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Military patriotic education in kindergarten. Military-patriotic education of preschool children through project activities

The Federal State Standard of one of the most significant areas of activity of teachers and psychologists determines the patriotic education of preschoolers. Such an approach corresponds to the prevalence of spiritual values ​​over material ones.

Awareness of oneself not just as a person, but as a citizen of Russia, responsible towards her and ready to protect her, is one of the most important goals of modern education. Its implementation begins with children up to school age.

The peculiarity of the psyche of preschool children

The consciousness of kids is characterized by emotional openness, readiness for empathy. Children do not yet have clear life guidelines, but there is an active process of building them. That is why preschool age, like no other, is suitable for instilling the value of love for the Fatherland, with the aim of educating the foundations of citizenship and patriotism.

Love for one's country is a feeling. The educator works with the emotional-volitional sphere of the psyche, operates with impressions, emotions. Patriotic education preschoolers implies a whole range of feelings in the souls of children.

The child should feel pride in his country, understand that every person is worthy of respect. The kid begins to feel that he is not alone, but behind his back is the great history of his Motherland, to which he must treat with boundless reverence.

The feeling of beauty, the ability to discern and appreciate the beauty of nature around is also a component of love for the Motherland. Beautiful paintings by Russian artists come to the aid of educators, capturing truly magical landscapes of their native land. In addition, the teacher draws the attention of children to the view outside the window or the surrounding nature during a walk. The child is open to new impressions, he pays attention to what used to be everyday life for him, discovers beauty hometown.

If the kindergarten is located in a city where there is no opportunity to demonstrate nature nearby, then caring for the group’s premises or a plot on the street, planting flowers and trees, taking care of them can be presented by the teacher as a contribution of kids to decorating the city. Children feel that it is with such small deeds that true love for the Motherland begins.

Family as the basis of education

Sequence educational work lies in the fact that the beginning of the formation of moral and patriotic feelings is the atmosphere in the family. Healthy interpersonal relationships within the family is the key to successful educational work, this is especially true for patriotic education. Responsible and respectful attitude of children towards their parents is the first step towards realizing the identity of oneself as a citizen.

Patriotic education of preschool children originates from the family. That is why the stories of elders, reading books to children about great and heroic events in the history of Russia, folklore in the form of folk tales, songs, proverbs and sayings is a special stage in the formation of moral patriotic feelings among preschoolers. The child understands that he lives not just in a family, but in a society that has its own rich history. The process of adaptation to society begins, and the education of patriotism is its direction as part of society. In the future, elements of the work are transferred to the walls of the kindergarten, but the family creates exactly the basis on which the further system of educating attitudes towards the native country will be built.

The tasks of patriotic education

The main goal of patriotic education is the formation of love for the Fatherland, a responsible attitude towards people and nature, and the establishment of a strong relationship between generations.

The Federal State Educational Standard defines the following tasks for the patriotic education of preschool children:

  • the formation of a sense of pride in their people;
  • education of reverence for national cultural customs and traditions;
  • formation of tolerance towards friends, parents, adults, representatives of other nationalities;
  • education of norms of morality and morality, a positive attitude towards others, respect for elders, courtesy.

It should be understood that it is impossible to implement one of these tasks in isolation from the others. Consistency and integrity in the implementation of all these tasks will ensure the harmonious development of the individual and lead to the achievement of the goal of patriotic education. Problem solving must be purposeful and continuous.

Educators and parents should work together, children should not hear in kindergarten one point of view and at home another. In this case, the patriotic education of preschoolers will not be successful, the kids are faced with a contradiction, which they cannot overcome.

The role of musical means in the education of patriotism

Music, like any other kind of art, affects mainly the human soul, leaves impressions that he experiences, makes him feel, experience strong emotions.

That is why the role of music in patriotic education is so great. As a rule, in the classroom, educators use works that are valuable in terms of education.

The perception of the surrounding world by preschoolers is emotional, and it is this that becomes the basis for the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers by means of music. If the works find a response and understanding among the kids, then we should talk about the successful course of education.

Psychologists have established that any person is characterized by deep feelings of love for the Motherland, for its history and culture. It is on these feelings that the patriotic education of preschool children is built. In addition, the socio-cultural environment in which a person resides also has an educational effect. Music is a vivid manifestation of national culture.

Often, educators in the classroom turn not to author's, but to folk music, as well as works by composers who often used folk motifs, for example, P.I. Tchaikovsky, I.I. Glinka, S.S. Prokofiev. This is due to the fact that it is folk music that can most fully express the culture and life of the ancestors. In addition, it has an uncomplicated melody and simple words that kids can memorize and sing along.

Military-patriotic education of preschool children

The main goal of the military-patriotic education of preschoolers is to awaken their passion for the history of Russia, their native land.

