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Scenario of the spring holiday for children of the middle group in kindergarten “We welcome Spring. Scenario of the spring holiday “Hello, dear spring!” in senior and preparatory groups Spring holidays in kindergarten

Spring Festival for older children. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: scenario extracurricular activity intended for educators and teachers primary classes for organizing leisure time, broadens children's horizons about the time of year - spring.
Target: organization of leisure time for junior schoolchildren and preschoolers.
- expand children’s horizons about spring;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and the signs of spring;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities.

Music is playing. A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green,
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the wind gets warmer,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the sun shines brighter,
This means spring has come to us.

Girl: Spring has a cheerful start -
March is on the threshold.
The drops are ringing merrily -
April is already rushing towards us.
May is quickly catching up with them,
He greets everyone with flowers.
Full of light and joy,
All three months of spring.
Music sounds, the rest of the children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle and sing a song.


Look how blue the sky is

Why do the birds sing so happily?

The queen is coming to us - a red maiden,

Everyone affectionately calls her in the spring.


And in the song there is a pipe,

Cheerful drops.

The red spring is coming and singing a song,

And in the song there is a pipe,

Cheerful drops.

The sun is shining, the rays are playing,

They dance and sing in the transparent puddles.

The queen is coming to us - a red maiden,

Everyone affectionately calls her in the spring.


Spring is coming.

Spring: How beautiful it is in your hall,

And in your song you invited me to visit.

We will sing and dance,

And play games.

Educator: Oh Spring, so good

She brought a lot of sun and light with her.

And then we'll play.

Child: The sun looks out the window,
Spring has come to visit us.
We will clap our hands
We were really looking forward to the warmth.

Child: Spring is coming to us
With quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches,
Visible in the fields.
You can see very warm feet in spring.

Child: Ice drifting on the river,

The gardener is busy in the garden,

It's funny how the lapwings scream

The crow feeds the crows.

A warm breeze is frolicking,

The first moth woke up

And the song of the finch is heard -

Spring came! Spring came!

Spring: I liked your poems. But I brought you the sun and it’s time to play. What games can you play in the spring?

Children answer.

Spring: Let's play:GAME "COLLECT RAYS". Children are divided into two teams of 4-5 people. Before the game, two hoops are placed on the floor (for the sun). Next to each hoop are placed two eyes, lips (mouth) and seven or eight rays made of colored cardboard. One team has yellow rays, the other has orange ones. To the music, each team collects its own sun: eyes and lips in the center of the hoop, and rays around. The game is not a relay race, the children participate as a whole team.

Spring: I suggest you play. Divide into two teams, you need to throw the ball to each other. The ball must be caught and not dropped.

Spring: Grasses, trees, flowers wake up,

Birds from distant lands come back,

Butterflies, bees, bugs fly out,

Celebrate spring together.

What kind of spring is this without songs?

Come on, everyone get up together,

You start singing the song.

Song "Spring has come"

Spring: Look at the windowsills there are bright, beautiful balls. Take a balloon and go out to dance.

Educator: They danced and bowed,

Take your seats, friends, sit down.

We'll take a little rest

And we will read poetry to the guests.

Child: Every day, every minute,

The day is longer, the night is shorter,

Slowly, little by little

Let's drive winter away.

Child: The grass is turning green

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring,

It flies towards us in the canopy.

Child: The sun is melting, the snow is shining,

Drops are falling

Two starlings in our birdhouse

They arrived in the morning.

Spring: Guys, in the spring, it’s beautiful outside, everything blooms and smells. Flowers in the meadows shimmer with multi-colored colors.

Child: It will pass Cold winter,

Will come spring days,

The sun will melt with warmth,

The snow is fluffy like wax.

With emerald leaves,

The forests will turn green,

And together with the velvet grass,

Fragrant flowers will spring up.

Spring: Let me tell you some riddles, these will be riddles about flowers.

