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A serviceman is a patriot, bearing the title of Defender of the Fatherland with honor and dignity - the Hypermarket of Knowledge. Combat traditions of the armed forces of the Russian Federation The main qualities inherent in the Russian warrior defender of the fatherland

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. History and traditions of the holiday for children preparatory group

Sorvanova Olga Anatolievna
Description: The material is intended for kindergarten teachers, teachers primary school, parents, older preschoolers and younger students.
Purpose: Material designed for organized educational activities, class hours, informative conversations.
Target: Patriotic education of children.
1. To get acquainted with the history and traditions of the holiday.
2. Introduce epic and fairy-tale heroes, talk about what unites them with people of military professions who are currently living.
3. To instill a sense of pride in their homeland, respect for the soldiers who defended our homeland in different periods of its history.
Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday reminds us that everything we hold most dear can be at risk. And the duty of each of us, if necessary, is to defend our Fatherland.

Even in ancient times, warriors were not afraid to fight for their homeland with a sword in their hands. In ancient times, heroes fought with enemies. These are the brave defenders of the Fatherland. And every boy should be just as strong and smart and be ready, when he grows up, to defend his homeland at any moment.
Since hoary antiquity, warriors and soldiers have been respected by society as defenders of the life and property of civilians in their country. Their life, full of dangers, adventures, long hikes and the rich booty that they brought from these campaigns, aroused curiosity and pride.
This holiday had several names:
- Day of the Soviet Army;
- Birthday of the Red Army;
- Birthday of the armed forces and the navy.
Now this holiday is called Defender of the Fatherland Day ...
Why exactly February 23 is considered the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, and not any other date?

Initially, February 23 was celebrated as the birthday of the Red Army in honor of the victory over the German troops. The day of the first victory was the birthday of the army. This, as it were, marked her fate for the future. Starting with a victory, since then it has more than once smashed the enemies of our Motherland. There was not a single invader who did not feel the power of her weapons.
The army began to be called the Soviet, and then the Russian, and February 23 was annually celebrated in the USSR as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. After the collapse of the USSR, February 23 was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 10, 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted the federal law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia", in which this day is called: "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day."
By tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, everyone who fought, fought and defended the honor of our Motherland is treated with honor and respect.
Particular attention is paid to young men and boys who have yet to serve in the army. Great hopes are pinned on them in the further defense of our Motherland. In many cities on February 23, festive concerts, processions and various parades are held. Active military personnel, Russian pop stars, as well as veterans perform at them.
In all educational institutions pass solemn events and speeches dedicated to this holiday, where veterans and combatants also come. TV screens broadcast live from Red Square, large stadiums and parks. The streets of various cities are decorated with bright and colorful posters with congratulations and decorative items.
Congratulations and gifts are accepted on this day by fathers and sons, brothers and husbands, work colleagues and colleagues.

At all times, defending the native land was a matter of honor and dignity of courageous people, true patriots of their country, the sacred duty of every citizen. Therefore, Defender of the Fatherland Day is a national holiday. It is a symbol of the indestructible connection of many generations of defenders of the Motherland and a manifestation of the people's respect for them. It has glorious traditions, behind it is history itself, full of heroic deeds, bright deeds.

