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What to do soon New Year. Waiting for a miracle: what to do if you’re not in the New Year’s mood

Every time before celebrating the New Year, a person experiences pleasant emotions associated with the onset of a new period that brings changes, and probably good ones. The night before the White Rat takes over from 2019 to 2020 will be no exception. You just need to use certain signs, recommendations from astrologers and advice for it to be successful.

How to celebrate the New Year 2020 so that it is successful

Many people do not consider it necessary to follow special rituals, rituals, follow the signs of the new symbol of the year. However, they simply do everything that is traditionally customary for the holiday. AND White Rat helps people who don’t even believe in her, makes their lives successful, happy, shows her favor to them. How to celebrate the New Year 2020 so that it is successful, what clothes and jewelry to choose, astrologers advise.

What to wear to greet the arrival of the White Rat:

  1. For clothing, it is recommended to choose calm, soft colors. In outfits on women and men, the Rat will like white, gray colors. To decorate your toilet, make it more festive and elegant, you can use shiny accessories.
  2. A festive costume will be well complemented by a silver brooch or pendant. The Rat loves shiny elements, but it’s not worth adding too many of them to complement your suit. Elegant accessories for the evening gray dress will become gold or silver shoes, leather shoes with metal buckles.
  3. Lovers of soft, pastel colors should choose clothes of soft colors. For those who prefer bright colors, it is recommended to choose purple and lilac shades. They are a reflection of other aspects of the Rat’s character - energy, quick actions.
  4. It is good to complement the dress with a pendant with the image of the White Rat. Earrings, bracelets, rings, brooches with the image of the symbol of the year will look great. The rat is unpretentious - it will also like cheap jewelry.

You can wear a talisman, blessed with the lights of the New Year's holiday, all year, and it will constantly attract good luck to a person.

Before the arrival of 2020, in order for it to be successful in all your endeavors and ideas, you need to follow the advice:

  1. Carry out a general cleaning of the apartment without leaving an ounce of dust. The Rat will bring all his goods to such an apartment and will store them all year round for the homeowners.
  2. Walk with a lit church candle and fumigate all the corners of the rooms with smoke to drive away negative energy.
  3. Ask for forgiveness from everyone whom a person, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in the past year.
  4. Throw away all regrets when a person is not given forgiveness. The Rat simply looks at the flow of life, there is not an ounce of self-humiliation in it, this is how a person should act.
  5. Get rid of the broken one household appliances, if it is not possible to repair it.
  6. Lubricate creaking doors and transoms, tighten loose bolts on kitchen doors and walls in the living room.
  7. Have time to take out the trash from cooking before guests arrive - the trash can must be empty and clean.

Knowing how to celebrate the New Year 2020 so that it is successful for the whole family, you can follow all the tips. It is not difficult. A white tablecloth on the festive table, with the obligatory toy - the symbol of the year, is a sign of the hostess’s readiness to accept the coming of the White Rat, to bring daily life changes and updates required by the symbol.

General Features of the White Metal Rat

The Rat is considered a very prudent, well-practical symbol. She loves to stock up, take care of financial and material well-being, and comfort in the home. But the symbol of 2020 is not a homebody. This is a workaholic who is constantly at work himself and persuades everyone else to do it.

Few people will be able to remain without classes in 2020. The White Rat can punish parasites by taking away their luck or, more likely, financial success.

When choosing outfits, decorations and dishes for the New Year's table, you need to consider the following:

  1. The Rat loves everything natural and natural. The decor should use soft, natural shades. Toys made of metal and wood should definitely be used as decorations on the Christmas tree. Compositions made of rope or wood are also allowed.
  2. The symbol gives preference to dishes that are natural for rats in nature. These are cereals and nuts. But don’t think that you can’t eat meat during the celebration. On the contrary, it is worth preparing more of it.
  3. The rat is a very timid animal. Do not use spices that smell strongly or change the taste of food excessively.

It is recommended to avoid pyrotechnics; they can scare away luck, just as they scare away rodents. If you want traditional New Year's lights, you should use garlands or sparklers. For the same reason, you should not make noise or overdo it with alcohol in the house during a feast.

It is important to know not only how to celebrate the New Year 2020 so that it is successful, but also how to behave throughout the entire 12 months. The Rat will bestow luck on those who deserve it: kind, unselfish, hardworking people. It is important to put more effort into achieving your goals, try not to get into arguments, and also take care of the environment.

Festive table

The Rat has a very good appetite and is very omnivorous, so there should be various snacks on the table, and it doesn’t matter whether they are simple or complex, the main thing is that there are a lot of them. Exotic dishes and snacks should be avoided in festive table dishes; the Rat prefers simple but tasty foods. The following are required on the table: meat, fish, poultry and cheese, the main delicacy of the Rat. The Rat also prefers a table rich in food; the number of dishes and snacks should replace the complexity and excessive decoration of dishes.

The rat will highly appreciate a buffet-style table, many different appetizers, tartlets, portioned serving of salads and hot dishes (for example, pots of roast or cocottes with julienne), canapés and small sandwiches with one- or two-ingredient filling (for example, bruschetta).

Gifts in the Year of the Rat

The Rat is a economic sign, economical and not fond of trinkets. From trinkets, you can present a figurine of the hostess of the year. You can give useful and functional things in the Year of the Rat:

  • Clothes.
  • Home and household appliances.
  • Items to make life easier.
  • Dishes.
  • Multifunctional gadgets.
  • Furniture and decor items.

How and where to celebrate 2020?

The Rat is a very sociable sign. She has many friends and loves noisy parties. The Year of the Rat should be celebrated cheerfully, and preferably in a big company. Loud music, the noise of firecrackers, the clinking of glasses and joyful laughter - this is what the Rat will appreciate, she will understand that this atmosphere of celebration and fun is arranged for her and will be generous with gifts throughout the year. The Rat loves fun and active games, so it’s worth thinking up in advance holiday program with competitions, jokes and sweepstakes.

