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The theme is winter fun for the second younger group. Scenario for winter entertainment “Winter Fun”

Topic: “Winter games and fun” from 12/12/2016 until December 16, 2016

Target: Expanding children's understanding of winter.Formation of children's ideas about winter natural phenomena and fun.

Final event - entertainment “Winter fun with a snowman!”

Day of the week/


Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account integration

educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers )

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools...)

Organized partnership activities

Educational activities in critical moments

Educational areas

Monday 12/12/16


Physical development:

Physical Culture

"Colored Cars"

- Walking on a gymnastic bench

Climbing under the arch without touching the floor with your hands.

P/i “Traffic lights and colored cars”

I half:

    Morning exercises: “Sunshine”, with audio recording

    Individual work « Colored mittens." (Teach children to select an object by color and size) Kolya, Taisiya, Lyosha.

    Conversation “Winter has come - the kids are having fun!”

(Expand children's ideas about characteristic features winter nature, about winter fun; develop conversational speech).Looking at pictures about winter.

    Singing songs for the holiday with children “On a visit to the Christmas tree”, “Little Christmas tree”

( teach issueperform movements while singing songs).

    P/game: “The little white bunny is sitting”

(Develop the desire in children to play outdoor games)

    Walk: Watching snowflakes

(formation of skills to see the beauty of the surrounding nature)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

    Adding illustrations on the topic “Winter. Winter fun."

    Phonograms of musical works.

    Provide equipment for a sports corner to organize the game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting”

    Creating conditions for s/r play

    Consultations “Winter fun”, “Weekend route”.

    Involve parents to create various snow structures on the site

    Suggest a list of books to read on this topic

ISO No. 27 drawing

"Floating Clouds"

Target: developing the ability to fill a sheet of paper with tonal spots of different sizes


    Teach children the action of substituting real objects and phenomena;

    Labor activity: Cleaning playground from the snow

    P/i "Hares and the Wolf", "Hunter and Hares"

(develop coordination of movements)

    Experiments with snow “Establishing the dependence of snow properties on temperature”

(Continue to introduce children to the properties of snow; develop curiosity; cultivate interest in experiments)

    Individual work Exercise "Heel"


II half:

    Hardening activities

    Reading fiction : Reading the fairy tale “Rukavichka”, “Zayushkina’s hut”

(Continue to teach listening carefully, answering questions; developing speech; fostering a love of fairy tales)

    S/r game: “To the store for gifts.”

(Develop the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another. Develop interest in various types of games)

( )

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walks

Tuesday 12/13/16


Development of musicality

-listening “Winter”

-Singing “Christmas Tree”, “Visiting the Christmas Tree”

-Dance “Pencil Kids”

Round dance "Little Christmas tree"

Individual dances.

I half:

    Morning exercises: "Happy Snowflakes"

    Individual work : D/i "Sober"and a Christmas tree"

( Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes , learn to correctly position ready-made forms, activate speech intime and after completing the task)

    Conversation on the picture: “It’s good in winter.”

(Arouse the desire of children, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about what is depicted in the picture, develop children’s speech; cultivate interest in winter fun)

    KGN: Game situation “Teach Bunny to use cutlery”

(work to develop a culture of behavior at the table)

    Preparing for the New Year's party

    P.i. “Be careful, I’ll freeze you.”

( cultivate a desire to play together and have fun)

    Reading the poem by S. Marshak “The snow is pouring, pouring.”

(develop a desire to listen to a poem about winter; cultivate a love for winter)

    Walk: « Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder »

( develop the ability to establish connections between the behavior of birds and changes in inanimate nature; develop observation skills)

    Labor activity

Cleaning feeders from snow and replenishing them with a variety of food.

( cultivate hard work)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Offer board and printed games:"Loto" "Seasons"

    Introducing illustrations on the topic “Winter fun”.

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Offer children coloring pages on the theme “Winter fun”

    Provide a variety of construction kit to develop construction skills

    Fill the book corner with winter-themed books

    Consultation: “Child’s clothes and shoes for a winter walk.”

    Remind parents about creative activitiesth manufacturing competition New Year's toys crafts.

RR: Speech development No. 7

Subject: “Composing a story about toys - a kitten, a bunny”

Target: development of coherent speech


    Learn to write short stories with the help of a teacher;

    Learn to form diminutive names for baby animals in units. and many more number.

