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The temperature in the baby 2 months what to do. Features of measuring body temperature in infants

An increase in temperature in an infant is always a symptom of some kind of disease. This symptom is positive, it means that the body adequately responds to the onset of the disease.

It is known that at a body temperature above 38 ⁰С, viruses and bacteria stop multiplying and begin to die. Also, heat is an indispensable condition for the production of interferon. Despite this, fever always causes panic in the family and is accompanied by a search for an answer to the question, how to bring down the temperature in a baby?


1. In the first place is a viral, bacterial and fungal infection. In order for all parts of the immune system to work smoothly, special conditions are needed - elevated body temperature.

2. Babies often overheat in stuffy environments when they are wearing many layers of clothing. Therefore, before you wonder how to bring down the temperature in a baby, try to cool it down a bit, remove extra diapers, give water or milk to drink.

3. Babies often react with fever to stress, fear, and an uncomfortable situation. The reason is the functional immaturity of the thermoregulation center.

4. Autoimmune processes.

5. Oncological pathology.

What temperature can be brought down?

There are several rules that health workers adhere to when they are asked how to bring down the temperature in a baby?

1. Fever above 38.5 ⁰С is subject to drug correction for children of all ages.

2. Babies who are not yet 3 months old are given an antipyretic at the border of 38 ⁰С due to the immaturity of the brain.

3. Bringing down the temperature is necessary for children who have congenital and acquired diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys, central nervous system.

4. An elevated temperature is brought down to all children, without exception, who in the past had a case of convulsions against a background of fever (febrile convulsions).

5. There are children who do not tolerate the disease well: they are lethargic, not interested in toys, refuse mother's milk and cry. Such babies are also shown antipyretic.

How to bring down the temperature in the baby?

So, you and I have decided who needs to bring down the fever. What to do next?

1. Undress the baby. Make sure that the skin breathes and heat exchange occurs.

2. Give your baby fluid often enough. Children who are on breastfeeding may refuse to breastfeed during illness. Heat is an indication for supplementing with water.

3. Rub the baby with warm water and let it evaporate. You can leave a cool (20 ⁰С) compress on the forehead and liver area (on the right side) - they are intensively supplied with blood, and the blood will cool faster.

4. If physical methods did not help, then we get an antipyretic from the first-aid kit. Why didn't we do it right away, you ask?

Firstly, the cause of the heat could be a banal overheating of the baby, which we would have dealt with using the methods described above.

Secondly, how the body will behave during the illness is unknown. It is possible that the temperature will rise frequently, so the less drugs we use to reduce it, the better. Many babies respond well to physical methods to reduce fever.

So, among the antipyretics in your first aid kit should be only Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in suppositories or syrup. If the baby has not yet been introduced to complementary foods, and he instinctively pushes out the spoon, then use rectal suppositories or pour the medicine into your mouth with a syringe.

Despite the fact that the antipyretic effect of both drugs is the same, pediatricians primarily choose Paracetamol. It is allowed from 3 months, and as prescribed by a doctor from 1 month of age.

Ibuprofen is given to children from 6 months, but in practice it is also possible to use more early age. It is not recommended for use in chickenpox, as complications in the form of bacterial fasciitis are possible.

What should never be done

Now you know how to bring down the temperature in a baby. But there are things you can't do:

1. Follow people's councils and wipe the crumbs with diluted vodka or vinegar. The World Health Organization notes that they are absorbed through the skin of an infant, which can easily cause poisoning.

2. Give the following drugs:

Analgin(Metamizole). It is excluded from children's medicines because of the risk of causing anaphylactic shock, prolonged hypothermia, fainting, and a sharp decrease in granulocyte cells responsible for cellular immunity.

Aspirin. Prohibited in children under 15 due to the risk of causing Reye's syndrome and liver failure.

