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DIY children's motor skills mats. DIY educational mat with arcs, master class

Making a children's rug with your own hands is quite simple. All that is needed for this is material, desire and opportunity. Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with some models of such rugs for children.

Bedside braids

The purpose of such small rugs is to protect your feet from the cold floor and have a slight massage effect. Carpets come in a variety of shapes - both round and rectangular. It all depends on your taste. You can read more about massage mats for children in another article.

To make such a bedside foot mat, you just need to perform a few simple steps with some old knitted item.

First you need to cut the item into wide strips of equal length. To finish the edges, fold the scraps along the long side. Divide them into three piles - later we will make three ribbons from them.

Sew the top of the strips and braid to the very end. After this, it must be rolled into a spiral, sewing the sides.

For a long service life of such a patchwork rug, it is better to sew dense fabric on the reverse side.

Tactile tracks or mats

Designed for the prevention of flat feet in young children.

A child’s foot begins to form from the first days of his life, and this process ends by the age of 6-7 years. During this period of time, we can positively contribute to the normal development of the child’s legs with the help of such rugs.

For toddlers, paths with small dimensions are perfect: 40x60 cm. Material: whatever comes to hand. It is, of course, advisable to use denim as a base - it is quite durable. You can come up with any design using beads and leftover fabric.

You can do two various types such rugs: single-layer and in the form of bags with filling.

The bags are usually filled with cereal or peas. To prevent the cereal from falling apart, you can additionally use adhesive tape - it holds well.

Single-layer rugs are used together with decor in the form of pebbles, flowers or rings. Round pebbles are sewn into them.

Rugs for newborns

They help the child's development and are very convenient in everyday life.

Such products are used as a simulator for training memory, concentration and learning to think logically. As the main elements, you can take the simplest figures that come to mind.

Also, interchangeable elements that can be thought through additionally will help parents bring fairy-tale characters to life by staging fairy tales or performances for their child.

The product is usually made round. However, you shouldn’t get hung up on this, it’s better to do original design rug - more complex. Thus, your baby will be able to learn to perceive non-standard elements, exploring the world through play.

It is better to choose the craft material from natural fibers, For example, natural cotton. Synthetics can cause allergic reactions in a child.

For ease of use, you can equip baby product zipper or adhesive tape - this way you can remove the filler from the mat without any problems. For the inside ideal option It will be natural wool or another equally dense material.

Decor in the form of appliques is a great idea

Knitted rug options

From the mass of options for knitted rugs, we will choose, perhaps, the most interesting and easy one. More detailed description You can read how to do this below. In the meantime, we’ll tell you what you need for this.

Every housewife has several unnecessary holey tights and socks - with their help we will make a useful product. For this task you will need about 15-20 tights and the same number of socks.

The result is an interesting carpet design made from unnecessary things, consisting of a tetrahedral chain with a total length of more than 12 meters.

While knitting, the entire process is done automatically, so you can watch TV at the same time.

Volumetric rug made of pompoms

Children will especially like this option for floor decoration. After all, this is not only beautiful decor, but also a soft toy. To make a cool rug, you need to make pom-poms and a base. The material can be: fabric fibers, bags or yarn. This mat can be used for baby crawling.

Pompoms can be used to make not only beautiful rugs. They are also used to make pillows, blankets, and bedspreads. Acrylic yarn – the best option for this. Using the most simple circuits for embroidery will simplify your work and save your nerves.

You can read more about this unique specimen below.


This rug helps the child perceive the world around him through sensations. There must be new unusual ones and his favorite ones Stuffed Toys. A variety of stripes that he could touch with his hands are also welcome.

With the help of such a product, the baby will learn to concentrate his attention and develop independently, while being in constant motion.


There are many options for creating such a carpet. This could be a rug with buttons, a gymnastics option, an option for walking or for hardening.

Such a thing consists of a base made of some material and elements protruding above the surface. In the store you can find rubber products with pimples - this is a massage mat. The height of the protruding parts will determine how you feel when walking on it.

