminar may be useful for educators, specialists and parents of students in preschool educational institutions.
Target: creating conditions for professional self-improvement of participants (teachers, specialists) in the process of active pedagogical communication.
1. Create a bank of methodological techniques.
2. To develop teachers’ ability to model educational activities, joint constructive activities in the daily routine.
3. Develop the skills of teachers to create a developmental environment.
4. Assisting participants in determining the goals of their professional self-improvement.
5. Reflection on one’s own professional skills.
Expected results of the seminar:
1. Participants’ understanding of the meaning of design.
2. Activation of cognitive activity of workshop participants.
3. Increasing the level of professional competence in the main aspects of the topic.
4. Motivating participants to form own style creative pedagogical activity.
Event plan:
1. Definition of the problem within the specified topic.
2. Construction from building material
3. Construction from waste material
4. Paper construction
5. Construction from natural materials
6. Planar design
7. Reflective activity.

Seminar progress:

1. Definition of the problem within the specified topic.
The rapidly occurring changes in the life of our society dictate the conditions for our education. creative people. We often observe how adults demand from children an original, creative solution to a problem or solution to a creative problem. But the problem is that creating a creative product right away, without prior training in creativity, is difficult and completely unrealistic.
The pedagogical value of children's constructive activities preschool age is that it develops the child’s abilities, his creative skills. The importance of this activity was noted in their teachings by prominent Russian physiologists I.P. Pavlov and I.M. Sechenov on the role of the motor analyzer. As is known, children can gain ideas about space, shape, and size on the basis of visual and kinetic sensations, which play an important role in mental development. Noting the great cognitive significance of hand activity, I.P. Pavlov considered it a subtle analyzer, “allowing one to enter into very complex relationships with surrounding objects.”
Construction has a great influence on the development of the child’s personality and volitional sphere. So, its effectiveness is influenced by the nature of the motive: why the building is needed. Success depends on the ability to hold the goal of an activity and set it independently, on the ability to control the progress of work, and compare the result obtained with a model.
In the process of construction, the physical improvement of the child is carried out. Constant exercise in a wide variety of movements, accompanied by an emotional upsurge, contributes to the fact that these movements become fast, dexterous, and easily subject to the control of the eye. The coordinated work of individual muscles improves.
Constructive activity is effective means aesthetic education. When children are introduced to buildings and structures (residential buildings, buildings of kindergartens, schools, etc.), as well as architectural monuments that are accessible to their understanding, they develop an artistic taste that causes aesthetic pleasure when looking at beautiful structures, and the ability to appreciate what has been created is formed. creative work of people, to love the architectural riches of their city, country, to take care of them. In addition, preschool children develop an understanding of the appropriateness of architectural solutions.
The experience a child gains during construction is indispensable in terms of developing the skills of exploratory behavior.
Purposeful and systematic teaching of design to preschool children plays an important role in preparing for school. It contributes to the formation of the ability to learn, reveals to them that the main meaning of activity is not only in obtaining results, but also in acquiring knowledge and skills. Such a cognitive motive causes significant changes in mental processes. These changes consist mainly in the ability to voluntarily control one’s cognitive processes (direct them to solve educational problems), to achieve a certain level of development of mental operations, and the ability to systematically perform mental work necessary for the conscious assimilation of knowledge.
Thus, constructive activity plays an important role in the process of comprehensive, harmonious development of the personality of preschool children. The above confirms the relevance of this topic.
One of the conditions for the development of children's design is the organization of a special environment that would encourage children to independent actions, contributed to increasing interest in constructive games.
Let's highlight the main requirements together:
It is necessary that the material for construction is constantly available to children. For this purpose, it is necessary to allocate a special place in the group where you can place construction kits, pictures, albums, tools, diagrams, and drawings.
Various building kits, simple construction sets, toys that match the scale of the buildings are needed; wooden, plastic building sets "Lego". The authors recommend choosing a variety of building materials.
From the middle group, a supply of additional waste material is required: boxes, twine, spools, etc.
Slides and filmstrips are required.
It is planned to involve parents in the production of various materials and aids for constructive activities; familiarization with the results of children's activities.

2. Construction from building material
For construction in all age groups, small (tabletop) and large (floor) building materials are used, as well as construction kits that have different complexity methods: from elementary toys - inserts and stringers, used in early age groups - to quite complex wooden ones for assembling and plastic construction sets for older children.