The second hand of the clock restlessly runs in a circle, every moment bringing us closer to the onset of the most joyful, beloved holiday by many - the new year 2018. Even if there are still a couple of months until New Year's Eve, the daily routine will quickly and imperceptibly turn the remaining few pages of the calendar. Preparing for the New Year is an important, even responsible matter, because there is so much to do: decorate the Christmas tree, prepare outfits, think through the holiday menu... How to manage everything and celebrate this year happily magical holiday, read below.

How to prepare for the new year

You need to spend New Year's Eve beautifully, solemnly and always in a good mood, because, following popular saying, the meeting of the New Year determines what the next 365 days will be like. To make the festive night special and unforgettable, you need to carefully prepare for it. The preparation plan will include many important points, but the first thing you should do is finish all the projects you have started, pay off your debts, and ask for forgiveness from those who were undeservedly offended.

When to start preparing

As soon as the first frost hits the ground and it is wrapped in a warm white blanket of fluffy snow, everyone will inevitably feel the mysterious, truly exciting atmosphere of the holiday. Store windows will shine with bright stars of electric garlands and begin to shimmer with colorful reflections of all kinds Christmas tree decorations, and the city air will smell something mystically pleasant. This will be a signal that it’s time to start preparing for the new year in order to have time to accomplish everything you have planned, and with the chimes to step into a new, certainly happy stage of your life.

December to-do list

It is better to start preparing for the New Year by drawing up a plan, which will spell out absolutely all the actions that need to be performed before the holiday. The main preparation period is December, so this month is worth:

Choose a place where you will celebrate the holiday, create a New Year's Eve program, and invite guests.
Clean the house, create a festive atmosphere in it using New Year's decor.
Buy gifts for family and friends, prepare cards and parcels.
Decide on a design evening dress, hairstyles, makeup.
Think over the menu for the festive table, purchase the necessary products. If plans for New Year include a celebration outside the home, then book a table in advance, clarify the list of dishes and drinks that you would like to see there.
Getting ready for the new year in advance

New Year is one of the main winter holidays, which has long been associated interesting traditions. It is believed that you need to cross the threshold of the next 365-day earth cycle in clean house, with a pure soul and thoughts, leaving behind all the grievances, disputes, and failures last year. It is better to decide most of the important aspects of preparing for the New Year in advance, so that a calm celebration does not end up turning into a chaotic run around the shops, standing in endless queues, rushing around the kitchen just before guests arrive, or cosmetic manipulations five minutes before the cherished chimes.

Gift selection

Children firmly believe that in magic New Year's Eve kind Santa Claus with a red nose and a fluffy white beard gives gifts to everyone. Adults, although they have not believed in fairy tales for a long time, are still waiting for a nice present for themselves under a decorated New Year tree, so one of the most important points of the pre-holiday plan is buying gifts for family and friends. In order not to leave anyone unattended, to give everyone cute, pleasant, useful little things, you should make a list of gifts by name, and it is better to buy and pack them before the start last week December.

New Year's entertainment and events

To fully feel the delightful atmosphere of the approaching New Year, to ensure yourself an elevated New Year's mood, take care of regular pre-holiday entertainment. For example, start a telethon of good Christmas films, go for regular walks around the city twinkling with lights more often, try yourself in the role of one of the fairy-tale characters at a children's party.

If you have children, be sure to think about when and where you will arrange for them New Year's party, create a program of competitions and round dances, or simply invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to your home on New Year’s Eve. If you are planning to celebrate a long-awaited holiday in the company of friends, take care of an interesting “adult” program with appropriate entertainment and characters.

What to do before the New Year

The to-do list during pre-holiday preparation includes several important items. This includes cleaning and decorating the family nest, buying gifts, planning the New Year's menu, choosing a holiday outfit and matching accessories. In all this whirlwind, you can’t forget about yourself, because you only need to step into a new stage of life with the proud gait of a confident beauty, so during December you also need to have time to improve your appearance to the maximum.

Preparing your home for the New Year

Among the pleasant chores on the eve of the New Year, one of the main tasks is always home preparation. Cleanly cleaned and beautifully decorated, it gives us not only a feeling of home comfort, but also helps us feel all the magic of this wonderful holiday. To properly prepare your home for the start of the new year, you need to:

Carry out a general cleaning, looking into every nook and cranny of the apartment.
Throw away old unnecessary trash, and along with it, get rid of the negativity within yourself.
Put all the necessary things in their places.
Decorate your home beautifully with New Year's decorations.

Gift ideas for family and friends

A mandatory attribute of the New Year is gifts under the tree in beautiful bright packaging. It is better to think about what and to whom to give in advance, focusing on the preferences and hobbies of each individual person. The most win-win option for loved ones is soft house slippers. You can present your friends with something fun and useful at the same time. Girls will appreciate it when their beloved men put some original decorations for them under the Christmas tree. It is better to give employees, bosses, and companions something modest, but tasteful.

Since the symbol of the coming 2018 is a yellow dog, a small addition to the main gift can be not only a postcard with a picture of a cute dog, but also an original souvenir:

money box;
soft toy;
refrigerator magnet;
desk calendar;
notepad, etc.

How to decorate a house

New Year - family celebration, so most prefer to meet him with his family, his closest and dearest people. Great value for creation festive atmosphere plays a special role in the design of the house. It consists not only in installing a green beauty, but also in all kinds of bright decor, which, as a rule, uses shiny garlands, serpentine, fir branches, colorful christmas balls. Here are some holiday decoration ideas for your home:

You can hang colorful lights on the windows or paint the glass with special paints.
It would be appropriate to decorate the front door with a wreath of spruce branches, bells, bright bows.
The walls of the house will look beautiful with a scattering of different-sized lace snowflakes.
Bright, sunny tangerines, bagels, and candies in shiny candy wrappers will perfectly decorate the Christmas tree and add a touch of childhood and fairy tales to the overall design.
Room decorated for the New Year

Pre-holiday self-care

Every girl wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, and not only on holidays. To celebrate the magical night in all its glory, you should take care of your appearance in advance. You definitely need to freshen up your hair, go for a manicure, get waxed, tighten your body, and renew your facial skin. This can be done at home using your usual skincare products, or you can go to an appointment with a professional cosmetologist.

