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The role of the family in the psychological development of the child. The role of the father in raising his daughter

Studying juvenile delinquents and then children separated from their families and deprived of contact with their mother. Bowlby concluded: a child at an early age should be raised in an atmosphere of emotional warmth and be attached to his mother on the basis of intimate and lasting emotional ties. A situation in which a child suffers from a disruption of such an emotional connection seriously undermines his mental health. Subsequent studies have found that some children show remarkable resistance to adverse conditions of deprivation and generally develop quite normally.

The first stage of socialization for a child is his family. It is she who acts as the main component of the environment in which he lives like a cocoon for the first quarter (if he’s lucky) of his life, and which he tries to build for the rest of his life.

Scientifically speaking, the family is the primary social microenvironment for a child. It depends on how communication with the child is structured, what attention is paid to his physical and mental development The processes of development of his psyche also depend. In other words, the process of a child’s mental development depends on the parents fulfilling their main functional responsibilities: educational and communicative.
A functionally insolvent family, as a rule, does not implement a system of targeted influence on the child, and the system of intra-family relations here is of an anomalous nature. In such families, negative lifestyle phenomena are common: drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution. The development of the child’s psyche depends on this lifestyle. He and his development are of no vital value to parents. Therefore, from the very early age he is left without care and supervision. Not only is he not given enough attention, but physical neglect and neglect are common. They are burdened by the child. His needs are ignored. He is often mistreated. Parents consider the child a burden and show general dissatisfaction with him. Emotional family tension is reflected in the emotional distress of children. In connection with the implementation of such a system of parent-child relationships, the formation of higher mental functions of the child takes the form of delayed mental development. However, mental retardation is not a persistent and irreversible mental underdevelopment, it is a slowdown in its pace and is expressed in the insufficiency of the general stock of knowledge, limited ideas, immaturity of thinking, low intellectual focus, predominance of gaming interests, rapid satiation in intellectual activity. In general, these children are quite intelligent within the limits of their existing knowledge, and are also productive in using help. Moreover, in some cases, a delay in the development of the emotional sphere will come to the fore ( different kinds infantilism), and violations in the intellectual sphere will be mildly expressed. In other cases, on the contrary, a slowdown in the development of the intellectual sphere will prevail.

K.S. Lebedinskaya (1982), based on the etiological principle, distinguishes four main types of mental retardation:

1. Delayed mental development of constitutional origin;

2. Delayed mental development of somatogenic origin;

3. Delayed mental development of psychogenic origin;

4. Delayed mental development of cerebral-organic origin.

In each individual case, the occurrence of mental retardation has a combination of its own specific causes. However, the features of the clinical and psychological picture in children with mental retardation are represented by general patterns that indicate the immaturity of the left hemisphere structures. They have slow indicators that reflect left hemisphere dysfunction: low activity of perception, insufficient plasticity, poverty of associative processes and slow dynamics of thinking, as well as inferior analysis of spatial relationships.

Children with such a clinical and psychological picture need active stimulation of mental development. Psychological and pedagogical correction is built taking into account the structure of the emotional and intellectual defect, the significance of neurodynamic disorders, impulsivity, weakness of control, and insufficiency of individual cortical functions. The main task is to eliminate the delay in mental development itself, relying on preserving the possibilities for the development of higher mental functions: developing skills and abilities, instilling knowledge, the formation of which has been slowed down. Children need organization of attention and control, actualization of the motive of activity. Organizing assistance includes strengthening speech control, including a game situation, and emotional stimulation. Mental dysfunctions with mental retardation are characterized by the fact that it is not the thinking itself that suffers, but its prerequisites. Therefore, in the correction of an intellectual defect, it is important to use the solution of problems on constructive thinking, based on the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin).

In prosperous families, delayed mental development of a child can be overcome by targeted activation of his capabilities. In families that do not pay enough attention to children, the child’s mental development is aggravated due to a layer of microsocial and pedagogical neglect; the developmental anomaly becomes much more persistent and pronounced.

