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Modern fashion trend in wedding hairstyles. Trends in modern wedding hairstyles Relevance of wedding hairstyles


I chose the topic “wedding hairstyle” because it seems to me that this is very relevant in the world of modern hairdressing. A wedding is a very important celebration, during which the bride must have everything impeccable, from her dress and accessories to her makeup and hairstyle. The hairstyle is the main element of the hairstyle, as it is an important accent in the image.

The goal of my work was to create the image of a young bride with a wedding hairstyle. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

Analyze the main trends in hairdressing and wedding fashion.

Choose a model.

Choose a wedding hairstyle.

Perform staining in accordance with individual characteristics models.

Give the model a haircut.

Do your hair in the chosen style.

Choose an outfit and accessories for the wedding.

Complete the look with makeup and decor.


From time immemorial in Rus' they were valued natural beauty and health. Not without reason, brides with a long and lush braid “as thick as an arm” were in demand. Interestingly, such demand is also due to medical indicators - owners of brilliant thick hair usually do not lack calcium and vitamins, and, accordingly, will be able to bear a healthy child.

Usually girls wore one braid before marriage, and only after marriage did a rather complex hairstyle consisting of two braids laid out in a pretzel or twisted in a knot become part of the daily life of the young wife. The reasons are quite simple - the convenience and durability of such a hairstyle made it possible to do household chores or work in the field without much discomfort. A kika was put on top of the hairstyle - a kind of cap with elongated sides in the shape of horns.

For a wedding, a traditional girl's braid was decorated with colored cords and ribbons, and flowers were woven into it. Under the kokoshnik - the bride's indispensable headdress - a white silk scarf was placed on her head. The richer the bride was, the more luxuriously the kokoshnik was decorated and the ends of the “white cloth” were embroidered. The tradition of using a veil and tiara in decorating wedding hairstyles came to us from Ancient Rome, and began to be actively used only at the beginning of the 17th century.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every girl. It is preceded by such pleasant chores as buying a dress and jewelry, and, of course, choosing a stylist to create a wedding hairstyle. Traditionally, brides choose tiaras and veils to decorate their hair. Where did the fashion for these accessories come to us? Both the veil and the tiara came to us from Ancient Rome. The diadem, by the way, became the ancestor of such an important attribute for the wedding ceremony as the wedding crown. The prototype of the tiara itself was an ordinary wreath of wild flowers - the first decoration for brides of the Neolithic era. The veil has always worn a symbol of some kind of protection from evil spirits, the evil eye and damage. According to signs, until the end of the solemn feast dedicated to the wedding, the bride had to remain covered, otherwise envious or evil glances could spoil married life in the future and negatively affect the ability to conceive children.

In modern wedding fashion, the veil and tiara are gradually giving way to more practical jewelry. Particularly popular are stilettos decorated with Swarovski crystals or artificial flowers, or headbands with ornaments made of stones or fancy flowers made of silk and feathers.

Hairstyles for thesis refer to hairstyles for their intended purpose. Such hairstyles are performed for special special occasions or special events that can take place not only in the evening but also during the day. Long hair is an ideal material for creating a variety of hairstyles with buns, braids, curls, ribbons and other elements located on any part of the head...

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Wedding hairstyle design


Hairstyle has always occupied a significant place in the life of society. A hairstyle is a shape given to hair by cutting or curling. styling and thinning. The hairstyle can be natural or artificial hair.

Modeling hairstyles requires a special approach. In this case, you need to create a very bright, individual image. The main thing is to create an extraordinary, memorable image by any means. The hairstyle should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and reliable enough.

The topic of the course work is relevant, because Nowadays, wedding hairstyles play a significant role for every bride, because each of us has an ineradicable desire to look irresistible on such a day. A wedding hairstyle, like no other, is intended to decorate the bride. Therefore, it must not only meet the characteristics of the bride’s external characteristics, but also be individually unique. Since a wedding hairstyle is done on special occasions, it is, as a rule, a full part of the bride’s image.

The purpose of the course work: development of wedding hairstyles.


1. Analyze the literature on the topic of the course work

2. Study theoretical and practical experience in performing wedding hairstyles.

3. Develop technology and perform wedding hairstyle.

Workplace organization

The hairdresser's workplace consists of a dressing table, a mirror, a chair and a footrest for the client. Depending on the interior of the cabin, a sink may be located at the workplace. The size and shape of the mirror can be different, but the size should not be less than 60 x 100 cm. Dressing tables also come in different shapes. They can be permanently attached or have additional mobile carts of various shapes, but they must be equipped with drawers for storing tools. The covering of tables and trolleys should be plastic or one from which moisture and hair can be easily removed.

