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Wide Maslenitsa. Photo

Scenario plan

Maslenitsa celebrations


Venue: Poklonnaya Gora

Opening hours from 12.00 to 16.00

Moscow 2012

The proposed scenario plan is based on the idea and concept of M. Zadornov about the revival of the Maslenitsa carnival tradition in Moscow. Such carnivals remain among all nations. But not everyone knows or remembers this today. After all, the Maslenitsa holiday is always a holiday bright colors and colors, bright emotions and national costumes, songs and stories, a competition of talented and witty people.

This year it is proposed to hold “Fun Maslenitsa” as a presentation and a kind of announcement of the Russian Maslenitsa Carnival, which will become the basis for all subsequent Maslenitsa celebrations in Moscow, which have every chance of growing into an all-Russian festival of international culture, which will gather the best “teams” representing cities and people of Russia.

This scenario plan proposes elements of future Maslenitsa carnivals, which after the “run-in” this year will become traditional.

Decoration of space.

On the territory of the Entrance Square of Poklonnaya Gora, in addition to various areas - children's, sports, games and shopping, it is proposed to install thematic pavilions - tents, which will decorate the square and centers of attraction for spectators:

1 . "Sun Museum"- in which everyone will learn how our ancestors imagined and painted the heavenly body and how it is depicted today in other countries.

2. “Sunny Letter”- festive Maslenitsa mail, where everyone can send a letter from the holiday to their loved ones with ancient Maslenitsa greetings,

3 . "Grinal painting"- a gallery of “emoticons”, where visitors can recognize famous characters in “emoticons” and invent and draw their own,

4 . “An ice» - a pavilion for lovers of winter, extreme fun. Swimming in an ice bath, rubbing off with snow.

5. “Old Russian know-how”- a humorous tent in which samples of Slavic ideas presented to the world are displayed on stands. From Russian felt boots, to today's fashionable UGG boots, from the ancient Slavic lapta, to today's baseball.

6. "VIPTavern" - a tent where interactive culinary quizzes and competitions, and pancake baking competitions are held.

7. “Message to the Sun”- Maslenitsa, humorous “Glasnost Booth”, any guest can record his video appeal to the Sun, to the people, to the President, or even to descendants in this pavilion. The best of which will be heard from the screens during the festive concert.

8. “Oh, it’s not easy, it’s Lent”- medical pavilion, advice from doctors before fasting. Measurement of basic parameters, recommendations for lean nutrition, etc.

In addition to the decorative design of the square, the pavilion tents carry a great meaning, immersing guests in the holiday atmosphere and telling in a light, humorous way about the traditions and origins of the Maslenitsa celebration.

The names and themes of the pavilions - tents - are under discussion.

Interactive, thematic platforms.

Between the pavilion tents, on the Entrance Square, there will be interactive playgrounds and humorous areas:

"Slavic wrestling" - power rides and demonstration performances,

"Demolition of dilapidated housing" - Moscow themed towns,

"Bride and groom" - throwing darts and rings, in Old Slavonic style, for young couples.

"Oil painting" - tantamaresques from the works of Itinerant artists, non-Ascetic artists, etc.

Gaming fun and competitions:

"Play the Fool"

"Kill the goat"

"Shake it old"

"We're talking nonsense"

"Tug the Blanket"

During the festive concert, special correspondents from BLIN TV will report on what is happening at the venues.

Maslenitsa skating rink.

On the opposite side of the stage, on the Entrance Square, there will be a Maslenitsa skating rink, where everyone can last days winter to go ice skating.

Maslenitsa pillar and solar mill.

Also, in addition to the traditional Maslenitsa pillar, it is planned to install an ice mill, the wings of which are replaced by a large, bright yellow sun, divided into thematic rays: joy, happiness, love, etc., on which everyone can stick their wishes (bright stickers). As it fills, the sun will rotate, thereby, by the end of the program, each ray will be filled with hundreds of small rays.

Central stage.

The center of the square will be the main stage area. This year it is proposed to make ice as the basis for the stage decoration. An ice stage, with decorative elements, flowers, branches, etc. frozen into it, will become a symbol of the passing winter.