Construction from building materials begins to be used in work with children from the age of 2 (from 2 years old).
Early age (2-3 years).
Throughout early childhood, construction is merged with plot-display play, acting both as its element and as a means of helping to play out simple plots.
The main task at this age is to stimulate interest in design, to introduce the child to the creation of the simplest structures (path, gate...).
The teacher sets the basic gradually complicating structures through samples.
Classes on plot design are conducted in subgroups (4-5 people). The initiative always belongs to the teacher.
Each topic offered to children should be represented by several increasingly complex designs of the same object (for example, a house with windows) (through a sample).
Necessary materials:
Wooden builder's kits (geometric shapes: cubes, prism, plates, bricks...)
When playing out plots, you can use a variety of toys with large-scale building materials.
You can use a variety of elements from the role-playing sets “Zoo”, “Pets”, “Firemen and Rescuers”, etc.
Plots necessary at an early age:
"Dolls sleep and walk"
"The dolls eat"
“Cars drive down the street and enter the garage.”
“The birds flew in and sat on the turret...”
"Little nesting doll lives in small house, and the big one is in the big one"
Junior preschool age (3-5 years).
Construction is separated from the game (not included in the game plot) and acts as an independent productive activity.
The role of toys at this age is still great and the teacher must remember that children are just beginning to identify the spatial characteristics of buildings and toys and relate them to each other.
Children learn to build all basic structures according to a model under the guidance of a teacher.
Particular attention is paid to organizing the examination of samples according to a specific scheme.
Children continue to become familiar with the properties of the main parts (For example, all sides of a cube are the same in shape, so the cube is equally stable no matter which face it is placed on).
They master two methods of the simplest constructive tasks: replacing smaller parts with larger ones, building on and building on using the same parts).
Generalized methods of action and ideas about constructed objects are formed.
Analytical skills.
The ability to analyze samples that are similar in design and, based on this analysis, change them in accordance with specified conditions.
Models necessary for early preschool age (3-4 years)
Models required in the fifth year
At the beginning of the school year, it is necessary to repeat the material covered.
Lesson plan
Sample examination
Reproduction of a sample by children (showing the method of action)
Independent transformation of the sample according to the instructions of the teacher.
Sample examination:
Taking in the object as a whole
Highlighting the main parts

Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts
Highlighting details in the main parts of the building
Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts in relation to each other
Return to the integrity of the object
Senior preschool age (5-7 years)
Each topic should also be represented by several constructions, and only one of them is set by the adult as a model, while other children create them themselves, transforming the model in accordance with certain conditions.
In teaching older preschoolers, it turned out to be possible to use all the main forms of construction in the following sequence:
Design according to sample
Design by model
Design according to conditions
Design using simple drawings and visual diagrams
Design by theme
Design by Design
Frame construction
Design based on a sample.
This is necessary important stage training, during which children learn about the properties of parts of building materials, master the technique of constructing buildings (they learn to allocate space for construction, carefully connect parts, floor parts, etc.). A properly organized examination of samples helps children master a generalized method of analysis - the ability to identify the main parts of any object, establish their spatial location, highlight individual details in these parts, etc. Thus, designing according to a model, which is based on imitative activity, learning children first constructing simple ones is an important learning stage. Within the framework of this form of design, it is possible to solve problems that ensure the transition of children to independent search activity.
Design based on a model.
Children are presented with a model in which the outline is separated as a model; its constituent elements are hidden from the child (the model can be a structure covered with thick white paper). This is a model that children must reproduce from the construction problem they have, but they are not given a way to solve it.
Design according to conditions.
Without giving children a sample of the building, drawings and methods of its construction, they only determine the conditions that the building must meet and which, as a rule, emphasize its practical purpose (for example, to build a bridge of a certain width across the river for pedestrians and vehicles, a garage for cars or trucks and so on). Design tasks in this case are expressed through conditions and are problematic in nature, since no methods for solving them are given.
Design using simple drawings and visual diagrams.
These possibilities can be most successfully realized if children are first taught to construct simple circuits- drawings reflecting samples of buildings, and then, conversely, the practical creation of structures using simple drawings - diagrams. As a result of such training, children develop imaginative thinking and cognitive abilities, i.e. They begin to build and apply external second-order models - the simplest drawings - as a means of independent knowledge of new objects.