During the conversation, they usually talk about the Second World War, about the fate of their native land and its inhabitants, about famous heroes and fateful events. In the family, parents tell their children about the life of great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers during the war years, show photographs, take them to local history museums.

Children feel the continuity of generations, feel like the heirs of a large country with a rich history, begin to be interested in it, strive to know it through the prism of their family history.

To implement military-patriotic education programs, there are many forms of organizing children's activities: reading and discussing books, role-playing games, trips to monuments or excursions, thematic exhibitions, meetings with veterans. Programs necessarily involve the cooperation of educators and psychologists with parents, since love for the Motherland cannot be developed on empty place if the child does not know the history of his family, who were his ancestors. Therefore, during the implementation of programs, parents play an important role.

The role of holidays in the education of patriotism

The holidays of February 23 and May 9 provide ample opportunities for the formation of interest in the history of Russia. Events dedicated to anniversaries, suggest that children already know these pages of Russian history.

Therefore, in preparation for the celebrations, the teacher tells the kids about the Great Patriotic War, what the army is, why it is needed. The Defender of the Fatherland Day program itself may include a role-playing game.

Children try on the role of soldiers, heroes, famous personalities, play out famous events, which allows kids to better understand the motives, feelings and emotions of people.

Boundless respect for the exploits of veterans, the desire to become their worthy heirs - these feelings develop in kids during the game and preparation for it.
Victory Day is a holiday during which everyone feels the strongest connection between generations, one of the most respected holidays. Every family has its own traditions associated with May 9, its own stories about relatives who took part in the Great Patriotic War. On Victory Day, the child is in a unique atmosphere of unity of all citizens of the country, remembering their heroes. The kid receives information about the ancestors who took part in the defense of the Motherland, feels ownership of the history of his family and country.

In preschool educational institutions, children learn songs dedicated to the Victory, read poems about the Second World War. Meetings are held with veterans, children listen to their stories, give flowers and gifts.

Civic-patriotic education

Teachers divide the civil-patriotic education of preschoolers into several areas:

  1. "Baby and Family" In the family, the child receives primary knowledge about the world around him, a respectful attitude towards his relatives is cultivated, he learns about the professions of his parents, family history, and traditions.
  2. "Kindergarten". In kindergarten, with the help of various forms of organizing activities, the child learns to interact with peers, elders, learns about the basic rules of politeness. The preschooler begins to take care of the environment, seeks to maintain order in the group. It is during the implementation of this component that the active socialization of the child begins.
  3. "Hometown and Homeland" Kids get knowledge about the history of their native city, about its sights, famous people. Gradually, the sphere of interest expands, children learn about other cities of Russia, about the capital, teachers talk about the symbols of their native city and country, cultivate a respectful attitude towards them. The child is aware of his personal involvement in Russia, feels like a citizen.
  4. "Native culture". In the process of implementing the component, kids acquire knowledge about folk art, talk about the daily work of the people, about their history, and read fairy tales. Children visit local history museums, participate in folk holidays.

Modern approaches to the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers involve the development of social solidarity.

It is these feelings that will allow the baby to develop harmoniously and take a worthy position in a multinational and high-tech society.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cultivating love for the motherland. Other positive qualities of the baby develop in a patriotic way.

The relevance of patriotic education

Raising patriotism in children preschool age is the most important task of modern pedagogy. Russia has experienced tremendous changes over the past 30 years.

Spiritual and moral guidelines, attitudes towards historical events have changed. However, the difficulties of this time cannot be the basis for the termination of patriotic education.
Patriotism is quite close to political views, loyalty to the current government. In the key of cultivating love for the Motherland, he should not go into these areas.

The Law on Education determines that every citizen of Russia must love and respect his country, have a deep emotional attachment to it and be ready to defend his convictions. It is important for educators and parents to differentiate between patriotic feelings and political views.

Loyalty or disloyalty to the current government should not be related to fostering a sense of love for the Motherland. Politics cannot influence the process of education. Otherwise, patriotism may be perceived by children as something that divides people, and not unites. It is the feeling of closeness of all citizens of the country, responsibility for each other that makes patriotism such an important quality of the modern personality.

Willingness to defend one's family and country is the most important component of love for one's Motherland.

Preschool children do not yet have a civic position and knowledge of historical facts, personal guidelines have just begun to form. The goal of teachers and parents is the moral and patriotic education of preschool children, the formation of a responsible attitude towards the Motherland and others. In the course of education, kids become real citizens of the country, ready to defend it, be proud of it, love its culture, contribute to its prosperity, and also treat other countries and cultures with respect. This is the patriotic education of preschool children.

Reading 11 min.

Motherland is such a simple and complex concept at the same time. It can be big and small, understandable and mysterious, it includes so much, but everything is understandable and close to the heart. Love for the motherland is valuable moral quality, which goes along with a sense of collectivism, friendship, diligence, culture of behavior.