A hairdressing chair must have a back, armrests and a headrest. A semi-soft chair should be covered with a material that does not absorb moisture and hair, have a hydraulic lift and rotate freely around its axis.

Workstations are located anywhere in the workroom; the main requirement for placement is that the distance between workstations should not be less than 1 m.

Also workplace can be supplemented with a special mobile chair for the hairdresser, since many haircuts can be performed while sitting. The master's chair should not have armrests, it should be easy to move and have a device for adjusting the height.

Currently, sinks are most often located in the workroom, but separate from the work stations. They are equipped with a special chair, a flexible hose and a special recess for easy washing of hair with the head tilted back.

In order for the hairdresser to correctly select the color scheme, evaluate the client’s hair color and the result of his work, the salon needs good lighting.

It is also necessary that the client sees that the technician uses only specially sterilized instruments when servicing. Therefore, a sterilizer should be located in close proximity to the master and the client.

Materials, tools, devices used in work

Tools- these are the tools of a hairdresser, necessary to perform various operations with hair, as a result of which they change their condition. Changing the condition of the hair means shortening it as a result of cutting, giving the hair one or another shape using combs, curling irons and a hand hairdryer, etc.

Combs :

My course work will use:

1. Combined comb on work surface has sparse and frequent teeth; used for combing, cutting, styling, backcombing and blunting hair.

2. Comb With pointed with a pen ( ponytail ).

Power tools .

Professional hair dryer for hair styling, it must have a power of at least 1200 W, usually 1600 - 1800 W. Most often it is made in the form of a pistol, has an impact-resistant plastic body, several speeds and a mandatory supply of cold air to fix the styling.

Adaptations - these are the tools of a hairdresser, which play a supporting role in operations with hair. The most common devices:

1 . spray for wetting hair when cutting and styling, as well as for applying various products during styling;

2 . collar used for painting

3 . brush for removing cut hair from a peignoir.

4 . plastic clamps for dividing hair into zones and strands when cutting and styling

Hairdressing underwear

Peignoir applicable for all types of work. Synthetic negligees are used only when cutting hair. Polyethylene disposable negligees are used for hair coloring. The average size of negligees is 150 x 150 cm.

· Towel Designed to remove moisture from the scalp. Currently, they are mainly used terry towels. Disposable towels are also used. Two towels are provided per client.

Apron used to protect the hairdresser from various dyes or other hair treatment compounds, as well as from cut hair.

Disclosure main concepts And terms By given topic .

Styling is a change in the structure of the hair for a short time, maximum from wash to wash.

According to the method of execution, all installations can be divided into four main groups:

Cold hair styling using hands, comb and product

· Styling using curlers and clips

· Styling with a hair dryer

· Laying using tongs

Parting is a straight line dividing the scalp into two equal or unequal parts.

A wave is a part of a hairstyle that has a smooth bend and is limited on both sides by crowns

The crown is the highest wave line where the hair reverses its direction.

A curl is a strand of hair curled into a tube.

According to their purpose, all hairstyles can be divided into two groups: everyday and spectacular. Household ones, in turn, are divided into everyday and evening. They differ from spectacular hairstyles in their simpler execution.

Evening household hairstyles include wedding hairstyles.

Wedding hairstyles will always remain a special category of hairstyles. The fact is that a wedding is a very important day in a woman’s life, and she wants to look especially good on it.

Instructional and technological map .

Execution order

Instructions and directions

Tools and materials

Preparatory work

Prepare your tools and work area. Invite the client into a chair, put on a collar and peignoir. Comb your hair with a side parting

Collar, peignoir.

"French Falls"

We weave a “French waterfall” from the side parting towards the crown.


Collecting the tail

We collect all the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head.

Comb, elastic band

We braid voluminous braids

We braid several regular braids, pulling each strand out of the braid.

Comb, hair bands

Shaping the hairstyle

Forming braids in the form of roses

Hairpins, invisible

Final works

Fix with varnish.

Hair fixation spray

Description of wedding hairstyle

Before starting work, you need to disinfect the tools and prepare the workplace. After this, you should invite the client to

We start the hairstyle by braiding the “French waterfall” from the side parting towards the crown.

Next, we collect all the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head.

We braid several regular braids from all the hair, pulling each strand out of the braid.

We form the braids in the form of roses and fix them with varnish.