    Pronunciation of pure words with the sound Y.

    Outdoor games : "Frost - red nose"

(learn to speak clearly in the game;follow the rules of the game).Games with snow. Making snowballs and playing snowballs

    Individual. Job Exercise “Hit the target with a snowball.”

(improving basic movements (throwing)


II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    D/i " What do we like in winter?

(Teach children to name winter fun and entertainment; cultivate interest in winter fun)

    Constructive games “Factory of Santa Claus” making a garland

(develop constructive abilities)


Wednesday 12/14/16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.40

PR: Sensory education No. 13

Subject: "Hide the mouse"

Target: formation of sensory standards


    Develop ideas about the main colors of the spectrum;

    Develop initial forms of cooperation between children and each other;

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex “Merry Snowflakes”

    Individual work: d/i “When does this happen?”

( consolidate the concept of winter phenomenayah, activation of the dictionary on the topic)

    Conversation “When it’s freezing outside, you can freeze your nose.”

(Continue to familiarize children with safety rules in winter period and when handling objects. Form the basics healthy image life)

    Round dance game: “At the Christmas tree.”

(Teach children to perform movements according to the text; develop auditory perception; cultivate friendliness)

    Walk: "Observing looking behind trees and bushes under the snow"

(expand knowledge about trees, their various parts)

    Labor activity Modeling a birthday cake from snow.

(learn how to use a shovel correctly, develop imagination)

    Outdoor games: “Who is taller?”, “Sparrows and the cat.”

( teach to jump easily, play, strictly following the rules)

    Individual work: « White snowflakes."

( learn to move smoothly)


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Choose images of snowflakes

    Offer to children l sheets of paper of different formats and colors, brushes, paints, felt-tip pensry, plasticine, forsnowflake images

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Creating conditions for listening to music

    Provide crayons, colored pencils, paper for the implementation of creative ideas on the topic: “Let's decorate the house”

    Individual conversations at the request of parents

    Consultation “Outdoor games with children on a walk in winter”


Physical development:

Physical Culture

"Colored Cars"

Target: development of motor skills


    Practice maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench

    Learn to land on bent legs when jumping

    P/i "Traffic lights and colored cars." Develop coordination and dexterity.

II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Productive activities: drawing “Let’s decorate the house mitten”

(improve the ability to correctly hold a pencil and brush during movements)

    KGN: (to develop the ability to maintain cleanliness in the playroom)

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walk

Thursday 12/15/16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.4 0

Artistic and aesthetic development:

ISO Modeling

"Dressing up the Christmas tree"



  1. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy;

    Cultivate compassion and kindness

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex “Merry Snowflakes”

    Individual work "One-many"

(consolidate knowledge about subjectsclothes, its details, teach how to form the plural. (hat - hats, mitten - mittens, etc.)

    Conversation "On the hill in winter."

( Form basic rules of conduct while walking; develop a desire to take care of your health)

    D/i “Chest with riddles”

(to practice the ability to guess riddles about winter phenomena and entertainment)

    Russian folk game "Bells"

(learn to navigate in space, create a joyful mood)

    Walk: " Weather observation"

(formation of skills to independently identify and name winter phenomena in inanimate nature)

    Labor activity:

Building a slide for dolls by slamming the snow with a shovel.

( learn to work together, get joy from what you dolabor and its results)

    Outdoor games : winter fun "Run and don't hit me"

(development of dexterity of movement)

« Snow woman»

(development motor activity)

    Individual work “On a straight path on one leg.”

(development of motor skills)


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Provide crayons, colored pencils, paper for the implementation of creative ideas on the topic: “Zimushka - winter”

    Provide illustrations about the rules of behavior outdoors in winter

    Listening to music

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Creating conditions for dramatizing a fairy tale

    Consultation: “How to make a winter walk enjoyable and useful for a child?”


Artistic and aesthetic development:

Development of musicality

Listening to "Winter"

- -singing “Christmas tree”, “Come to the Christmas tree”

Md: Christmas tree-movements dance

“Beauty Christmas tree” in pairs.

Individual dances.

II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    A dramatization of the fairy tale: “Zayushkina’s hut.”