Design by design.
Compared to designing from a model, it has greater opportunities for developing children’s creativity and demonstrating their independence; here the child decides for himself what and how he will design. But we must remember what and how he will design. But we must remember that creating a plan for a future design and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers: plans are unstable and often change in the process of activity. Designing by design is not a means of teaching children how to create ideas; it only allows them to independently and creatively use the knowledge and skills acquired earlier.
Design according to the topic.
Children are offered a general theme of constructions (“birds”, “city”, etc.) and they themselves create ideas for specific buildings, crafts, choose the material and methods of their implementation.
Frame construction.
In this type of construction, the child, looking at the frame, must figure out how to complete it, adding various additional details to the same frame. In accordance with this, “frame” construction is good remedy formation of imagination, generalized methods, construction of imaginative thinking.
Lesson plan:
Consideration of the object as a whole.
Establishing its practical purpose.
Highlighting the main parts.
Determination of the functional purpose in accordance with the object as a whole.
Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts.
Highlighting the parts that make up the main parts.
Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts in relation to each other.

3. Construction from waste material
In the modern world, a person acts as a consumer: every day he brings products into the house, beautifully and variously packaged. A child grows up to be the same consumer until an adult shows him a new role - the role of a Creator, who creates something original from familiar “throwaway” objects (a yogurt cup, a dried felt-tip pen, a plastic egg from a Kinder Surprise) (a flower in a pot) ). The joint process of working with waste material unites the child and parents, the child and other children, and optimizes communication between them. Creative child always popular with his peers, he creates ideas as a catalyst Interesting games. As you gain experience working with various materials, becoming familiar with their properties, the child acquires creative independence: “I can make a rocket myself.” Personal qualities develop (determination, ability to get things done, accuracy), positive self-esteem is formed (the set goal has been achieved), fine motor skills, artistic taste, and imaginative thinking develop. Thus, construction from waste material contributes to the harmonious development of the child, so it is necessary to always pay due attention to it: “The impulse to creativity can fade away just as easily as it arose if you leave it without food” K. Paustovsky.
The Importance of Construction from Waste Materials
Construction from waste materials is a very interesting and useful activity for developing children’s fine motor skills. Waste material gives children a sense of independence from adults, it teaches the child to be thrifty, he will never break a toy he made with his own hands, to which he put effort and diligence, and in the future he will begin to respect the work of other people.
Working with different materials, children get acquainted with their properties, diverse structure, acquire labor skills and abilities, and learn to think. Sukhomlinsky also wrote: “The more skill in a child’s hand, the more smarter child».
Mental activity is impossible without speech. Having mastered design skills, the child also masters knowledge about objects, signs, actions and relationships, embodied in the corresponding words. At the same time, he not only acquires knowledge, but also learns to think, since to think means to speak out loud to oneself, and to speak means to think.
Organization of children's activities when working with waste material requires:
take into account the age characteristics of children;
correctly distribute work time in combination with short rest;
think over the theme of the upcoming craft, taking into account existing skills and abilities;
the labor process should only cause children positive emotions;
children should be confident in the teacher’s help if they have any difficulties completing the work;
if the work requires complex manipulations in the preparatory stage, for example, piercing holes with a heated awl, it is necessary that this preliminary work be performed by an adult.
Requirements for material selection:
Scissors with rounded ends.
Knife with a hard blade - only adults can use it.
Shilo - works by an adult or under his strict supervision.
Adhesives. PVA glue is used. “Moment” is used only by adults.
Plastic food containers: different volumes, colors, unusual shapes. Must be empty and clean.
Colored plastic. Must be washed, dried and pre-cut into pieces.
Containers for chocolate eggs - kinder surprises. Both the full container and its parts (halves) are used.
Wire: copper, aluminum, coated with a colored sheath.
Traffic jams. Standard plugs for plastic bottles with carbonated and mineral water and small plugs of smaller diameter for containers with sunflower oil and juice.
Caps. Small sizes from tubes of toothpaste, creams.
Lids. Lids big size from containers of chocolate paste, mayonnaise, etc.
Beads: round, oval beads from old beads, hair ties.
Plasticine. Pieces previously used in sculpting are used.
Felt pens that have outlived their useful life in drawing.
