Health Pregnancy beauty

Safe methods of treating colds in pregnant women and preventive measures. Increased sweating during pregnancy

A cold (acute respiratory disease) is a very unpleasant disease that becomes more active during the cold season and does not spare either children or adults, including expectant mothers. If you usually can afford to take any pill, mixture, or even “a hundred grams” to kill the bacilli, then during pregnancy you are afraid of everything, so as not to harm the long-awaited baby.

About 80% of pregnant women suffer from acute respiratory infections (influenza, parainfluenza, ARVI, adenovirus infection, etc.) during the 9 months of expecting a baby. No matter how careful you are and dress warmly, there are still many ways to get infected - either your family brings it home, or in a store, in antenatal clinic you'll get an infection.

Cold prevention

  • Take regular walks in the fresh air. Choose uncrowded parks and squares for walks. For a walk, dress according to the weather; no need to bundle up: if you sweat, the risk of catching a cold will be higher.
  • Take a prenatal multivitamin as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Pregnancy is not the best best time start hardening, especially if earlier about dousing cold water you just read.
  • If one of your relatives gets sick, if possible, isolate him in a separate room, allocate separate dishes and limit contact. A gauze bandage will also be useful to you here.
  • Aromatherapy will also come to the rescue using aromatic oils of fir, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, lavender and mint, which will disinfect the air with their phytoncides and even boost your immunity and mood. The main thing is to know when to stop, don’t overdo it.
  • Drink teas with herbs, dried berries, and jam. They have a tonic and restorative effect.
  • Don't forget to ventilate the room.
  • Before leaving the house, lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

The symptoms are well known to everyone: weakness, headache, fever, sore and sore throat, characteristic nasal congestion. Then a cough is added, muscle aches, a runny nose, the sore throat becomes very severe...

As soon as you feel weak, drowsy and a slight sore throat, especially if you know that you were hypothermic the day before or you were visited by a sneezing mother-in-law, take action immediately. Have a drink hot tea with lemon and honey or hot milk with butter and honey, wrap yourself in a blanket and go to bed. If this does not help and you continue to fall apart, then we will treat it like this:

Important: There are individual intolerances to honey and medicinal herbs, so be careful. At the first sign of an allergy, you should stop taking them.

During pregnancy you cannot

  • Take high doses of vitamin C. It thins the blood, which can lead to bleeding, especially in the short term. For the same reason, aspirin and its derivatives are prohibited.
  • Take hot foot baths, steam your feet, apply alcohol compresses to your feet.
  • Take medications without a doctor's prescription or permission. Even drops in the nose.
  • It’s also better to forget about physiotherapeutic procedures. The only thing that is possible is to do UV irradiation of the nose and throat and inhalation, but only on the recommendation of your doctor.
  • Begin active immunization. Too much vitamins will not do any good.
  • Take medicines containing alcohol.
  • Take tinctures of immunostimulants - ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Schisandra chinensis. They increase blood pressure and increase the heart rate of not only the mother, but also the baby. And your hearts, due to illness, are already beating faster.

A question that worries everyone

  1. How flu and colds during pregnancy will it affect the unborn child?
  2. The consequences of the flu can include polyhydramnios, the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and deterioration in the health of the expectant mother (complications).
  3. But, since colds and flu are the most common diseases, and our bodies tend to recover from illnesses, most likely nothing will happen. And the next screening or ultrasound will confirm this - everything is fine with your baby.
  4. Take care of yourself.

No matter how hard a pregnant woman tries to take care of her health, no matter how much her family and loved ones protect her, few women can boast that during the entire nine months they carried their child they never got sick. Colds during pregnancy happen quite often, but if you are armed with knowledge, consider that you are protected.

And it may well happen that you will become one of the lucky few who will avoid coughing, runny nose, and fever.

Colds at the beginning of pregnancy

Accurate knowledge of your pregnancy period (and in general the knowledge that you are already, as they say, pregnant) is a great thing, because a cold is most dangerous during early pregnancy.

At the same time, you need to understand that by cold we often mean absolutely all diseases of the respiratory tract, and we treat them with the means and methods that are already known.