(Teach children to listen to a fairy tale in a dramatized version; cultivate a love for animals)

    Working in a corner of nature: Observation"What npainted us frost on the glass"

( develop curiosity, expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature, develop interest in natural phenomena)

    KGN ( Continue to instill in children neatness and the habit of taking care of their appearance)

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walk

    Labor activity

Clearing paths and benches of snow.

Friday 12/16/16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.4 0

Cognitive development:

Development of ideas about the environment No. 7

« Positive attitude towards yourself and your name"

Target: developing a positive attitude towards yourself and your name.


    Clarify ideas about the group, belonging. To her;

    Developthe ability to understand your feelings and the feelings of others; continue to develop empathy, imagination, expressiveness of speech, facial expressions and movements

    Bring upkindness, sympathy.

10.00-10.1 5

Physical development:

Physical Culture on a walk


Speech development:

Read no fiction №13

Diagnostics No. 3

Acting out a fairy tale Purpose: identifying the level of development of actions for constructing and using the motor model of a fairy tale

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex “Merry Snowflakes”

    Individual work “Place the snowflakes in different baskets”

(continueteach children to select objects by color, size) Zhenya, Alina, Diana

    Conversation “Frost and sun – a wonderful day!”

(Continue to introduce children to the features of winter; develop conversational speech)

    Finger gymnastics “Winter”

( develop fine motor skills, speech)

    Walk: entertainment "Winter fun"

( creation of favorable emotional state through games and play exercises in the fresh air)

    KGN (table culture)


II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Cartoon showing: Smeshariki: winter series

(Create a joyful mood in children from watching a cartoon)

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walk

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Provide children with developmental games fine motor skills hands

    D/i “Make a pattern”

    Offer children New Year-themed cartoons

    Offer different kinds theater for acting out familiar fairy tales.

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Involve children in making snowflakes from colored paper and napkins

    Announcing the theme for the next theme week

    Mobile folder: “How to help birds in winter?”

Scenario for winter entertainment “Winter Fun”

Target: creating a favorable emotional state through games and play exercises in the fresh air
-improve motor skills and abilities;
- develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, attention, ingenuity;
- instill interest in fun games in the winter.
snowballs or medicine balls white(by number of children),
mitten big size,
candies (according to the number of children),
tape recorder with recorded music winter theme.
Methods: outdoor games, competition, the use of riddles and poems about winter, a surprise moment.
Participants: presenter, Snowman, children.
Progress of entertainment:
/children go for a walk with their teacher and gather around the teacher/
It's so cold, it's so cold
My nose even turned red.
The snow whitened the houses,
It has arrived...
Leading Guys, do you like the winter season? (Yes)
Leading Share what? (you can play snowballs, make snowmen, ride down an icy mountain)
Naughty winter
Eh, naughty girl,
She freezes us
He also teases.
Naughty winter
Snow coat,
Even though it looks cold,
Tender at heart.

E. Shalamonova
Both adults and children love winter. Russian winter is famous for its frosts and cold temperatures. When walking in winter, you need to move to avoid freezing. I suggest you play.
at this time on the platform to the song from the movie “The Secret Snow Queen» “Song of the Snowman” lyrics by V. Korostylev, music by M. Minkov includes Snowman /
Snowman Wait, wait. What games can there be without me? You blinded me and forgot about me.
Leading Guys, we really forgot about the Snowman. Excuse us, Snowman. We will be happy to play with you.

Outdoor game "I'll freeze"

/ children line up in 2 ranks opposite each other, the Snowman stands between them in the middle. At the leader’s signal: “Don’t stand, guys, or you’ll freeze,” the children begin to run from one side to the other. At this time, the Snowman with the words “I’ll freeze you!” catches children running across. The leader gathers all the caught children around him. Then the presenter and the Snowman help the children to “unfreeze.” Children read poems about winter, while the Snowman strokes their heads. Children are considered “unfrozen” and return to the rest of the participants /

Poems about winter

A cheerful winter has come.
With skates and sleds,
With powdered skis,
With a magical old fairy tale.

I. Chernetskaya
Dandelion from snowflakes
Winter will bring it to its lips,
Just a whiff and there's a fluff
The seeds will scatter.