Occupational safety when performing work

Safety precautions when working with a comb.

After working with each client, the comb should be disinfected in an ultraviolet irradiator or in a chloramine solution (at least 15 minutes). When the comb becomes dirty, it must be washed with soapy water.

wedding hairstyle hairdresser tool

It is necessary to ensure that the comb teeth are not very sharp and do not have burrs.

The comb should not be stored in a pocket of work clothes or left in the client’s hair.

When working with chemicals, do not use metal combs.

Safety rules when working with electrical equipment.

Before connecting to the network, you must check the serviceability of the wires and the presence of grounding.

Electrical equipment and power tools must meet the following requirements.

Quickly turn on and off the electricity. network, do not allow spontaneous switching on and off.

Be safe to operate and inaccessible to accidental contact with live parts.

The voltage of electrical equipment should not be higher than 220 W. When installing electrical equipment, the technician must check the tightening of screws, fastening units and parts, the condition of the wires, and the integrity of the insulation.

When working in a hairdressing salon, it is necessary to conduct safety training at least once a year.


Turn on devices wet hands.

Use devices that do not have safety nets.

Disassemble the device yourself.


A correctly chosen hairstyle emphasizes the strengths and hides the imperfections of the face. Therefore, choosing a hairstyle is a very responsible matter that requires certain knowledge and taste.

Modern trends are so diverse and liberal that any woman can choose what suits her and at the same time will be stylish and beautiful. Long hair or short, straight or curly - with all this wealth you can now live and be popular. But the main requirement for fashionable hairstyles currently - chic and volume. Hair should be natural and slightly careless, as if it had been blown by a warm summer wind - a hairdresser who, however, is not devoid of artistic taste.

I developed and showed one of the options for a wedding hairstyle, improving my skills, and in the future I will use this haircut scheme in my professional activities.


1. The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser. - M.: Eksmo, 2013

2. Chernichenko T.A., Plotnikova I.Yu. - Hairstyle modeling and decorative cosmetics, M.: "Academy", 2014

3. Panchenko O.A. Hairdressing - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix Publishing House, 2007

4. Plotnikova T. Home hairstyle workshop - Rostov on Don, Publisher: Phoenix, 2010

5. Renikova A.A. Hairdresser-stylist. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2009


Compositional elements modeling hairstyles

Modeling a hairstyle of any complexity is not only a sequence of certain operations performed by the hands of a master, but also a complete and harmonious composition that exists in his head.

Therefore, having drawn in your mind a sketch of the future masterpiece of hairdressing art, choosing necessary tools for modeling, the stylist begins the phased implementation of all elements of the composition. The composition of a hairstyle (as a unique arrangement of parts of a hairstyle during modeling) can be voluminous or flat - the choice affects the silhouette, i.e. perception of laying in a plane. The silhouette of the hairstyle is similar to geometric shapes: oval, square, triangle, cylinder, etc.

The fundamental features of a hairstyle are its lines, which form the styling model. Hairdressers who perform hair styling distinguish between rhythmic lines (waves, strands), sculptural lines ( geometric figures in the hairstyle: bow, curls, rollers, etc., as well as “ladder”, natural lines (creative chaos, creativity in the postmodern direction, for example - torn bangs).

The lines of a hairstyle, as elements of its composition, determine not only the shape, but also the proportions of its individual parts, where symmetry and asymmetry are acceptable. Modeling hairstyles should also take into account the proportionality of the size of the styled head with other parts of the body (the ideal ratio is 7.5 times), as well as the harmonious combination of hairstyle lines with style and color scheme outfit, accessories and makeup.

Because modeling does not forget about the color of the hairstyle, which can radically change its visual perception and the mood of the client with the choice of a warm or cold palette. The color of the hairstyle when modeling it characterizes both the style and texture of the styling. For example, it is known that blonde, which visually increases the volume of hair, is acceptable for entertaining outings (party, wedding, etc.), since it is a sign of a romantic style. And chocolate hair color is a classic, which is indispensable when modeling business or evening hairstyles.

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Professional wedding hairstyles will add a special charm to the bride's image. But to do it correctly, you should listen to the advice of professionals who will tell you how to choose romantic wedding hairstyles.