White peas,
On a green leg.
In May every year
They make people happy. (Lily of the valley)
- Yellow, fluffy,
The balls are fragrant.
I'll give it to my mother
See for yourself. (Mimosa)
- Appeared from under the snow,
Reaches for a piece of the sky.
The very first, the most tender, -

So small... (Snowdrop)

On a green fragile leg,
The ball grew near the path.
The wind suddenly rustled,
The ball instantly dissipated. (Dandelion)
- You will find them in Holland,
They are always held in high esteem there.
Like bright glasses
Everyone's eyes are pleasing... (Tulips)
- A curl flower blossomed in the garden,
on her White shirt.
And the middle is golden,
What kind of beauty is this? (Chamomile)
- He is the flower prince-poet,
He is wearing a yellow hat.
An encore sonnet about spring,
Read to us... (Narcissus)
- Long thin stalk,
Crowned with a scarlet light.
And it stands like a beacon,
Important, bright red... (Poppy)

Spring: Well done, you solved all the riddles.

Child: Another week will fly by

And March will ring in drops.

April will come with flowers for him,

And the sun will flood the earth.

Through the groves and parks nightingales

Concerts will begin again.

Educator: We continue the holiday, we dedicate the next concert number to Spring.

Conversation with spring

Well, Spring, how are you?

I have cleaning to do.

What do you need a broom for?

Revenge snow from the hill.

What do you need streams for?

Wash the trash off the paths!

What do you need rays for?

For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything and dry it -

I will invite you to the holiday!

Spring: So the clearing was removed, Come out and play Show off your prowess. We are funny guys...

Progress of the game . Children stand on one side of the playground or against the wall of the room. A line is drawn in front of them, or we stretch the cord. A line or cord is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately halfway between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

The children recite the text in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us:

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch!” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. The one who is touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap.

After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected.

Directions for the game . A new trap is chosen even if the previous one does not catch anyone.

Spring: You guys are great

We ran with all our hearts.

It's immediately obvious that you love playing sports.

I want to end our holiday by giving you small medals (I’ll tell you a secret) they are edible.

I say goodbye to you, I invite you to listen to songs about spring.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution No. 22 – combined kindergarten “World of Childhood”

Scenario of the spring holiday “Hello, dear spring!” in senior and preparatory groups

Compiled by:

Tula – 2014

Two older children run in to the sound of cheerful music.

1st child: Hello, guests!

2nd child: Hello!

1 child: We invite everyone to the holiday. The kids are ready for it. We greet our friends with smiles and wish everyone well.

2nd child: Well, it’s time to call the guys, the holiday needs to start. Hey, come here quickly and hurry to the holiday!

(Children go and line up)

3 children: Spring has come, Spring is Red!

Everything has awakened from sleep.

4 children: Everything comes to life, look here and there.

Nature is happy with leaves and flowers.

The earth puts on its spring attire,

Spring gathers children for the holiday.

5 children: Spring! Spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Alive with its azure

He's blinding my eyes!

6 children: Spring! Spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying.

(Song “Spring” general)

7th child: At our holiday

Let's sing and dance,

Let's talk about how spring comes to us.

Ved.: Dear guests! Spring has come. What a wonderful word this is - spring. It rings with a cheerful drop, breathes the freshness of forest snowdrops and young foliage. The window opened, and the aroma of wildflowers poured into the hall with streams of warm air. The birds chimed and the sun sparkled. In a snow-white dress strewn with leaves, in a round dance of sunbeams, Spring is walking towards us.

(Screen, music, pictures)

Yes, spring is a wonderful time of year!

Spring is red!

Spring is red!

Guys, let's call together.

Spring is red!

Spring is red!

Come quickly. Bring guests!

(Music sounds and Spring with stoneflies enters)

Spring: Hello, here I am!

Hello spring to you, friends!

It's me - Spring is red

I came here to visit you!

Young and green

Given to everyone for joy.

Ved.: Hello, dear spring!

Tell us why you came to us.

Spring: And I came to you:

With melted snow,

With small streams,

With the spring sun,

With ringing birdsong.