T. Shorygina
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
In cold glass.

3. Alexandrova
White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

I. Surikov
Well done! You know a lot of poems about winter. But now I’ll see if you can solve the riddles.
If there is snow all around,
If the river is under ice,
So, come visit us yourself
Who came, tell me?

If there is a column of smoke,
The snow creaks underfoot,
If your cheeks, nose are cold,
What's on the street?

If there are Christmas trees in houses
In bright beads and lights,
If we dance in a circle,
What are we meeting?

(New Year)
T. Gusarova

Snowman Well done! And they guessed the winter riddles. What else could I play with you?
Leading Snowman, let's play in the snow.

Fun game “Snowball fight” / Children stand in a circle, each holding a snowball. At the presenter’s signal: “One-two! Do not snooze! And throw the snowballs quickly!” the children begin to throw snowballs at each other. You can use rhythmic music/
Snowman Have fun playing! I even felt hot.
Leading Won't you melt, Snowman?
Snowman Not really. It's frosty outside.
Leading The next task awaits us.

Competition "Who can collect the most snowballs"

/ The leader calls 2 children each. On the signal: “One-two-three! Collect as many snowballs as possible!” children begin to collect snowballs in their arms. Then they sum up the results: count the snowballs together. Whoever has more is the winner. The competition can be repeated 2-3 times /
Snowman Well done boys! You are clever!
Leading Now let's all take a ride on the snow carousel together.

Outdoor game "Carousel" /everyone stands in a circle together, holds hands, and says the words:
Barely, barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush hush
Do not hurry.
Stop the carousel.

Perform movements in accordance with the text: at first they walk slowly, then faster and faster, then stop. The game can be repeated. At the same time, you can move in a different direction//during the game the Snowman hides one of the mittens in his bosom/
Snowman Have fun on the snow carousel! I liked it very much.
Leading Snowman, where did you lose your mitten? Was it really while he was riding the carousel?
Snowman And, indeed, I lost it. I don’t know where.
Leading Don't be upset. The guys and I will help you find the mitten.
run around the area, find a large mitten /
Snowman Thanks for finding the mitten. But the mitten is not an ordinary one. With a surprise.
look into the mitten, find candy, say goodbye to the Snowman and go to the group/

Finger gymnastics "Let's warm our fingers"

Snow collected by hand,

Our fingers are tired

We will rub them

We will keep them warm

To make it hotter

Knead vigorously.

Elena Machekhina
Summary of GCD in younger group"Winter Fun"

Program content:

1. Teach children to listen to literary words, solve riddles, answer questions.

2. expand children’s knowledge about winter sports and winter fun.

3. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of snow, to clarify children’s ideas about winter.

4. Teach children to look at a picture, see the plot in the picture, and answer questions about its content.

5. Teach children to write a short story (from 2 sentences) on open questions.

6. Develop in children imagination, perception, voluntary memory and attention, observation, verbal and figurative thinking.

7. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

8. Enrich children’s vocabulary with new adjectives, verbs, nouns (skating rink, hockey, skates, fun, velvety, fluffy, shiny, silver, sparkles).

9. Consolidate and activate children's vocabulary.

Material for the lesson:

Painting « Winter fun» , paper snowballs, baskets, doll. Preliminary Job:

Readings of poems about winter; conducting experiments with snow; guessing riddles; examination of the plot pictures of the series " Winter fun"; game "Finish the sentences.

Progress of the lesson:

There is a knock on the door.

The doll Katya comes to the children winter clothes. She brought snow from the street and invites the children to examine and touch it.

Educator: Guys, snow comes from snowflakes. When a lot of snowflakes fall, snowdrifts appear.

Educator: Children, what kind of snow? Cold, white, fluffy, shiny. The snow shines and silvers.

Educator: Listen, guys, poem:

Snowflakes are falling from the sky,

Like white fluff.

Covering everything around

Soft velvet carpet.

Educator: Remember, guys. When snow melts, what does it turn into? In water. Right. And when water freezes, what happens? Ice. To skate and play hockey, you need a skating rink. And if you pour water on the snow, you get a skating rink (choral repetition words: skating rink, ice, hockey) .

Educator: Guys, now listen carefully to the riddle and try to solve it her:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

Blizzard is walking

When does this happen?