When baby temperature, then this can be a symptom of many diseases (including infectious diseases), in general, the temperature in a newborn can occur for several reasons. In most cases, the disease begins with an increase in body temperature, only then other symptoms appear. But at the same time, there are often situations when the temperature rises once and for no apparent reason. In what cases is a fever in a baby normal? What to do if the baby has a temperature?
I must say that in all infants the thermoregulation center is still imperfect, so the temperature in an infant may be higher than in older children. As soon as the baby is born, his body temperature is 37.5-38 degrees C, and already a few hours after birth, the child's temperature drops by 1-1.5 degrees. By 5-6 days after birth, the temperature of an infant, as a rule, is 37 degrees - and this is the norm for a newborn.
How to measure the temperature in the baby?
There are several ways to measure body temperature in an infant, for example, in the armpit or inguinal fold, as well as in the rectum (rectal). In addition, there are special nipples-thermometers that measure the temperature in the oral cavity (orally). If you measure the temperature by the oral method, then normally it will be half a degree higher than when measured under the arm or in the inguinal fold, and when measured rectally, it will be a full degree higher.
I must say that it is still possible to measure the temperature of a newborn using ear infrared thermometers. The advantages of such a measurement are the measurement speed (2-3 seconds), the presence of a fairly small error (only 0.2 C), as well as absolute safety (this device does not contain mercury, it does not contain glasses and emitting devices). The ear thermometer should be placed in the ear canal and after a few seconds the result will be visible on the display. Thermometers of this kind are very convenient to use in such babies, in whom it is rather problematic to measure body temperature in the usual way. However, it should be noted that an ear infrared thermometer is very expensive and not every parent can afford such a purchase.
When is the best time to measure body temperature in a baby?
You can not measure the body temperature of an infant immediately after eating, as well as after bathing, gymnastics or massage - for sure it will be elevated. It is best to take the temperature approximately 15-20 minutes after all these activities.
Due to the fact that in infants the temperature regulation center is not developed, they are very easily overcooled or overheated. And I must say that overheating is much more common. If, when measuring the temperature of a baby, it is clear that it is slightly elevated, then you just need to remove one layer of clothing from him.
The normal temperature for children under 6 months is 37.2 degrees. But everything is individual, the temperature of the baby largely depends on what speed the main metabolism of his body has, for example, in some children the temperature of 37.5 degrees is also considered the norm. However, it should be noted that such a temperature is only then considered normal if it is detected during daily measurement, and the fact that the baby has no signs of illness is also of great importance.
Since metabolic (metabolic) processes in the body of an infant occur quite intensively, the body temperature in the presence of a disease rises quite quickly. So, if a child has a temperature of 38 degrees on a thermometer, then after 30 minutes it will become equal to 39.5 degrees. In addition, another feature of babies is that when their temperature is above 38 degrees, then the so-called febrile convulsions occur. That is why it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the baby when it is above 37.5 degrees.
Why does the baby have a fever? Fever in an infant may be in the following cases:
- due to overheating (heat stroke) of the baby
- due to any illness of the child, for example, SARS, stomatitis, intestinal infections, etc.
- as a result of teething
- as a reaction to vaccination, stress
- due to an allergic reaction
due to neurological reasons.
I must say that if a baby has a fever, then in any case it is necessary to observe him. If the temperature has risen due to some disease, then in this case the baby develops intoxication, the child becomes lethargic, apathetic, refuses to eat, and other symptoms also appear.
When to start bringing down the temperature of the baby? How to bring down the temperature of an infant?
If a baby who is not yet 6 months old has a temperature above 37.5 degrees, then this is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. You can not wait until the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, you must immediately begin treatment with antipyretics.
Do not think that the higher the child's temperature, the more actively his body fights the infection. This is wrong. On the contrary, if the baby's temperature is above 38 degrees, then this can lead to seizures in the child, in addition, the child's strength in the presence of high temperature is depleted very quickly.
The very first thing to give a baby with a fever is to drink plenty of fluids. Due to the fact that the child's sweating increases and breathing becomes more frequent, his body becomes dehydrated. That is why one of the main tasks of parents in the presence of a high temperature in their child is that they should give the child water to drink, even if he is breastfed. You should offer water to the baby every 15-30 minutes - he will drink as much as he needs. It should be borne in mind that the warmer the room and the more the child sweats, the more water he needs to be given. As a drink, in addition to water, you can also use children's tea, a decoction of raisins or dried fruit compote. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the drink is approximately equal to the temperature of the child's body - in this case, it will be absorbed much faster from the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, the baby must ensure the presence of cool air in the room (but not more than 20 degrees). If the child is sweating, then it is necessary to change into dry clothes. The air in the room should be cool, but the clothes should be warm.
It is very important for parents to know the following: physical cooling, such as rubbing the body with vodka, vinegar, and wrapping in a wet sheet, should not be used in babies under any circumstances. Due to such methods, sweating worsens, and spasms of skin vessels are also stimulated. Thus, rubbing the skin with vinegar or vodka is quite dangerous for such small child.
What medicines to bring down the temperature in the baby? To reduce the temperature in children under one year old, two drugs can be used: paracetamol (this includes Panadol-baby, Eferalgan baby) and ibuprofen (Nurofen). It should be noted that Aspirin is contraindicated for children under 12 years old, because its use can lead to the development of complications (for example, Reye's syndrome - acute fatty degeneration of the liver). You can also use rectal suppositories and syrup. A very good effect is observed when using drugs based on paracetamol in ARVI.
All parents should know that it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs only if the child's body temperature rises. You should not give medicine in advance, by the hour. Paracetamol and ibuprofen without a doctor's examination should be given to the baby no more than 4 times a day and no more than three days in a row.
I must say that only a doctor will correctly determine the cause of the fever in an infant. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may need to monitor the baby in dynamics. Also, parents need to know that if a baby with a fever has a diaper that remains dry for 4 hours, and also if he has a retraction of the fontanel or if the child is sharply inhibited, then all this is a reason for an urgent call for an ambulance.