In addition to unfavorable upbringing conditions, another psychogenic factor also plays a role in aggravating mental retardation. The situation of systematic failure into which children with mental retardation find themselves when entering a public school negatively affects not only their further intellectual development, but also contributes to abnormal personality formation. These children develop a low level of aspirations, which is noted not only in relation to the educational process, but also to any other activity containing evaluative aspects. In addition, such children are rejected by their school peers; they are perceived not only as stupid and lazy, but also as evil and ugly. Such a negative attitude towards the intelligence, personal qualities and even appearance of children with mental retardation causes their isolation within the class. Successful students do not want to be friends with them and refuse to sit at the same desk.

Special conditions training allows one to overcome mental retardation. Research shows that this requires 2–3 years, after which the child can attend secondary school and develop according to age.

However, we are dealing with a functionally insolvent family, where the child must take care of himself. Therefore, there is no need to talk about creating favorable conditions for overcoming mental retardation; often a child in such families must simply survive physically.

An unsatisfied need for love and affection in the family, rejection among peers at school “pushes” such children onto the street, where they are accepted as they are. They quickly adapt to the living conditions of vagabonds and begin to implement this lifestyle as their own. This happens because they find care and attention for themselves on the street. Emotionally, positive attachments are very significant for them, because this did not exist in their family.

Society has determined the path for such children: first an orphanage, then a boarding school, and then depending on your luck. Keeping children in shelters is permitted by law for up to 90 days to decide the future fate of the child. At the shelter, the child receives care, food and clothing. Rehabilitation measures mental health is not carried out due to the lack of sufficient time, psychologists and practical material.

Normal socialization of the child and psychocorrection of his intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere allows him to overcome mental retardation. However, the question arises about ways to quickly and effectively correct the cognitive processes and emotional-volitional sphere of such children. Based on the theoretical principles of the Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, we have developed a program to help overcome the mental retardation of children entering the orphanage based on the development of such an important cognitive process as imagination. The program comprehensively covers the correction of the child’s emotional and volitional sphere.

The role of family in mental development child.

The influence of the family is exercised and manifested as follows:

1. The family provides a basic sense of security, guaranteeing the child’s safety when interacting with the outside world, mastering new ways of exploring and responding to it.

2. Children learn from their parents certain ways of behavior, assimilating certain ready-made models of behavior.

3. Parents are a source of extremely important life experience.

4. Parents influence the child’s behavior by encouraging or condemning a certain type of behavior, as well as applying punishment or allowing an acceptable degree of freedom in the child’s behavior.

5. Communication in the family allows the child to develop his own views, norms, attitudes and ideas. The child's development will depend on how good conditions for communication are provided to him in the family; development also depends on clarity and clarity of communication in the family.

A family is a certain moral and psychological climate; it is for a child a school of relationships with people. It is in the family that ideas about good and evil, about decency, about respect for material and spiritual values ​​are formed. A child in a family learns the basics about the world around him. With close people he experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, justice...

A child needs both parents - loving father and mother. The relationship between spouses has a huge impact on the development of a child’s personality. A conflictual, tense environment makes the child nervous, whiny, disobedient, and aggressive. Friction between parents has a traumatic effect on the baby.

The pathology of marital relations produces a wide range of anomalies, and, moreover, very serious ones, both in the psyche and in the behavior of the individual.

The family in which a child grew up provides a model for the family he will form in the future.

Researchers have identified qualitative differences in the attitudes of fathers and mothers to raising a child in families with mixed-age and single-age parents. Families of different ages, when there is a large age difference of 10-15 years or more between husband and wife. Single-age families, when spouses are the same age or the age difference is not great.

Moreover, children of parents of different ages, compared to children of same-age parents, are prone to more complex forms of self-realization; they realize themselves through assessing or coordinating the actions of another person.

The family creates the personality or destroys it; it has the power of the family to strengthen or undermine the mental health of the individual. The process of family interaction selectively controls the expression of emotions, supporting some channels of emotional discharge and suppressing others. The family encourages some personal drives while preventing others, satisfying or suppressing personal needs. It indicates the boundaries of identification and contributes to the emergence of an individual’s image of his “I”. The family determines the dangers that an individual will face in life.