A more accurate diagnosis can be made by the doctor whom you call when your cold symptoms become frankly serious.

Why are colds so dangerous at the very beginning of pregnancy?

  1. The woman’s body at this time is in a state of precarious balance. The birth of a new life immediately triggers many complex mechanisms and reactions, the purpose of which is to rebuild the entire body for the main task: to safely bear and then give birth to a child (read more about what happens at the initial stage of pregnancy in the article 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>) ;
  2. During pregnancy, the muscular system and the circulatory system are rebuilt (now two people will need to be supplied with blood at once), but the main restructuring is hormonal.

Know! This system is the most delicate, and interference with it is fraught with both intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the child and spontaneous abortion. Therefore, you need to choose very carefully how to treat a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is better not to delay and call your local physician at the first symptoms of a cold:

  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • increase in temperature, etc.

Self-treatment of colds during pregnancy is quite normal, but taking any medications before visiting a doctor is not recommended because:

  1. During pregnancy, it is generally not recommended to take medications unnecessarily;
  2. By taking the pill, you may “lubricate” the symptoms of a cold, and the doctor will not be able to recognize the disease in time;
  3. self-medication is generally a harmful thing: what helped your friend will not suit you, and during pregnancy, the proven remedy that you took before for a cold may not be suitable for you.

The best folk remedies for colds during pregnancy:

  • rinsing with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs, soda, sea salt;
  • hot drink with vitamin supplements (lemon, black currant);
  • diaphoretics (teas with raspberries, linden);
  • hot hand baths (for runny nose and nasal congestion), etc.

Important! During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use hot foot baths or steam your feet.

A hot bath or soak can cause bleeding or even miscarriage.

Mid-pregnancy and a cold

The first three months of pregnancy have already been lived, you have become accustomed to your new status, but the cold in this case becomes even more insidious, since you are less worried about any ailments and are in no hurry to see a doctor. And this is sometimes fraught with complications.

Therefore, when you have entered the second trimester of pregnancy, you should already know how to treat a cold during pregnancy so as not to harm your baby, which methods are suitable for you and which ones should be avoided.

Important! Did you know that a cold can happen to you not only in the cold season, but also in the hottest weather if you go straight from the street into an air-conditioned room?

During pregnancy, it is especially undesirable to be directly under a stream of cold, air-conditioned air: in addition to a cold, you can also get myositis or radicular radiculitis - in other words, a cold will affect not only your respiratory tract, but also your muscles and nerves.

If you feel unwell, you can resort to proven neutral cold medicines during pregnancy:

  1. paracetamol;
  2. lazolvan and ACC (for cough, especially dry);
  3. Miramistin, Lugol's solution (for sore throat).

Temperature during colds during pregnancy

About temperature. Pay attention to this point, because you can rush to take the medicine allowed for colds for pregnant women as soon as you see on the thermometer that the temperature has risen to 37.2°C.

  • Don't rush to lower the temperature! Its increase means that the body is fighting a cold on its own: when the blood temperature rises, many pathogenic microorganisms die. Therefore, do not interfere in this internal struggle with a cold, it is better to drink tea with raspberries and go to bed;
  • But when the temperature rises to 37.7°C and climbs higher, we already need to fight this.

When the birth gets closer

  1. The last leg of the journey, the last three months before the birth of the child. During this period, you need to be especially careful, because your body begins to rebuild again: just as in the first trimester of pregnancy you were restructuring directly for pregnancy, now preparations for childbirth are in full swing. Read more about this in the article 3rd trimester of pregnancy >>>;
  2. During the next hormonal changes, your immune system weakens again, and you become especially vulnerable to infections. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to treat it, because a cold during pregnancy in the third trimester is no less (and maybe more) dangerous than at the very beginning of pregnancy.

It is during this period that there is the greatest likelihood that a cold can affect the health of an unborn baby. In the last months of pregnancy, a cold on your feet can cause many complications, including the birth of a premature fetus, so pay attention to a nutritious diet with vitamins: this will support your immunity.

If you still have a cold, choose the mildest and most gentle means of treating a cold.