One of the simplest techniques for constructing furniture for dolls is creating furniture from matchboxes. To do this, you need to take a couple of matchboxes and glue them together with PVA glue. It is necessary to glue it so that the retractable drawers are similar to the drawers of a real chest of drawers.
Materials that will definitely be useful for creating furniture: matchboxes, cardboard, foil, as well as scissors, glue and a pencil. You can also use improvised materials - shoe boxes, tea boxes, small household appliances. What can be made from furniture? Almost anything - a sofa, armchairs, a wardrobe, mirrors, a table and ottomans. To make a cabinet, you need to take a box, for example, from a tea box, paint it a single color, cut out doors that will open and close. You can hang foil on one of the doors to imitate a mirror, and consider a crossbar for hangers. The closet is ready!
Matchbox cars.
Children are not immediately able to produce working models of cars, so they first construct mock-ups. Layouts are non-functional models that convey only the shape of a machine or structure.
Before starting to design machines, they look at drawings and samples of machines of different designs. Find out the main parts of a car, truck and boat.
Make a model by connecting individual parts using plasticine.
Together with adults, it is necessary to complete the car models, turning them into working models. Make axles from straight round branches and attach cardboard wheels to them, movably connecting them with a strip of thick paper to the chassis of toy cars.
4. Paper construction
Paper, an accessible and universal material for children, is widely used not only in drawing and appliqué, but also in artistic design. Preschoolers are especially attracted by the opportunity to create paper crafts themselves, which will then be used in games, dramatizations, decorating a corner, a kindergarten area, or given as a birthday or holiday gift to their parents, teachers, or friends. The child is happy that the toy he created with his own hands works: the pinwheel spins in the wind, the boat floats, the airplane, the kite fly up, etc. Thus, through various actions with paper, in the process of processing it, using different methods and techniques, children learn aesthetically comprehend images of familiar objects, transfer them to visual arts, emphasizing the beauty and colorfulness of the appearance in a transformed form. Such activities are of great importance in the development of the child’s creative imagination, his imagination, artistic taste, accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, outline a sequence of operations, actively strive to obtain a positive result, and keep the workplace in order. Children learn skills and work culture that are important to prepare them for success in school.
There are two types of paper design: technical and artistic.
In technical paper construction, preschoolers display both real-life objects and those invented by association with images from fairy tales and films. But at the same time, children model the structural and functional features of objects: a building with a roof, windows, a door; a ship with a deck, stern, and steering wheel.
In paper art construction, children themselves create aesthetic images: original crafts for gifts or games, for a general panel or painting. Preschoolers try to give the images greater expressiveness and for this they deliberately violate the proportionality of the parts (huge ears, long nose) and use the unusual color and texture of the paper.
There are different techniques for working with paper: crumpling, tearing, cutting, bending, twisting, origami.
Wrinkling is the most simple technique, allowing the child to change the shape of the paper and see a holistic image in it: a cloud, a flower, a bow, a fish, a bird. These images are born in reasoning: What or who does it look like? What does it look like if you turn around and look from the other side? What if you connect the figures? Crumpled lumps of paper “turn” into fluffy chickens, apples, dandelions, and New Year’s toys.
Tearing and tearing is one of the most favorite children's activities. At first, children simply happily tear the paper into pieces, and adults help them see in the resulting forms something from the world around them: a leaf, a bug, pasta, candy... Then the children themselves gradually master the technique: tearing, tearing, plucking out pieces of paper to make interesting images - bugs, flowers, stars... From broken shapes of different configurations, from paper different color, different textures, children create not only original crafts - a bird, a fish, a flower, but also compositions - a bouquet of flowers, a circus, the sea.
Twisting. This method helps the child create voluminous and textured crafts. Wonderful results include both whole images - a snake, a worm, a caterpillar, a scarf, a snail, a spikelet, a rose, a blade of grass, doll jewelry, and some parts of crafts or images - braids, ears, bows, tree trunks. (Quilling)
Cutting and bending are more complex and at the same time more common in teaching practice. Starting from the age of five, children successfully master them.
Kirigami and origami. The Kirigami technique came to us from Japan. It involves folding paper and cutting it in different directions. This is how various figures of animals, funny people, all kinds of snowflakes and flowers are created.