1st child: Spring, spring, you are the morning of the year...

We greet you with a ringing song.

(Song “Freckles”)

Spring: Well done! How well you sing!

Ved.: It’s spring, and we have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. Listen here.

Reb.: The time of spring has come,

It's time to bloom

And that means the mood

It's spring for everyone!

(Dance with flowers to "Waltz")

Vesna: Oh, well done, guys! Sing, dance, play. Read me some poetry too.

Reb.: But we can’t sit still,

We love to have fun.

We are not too lazy to dance and sing.

We would dance all day.

(Dance “Pairs” Latvian melody)

Reb.: Streams flow into puddles,

Forgetting about the winter cold.

Sparrows, starlings, tits.

Early in the morning at exactly five

The rain came out for a walk.

Let's sing about the rain now,

We will sing about spring.

(Song “Spring Rain”, music by V. Molodtsov)

Vesna: Well done!

How well they sang!

Guys, I really like to play,

Songs to sing and dance.

Come on, boys, come out,

Yes, amuse me.

Boy: I’m a daring fellow,

I play on spoons and call the guys together.

Guys, come out and entertain the guests.

(Ensemble of spoon players to the Russian folk melody “Polyanka”)

Spring: Well done! You made me happy, amused me. Yes, and I will not remain in debt.

My forest animals

They sent us their toys.

I picked up a whole bag of them,

Come on, help me, my friend!

(They take out a heavy bag)

The squirrels gave me cones so you can play with them here.

(Attraction “Who is the fastest to put cones into a basket blindfolded”)

Spring: And the hedgehogs brought these apples.

(Attraction “Who will collect the most apples”)

Spring: Thank you, guys,

That you were invited to visit.

We sang, had fun,

Everyone was happy here.

And now it's time for me

Goodbye, kids.

And at parting I will give you gifts.

(Gives gifts to the presenter and leaves)

Ved.: Thank you, Spring, for the gifts. Goodbye, see you again.

Ved.: Oh, hear, someone is calling us. Who could it be. Here, here, we are here.

(A girl runs in - “Sunny Bunny”)

Ved.: Hello! Who are you?

Sunny bunny: Hello! I am a sunny bunny. I came running to you for the holiday. I really wanted to see him.

Ved.: Hello, Sunny Bunny! We are very glad to see you. Tell me, bunny, has spring already come to all lands?

Bunny: Yes!

The birds have already started singing

To all ends of the earth.

Animals can't sleep in the forest,

All the nests have been woven.

Ved.: Yes, which one interesting life in the forest in spring. What else did you see?

Bunny: I was jumping along the branches in a fairytale forest, I saw a very sad Baba Yaga.

Ved.: Grandma Yaga!

Bunny: Yes!

Ved.: With a character like hers, it’s very difficult to find friends. Guys, I feel a little sorry for Grandma Yaga. Spring is raging all around, and Baba Yaga is bored and sad. Maybe we'll go to her in the forest.

Bunny: But this is not a simple forest, but a magical one.

Ved.: Magical?

Bunny: In that forest live cartoons, animations - heroes of different films.

Ved.: Oh, how interesting. Really, guys? Now we definitely need to visit the forest. Do you know the way there?

Bunny: I know!

Ved.: Then lead us.

(Go to the magical forest)

Ved.: Guys, hear someone groaning.

(Baba Yaga sits in the hut and groans)

B.Y.: Oh, the old lady is bored,

Living alone in such a wilderness.

When there are only frogs around,

Yes, thick reeds.

That would be good

If only someone came

To Baba Yaga, the bone leg!

Ved.: Hello, Baba Yaga! Doesn't answer. Guys, let's sing to Baba Yaga.

Children: Grandma Yozhka, bone leg,

She fell from the stove and broke her leg.

And then he says: “My leg hurts.”

(Baba Yaga looks out of the window with interest and sees the children)

B.Ya.: Oh, it’s you, why did you come? Go away!

Ved.: Hello, Baba Yaga. We came to visit you. To amuse you. After all, spring is outside. Let's play.