On February 23, Ukraine celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day, a holiday that has turned into a national men's day since the Day of the Soviet Army. This holiday originated in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army after the victory over the German troops near Narva and Pskov.
On February 10, 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted the federal law "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia", in which February 23 is marked as Defender of the Fatherland Day with the motivation that "on February 23, 1918, the Red Army defeated the Kaiser troops of Germany."
Four years later, on February 23, 1999, President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma issued a Decree “On Defender of the Fatherland Day”, which states: “Given the numerous appeals of public organizations, war veterans and in order to promote patriotic education youth, I decide to establish a holiday in Ukraine - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated annually on February 23.
In the days of the USSR, February 23 was the day of the Soviet army, and today, according to tradition, the military is first of all welcome. However, a third of Ukrainians refer to the holiday as the day of men.
Defender of the Fatherland Day embodies such wonderful human qualities as valor and courage. In fact, it is a holiday for all men, whose main calling is to protect their native land. This holiday symbolizes the love and respect of Ukrainians for their defenders and liberators, for those who today stand guard over the independence of the state. On this day, we gratefully remember and congratulate those who defended the national interests and security of our state. On this day, we traditionally honor all generations that showed examples of loyalty and heroism, defending the Fatherland, from the time of the Zaporizhzhya Sich to the present day. Courage and heroism, valor and glory, courage and honor are precisely those virtues on which the entire centuries-old history of our Ukraine is based. The warrior-defenders of all generations have faced many trials, but they have always overcome them with dignity. Protecting the Motherland, one's land, one's home is the sacred duty of every person. Defenders of the Fatherland are those who defended their native land from the fascist invasion during the terrible war years. These are those gray-haired veterans whose youth coincided with inhuman trials, with grief, blood and disasters. But they survived and in the post-war years restored and developed the country.
Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and the current servicemen and employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were destined to write new pages in the annals of the Ukrainian army. The glorious traditions of fathers and grandfathers today are adequately continued by a new generation of servicemen standing up for the defense of peace, labor, and the independence of Ukraine. I believe that Defender of the Fatherland Day is, first of all, a tribute to the heroic traditions of our people, a manifestation of love and respect for those who defended their Motherland in bloody battles and defended independence. We have always remembered and will remember their courage and devotion for the sake of the future and will do everything possible to surround our veterans with attention and care. Paying tribute to the heroic deeds of the Ukrainian army, we bow to their courage and boundless loyalty to their duty. All the exploits of many generations of warrior-defenders, their boundless devotion and love for native land, courage and heroism.

Although the holiday itself on February 23 is relatively young (I remind you that it began to be celebrated since 1918), similar military holidays were in pre-revolutionary Russia, and in other countries of the world. The idea itself is not new, because it is natural that people who defend their homeland are worthy of all respect and special holiday in your honor.

From childhood, everyone remembers how February 23 was celebrated in the USSR, and then in Russia: military parades, a demonstration of the latest achievements in the field of weapons, congratulatory speeches by high army officials, and leaders of the country. Congratulations to the military, and then almost all men served in the army, so congratulations to all of them were a natural thing. Now, when the army is not at all prestigious, the day of the defender of the fatherland began to be celebrated in a broader sense. They congratulate not only those defenders who defend the Motherland against an external aggressor, but also all the rest - and internal troops, and the police, and employees of security agencies. And all other men are also traditionally congratulated on February 23, while emphasizing that each of them is, in a sense, a protector. If not a great Fatherland, then at least your loved ones, family, friends.

After the collapse Soviet Union the former Soviet republics reacted differently to the holiday legacy. Instead of a single Red Army in each new country(in many of them - for the first time in history!) formed its own army. And, of course, began to celebrate his day armed forces - professional holiday all the military. Tajikistan remained faithful to the traditions and celebrates to this day on February 23 as the day of the defender of the fatherland. AT South Ossetia also continue to celebrate February 23, remembering all the heroes of wars and military conflicts.

AT Armenia, Georgia and Abkhazia February 23 is not celebrated. There are also military holidays in these countries, but they have been moved to other days. In Georgia, Armed Forces Day - April 30, has been celebrated since the creation of the Georgian National Army in 1990. Armenia celebrates National Strength Day on January 28. There are already two holidays in Abkhazia similar to February 23rd. The Day of the Armed Forces of Abkhazia is celebrated on October 11, in honor of the liberation of the city of Gagra in 1992 during the Georgian-Abkhaz war. A Day of Remembrance of the Defender of the Fatherland - August 14. Both of these holidays are officially public holidays.

AT Uzbekistan Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated under the old New Year, 14 Jan. The Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is celebrated on December 6, on this day in 1991 the Law on the Armed Forces of Ukraine was adopted. In Lithuania, November 23 is annually celebrated as the Day of Lithuanian Warriors.

And in Nagorno-Karabakh after the 1992 conflict, February 23 was not celebrated for some time, but a few years after the conclusion of peace in 1994, traditions began to revive, and now Defender of the Fatherland Day is officially celebrated in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. On this day, veterans of both the Karabakh war and the Great Patriotic War are honored and awarded.

Days of the armed forces are celebrated in many countries of the world - Argentina, Finland, Australia, Croatia and many others.