At the climax of the program, on the ice stage, flowers will bloom, fountains will flow, and birds (stilt walkers) will appear, symbolizing the arrival of spring.

One of the stage design elements will be LED screens on which thematic videos will be shown. The ideological inspirer of the holiday, Mikhail Zadornov, will address guests on the square from the screens in his interactive greeting.


Guests of the “Fun Maslenitsa” will be greeted by traditional buffoons and barkers, handing out specially prepared booklets telling about the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa among the Slavs, its origins and roots, its unspoken rules and customs. presenting elements of festive clothing, kokoshniks, jester's caps, symbolic images of the sun.

Progress of the program.

During the gathering of guests on the square, background music sounds, the voice of the host invites all guests of the holiday to take their places for the beginning of the solemn Maslenitsa Procession.

Presenting the Maslenitsa Carnival in this year's program, it would be logical to open the festive program with a traditional Maslenitsa procession, which will pass along the main alley and, appearing in front of the audience, will rise to the stage. The procession will be attended by all artists and creative groups taking part in the program, a brass band, drummers, life-size puppets, divided into several groups. Each group will march under its own humorous slogan: “Down with winter!”, “Shame on the icicles!” etc.

Each group, when passing the stage, is given 1-2 minutes to humorously greet the guests, congratulate them on Maslenitsa, and make a short introduction to the group.

The host of the festive concert, Ilona Bronevitskaya, will comment on the passage of the procession columns.

At the end of the procession, when its participants line up to the left and right of the stage, Mikhail Zadornov’s address to the guests of the Maslenitsa Carnival will be heard from the screens.

M. Zadornov will talk about the origins of Russian Maslenitsa, its unwritten rules and laws, and congratulate all guests and participants.

The further program will consist of a traditional festive concert, which will be interspersed with staged episodes dedicated to Maslenitsa: performances by the fashion theater “Russian Winter”, with comments by fashion historian A. Vasiliev, demonstration performances in Slavic wrestling, fist fights (the association of stuntmen “Master”), interactive quizzes and song competitions with spectators.

The following artists are planned to take part in the festive concert:

Folklore group "Chibatukha"

Ensemble "Razgulay"

V. Voronina and N. Shishilin,

Nadezhda Krygina,

Vera Beradze,

V. Devyatov and the group “Fair”,

creative groups and performers of the Western Administrative District.

The list of artists is under discussion, changes and additions are possible.

At the end of the program, the hosts of the festive concert will again turn to Mikhail Zadornov on the screen, who will transmit the cleansing spring fire and, to the song “Burn, Burn Clearly,” the fire, flying from the stage through the air, will light the Maslenitsa effigy, burning all the bad things left in the past year.

Stand material - Maslenitsa

This is where the saying came from: “It’s not life, but Maslenitsa.” What is the most important thing about Maslenitsa? Well, of course, pancakes! Without them there is no Maslenitsa.

Throughout Maslenitsa they bake pancakes and pancakes.
Housewives baked pancakes every day from buckwheat or wheat flour. On the first day - pancakes, on the second - pancakes, on the third - pancakes, on the fourth - pancakes, on the fifth - pancakes, on the sixth - pancakes, on the seventh - royal pancakes. The pancakes were served with sour cream, jam, butter, honey, fish caviar, eggs.

Damn is not the only one good.
The pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split the belly!
Like during Shrovetide, pancakes were flying out of the chimney!
You, my pancakes, my pancakes!
Wide Maslenitsa, we boast about you,
We ride in the mountains and gorge ourselves on pancakes!

During Maslenaya Week, ritual pancakes were baked - the personification of the sun; The girls danced in circles and sang songs. The songs talked about the abundance of butter, cheese, and cottage cheese. The boys and girls wore their best clothes.

Maslenitsa, goodbye!
Come next year!
Maslenitsa, come back!
IN New Year show yourself!
Goodbye, Maslenitsa!
Goodbye red!

The main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw doll named Maslenitsa. She was dressed in a dress, a scarf was tied on her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes.