(Game “Granny Yozhka”)

(Baba Yaga runs out of the hut and scatters the children with a broom. The children run to the chairs. They play 2-3 times).

Baba Yaga: Wow, I love you!

Ved.: Our guys don’t offend you, but play with you.

B.Y.: Oh, they’re playing! This is good! I love to play! (Puts his hands on his sides, wait, wait, how did you get into our fairy-tale forest?)

Ved.: Guys, tell us who brought us here?

B.Ya.: Oh, what’s the matter? This is a sunbeam. Happens everywhere, knows a lot.

Ved.: Oh, who is that squeaking?

B.Y.: Yes, this is a little mouse - Mickey Mouse. He got into the habit of coming to me for wheat grains.

(Mickey Mouse runs in)

Mouse: Have pity on me, little ones.

Give me some grains.

I’ll gnaw on some sweet grains,

Yes, I’ll go and dance joyfully.

B.Ya.: (treats the mouse)

Oh, you little prankster, help yourself.

Mouse: (strokes his belly) How delicious. And now we can dance.

B.Ya.: And you guys, help him!

(Modern dance "Mickey Mouse")

B.Ya.: Oh, where are the guys? Oh, I understand, it’s them. Here I am for you now, you little bastards. (trying to scare)

Ved.: Baba Yaga, these are not mice, but guys. We wanted to have fun and amuse you.

B.Y.: Pah-pah-pah! So I don't have mice.

Ved.: Baba Yaga, do you like to sing songs?

B.Ya.: Why! I'm the best songbird in the forest!

Ved.: Our guys also love to sing songs.

B.Ya.: So you will amuse me with a song.

(Ditties to a Russian folk melody)

B.Ya.: Oh yes, well done! It’s good for me to sing songs with you, play games, but I also need to do things!

Ved.: What kind of things could the fabulous Baba Yaga have?

B.Ya.: Why! And there’s a lot of housework to do, guys.

And thank you for the fun.

Here, take a treat,

Sweet candies

Help yourself kids!

(treats you with candies, waffles, cookies)

Ved.: Thank you, Baba Yaga, for the treat. Don't be bored, we'll come to you again.

Ved.: Well, we guys welcomed Spring, we had fun with Spring,

But it's time to say goodbye, we all need to return.

This concludes our holiday dedicated to Spring. See you again!

In this section, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the useful experience of organizing spring holidays. Here you will find a great variety of event scenarios in honor of any of the celebrations of this time of year: from the joyful meeting of spring at Maslenitsa to Easter. You will be amazed at how bright, unconventionally, and fun you can celebrate Bird Day and Cat Day; Palm and Trinity; Nauryz (Novruz); how to organize a bright and memorable spring Health Day in kindergarten. And of course there is a huge amount here ready-made solutions for March 8th!

We spend the spring holidays with invention and imagination - together with MAAM!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Migratory birds. Scenarios of events, entertainment, leisure
  • Maslenitsa. Scenarios for holidays, entertainment, farewell to winter
  • History of writing, Day of Slavic writing and culture, Cyril and Methodius Day, May 24
  • Autism, autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Early childhood autism (ECA)
  • Cosmonautics Day. Scenarios of events, classes. 12th of April
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 4151.
All sections | Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scripts

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Children run scatteringly into the hall to the music, dancing with the sultans to the song “Mom, I love you.” After the dance, the guys stand in a semicircle. Ved. Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday, a joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday for all our dear women....

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Spring holiday in the senior group. Scenario

Holiday script for children 5-6 years old “Together we welcome Spring”

annotation. The summary can be used by music directors, preschool teachers. The material is intended for children 5-6 years old and integrates the tasks of the following educational areas: cognition, communication, music, socialization.

Target: create a joyful mood in children, evoke emotional responsiveness, and promote the development of interest in the world around them.
improve children’s musical and rhythmic skills through round dances, dances, exercises, and games; consolidate vocal and choral skills in the process of group singing; systematize children’s knowledge about the signs of spring; develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech; to develop independence, goodwill, sociability, willingness to help through games and dramatization; cultivate a love for nature.