It is curious that in pre-revolutionary Russia were military holidays. The Day of the Russian Army was celebrated on December 9 in honor of George the Victorious, on this day in 1769 the military order of St. George was established. And on December 13 - on the day of St. Andrew the First-Called - there was a holiday of the Russian Navy.

It must be assumed that in Pre-Christian Russia there were holidays of the Defenders of the Fatherland, but information about them, unfortunately, has been lost.

Holidays dedicated to men in other nations

  • Fathers Day is an annual holiday honoring fathers celebrated in many countries.
  • Ascension of Christ in Germany - unofficially considered men's holiday in Germany
  • World Men's Day - celebrated on the first Saturday of November
  • "International Men's Day" (see en: International Men "s Day) - celebrated on November 19
Sources: Wikipedia and

Kachalkin Alexander

The feeling of patriotism is the basis of the spiritual qualities of Russian soldiers. Patriotism personifies love for one's Motherland, inseparability from its history, culture, achievements and problems. Patriotism is a feeling of love for one's people, pride in its successes and victories, and bitterness for failures and defeats.

Patriotism is the spiritual and moral principle of every citizen of the country, it is love for one's Motherland, people, its history, language and national culture. A citizen of a country is first and foremost a patriot of his state.



Abstract on the topic:

Patriotism is the main quality of the defender of the Fatherland.

Symbolism military honor and glory.

Completed by: Alexander Kachalkin

10-1 grade student

MAOU "Lyceum No. 36"


Head: Fomin A.F.

life safety teacher-organizer

MAOU "Lyceum No. 36"



  • Introduction to the topic
  • What is patriotism?
  • military oath
  • The main quality of a war-patriot
  • Patriotic education
  • Military partnership
  • Symbolism of military prowess
  • Conclusion
  • Literature

Introduction to the topic

The feeling of patriotism is the basis of the spiritual qualities of Russian soldiers. Patriotism personifies love for one's Motherland, inseparability from its history, culture, achievements, problems. Patriotism is a feeling of love for one's people, pride in its successes and victories, and bitterness for failures and defeats.

Patriotism is the spiritual and moral principle of every citizen of the country, it is love for one's Motherland, people, its history, language and national culture. A citizen of a country is first and foremost a patriot of his state.


Friendship and military camaraderie are one of the most important sources of strengthening the moral and psychological foundations of military service and increasing the power and combat readiness of the Armed Forces. The duty of every warrior is to carefully preserve and strengthen the military partnership, to cherish the honor of the military collective, to increase its organization and solidarity.


  1. IN Abrashitov Article "The military oath is an oath of allegiance to the motherland".
  2. JI.B. Kuznetsov Scientific and Methodological Journal
  3. D.D. Lelyushenko manual for pre-conscripts.

in this regard, he is entrusted with the duties of preparing for armed defense and armed defense Russian Federation which are associated with the need to unquestioningly fulfill the tasks set in any conditions, including the risk to life. Taking into account the special duties assigned to a serviceman, he must possess a number of qualities inherent in the armed defender of the Fatherland in modern conditions.

First of all, a serviceman is a patriot who loves his Fatherland not because it gives him some benefits and privileges, but because it is his Motherland (insert, photo 18).

A patriot consciously loves his Fatherland, is ready to defend it, ready for any sacrifices and deeds in the name of the Motherland. Here is how N. M. Karamzin said about patriotism: “Patriotism is love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in all respects. It requires reasoning, and therefore not all people have it.

The military history of the Fatherland includes many examples of the heroic behavior of Russian soldiers and officers. Let's take a look at some of them.

In 1812, during the Battle of Borodino, General V. G. Kostenetsky replaced the killed chief of artillery of the Russian army, Major General A. I. Kutaisov. When the French broke into one of the Russian batteries, Kostenetsky, who possessed heroic strength, joined the ranks of the defenders and beat off the attackers with an artillery banner. The bannik broke in the general's hands, but the attack was repulsed. For Borodino Kostenetsky was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd degree.

During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, Russian sailors wrote many lines in the heroic annals of the Fatherland. Everyone is well aware of the feat of the crews of the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets". In the Battle of Tsushima, the Japanese shot down the squadron battleship "Prince Suvorov". Having lost control, the ship breaks down, but does not stop firing. Lieutenants Vyrubov and Bogdanov, warrant officer Kursel and 30 sailors refuse to leave the ship and continue to fight. "Suvorov" is firing from the last surviving three-inch gun. Sunk by torpedoes, he dies with the Andreevsky flag flying.