The experience of family relationships plays an important role for a child not only in the formation of his personality, certain patterns of behavior and relationships with others. It is also the most important foundation on which the child forms and builds his perception of God, communication with Him, as well as family experiences that shape the child’s mental development.

Parents are not born. They become parents. This is a natural law of life. Human history shows us that the starting point for personal development is family life and relationships with parents. “One of the most responsible and sacred callings of a person - to be a father and mother - is available with minimal health and puberty. But only personal religiosity allows us to take this possibility seriously” (5, p.154).

The harmony of fatherhood and motherhood introduces the child into the adult world prepared. The authority and example of the father and mother are the main factors in growing up and raising a mentally and spiritually healthy person.

The role of the family in the mental development of the child. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The role of the family in the mental development of the child." 2017, 2018.

State educational institution
higher professional education in Moscow
"Moscow City Pedagogical University"
Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations
Psychology faculty

The role of the family in the development of the child.

Completed: Odnodvortseva Yu.E.
5th year correspondence department
specialty "Psychology"

                Checked: V.A. Borisova




The role of the family in the socialization of the child’s personality
Main tasks of the family
Basic conditions for successfully raising a child in a family


From the moment the child was born and began to settle in the world, he began to learn. While learning, the child is constantly being educated. The process of education is aimed at the formation of the social qualities of the individual, at creating and expanding the range of his relationships with the world around him - with society, with people, with himself. The wider, more diverse and deeper a person’s system of relationships to various aspects of life, the richer his own spiritual world.
Thus, the personality is formed in the process of active interaction with the outside world, mastering social experience and public values. On the basis of a person’s reflection of objective relationships, the formation of internal positions of the personality, individual characteristics of the mental makeup takes place, character, intelligence, and his attitude towards others and towards himself are formed. No one is born with a ready-made character, interests, inclinations, will, or certain abilities. All these properties are developed and formed gradually, throughout life, from birth to adulthood.
The family plays a special role in a person’s life, his protection, formation and satisfaction of spiritual needs, as well as in his primary socialization. The child’s personality is formed under the influence of all social relations in which his life and activities take place. However, the level of moral culture of parents, their life plans and aspirations, social connections, family traditions are crucial in the development of a young person’s personality.
In the family, a child acquires beliefs and socially approved forms of behavior necessary for a normal life in society. It is in the family that the child’s individuality and his inner world are most manifested.

The concept of family, family as a microsociety

Among the various social factors influencing the development of personality, one of the most important is the family. Traditionally, the family is the main institution of education. What a person acquires in the family, he retains throughout his subsequent life. The importance of family is due to the fact that a person lives in it for a significant part of his life. The foundations of personality are laid in the family.
A family is a social and pedagogical group of people designed to optimally satisfy the needs for self-preservation (procreation) and self-affirmation (self-esteem) of each of its members.
The family creates in a person the concept of home not as a room where he lives, but as feelings, a feeling of a place where he is expected, loved, appreciated, understood and protected. The family plays the main role in the formation of moral principles and life principles of the child. The family creates personality or destroys it; it has the power of the family to strengthen or undermine the mental health of its members. The family encourages some personal drives while preventing others, satisfies or suppresses personal needs. The family structures opportunities for achieving security, pleasure and self-realization. It indicates the boundaries of identification and contributes to the emergence of an individual’s image of his “I”.
In the family, the personality of not only the child, but also his parents is formed.
A family is an entity that “encompasses” a person as a whole in all its manifestations.
The determining role of the family is due to its profound influence on the entire complex of physical and spiritual life of the person growing in it. For a child, the family is both a living environment and an educational environment. The influence of the family, especially in the initial stage of a child’s life, far exceeds other educational processes. According to research, the family here reflects the school, the media, public organizations, work groups, friends, and the influence of literature and art. All this allowed teachers to deduce a certain dependence: the success of personality formation is determined primarily by the family. How better family and the better it influences education, the higher the result of the physical, moral, and labor education of the individual. Rarely, the role of the family in the formation of personality is determined by dependence: which family, such a person will grow up in it.
This dependence is used in practice. An experienced teacher only needs to look and talk to the child to understand what kind of family he is being raised in.
In the same way, it will not be difficult to communicate with parents and determine what kind of children will grow up in their family. Family and child are a mirror image of each other.
If the family has such a strong influence on the processes and results of personality development, then it is the family that society and the state should give priority to in organizing the correct educational influence. Parents - the first educators - have the strongest influence on children. Providing family education, its content and organizational aspects are an eternal and very responsible task for humanity.
Deep contacts with parents create a stable state of life in children, a feeling of confidence and reliability. And it brings a joyful feeling of satisfaction to parents. In healthy families, parents and children are connected through natural, everyday contact. This is such close communication between them, as a result of which spiritual unity arises, coordination of basic life aspirations and actions. The natural basis of such relationships is made up of family ties, feelings of motherhood and fatherhood, which are manifested in parental love and caring affection of children and parents.
The child sees the family as the close people around him: father and mother, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Depending on the composition of the family, on the relationships in the family with family members and in general with the people around them, a person looks at the world positively or negatively, forms his views, builds his relationships with others. Family relationships also influence how a person will build his career in the future and what path he will take. It is in the family that an individual receives his first life experience, therefore it is very important in which family the child is raised: prosperous or dysfunctional, complete or incomplete.