The doll was seated on a sleigh and taken up the mountain with songs. And next to the sleigh, the mummers were jumping, running, teasing, and shouting jokes. Sometimes horses were harnessed one after another into large sleighs. It turned out to be a train. A young guy sat in the sleigh; various rattles and bells were hung on him. A chest with pies, fish, eggs, and pancakes was placed in front of him. The train traveled through the entire village amid the laughter and jokes of fellow villagers, and then went to the neighboring village.

The fun continued until the evening, and at the end of all the activities they “said off Maslenitsa” - they burned an effigy,
depicting Maslenitsa.


Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name and its own fun.

Monday - meeting. They made a Maslenitsa doll, dressed it up, put it in a sleigh and took it up the hill.
They greeted her with songs. The children came first. Starting from that day, the children rode down the mountains every day.

Tuesday is a game. Children and adults went from house to house, congratulating them on Maslenitsa and begging for pancakes. Everyone visited each other, sang songs and joked. On this day, games and fun began, girls' swings and horse rides were organized.

Wednesday is delicious. The adults started skiing down the mountains. From that day on, we rode around the village in a troika with bells.
Relatives visited each other's families, visited with children, feasted on pancakes and other Maslenitsa dishes.

Thursday - wide, roam-four. This day was the day with the most entertainment.
There were horse races, fist fights and wrestling. They built a snow town and took it in battle. We rode horses around the village. We went down the mountains on sleighs and skis. The mummers amused the people. Everyone enjoyed pancakes. They walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties.

Friday is mother-in-law's evening. On mother-in-law's evenings, sons-in-law treated their mothers-in-law to pancakes. And at noon the girls carried out pancakes in a bowl on their heads and walked to the hill. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to try the blink to find out if she was a good mistress
will come out.

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. On this day, the newlyweds invited their relatives to visit them and treated them with refreshments. There were conversations about life and being, they made peace if they had been in a quarrel before. Remembered
and deceased relatives, they spoke good and kind words about them.

Sunday is a forgiven day. It was farewell to Maslenitsa. They made a fire of straw in the field and burned a doll with songs.

The ashes were scattered across the fields in order to reap a rich harvest the following year. On Forgiveness Sunday, we went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if we had offended them earlier. They said: “Please forgive me.” “God will forgive you,” they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the insults. But even if there were no quarrels or insults, they still said: “Forgive me.” Even when we met a stranger, we asked him for forgiveness. This is how Maslenitsa ended.

There is one remarkable tradition on Maslenitsa - baking delicious pancakes and treating your dear guests to them. Friends, colleagues, relatives and all those who are always welcome in your home deserve an invitation to visit on this day that sounds beautiful and interesting. The invitation options presented on this page will help you with this. No matter what age or gender your welcome guest is, he will be fascinated by the original and touching words, will rejoice at the festive meaning of the invitation and the form in which it was presented. Therefore, taking advantage of the invitations presented here will be an excellent idea on this wonderful holiday.

Invitation to mother-in-law pancakes for son-in-law (usually on Wednesday)

In the middle of the week now,
I wish I could see it in my apartment,
I wanted you, son-in-law,
That's how things are!

So find time
Come for pancakes
It will be tasty, it will be sweet,
In general, everything will be fine! ©

Invitation to pancakes by son-in-law for mother-in-law (usually on Friday)

Mother-in-law, dear mother,
Come, I'll treat you,
To taste the pancakes,
Today will be such a day!

I'd like to indulge
I would like to treat you
So that in satiety and bliss,
We wish we could all live! ©

Come to us during Shrovetide week, you are bolder,
We will greet you with pies, rolls and pancakes!
After all, on such a beautiful day, it’s not too lazy to receive guests,
Everyone is tired of winter, let's celebrate Maslenitsa!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Give up all your worries,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
We'll meet you with a butter pancake,
Cheese, honey, kalach
Yes, with cabbage pie.
Great Lent awaits us all,
Eat up for future use, people!
Walk all week
Eat up all your supplies.
And the Day of Forgiveness will come,
We are not too lazy to bow,
Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness
To remove all sins from the soul,
WITH with a pure heart meet post.
Let's seal our friendship with a kiss,
Even though we're not fighting anyway:
After all, on Maslenitsa you need
Strengthen friendship with love.
Come visit us
We will be glad to have guests!