If you have problems with your figure, it wouldn’t hurt to go on a diet and sign up for a fitness class in early December. Special attention should be paid to skin color and consider whether pale limbs will look very contrasting against a bright background. festive dress. If your skin is too light, it is better to sunbathe a little in a solarium to new year party be completely confident in your irresistibility.

When and how to put up a Christmas tree

Preparations for the New Year are always accompanied by the installation and decoration of a green forest beauty - an obligatory symbol of this wonderful holiday. As a rule, the Christmas tree is put up somewhere in mid-December, when the street already “smells” with might and main. New Year's magic. However, this only applies to artificial trees. It is better to place a live, fragrant Christmas tree in the house closer to the holiday itself, so that it does not fall off due to the dry air at home before New Year's Eve.

What to wear for the New Year

Choice New Year's outfit– a separate topic for the fair sex, because every girl wants to look her best on New Year’s Eve. If you pay attention to the character of the patron animal of the coming 2018, it becomes clear that you need to celebrate the New Year in a beautiful, but modest and comfortable dress. Screaming revealing outfits It’s better to leave it until better times. As for the color of clothes, shoes, jewelry, for this year's meeting it is better to choose them in calm yellow-brown tones, without excessive glamor.

New Year's menu planning

Preparations for the New Year must necessarily include planning a holiday menu. The favorite treats of the dog under whose protection the next 12 months will pass are meat and fish, so in order to please the dog, look for new ones in advance interesting recipes meat dishes. Be sure to prepare fish in different variations, meat salads and appetizers. However, this does not mean that you need to give up vegetables altogether - they perfectly complement meat and add bright colors to the overall picture of the holiday table.

Buying groceries

If you have already decided what you will treat your guests on New Year's Eve, make a menu and a list of necessary products. It is better to make the necessary purchases of provisions for preparing holiday delicacies in advance. If these are ready-made packaged products with a shelf life of more than a week, you can easily purchase them in early December. Meat, fish, vegetables and other perishable foods should be purchased a day or two before the holiday to be sure of the quality and freshness of the food prepared from them.

Cooking New Year's dishes

Preparing treats for the holiday table should begin at last days before the holiday, because food is on New Year's table It should not only be tasty, but also fresh. Preparations for salads, desserts, and some appetizers can be prepared as early as December 30th, but everything will have to be mixed, coated, fried and baked only on December 31st. If you are going to serve hot dishes, make sure they have time to prepare before your guests arrive.

Festive table setting

The last stage of preparation for the New Year is decorating the festive table. Think in advance about the color scheme of the tablecloth, napkins, and additional decorative elements. Colorful compositions from spruce branches, multi-format candles, tangerines and bright New Year's balls. If you want to make friends with yellow dog To gain her favor, decorate the table with fragrant cookies in the shape of seeds and fish.

Preparing for the New Year with your own hands

If you have enough time for all the pre-holiday chores, and you simply cannot live without creativity, do the pre-holiday preparations yourself in the most literal sense of the word. You can make not only decorations for your home with your own hands, but also gifts for your family - they will bring your loved ones much more joy than trinkets bought in a regular store. Presents made independently, from the heart, have the strongest positive energy, therefore they are always valued more than even the most expensive purchased souvenirs.

New Year's Decor Ideas

If your first step in preparing for the New Year is to decorate your home or workplace, try making simple but very cute interior decorations yourself. The most suitable for them different materials from old magazines to ordinary big shots. You can, for example, do:

A vase with multi-colored cones: collect the cones, wash, dry, and then paint with watercolor paints, previously mixed with bright sparkles. After complete drying, place the cones in a transparent plastic vase, sprinkling them with small shiny balls or confetti. Wrap the vase in a spiral with ribbon and tie a large bow in front.
Soft Christmas trees in miniature pots: cut out Christmas tree patterns from bright durable fabric, sew them, filling the middle with cotton wool. Stick long wooden skewers inside the toy trees and place them in small pots for seedlings. Fill the containers with silicone glue and cover with beads or cotton balls on top. Sew decorations from multi-colored small beads or small bows from a narrow satin ribbon to the Christmas trees.
New Year's balls made of buttons: sew balls from pieces of bright fabric different sizes, fill with cotton wool, sew on ribbon loops. Decorate the top of the balloons with buttons different colors and diameters.
Homemade Christmas ball from buttons

DIY gifts

New Year's gifts, made with your own hands with love and a piece of your soul, will not leave anyone indifferent. If you have been fond of one of the types of needlework since childhood, preparing gifts for the New Year for your family will not be difficult for you, because when you know how to do something, you will happily knit soft mittens or a warm scarf, sew a cute amulet figurine, or make a tree from beads or decorate a kitchen board.

If you have never done needlework before, but really want to give your loved ones gifts made by yourself, it’s never too late to learn. On the vastness of the World Wide Web you can find millions of master classes that will help you make, for example, a nice frame for photographs from shells or even ordinary pasta, decorate a jar for cereals using the decoupage technique, knit original case for a mug or make a cute origami figurine. Create for your own pleasure and for the joy of your loved ones!

New Year 2020 will be held under the sign of the Rat eastern calendar and will bring luck and happiness only to those who truly deserve it. If you want only good events to happen in your life in the future, then prepare for the holiday in advance, and when you meet it, observe simple rules. There are many signs of what you can and cannot do in the outgoing and new year. Find out from your own experience whether they work or not to attract good luck and prosperity to your home.

Even in the old days, people believed that the New Year mysterious holiday, in which magic happens. You should not be skeptical about this fact, because there is a lot of evidence. If you really want something, or you have plans, but you don’t know where to start, this is the most favorable time to fulfill your desires. On New Year's Eve, concentrate on your cherished dream, clearly imagine what will happen if it comes true. The Universe will hear your request and will do everything possible to make your wish come true.