It must be said that traditional paper construction - origami and kirigami - is a rather complex type of activity. It assumes that children have developed spatial orientation and does not allow them to act through trial, since the error is almost impossible to correct. Usually adults show and explain “step by step” several times the entire sequence of creating any figurine (design), and children mechanically repeat and often after two or three days they cannot remember or do anything without prompting. That is why it is important not to teach how to create specific crafts, but to develop generalized methods of construction. Then the child will not accumulate a “bunch” of recipes, but will master the basic principles in order to create many different images based on them. Only in this case, children will look for their own solutions with passion and great imagination, and use the same material in different, even the most unusual, situations.
From the Latin “construction” - assembling something new. Paper design has several directions that are closely interrelated. Children's paper designs can be:
design according to a model;
design according to form;
designing according to a theme or design.
The simplest type of design: according to a model. This option can and should be used when working with younger preschoolers, introducing them to colors, shapes and types of paper, as well as teaching them how to use scissors. This technique is based on referring to an example - a model. Kids are invited to look at a finished sample of the product and compare it with the finished parts on the tables. This is the simplest type of design, and by mastering it, children learn to repeat the drawing they see. Kids learn to assemble parts into a whole, and also master techniques for working with glue and paper.
Designing according to form involves consolidating the ability to work according to a model. In other words, the child, when receiving assignments, does not yet know the final result, but can assemble the desired composition based on the shape of the blanks. This design option is available to preschoolers 4-5 years old. Before starting to work with blanks, an adult shows several options finished product. Leaves these pictures within the child's visibility. After finishing work with the details, children's paintings can be placed next to the samples.
The most difficult thing in working with paper is designing on a given topic. It presupposes that the child has the ability to work with paper, compose compositions and select materials. For example, you want to create a painting dedicated to autumn. Together with your child, before designing, you look through the finished autumn paintings. Together with your child, you choose paper of a certain color and mark the position of future parts of the picture based on it. In form-based design there is no dependence on workpieces. The child relies on his imagination, learns to combine colors, shapes and creates his own composition from paper.
Paper falls into the hands of a child from early childhood, and he independently creates images of his inner world from it. An ordinary material - paper - takes on something new modern direction, they can work in different techniques.
Paper is the material that a child encounters every day: at home, in everyday life, in class, when drawing, making appliqué or designing from paper. Paper construction is the transformation of a sheet of paper into a three-dimensional form, resulting in a three-dimensional craft. There is also the concept of “volumetric applique”.
Volumetric crafts and volumetric applique are:
toys and applique from paper lumps;
toys and applique from strips of paper;
ribbed toys and applique using them;
toys based on cones and applications using them;
toys based on a cylinder and applique using them;
toys made of fluffy balls and applications using them;
origami toys, etc.
Toys and applique made from paper lumps.
They are made from fairly thin, but flexible and soft paper, which should hold the shape of the lump well after it has been crumpled (these can be ordinary napkins of different colors or corrugated paper). The lumps can be large (a whole part of an animal figurine) or small (small design details glued to a large main part (lumps of wool on a sheep or seeds on a sunflower, etc.). From large lumps you can make different little animals by gluing additional ears, ponytail, etc.
Paper lumps can also be used to create a picture, having previously drawn some plot or fairy-tale character on the sheet. At the child’s request, the picture is framed, which allows it to be shown to others and to the child himself beautifully framed and gives it a finished look.
Toys and applique made from strips of paper.
Various methods are used to transform the workpiece into a three-dimensional figure (gluing the strip with a ring, a loop, folding it like an accordion). Strips are used both for the main parts of the craft (the head, body of birds, animals, people, and for making small parts (ears, tail, etc.).
And here, of course, you can make as many interesting things as your imagination is rich: a chicken, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a traffic light, flowers, various animals, etc.
Ribbed toys and applique using them.
They are performed by cutting out parts from a strip folded like an accordion and gluing the halves of each part one by one. Ribbed toys can be used as Christmas decorations, as attributes for a tabletop theater, which can then be staged with the child. In this way you can make beautiful flowers, fruits, and vegetables. And what a wonderful umbrella, cloud, mushrooms, etc. can turn out to be!
If the child gives pictures, toys, and crafts to loved ones, friends, guests, teachers, if children’s works constantly decorate not only the interior of the group for any holiday or event (New Year, International Mother’s Day, birthday of a child or family members, etc.) , then the value of these works increases significantly. As a result of such systematic work, children will begin to see all the diversity of the beauty of the world around them. But the human soul needs beauty like air! It is impossible to imagine life without it.