The progress of the holiday

Together we welcome spring
And with a bow we invite
Everyone who loves to have fun
And laugh and frolic.
Children enter the hall to the music
Everything around us pleases our eyes.
The sun is shining, the air is inviting
All around nature has come to life,
Beautiful spring has come.
Roll call
1. It’s good to walk in the garden
Songs to sing and dance.
In our garden
Let's welcome spring!

2. Spring walked in secret for a long time
From the winds and from the cold.
And today straight
Splashes through puddles.

3. Drives melted snow
With hubbub and ringing
To line the meadows
Green velvet.

4. It's getting darker every day
Stitches and tracks
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow.
5.Where are you, sunshine, wake up!
Where are you, little bird, come back!
Winter is tired of pouring snow,
Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!
And the birds are right here,
I chirp happily.
Let's call Spring - red.
“Spring is red! Spring is red!

Spring is coming
Good morning guys.
I am a sorceress - Spring.
I am the meadow and the forest and the field
Woke up from sleep.
Melted the ice and snow.
Gave people light.
So let's all be together
Let's sing a song about Spring.
The song “Hello dear spring” is playing
Did you have a good winter?
Did you children have a good rest?
And now it's time
We shouldn't be lazy.
And now spring time has come
Everyone work hard.
They perform the round dance “We took the shoulder blades”
You guys weren't lazy.
What a great job they did!
The sun warms the earth,
So that the harvest grows!
Show us the sun,
Shine a little light
Dry the paths!
(Sunny comes out)
I am the red sun
The sun is clear.
I give my warmth
So that everything blooms around.
So that the leaves bloom,
The birds began to sing.
Thank you clear sunshine
For warmth, for light!
You and I are welcoming spring,
Let's start the spring round dance!
Round dance "Sun"
Well done boys!
You love to sing and dance.
And now we will
Play with the sun!
Game “Sun” (the sun is in the center of the circle; children walk in a circle)
Burn, the sun is brighter,
Summer will be hotter.
And the winter is warmer
And spring is nicer.
(at the end of the nursery rhyme, the sun shouts “Hot” and runs to catch the children)
Over the sea, over the mountains

A flock of birds are flying towards us.
We will build a city for them,
Bird city - bird city!
But first you guys
Guess the riddles!
1. There is a trunk, there is a stake on the trunk,
The palace is on stake, there is a singer in the palace.
Who is this? (starling)
2. He sang solo among the branches, the singer was called (nightingale)
3. A leaf is pinned to the hollow,
and my uncle (owl) lives there
4. Whoever is on the Christmas tree is a bitch
The counting is done by peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo (cuckoo)
5. Carpenter with a sharp chisel
There is a house with one window (woodpecker)
6. All migratory birds are black
Cleans arable land from worms (rook)
Well done guys, good
You know our mutual friends birds!
And now, my guys,
I invite all birds.
Come whoever wants
We love you very, very much!
Birds are flying to us in a flock!
And you will dance for us.

Dance “Birds” (after the dance, lined up in a semicircle)

The heights sparkle, the water roars,
April calls: “Here! Here!"
We arrive and sing
Delighted with the bright blue.
The rooks are flying, screaming all over Rus'.
Gu-gu-gu, we are bringing spring!
Spring sent me to you,
Say that she came to you.
Ay, thank you dear birds,
I brought you the most important gift -
The sun is clear! Round dance of birds,
The grass-ant will call you into the garden.
Spring round dance
Tell the birds
Where have you been?
Tell the birds
What have you seen?
1. In hot countries
Hot Summer.
There's no winter there
There is no snow!