  • The advice is mostly the same as for the first trimester of pregnancy: no hot baths and drinking plenty of fluids;
  • Drug treatment is the same as in the second trimester;
  • If you have a runny nose, do not use naphthyzine and other vasoconstrictors, this can cause disturbances in the child’s cardiac activity;
  • If you experience swelling before giving birth, you can drink light diuretic herbal decoctions.

By the time you are close to giving birth, not only you yourself know how to cure a cold in a pregnant woman, but everyone around you also has complete knowledge in this area (well, at least they think so). Still, don’t rush to follow all the advice.

And sometimes just refuse. For example, from advice to take a steam bath so that a cold goes away, or to drink some kind of tincture. Leave a steam bath or alcohol as a means of fighting a cold until better times.

The price of risk

We will not list all the risks - after all, you are only shown positive emotions. But you need to know what the consequences of a cold during pregnancy can be. This can include bleeding, miscarriages, and premature rupture. amniotic fluid, and premature birth itself. If the cold turns out to be the flu, intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus are possible. Therefore, be smart, take care of yourself and your baby. And to end on a positive note, a little about how not to catch a cold.

Prevention of colds: useful and pleasant

  1. First, live a full life, spend time in the fresh air more often, do special exercises for pregnant women in the morning;
  2. But during flu-risk periods, try to walk in uncrowded places;
  3. Be sure to ventilate your home;
  4. Eat well;
  5. Try to take fresh vegetables and fruits, and be sure to take onions and garlic daily;
  6. Try not to eat very cold foods, even if it’s summer outside and you really want ice cream.
  7. If someone in the family gets sick, you should reduce your contacts with the sick person to a minimum, and the room should be regularly wet cleaned, adding a weak disinfectant solution (not bleach) to the water;
  8. Try not to walk barefoot on cold floors;
  9. As for hardening, do it without fanaticism. Forget any contrasting procedures, and especially swimming in an ice hole (even if you were previously into winter swimming). In your situation this is very dangerous. Just shower at room temperature and vigorously rub your body terry towel after shower.

And most importantly, the better your mood, the lower the risk of getting sick. Therefore, positive emotions and good mood to you.

Perhaps the most common illness among pregnant women is the common cold. The causative agent of this disease can be viruses or hypothermia. As you might guess, the greatest likelihood of catching a cold occurs during the cold season - winter and early spring. There is even folk sign: If a girl starts to catch colds too often, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

These are only external similarities to a cold that are caused by hormonal changes after conception, which lead to fatigue, fluid retention and a constantly stuffy nose.

During pregnancy, the body of even the healthiest woman is in a state of suppression of the immune system, so that a rejection reaction does not accidentally occur that can destroy her own child, whom the body may mistake for a foreign body. As a result of this immunosuppression, the woman becomes more susceptible to all seasonal diseases in order to preserve the life of the baby.

Many women mistakenly consider immunosuppression to be a pathology and try to cure it. According to doctors, this condition is normal behavior of the body during pregnancy and is not a cause for concern.

A cold, like any other illness during pregnancy, can harm the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor your health and pay attention to the most harmless signs of illness. Not many mothers manage to spend their pregnancy in a warm climate, so try not to catch the flu or cold in autumn-winter period. Any wrong step during pregnancy can harm the baby's health!

The very first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy can be headaches, constant fatigue and malaise. Already in the first day the condition may worsen. A runny nose appears, then the throat begins to hurt and a cough begins. In some cases, cough may appear before other symptoms. Loss of appetite and sore throat also indicate a viral disease. As a rule, if the disease is not very serious, then a cold during pregnancy can occur without a high temperature, usually no more than 38 degrees.

The greatest discomfort is caused by the first 2-3 days of a cold, with proper treatment of which the disease quickly begins to recede.

Typically, signs of a cold can occur when the body is wet or hypothermic. More complex diseases of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections appear as a result of the action of viruses and bacteria. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are very similar, but require a different approach to treatment. Not every young mother will be able to distinguish between bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it will be important to find out what disease you will have to deal with.

Why are colds dangerous during pregnancy?

Another unpleasant moment is that the virus may already be in your body, but not show activity. But when favorable conditions occur, which include pregnancy, the virus begins its active reproduction activity. Most often this happens in the first trimester, when the fetus is just beginning to develop and form. Even a minor illness like a cold can cause a delay in the development of a child’s vital organs.