Can it be brought up in people or is it acquired at birth?

There are people who were born far from the Motherland of their ancestors⚔️, but grew up and absorbed the culture of their "New Motherland". This means that the feeling of love for the Motherland can be nurtured; parents, educators, and teachers should work in this direction.

What is patriotism

Is love for the Motherland unconditional? The question is ambiguous, but on the other hand, the native land gives us a language, a family, friends, images of the native land, opportunities for development and support, culture, a way of thinking, a collective “we”.

A very difficult period for a person is a sober look at the problems that he sees in his homeland. At this moment, you need to try to understand and love her honestly and openly, only a feeling of love for the Motherland at this moment will help you stay in your native land, do everything for a bright and happy future, this is the goal of education.

The concept of "I am a patriot"

Russian culture and history contain a huge base for patriotic education. The heroes of past years have repeatedly proved their love for the Motherland with their valiant deeds, when they put the common good in the first place in exchange for their lives. Such historical episodes leave an indelible mark on the mind of the student.

Educators and psychologists agree that school years- this is the most favorable time for instilling a sense of love for the Motherland, this is an important goal of the period.

Patriotic education is an integral part of a harmoniously developed personality. In the minds of people from the same culture, there are basic concepts of good and evil, justice, and duty. Work on the formation of patriotic feelings is systematic and systematic.

What does the education of patriotism include

What does the patriotic education of schoolchildren include?

  • development of love for one's fatherland;
  • willingness to act in the interests of the Motherland, neglecting their own;
  • pride in the culture of the Motherland, its achievements, successes;
  • the desire to stand up for the interests of the Motherland and the people, when the need arises;
  • devotion to the Fatherland.

Levels of Patriotism

Patriotic education of schoolchildren is an increase in the activity of future citizens, the development of responsibility, the preservation of spirituality, and the strengthening of the state.

Global goals can only be achieved by solving large-scale tasks:

  • assertion of patriotic values, views, beliefs;
  • respect for the history, culture, heroic past of the country;
  • increasing the prestige of military service;
  • involvement in the solution of socio-economic, patriotic, cultural, legal issues;
  • studying and understanding the basic law of the country, creating conditions for the realization of all the rights and freedoms of citizens;
  • instilling in citizens a sense of pride and respect for their country;
  • formation and development of tolerance towards the carriers of another culture.

Military-patriotic education - knowledge of the country's military history and readiness to defend it

The tasks of patriotic education on the example of the school

  • Formation of a holistic picture and knowledge about their homeland. The student can get this knowledge in the lessons of natural history and geography, in the first lessons of these disciplines the teacher gives an idea about the location, climate, economy, demography, and cultural characteristics.
  • Knowledge of the history of their Fatherland. Program high school includes the history of the country, native land, world history with a projection on the native country. Russia has a rich history and not an easy fate; understanding of the present is impossible without a detailed study of the past.
  • The goal is to educate the younger generation of interest in the world around us. At biology lessons, schoolchildren get acquainted with nature, flora and fauna, native nature is of great interest. Excursions around the native land are very popular among schoolchildren.

School age is one of the most favorable for the assimilation of norms and acquaintance with social life.

Patriotic education outside of society is impossible, so educators and psychologists often specify that it is rather social and patriotic education.

A social science lesson is one of the methods of patriotic education

In the middle classes, such a subject as social science is introduced, which sets the development of an active life position of the student as one of its goals. Children actively express their opinions, interact with peers, organize school holidays and activities.

In the course of preparation, children have a common cause for which they are responsible.

Joint work, work, analysis of events, the study of literature and the media introduce schoolchildren to the social and patriotic life of the country.

Joint actions dedicated to the Day of the Flag of the Russian Federation

Teachers, outlining a plan for patriotic education, should focus on the characteristics of school-age children.

Methods of patriotic education

Children's perception is different from adults. Schoolchildren think in images, draw vivid visual pictures, connect to perception with all their emotionality, and react vividly to significant events.

When studying any subject, there must be a personal component, the child cannot think in unfamiliar abstractions, only the information that is significant for him will be learned and accepted. For example, to study history, many teachers ask the child to write their family tree with the help of older relatives.

Drawing up a family tree - a method of patriotic education

Schoolchildren understand all the milestones of history that they perceive through the life and fate of close relatives.

  • It is very important for children to be personally involved in school activities. When a student participates in cleaning the school, gardening the school site, maintaining order, congratulating veterans, then there is a rapprochement with educational institution, native land, country.
  • Patriotic holidays. Now there are fewer eyewitnesses of the events of the Great Patriotic War. Many schools and other organizations take patronage over veterans. On the eve of the anniversary of memorable events, I invite front-line soldiers to solemn meetings. Schoolchildren are preparing a cultural program during which large-scale research and detailed preparation are carried out. Only preparatory events are able to form in schoolchildren a sense of respect, values ​​for the contemporaries of those events.