2. Giant elephants roam there.
Monkeys scream all day long.
Liana trees grow there,
Bananas grow on palm trees there.

3. We lived well
Far from home.
With hummingbirds and flamingos
We were friends in Africa!

4.But we missed the village,
Along the ringing stream,
By birdhouse, by trees
A sparrow next door!
We are all glad to see you, friends,
Be with us always.
To you, dear friends,
It's time to play with the guys!
The game “Who will occupy the nest faster” (hoops are needed for the game)
It was fun all around!
We send our greetings to spring!
You, Spring, Spring are red!
What did you bring with you?
I brought it for the meadows
Blanket for flowers.
You, Spring, Spring are red!
What did you bring with you?
Brought for the Christmas tree
New needles!
You are Spring, Spring is red!
What did you bring with you?
For aspens and birches
A whole cartload of fresh leaves.
Spring is red,
What's in your basket?
My forest animals
They sent us their toys. (Takes out a bag of cones.)

Here the squirrels gave me cones,
So that we can play with them here.
The game is an attraction “Who can get cones into the basket faster.”
(a bird flies in and circles around the hall)
Oh guys, a bird is coming to us
The beautiful one has arrived.
Hurry up, everyone in a circle,
So that it doesn't fly away!
(children stand up, forming a circle)
1.Oh, gotcha, birdie, stop!
You won't leave the network!
We won't part with you
No way!
Oh, why, why do you need me
Small children.
Let me fly
Unleash the nets!
2. No, we won’t let you in, birdie, no
Stay with us.
We'll give you candy
I have tea with crackers.
Oh, I don't eat candy
I don't like tea.
I catch midges in the field,
I'm collecting grains!
3. Birdie, birdie, you'll freeze
Somewhere on a branch.
And here we have it in gold
You will live in a cage.
ABOUT! Don't be afraid, to a warm land
I'll fly away in winter!
And in captivity there is a bright paradise
It will be a prison for me!
4. Birdie, birdie! How to love
We would become you.
They wouldn't let me be sad
Everyone would caress you.
I believe children! But for us
Your caresses are harmful.
I would have closed them right away
I'm eye-catching!
5.True, true! You're a bird
You can't bear the bondage.
Well, God be with you, fly
And live free!
Thank you friends,
Why did you let me go?
Why don't you destroy the nest?
That you don’t offend the birds.
Let the birds sing again
There are ringing sounds in our garden.
And such joy
Let's dance with you!
Performing the dance “We will join hands”
Thanks for the fun
To you, friends!
I brought gifts!
Here is the wheat, here is the barley!
Come on whoever is quickest!
What are you birdie
Children don't eat grain!
(takes the basket from her hands)
Let's do some magic now
(cover the basket, opens it)
I'll do some magic for you, kids.
After all, I am a sorceress - Spring!
(distribution of gifts)
And now it's time for me to leave
Keep an eye on the flowers and herbs!
So that they grow and bloom,
So that the birds trill.
Goodbye friends,
I'll come back to you in a year!
(children leave the hall to the music)
We welcomed the red spring
Yes, how our holiday went - we didn’t notice
To a cheerful dance
Let's say goodbye now.
Cheerful music sounds, children leave the hall.

A bird trill sounds (intro to the song “Spring Drops”) March 22, 2017

Scenario of the holiday “Meeting of Spring.”

The round dance song “Vesnyanka” sounds

Educator : Today is March 22 – an unusual day, the day of birds’ arrival. People said this about this day:

When the water spills, When the forest turns green, When the birds fly in, Then spring comes.

By folk calendar The day of March 22 was called Magpies; it was believed that on this day winter ends and spring begins. Russian people believed that on this day forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is the lark. They used to say that larks did not fly to warmer climes for the winter, but turned into mice, waiting out the cold in a warm mouse hole. And as soon as the sun warmed the earth, they took on their previous form and flew out into the light of God, welcoming spring with jubilant singing. According to signs, it was from this time, “when the magpie begins to build a nest and puts forty sticks in it, and forty different birds return from the south,” spring comes.

The song “Solar Drops” is performed by pupils of preparatory groups.

Educator: Let's guess the riddles and remember what birds fly to us from warm regions?

Educator : If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields.