Children: In winter

Educator: What signs of winter do you know? Snow is falling, it’s cold outside, the trees are bare of leaves, people are starting to dress warmly. Right. Well done! Guys, we all love winter. It's very beautiful in winter. And in winter, we really love to play outside. Let's look at the picture.

Examination of the plot picture « Winter fun» .

Educator: White snow fell. White paths, white houses. On the trees, instead of leaves, there is white snow on the branches. Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is. There is also white fluffy snow on its green branches. Instead of leaves, the tree has green needles that do not fall off in the fall. Real winter has come! The children put on fur coats, pants, mittens on their palms, and new felt boots and boots on their feet. The guys go down the slide. Guys are sledding, skiing, and ice-skating down the hill. Girls are skating at the skating rink, and boys with sticks in their hands go to play hockey. Oh, what a snowman the children made! Instead of a nose there is a carrot, instead of a hat there is a bucket, a scarf around the neck and a broom in the hand.

The teacher reads a rhyme:

Snowman, snowman

Appeared in the yard

Nose is a carrot

Mouth - potato

And a bucket on my head.

Educator: This is how interesting it is for children to play outside in winter. Really, guys? Look carefully at the picture again.


What are the children doing? (Walking)

Where do children go? (On the street)

What season? (Winter)

How are the children dressed? (Warm)

What are the children doing? (Skiing, sledding, skating)

What did the children do in the yard? (They made a snowman)

Listen to the poem:

The snow outside is turning white, get ready quickly,

Put mittens on your hands, tie a scarf around your neck,

Fasten the zipper on your jacket and hurry outside.

But don’t forget to take your sled and skis.

If you don’t want to, then you will build a snow woman.

Roll up one lump for now, and a second, and a third.

Put them on top of each other, the woman came out - lovely!

Guys, are you tired? Remember how you played snowballs outside. Do you want to play now? Game of "Snowballs"?

Educator: Look how many white paper snowballs there are. Let's pretend these are real snowballs. Now, you and I will throw snowballs into the basket (the teacher shows the children how to play). Whoever throws the most snowballs into the basket wins. Started (kids are playing) .

Educator: Now let's play a game "Finish the sentence":

It has arrived... (winter) .

Coming... (snow) .

In winter there are... (frost) .

Children ride... (skiing, skating, sledding) .

The boys are walking with clubs... (to the rink) .

Boys are playing at the skating rink... (in hockey) .

More children are playing... (snowballs) .

Children sculpt from snow (snowman, snow woman, fortresses, snowballs) .

Right. Well done boys.

And now, children, we will watch the slides and learn to solve riddles.

Stars are flying from the sky,

And they sparkle in the sun.

Just like a ballerina dancing,

Snowflakes swirl in winter... (Snowflakes) .

You can make a snow ball

It's not difficult at all!

We don't make pies,

To play you need... (Snowballs).

We blinded him cleverly,

There are eyes and a nose - a carrot.

A little warm - she’ll cry instantly.

And it will melt... (Snowman).

The hedgehog looks like her

you won't find any leaves at all.

How slim the beauty is

And for the New Year - you need it! (Christmas tree).

We are on a frosty day with friends,

We water the snow with a hose.

How the ice appears

So everything is ready... (Ice rink).

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (Skis).

They are racing the puck here with all their might,

And they throw everything at the gate.

Here on the field there is ice everywhere,

We are glad to have such a game! (Hockey).

It's not easy sometimes

Get up there.

But it's easy and pleasant

Take a ride back! (Snow Hill).

They fly down the hill on their own,

But they don’t want to go up the hill.

You have to climb the hill using a rope,

Pull back every time. (Sled).

Well done boys! It was very good and interesting. Did you like it?

Yes. What did we talk about in class today? About winter, oh winter games and fun. What else did you do? We played snowballs and solved riddles. Right. And now it's time to say goodbye to the Katya doll. Did you like our lesson, Katya? The doll Katya says that it was very interesting and the guys did a good job. And he tells us to dress warmly for a walk, because it’s winter there. Goodbye, Katya!

Winter has just begun and it's time for fun. This week, children of the younger group repeat the material covered and get acquainted with new round dancing and outdoor games; the teacher organizes observations of nature and viewing winter landscapes. Detailed description You will find speech exercises, conversations, board and didactic games in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Winter. Winter fun."