Meeting with war and labor veterans is an important method of ERW

A powerful emotional component is the meeting with veterans and home front workers. These people have experienced a difficult time in their lives and the life of the country. Communication with veterans leaves a deep imprint in the children's minds, it is at such moments that the feeling of patriotism and pride in one's people grows stronger.

Children think very concretely, abstract images and concepts are far from them. Patriotism and love for the Motherland begins for them with love for their neighbors: mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother. The child must understand that the people around him are also someone's parents, grandparents, this is how a feeling of love for neighbors is formed, and, consequently, for the Motherland. The feeling of respect is formed during the celebration of the International women's day, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

For social and patriotic education are very important cool watch, during which the child can focus on their small homeland.

Landscapes, memorable places, sights are very dear to the heart of any person. Visual images remain in the mind forever, tactile sensations, favorite dishes, loved ones. It is thanks to such memories that a feeling of nostalgia is formed if, for some reason, a person leaves his homeland. Many emigrants note that longing for the Motherland cannot be replaced by excellent conditions and prosperity. Childhood is one of the happiest times in a person's life, where the feeling of love for one's native places cannot be measured by anything.

Patriotic education based on cultural and historical values

The personality of the teacher is very important in socio-patriotic education. Primary and middle school students perceive the words of the teacher as the truth. Therefore, the training of teachers and their personal participation is important. Children very subtly feel emotions and falsehood, if the teacher tries to convince the child of something that he himself does not believe, then the goal will not be achieved.

For schoolchildren primary school and the first grades of middle management do not lose the relevance of the game.

In this form, it is easier for children to learn and remember the material. During the game, children can get acquainted with patriotic paraphernalia. Concerts and reenactment are relevant for older children important points in the history of the country. In this form, all the material will become personality-oriented, perceived by the child as native.

Patriotic games are held from the first classes

In the history office, you can place a calendar of memorable events in the life of the country. Visual reminder works great with children's memory. The process of creating a calendar can be turned into a real study.

In the formation of socio-patriotic feelings, a very important component is the social environment. If a child communicates with cultured and educated peers, then the likelihood of developing a sense of love for the Motherland increases many times over. From history, one can recall the nobility with high moral values. Young people from the nobility certainly loved their Fatherland. The environment provides a pattern of behavior that children imitate. At this stage, it is important to analyze with whom the child communicates, any mistakes at this stage will be seriously manifested throughout the life of a person.

Competitions on the knowledge of the history of the country

An important component of socio-patriotic education is historical era. If the foundations and society are shaken, this is instantly reflected in the youth, their patriotic mood. That is why, in the era of regime change, the younger generation is confused and looking for new foundations.

Formation of the legal environment for the development of socio-patriotic education

  • A clear understanding of the child's rights and responsibilities. At the same time, they should not just be discussed, but explained to the child, emotionally close.
  • Participation of the child in the life of the class, the joint development of rules and laws of graying.
  • Active and active participation of children in school life, responsibility for organizing events and actions.
  • Feeling of security of the child, reliance on the school team, resolving contentious issues based on ideas of justice.
  • Working creative atmosphere and psychological climate.
  • Humane approach to the personality of the child.
  • Productive solution of conflict situations, where conclusions are drawn, options for the development of situations are discussed.
  • Work on general discipline, a sense of order.
  • Respectful attitude to the native language, constant work on vocabulary, purity of the language. An excellent work on the study of the language is the study of native literature and poetry.

Patriotic drawing competition

The development of patriotic feelings of the younger generation was relevant at all times. Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have communicated with young people, passed on their experience, knowledge and love for the Motherland. Such continuity of generations ensured the stability of the state, created a reliable support for power and the future of the people. During periods of a sharp change in the foundations of society, the younger generation turned out to be confused, did not know what to believe in, it was precisely such stages that turned out to be very shaky for the integrity of the state.

The role of the teacher in patriotic education

Teachers are well aware that the training of future defenders of the Motherland is a complex and multifaceted task that requires high qualifications. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve one's skills, replenish the conceptual apparatus with new knowledge, and most importantly, by personal example, educate children with the necessary qualities of a person, a citizen.

A special role in matters of ⚔️ military-patriotic education is given to the creation and operation of school museums. After all, big things start small. Schoolchildren can be involved in collecting information, materials, creating an exposition, and working as guides. In such activities, the guys will feel their significance, usefulness, they will miss the history of their school, region through their hearts. This interest and care will later grow into love for the country, society, state.

Summing up, we note that patriotic education is an important part of the country's future. Based on the previous theses, we draw some conclusions:

  • the result of patriotic education should be the education of a citizen who passionately loves his homeland;
  • only the joint efforts of the family, the teaching staff and the state in the upbringing of the younger generation will be able to ensure the full development of the individual with a clear civic position;
  • educate generations new Russia on the heroic examples of the history of our Motherland, national traditions, cultural and historical values ​​of the Russian people.