If herpes appears on the lips, which happens quite often during pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. The appearance of a cold on the lips can give the child immunity to this disease after birth, since along with nutrients the baby also receives antibodies against viruses.

The most dangerous thing in the first weeks of pregnancy is getting rubella. The symptoms of this viral infection are very similar to a cold: cough, runny nose and swollen lymph nodes. There may be minor skin rashes that only an experienced dermatologist can see. Even a slight runny nose is another serious danger. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can progress to sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Another great danger for a baby is posed by viral infections such as influenza. There are usually 2 options here: either the virus does not have any effect on the development of the child, or defects appear that lead to spontaneous miscarriage. In such a situation, you should definitely see a specialist. Only he can tell whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. If the results of tests and studies do not reveal any pathologies, then there is no reason to worry.

Such serious diseases will have to be treated with serious medications. But in the first months the embryo is so weak that any medicine can terminate the pregnancy. The sad fact is that you can kill your baby before you even know you are pregnant. If the pregnancy was planned, then taking care of your health should begin from the first days after conception.

Colds in the second trimester are less dangerous, but you shouldn’t relax! Many unpleasant complications may arise for the mother: polyhydramnios, the development of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, complications in the postpartum period and chronic infections.

No one can say how a harmless cold will end, but if you take timely care to maintain immunity and fight the first symptoms of the disease, then this will not affect the health of mother and child!

But even a severe form of a cold during pregnancy is not a death sentence. The mother's body can withstand many diseases without consequences for the fetus and the woman herself. It all depends on the state of health and genetic predisposition.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, many diseases have similar symptoms, so before starting treatment you need to know exactly which disease you will have to overcome. Of course, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist - your attending physician. During pregnancy, completely different methods of treating colds are required. Normal medications may be ineffective during pregnancy and may even lead to complications!

The first thing you should do if you notice any signs of a cold is cancel all your plans and lie down at home for a couple of days. During the treatment of diseases during pregnancy, bed rest is a prerequisite. Leave the house or exercise homework It will be possible only after all symptoms have been cured. If the treatment of a cold is delayed, then you need to contact your doctor again!

An important element of health and treatment during pregnancy will be a proper balanced diet and a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. Water helps remove pathogens and accumulated toxins from the body. But this does not mean that water consumption should become uncontrollable. Excess water in the body can lead to edema.

It is recommended not to load the gastrointestinal tract with heavy foods during pregnancy, but to choose more digestible foods and dishes. You should also exclude spicy, salty and fried foods. Porridge and stewed vegetables, dairy products or dietary broths will be an excellent source of energy. In a word - choose warm and liquid food. If you love onions and garlic - great, a couple of cloves of garlic will help you cope with the disease faster.

Taking alcohol and alcohol-based medications is strictly prohibited. Without the need and permission of a doctor, do not take antibiotics, antipyretics, immunomodulators, or products that increase blood pressure. It is best to use natural preparations and traditional medicine.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy with folk remedies

Most medications are generally prohibited or not recommended to be taken during pregnancy, because pharmaceutical companies are afraid to take responsibility for possible fetal defects. Any caring mother must understand that any pill can affect the child in the most unpredictable ways. Therefore, it is best to resort to centuries-tested folk methods Treatment of colds - medicinal herbs!

It is not recommended to take herbal tinctures with alcohol, like any alcohol. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the fetus! The child's heart works at a high rate - at least 200 beats per minute. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can speed up this rhythm even more, which can lead to chronic heart disease after birth!

During epidemics, it is better to use more effective means to maintain immunity. For example, regular horseradish is one of the most effective remedies for colds during pregnancy. This one is especially popular folk recipe: You need to finely grind the horseradish root and mix it with an equal amount of honey; using refined sugar is also not recommended. Place the resulting mixture in a warm place for 1 day and take a tablespoon every hour.

Inhalations with sage or chamomile will be effective against cough. They soften the inflamed nasopharynx and treat a runny nose. To carry out inhalation, you need to boil the potatoes along with the peel, adding a tablespoon of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves to it, and then inhale its vapors directly from the pan while covering your head with a towel.