A wedding is one of the most wonderful holidays in the life of every girl. On this day, she should look especially beautiful and irresistible. Everything in the bride’s image should be impeccable: the dress, makeup, shoes, jewelry, and, of course, hairstyle. The choice of the latter must be approached with special care, since it is it that gives the image a sense of integrity and logical completeness. If your family does not have a professional hairdresser, then you should not experiment at such a crucial moment. You need to choose a good specialist in advance, make an appointment with him, and discuss the details of your future hairstyle with him in advance. The hairdresser will select necessary accessories and will tell you how long it will take to create your image. This is very important point, which is worth paying attention to, because on the wedding day, every minute is worth its weight in gold.

So, which hairstyle should you choose? Bride for a long time puzzles over this question. You can find a great variety of wedding hairstyles in various magazines and Internet sites, but how do you know which one is right for you? And it won’t just suit you, it will make you the queen of the ball! I want the hairstyle to be stylish and original, but at the same time not too pompous and extravagant. How to provide for all this?

Professionals in their field offer several important advice, which absolutely all brides can use and determine a suitable and original hairstyle for themselves.

Advice one

Professional wedding hairstyles should be selected based on the model of the bride's dress itself. If the dress is simple and elegant, then the hairstyle should be, on the contrary, lush and outstanding. The use of various accessories is encouraged, emphasizing the originality of this hairstyle and attracting everyone's attention to it.

If the dress, on the contrary, is lush and voluminous, then the hairstyle should minimize the pomp of the image. It can be large curls, the full length of the hair, not too attracting attention and emphasizing the beauty of the chosen dress. A small one can be pinned to such curls. White flower- the only acceptable accessory for such an image.

Tip two

When choosing a hairstyle, it is very important to consider the length and thickness of the hair. Short hair, of course, does not have a wide variety of shapes and types of hairstyles, but you can also make something original out of it. The main thing is to get into your hands good master. Short hair, if desired, can be extended or a beautiful chignon attached to it. The chignon should be the same shade as the bride's hair itself. Thus, it will be possible to make the hairstyle more voluminous, while it will seem that the girl has naturally voluminous hair.

Tip three

When choosing a wedding hairstyle, it is very important to consider how tall the bride is. For girls tall, hairstyles with a more rounded top are suitable. And for girls vertically challenged, the hairstyle should be taller in order to visually increase the girl’s height.

Tip four

The shape of the face also plays an important role when choosing a hairstyle. If a girl has a round face, it is necessary to visually lengthen it. Curled curls coming from the top of the head and falling onto the cheeks, lengthening towards the bottom in waves, are well suited for this. Likewise, for of this type faces would be appropriate long bangs, laid on one side.

For a girl with oval face, voluminous and fluffy hairstyles are suitable. It can also be extravagant french braids, topped with small curls, and many other hairstyles that give a rounded shape to the head.

Tip five

An important point in choosing a wedding hairstyle is hair color. Naturalness is warmly welcomed by all hairdressers and stylists. If your hair color is rich and uniform by nature, then in no case should you spoil it with various hair dyes. Especially on the eve of the wedding. This is due to the fact that even the most expensive paint can produce a completely unpredictable result. In addition, chemical components weaken hair and make it dull. And on own wedding, every girl wants to shine and radiate healthy beauty. If you listen to these simple tips and at the same time turn to a good, competent specialist, then at the wedding ceremony the bride will look stunning and many men invited to the wedding will sigh with regret that someone else is leading you down the aisle. After all, the image of a bride is not only Nice dress, correct makeup And fashionable shoes. The image of the bride is also a well-chosen and tasteful hairstyle, decorated with one or several accessories. And the most important thing, of course, is the incomparable sparkle of happy eyes. Guests first of all look at the happy looks of the heroes of the occasion. Everyone needs to see happiness in them.

It is very important to draw the attention of all future brides to the following circumstance. It is not recommended to experiment with your hairstyle a month before the wedding. This applies to dyeing your hair a new shade, cutting it in a new way, as well as other changes. It may turn out that the color or haircut is not suitable, and there is simply no time left to correct such a lack of time.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that wedding photos, the hairstyle will be noticeable like nothing else and it is on it that the eye will fall. Therefore, you need to take care of your hair first of all.

Romantic wedding hairstyles are the main element of the bride's image. If the dress is beautiful, but the hair is styled ugly and ugly, then the bride’s image will simply leave much to be desired.


Chapter No. 1

1.1. Story

1.2. Modern fashion direction

1.3. Modeling

Chapter No. 2 Technological part

2.1. Preparatory work

2.3. Hair cutting technology

2.3. Hairstyle technology

Chapter No. 3 Graphic part

3.3. Hairstyle diagram

Chapter No. 4 Safe conditions work


List of used literature


I chose the topic “wedding hairstyle” because it seems to me that this is very relevant in the world of modern hairdressing. A wedding is a very important celebration, during which the bride must have everything impeccable, from her dress and accessories to her makeup and hairstyle. The hairstyle is the main element of the hairstyle, as it is an important accent in the image.