The advantages of such a carpet:

  • Correct development of the baby's feet.
  • Improving the functioning of the immune system.
  • Stimulation of speech development.
  • Relaxes and relieves stress.

Do it yourself: master classes

We'll tell you how to make some interesting rugs with your own hands.

Knitted from tights

So, above we talked about what it is and what material is needed for the craft. Now let’s try to describe in more detail how to make this quite interesting carpet design element.

After assembling all the necessary materials (tights, socks, needle, thread), we begin the production of the carpet.

  • Step one is cutting off the socks of the tights.
  • Step two is cutting the tights into strips.
  • The third step is to make a ring from the cut part. You should get several such rings.
  • The fourth step is coils. A ring with 2-3 turns in a crosshair is wound around the thumb and index finger.
  • Fifth step - use the remaining three fingers of the hand. Having wound the next ring on them in several turns, with a crosshair we throw it over the thumb and index fingers.
  • Sixth step - remove the bottom loop from thumb, and the top loop remains in place. WITH index finger we do the same.
  • Seventh step - we do this until we run out of tights and socks.

This is such an interesting and very easy technology.

Pompom mat

Making pompoms

There are several ways:

  • Using table legs. The yarn is wound around the legs and tied with threads. It is cut in the middle between the dressing elements. The yarn is straightened out and the pompoms are trimmed. This way you can get a huge number of pompoms.
  • Using a fork. This item is used to make small pompoms. A piece of thread should be left for tying. So, let's wind the yarn. The ends need to be crossed and tied. We cut the side windings and trim the ball itself. This method is good for a large product. The result is neat, dense balls that can be used to make a rug in the shape of a bear, butterfly or flower.
  • Using cardboard. Two circles of the same size are drawn. Cut out a small circle in the middle. A thread is placed between them and crossed. It is the tying link of the pompom. The yarn is then wound tightly around the template. Please note that the rigidity of the pompom ball depends on the thickness of the winding. The threads are cut at the top, the cardboard templates are pulled apart, the ends are pulled together, and a pompom is tied. This method is cheap, but labor intensive.
  • Using a tool. You can purchase templates of different sizes in specialized stores. The yarn is wound and cut to form a ball. Such a device is quite expensive, but it pays for itself.

To check the density of the balls, you need to squeeze them. If the shape remains the same, then the pompom can be used. The ends of the threads that you use for dressing should not be cut off - they are needed for tying to the base.

Preparing the basis

To do this, you can purchase a special canvas, a mesh for greenhouses, or knit fillet mesh made of polypropylene.

Now let's move on to making the rug. Let's do it beautiful product in the form of a bear.

To do this, first perform a test pompom.

We measure the dimensions

Now let’s draw the following elements on the fabric:

  • The body is in the form of a trapezoid.
  • Hind oval legs.
  • Two semi-ovals - front paws.
  • The circle is for the head.
  • Two semicircles are for the ears.

According to the templates, we knit the patterns and sew all the details except the body to the fabric base. We sew eyes and a nose to the head, and 4 fingers in the form of circles to the front paws. On the body you need to tie 9 rows of pompoms in the following order: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 9, 8. Next you need to sew all the parts.

This principle can be used for almost every animal or insect.

Despite the great variety of educational rugs for children in stores, very often we cannot choose a specific model. And this is not surprising, all babies are special. But it is difficult to determine exactly what is special about them in the first weeks of life. Therefore, usually the choice either falls on all the rugs at once, or none of them suits our needs.

If you still can’t decide on the choice of rug, then know that you can create it yourself! Desire and knowledge of the basic principles of their design are enough. That's what we'll talk about next.

Basic requirements for hand-sewn rugs

Even if you already know exactly what type of rug you need, don't rush to grab a needle and fabric. It is very important not to forget that developmental mats are for a long time become your baby's main toy, a faithful companion and assistant in exploring the world. Therefore, first you should study the basic requirements for such rugs, and only then start sewing them.