If you are suffering from a dry throat, you can make gargling decoctions from calendula, chamomile or sage. If herbs do not help get rid of pain, then you can buy ready-made rinsing mixtures in the form of tablets at the pharmacy; they quickly dissolve in water and disinfect the oral cavity. The most suitable during pregnancy are Furacilin or Chlorhexidine.

Another proven remedy for treating colds during pregnancy is honey and bee products! These tasty and healthy treats are an excellent remedy for respiratory diseases. Honey will be especially effective in combination with lemon and rosehip infusion as tea. But you shouldn’t get carried away with honey towards the end of pregnancy - your baby may develop an allergy, and your mother may develop diabetes.

The dangers of overheating when treating a cold

Particular care should be taken when treating colds in pregnant women. water procedures. A relaxing hot bath with salt or essential oils may have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which may lead to miscarriage or premature birth! Going to the bathhouse or sauna is also prohibited.

You need to be careful with your foot park. Heat causes blood to rush to the legs, and there is a possibility that blood will drain from the placenta, which will cause a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the baby.

Colds during pregnancy are best treated dry and warm. Wear a scarf, wool socks and warm pajamas. Just a few nights in this form will significantly improve your well-being and relieve a sore throat and runny nose.

Runny and stuffy nose

A severe runny nose during a cold makes breathing difficult not only for the mother, but also for the child. This syndrome is called hypoxia. But along with the lack of oxygen, the body begins to experience a lack of water! With a severe runny nose, the body can lose 2 liters of fluid per day! Therefore, try to make up for these losses during the day.

Also, during pregnancy, it is not recommended to unnecessarily abuse nasal drops like Naphthyzin, Nazivin or Galazolin. Read the instructions for the drops carefully and do not exceed the recommended dosages. The fact is that these drops contain vasoconstrictor substances, the action of which can negatively affect the blood supply to the placenta, which can lead to a delay in the development of your child.

In addition, everyone knows about dependence on such drops. After just 3 days of using Naphthyzin, addiction and almost drug addiction may occur, which will provoke you to frequently put it in your nose, even for no reason. This occurs due to vasospasm and swelling of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, drops provide only temporary relief, and after a while the nose becomes even more stuffy, which leads to a vicious circle! The use of these drops is recommended only during severe mucus discharge from the nose.

Pregnant girls are even more susceptible to drip addiction; many experience nasal congestion throughout pregnancy until the birth of the baby. In this case, it is best to rinse your nose with a weak salt solution - just half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water will be enough. You can also buy nasal drops based on sea water, for example, Aquamaris. Or put a couple of drops of aloe juice into your nose.

One more effective means is the “Star” balm. You can simply inhale it or lubricate your nose with it. Doctor Mom ointment based on herbs has a similar effect. Carefully monitor the manifestation of allergic reactions; if they appear, then it is not advisable to use these ointments and balms.

Boosting immunity with vitamins

During pregnancy, women need vitamins more than ever! So try to eat as much fresh fruit as possible every day! Apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples are almost available all year round. And in the summer season, do not deny yourself juicy berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries and others will quickly fill your body with vitamins. Most often, this method is much cheaper and more effective than using tablets and capsules with synthetic vitamins.

If you want to take pharmacy vitamins, be sure to consult a doctor! After all, a lot depends on the duration of pregnancy and the presence of diseases. A doctor may recommend taking ascorbic acid to maintain tone during infectious diseases. The most important thing is not to take more vitamins than normal; an overdose of vitamins can lead to improper development of your baby!

What to do if you have a high temperature during pregnancy?

As a rule, colds go away at a body temperature of 38 degrees. More high temperatures are very rare. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs, for example, Paracetamol. The use of Aspirin is not recommended, since one of its side effects may cause a miscarriage! It is strictly forbidden to take any, even the latest antibiotics, which can lead to the development of fetal defects. Colds during pregnancy can be cured without them.