The coming year 2020 is considered very powerful in terms of energy balance. It will be a leap year, which means that February will add 1 day. Most people consider leap dates to be unlucky and expect something bad to happen. You can’t set yourself up exclusively for the negative, because then it will definitely happen if you constantly think about it. Tune in and look forward to the future with optimism, and so that fortune does not pass you by, do a few simple rituals on the eve of the celebration and during it.

The symbol of the coming year will be kind to honest, fair people and does not tolerate envious and vile individuals. Do not try to hide the skeletons in the closet from the Rat, because it is impossible to deceive the animal, and all the secrets will soon be revealed. Start the New Year 2020 with a clean slate, and to do this, prepare for it in advance.

Astrologers recommend celebrating the year of the Metal White Rat in its favorite colors: steel, silver, white. You can combine them with gold, copper and black colors. The animal really likes these shades, and he will definitely appreciate it. So think through everything to the smallest detail, from your own image to your home interior. Lay a silver or snow-white tablecloth on the table, buy holiday napkins with decorative steel rings for serving.

Choose an outfit for yourself; it should be discreet and in no way vulgar. The Rat does not like promiscuity and excessive shocking. Folk signs They will tell you what to wear and how to look for the celebration. A white or silver dress, suit or trousers with a blouse made of flowing fabric are suitable for the holiday. In order to finally complete the look, you will need jewelry. These can be silver bracelets, rings, earrings, chains with pendants. You can choose jewelry in the same color scheme. Make-up should be done in pastel soothing colors, but it can be done bright accent on the lips or eyes.

On a note! The rat does not like red and scarlet colors, so try to avoid them when creating a New Year's look.

What you need to do in the outgoing 2019

2019 is almost over, so most people are already preparing in full for 2020: buying gifts, filling refrigerators with food and alcohol, inviting guests.

In addition to household chores and worries, there are several things that also need to be done in the last days:

  • distribute debts. If you borrowed money from friends or took out a bank loan, then if possible, pay it all back. Pay off unpaid utility bills and other small expenses;
  • make peace with those with whom your relationship has deteriorated. If you haven’t heard from a friend for a long time, or you have a conflict with a colleague/friend, then forget all the grievances. New Year holidays– a great reason to meet and build relationships;
  • clean up the house. The animal loves cleanliness very much, and if you invite the Rat into a dirty, untidy apartment, it may get angry;
  • audit things. Clear out accumulated trash in storage rooms and mezzanines. Getting rid of unnecessary things leads to pleasant updates;
  • wash and iron all linen. If there are any unnecessary items in your wardrobe that you don't wear, get rid of them. There is no need to regret it, this way you will make room for new purchases.

And most importantly, free your head from bad and bad thoughts. Thinking about them, you only attract negative charges of energy, and only more troubles happen. Leave everything negative in 2019, and then 2020 will go like clockwork.

Signs of what not to do for the New Year

You've probably heard the saying: how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it. So, in order not to darken your future life with unnecessary worries, you need to observe certain traditions.

Remember what you cannot do before the offensive and during the celebration:

  • quarrel with loved ones, say hurtful words, stir up conflicts and get angry. If you harbor a grudge against someone, then let it go, they should remain in the past. Ask for forgiveness from your relatives, make peace with your enemies, do not hold a grudge against anyone;
  • do not borrow and pay off your old ones. If you meet next year with borrowed money, then do not expect wealth;
  • Do not cut your hair or paint your nails on the night of December 31st. This is a bad omen. Take care of appearance in advance. Go to the salon and get it done new styling, symbolizing change;
  • do not sit at the table in dirty home clothes. Take a shower and even if you celebrate the holiday in splendid isolation, this is not a reason not to dress up;
  • Don't behave vulgarly and don't get drunk. As a rule, alcohol flows like a river on New Year's Eve, so it will be good if you control yourself and don’t drink too much. In addition, in the morning you will feel much better than with a hangover;
  • Don’t hit the dishes on purpose for luck. Handle it carefully, otherwise, in addition to misfortune, you may also get hurt. Check that the dishes are on the table without cracks or chips. If you have one in your house, then get rid of it without any regret.

Attention! New Year is a family holiday, so you need to spend it with loved ones, in a cozy home environment. If you are on a trip, try to return to the feast so as not to break family traditions.

Traditions and signs for New Year's Eve in Russia

Surely you have already heard that a wish you make on New Year's Eve comes true quickly, especially if you believe in it and ask from pure heart. This tradition comes from our ancestors, and its relevance (as well as its action) has been preserved to this day.

The Rat will be favorable to you if on the night from December 31 to January 1 you perform simple rituals:

  • make several wishes at once as the chimes strike. Please don't material values, but health, happiness for loved ones, etc.;
  • during the New Year's feast, repeat the phrase several times: “The table is set, there is plenty of everything, let it be like this for the whole year”;
  • when the time is approaching midnight. Pick up the coin with the largest denomination and squeeze it until the fight is over. Then put the coin in your wallet or pocket and keep it with you for a whole year;
  • shortly before midnight, open the window or balcony door. In this way you will invite the coming year into your home, and with it good luck;
  • if one of your family members was unable to attend the holiday, then make a table setting for it and do not clean it up throughout the evening;
  • eat a tangerine and treat it to your neighbor at the table. By Chinese superstition it symbolizes material well-being.

Of course, no festive feast is complete without champagne. There are also several signs with the drink. For example, you need to make a wish and drink the contents of the glass in one gulp for its speedy fulfillment. Pay attention to how the bottle opens: if it’s easy, then it will be the same for a year. It’s hard to get the cork out, or if it’s completely stuck, then expect trouble.

Even gifts given on New Year's Eve are of great importance. If you want to wish health to your loved ones, then give them symbols of longevity: honey, nuts. To wish for wealth, you need to give objects with gold embossing or a metallic shade.

New Year's signs for January 1

Following New Year's Eve comes the first day of the new year. In terms of energy, it is no less significant than the previous one. Fate may send you signs, so do not lose sight of them and interpret them correctly.