The main thing in patriotic education is a personal example of adult citizens of the state, when children in Everyday life they will constantly see the positive aspects of the careful attitude of their adult comrades to their native nature, land, to their neighbor, their Fatherland.

Not in influencing the child, but only in the cooperation of children with adults, it is possible to educate a real patriotic citizen.

Patriotic education is a complex, and most importantly, the most important component of the general educational process of personality formation.

Video: Patriotic education of schoolchildren

Julia Gurman
Military patriotic education



The relevance of the topic, the motivation for choosing it, the correlation of personal experience in solving a professional problem with the achievements of science and practice.

Preschool age is the period of the beginning of the formation of the basic culture of the individual. In preschool childhood, the process of ascent of the individual to the values ​​of society begins, and the child acquires the first life guidelines. The studies of O. P. Radynova, E. P. Gorlova, N. E. Shchurkova prove that in the senior preschool age, the content of socio-psychological formations in the structure of the child’s personality is the components of culture or the basic personality of a preschool child.

One of the basic principles preschool education is to familiarize children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 article 1.4). Consequently, a preschool educational organization, as the initial level of the education system of the Russian Federation, must solve the problems of patriotic preschool education.

Patriotism is the most important moral quality. Patriotism is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love and devotion to the Fatherland; pride in his past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland. (Concise philosophical dictionary).

The modern educational process prepares the student to become a responsible citizen, actively participate in the political life of the state and be able to do a lot for his country.

In the concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a Russian citizen, patriotism (love for Russia, for one's people, for one's small homeland; service to the Fatherland) is defined as a basic national value. In the concept of patriotic education citizens of the Samara region, 4 areas of patriotic education, one of which is military-patriotic.

The thematic approach to building the educational process in preschool allows you to use the potential public holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day as a theme-forming factor.

This determined the choice of the topic of the final work.

Contradictions, their conditionality of pedagogical practice at the present stage of development education:

- children of older preschool age have some military-patriotic ideas, but do not implement them in their activities;

– there is no systematic approach to the implementation of the regional component (patriotic upbringing) in educational process DOO.

professional problem: what content, forms and methods can be used to solve the problems of older preschoolers in the process of implementing the topic "Defenders of the Fatherland"?

Tasks, the solution of which will provide a new educational result aimed at solving Problems:

- to determine the content available to children of senior preschool age military-patriotic performances;

- create a cultural and educational environment in preschool educational institutions;

– to increase the competence of teachers in solving problems related to military-patriotic education of preschoolers;

- to unite the efforts of the family and preschool educational institutions to solve problems military-patriotic education older preschoolers.


PROCESS DESIGN MILITARY AND PATRIOTIC EDUCATION CHILDREN OF THE OLDER PRESCHOOL AGE (in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard DO)

Model Components Organization Models educational-educational process in the logic of GEF DO

Joint activities of the teacher and children Conditions for independent activities of children Cooperation

with parents

OD Mode moments

Target component 1. Tasks focused on obtaining children's cognitive experience

1.1 Introduce children to the names of military branches In Russia

1.2 Expand your understanding of military equipment

1.3. Get to know the features military uniform

2. Tasks focused on getting children emotional experience

2.1 Develop an interest in military service

2.2 Introduce children to patriotic art

3. Tasks focused on children's experience of actions

3.1 Develop skill in productive activity reflect their ideas about the Russian Army

3.2 Distinguish between the uniforms of the various branches of the military

Theme: "Bogatyrs of the Russian Land"

Theme: « Military uniform»

OD 3 Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)


“We will vigilantly guard the borders of the Motherland!”

1. Outdoor switch with maces

2. Guessing literary riddles "Epic Heroes of Rus'".

3. D / i "Scouts"


1. Relays "Nimble Rider"

2. Relay "Accurate shooter"

1. Conversation about epic heroes

2. Consideration of illustrations about the Russian army

3. Reading and learning poems, epics about heroes, outdoor games

4. Drawing on the topic: "Defenders of the Fatherland"

5. Making gifts for dads

6. Watching cartoons "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent"

7. Role-playing game "Pilotka"

OD "Music":

Musical accompaniment for morning exercises


1. Mobile game "Trap".

2. Conversation "What was my dad's job?"


2. Watching a cartoon "Malchish-Kibalchish"

current environment

Photo album "I want to be like my dad";

Story pictures on the topic;

Placement in the book corner of works of art on the topic;

Attributes for a role-playing game "I AM - military» ;

Children's songs about the Army;

Paints, colored pencils; felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper, napkins.

current environment

OD "Music":

Song "Three Tankers" with corresponding illustration

1. Making a photo album: "I want to be like my dad"

2. Design poster information, congratulations on the holiday.

4. Organization of an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the project.

5. "Papa is visiting us - military….