If a sharp rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, then it is best to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink several cups of hot herbal tea from raspberries, oregano or coltsfoot. Heat will help dilate blood vessels and warm the body. Next, you need to bring down the heat; to do this, you can rub the body with 3% vinegar diluted with water.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

Treating a cold is not a pleasant task. It's best to take care of your health in advance! So that the disease does not take you by surprise during pregnancy, you must follow several simple rules. An important condition for preventing any cold is strengthening the immune system!

The main health success during pregnancy will be healthy image life! We urgently need to get rid of all bad habits. Try to spend more time outdoors - at least 3 hours a day. Walking in a park or forest will help strengthen your immune system and heart muscles. In cold or rainy weather, do not allow your body to become hypothermic or get your lower extremities wet. You will have to forget about fashion - wear only comfortable and warm things. Ventilate your home as often as possible, clean and wipe off dust. Try to do therapeutic exercises or yoga every day.

Another good remedy for the prevention of colds during pregnancy - aromatherapy and essential oils. Oils such as mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and many others have a good antiseptic effect. But read the instructions carefully - many essential oils are not recommended during pregnancy, and also have individual intolerances. Onions and garlic also have an antiseptic effect - you can not only eat them, but also place the chopped slices where you spend most of the day.

Do not forget about basic safety even with family members, friends and neighbors - after all, appearance It is not always possible to determine whether a person has viral diseases. A harmless conversation or handshake will reward you with dangerous pathogens of infectious diseases. Moreover, any contact with sick people is prohibited! Try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated places.

I like!

Increased sweating has a medical name - hyperhidrosis. It can be general and local.

General hyperhidrosis (a uniform increase in sweat secretion from all sweat glands) often occurs as a protective reaction of the body during overheating, physical stress, etc. Some foods also contribute to increased sweat production: coffee and all caffeine-containing drinks, tea, spicy and salty foods. This is also a normal reaction of the body.

Many pregnant women often experience general increased sweating. In the first trimester, this problem is associated with a natural change in hormonal levels at the beginning of pregnancy, which causes increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In the second and third trimesters, increased sweating is explained by an increase in the amount of circulating blood by 30–40% and an increased need for fluid. And we note that after childbirth, as a rule, everything returns to normal.

But general increased sweating can also be observed in certain diseases, for example, cardiovascular, excretory and other systems. Of course, in such cases only a doctor can help by prescribing the necessary treatment depending on the pathology. In addition, be sure to consult a doctor if the amount of sweat produced, its color and smell suddenly changes. First of all, visit a therapist: he will conduct the necessary research and, if there is such a need (for example, a disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, endocrine or nervous system is detected), he will refer you to the appropriate specialists.

Local hyperhidrosis manifests itself in increased sweating in the area of ​​​​the feet, palms, large folds (axillary, inguinal, etc.), head (face and scalp). This is often due to a hereditary predisposition and indicates autonomic-vascular dysfunction - a condition caused by a slight imbalance of normal nervous regulation internal organs. This is not dangerous to health, but such increased sweating causes anxiety and interferes with a full life and work, and poses a serious problem in her personal life, forcing a woman to focus exclusively on her problem. In this case, you need to contact a therapist or neurologist.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat?

If hyperhidrosis is of an unexpressed nature, then the well-known methods will help reduce the severity of the problem. cosmetical tools: emulsion creams, deodorants, antiperspirants and antiperspirant deodorants.

Since the ways to combat hyperhidrosis during pregnancy are limited, the expectant mother should not forget about natural methods of reducing excess sweating:

  • Consume less coffee, tea, spicy foods and other foods that cause sweating. You should not drink a lot of sweet carbonated drinks; replace them with regular mineral water.
  • If you have hyperhidrosis, shower more often.
  • Choose clothes and bedding made from natural materials (cotton, wool, linen and silk) that allow your skin to breathe.
  • To avoid excessive sweating on the feet, it is very important to choose the right shoes. It must be made of materials that allow air and moisture to pass through. And in summer and spring you need to choose shoes that are as open as possible. The sole should preferably be leather.
  • You can also regularly take warm baths with pine needles, sage, oak bark, and rubdowns are also suitable.

If the above methods fail and the problem increased sweating continues to bother you greatly, you can resort to medical methods of influence, therapeutic or surgical.