The role of the family in the socialization of the child’s personality.

Socialization is “the process of an individual’s entry into the social environment”, “his assimilation of social influences”, “his introduction to the system of social connections” (Andreeva G.M., 1980, p. 335).
A person has a rather long childhood: a lot of time passes before a small child turns into an adult, independent member of society. A long period of helplessness of a child, stretching over years, forces parents to pay considerable attention to both caring for children (a traditionally female role) and protecting them (a traditionally male one). The family is the first and main social group that actively influences the formation of the child’s personality. In a family, natural-biological and social connections of parents and children are intertwined. These connections are very important, because they determine the mental characteristics and primary socialization of children at the earliest stage of their development. Being one of the important factors of social influence, a specific social microenvironment, the family has an overall influence on the physical, mental and social development child. The role of the family is to gradually introduce the child into society so that his development is consistent with human nature and the culture of the country where he was born.
Teaching a child the social experience that humanity has accumulated, the culture of the country where he was born and growing up, its moral standards, and the traditions of the people is the direct function of parents.
Non-specific functions of the family related to the accumulation and transfer of property, status, organization of production and consumption, household, recreation and leisure, related to caring for the health and well-being of family members, with the creation of a microclimate that helps relieve stress and self-preservation of everyone’s self, etc. - all these functions reflect the historical nature of the connection between family and society, revealing a historically emerging picture of exactly how the birth, maintenance and upbringing of children in the family occurs.
An important role in the process of primary socialization is played by raising a child in the family. Parents were and remain the child's first educators.
Raising children in a family is a complex social and pedagogical process. It includes the influence of the entire atmosphere and microclimate of the family on the formation of the child’s personality. The possibility of educational interaction on him is already inherent in the very nature of the relationship of parents to children, the essence of which lies in reasonable guardianship, the conscious care of elders for the younger. Father and mother show care, attention, affection to their child, protect them from life’s adversities and difficulties. The personal example of parents is the most important means of influencing the upbringing of children. Its educational significance is based on the inherent tendency to imitate in childhood. Without sufficient knowledge and experience, the child copies adults and imitates their actions. The nature of the parents' relationship, the degree of their mutual agreement, attention, sensitivity and respect, ways of solving various problems, the tone and nature of conversations - all this is perceived by the child and becomes a model for his own behavior.
Thus, the surrounding social microenvironment, the psychological climate in the family, the conditions of upbringing, relationships with parents and the personality of the parents themselves are necessarily reflected on the child and, first of all, on the characteristics of his character. If the family atmosphere is unfavorable for the child’s mental development, then it is likely that the formed personality traits will also be pathological. Along with the fact that the personality of parents undoubtedly plays a leading role in shaping the worldview and moral beliefs of children.