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, work continues on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, training role-playing games. The teacher plans a creative game “Live Picture” with the goal of teaching children to reproduce expressive poses and movements, and gives work assignments. During the walk, children remove snow and build snow buildings.

Cognitive development

For cognitive development, the teacher invites children to make colored pieces of ice. This will help children understand some of the properties of water and make decorations for the area. The teacher thinks through the following games: “Arrange by color (shape)”, “What has changed” (Dyenesh blocks), “Loto” and others.

Speech development

At the beginning of January, the teacher introduces mnemonic tables into the group to teach children how to compose stories about winter, plans to read in the afternoon such works as V. Stepanov “Silver Key”, O. Alfaro “The Goat is a Hero”, K. Ushinsky “Fox Patrikeevna” , which complies with the recommendations of the “From Birth to School” program and promotes speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The teacher plans the sculpting “Snow Woman”, creates conditions for independent artistic and aesthetic development, offers board and musical-didactic games “Three Bears”, “Lay Out a Pattern”. Children continue to get acquainted with folk art through the Dymkovo toy.

Physical development

Ongoing physical development children. The teacher introduces the children to the round dance game “Among the White Doves” and offers the already favorite “Frost the Red Nose” and “Chickens in the Coop.” The teacher organizes a conversation with the children about the benefits of porridge and talks about the need to maintain and improve health.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Work assignment “Arrange chairs in the group.” Goal: to teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the room.Children's stories about how they spent the holidays. Goal: to contribute to the formation of a festive culture.Application didactic game"Lotto". Goal: to train children in the formation of the plural (in the nominative and genitive cases).Board game “Make a pattern”. Goal: to develop the ability to lay out a pattern according to a sample.Round dance game “Among the White Doves”. Goal: continue to introduce the new game.
Sketch "Friendship begins with a smile." Goal: create a positive attitude, continue to form the concept of “friendship”.Snow observations. Goal: to activate speech, to develop cognitive interest in nature.Exercise "Shop". Purpose: to practice using nouns in the accusative case.Theatrical game “Frosty days”. Goal: to encourage children to improvise.P.i. "Frost-red nose." Goal: to please children, to exercise children in running. P.i. “Who will throw further?” Purpose: to train children in throwing.
2 p.d.Creative game "Live Picture". Goal: to teach children to reproduce expressive poses and movements.Cognitive and research activity “Colored pieces of ice” (water coloring, distribution into molds). Purpose: to show children some properties of water - it is colored, takes the shape of a vessel).Reading A. Lipetsky “Snowflakes”. Goal: enrich children's vocabulary.Constructive modeling activities at the request of children. Purpose: to find out the level of development of constructive skills in children.Self-massage of hands “Let's play with our hands.” Goal: to help strengthen the body of children.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “What you can use to get around the city.” Goal: remember the rules of road safety, fix the name of the vehicle.Exercise "Magic thread". Goal: laying out the outline of familiar figures with threads.Di. “Who can name more actions?” Goal: to teach to actively use verbs in speech, to form various verb forms.Di. “Find the colors that are in the picture.” Goal: to develop the ability to identify and name the colors used in the picture.Exercise “Blow on snowflakes.” Goal: to promote the development of proper breathing.
Shoveling snow. Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts.Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features.Finger game "Snowball". Goal: to activate speech through fine motor skills.Coloring winter themed templates. Goal: to develop the ability to select required material for creativity.P.i. “Bullfinches” by N. Nishchev. Goal: development of tempo and rhythm of speech, basic movements. P.I. "Giants are dwarfs." Goal: improve walking technique, achieve a clear, wide stride.


GCD with children of the second junior group No. 10

"Winter Fun"

NGO “Cognitive Development”, “Speech Development”, “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”

Compiled by:

teacher Taraskina O.Yu.

Goal: Clarify children’s ideas about winter and its features.

  1. Learn:

Establish simple cause-and-effect relationships;

Convey in words the content of the work.

  1. Pin:
  • the ability to recognize and name the color, size, shape of objects;
  • knowledge about individual items of clothing worn in winter;
  • the ability to answer the teacher’s questions when examining objects;
  • the ability to roll plasticine between your palms and make balls in a circular motion.
  1. Develop attention, thinking, fine and gross motor skills, imagination, fantasy.
  2. Cultivate love for the environment.