In early October 1941, the Nazi armies came close to Moscow.

Most of the Soviet troops defending the capital were surrounded in the Vyazma region. The road to Moscow from the south from the side of the Varshavskoe highway was open. It took 5-7 days to transfer reserves, and cadets of the infantry and artillery Podolsk schools were advanced to the Maloyaroslavets area for defense. Within twelve days, during the battles with superior enemy forces, cadets of Podolsk schools destroyed up to 5,000 Nazis, knocked out 100 enemy tanks. Artillery cadet Yuri Dobrynin in one of the battles knocked out 6 tanks and 2 armored personnel carriers from guns. Almost all of the Podolsk cadets died, but they obeyed the order - the enemy was detained and a new line of defense was created on the near approaches to Moscow.

In the post-war years, in peaceful everyday life and in the course of hostilities in a number of countries, our soldiers, with their military deeds and heroic deeds, many times convincingly proved their loyalty to military duty, oath, devotion to the Motherland. In the 1980s alone, for the selfless performance of military duty on Afghan soil, 86 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and more than 200,000 people were awarded orders and medals, of which 110,000 were soldiers and sergeants.

This is how our two Russian heroes acted in battle. Dushmans persistently attacked the dominant height, trying to throw off the paratroopers from there. Guards Private A. Melnikov and Guards Junior Sergeant V. Aleksandrov fired with machine guns on the flanks. In short moments of calm, the paratroopers took an oath: not to surrender the height, to fight to the last bullet. During the next fierce attack of the enemy, V. Aleksandrov called fire on himself, and the wounded A. Melnikov, after the machine gun jammed, managed to throw a grenade into the thick of the advancing, but he himself died. Fallen heroes do not die, they live in the grateful memory of their descendants, serve as a moral standard for them.

The feeling of patriotism today remains the highest moral value and the most convincing meaning of service in the army of the reformed Russian state. It is gratifying that the love for the Motherland among patriotic soldiers is not limited to verbal assurances, but includes a creative principle, expressed in specific noble deeds and heroic deeds.

Every day, Russian soldiers prove their love for the Motherland, loyalty to military duty in the field, at shooting ranges and tankodromes, in classrooms and at the consoles of combat vehicles, during guard and internal service, and, if necessary, in a combat situation, as happened in the Chechen Republic. Here are just two examples.

In a battle on one of the city streets, a BMP-3 was shot down, where Sergeant Mikhail Appakov was the gunner-operator. The troops immediately left the combat vehicle and found themselves under aimed enemy fire. But at the same moment Appakov's cannons and machine gun came to life. A flurry of deadly metal hit the militants. Mikhail called fire on himself, thereby saving his comrades who managed to get out unscathed from the shelling. When reinforcements approached and the Dudaevites fled, the body of the courageous sergeant was removed from the padded car. He fought to the last shell, to the last cartridge - the ammunition was all used up.

During the assault on the object, the platoon commander was killed. Sergeant Yevgeny Sarkisov took command of the unit and continued to carry out the combat mission. Eugene was wounded, but remained in the ranks and led the battle. And only after E. Sarkisov's hand was torn off by a grenade explosion, he was taken out of the battlefield. And similar examples can be

lead a lot. They fill the days of dangerous, but very necessary for the preservation of the integrity of the Motherland, military service on the territory of Chechnya.

Even in the Russian army, a good tradition was established to carefully preserve the memory of its heroes. Books were written about them, poems and songs were composed. And starting from 1840, the warriors who performed the most striking feats began to be entered forever in the lists of units and subunits. The first on this list is Arkhip Osipov, an ordinary Tenginsky regiment, who blew up a powder magazine and himself in the Mikhailovsky fortification during the war in the Caucasus. For this feat, by order of the Minister of War, A. Osipov was forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st Grenadier Company of the regiment. At the mention of this name in the ranks, the first private behind him answered: "He died for the glory of Russian weapons in the Mikhailovsky fortification." The tradition of considering warriors who died the death of heroes forever enrolled in a military unit is preserved in Russian army and still.