First, of course, you need to try to apply therapeutic methods. It is likely that they will help cope with hyperhidrosis without more serious surgical procedures.

Where does the unpleasant smell come from?
Sweat by itself does not have unpleasant smell, since it consists of water and salts dissolved in it, most of which are odorless. An undesirable aroma appears only when interacting with specific bacteria located in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. With such contact, bad-smelling fatty acids and protein decomposition products are formed.

∗ Physiotherapy (iontophoresis, electrophoresis). These treatments can relieve mild sweating, but do not eliminate it completely. The essence of the method is the effect of electric current and special anticholinergic drugs that reduce local sweating. Local exposure to current promotes the accumulation of medicinal substances in the layers of the skin. Usually the effect is not permanent and lasts 2-3 weeks. Doctors also recommend physiotherapeutic techniques that reduce the excitability of a woman’s body and thereby reduce sweat production (electrosleep, cold and hot shower etc.). After consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, in the absence of contraindications, physiotherapy can be used during pregnancy.

∗ Medicines. There are special medicines, reducing sweat secretion (anticholinergics). However, they have a complex effect not only on sweating, but also on the entire woman’s body (increased and rapid heart contractions, relaxation of the uterus and decreased tone of the walls of the uterus), so they cannot be used during pregnancy. The doctor may advise the expectant mother to try mild sedatives (herbal preparations, teas with chamomile, lemon balm, mint, valerian, motherwort). They can reduce the excitability of the nervous system and reduce the intensity of sweating.

∗ The drug “Botox” (“Dysport”, other analogues). Botox is an analogue of botulinum toxin. This is a protein substance that is injected with thin needles into areas of increased sweat production and blocks the enzyme that provokes the sweat glands to produce and secrete secretions. Typically injections are given in the armpits, palms and soles of the feet. After the procedure, the skin in this area does become dry, but only as long as the botulinum toxin is active (an average of 6–12 months). Then new injections are required. This method should be used only if the sweat secretion is really very significant and seriously disrupts normal life women. But such injections will only be possible after childbirth; the use of this method is contraindicated during pregnancy.

From surgical methods Correction of hyperhidrosis today there are the following modern and effective ways treatment:

∗ Curettage of the hyperhidrosis area. The essence of the procedure is to remove the sweat glands in the problem area, as well as to intersect the smallest branches of the sympathetic nerve (it activates the work of the sweat glands) at the level of the subcutaneous tissue. This procedure is performed with a special instrument - a curette, which resembles a kind of metal spoon, under local anesthesia. After this, there is a persistent decrease in sweating by 90%. In addition, after this procedure, the specific smell completely disappears. However, this method can also be used only after childbirth.

∗ Endoscopic sympathectomy. If increased sweating is observed on the face and palms, a procedure such as endoscopic sympathectomy will help. This is a serious operation that involves blocking the impulses of the sympathetic nerve, the source that provokes sweating on the face and upper limbs. During the operation, under general anesthesia, a mini-TV camera is inserted through several punctures, making it possible to observe the procedure on a video monitor screen, and a special probe, with which a 5 mm clip is applied to the sympathetic nerve. It is clear that this operation can also be performed only after childbirth.

Thus, if increased sweating bothers you greatly, it is quite possible to get rid of it. However, when choosing a method of struggle, do not forget that sweating is still a necessary function of our body. Without it, we would die from overheating and poisoning by decay products. Remember: when trying to get rid of sweat odor, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Reliable tool

Baths made from tree bark effectively eliminate excessive sweating of the feet. They have astringent, drying and anti-inflammatory properties due to their tannin content. To prepare the bath 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of willow bark into 1.5 liters of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, cool and soak your feet in it for 15–20 minutes. This bath should be done daily or every other day after washing your feet with soap.

There is no more surprising and mysterious mystery of conception and birth of a child. And although science assures that it has studied the entire process of pregnancy and fetal development in detail, the origin of life remains the biggest mystery of the universe. It would seem that the mother’s body is designed to bear and give birth to a new person, but from the very beginning it tries to tear away the embryos from itself, like a foreign body. And the small embryonic embryo has to fight for its life already in the womb.