The goal of my thesis was to create the image of a young bride with a wedding hairstyle. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

1. Analyze the main trends in hairdressing and wedding fashion.

2. Select a model.

3. Choose a wedding hairstyle.

4. Carry out coloring in accordance with the individual characteristics of the model.

5. Trim the model's hair.

7. Do your hair in the chosen style.

8. Choose an outfit and accessories for the wedding.

9. Complete the look with makeup and decor.

Chapter No. 1

  1. Story

From time immemorial, natural beauty and health have been valued in Rus'. Not without reason, brides with a long and lush braid “as thick as an arm” were in demand. Interestingly, this demand is also due to medical indicators: owners of shiny, thick hair usually do not lack calcium and vitamins, and, accordingly, will be able to bear a healthy child.

Usually girls wore one braid before marriage, and only after marriage did a rather complex hairstyle consisting of two braids laid out in a pretzel or twisted in a knot become part of the daily life of the young wife. The reasons are quite simple: the convenience and durability of this hairstyle made it possible to do household chores or work in the field without much discomfort. A kika, a kind of cap with elongated sides in the shape of horns, was put on top of the hairstyle.

For a wedding, a traditional girl's braid was decorated with colored cords and ribbons, and flowers were woven into it. Under the kokoshnik - the bride's indispensable headdress - a white silk scarf was placed on her head. The richer the bride was, the more luxuriously the kokoshnik was decorated and the ends of the “white cloth” were embroidered. The tradition of using a veil and tiara in decorating wedding hairstyles came to us from Ancient Rome, and began to be actively used only at the beginning of the 17th century.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every girl. It is preceded by such pleasant chores as buying a dress and jewelry, and, of course, choosing a stylist to create a wedding hairstyle.
Traditionally, brides choose tiaras and veils to decorate their hair. Where did the fashion for these accessories come to us?

Both the veil and the tiara came to us from Ancient Rome. The diadem, by the way, became the ancestor of such an important attribute for the wedding ceremony as the wedding crown. The prototype of the diadem itself was an ordinary wreath of wild flowers - the first decoration for brides of the Neolithic era.
The veil has always worn a symbol of some kind of protection from evil spirits, the evil eye and damage. According to signs, until the end of the solemn feast dedicated to the marriage, the bride had to remain covered, otherwise envious or evil glances could ruin married life in the future and negatively affect the ability to conceive children.

In modern wedding fashion, the veil and tiara are gradually giving way to more practical jewelry. Particularly popular are stilettos decorated with Swarovski crystals or artificial flowers, or headbands with ornaments made of stones or fancy flowers made of silk and feathers.

1.2 Modern fashion direction

Modern fashion in hairstyles does not dictate any strict rules. The most important thing in any modern hairstyle is that it suits a particular representative of the fair sex.

Nowadays, the fashion for long hair has returned. Neatly or carelessly laid strands most popular modern hairstyles for long hair. To the owners short hair Not much luckier. Today, there are a lot of modern techniques that allow you to transform your appearance women with short hair.

1.3 Simulation

Structural and textural qualities of the model’s hair

Shape: Straight

Length: Medium

Texture: Medium thickness

Density: Normal

Condition: Previously painted

Model information

Name, age: Alina, 17 years old

Model's style preference: Wedding hairstyle

Face Shape: Round

Height: Average

Occupation: Student

Chapter 2. Technological part.
2.1 Preparatory work

Preparatory work includes preparing the workplace, tools, equipment, linen, supplies and materials necessary to perform the upcoming operation; hand washing; disinfection of instruments, etc.

The hairdresser must be at the workplace 15 minutes before the start of work to prepare for receiving clients: lay out tools and equipment, check the serviceability of the equipment, get clean linen and materials and place them on the dressing table or trolley. To do this, the chair should first be turned so that the client faces the mirror. I talk with the client, the master finds out what services he wants to receive. When offering additional services to the client, the master must agree on their cost in advance. When starting work, the master washes his hands and disinfects the tools so that the client can see it.

To diagnose hair and check whether the client has skin and hair diseases, the master carefully combs his hair, determining the type and quality of hair, its condition, and direction of growth.

If the inspection result is satisfactory, the master arranges the client with linen in accordance with the type of work. Most often, preparatory work ends with hygienic hair washing, but depending on the main work, it may also include testing for skin sensitivity to chemicals; preparation of medicinal preparations, etc.