Main tasks of the family

Family education is a complex system. It is influenced by heredity and natural health of children and parents, material and economic security, social status, lifestyle, number of family members, place of residence (place of home), attitude towards the child. All this is organically intertwined and in each specific case manifests itself in different ways.
What are the tasks of the family?
They are to:
- create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child;
- ensure socio-economic and psychological protection of the child;
- convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and relationships with elders;
- teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-care and helping loved ones;
- to develop a sense of self-esteem, the value of one’s own “I”.
In the first year of a child’s life, the main concern of parents is to create normal conditions for physical development, ensure nutrition and throughout life, normal sanitary and hygienic conditions. During this period, the child already expresses his needs, reacts to pleasant and unpleasant impressions and expresses his desires in his own way. The task of adults is to learn to distinguish between needs and whims, since the child's needs must be met and whims suppressed. Thus, the child in the family receives his first moral lessons, without which he cannot develop a system of moral habits and concepts.
In the second year of life, the child begins to walk, strives to touch everything with his own hands, to reach the unattainable, and mobility sometimes gives him a lot of grief. Education during this period should be based on the reasonable inclusion of the child in different types activities, you should show him everything, explain him, teach him to observe, play with him, tell him and answer questions.
IN preschool age The main activity of a child is play. Children three and four years old prefer construction and household games. By constructing various buildings, the child learns about the world around him. The child takes situations for games from life. The wisdom of parents is to quietly tell the child what the hero (the main character) should do in the game. Thus, they teach him to understand what is good and what is bad, what moral qualities are valued and respected in society, and what are condemned.
Preschoolers and junior schoolchildren They receive their first moral experience in the family, learn to respect their elders, take them into account, learn to do something pleasant, joyful, and kind to people.
The moral principles of a child are formed on the basis and in connection with the intensive mental development of the child, the indicator of which is his actions and speech. Therefore, it is important to enrich children’s vocabulary and, when talking with them, to provide an example of good pronunciation of sounds and words and sentences in general. In order to develop speech, parents should teach children to observe natural phenomena, identify similar and different things in them, listen to fairy tales and stories and convey their content, answer questions and ask their own.
Speech development is an indicator of an increase in the child’s general culture, a condition for his mental, moral and aesthetic development.
In preschool age, children are very mobile, they cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time, or quickly switch from one type of activity to another. Schooling will require concentration, perseverance, and diligence from the child. Therefore, it is important, even in preschool age, to accustom a child to the thoroughness of the tasks he carries out, to teach him to complete the task or game he has begun, and to show perseverance and perseverance. It is necessary to develop these qualities in play and household work, including the child in collective work on cleaning the premises, in the garden, or playing household or outdoor games with him.
As a child grows up in a family, the tasks, means and methods of education change. The educational program includes sports, outdoor games, hardening of the body and strict implementation of morning exercises. A large place is occupied by the issues of sanitary and hygienic training of children, the development of skills and habits of personal hygiene, and a culture of behavior. The right relationships are established between boys and girls - relationships of camaraderie, mutual attention and care. The best means of cultivating correct relationships is the personal example of father and mother, their mutual respect, help and care, manifestations of tenderness and affection. If children see good relationships in the family, then, as adults, they themselves will strive for the same beautiful relationships. IN childhood It is important to cultivate a feeling of love for your loved ones - for parents, for brothers and sisters, so that children feel affection for one of their peers, affection and tenderness for younger ones.
The family plays a large role in labor education. Children are directly involved in household work, learn to serve themselves, and perform feasible labor duties to help their father and mother.
Thus, we can conclude that the family is the child’s first school of communication. Children are especially sensitive to relationships with adults, do not tolerate moralizing, harshness, orders, have a hard time with the rudeness of elders, mistrust and deception, petty control and suspicion, dishonesty and insincerity of parents.
The family has favorable conditions for aesthetic education children. A child’s sense of beauty begins with an acquaintance with a bright and beautiful toy, a colorfully designed book, or a cozy apartment. As the child grows, the perception of beauty is enriched when visiting theaters and museums. A good means of aesthetic education is nature with its beautiful and unique colors and landscapes. When communicating with nature, the child is surprised, happy, proud of what he saw, heard the singing of birds, and at this time the education of feelings occurs. A sense of beauty and interest in beauty help to cultivate the need to cherish and create beauty. The aesthetics of everyday life has great educational power. Children not only enjoy the comfort of home, but together with their parents learn to create it. In cultivating a sense of beauty, a significant role belongs to the manner of dressing correctly and beautifully.
The success of upbringing in a family can be ensured when favorable conditions are created for the growth and all-round development of the child.