Maslenitsa! Farewell to winter!
I spread the dough for pancakes,
The first one, as usual, is lumpy,
And the second is a snail house, with a pattern.
I’ll bake it and pile it up
I will invite you all to visit
Eat, dear ones, don’t be shy
And smile at each other more often!

Come visit us
We will be glad to have guests!
We are waiting for everyone at Maslenitsa,
We'll meet you with cheese and honey,
And rosy pancakes,
Pies, rolls!
Eat your fill, people,
Great Lent awaits us all!
Happy Pancake Week everyone
They turned white and got fat.
How many different treats:
And cookies and jams,
Just eat and don't yawn,
And put it on too!

Friends! Happy start of Maslenitsa to you! Have delicious pancakes everyone and, of course, have a great time have a fun week. We're spending the winter well - spring will come soon! Well, where and how to carry out the fierce one - our Poster will tell you!

And at the Fair Square of the RUS Park from 12:00 there will be a folklore program “Broad Maslenitsa”, which will introduce participants to national Slavic traditions. Also on the square there will be a circus performance “Colorful CLOWN Inflatable Show”, which has no analogues in the whole world! At the end of the holiday at 17:15 there will be a burning of an effigy, a fire show and jumping over a fire. The cost of a ticket to the program for 1 person is 500 rubles, for 2 people – 800 rubles, for 3 people – 1000 rubles. The price includes participation in the “Broad Maslenitsa” program, participation in all competitions, a Maslenitsa pole with prizes and welcome pancakes. The park is located approximately 30 km from Oktyabrsky in the village of Orlovo, Leninsky district. Information by phone: 8-985-908-11-23 and 8-901-506-48-08.

Lyubertsy parks “Natashinsky Ponds” and Central Park are open all week from March 7 to 13! Every day from Monday to Sunday on the central stages of the parks there will be concerts, animation, traditional Russian entertainment (prize pole, sack fights, etc.), theatrical and play performances, master classes, attractions, horse riding, a fair, games - round dances. Well, the culmination of the week will be the burning of Maslenitsa.

Well, now everyone together: “Winter, go away!!!” ;)

Views: 2105 Author of the article: MyOktyab

On Monday, February 12, began Maslenitsa week and we present a full schedule of folk festivals and entertainment in Kaluga and outside the city. This year, for the first time, a Maslenitsa procession will take place in Kaluga! Read about it below.

  • 17.00 - entertainment“Merry Maslenitsa” microdistrict Typhoon, Grabtsevskoe highway, no. 108
  • 11.00 - entertainment program “Shiroka Maslyona - good party!” microdistrict Severny, Dorozhnaya st., 33a
  • 12,00 Team relay“Physical education: pancakes and weights” Square named after. V. N. Volkova
  • 12.00 - folk festival“Broad Maslenitsa” Moskovskaya Square
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Start a round dance - Maslenitsa at the gate” Mayakovsky Square
  • 12.00 - Maslenitsa celebration “Maslenina Week” Pukhova str., 52, MBUK “City Leisure Center” square
  • 12.00 - festive celebration “Miracle Maslenitsa” Malinniki lane, 20, area in front of the Malinniki recreation center
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Broad Maslenitsa” Guryanova str., 27, area in front of the Silikatny cultural center
  • 12.00 - theatrical performance “Maslenitsa adventures” in the village of Kanishchevo, area in front of the Kanishchevsky SKDC
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Burn, red sun - bring a clear spring!” village of Muratovsky crushed stone plant, area in front of Muratovsky SKDC
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Maslenitsa has come!” Rosva village, area in front of Rosvyansky SDK
  • 12.00 - folk festival “Walk, people, Maslenitsa is at the gates!” Obukhovo village, area in front of the Obukhovo SDK
  • 13.00 - theatrical program “Farewell to Winter”, Dubrava St., 3a, House of Culture “Dubrava”
  • 13.00 - folk festival “Our dear guest - Maslenitsa” Tsentralnaya str., 18, area in front of the Shopinsky SDK
  • 13.00 - festive program"Maslenitsa" village of Pletenevka, area in front of the Pletenevsky SDK
  • 14.00 - theatrical performance “Maslenitsa Adventures”, Terepets microdistrict, Entuziastov Boulevard, 6
  • 14.00 - folk festival “Shiroka Maslyona - a good festival!” Turyninskaya str., 10a, area in front of the Turynino CDC
  • 14.00 - game program“Go wild, Maslenitsa!” Ilyinka village, area in front of the Novoiliinsky SDK
  • 15.00 - folklore festival “Broad Maslenitsa” in the village of Kolyupanovo, area in front of the Kolyupanovsky SKDC