  • if your loved one kissed you in the morning, then the year will be homely and happy;
  • do not clean the house on January 1, relax;
  • If you go out on the first day after the new year, pay attention to who you meet first: a man or a woman. If a man means good luck, a woman means trouble;
  • unmarried girls will be able to predict which side to expect suitors from. The first man to enter the house will indicate the direction;
  • even animals that you accidentally come across on the road are signs. Dog - to true friends, cat - to a stormy relationship, birds - trips, travel.

On a note! On January 1, do not take food out of the house, even when you go to visit or want to treat your neighbors. This is how you take fortune out of your home and give away your happiness.

Attracting love - signs for unmarried girls

For those girls who are not yet married, but really want to find a betrothed, the New Year is the best time. There is no need to worry even if there are no suitors, your soul mate will definitely find you.

To family happiness did not pass you by, listen to the advice:

  • do not sit on the corner of the table and do not grab food on the fly or while standing;
  • comb your hair in a secluded place: toilet, hallway, bedroom, so that others do not see you;
  • when cleaning the house, do not broom yourself and generally try to cope with household chores a few days before New Year's Eve;
  • Do not wear dirty, torn clothes to the celebration, even if you are at home. Buy a new dress, treat yourself;
  • prepare dishes for the feast yourself, do not buy ready-made semi-finished products;
  • Help guests sit down at the table. The faster this happens, the faster your wedding will be.

If you have a young man or you already like someone, then fate will definitely give you signs indicating an imminent wedding:

  • when you comb your hair, look at the comb: a large number of fallen hairs indicates that they will soon propose to you;
  • if you prick your finger or cut yourself while preparing holiday dishes, you will soon be choosing a wedding dress;
  • During the celebration you were doused with champagne - don’t be upset. This says that someone loves you and will propose;
  • if you live outside the city, then on New Year's Eve ride a donkey or a horse, then your betrothed will quickly propose your hand and heart.

On a note! To attract a lover, pour champagne into 2 glasses on the night of December 31 to January 1. You yourself will drink one glass of sparkling drink to the bottom, and then say: “I’m pouring out the champagne - I’m inviting my dear one into the house!” Pour the contents of the second glass into the window at midnight.

What to do to get married in the new year

To bring the long-awaited marriage closer and find family happiness, you can perform rituals. They will help attract brides or grooms. All rituals are absolutely safe, so there will definitely be no negativity. The main thing is to believe in what you are doing, and then what you want will come true. When the evening of December 31st comes, peel it, divide it into slices and place them in the shape of a heart. Fill 2 glasses with champagne, place one in the center of the figure, and drink the second in one gulp and say: “I’m pouring champagne into glasses, I’m calling for love.” Soon your soul mate will be found.

Another way to find family happiness: fill a vase with candies and any other sweet treat. On New Year's Eve, when you get ready to sleep, place a vase at the head of the bed. Sweets will attract fans, and they will appear soon. The third rite says: buy men's slippers and place them under the tree. They must all stand new year holidays. The slippers will definitely wait for their owner.

If you already really like someone, but you don’t know how to talk about your feelings or are afraid that they are not mutual, you can do one old ritual. It has nothing to do with magic, so don't worry, nothing bad will happen. Take a photo during the celebration young man and put it on it Golden ring. Put these items in a box or closet and leave them there until January 1st arrives. If your feelings are mutual, then the man himself will come up to you and offer his hand and heart.

Attention! The Metal Rat helps you find love, so ask the animal for help, and it will not refuse, because it honors family values.

Signs for the New Year to get pregnant (for the birth of a child)

When family life proceeds calmly and measuredly, it’s time to think about the upcoming offspring. It is not always possible for a woman to get pregnant right away; sometimes it takes months, or even years. The approaching 2020 will be favorable to expectant parents, so get ready for motherhood and it will happen.

To ensure that the baby is definitely born, do the following to become pregnant:

  • invite a married couple to the celebration who is already expecting a miracle. Take something from the pregnant woman to hold: maybe a purse, keys, a trinket. If the lady doesn't mind, take a few sips from her wine glass or eat from her plate. These seemingly funny rituals work flawlessly, and in just a couple of months you will be pregnant;
  • Before the celebration, go to a children's store and buy rompers, caps or booties. Wrap it in packaging so that others won’t guess what you have there, and put it under the Christmas tree;
  • plant a ficus tree on New Year's Eve. Flowers take away all negative energy and promote successful conception;
  • Buy an aquarium with guppy fish as a gift for yourself or your husband. They are considered fertile;
  • If you received pearl jewelry (beads, earrings) for the New Year, then conception will occur in the near future.

Most the right way getting pregnant in the future 2020 lies in clearly articulating your desire. Mentally pronounce it while the chimes are striking and drink the drink in a glass to the bottom. Then think about how your life would change with the birth of a child, talk to your future baby. In this way, your cherished desires will quickly come true, and you will become a happy mother.

Folk signs for attracting money and wealth

Often, along with the festive mood, unexpected expenses arise, causing your wallet to gradually become empty. What needs to be done so that money comes in easily and is always in your wallet, they will help traditional methods. They may seem a little strange or even funny to some, but they almost always work.

If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself:

  • pay off old debts so as not to drag them along with you into a new life;
  • Clean up your home, and celebrate the New Year in a new outfit and makeup. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of windows. If you believe Feng Shui, then the cash flow comes into the house through them;
  • hang a large one on the Christmas tree banknote, or maybe several;
  • when the chimes strike midnight. take a five thousand dollar bill and swipe it over your clothes, things, table;
  • place a gold or gold coin under the door mat silver coin. If there is none, then the foreman will do;
  • make your New Year's feast varied. Be sure to decorate salads and appetizers to make them look appetizing. One of the main dishes should be meat: pork. this is a sign of prosperity;
  • If a lot of waste remains during cooking, do not throw away the garbage at night;
  • After the feast, do not collect the crumbs left on the tablecloth. Open the window and shake them outside;
  • During the celebration, light seven identical candles and leave them to burn out completely. If none of them goes out, and they burn out in the same amount of time, then the year will be successful in terms of finances.