Basic conditions for successfully raising a child in a family


The family is the most important environment for personality formation and an educational institution. The family is responsible for the population in general and for its children in particular. There are, of course, other factors that influence the development and formation of personality - this is the living environment, the learning environment, and even the recreation environment. But the family has a dominant function in this. “A person gets everything good and everything bad from his family!” - famous pedagogical wisdom.
The family introduces children to society and to life values. Introduces the environment and people. It also introduces the individual to work, thereby introducing him to future social life. And, finally, it instills spiritual values, which include faith, rules of human behavior in society, respect for the people around him, etc. But educational process happens not only when a parent (educator) talks to a child, explains something to him, teaches him, far from it. The educational process occurs every second, every moment you and your child spend together. Always remember Makarenko’s words: “Your own behavior is the most decisive thing for a child.” A child is a blank piece of paper, ready to be filled out. The child looks at you every second, absorbs the information that you give with your behavior. Everything is important - your speech, manners, your style of clothing, ways of communicating with strangers, friends, enemies, and of course their presence in general. How you sit, laugh, how you swing your leg, how you speak about this or that person, the expression on your face - all this and much more is very important and meaningful for your child. Children, like sponges - water, absorb all the information from your behavior.
Among other things, the child is very sensitive to your mood, despite his small age. He is very observant, and the child feels any slight change in your behavior, mood, tone with full force.
Any of your unworthy behavior will affect the child’s upbringing - drinking alcohol in front of him, smoking, obscene language, fights and insults and similar things - everything is perceived by the child and shapes his worldview.
If there is no trust, warmth, love, harmony, soul, or peace in your relationship with your spouse, then your child will have nothing to take and take away from his school. family life. If the same thing does not happen in your relationship with your child, then do not be surprised that a difficult child has grown up in your family.
Most of a child's life takes place in the family. The family is the natural environment of the educational process. The family is his first cultural and educational niche. It informs the child about what is happening abroad, teaches him to position himself as an individual, develops spiritual, creative and even professional opportunities, abilities and skills. An equally important role is played by the living environment - hygienic conditions, food, interior, home library - it contributes not only to the development and upbringing of the child, but also has a positive or negative effect on his psyche. All life in a family is an educational process for the child and a pedagogical process for the parent. The family is the first to introduce the child to different types of activities - cognitive subject, play, creative, educational, communicative. The family supports the child, stimulates and develops in him everything that is in its infancy, organizes him.