In the flame of the Eternal Flame, majestic memorials and modest obelisks, in works of literature and art, in the hearts of contemporaries and our descendants, the memory of the immortal deeds of those who were the first to attack, who covered the commander from the murderous fire, who stood to death on the field, will forever remain battle, who did not break under torture and did not give out military secrets.

Patriotism is one of the main qualities of a defender of the Fatherland, without which he can simply turn into a mercenary. Only a true patriot can be faithful to the military oath to the end, selflessly serve his people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing his blood and life itself, defend the Russian Federation, fulfill military duty, endure the hardships of military service (insert, photo 19).

A serviceman must bear the high title of defender of the Russian Federation with honor and dignity, cherish the honor and military glory of the Armed Forces, his military unit and the honor of his military rank.

To do this, he must be a citizen of his homeland, sacredly observing the Constitution, the laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts.

A serviceman is also obliged to know and strictly observe the international rules for the conduct of hostilities: the treatment of the wounded, sick, shipwrecked and civilians in the area of ​​hostilities, as well as prisoners of war.

Military honor and dignity are inalienable qualities of a serviceman. Honor is a moral quality worthy of respect and pride, “the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience” (V. Dahl).

The dignity of a serviceman is expressed in respect for himself, in the awareness of his human rights, moral values, in appropriate exemplary behavior.

A serviceman of the Armed Forces of Russia is a person who has such a universal property as humanity. Humanity is an inalienable quality of a Russian warrior at all times.

Suvorov's "The Science of Victory" says this about it: "To defeat the enemy with philanthropy no less than weapons. In defeat, give mercy to those who surrender in full. The townsfolk should not cause the slightest offense or anger.”

The honor and dignity of a serviceman of the Russian Armed Forces is the observance of international rules of warfare. The four Geneva Conventions of 1949 enshrine the principles of respect for the human person in conditions of military conflict, they provide:

Ensuring equality in caring for the wounded as one's own, So and the enemy side without any distinction;

Respect for the personality of a person, his honor, family rights, religious beliefs, especially the protection of the rights of the child;

Prohibition of ill-treatment of prisoners, hostage-taking, extermination, torture, punishment without trial or investigation, robbery and unjustified destruction of property;

Permission for delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit prisoners of war and carry out humanitarian actions in order to help the victims of the war;

The prohibition to kill or injure an enemy who surrenders or ceases to take part in hostilities. Captured participants in hostilities and civilians in the power of the enemy, including residents of the occupied territories, have the right to preserve their lives, respect for dignity, personal rights and convictions. They should have the right to correspond with their family and to receive assistance.

It should be noted that the title of warrior has always been honorable. The title of a warrior is great because it requires tremendous willpower, great love and self-sacrifice. The military rank is sacred because the soldiers protect the Fatherland from enemies with their work, sweat, blood and their own lives. In order to fulfill his military duty with honor and dignity, a serviceman must be honest, disciplined, unquestioningly obey the commanders (chiefs) and protect them in battle, protect the Battle Banner of the military unit.

It is also necessary to note the very important professional qualities of a serviceman of the Russian Armed Forces. The modern Russian soldier perfectly knows and maintains in constant readiness for use the weapons and military equipment entrusted to him, constantly acquires military professional knowledge and improves his military skills.

What basic qualities should a serviceman have in order to bear the title of defender of the Fatherland with honor and dignity?

First, every serviceman must be deeply aware of his personal responsibility for the defense of the Motherland, conscientiously and honestly fulfill his official duties.

Secondly, to have clear and precise ideas about the high meaning of military service, about the vital importance of combat readiness and combat readiness for the defense of the Fatherland.

Thirdly, to be always morally, psychologically and physically ready to overcome difficulties in the performance of military duty in peacetime and wartime.

Fourth, to be internally prepared in any conditions to comply with the military oath, the laws of the Russian Federation and the requirements of military regulations.

Fifth, to cherish the military glory of the Russian Armed Forces and the military unit, the honor of the Battle Banner, their rank of Russian soldier, to honor the military traditions of the Armed strength, his connection, part (ship), subdivision.

In conclusion, we note that patriotism, the duty and honor of a soldier are those moral and spiritual qualities that make the army invincible.