Believe in the listed money signs and experience them in the New Year 2020, then you are guaranteed material well-being. For greater confidence, when the chimes strike, hold a coin in your hands and ask the Rat to help you with a money issue. Then, when the fight is over, throw a coin into the sparkling glass and drink. Then wash the coin and make it a talisman. It can be hung as a pendant or carried with you as a keychain.

Interesting! There is a sign in the east: if a person accidentally falls asleep and sleeps through New Year’s Eve, then the year will be easy for him in terms of money.

Signs for health in the New Year

Our well-being is an integral part Have a good mood, therefore, when illness or sudden illness occurs, you want a quick recovery.

To avoid having to get sick in the coming year, you can perform folk rituals:

  • Throw a scarf or a shawl over your shoulders on the evening of December 31st. As soon as 12 o'clock strikes, throw off the cape. All the diseases that bother you will leave you with it;
  • during the celebration, knock on the threshold with an ax (knife) and say: “Life, health, bread”;
  • If a fly accidentally appears in the house on New Year's Day, this is a bad sign. Hit it on the glass with the words: “Every time has its hour, but this trouble is not for us”;
  • sprinkle the threshold with milk on the eve of the feast, this will bring good luck and health to all household members;
  • before sitting down to the table on New Year's Eve, take a shower, wash your hair, old clothes take it off and put on a new one. Sickness and negativity will go away along with the water.

If on the eve of December 31st you caught a cold or feel slightly unwell, get back on your feet with all your might. Since ancient times, people believed that if you celebrate the New Year sick, you will be sick for the whole year. So, restore your strength and heal to the fullest, so that on December 31 you will be like a cucumber.

Interesting signs for the New Year in different countries of the world

They like to celebrate New Year not only in Russia, but also in other countries. He, like us, is associated with the beginning of a new stage in life, so everyone expects personal happiness from him: love, health, success, wealth and other benefits.

Along with this, different nations They have their own signs that they sincerely believe in:

  • The Scots light candles, bonfires and fireplaces on New Year's Eve for good luck. The whole family gathers around the fire, and at midnight the door is opened in the house to let in the spirit;
  • Italians celebrate the occasion in a friendly and cheerful manner, partying until they drop. They believe that if the holiday is boring and sad, then the future life will be the same;
  • The Chinese, Koreans and Thais deliberately release noisy firecrackers and bombs into the sky, which explode loudly. Thus they scare away evil spirits from houses;
  • Spaniards and Portuguese must eat 12 grapes on New Year's Eve. With each berry you need to make a wish. If you manage to eat them while the chimes are striking, then all your plans will come true;
  • In Peru, people wear yellow clothes for celebrations. This is a good sign, especially for unmarried people;
  • Austrians value family happiness and home, so married couples During the chiming clock they kiss. This way they strengthen the union, and the marriage will be long and happy;
  • Before the celebration, the British put a worthless thing out of the house, and at the end they bring it back;
  • In Greece, housewives bake a cake for the table, in which they hide a coin. The delicacy is then cut into pieces and eaten. The person who received the coin will live happily ever after.

Whether or not to believe in popular beliefs is, of course, up to you to decide. There are a lot of cases when they really work, so it’s not for nothing that signs are passed down from generation to generation. So why don’t you try your luck, especially since it won’t be difficult to perform a ritual that brings health, luck, wealth and other values. Meet the Metal Rat with joy and optimism, and then she will smile at you too. Happy holidays and fulfillment of your cherished dreams!

The Year of the Metal Rat is approaching and it is important to celebrate it with dignity. There is an opinion among people that how you celebrate the New Year is how it will be, so it is important to do a number of certain things before the holiday approaches. In order for 2020 to be happy, bring prosperity, a lot of health and financial stability, you need to know the signs for the New Year.

What to do before the holiday arrives

The Mistress of the coming year will be able to evaluate actions and will be favorable to people if they do the following things:

  1. The main sign is to pay off any debts. This list includes large and small amounts, other people's belongings and objects, and even debts in the form of promises. An economical and scrupulous animal, she does not like to be met with debts.
  2. Forgive your offenders and ill-wishers. Ask for forgiveness yourself from people you may have offended intentionally or accidentally. Forget about conflict situations and quarrels.
  3. To rid your home of negative energy, you definitely need to do some general cleaning. It is especially important to put things in order in closets, under furniture, in corners and hard-to-reach places, this is where energy waste accumulates.
  4. People mistakenly believe that delicious food should only be on the holiday table. This is wrong. On the eve of 2020, you need to eat deliciously. Do not deny yourself your favorite foods, the main thing is that they are healthy and do not harm your body.
  5. The list also includes body cleansing. Firstly, it is important to cleanse the intestines and blood vessels of harmful substances that have accumulated over the year, and secondly, every housewife cooks a lot, so extra cleansing of the stomach will only be beneficial.
  6. There are some good things to do. Ideally, you can help people in need, transfer the amount to the account of sick children, you can also go to an animal breeding nursery and choose a pet.
  7. Before the holiday, you need to make important purchases; items and equipment purchased during this period will last a long time.

    Do you believe in omens?