High fever in infants is a symptom of a developing disease, but not an independent disease. The most common cause is acute infections caused by bacteria or viruses. In addition, the temperature may appear from the fact that the child is too warmly dressed and managed to overheat, has experienced serious emotional stress, is thirsty, has recently been in the vaccination room. It is also worth mentioning such natural circumstances when a baby is teething and the central nervous system is affected.

It is believed that temperatures around 39 degrees are a deadly environment for most viruses and bacteria. Their death leads to clogging of the body with the subsequent appearance of intoxication, an increase in temperature and activation of the immune system.

Monitor the child's condition

If the crumbs have an elevated body temperature, it is worth observing not only the thermometer readings, but also the behavior of the baby, which could change. With adequate indicators of these parameters, it makes no sense to resort to a sharp decrease in temperature with available drugs.

Doctors advise parents not to bring down the temperature with the help of drugs, even if it reaches 39 degrees, if the activity and normal functioning of the baby's body is maintained. You can resort to removing one layer of clothes from the baby, try to undress him completely, lightly ventilate the room or wipe the skin cold water. It is worth noting that these measures are effective and most often help.

If the baby has pale skin, cold palms and feet, as well as changes in behavior (apathy, whims, refusal to eat and drink) at a temperature of 38 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There is a separate category of children who should not be allowed to raise the temperature to 38 degrees. This applies to a two-month-old baby, as well as children with seizures during previous cases of high fever and suffering from chronic diseases.

temperature 37 degrees

With good activity, excellent appetite and normal stool, this indicator should not cause any cause for concern. It is possible that this idiosyncrasy child, as a result of which there is no need to resort to additional treatment, given that children under the age of one have not yet acquired the function of thermoregulation. Its absence leads to rapid overheating and hypothermia.

Temperature 38 degrees

Here we can talk about the inclusion of the protective function of the body. Most often, the child tolerates it perfectly, maintaining activity, a good appetite, warm hands and legs. Parents can give the baby a warm drink, prepare an herbal decoction to maintain the general condition of the crumbs. No need to try to bring down the temperature, since this temperature range from 38 to 39 degrees allows you to use the protective functions of the body. The main thing is that the baby is preserved good mood and a condition that will allow you to avoid taking medications.

Temperature 39 degrees

The temperature may be accompanied by lethargy of the baby, which shows a refusal to eat food. The child has irritability, blurred vision, the hands and feet of the crumbs became cold, the heartbeat became more frequent and breathing became difficult. With such symptoms, medical attention is urgently required.

What to do when the temperature is high

  • It is necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids. First you need to prepare an herbal infusion that will help lower the heat.
  • If a woman continues to breastfeed her baby, it is worth breastfeeding as often as possible to make up for the lack of fluid in his body.
  • It is necessary to make sure that the clothes on the child correspond to the temperature regime of the room, since an additional layer of things will only increase the temperature of his body, causing overheating.
  • Experts recommend giving your baby air baths. For this, the child must be left naked for 10-15 minutes.
  • You can put a cool cloth on the baby's forehead.