Attention to detail

The best child psychologists work on the development of modern rugs and use high-tech equipment, but handmade rugs have their own number of advantages:

  • you choose the materials for the rug yourself and are confident in their safety,
  • you decide how many games and game elements will be on the mat,
  • you yourself determine the size of the playing field of the future rug, and it may differ greatly from the standard ones offered by global manufacturers,
  • your rug will be created exclusively for your baby, it will provide and take into account his characteristics and preferences, his love for certain games, as well as colors.

That is why most mothers still prefer to sew educational rugs for children with their own hands.

But before you start sewing such a rug, you need to remember several important requirements for the work, so as not to be disappointed with the result.

1) If you are going to develop your baby’s fine motor skills, then choose different objects that will perform this function.

The child will quickly get bored with the monotony, and he will lose interest in the game.

2) If you want the rug to last you a long time, leave some free space to add new games.

In the first days of life, the baby will play more and more interestingly with large details, images and beads, but the older he gets, the smaller and more detailed the subsequent sectors will be.

3) For the base of the rug, choose bright colors, but not flashy or glossy, so that the baby’s eyes don’t get tired and the passion for the game doesn’t disappear.

4) Consider the arrangement of sectors and game elements on the canvas so that they not only include maximum benefit as an educational game, but also fit harmoniously into the overall idea.

The field must be logically structured, otherwise the child will not see the final goal and soon his interest in the game will disappear.

Do not forget that the main purpose of the rug is the development of your baby in game form. And therefore it is very important that he finds it interesting, fun and educational.

To create an educational rug for children with your own hands, you will need a lot of different materials. But this does not mean that it should be full of beads, laces and chaotically stuck Velcro, which will only disturb and confuse the baby.

First, you need to think about the main theme of the rug, decide on its main tasks and functions, and then start stocking up on materials.

The first thing you need to sew a developmental rug is fabric.

It is needed both to create the base and for most of the applications that will decorate the playing field. Therefore, when selecting it, pay attention to the following:

  • For the wrong side, a non-slip fabric is suitable so that the rug does not slide on the floor,
  • For the base, a plain, dense fabric is more suitable so that it can withstand frequent use of the rug,
  • for decoration and appliqués, thin fabrics are suitable - chintz, calico, cotton,
  • for rustling elements, choose raincoat fabric, artificial silk,
  • for games aimed at development tactile sensations Velvet, suede, corduroy, etc. are more suitable.

As you can see, you will need a lot of fabric to create a developmental mat.

Don’t forget about the fittings, which play an important role here:

  • , zippers and teach children how to fasten parts;
  • Rubber bands will help you hide and take out individual game elements, as well as depict natural phenomena. For example, rain or the sun peeking out from behind the clouds;
  • beads, sequins and colorful stones will attract attention and develop the baby’s color perception.

Look around, not only sewing accessories can help you create an educational rug. Everything will come into play:

  • peas, beans, millet and buckwheat - as a filler and to create rustling toys;
  • woolen threads - as an imitation of grass or animal hair;
  • bright candy wrappers - as inserts and sound effect.

And this is not the entire list of materials that may be useful to you. Each rug is unique, just like its owner. Therefore, you decide for yourself what suits you to create it.

Just don’t forget that all materials must be natural and not hazardous to the baby’s health.

Sew small details firmly, and choose the fabric wisely so that it does not fade or stain children’s palms.

We create an educational mat for children with our own hands

As we have already said, educational mats for children come in different varieties. They differ not only in size and content, but also in purpose, since they are created for the specific age of the baby. So first decide how long you want the mat to last, and only what suits you best. And we will try to figure out how to create the basis and how to complement the playing field of the most common types of children's rugs.

DIY rug with arcs

Since rugs with arches and sides are best suited for infants, it is worth making them bright.