Information in the parent corner:

"Raising the Future Citizen"

Technological (procedural) component Stroke

1. Conversation.

2. Building, walking, running.

3. Outdoor switch with maces.

4. Relay races by squads.

5. Rebuilding in a column one at a time and walking in a circle marching.

1. Talk about military uniform.

2. View presentation

3. Dynamic pause

4. Task - coloring.

OD 3 - "Music"

1. Artistic word "What do we call Motherland?" V. Stepanova.

2. Listening: "Three Tankers"

3. Articulation gymnastics: "We roll the ball", "We will punish the tongue"

4. Singing: "Good Soldiers" A. Filippenko

6. Playing music tools: "On the mountain, viburnum" R. n. m., arr. Y. Chichkova

7. Musical-rhythmic exercises: "March" F. Nadenenko, exercise "Today fireworks" D. Babajanyan.

Forms of organization

Methods and techniques

1. Conversation.

2. Didactic game.

3. Exercise


1. Outdoor games.

2. Conversation.

1. Discussion of proverbs and sayings about the family.

2. Productive activity (Painting). 3. Watching cartoons.

4. Reading.

5. Role-playing game


1. Mobile game

1. Productive activity (drawing "Tanks").

2. Watching a cartoon "Malchish-Kibalchish"

3. Reading works of fiction on the relevant topic

Ways to interact with materials and attributes

Methods and techniques

Encouragement to joint consideration, discussion, compilation of stories;

Encouragement to manufacture attributes and materials for a role-playing game;

Encouragement to depict the impressions received (of what they saw, what they remembered, what they liked the most);

Encouragement of initiative and activity of children. Forms and methods of interaction


poster information

Participation in the design of the thematic album (providing photos of dads and grandfathers about serving in the Army)

Organizing activities with parents dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland

Effective Component

(possible achievements of the child) Showing interest in the army, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Formation in children of love for the Motherland.

Formation of high moral personal qualities: responsiveness, justice, courage, tolerance

Consolidation of some ideas about the history of our country.

Expanding a child's familiar repertoire (knows and can sing a song about soldiers).


1. Personnel conditions: caregivers senior age groups, music worker, physical education instructor.

2. Scientific and methodological terms: "The concept of spiritual and moral development and education personality of a citizen of Russia”, PLO, working programm music worker, physical education instructor work program

3. Logistics terms: music center, audio CDs, reproduction of a painting by artist V. Vasnetsov "Heroes"; map of Russia, books about heroes, sound recording of the song "Our heroic strength" A. Pakhmutova to verses by N. Dobronravova: flag of Russia, music center, audio CDs, Balloons(according to the number of children, wooden spoons, rattles, maracas, tambourines, a whistle bird, bells, a helmet and chain mail for the Governor, skittles - maces for performing outdoor switchgear according to the number of children, a tape recorder with discs: "Our heroic strength" Dobrynina, "Soldiers, brave kids" R. n. P., "March"; for games: 3 baskets, 3 cones, 3 "horses" on a stick, 3 ring throws, rope, 3 sabers, 3 hoops; cubes - for scoring; parcel, letter, emblems, computer, interactive whiteboard, military headgear

4. Regulatory and legal conditions (regulatory the documents: The federal law "On education in Russian Federation» (2012) GEF NOO, GEF OO, FGT to the structure of the OOP DO, FGT to the conditions for the implementation of the OOP DO, SanPiN, etc.)

5. Information conditions (sources of literature, Internet resources)

1. "Physical Education in Kindergarten" L. I. Penzulaeva. Program Library "Birth to School" 2013

2. MY FATHERLAND RUSSIA! Integrated system education patriotism and citizenship in children of preschool and primary school age / Bogacheva I. V. [and others]. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2005.-232 p.

3. Moral and patriotic upbringing older preschoolers through familiarization with the cultural values ​​of their native cities: Guidelines for preschool workers educational institutions/ Ed. E. I. Rusina. - Togliatti, 2008. - 26 p.

6. Organizational conditions

Development of abstracts of the OD, the scenario of the final event;

Development of outline plans for forms of work with parents;

Selection of cartoons about the Army;

Selection of musical accompaniment for musical and sports entertainment.