Antipyretics for the little ones

The main requirement that applies to drugs that bring down the temperature is safety and effectiveness. It is best, according to experts, to use paracetamol (efferalgan, panadol, which can be supplied in the form of syrup, suppositories and suspensions), as well as nurofen (ibuprofen and ibufen). They have been tested for compliance with safety, and therefore are approved for use by children from the first months of life.

Do not give babies aspirin, which can cause various complications for the child's body. If heat appears in a child for the first time, you should not engage in self-treatment. It is better to consult a pediatrician.

Temperature in a baby (video)

Temperature is one of the indicators of the vital activity of our body, which depends on many physiological factors. The thermoregulation system, the center of which is located in the hypothalamus, ensures the maintenance of optimal temperature and regulates the balance between the loss and formation of heat in the body.

At birth, the thermoregulation system is still imperfect, so the body of children under the age of 3 months does not have the ability to constantly maintain temperature and reacts to any fluctuation temperature regime environment. It is for this reason that the doctors of the maternity hospital recommend that you properly care for the child and prevent overheating or hypothermia.

In some children, on the 3-5th day from birth, a temperature of up to 39 degrees can be observed. This only suggests that their body is adapting to life in a new environment, outside the womb. Closer to the age of 3 months, the formation of circadian rhythms begins, and at night the thermometer will stop at an indicator of up to 37 degrees. The maximum rate can be observed in the evening.

When measuring the temperature of a newborn, you need to know that the temperature will differ in different parts of the body. Therefore, each mother should take into account that in the armpit the indicator will be 0.3-0.6 degrees lower than in the rectum.

Normal body temperature in a newborn baby is considered to be up to 37.5 degrees. But in some cases, individual fluctuations in body temperature from 35 * C to 38.3 * C can also be found. To measure it, use a mercury or electronic thermometer.

Symptoms of fever in newborns

The first symptoms of fever in a newborn baby:

Rapid breathing and pulse
pallor skin or their redness.
shining eyes,

Rapid breathing and heart rate are considered the most important indicators of a rise in body temperature. In a healthy child, the pulse decreases no more than 130 times per minute during sleep, and in wakefulness mode - up to 160 beats per minute. When the baby cries, the pulse beats can increase to 200 beats per minute.

The respiratory rate of a newborn baby is up to 60 breaths per minute, while that of a one-year-old baby is up to 30 breaths. You also need to know that some children normally tolerate a slight increase in body temperature, without any deviations from the norm.

Elevated temperature, which is not a sign of the disease, can reach up to 38.3 * C in children. The reason for this may be:

Overheating of the newborn, excessive wrapping or violation drinking regime,
prolonged crying,
constitutional feature.

Whichever of these reasons caused the fever, it must be eliminated.

1. If the child was heavily wrapped or long time was under direct sunlight, then, most likely, he overheated. In this case, the child should be taken to a cool room, take off his clothes and give him a drink.

3. Prolonged crying can cause fever, but parents should establish true reason such behaviour. If you suspect colic, you should immediately call a doctor.

But it is best to avoid such situations and provide normal conditions for the child. Naturally, the process of teething cannot be reversed, and all children go through this without exception. Buy special teething toys for your baby that will make her feel better. You should not bring down the temperature if it does not rise above 38.5 * C

At the same time, you need to know that a thermometer indicator of 38 * C can also indicate the development of the disease. Most often it is:

ear, nose, and throat diseases.

An increase in body temperature is sometimes observed in a newborn and after vaccination.

Speaking about diseases, it can be noted that the severity of the disease cannot be judged by the indicator of a thermometer - this is just a reaction of the body.

How to deal with parents with a fever in children

When the parents of a newborn child notice that his body temperature has risen, the first thing they do is call a pediatrician. This is correct, while each of them should know how to react to the current situation before his arrival.

What body temperature is considered normal, you already know. Therefore, no action should be taken if the thermometer does not exceed 38 * C. A higher temperature in children, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, must be brought down by one of the non-drug methods, which will be described in the article below. Take your temperature and write it down each time on a separate piece of paper that you will need to show to your doctor. Also do not forget to enter what was the frequency of the measurement procedure.

By the time the doctor arrives, you should tell him your assumptions about the cause of the temperature increase, tell what methods you gave the baby to reduce the temperature.