Vocabulary work: clothes, shoes, spinning,

Material: picture of children playing winter Games, winter landscape, toy snowman, pictures of clothing and shoes, basket, white pieces of paper, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins.

Preliminary work:

Observing weather changes in winter, looking at illustrations, reading works about winter.

Individual work: Masha S., Arseny A. - to attract answers, Dima, Vova - to consolidate the ability to roll a lump of plasticine between the palms.

Organizing time

Children go to the group and sit on chairs. Attached to the easel is a picture depicting a winter landscape.

Guys, what time of year do you think it is? (Winter)

How did you guess? (It's snowing outside, it's cold)

I know a poem about winter. Listen carefully.

The teacher reads a poem, accompanied by showing an illustration.

"White snow, fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.”

What is the poem talking about? (About snow)

What kind of snow? (White, fluffy).

What does the snow do (spin, fall, lie down.)

The teacher puts a picture of winter fun on the easel.

What games do we play in winter? (children's answers)

There's a knock on the door.

Educator: who came to us? I'll go and have a look.

The teacher goes to the door and takes out a snowman.

Educator: Look who came to us?

Children: snowman.

Snowman: Hello! Oh, where am I?

Children: in kindergarten

Snowman: I think I'm lost! What should I do? How to get back home?

Educator: Children, where do you think the snowman lives? Where will we go?

Children: in the forest, on the street...

Educator: Don’t worry, we will help you. Shall we help the snowman?

Children: yes, we will help!

Snowman: Really? Then let's run quickly!

Educator: Take your time, have you forgotten what time of year it is outside? Guys, tell me.

Children: Winter!

Educator: Correct. Do you think it's cold or warm outside in winter? (Cold)

Educator: Can we hit the road naked?

Children: no.

Educator: Why?

Children: because we can freeze.

Educator: What do people wear to avoid freezing?

Children: Warm clothes.

The teacher leads the children to a table on which there are pictures of clothes and shoes.

Look, there are pictures of clothes and shoes on the table. Let's, girls take pictures with clothes, and boys with shoes.

Now the girls will tell you what is drawn in their pictures.

And now the boys.

Place on the table those pictures of clothes and shoes that can be worn in winter.

Masha will call winter clothes, and Arseny winter shoes.

Educator: Well, here is the Snowman, these clothes and shoes are worn outside in winter.

Snowman: great, I didn’t even know! Can we go now?

Educator: yes.

Children with a teacher and a snowman get up from their chairs and seem to go outside into the forest. There are pieces of white paper scattered on the floor in front of the children.

Educator: Oh, guys, look, what do you think this is? (Children's guesses)

Educator: This is snow. Look how much of it fell out. What are we going to do? How do we go further?

Children: let’s clean it with a shovel, go around, make snowballs...

Educator: let's make some snowballs and throw them into the basket.

The children, together with the teacher, crumple the paper and throw it into the basket.

The teacher and the children remain in the same place where they threw the paper.

Educator: oh, snowman, we are completely frozen and we need to warm up. Let's jump?

Physical education lesson “We are not afraid of frost.”

Let's depict what needs to be done to ensure that the frost is not terrible.

We'll warm up a little

And let's clap our hands:



We'll warm your feet too,

And let's drown quickly:



- Now let’s warm up parts of the face.

To keep warm, look(Rub your palms together).

Rub everything properly:

Cheeks,(Rub your cheeks with your palms), n osik(wings of the nose), ears, G uby.

Steam even came from my fur coat.(Spread your arms to the sides, slightly stretch your lips and exhale a stream of warm air through them).

- And if our hands are cold, how do we warm them?(Children exhale into their hands, pronouncing the sound “x”).

After physical education, the children stand near the snowman.

Snowman: Well, you and I have reached my house. But I'm not happy at all.

Educator: why?

Snowman: I have no friends here at all, but I had so much fun with you!

Educator: don’t be upset, we will help you, we will make friends for you! What do you think can be used to make friends for a snowman?

Children: made of snow, made of plasticine.

Educator: let's try to make it out of plasticine. Let's go to the tables and sit down at them. Look, I've already made a snowman. What parts do you think it consists of? (head, torso).

What shape is the head and body? (round).

What shape is the nose? (triangular).

What color is it? (red).

Tell me, what color are his eyes and buttons? (black).