11.45-15.00 – folk festival “Kaluga Maslenitsa” Theater Square

This year, the main events of the Kaluga Maslenitsa folk festival will take place on February 18. A real Maslenitsa town will unfold on Theater Square, where Kaluga residents can expect concert programs, folk games, Maslenitsa competitions and entertainment, sonorous songs and lively dances, master classes, shopping arcades and a folk crafts fair.

During the festival, outdoor sales will be organized, and the main dish, of course, will be Maslenitsa pancakes. For lovers of active recreation and Maslenitsa fun, interactive platforms will be organized: “Bogatyr Casting”, “Well Defile”, “Buffoon Fun”, “Pancake Fun”, “Merry Rest”, “Straw Labyrinth”. Photo zones will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of folk festivities, where everyone who comes to the holiday will be able to transform into heroes of Russian folk tales and Maslenitsa characters. Traditionally, as part of the folk festival, an exhibition-fair of craftsmen, the “Festival of Crafts,” will take place on Teatralnaya Square.

  • 12.00 The festive program will begin with a Maslenitsa procession. A column of mummers with songs, jokes and jokes will march along Theater Square; along the way, heralds will call guests and inform Kaluga residents about the holiday program. Then on the main stage there will be a concert and theatrical performance “Walk, Kaluga Maslenitsa” with the participation of Kaluga creative groups.
  • From 12.00 on Teatralnaya Square, other thematic venues will begin operating. In Theater Square, on the site near the fountain, there will be an interactive platform “Art Workshop “Maslena - Craftswoman”, where everyone will be able to make a variety of Maslenitsa souvenirs and gifts with their own hands.
  • 12.00 to 13.30 It has become a good tradition to hold a city competition for best production Maslenitsa doll “Madame Maslenitsa”. An exhibition of the competition participants' works will be located on Teatralnaya Square, followed by an award ceremony for the competition winners on the main stage.
  • 14.10 The most dexterous and courageous Kaluga residents will find the main Maslenitsa attraction “The Amusing Pillar”
  • 15.00 The finale of the Kaluga Maslenitsa on Theater Square will be the “Burning of the Scarecrow” ceremony and the large “Kaluga Round Dance”

12.00 - festive program “Maslenitsa fun” shopping center “Torgovy Kvartal”, Moskovskaya str., 338a

14.00 - folk festival “Maslenina Week” New city park, Marata St., 2

15.00 - concert and game program “Farewell, Maslenitsa!” Right Bank microdistrict, Mother's square


12.00 Maslenitsa in Nikola-Lenivets. The sculpture of Nikolai Polissky “Flaming Gothic” will be given to the fire. The flames will instantly turn a huge art object into an openwork fiery building. This time the sculpture will be thirty meters, which is exactly ten meters more than last year.

12.00 "Maslenitsa 2018" in Lavrovo-Pesochnya. Guests are welcome: Concert program; Dancing, games, competitions, funny pole (valuable prizes), burning of the Maslenitsa effigy, fair, hot tea, pancakes (with various fillings), shish kebab.

10.30 Maslenitsa in Ethnomir. Guests can expect: an exhibition of world Maslenitsa, fair rows, dishes for every taste, an ice column, Maslenitsa games and fun, Maslenitsa children's fun, the creation of large stuffed animals to see off winter in the traditions of the peoples of the world, Maslenitsa round dance, folklore program, sun dances of the peoples of Siberia, welcoming spring in Indian traditions
Burning of Maslenitsa