Superstitions and signs on New Year's Eve

Every person wants to go into the future at least for a few seconds and find out what the Steel Rat has in store for him. Unfortunately, we do not have such an opportunity, but we can look closely at signs and superstitions that will help us figure out what we are striving for and what is better to avoid:

  1. On New Year's Eve 2020, you do not need to lend money, even to your closest people, and even in the event urgent need. Try to correctly explain your refusal to a friend or relative. Otherwise, next year will be poor for you and it will be difficult for you to solve financial problems.
  2. To avoid losing happiness and well-being, try to do general cleaning during the day. That is, until the sun sets. It is also not recommended to throw out garbage at night, because along with unnecessary items there is a possibility of taking happiness and health out of the house.
  3. Signs for the New Year 2020 recommend taking special care of dreams. They can be prophetic or they can carry a semantic load.
  4. To make next year profitable, you need to put a large bill in your pants, coat or dress pocket. Such a ritual will attract material stability into your life.
  5. To celebrate the Year of the Metal Rat, you need to wear clothes in warm colors. Thanks to this, your life will be filled with pleasant events, and the year will be generous.
  6. In order for family relationships to be strong, you need to celebrate the New Year in the family circle.
  7. Experts recommend abstaining from holiday fireworks and fireworks so that peace reigns in the yard and home. Otherwise, evil spirits may settle in the house.
  8. It's not enough to cover festive table, it is also important to decorate the furniture. Psychics advise tying a ribbon or thread to the leg of each chair. Thanks to this ritual, family relationships will be pleasant, and harmony will never leave the house.
  9. loved ones should be made from natural materials. In this way, honor is given to the ancestors, and protection from selfish and envious people is also acquired.
  10. In order to be able to buy a lot of new and pleasant things next year, the Year of the Rat should be celebrated in at least one new thing.

What rituals need to be done to make the year successful?

A few days before the holiday, you need to repeat the following actions and signs for the New Year 2020:

  1. If you want your dreams to come true, learn to imagine and visualize a clear picture (thought).
  2. While preparing dishes, you need to knock the utensil on the table and say the following words: “The table is set, there is plenty of everything, let it be like this for a whole year.”
  3. You need to put a coin in your wallet, which will be a talisman that attracts money.
  4. Relatives and friends should be given gold or silver candles. This sign attracts prosperity.
  5. In ancient times, it was believed that spruce could protect against adversity and bring harmony to the house. Even if according to your plans this year you will have an artificial Christmas tree, bring at least a spruce branch into the house.

To summarize, we note that signs for the New Year 2020 will help you celebrate the holiday in a good mood.

Summing up

  1. To ensure order and comfort in the house before the holiday, you need to put things in order.
  2. It is important to make peace with loved ones, forgive offenders and ask for forgiveness from those who were hurt. This will give you peace of mind.
  3. Before the New Year, it is important to pay off all debts.

We will now reveal an unpleasant secret to you. The New Year is celebrated in exactly 10 seconds. Imagine, a birthday lasts a day, the First of May is celebrated for two days, even March 8th stretches for three whole days - from congratulations at work to celebrations with the whole family. And such an important day, when everything in life begins anew, or a chance is given to start everything - everything is like the first time - the moments fly by.

This holiday lasts exactly 10 seconds, according to the countdown of the chimes. It's unfair, you agree. Is it possible in these exciting 10 seconds to remember everything, make a wish, complete it and forgive those with whom you are angry. Maybe that’s why nothing in life comes together. Meeting the wrong way?

This year will be special. Our year with you. We will meet him correctly. Let's make a New Year's to-do list. Let's prepare in advance and have time to do everything.

We start, as we should, with a plan. And we’ll start preparing today – December 1st. We are confident that we will succeed. We unfold a sheet of paper and draw our own. There will be simple things to do, and magical things to do. Every day is a continuous holiday or preparation for it. This is our month, fabulously – mysteriously – magical. Let's finish the old and make a new wish. Let's start.

The New Year doesn't start just like that. How does life work out? You are waiting, waiting for your birthday. You get ready, you worry. It flies by in seconds. This year we start worrying today. And therefore, already on December 2, it is on the monitor of your computer, tablet or phone. Congratulations!!! The holiday has begun for us.

Of course, movies are great. But we will begin, as in the good old days, to prepare for the New Year with our hands in hand. About the Snow Maiden, snowmen, Santa Claus and magic. What could be more New Year's than the whole family under one blanket, reading fairy tales.

The baby writes, of course. Writes correctly. We will now teach them how to do this.

As adults write to their bosses, “Please give me a bonus.” So we come up with what we want to receive from Santa Claus: Santa Claus. Please give me...

In order for all this to happen, we’ll tell you an important secret. The letter must be signed by the parents. In their adult world, this is called a resolution.

So, your letter should contain a resolution from mom or dad with the following content:

"Father Frost. Sasha was unusually obedient and smart. Please be sure to send a gift.”

And watch out, these adults forget everything, especially when it comes to gifts. The parents must sign the letter. Now in . This is what we write on the envelope:

To Santa Claus, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, Russia, 162390.

If something doesn’t go well with your behavior or smart thoughts and your parents don’t really want to write a resolution, promise to finish it. There is time after all. And prove to your mom that you can handle it. She is kind and will definitely believe you.

You will still have to buy pyrotechnics for the New Year. It does not deteriorate, does not disappear. Today we will buy it. To make it more festive right now, we’ll still light one sparkler. Let's check. It fits very well with our desktop wallpaper theme. And it doesn’t hurt to make sure it burns correctly. So, happy fifth pre-holiday day and fireworks rehearsal to you!

The New Year will definitely not start until winter begins. And it starts with skating rinks and skates. You can ski, you can sled. The main thing is to take it all on your shoulders and into the yard. We welcome winter. Snow, frost - everything helps today.
December 7th. New Year's Movie Day

Of course, there is still plenty of time to buy a holiday. But, it has been noticed that nothing brings a holiday closer than a well-thought-out and purchased one. Therefore, today we drop everything, important and not so important, and run to the store. No one has bought gifts yet; they are still lying on store shelves and waiting. Gifts, we are coming to you!

What's a holiday without a cartoon Snowman, a magic sleigh with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, New Year's bunny? There are a lot of old cartoons, and there are new wonderful ones funny coloring pages. We remember, we argue, we choose. We stock up on New Year's tangerines and watch, pressing closely shoulder to shoulder. And here it is.

Legend has it that the more new toys you place on the tree, the more New Year's wishes will come true. Today we don’t skimp, we buy not just toys, but fulfillment of desires. You can add several garlands of light bulbs, snowflakes, New Year's tinsel. Everything will come in handy.