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It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) that the child meets in the first stages of his life and it is from them and through them that he gets acquainted with the world around him, hears human speech for the first time, begins to master the objects and tools of his activity, and subsequently comprehend complex system of human relationships. A child’s communication with adults is a fundamental determinant of the mental development and mental health of children. In normal everyday life, a child is surrounded by the attention and care of nearby adults, and, it would seem, there should be no reason for concern. However, even among children raised in families, there is a very high percentage of mental illnesses, including neuroses, the appearance of which is due not to hereditary, but to social factors, i.e. The causes of the disease lie in the sphere of human relationships.
Placing children at an early age (up to 3 years) in a nursery preschool or hiring a nanny to raise them is a strong psychologically traumatic event, since such children are not yet ready for separation from their mother: two year old child a strongly developed sense of attachment to the mother, community, unity with her (considers himself only in unity with his mother - the “WE” category). In a situation of normal emotional communication between a child and his mother, by the age of 3, children develop a sense of “I”, i.e. perception of oneself as a separate individual, the feeling of dependence on parents gradually decreases. With frequent and long-term separations from their mother (placement in a nursery or sanatorium), the need for affection increases in young children, which can lead to neurotic reactions. On average, only by the age of 3 does a child develop a desire to “break up” with his mother and become more independent. In addition, at this age there is already a strong need to communicate with peers and play together with other children. Therefore, a child aged 3 years can be placed in kindergarten without risking his mental health.
The family dominates the development of a child’s personality from birth to three years. As the child grows older, the role of the family in the development of the child gradually decreases; it is especially strong in the first years of the child’s life. In infancy, the primary influence on the child is exerted by the mother or the person who replaces her, who directly cares for the child and constantly communicates with him. In general, the family begins to actively influence the child from an early age, when he masters speech, walking upright and gets the opportunity to enter into various contacts with different members of the family. In the early years, family educational influence mainly comes down to various influences on emotional sphere the child, as well as on his external behavior: submission to basic disciplinary and hygienic norms and rules. In preschool age, to the described family influences are added those aimed at nurturing in the child curiosity, perseverance, adequate self-esteem, desire for Joy, responsiveness, sociability, kindness, as well as moral qualities personalities that are primarily manifested in relationships with people: decency, honesty, etc. Here, not only adults, but also peers begin to take part in raising a child
Upon entering school, the educational influence of the family weakens somewhat due to the fact that the school successfully begins to compete with it. The child now spends a significant part of his time outside the family among teachers and peers, communicating with them in various situations and on various occasions. The impact of the family on the child’s personal development not only becomes relatively smaller, it changes qualitatively. Adult family members consciously focus their attention on nurturing in the child such personality traits that are necessary for successful learning and communication with various people at school and outside the home. During schooling in the lower grades, the influence of Skoda and family nevertheless remains approximately the same.
During adolescence, the situation changes radically. The personal developmental influence of school and out-of-school communication is increasing compared to the influence of intra-family communication, and adolescence in this regard is transition period from childhood to adulthood. Some of the children adolescence still remains under the strong and dominant educational influence of the family; some leave it already at the beginning of adolescence. Therefore, in terms of individual differences, this age also seems to be transitional and one of the most difficult. If family members close to the child treat him with due understanding, if good, trusting relationships have been established between the teenager and his parents (grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc.), then the family can remain the dominant positive institution for a long period of growing up. socio-psychological influences. If these relationships are far from those described, contradictory and conflicting, then the family may lose its positive educational role already at the very beginning of adolescence, and then a half-child, still weak in personal terms, may find himself in the sphere of far from the best influences of the street.
With the transition to early adolescence, the impact of non-family educational institutions begins to prevail over family ones for the vast majority of children. The further process of development of the child’s personality, starting from this time, acquires purely individual characteristics and directly depends on the circle of people with whom the boy or girl communicates, as well as on the situations in which communication takes place, and on its nature.

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  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) child occurs on the first stages... more details".

  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) child occurs on the first

  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) child occurs on the first stages.

  • Role development on different stages ontogeny.
    Consequences of deprivation: The main “symptom” here will be a sharp slowdown on all sides development baby.

  • Role communication with adults and peers in the mental development on different stages ontogeny.
    Child confidently reaches out with his hands to toys and can hold them, feels and strokes them various items.

  • Described various options parental positions, settings, parental(usually maternal) relationship.
    Considering interdependence relations V family, they are described through those roles, which performs child.

  • Parental attitude To to kid: structure, types and functions.
    Role is a set of behavioral patterns attitude To to kid V family, a combination of feelings, expectations, actions, assessments addressed to kid adults.

  • Development modern families largely due to the increase roles and the importance of personal potential in family relationships.
    A fall parental power over children- this is the main feature that characterizes the history of the relationship between parents and children.

  • Role families V development, education and socialization of the individual.
    For teenagers, all this can result in a rebellion against parental"violence": they
    Cinderella-type upbringing is an environment of emotional abandonment baby, indifferent, relationship to him.

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The role of the family in the development of the child.

Recently, many articles have appeared in periodicals and on the Internet about what child development in the family is. The main conclusion that comes to mind after studying all this information is that in a good family there will be good child, and in a bad family - bad. Moreover, there is no specific definition of a “good” and “bad” family.