Recently, the traditions of patriotic consciousness have been lost in society, so the relevance of the problem of educating patriotism in preschool children is obvious. To teach a child to always love relatives and friends, to treat their Motherland with care and love, to feel pride in their people, is a very difficult task, since in modern families the issues of patriotism and citizenship are not considered important and often cause only bewilderment.
There is no such family in Russia
Where the hero was not remembered.
And the eyes of young soldiers
They look from the photographs of the withered ...
This look is like the highest court
For the guys that are growing up now.
And boys can't
Don't lie, don't cheat
Turn off the path!
(Vladimir Zlatoustovsky)
Patriotic education of preschoolers is an urgent problem in the conditions modern Russia. Not only life has changed, but we ourselves. We know much more about ourselves and our country than before, we see more, we think about more. Perhaps this is the main reason for such a radical rethinking of the content, goals and objectives of the patriotic education of preschoolers. The feeling of love for the Motherland is one of the strongest feelings, without it a person is flawed, does not feel his roots. And whether a person feels attachment to his native land or moves away from it, this already depends on the circumstances of life and upbringing. Therefore, it is important that the child already at preschool age feel personal responsibility for native land and her future. V.P. Astafiev has wonderful words: “If a person has no mother, no father, but there is a Motherland, he is not yet an orphan. Everything passes: love, the bitterness of loss, even the pain of wounds passes, but never - never passes and longing for the Motherland does not go out ... "
Based on the most important position of psychology and pedagogy that the formation of patriotic feelings of a preschooler occurs in the process joint activities, which provides them with the opportunity to gain new knowledge, the most effective means of moral and patriotic education is the method of projects. Based on a personally-oriented approach to teaching and educating children of senior preschool age, he develops a cognitive interest in various fields of knowledge, forms cooperation skills; opens up great opportunities in organizing joint search activities for preschoolers, teachers, and parents.
In our kindergarten, for a number of years, the tasks of patriotic education of the younger generation have been implemented. This happens both in the course of direct educational activities and in other types of children's activities (reading fiction, watching video materials, excursions to the memorial to the "Fallen Wars", didactic and role-playing games, etc.). Various forms, methods and techniques are used for this.
Organizer and leader of the children's project activities the educator acts, who becomes for the child not only a source of information, a consultant and an expert, but also a partner and assistant in his self-development.
How did I approach the choice of the subject of the future project? The topics of the projects were different. Their main condition is the interest of children, which provided motivation for successful learning, as well as the selection of appropriate material, which allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​the historical heritage of their native city. Theme Great Patriotic War extremely relevant in modern society, contributes to the unification, rallying of our people. But at the same time, the Great Patriotic War is a distant history for our children. If we, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who fought, do not pass on to our children what is stored in our memory as evidence of what our grandfathers and grandmothers experienced, the connection of times, the family thread will be interrupted. It is necessary to try to restore this connection so that our children also feel: they have, albeit indirectly, a relation to those distant military events. You need to start doing this as early as possible, while the natural interest in everything that happens in the world has not yet dried up in the baby. It is rightly said: "Forgot the past - lost the future."
Preschoolers have a natural interest in the history of their homeland and family. Children independently began to question their parents about the war and the fate of their relatives who fought. Everyone wanted to know more about the involvement of family members in the liberation of Russia from the enemy.
In close cooperation with parents, search work was carried out in the family circle. After talking with their parents, grandparents, the children brought the available photographs of their loved ones who took part in the liberation of our Motherland. The children, coming to the kindergarten, shared with each other what they had learned, brought to the groups photographs, stories recorded by their parents from the words of the children.
The result of the project was the creation of a book of memory "The legacy of the heroes to the great-grandchildren of victory." The teachers and I aspired to ensure that the children were involved as much as possible in the process of creation, and took the position of an adviser, and not the leader of a creative undertaking. The guys felt responsible for what they did, and experienced pleasure from it.
In the process of creating the book, the children not only used their knowledge of the war, but also developed their aesthetic taste, skills in working with scissors, glue, etc. By the way the work was carried out with enthusiasm, it was evident that the children understood the value of their work and realized the significance of the Great Patriotic War .

We cannot list their noble names here.
So there are many of them under the eternal protection of granite.
But know, listening to these stones,
Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
O. F. Bergholz

Creative project "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten"