Let's remember who we offended, didn't understand, didn't call or didn't thank during the year. Today is a magical day. And we finish all the imperfections. All forgiveness and words of gratitude are doubled. So - go ahead. You shouldn’t drag old things into the New Year. The magic of the pre-holiday day is that everything is easier to do today.

The tradition is new, but good. There is a place to show off your skills and show off in front of your neighbors. So what? Now every day, when you insert the key into the door, you will know that a holiday is coming.

Today is the time to listen to amazing New Year and Christmas music. The main thing is, don’t forget to put it on ringtones. Let others also remember - a holiday is coming.

The most comfortable and New Year's lesson. The main thing is that the whole family cooks. Be sure to smear not only your hands and aprons in flour, but also your noses. This is a good sign. And here is the recipe and...

What's a holiday without a good suit? We said this for the boys.

For the girls, let’s clarify: what kind of holiday princess can she be if she doesn’t have the appropriate dress? Once upon a time magic fairy touched Cinderella and turned her into a princess. Do you remember how it ended? At midnight the outfit disappeared. We will not trust the fairies with our dress.

Let's rummage through the bottom of the barrel and make from what we have, for example. Or we’ll look at a different outfit in the store. Even if the dress has not yet been sewn or purchased today, it’s not scary. The main thing is to spin around to beautiful music, as if you were a princess from a fairy tale. Mommies, you are spinning too. Don't be lazy.

Remember, only 10 seconds are given to? And we will prepare and come up with wishes or dreams today. Early? No, just right. But there is time to correct and change your mind. Happy dreams!

December 17. Folklore day
New Year is a lot of fun. From December 1 to December 31 plus Christmas and Old New Year. And this means we need New Year’s songs, round dances, schedrovkas, sowing songs. It's time to teach them. It’s no good not knowing special songs on days like these. It's time to learn them, and then he walks around with a gift bag and hums them.

Toys, firecrackers, crafts, decorations. We take it all out today and try it on at home. We are definitely finishing something and preparing something new. Do you think it's too early? No. Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day. We repeat for parents. St. Nicolas day. Did you get the hint? So, don’t forget to hide this hint under the baby’s pillow.

Happy Holidays to everyone, and especially Nikolaev. Today is a day of continuous kindness. It’s clear that you shouldn’t be offended by anyone. We look at the world through our eyes good grandfather and we rejoice.

20th of December. Preparing New Year's greetings
No holiday comes as unexpectedly as New Year. Today we drop everything and write letters. On paper, on postcards, or in blanks. We remember, we save. Then before the New Year we will send everything out. Let your friends and acquaintances be pleased.

Have you read a fairy tale about magic words? Do you think they only live in a fairy tale? No. And today we will be convinced of this. All day long, from morning to evening we say: thank you, please be healthy, Good morning. Whoever knows and said the most words in a day gets a prize. Hurray for the winner!

All matters aside and behind the tree. A pine tree, a Christmas tree, big, small, even behind a branch. But it's time. We won't dress it up yet. Let him lie down for a while and make friends with us.

Or rather, a day of thinking and... What will we cook for the New Year? Do not know? Today we’ll just think about it. We are developing New Year's menu and table decorations. We write everything down on a piece of paper and compile it. We definitely look for the most delicious ones. If your mouth waters, it means you succeeded.

The kids are already dressed up. There remains a serious issue: choosing an adult dress for your mother. You need to treat it with full responsibility. There will be no new dress for the holiday - you can “fly by” on this issue for a whole year. This is not a small thing. Good things are the key to happy shopping for the whole year.

It’s time to show people our already purchased beauty from the forest, get to know her and dress her up. Do you think it's too early? Who cares about our Christmas tree after the New Year? Only now they are looking at her. And what kind of preparation for the holiday is there if there is nowhere to even sing a song about a Christmas tree from the forest. Don’t forget to hide sweets among the toys. That's why it's New Year, to eat sweets.

December 26. Grandparents Day
A wonderful time to wait for the holiday. We send the baby to her grandparents. And go on a visit, to the cinema, to the skating rink. Anywhere. By the way, official name Today's holiday - Boxing Day, is associated with the beginning of New Year's sales. Maybe they have already started in your city?

Let's relax and celebrate the New Year. A real rehearsal for the holiday. Moms and dads rejoice at a beautiful view and a good poem from a child. And the kids begin to eat their first new Year gifts. What to do, we earned it.

For a whole month we did something, cooked, dressed up. That's it, we're going for a walk today. Around the apartment, around the city, around friends. Last day of doing nothing this year. The next ones will be filled with events. The main thing is to do nothing fun today and remind others: “New Year is coming!”

December 29th. New Years corporate party
Day of the adult matinee. can be varied and colorful. But remember that the New Year still does not begin today. There are still 2 days left before the holiday. Corporate party No? Even lucky. Then you can take up another traditional New Year's fun: preparing aspic. What other holiday? On New Year's Eve they will say the traditional phrase at least 5 times: “How disgusting is your jellied fish?!!” The family will rejoice and think: “Our mother never has a bad aspic.”

Of course, those as prudent as us prepared and wrapped all the gifts. But a holiday is a holiday. And according to the calendar, that’s what it’s called. The air is already trembling with anticipation of the New Year's fireworks. Let's support this mood. Today is truly World Gift Wrapping Day. To be on topic, at least stick a snowflake somewhere with tape.

We are dressed and shod, with and in a chic dress, celebrating the New Year. The finishing touches. A little more and the final ten-second countdown will begin. There is no time to sit at the monitor. Happy New Year and happiness.

It can be simple - like a family. Special, with bells and whistles. It doesn't matter. The main thing is to make the right wish on New Year’s Eve.

We started celebrating the New Year on December 1st in a friendly and fun way. The entire next New Year depended on this month. All items on the New Year's to-do list have been completed. All steps for the New Year 2021 have been completed. Remember, we have already come up with wishes. Be sure to whisper them to the sound of the chimes, and close your eyes with happiness, the dream is on its way.