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep

If the wind gets warmer,

So spring has come to us!

Children: (average group)

1st - Where are you, sunshine, wake up!

2nd - Where are you, little bird, come back!

3rd – Winter is tired of pouring snow,

4th - Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!

5th - Mother Spring is coming, open the gates!

6th - And April followed him - opened the window and door!

7th - And when the May sun came, invite me to the tower!

Leading :

Let's open the golden gates for the Red Spring. This will help spring double its strength and overcome winter. But even though “winter scares spring and melts away on its own,” even though spring often gets cold, spring will still win, and we will help it with this.

rearrange themselves “in a stream, enter in a chain through the gate of two scarves (music “Vesnyanka”)

General nickname:

We stretched out our palms and looked at the sun -raise their hands up

Give us the warmth of the sun so that there will be strength -moving your palms towards you

Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket.

Rise high, shine far...

On dark forests, on damp forests...

To the river, to the fields, to the blue seas...

To the green garden and to all honest people!

In costumes of birds arriving in the spring with birds on sticks, children run into the hall and flap their wings, shouting in unison - children of the older group

1: Arina

We're flying, flying, flying,

We flap our wings.

We want to arrive soon

To our lovely groves.

(They fly into loose air.)

2: Nastya

We are flying from far away

The birds are tired.

Let's sit by the stream

And let's drink some water.

(They drink water.)

3: Varvara

Here he is, here he is native land,

Nice side.

We arrived home

And they sang loudly.

All birds : Spring has come, red has come!

(raise the birds up and down.)

Dance “Balalaika”, music by T. Morozov - Spanish. st. gr.

Poetry read by Vanya, Nastya - senior group

Pupils of preparatory groups ask riddles,

read sayings and proverbs


In Rus', Spring has been celebrated for a long time. They organized festivities - they danced in circles, invited Spring - Red. In every house they made these birds (shows) from dough - larks, and baked them. Those who did not have dough sculpted them from clay, made them from rags and paper. In the old days, people believed that spring comes because birds bring it from distant lands. The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and loudly laughing to call the larks, and with them spring. To do this, baked larks were impaled on long sticks and ran out onto the hills with them, or the birds were impaled on poles, on fence sticks, etc. and, huddled together, shouted loudly:

Children: children read poetry 2 junior groups





Spring is red


Winter is cold

Take it away!




Swallow birds!

They arrived to us!

Clear spring

Red spring

Bring it to us!


We're tired of winter

I ate bread and hay,

My arms and legs were chilly,

She killed the cattle.




Winter is on you,

It's summer for us!

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!


Come to us, Spring,

With joy,

With great mercy to us!

With grainy rye,

With viburnum-raspberries,

WITH black currant,

With pears, with apples,

With every garden,

With azure flowers,

With grass-ant!

6. _________________________

Walk in a round dance

Have fun honest people!

On earth open to the sun,

In honor of the cheerful, eminent,

In a ringing song not forgotten

Our Mother Spring.

Sounds Ukrainian. adv. round dance song “Oh, the water is running like a stream”

2 ml. gr., average gr.

A piano piece will be performed by Valeria (preparatory class, preparatory class of MBUDO "Nikolaev Children's Art School")

r.n.p. "On the Green Meadow"

Scene “In the Forest” (A magpie appears)

Soroka (Sofia) : I chirped about spring, oh, I’m tired, tired

If only there was a telephone here... Oh, look, here it is!(Magpie flies up to the phone) I’ll wake up the bear first and tell him about spring.(The phone is ringing, the bear is sleeping) Our little bear is awake, waking him up is no joke.(Magpie calls the phone again)

Bear(Dima) : Hello!

Magpie : Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Bear : What happened, white-sided?


Bear : That's how I brought the news. Are you saying spring has come?

I sucked my paw for six months, and now I’d like to get some honey!(The bear leaves)

Magpie: I need to hurry up and call the fox godfather.(Magpie calls on the phone)

Fox (Dasha) : Hello!

Magpie: Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Fox : What happened, white-sided?