Origami (from 4 years old) is like a trick - a wonderful figure is born from an ordinary piece of paper in a few minutes! Origami does not require large material costs; origami activities are absolutely safe even for the smallest children. With the help of origami, you can quickly and easily create a whole world that you can play with! No special abilities are required and everyone can do it! With the help of origami it is easy to make unusual and Original gifts and decorate the premises.
Trimming on plasticine
Age: from 5 years
The technique of trimming on plasticine consists of creating a base from plasticine and gradually attaching elements compressed from paper to it. This technique allows you to make a fake voluminous and “fluffy”.
Using this technique you can create a variety of postcards, toys in the form of animals, flowers and much more.
Paper rolling (quilling)
Age: from 5 years.
At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is rolled into a tight spiral and then glued onto a sheet of thick paper. This process is repeated many times until the child fills the entire space of the sheet.
It will be convenient to start winding by twisting the edge of the paper quilling tape onto the tip of a sharp awl.
Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. This way you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is being formed uniformly and adjust the effort as you go. The result should be a dense spiral less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After which the paper spiral unfolds to the required size, and then the required quilling figure is formed from it. The tip of the paper is grabbed by a drop of glue. Rolls can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and indentations.
Age: from 6 years
This is a unique proprietary technique of formatted paper design, which makes it possible to make anything out of paper. Think about it - and it will be done. If you want, learn to come up with crafts yourself; if you want, learn to make them following the master. No other paper design technique can be made so quickly, simply and recognizable, even Carlson, a Chinese dragon, a tank or a submarine, a zebra or an elephant, a giraffe, a horse, a cat, a princess, a castle...
Age: from 6 years
is the art of folding paper figures. In a certain sense, kirigami is a type of origami technique, but, unlike the latter, the use of scissors and glue is permissible in kirigami.
The name of the technique itself speaks about this: it comes from two Japanese words: kiru - cut and kami - paper.
The basis of crafts using the kirigami technique is a sheet of paper. As a rule, creating a craft begins with folding a sheet of paper in half and cutting out various shapes.
Volume applique from colored or white paper:
Age: from 5 years
Means of expression: silhouette, texture, color, volume.
Equipment: double-sided color and thick White paper, PVA glue.
Method of obtaining an image: the child tears off pieces of colored paper, crumples them or twists them, and then glues them onto a sheet of thick paper. The work must be done on a large sheet of paper.
Children's paper construction is not only entertaining. It has a positive effect on your child’s mental development, develops skills in working with tools, paper and shapes, and also serves as a good decorative material for organizing the space of a child’s room.

5. Construction from natural materials
Working with natural materials contains great opportunities for bringing a child closer to his native nature, fostering a careful, caring attitude towards it and developing primary labor skills. Encounters with nature expand children’s understanding of the world around them, contribute to the development of sensorimotor skills, mental development of the child, the development of his attention and curiosity. The work of making toys from natural materials contributes to the development of a child’s personality, nurturing his character: it’s not so easy to just make a toy – its production requires certain volitional efforts. In the process of working with natural materials, positive conditions are created for the formation of social motives for work, which in older preschool age acquire significant motivating force. Each child gets the opportunity to feel and experience the joy of personal participation in a common cause.
Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, tubes, old felt-tip pens, etc. And we hardly think that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy.
Construction from natural materials is a more complex type of construction in kindergarten. Also, natural material can be used as a building material for children’s games, starting from the second junior group. This is, first of all, sand, snow, water. From raw sand, children build a road, a house, a kindergarten, a slide, bridges, using molds (sandboxes) - pies and much more. Starting from the middle group, children make toys from natural materials: branches, bark, leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, spruce, nut shells, straw, acorns, maple seeds and other available materials. At an older age, children freeze colored water, preparing colored pieces of ice with which to decorate the area. They make a slide, a house, a snowman, and animal figurines from snow. Using natural material in their games, children become familiar with its properties and learn to fill free time interesting activity. They learn that sand is free-flowing, but wet sand can be sculpted, water can be poured into different containers, and it freezes in the cold.