You need to call an ambulance in the following cases:

When the temperature in children under 3 months of age,
when the thermometer in the armpit shows above 38 * C,
when the baby's neck is not flexible and you cannot tilt his head towards your chest.
if the baby is prone to seizures.
if the temperature is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea.
the baby refuses food for more than 6 hours,
urine color changed
a rash appeared on the body,
when the child has a chronic illness.

How to bring down fever in children?

First of all, the child should be in a well-ventilated room with a normal level of humidity. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees. Remember that electric heaters dry the air, so it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning frequently.
Do not worry if the baby with a fever eats little and without appetite - this is considered the norm. Most importantly, make sure that he saturates his body with fluid. Therefore, you need to drink it often, albeit in small portions.

To reduce the thermometer readings, you can wipe the body of a newborn with a diaper soaked in warm water.. As a result of the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, the body temperature will slowly decrease.

Drinking plenty of fluids is an essential remedy for lowering the temperature. You still won’t be able to convince the baby to drink more, but you can often offer him his favorite drinks. If the baby is exclusively breastfed, then breastfeed more often.

Never wipe the body of a newborn with alcohol or vinegar - these are old grandmother's recipes that can only aggravate the situation.

Medical methods to reduce the temperature in a newborn child

The safest medicines for newborns are those based on paracetamol - Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol, etc.

It is strictly forbidden to mix drugs into milk mixtures. And the main thing that parents should remember, especially when it comes to a newborn child under the age of 3 months, is that the name of the drug, as well as the norms of use, should be prescribed only by a doctor after examining the baby.

In a newborn, it is considered a frequently occurring phenomenon that makes parents very worried about the well-being of the child. But it is worth knowing that thermoregulation, like other systems of a small organism, is at the stage of formation, so the temperature of the crumbs can change during the day.

It is known that during wakefulness or feeding in a baby, the body temperature is higher than during sleep. Often 38 degrees makes mothers nervous, call doctors. In fact, there is no need for this, if this moment the baby is at the peak of activity. The children's body is prone to rapid heating, but due to the presence of the fontanel, the cooling process also occurs quickly. In the first months of life, babies are completely different, so you should not compare with your own indicators.

If we talk about the standard value, then the fluctuation of the thermometer from 36.3 to 37.2 is considered the norm. Existing doubts can be easily checked whether it is enough during sleep or motion sickness of the baby. In the event that it remains elevated and does not decrease for some time, you need to consult a pediatrician. It is worth worrying when the mark on the thermometer always exceeds 37.5 degrees.

The child's behavior changes, he becomes lethargic, cries a lot, which is why he hardly sleeps and eats poorly. At the same time, it indicates the body's ability to fight viruses or infections that overwhelm the baby. This is what sometimes stops parents in an effort to lower the mark on the thermometer as soon as possible. If harmful bacteria are walking around the body, then you need to give him the opportunity to cope with them on his own. But it is worth remembering that the established norm is dangerous for an unformed child's body, so a mandatory visit to a doctor is necessary. Only a pediatrician can consider clinical picture and identify the cause.

An immediate appeal to the doctor is necessary in case of temperature cramps, in which the baby's arms, legs, chin and even eyelids begin to twitch. This condition is considered severe, as it often leads to loss of consciousness. Therefore, in such cases, you should not hesitate to call an ambulance.

In other cases, you can try to cope with the fever with household methods, but in any case, after the high temperature in the newborn has decreased, you should seek help from a specialist.

Elevated temperature in a newborn: ways to reduce it

Under household methods of lowering the thermometer indicator, they mean creating conditions that are as favorable as possible for self-regulation. Firstly, the baby needs to be changed more often, and things should be selected from natural materials that absorb sweat well and allow the skin to “breathe”. Secondly, due to the heating of the body, the liquid evaporates faster, and therefore, the balance is disturbed, to restore which the baby needs to increase the number of doses. breast milk Or give some water. Thirdly, a child, like any adult, needs a flow of fresh air during the period of illness, so the room must be well ventilated.

The most common household remedy for lowering the temperature is a cool compress on the legs of the baby. It is necessary to moisten a soft cloth in water and wrap the legs, and on top of the compress is covered with a dry towel. Change the napkin every 10 minutes for half an hour. At proper care It will be possible to bring down the temperature level by one degree.

And remember that with any questions of interest, you can (and should!) Contact a doctor who will give a detailed consultation. You can ask for the phone number of the attending physician in order to be able to contact him if necessary.