Magpie : There is no winter, spring has come, it is walking through the forest.

Fox : Oh, how glad I am for spring! We are bored with winter, tormented by frost.(Lisa leaves)

Magpie: Now I'll find the hare. I'll tell him the news. (Magpie calls on the phone)

Hare (Nikita) : Hello!

Magpie : Hello! Hello! A magpie is calling.

Hare : What happened, white-sided?

Magpie : No winter, spring has come. She walks through the forest.

Hare : I’ll run through the forests, I’ll tell you here and there,

That spring has come to our forest - and all the animals have no time to sleep. (The hare runs away)

Magpie : I will tell the whole world that there is no more winter!

Look, it’s spring, it’s coming across the earth!

(Spring appears to the musical accompaniment of the song “Spring round dance - They called for Spring, they waited for summer”)

Leading : You guys don’t get bored, welcome the red spring

Spring: I'll drive away the snow and the cold, bring warmth from the south

Streams will run around, the sun's rays will splash

Shine your rays brighter and warm the land

Children : Hello, Freckles - Spring! What, Spring, did you come to us with?

You are spring, Spring is red, what did you bring with you?

Spring : I came to visit the kids and brought them as a gift

A golden ray of sunshine, a blue flower in the field

The ringing song of a stream, the trill of a nightingale in the grove.

I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows.

Brought new needles for the Christmas tree

For aspens and birches, a whole cartload of fresh leaves.



Winter is over!

Rejoice, spring has come!

The sun woke up first

Good people smiled!

2. __________________

The streams rang,

Flowers are blooming.

Rejoice, spring has come!


We got up early today

We can't sleep today

They say the starlings are back

They say spring has come.

4. _____________________

We've been waiting for spring for a long time,

And you're wandering somewhere

He won't come without you

Sunny summer.

5. _________________

golden ray of sun

Visited our kindergarten

Very good in spring

All the guys are talking.

6. _________________

Give us sun and warmth,

For the apple tree to bloom,

So that the grass turns green,

So that the bird sings loudly,

All : So that we can grow faster From the joy of spring

Spring: Get ready, kids! Is waiting for you fun game!

Game "Burners".

Spring: Have fun! It's time to say goodbye. I need to get to work: dress the fields and forests in green clothes, warm all the forest animals with my warmth, and check if all the birds have returned from warm countries.

Children read poetry.

Dramatization "Case" Spanish

This incident took place in April

Birds have flown in from the south.

The snow is melting andsparrow - Maksim

They are thrown out of their homes.

Get out, bully, -

Whistled at himstarling Danila

No way, my apartment,

I'm not a temporary resident!

I'm here with blizzards and frost.

He endured it patiently.

And now, under this roof

I'm preparing a nest for the family

And I won’t touch you, even if you kill me! –

The sparrow chirped.

Don't be stubborn! My inheritance

I got this house from childhood.

Fly out. My beak is sharp


But here in the yard...

With a birdhouseMisha came out, -Sasha

He quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Immediately tied tightly

And he said affably:

I, friends, am heartily glad,

Protect the garden together.

Only Misha got down,

The sparrow is daring,

Moved to a new house

And he made peace with his neighbor.

Signs of spring - tell the story. gr.

The song “SPRING IS COMING” in Spanish sounds. preparatory groups

Educator: In the spring, migratory birds began to return from warm regions; it was believed that it was they who brought spring on their wings.

Wanting to hurry them up, housewives baked figurines of birds with wings and eyes from dough. They were distributed to all family members. You had to go out into the street and, throwing up a bird made of dough, say:


My mothers,

Fly to me

Bring it to me

Spring, red spring.

Educator: We sang and danced. And we called for spring. Guests are waiting for refreshments. Why don’t they carry them!

Ready-made larks are brought in

Thank you all for your attention!

Thank you guys for your efforts!

Our deepest bow to all of you!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

We'll see you later!

Help yourself, dear guests, and may Spring come to you soon. Guys, let's tell the guests together:
