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A product for removing pills from clothes. How to get rid of pilling on clothes - effective methods

Surely every housewife was bothered by the question: “ How to remove pills from clothes?" Of course, the easiest thing would be to take the item to the dry cleaner, where it will certainly be brought into proper shape, but sometimes it is completely inappropriate to spend money on something that you can do yourself. Yes, removing pills from clothes is not easy, but if you know what to use, then this activity is quite capable of returning your things to their original appearance. The method of disposal depends directly on the thing itself and the material from which it is made. For example, it is not possible to remove pellets from a coat using any of the methods presented here.

In order to answer the question: “How to remove pills from clothes at home?” - it is necessary to clarify for what reasons they appear. And this is why this happens:

  • natural fabrics are most often subject to the formation of pilling, as they have a fleecy structure;
  • the wrong temperature and detergents for washing things can also increase the chances that pills will soon appear on clothes;
  • washing mode unsuitable for specific clothes;
  • constant impact on the fabric, friction.

Thus, knowing the reasons why pills appear, you have the opportunity to prevent their occurrence, so that later you don’t have to wonder: “How to remove pills from clothes?” But if they do appear, then let's look at ways in which you can remove them using improvised means.


Hard washcloth

You can remove pills on clothes using a hard washcloth in the following way: take a new hard washcloth, do not wet it and start cleaning the clothes, directing the washcloth along the fibers of the clothing.

Bread crumbs can also help remove pills from clothes. To do this, you need to select a large cracker and run it along the fibers of the clothing. Do this carefully so as not to crumble it.


It is very easy to remove pills on clothes at home using sandpaper. To do this, you should choose fine-grained sandpaper and slowly rub it over the clothes. This method can only be applied to clothes that do not have lint. Otherwise, you can simply damage the thing.

Old toothbrush

This method will help remove pills on clothes that have a fairly long pile. In order to get rid of pellets, you need to run a toothbrush along the pile, gradually removing all the pellets.

Thick scallop

This method will only remove large pellets. To do this, simply comb your clothes, trying to remove as many pellets as possible.

Scotch tape or duct tape

This method of removing pellets is ineffective, since in this way you can only get rid of small pellets. The operating principle is similar waxing: adhesive tape is applied to clothing, pressed down, and then abruptly torn off along with the pellets that have managed to stick.

Removing pellets using scissors is a very long and tedious task. Plus, if you do it carelessly, you risk damaging your clothing, which will make it look less beautiful. To remove pills from clothes, you need to carefully cut them off with scissors, being careful not to snag the fabric.

Razor or blade

You can remove pellets with a razor only from small clothes. In principle, it is possible with large clothes, but it will take a lot of time. The principle of operation is as follows: the fabric that requires cleaning from the pellets is stretched, after which a new razor is taken and with its help all the pellets are “shaved off”. The razor should be carried out from the bottom up, against the direction of the hairs. In addition, it will be impossible to remove pills in this way on clothes with long pile.

Special device for cutting pellets

This method of removing pellets can easily be called the easiest. A machine specially designed for removing pills will help you easily and quickly remove all the pills on clothes. The main thing is to monitor the height of the device so as not to damage your clothes.

Thus, after reading our article, you will learn how to remove pills from clothes yourself at home. And if this doesn’t work out for you, you can always take your clothes to the dry cleaner.

How to remove pills from clothes, which often appear as a result of washing or stretching things? Doing this at home is quite simple. And this is not surprising, because these unpleasant balls can appear on any woolen, cotton and other types of clothing, for example, on bed linen, sweaters, sweaters, tights and so on. If an item is very dear to a person, it is important to find out how easy it is to remove pills from clothes at home, and also to understand why these unpleasant balls appear some time after wearing clothes.

To understand how to get rid of pilling on clothes, you need to have a good understanding of the reasons for their appearance.

These include several factors, namely:

  1. The composition of the fabrics from which the clothes are made. Things that contain a large amount of artificial fiber are less susceptible to pilling. But on underwear made from natural fabrics, such balls appear quite often. In addition, the more any item has been subjected to chemical treatments, as well as ironed and ironed, the faster clusters of balls will appear on its base.
  2. Carrying out improper care of the item. In addition to cleaning woolen items, they should also be thoroughly and thoroughly cared for. How is it carried out correctly? This is written on the label of any item. If dresses or jackets are washed at high temperatures, drying it incorrectly or using a low-quality or unsuitable product for laundry can cause pilling on your clothes in a short time.
  3. If there are strands of thread at the base of a jacket or sweater, such clothing will quickly become covered with pellets, as this indicates a defect in the fabric product. That is why before purchasing you need to carefully inspect the clothes so that there are no pilling or stretched threads.
  4. If during the production of the fabric the craftsmen did not tighten the threads tightly enough, then quite quickly such material will become loose, which means that the owner of the linen will definitely have to remove the pellets.
  5. It is necessary to remove pilling from clothing if, during wear, a certain area of ​​it comes into contact and rubs against something. This usually occurs as a result of constantly wearing a backpack or tight clothing. This causes rapid deformation of the fabric, which means that a person will have to independently remove the balls that will instantly appear on things.

To quickly get rid of pills on the bottom of your pants or sweater, you should follow one of the recipes that can be easily done at home.

How to remove spools from sweaters, leggings, cardigans and other linen? This is done quite simply at home.

To effectively combat unpleasant balls, you should use one of these tips:

  1. A special machine that allows you to deal with pellets.

How to quickly remove balls without damaging delicate fabrics or ruining clothes? For this purpose it was developed special machine to remove matted balls. This machine is similar in appearance to an electric razor, which quickly and efficiently removes pellets without harming the tissue. Inside, this machine has several blades that move quickly and remove everything that falls under their base. And since the balls slightly protrude from things, they can be removed efficiently and quickly.

You can use the machine on any fabric so as not to damage things. In this case, things must be clean and soft. Using these cleaning machines allows you to remove all the pellets in just a couple of minutes, which is undoubtedly a plus for the modern rhythm of life.

It is important to note that the machine cleans any material without damaging stripes and various decorative elements, so it can clean any clothes with pills.

  1. Razor.

If you don’t want to spend money on devices for removing pills on knitwear, the balls are removed using a razor, which anyone probably has in their apartment. However, before cleaning woolen items, you should make sure that the item is even, because if the material is too fluffy or uneven, it can easily be cut in one strong motion.

To avoid scratches or holes in clothing, such a device should not be used very sharply. To effectively combat woolen items on which balls appear, you need to slightly stretch the linen and move the razor from top to bottom in even stripes.

  1. Scotch.

How can you remove balls from knitwear if you don’t have a knife or other cutting tools at hand? To do this, it is recommended to remove pills that appear when you constantly wear clothes with tape. Of course, this method of cleaning does not give 100% results, but if you use adhesive tape more than once (plaster, stationery or paint), you will be able to quickly clean bedding, as well as outer and lower clothing. Strips of tape should be applied to the clothing and then pressed firmly against the fabric. After a couple of seconds, remove the tape with a sharp movement and no longer use it to clean the material again.

  1. Scissors.

If the pellets have just begun to appear, you can avoid their further appearance with the help of scissors. This device allows you to clean only thick fabric, as otherwise there is a risk of cutting things (in this case it is better to use a machine).

You need to cut the balls with scissors one at a time, showing increased concentration and accuracy. This cleaning can be done at least every day if the clothes are completely covered with balls. At the same time, scissors will clean any items - both homemade and knitted ones.

  1. Brush for cleaning teeth.

How to clean clothes without a machine? If the fabric is too soft or delicate, you can clean it with a toothbrush, which can get rid of pellets of any size. To do this, she needs to clean clothes along the grain without using much force.

If you clean things correctly with this home appliance, the balls will for a long time will not attack the fabric.

  1. A roller with adhesive tape on it.

This device will not outperform a special machine, but will still help when cleaning things. To do this, they need to smoothly and softly move across the clothing, constantly changing its angle. Before removing beads from a jacket or cleaning trousers, items must be washed. But you shouldn’t use it to clean bed linen, since this device will be of too little use.

  1. Comb.

At home, we remove the balls using a flat, wide-toothed comb. When cleaning a dress or other clothing, stretch the fabric a little. After cleaning the laundry, wash it on low temperature. When cleaning socks or outerwear, this method will not bring the desired result, but with a jacket or sweater this manipulation will go off without a hitch.

Clean the surface of things using the above methods, and then you will be able to prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant balls for a long time.

You can prevent pilling from appearing on your clothes by following certain rules for caring for items that can be made from any type of fabric:

  • always try to follow the rules for washing, drying and ironing things (especially for knitted and silk fabrics) when home care for linen;
  • When washing things, you should trust only proven products, and not modern “sophisticated” powders;
  • if you want to dry the item faster when washing, you should not wring it out or twist it too much, as this will cause deterioration in the quality of the fabric;
  • We wash all items only on gentle wash cycles temperature conditions;
  • If the linen is damaged, it should be washed only by hand;
  • Delicate fabrics can only be washed with liquid chemical compounds, each of which effectively removes contaminants and does not violate the integrity of tissues;
  • When identifying pilling, you should wear things carefully, especially keeping an eye on problem areas such as seams and sleeves.

If a special machine has cleaned the clothes, the pellets will not appear on the fabric for a long time, but if you cleaned the laundry yourself, you need to keep an eye on these balls and, if they are detected, immediately clean the fabric.

The appearance of pellets on clothes can drive anyone crazy who is attentive to their appearance. Felted lint that sticks out unsightly on things is absolutely no reason to get rid of clothes. Also, don’t worry that you bought a low-quality item.

But before we figure out how to get rid of pills on clothes, we’ll tell you about the reasons for their appearance.

Do not consider pilling to be a defect or a property of low-quality fabric. This also applies to naturalness. A thing made of natural fiber, even with a small synthetic additive, will roll up many times faster than a completely artificial fabric.

Pay attention to places where lint falls off. Mainly the shoulders, elbows and bottom. That is, the places that are most exposed to friction. So, if you carry a bag on your bent elbow, then you should most likely expect lint balls in this area.
The pellet appears when:

  • the fiber, loosely fixed in the fabric structure, is pulled to the surface;
  • fibers that stick up become entangled with each other;
  • the structure of the fabric is destroyed (with repeated peeling of the item).

There are several reasons why pills appear on clothes:

  • long contact of clothing either with another item or with an accessory.
  • naturalness of the fabric.
  • incorrectly selected washing mode.
  • laundry detergents unsuitable for this type of fabric.
  • heat treatment of fabrics that cannot be ironed.

How to remove pills from clothes at home.

Remedies for pilling on clothes have not yet been invented. Felted lint from clothing can only be removed mechanically. We offer you effective ways How to get rid of pilling on clothes:

  • The most famous, but also the most dangerous option for removing matted lint from clothes is a straight razor. To do this, stretch and fix the area of ​​the item that requires peeling. Pick up a razor (not a new one, otherwise you will cut a hole). Moving the machine from bottom to top against the direction of “growth” of the fibers, shave off the pellets.
    This method is contraindicated for thin, delicate, fleecy fabrics and cashmere products. And ideal for removing pills from knitted items.

for “shaving” mittens, socks and warm tights, it is better to wear the product on yourself.

  • using adhesive tape, medical adhesive tape or tape. The principle of removing lint balls is similar to depilation. Apply the adhesive strip to the problem area. Press it onto the fabric. Then sharply pull the tape towards you. This option will help you quickly get rid of pills on clothes. But it is only good for recently matted lint. The longer the matted lint rolls into lumps on the product, the more difficult it is to remove it using sticky devices.

You can use a clothing roller instead of tape.

  • toothbrush. The stiff bristles of an old toothbrush function as a comb. Brush along the direction of the lint. You will see how the bristles remove the pellets. This method is best suited for long fleecy items (mohair, angora).
  • with a hard bath sponge. The product should be cleaned of lint balls with a dry washcloth, guiding it along the lint.
  • scissors. Painstaking and jewelry method most suitable if you don’t know how to get rid of pellets on woolen clothes. If you are extremely careful and patient, then pick up scissors and cut off the pellets one by one. To remove pellets, it is better to take nail scissors with thin ends.
  • crackers. The method that came to us from time immemorial is still relevant. Choose a large, porous, but hard cracker. Lay out the item you want to remove pills from your clothing. And start moving the cracker along the problem area along the fibers. If during the process the cracker begins to break, replace it with a stronger one. Use dry peeling for hard, rough fabrics.

Instead of breadcrumbs, you can use the hard side of a kitchen sponge or fine-grained sandpaper.

In addition to these methods, there are some devices that help rid things of matted lint.

Brush for removing pellets.

Manufacturers of clothing accessories offer a brush for removing pellets and lint. The set comes with a comfortable ergonomic handle and comes with several removable attachments. Each of them is designed for a specific type of fabric. Once the attachment is attached to the base of the handle, use light pressure to move it in one direction.

The pellet brush cannot be used on ultra-thin fabrics.

In addition to removing pellets, you can use a brush to clean products from hair, fur and lint.

Machine for removing pills from clothes.

A machine for removing pellets from clothes greatly simplifies the care of items with matted lint. This simple device copes equally well with pills on both knitwear and wool. The device works on the principle of a razor, cutting off fluff balls. Multiple blades rotate at high speed, making the work fast and efficient. Compared to a razor, the machine will never make a hole in the fabric. Even if your hand trembles.

When choosing a machine for removing pellets from things, pay attention to the cleaning head. The larger the cleaning head, the faster you will rid the item of matted lint.

The adjustable height of the cleaning head makes it possible to work even with long-haired items.

Removing pellets at the dry cleaner.

Special care and delicate processing are guaranteed by dry cleaning. Therefore, if you are not bothered by the cost of peeling things, or you don’t have time to monotonously cut off every matted lump with nail scissors, then dry cleaning is the ideal solution to the problem.

The advantages of removing pills from clothes at the dry cleaner include: proper care for your item depending on the type of fabric.

How to prevent pilling on clothes.

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it. Once you get rid of pills on your clothes yourself, you will understand that it is much easier to follow simple rules for caring for things:

  • carefully read the information from the manufacturer indicated on the product label.
  • Choose a washing mode that matches the type and composition of the fabric.
  • pick up washing powders and other care products.
  • apply when rinsing.
  • If spinning is not recommended for an item, do not twist it.
  • When ironing, use the permissible temperature conditions.
  • At the first appearance of pills on clothing, remove them immediately.

Do not throw away items with matted lint. By following our advice, get rid of pilling and continue wearing expensive and familiar clothes.

Everyone wants to look perfect so that they can say “dressed like a brand new person.” If the item is new, recently purchased or worn only a couple of times, then there should be no problems with its perfect appearance. But a favorite sweater, which is worn almost constantly in cold weather, is quite difficult to maintain in standard condition. There may be pellets and snags on it, which give the clothing and its owner an untidy and unattractive appearance. How to get rid of unsightly pills on clothes quickly and easily at home, read our article.

Why do pills appear on woolen products?

A quality item will last a long time perfect view with appropriate care and respect. It is important to properly wash, wring out, dry, and straighten sweaters, knitted skirts and dresses, taking into account all the manufacturer’s recommendations written on the labels. But no matter how you take care of the item, sooner or later pellets form on it: they appear as a result of friction of clothing parts against other things, natural fibers begin to separate into separate threads, and thus these defects appear.

They quickly appear on the sleeves of sweaters, backs, children's tights, socks and spoil the overall appearance of the item. Experienced housewives recommend starting to deal with pellets immediately after they appear. At the first stage, when there are few of them, single pellets can be removed from clothing simply by hand, plucking them with your fingers or carefully cutting them off with small sharp scissors.

Simple and effective ways to clean clothes

Remove pellets from your favorite warm dish wool sweater You can use the tools you have at home:

  • toothbrush;
  • tape (construction or stationery), a special roller with adhesive tape;
  • old razor;
  • combs with fine, frequent teeth;
  • special trimmer.

As practice shows, you can quickly clean clothes different ways, but at the same time it is important not to spoil your favorite thing, so before the procedure you need to figure out which tool is most suitable for a particular material from which a sweater, dress, or hat is made.

Method one: removal at the initial stage

If the pellets have just appeared and there are very few of them, you can use tape - transparent stationery or white construction tape. It is necessary to press the adhesive tape tightly to the area where the defects appear, and tear it off with a sharp movement of your hand. The pellets will also be removed along with it.

This method is absolutely not suitable for things knitted from fluffy thread: angora, mohair, cashmere. If you use it, your favorite sweater may end up with unsightly “bald patches.” You can also try to remove hairballs using a roller with adhesive tape, but you also need to sharply tear it away from the fabric so that the pellets remain on it and not on the clothing.

Method two: using a razor

The most common way to quickly remove pilling from “smooth” knitted clothing is to “shave” it. You need to take a razor with slightly dull blades and use short shaving movements to remove defects from the blade. This method is perfect for knitwear with grain and smooth knitting.

But you need to monitor the pressure, otherwise you can accidentally cut the fabric and ruin your favorite item. Therefore, it is recommended to use not a new razor, but a slightly dull one, in order to minimize the risk of cutting. The most convenient way to shave sweaters, dresses, and tights is with disposable plastic razors, pointing the blade from top to bottom. In this case, the product itself needs to be straightened out as much as possible and the area that will be processed should be stretched. Tights can be cleaned by pulling them over your arm, for example, for children, or by putting them on your legs (for adults).

Method three: toothbrush

If you suddenly don’t have an extra razor at home that you don’t mind using for household needs, or you run out of tape, you can use a toothbrush, preferably one with hard bristles. You need to sort of “comb” problem areas on clothing, removing pills from the knitted fabric. This method of sedum is best suited for “fluffy” clothes: angora sweaters, cashmere, mohair. The toothbrush combs and fluffs the product, simultaneously removing defects. After such cleaning, the sweater or dress will look like new. This method works a little worse for knitwear with a large and smooth knit.

Method four: combing

You can remove the pellets using a regular plastic or metal comb with fine and frequent teeth. It grabs all the hairballs well, tearing them off, and is best suited for cleaning mohair and angora clothes. But for knitwear with a large knit, this method can be a real disaster: the comb does not so much remove the spools as it grabs the threads and pulls them out.

Method five: special means

If pellets appear on things often, there are a lot of them, they irritate and put you in a bad mood, then you need to fight them by special means. The best assistant is a depilling machine (trimmer), which does an excellent job of removing defects on knitted fabrics and any woolen fabrics. Such machines can operate on batteries or from an electrical network, the height of the blades is adjustable, and there is a container for collecting cut balls. The cost of such a gadget is comparable to the price of several razors.

What's the best way? Let's sum it up

The method of removing pellets directly depends on the type of thread that is included in the product, so different methods will be effective for different clothes:

  1. To remove pellets from mohair, cashmere, and angora, you need to use a toothbrush or plastic comb with fine, fine teeth.
  2. Knitted clothes with a smooth knit can also be “combed” or “shaved”; those with a coarse knit can only be “shaved”.
  3. Scotch tape or a roller of adhesive tape can help remove pills from clothing only at the initial stage of their appearance.

On various forums, online communities recommend using sandpaper - “zero” sandpaper, toothpicks, matches (burn them out with fire) to remove fabric lumps on things. But these exotic methods can only lead to damage to clothes.

Fight or warn?

There are several rules that will help even young housewives in the struggle for the perfect look of their favorite thing:

  • clothes must be washed in the correct mode indicated on the labels;
  • It is advisable to choose gentle detergents, for example, liquid washing powders, and add special conditioners to the rinse water;
  • knitted items do not need to be twisted and soaked;
  • knitted products made from natural materials, they “don’t like” machine washing - only hand washing in cool water will help them maintain their shape and appearance.

It is advisable to remove the pellets immediately after the first hairballs appear - then it will be much easier to maintain the appearance of the item. To remove defects from expensive clothes, it is best to use dry cleaning services. Careful proper care - and your favorite thing will delight you with its appearance for a long time.

Alas, over time, worn items become covered with unpresentable ball-shaped formations. Almost any one falls off natural fabric, synthetics are less susceptible to this. But what if this happens, and the item is a favorite or was recently purchased and it’s a pity to throw it away? There are several ways to remove pills from clothes without damaging the fabric.

What are the reasons for the formation of pellets?

To prevent the formation of lumps that spoil appearance things, it is worth arming yourself with information about their appearance.

There are several factors:

  1. Origin of fabric. On pure synthetics, pellets appear reluctantly. But on mixed fabrics, and even with poor processing quality, lumps form quickly. Natural, lighter, as a rule, fibers are split and wound onto synthetic threads stretched like a string, which leads to pilling.
  2. Weakness of the material. Fabrics with a soft, fluffy texture will almost certainly shed. The looser the fabric, the higher the risk of lumps. This also includes long thread broaches, which make the fabric soft, but, alas, also dangerous for pilling.
  3. Illiterate care. Carefully studying the label after purchasing clothes will help to minimize the occurrence of ball-shaped formations, for example, from pants. You need to follow the correct washing regime for a particular item: select the appropriate detergents, set the appropriate temperature, duration, spin speed, etc.
  4. Among the common causes of the formation of ball-shaped formations are constant friction of the fabric when worn. Therefore, pajamas, bed linen, sweaters and turtlenecks are at risk under outerwear. This also happens if, for example, a bag (backpack) is worn on one shoulder.

Advice! Haste or reluctance to follow simple recommendations leads to a problem that will require not only time, but also money to solve.

The use of a special mechanism will help remove pills from clothes and give them a presentable look. The option is not cheap, but reliable, allowing you to get rid of matted lumps. A similar device is suitable for wool (for example, angora, mohair) and knitted fabrics.

The device cuts the balls very carefully and does not damage the fabric. When choosing a shaver at a budget price, you should make sure that the height of the knife is adjustable. This is necessary so that soft balls can be cleaned from decorated fabrics without damaging rhinestones, embroidery, other decorations and the material itself.

Such a device is equipped with a container into which the pellets are collected. It runs on both batteries and mains power. The dimensions of the device are small; it fits easily in a purse. Therefore, you can take it when leaving, for example, on vacation or on a business trip. In addition, the mini machine is safe to use.

Disadvantages include fragility and rapid dulling of the blades, which leads to a decrease in the result obtained. Also, cleaning one item with an inexpensive model will take longer than using a more expensive option. Cheap shaver batteries run out faster and containers fill up with pellets. This extends the process of cleaning things over time, since it is necessary to empty the containers of their contents.

Duct tape

Scotch tape, adhesive tape, adhesive tape, and a roller with adhesive strips can help remove pellets from clothes. They can be used if matted lumps are discovered just before leaving the house, and there is no time to process the item with a shaver. It is difficult to achieve an ideal result with adhesive tape, but visible balls can be removed a short time Can.

To do this you should:

  • apply a sticky strip to the fabric;
  • press it with force;
  • tear off sharply, while holding the material.

This method is not suitable for use on thin and light-colored materials. Traces of a sticky substance are easily imprinted on them, and clothes, including your favorite sweater, lose their attractive appearance.

Blade or safety razor

The quick and radical method should be used only in extreme cases, since it is not safe for the canvas. If you choose a non-razor blade, you must proceed with extreme caution. The spools are cut literally one at a time so as not to damage the material.

Advice! It is easier to get rid of pellets on fabric with a safety razor.

You need to work with the blade according to the following algorithm:

  1. The blade is fixed in the razor, then the fabric is stretched, and slow movements are made along it with the tip from top to bottom. This method is good for getting rid of balls on knitwear. But when using the method for cleaning woolen items, you need to use an already used blade. The fabric should be stretched to the maximum, and you need to move along it from the bottom up, cutting off the spools with care.
  2. Work should be on a flat, hard surface under good lighting.
  3. Having processed the item once, you need to turn it over and, moving in the opposite direction, clean the product again.

This option is ideal if pellets are removed from smooth materials and hats. At the same time, tights, socks, mittens, and gloves are easier to handle when worn on the legs and arms. It is not recommended to “shave” pellets from items made of thick wool, such as angora, cashmere, or mohair.


The bristles of this hygienic item will help get rid of pills on clothes that are impossible or not desirable to clean with a razor. For work, take an old toothbrush whose bristles have reached the point of mild(soft).

The processing is carried out so that the matted lumps cling to the brush. This is possible by adjusting the pressure. You need to direct the brush along the pile. This will help avoid fluffing the surface and thinning it in problematic areas. “Combing” the item should be carried out until the pellets completely disappear.

Advice! If cleaning has excessively crushed the lint on the material, the clothing should be immersed in warm water and vinegar (1:1). Such manipulation will return the fluffiness to things.

Extreme method: sandpaper

With the help of this item, you can get rid of matted lumps on thick fabrics from which, for example, coats are sewn. This is similar to the method of removing pellets with a blade. Moreover, the “sandpaper” leaves the material intact.

Important! This option is not suitable for cleaning smooth fabrics, since there is a considerable risk of ruining the clothes.

Instead of sandpaper, you can use the hard side of a new sponge for washing dishes. You should rub the fabric with it just as carefully.


This method is considered not very effective. But scissors are always at hand at home, so they are often used to cut balls.

  1. Sharp manicure scissors are used.
  2. Cut off annoying formations one at a time, carefully monitoring so as not to damage the fabric.

Advice! Pre-combing the material with a fine-toothed comb simplifies the task.

It is worth considering that with this method, cutting off the pellets will take a lot of time.


You should try to remove large lumps with a comb with infrequent teeth. But process wool fabrics care should be taken to avoid fluffing and thinning.

Dried bread

Pieces of loose gray or black bread dried in the oven are used. Crackers will crumble slightly if they are prepared from thickly sliced ​​bread slices.

Taking such a cracker in your hand, gently rub it over your clothes. The material is held during the process to prevent it from deforming. In part, the method is reminiscent of working with sandpaper.

Advice! Pumice has a similar loose structure; you can try it, but the stone is much harder than bread and damages the canvas more easily.

Experts will help

By providing dry cleaning professionals with clothes with clumps, customers receive back items without a single soft ball. In addition, things at such enterprises will be treated with a compound, after which not a single pellet will appear on the item for a very long time.

Prevention of pellets

It is well known: it is better to prevent problems, then you won’t have to rack your brains to eliminate them. And although pellets are not a global disaster, they can worsen your mood. This is what our resource recommends to follow so that pellets do not appear on things at all, or at least form in small quantities:

  1. You should wear, wash, dry, iron things following clear rules. They consist of reading labels on clothes and choosing the appropriate washing cycle, detergent, etc.
  2. Washing powders must be used with special anti-pilling ingredients. Such detergents bear the designation “softens fabric fibers.” The disadvantage of these components is their specific aroma. You should also not forget about compatibility similar means with water and a variety of matter.
  3. Items that are prone to pilling are washed on a gentle cycle using conditioner.
  4. The pellets are eliminated as soon as they appear on the clothes. It is easier and faster to remove a few lumps than to thoroughly clean a large surface.
  5. Knitted items can only be washed in low temperature water. In addition, the “delicate wash” mode is used. Woolen items are sent for washing along with special detergents and softening conditioner in the “hand wash” or “wool” mode.
  6. Knitwear must not be soaked, rubbed or twisted during washing. Knitted items are ironed with an iron heated to the temperature indicated on the label.
  7. Expensive items should be sent to the dry cleaner to get rid of pellets.

Pills, as the first sign of “wear and tear” of any thing, even expensive ones, can and should be dealt with. Thrifty owners of clothes prone to clumping successfully remove annoying matted balls. And many housewives prevent their formation. Craftsmen thereby save clothes from being forced to “move” to the country, from replenishing the home storage in the back of the closet, or from the appearance of new rags.