What color is he? (white).

What is he wearing on his head? (bucket).

Let's try to build a snowman ourselves!

Let's take the stack in our hand and cut off the plasticine.

Now let's roll it into a ball - this will be the head. We roll the ball between our palms; if you can’t do it, you can roll it on a board.

Set the ball aside. Take the second piece of plasticine and roll the body.

Now we cut off a piece of red plasticine with a stack and roll it into a sausage, pull out the tip of the sausage and we get a nose. We attach his head.

Now we take black plasticine and cut off two small pieces with a stack and roll it into a ball. Then we flatten the plasticine and we get eyes, attach them to the head.

What a great fellow you are, you have made so many friends for the snowman. Now he definitely won’t be bored!

Snowman: thank you guys. I am very happy to make new friends. It's time for me to run.


Children: goodbye.

The teacher takes the snowman out the door.

Olga Shuvaikina
GCD summary: “Winter fun” for the second junior group.


consolidate the ability to answer the teacher’s questions. Learn

consider illustrations indicating children's activities.

To consolidate children's knowledge about winter activities (skiing,

sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman).

Materials, Equipment:

subject picture “On a walk in winter”; subject pictures “Winter fun”

Methods, techniques:

Conversation, story, art. word, looking at pictures, playing.

Progress of the lesson

1 Introductory talk

Guys, it's winter now. All children, young and old, love winter. How can you go for a walk in winter to make it interesting? (Build a snowman, sledding, cleaning paths, etc.).

Well done! You know how to have fun. Do you want to see how other children have fun in winter? (yes we want to).

2 Conversation on the picture.

The teacher shows the painting “On a walk in winter.”

Look at the picture, what you see in it, tell me... Children are sledding, skiing, several children are making a snowman.)

Guys, what do you think the snow was like that day when the children were walking? (White, clean, sticky).

Why do you think it's sticky? (Because they are making a snowman).

Was the frost severe? (No).

What kind of faces do children have? (cheerful, joyful, smiling).

Are the children cold? (No, their cheeks are red, children move a lot).

What are the children's mood? (Good, cheerful, joyful).

Physical education minute.

A game; "Grey bunny."

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears (squatting)

Like this, like this, he moves his ears. (make “ears on the top of the head” and move the “ears”)

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,

That's it, that's it, you need to warm your little paws. (rubbing pen against pen, slapping themselves on the sides).

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump. (they jump, turning around themselves).

The wolf scared the bunny gray bunny galloped away! (scatter around the group).

3 - There are a lot of winter activities. Let me now tell you different winter activities, if I say it correctly, then clap your hands:

In winter they play snowballs.

In winter they swim in the river.

In winter they ride a bicycle.

In winter they collect mushrooms.

In winter they collect berries.

In winter they go ice skating.

In winter they go sledding.

In winter they make snowmen.

In winter they go skiing.

Educator: Guys, do you hear? Who came to us?

The teacher points to a tree on which pictures of birds are attached.

Children: Birds!

Educator: Many are familiar to you, let's name them.

Children call: crow, sparrow, tit, magpie, dove.

Educator: That's right! These birds are called winter birds. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes. Because they stay with us for the winter. And some birds fly to warmer regions; they are called migratory.

Guys, is it easy for birds to survive winter?

Children: No. Because they have nothing to eat in winter.

Educator: Correct. What do birds eat?

Children: Seeds, grains, insects.

Educator: Of course. And we can help the birds, feed them.

5 Lesson summary

Guys, what did we talk about today? (about winter fun)

What kind of winter fun are there? (answers)

What did you like most? What was difficult?

This concludes our lesson. Well done!

Publications on the topic:

Calendar planning for the week “Winter fun, winter sports” Calendar planning of the group’s work: “Smart guys and girls” on the topic: “Winter fun, winter views Sports" January. III week 16.01-20.01.2017.

Open comprehensive GCD for certification “Winter Fun” of the second junior group Integrated educational areas: - Cognition - Communication - Artistic creativity- Socialization - Reading fiction.

Project "Winter Fun" in the second junior group Relevance Against the backdrop of environmental and social tension in the country, against the backdrop of the unprecedented.

Program content: To teach children how to play with toys, to promote the development of a plot-game concept, and to develop small skills.