So what is family?

Wikipedia gives the following definition: “A family is a social group with a historically defined organization, the members of which are related by marriage or family relations(as well as relationships in fostering children), community of life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is determined by the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population.”

The role of the family in the development of a child is a very important factor.

Remember your childhood, what remains in your memory... What was the atmosphere in your parents’ house, or maybe some pleasant event that was remembered for its uniqueness, or maybe the fear that you experienced in connection with some an incident incomprehensible to you... It is the psychological atmosphere in the house that largely determines the role of the family in the development of the child, greatly influences the development of the little person as an individual, it is the family microclimate that leaves a deep imprint on the subsequent development of the child.

Family weather.

How often do we, parents, think about what affects the family climate? The atmosphere in the family is determined by the relationships of all family members living together. And at the same time, it is simply necessary to pay attention to the degree of parental emotional involvement in the experiences of children, the authority of parents and the degree of their control over children. If the attitude towards a child is emotionally neutral, cold, then this will have the most unfavorable effect on the child. Such methods of education weaken, impoverish and simply inhibit the development of the child. Any baby needs emotional warmth, but it should not be excessive. Otherwise, the child may become so attached to his parents that as an adult he will not be able to start living independently.

Child or family problems?

But in any family difficulties arise. Surely each of you has encountered certain so-called crisis moments in life. Psychologists say that sometimes the difficulties that may accompany the development of a child in a family may be a reflection of problems that have arisen within the family itself. This may be a sign of a breakdown in normal relationships for that particular family. In this case, help is needed not only for the child, but also for his entire family.

How does the child perceive his family?

Preschool or younger child school age cannot imagine another family than the one in which he lives. In other words, the child himself cannot have a bad or good family; he lives in a world familiar to himself. You,You have probably met families where they do not pay attention to the child, or, on the contrary, they force him to study from morning to evening, or the child may suffer from physical punishment. Whatever the intrafamily relationships, the family is not something traumatic for the child and his perception. A child in such a family does not understand that his family has a negative impact on his development and perceives such relationships as the norm. But this does not make the role of the family in the development of a child any less global. Parenting with such methods leads to distortions and problems in the development of the child.

Parents' ratings.

Particular attention should be paid to how parents evaluate their child. Most often, the assessment of the child occurs by itself, the parent simply gives his child a characteristic, both positive (neat, smart, obedient) and negative (restless, cunning, slow). And even such a “little thing” as a casually dropped word can interfere with the harmonious development of a child. If you constantly give your child grades, this leads to a certain vision of himself, which can provoke certain actions (for example, since you say that I am bad, then I will be like that). The child can get used to the assessments of others; he will not need to think about his internal state, become aware of his emotions, thoughts, and desires. As a result, a person may grow up who does not have his own point of view and depends on the opinions of other people.

Child development in an incomplete family.

Both parents influence a child's development. What is the development of a boy or girl in a single-parent family? Numerous studies on this topic basically boil down to the fact that the life of a child in a single-parent family differs from the life of children in two-parent families, which significantly affects the characteristics of the child’s personal development. Single-parent families often face not only financial problems, but also the fact that one parent cannot fulfill two roles - mother and father - at the same time.

Single-parent families arise in different ways. The number of women giving birth to a child “without a husband” is increasing, and many marriages end in divorce. IN modern world Raising a child by one parent has become commonplace. Most often, an incomplete family negatively affects the development of the child and the formation of his personality.


There is an opinion that children who grew up without a father often have an increased level of anxiety, a decreased level of aspirations; in such children, neurotic symptoms are more common; boys can have difficulty communicating with peers, become pugnacious and rude. The child may begin to rebel against dependence on the mother, but may grow up lethargic and passive. Children from single-parent families are also more likely to experience impaired self-esteem.

And at the same time, it cannot be said unequivocally that the family must be preserved “for the sake of the child.” For the harmonious development of a child’s personality, a friendly atmosphere in the home is more important than the presence of both parents who constantly quarrel.

The influence of the family on a child's development is undeniable. The family has a huge impact on who your baby will grow up to be and what his place in society will be.