Objective of the project. To form patriotic feelings on the basis of familiarization with the immediate environment and the fighting traditions of fellow countrymen; to replenish knowledge about individual pages of the heroic history of our region; to acquaint with the monuments and streets named after the heroes of the war; evoke an emotionally valuable attitude to the heroic past of the region, a sense of pride in the heroes - fellow countrymen.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:
arouse interest in the history of the native city;
reveal the significance of Stary Oskol as the city of Military Glory;
to form an effective attitude towards the immediate environment, historical and memorable places, the desire to preserve them;
develop the ability to reflect their impressions in a variety of activities (modeling, collecting, visual activity etc.);
involve parents in a cognitive dialogue with children through the development of parent-child projects and a joint search for information;
to involve parents in the creation of visual and didactic material on the theme of the Great Patriotic War.
The tasks of the project are solved in an integrated manner during the development of all educational areas.
Tasks educational field"Socialization":
-development gaming activity children
- the formation of citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.
Tasks of the educational area "Labor":
- the formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person.
Tasks of the educational area "Cognition":
- development of cognitive interests in children,
-development of cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities;
- the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.
Tasks of the educational area "Communication":
- development of free communication with adults and children;
- development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;
- practical mastery of the pupils of the norms of speech.
Tasks of the educational area "Reading fiction":
- formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;
- introduction to verbal art (poems, riddles, stories, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste).
Tasks of the educational area "Artistic creativity":
- development of productive activities of children;
- development of children's creativity;
- introduction to the fine arts.
Tasks of the educational area "Music":
- development of musical and artistic activities;
- introduction to the art of music.
Age of children for whom the project is designed: senior group Project participants: children, group teachers, music director, parents.
Project implementation period: the project "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" was implemented in the period from December 2013 and work in this direction continues to the present.
Project type: creative.
By nature: inside the preschool educational institution.
By the number of participants: collective.
Conduct form: direct educational activities, excursions, independent activities of children, musical educational activities, work with parents.
Expected results:
Mastering available knowledge about the history of the native Fatherland.
Acquisition by preschool children of social communication skills with adults.
Showing attention and respect for veterans, the elderly, providing all possible assistance.
Creation of a book of memory "The legacy of heroes to the great-grandchildren of victory."
Project content
1. Cognitive 2. Game 3. Productive 4. Artistic - speech
Conversation "Children - about the Great Patriotic War"
Purpose: To acquaint children with the events of the Great Patriotic War; to give an idea that it was liberation, was conducted in the name of peace, prosperity and well-being of our Motherland; to cultivate a sense of pride in their people, the desire to be like those soldiers who defended our Motherland. Role-playing game "Border guards",
Russian folk games "Russian unity", "Remove sentry", didactic game"What's in the military package?",
mobile game "Sappers", "Snipers",
"Communicators". Drawing "Monuments military glory of our city,
modeling of bas-reliefs "Star", "Airplane", "Tank".

listening to music
V. Agapkin "Farewell of the Slav"
reading A. Mityaev "Stories about the Great Patriotic War."
Excursion to the stele "Fallen Heroes".
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War; continue acquaintance with the warriors - heroes Role-playing game
educational game "Earlier and now", outdoor games "Target wall", "Who is next?" Paper construction "Aircraft Squadron"
Modeling "Medals of our great-grandfathers" Reading works
V.Davydov "Watch"
O. Vysotskaya "My brother went to the border"
Listening to the music of M.Magidenko "At the Kremlin wall".
Direct educational activity "Prokopyevsk - the city of Military Glory"
Purpose: to acquaint children with the heroic deeds of the defenders of our city, to form an understanding of the significance of the patriotic deed of all citizens of the country. Role-playing game "Nurses",
outdoor game "Crossing the bridge", Creation of a photo album
"Through the Pages of Our Memory"
(children together with the teacher) Listening to front-line songs, reading works
E. Blaginina "Peace to the world"
K.M.Simonov "Comrade"
Meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Purpose: To acquaint children with war heroes who have performed feats for the sake of the lives of other people, to cultivate a respectful and grateful attitude towards hero warriors.
didactic game "Signal flags", "Salute",
mobile game "Scouts"
“We bowed low, low at the foot of the obelisk”, (collective work) Listening to songs B. Saveliev
What is our world made of?
reading proverbs and sayings about heroism and courage
Conversation “Compatriots - front-line soldiers. Purpose: To acquaint children with WWII veterans who lived and live in our city, to cultivate a sense of compassion and respect for the elderly. relay game
"Hit the target"
didactic game "Memorable places of our city". Making bookmarks for books for veterans,
"Peace on earth"
Reading works
A.G. Tvardovsky
"Tankman's Tale"
V.P. Kataev
"In Intelligence"
Direct educational activity "The Great Patriotic War in fine arts»
Purpose: to bring the child to the perception of works of art about the Great Patriotic War, to instill a sense of patriotism, respect for the history of our people. didactic games "We will serve in the army",
mobile game "Who will gather faster on alarm."
Didactic game "Orders of War" Album design
"The Great Patriotic War in the visual arts" (children together with a teacher)
listening to music
A. Filippenko "Eternal Flame",
reading works
A. Akim “Colored lights”, P. Voronko “There is no better native land”
Competition of readers "We honor and remember ..."
Purpose: to prepare children for the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", to cultivate respect for the heroes of the Second World War, a sense of pride in the people who defeated the enemy.
Outdoor games "Letter on the go", "Who will collect faster"

Plot-role-playing games at the request of children, didactic game "Type of troops and military equipment"
outdoor games "Border guards" Drawing competition "Brave defenders",
album design with poems about the Great Patriotic War (Family Albums).

V. Berestov
"No, the word "peace" will hardly remain..."

Listening to the songs of A. Aleksandrov “The Holy War.

Project result:
creation of a book of memory "The legacy of heroes to the great-grandchildren of victory"
holding a sports and patriotic holiday "Zarnitsa".