Natural material is probably one of the most common materials for arts and crafts and the best part is that it is right under our feet. The peculiarity of crafts made from this material is that its natural shape is used. Quality and expressiveness are achieved by the ability to notice in this material the similarity with objects of reality, to enhance this similarity and expressiveness with additional processing using tools.
Work on making toys and crafts from natural materials should begin with light structures and, as children master manual labor skills, move on to more complex crafts.
First, it is important to interest children in the process of creation, instill in them confidence that they can do what they plan, and then teach them to work with natural materials.
Methodology for conducting classes on making crafts from natural materials:
An introductory conversation about the material to be worked with (the story should be accompanied by a demonstration of this material; children can be allowed to touch, feel the surface, examine the shape, pay attention to the color);
Message of the topic and display of a sample toy;
Analysis of the sample and demonstration of techniques for creating a toy or craft (here you can use the children’s ability to analyze the sample, encourage them to make assumptions about the sequence of completing the task; the teacher can correct the children’s answers, directing their attention to the features of working with this material);
Making toys (crafts). During the work process, the teacher monitors the children’s work, monitors compliance with safety rules, and provides the necessary assistance to children who have difficulty;
Analysis of the finished toy (craft), during which children develop the ability to evaluate the results of their work and the work of their comrades;
Cleaning workplaces.
Thus, crafts made from natural materials will help children appreciate every little thing. Children treat toys made with their own hands much more carefully than purchased ones. And most importantly, children will learn to use their imagination and imagination regarding how this or that trinket can be used.

6. Planar design
One of the main types of planar construction is construction from counting sticks. Counting sticks are an indispensable didactic material intended for teaching mathematics, developing visual perception, mental operations of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and developing fine motor skills. Main features of this didactic material– abstractness, versatility, high efficiency.
Building with sticks is very similar to making figures with simple matches.
The next type of planar design is the game “Tangram” - one of the simplest math games. The game is easy to make. A 10 by 10 cm square of cardboard or plastic, equally colored on both sides, is cut into 7 parts, which are called tans. The result is 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Each child is given an envelope with 7 tanas and a sheet of cardboard on which they lay out a picture from the sample. Using all 7 tanas, tightly attaching them to one another, children create a lot of different images based on samples and according to their own ideas.
The game is interesting for both children and adults. Children are captivated by the result - they are involved in active practical activities to select a way to arrange the figures in order to create a silhouette.
The success of mastering the game in preschool age depends on the level of sensory development of children. While playing, children remember the names of geometric figures, their properties, distinctive features, examine the forms visually and tactile-motor, and freely move them in order to obtain a new figure. Children develop the ability to analyze simple images, highlight them and surrounding objects. geometric shapes, practically modify shapes by cutting and composing them from parts.
At the first stage of mastering the “Tangram” game, a series of exercises are carried out aimed at developing children’s spatial concepts, elements of geometric imagination, and developing practical skills in composing new figures by joining one of them to another.
Children are offered different tasks: to compose figures according to a model, an oral task, or a plan. These exercises are preparatory to the second stage of mastering the game - composing figures using dissected patterns
To successfully recreate figures, you need the ability to visually analyze the shape of a planar figure and its parts. Children often make mistakes in connecting figures on the sides and in proportion.
So, the content of the work at the second stage of the development of games: this is teaching children to analyze a sample and verbally express the way to connect the spatial arrangement of parts.
This is followed by exercises in composing figures. In case of difficulties, children turn to the model. It is made in the form of a table on a sheet of paper of the same silhouette figure size as the sets of figures that children have. This makes it easier in the first lessons to analyze and check the reconstructed image with a sample.
The third stage of mastering the game is composing figures according to patterns of a contour nature, undivided. This is available to children 6-7 years old, subject to training. Games for composing figures using patterns are followed by exercises in composing images according to one’s own design.
The next type of planar design is laying out a pattern of geometric shapes. The child is offered a set of geometric shapes, from which he first uses a model, and then independently lays out a certain picture.
In your group, you can organize a design using dry leaves, which children will be happy to prepare in the summer.
Laying out figures from buttons is another type of planar design. You can involve parents in collecting different textures of buttons, and children will be happy!
During your summer vacation on the river bank, you can collect a lot of river pebbles, which can also make interesting pictures.
Conclusion: all forms of constructive activity of a preschool child are of great importance in preparing children for school, developing their thinking, memory, imagination, and ability for independent search and creative activity.
7. Reflective activity.