2.2. Hair coloring technology

When coloring the hair were applied

Preparations Estel Professional series ESSEX:

Activator 1.5% and oxygenator 3%


Shampoo color stabilizer Estel

Color stabilizer balm Estel

Tools :

Comb ponytail




Plastic clamps

Measuring cup

Latex gloves





Natural color model hair roots - 6/0 (light brown),

Cosmetic base 9/0 (blond)

Desired result 8/0 (light brown)

Separate the head into a cross parting using a comb with a metal tail.

We paint the roots with Estel dye essex 8/0 +0/11+0/66+ 9% (1:1)

Then Estel dye essex 8/0 + 1.5% (1:2) apply to the length of the hair. The total holding time is 35 minutes. After the exposure time has expired, wash my hair with “color stabilizer” shampoo and treat the hair with balm.

2.3. Hair cutting technology.


Combination comb

Straight scissors

Thinning scissors


Plastic clamps




To perform a haircut you need to do the following:

1) Divide your head with a parting from ear to ear, highlight a U-shaped parting.

2) On the lower occipital zone, select a control strand, determine the desired length of hair, cut with zero tension, pull subsequent strands towards the control strand, making a cut 1-2 millimeters longer than the control. So it is necessary to work the entire occipital region.

3) The parietal area must be cut, focusing on a given control line, using the strand-by-strand method.

4) Separate the hair of the temporo-lateral zones with vertical partings and pull them towards the control strand on the occipital zone, thus lengthening it towards the face.

5) after cutting, it is necessary to texture the shape using the pointing method on dry hair.

2.4. Hairstyle technology


Comb ponytail

Women's comb


Plastic clamps






Styling products:

Strong hold varnish

Spray shine

To perform the hairstyle, you need to do the following with your hair::

1. Divide your hair into zones, parting from ear to ear.

2. Up to the occipital area, curl the entire frontal part using a curling iron. After this, carefully and beautifully lay the curls back and secure with hairpins. Treat the resulting result with strong hold hairspray.

3. We braid the hair of the lower occipital area and carefully straighten it with our fingers, style it, and secure it with hairpins. The resulting result is treated with strong fixation varnish.

Chapter No. 3 Graphic part

3.1. Hair coloring scheme

3.2. Hair cutting scheme

3.3. Hairstyle diagram

Chapter 4. Safe working conditions.

After working with each client, the comb should be disinfected in an ultraviolet irradiator or in a solution (at least 15 minutes). When the comb becomes dirty, wash it with soapy water.

It is necessary to ensure that the comb teeth are not very sharp and do not have burrs.

You cannot store a comb in a work clothes pocket or leave it in a client’s hair.

When working with chemicals, do not use iron combs.

After serving each client, scissors must be disinfected in an ultraviolet irradiator or denatured alcohol.

Store scissors in a case.

Hand over scissors strictly for their intended purpose.

If scissors fall, do not try to catch them to avoid injury.

Do not walk around the hall with scissors open.

Use hand protection when mixing dye components, coloring clients’ hair, preparing disinfectant solutions, and disinfecting instruments.

While doing your hairstyle, it is not allowed to hold combs, bobby pins, or hairpins in your mouth.

Before connecting electrical devices to the network, it is necessary to check the serviceability of their wires and the presence of grounding.

It is prohibited to plug in all electrical devices with wet hands.

It is prohibited to use electrical devices that do not have safety nets.

You are not allowed to disassemble electrical devices yourself.

After serving a client, you cannot sweep your hair across the entire room.

You can't eat at work.

To prevent the possibility of transmission of infection when working with a client, it is mandatory to wash your hands with soap after finishing contact with the client.


After all my work was done, we came to the conclusion that every detail in a wedding hairstyle decorates the whole wedding ceremony. An excellent combination of colors, shine of hair, shine of jewelry in the hairstyle, every curl, every wave emphasizes the magnificent dress of the bride. The goals that were set were achieved, the tasks were completed. I and my model liked the image I created.


1. O.N. Kuleshkova “Technology and equipment for hairdressing services” 2010.

2. O.N. Kuleshkova, O.B Chitaeva, T.N. Butko “Basics of hairstyle design” 2008.

3. A.V. Konstantinov “Hairdressing”, “How to become a hairdresser”, “master class” series. “Hair coloring and curling: from classic to creative” 2011.

5.N. Moiseev “The Art of Haircuts” 2007.