But it’s good that nature relaxed and allowed the mother’s immune system to not so violently reject the embryo from the very beginning of pregnancy. But it is precisely this relaxation that opens the gates to all kinds of infections, causing the pregnant woman’s body to become very weakened and susceptible to infectious diseases. Throughout the 270 days of pregnancy, a woman becomes a target for aggressive viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. And the most banal cold threatens to turn into a huge disaster for her and the unborn child.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking effective method getting rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on the author’s personal experience and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

Why are colds dangerous during pregnancy? What are the consequences of a cold for pregnant women? And what treatment is indicated for colds during pregnancy? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What can a common cold mean for a pregnant woman and her unborn child?

As mentioned above, during pregnancy a woman’s immunity is significantly reduced, and her body is unable to effectively and adequately resist viruses and bacteria, which are the source of many acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections with possible further complications. All doctors agree that colds and flu during pregnancy are incompatible conditions. Colds pose a huge threat to the health and life of the unborn child, not to mention the fact that a woman has a much harder time enduring the most common manifestations of a cold.

And no matter how pregnant women try to protect themselves from diseases and take care of themselves so as not to catch a cold, 80% of expectant mothers still suffer from ARVI. And most often, women manage to catch a cold precisely at the beginning of pregnancy, when the influence of pathogenic microorganisms on the developing fetus is very great and dangerous. Cold at early stages pregnancy is a very common occurrence. But at this moment the main organs and systems of the future person are laid down and begin to develop!

But first, let's look at the main complications that can arise in the fetus, i.e. Let's find out what the risk of colds is during pregnancy. So, due to ARVI, the mother may experience:

  • large blood loss during childbirth;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • complications of the postpartum period;
  • chronic infections.

If you have a cold during pregnancy, the fetus can be seriously damaged, so the following are often diagnosed:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • severe fetal malformations;
  • fetal growth retardation syndrome;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • fetal death.

This list alone is terrifying, so it is very important to prevent colds during pregnancy by everyone possible methods and ways. And most importantly, avoid the slightest cooling of the body and contact with the sick and those with colds. And if you had to catch ARVI, then everyone should know how to treat a cold during pregnancy future mom in advance so as not to panic and act as quickly, efficiently and prudently as possible.

Why is a cold dangerous during pregnancy in the first trimester?

Many people know that the entire pregnancy is conventionally divided into 3 trimesters of 3 months each. This division is not conditional and not subjective. It was given by nature that during each trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes its own distinctive changes, as well as with the growing and developing fetus.

A cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is considered the most dangerous, both for the woman and for the small embryo or fetus. Therefore, there is no need to even raise the question of whether a cold is dangerous for pregnant women. Here the answer is the same - dangerous, and even very dangerous. But colds in the early stages of pregnancy occur very often, inappropriately, at the wrong time. But what kind of disease occurs in a timely manner?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, colds are most dangerous not before 12 weeks, but up to 10 weeks, because it is during this period that the formation of developing organism the fetus of all systems and internal organs of the unborn baby. With a viral or bacterial infection, it is very likely that the disease can negatively affect the process of embryogenesis.

After all, it is during this period that the formation of the nervous system, sensory organs, heart, esophagus, limbs, and so on occurs. By the 9th week, the embryo takes on the shape of a human being and is already called a fetus. It weighs 16 grams and is 7 cm long, its heart is already beating, and bone tissue begins to gradually appear in place of small cartilages, the circulatory system, liver, urinary system, and genitals begin to form.

And now imagine how these terrible viruses strike at this small creature. Yes, it is very difficult for this baby to resist such influence. There is no need to describe what defects and deformities of the fetus can be caused by viral diseases, but believe me, this is extremely dangerous if a cold occurs during early pregnancy. By the way, the greatest danger is the rubella virus, which successfully disguises itself as a common ARVI. Its distinguishing feature is the appearance of a rash. Only it can be so mild that even an experienced doctor cannot suspect rubella.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is very problematic. A woman may not at all suspect that life has arisen in her womb, so she can uncontrollably use any medications to relieve symptoms colds. But this is where the danger lies! A small fetus is afraid not only of the infection itself, but also of its treatment!