In addition to the previously mentioned materials in the form of fabric and accessories, we will also need arcs. A gymnastic hoop or metal-plastic pipes will help us with this.

Therefore, to create a developmental rug with arcs we will need:

  • plain fabrics of bright colors - calico, chintz, cotton;
  • non-slip fabric for the back of the mat;
  • padding polyester;
  • a gymnastic hoop with an approximate diameter of 65 cm or 3-4 meters of metal-plastic pipe.

First, decide on the size of the rug itself.

The most common size of a developmental mat with arcs is considered to be 90x90 cm, but you can decide for yourself what area your baby’s playing field will be.

Mat base

Cut out a square of the required size from the main fabric for the front side of the rug and exactly the same from non-slip fabric, which will become the back side. Sew them together and turn them right side out, but leave enough opening for stuffing.

To make it soft to lie on and turn over on the rug, insert several layers of padding polyester into the resulting blank and then sew everything up.

To prevent the padding polyester inside the mat from shifting or crumpling, quilt the future mat (all layers of padding polyester and fabric), either by hand or on a sewing machine.

This is how we have created the basis for an educational rug, which can be decorated immediately or over time with toys and appliqués for your fidget.


Now let's move on to the arcs.

If you choose a gymnastic hoop, then you first need to cut it in half to get a frame. Then the arches need to be made safer and softer. Therefore, we again take out the padding polyester and wrap it around the blanks.

When the arc is not visible under the padding polyester layer, and you consider it as soft and safe as possible for the baby, take the fabric, sew a long tube from it, turn it inside out and insert the resulting arc into it.

Connecting the arches and the base of the mat

Don't forget that the arcs up must be connected together, for this you can:

  • sew two laces into one of the fabric tubes, with which you will then intercept both arcs;
  • cut a ribbon from the main fabric with which you will tie the arcs;
  • take any braid or ready-made tape.

After the base and arcs are ready, it remains main question how to connect two main elements together?

If you do not plan to assemble and disassemble the rug, you can sew the fabric that wraps the arcs to the corners of the rug. Your developmental mat will now be ready and ready to use.

If you plan to make it more transportable, then at the stage of sewing the base you should think about options for attaching the arches.

You can cut small pockets in the form of pipes with a diameter a couple of centimeters larger than the arc, and sew them to the corners of the base of the rug.

Olga Volkova clearly demonstrates the process of such a connection in her master class:

You can cut through the base of the rug at the cutting stage, overcast the resulting loops and sew Velcro on the back side. Attach its second part to the finished arc and insert it into the loop. This is exactly what Lyubov Lozinskaya suggests doing, sharing the tricks of creating a mobile and bright educational rug in her master class on creating a children's rug.

If you plan to use the developmental mat after the baby learns to walk, then the arcs can be assembled separately from the playing field.

To do this, you just need to cut them to the required length, wrap them with padding polyester and cover them with fabric, and then form an arc by pulling the ends of one pipe between each other with tape. You will get a strong frame of two arcs, on which you can lay any rug of suitable size.

Calculation of pipe length for arches

To do this, simply multiply the diagonal of the rug by the number π, equal to 3.14, and then divide the resulting result in half.

For example, you want to assemble arcs from a pipe for a rug measuring 90x90 cm. They will be installed in the corners of the field, therefore, the base of our semicircle will be the starting point.

So, the diagonal of our rug will be 126 cm (90 cm x 1.4). Now we need to multiply the resulting number by 3.14 - 126cmx3.14 - to get the circumference of the intended circle, which will be equal to 395.65 cm. But since this is the length of a full circle, we need to divide it in half - 395.65 cm/2 = 197.82 cm. In total, we will need two cuts of a metal-plastic pipe with an approximate length of 198 cm. If the arc turns out to be too high, simply reduce the length of the pipe until you get a satisfactory result.

Please note that one pipe should be several centimeters longer than the other for greater stability of the structure.

DIY rug with arcs and sides

Another distinctive feature of educational mats for younger children is the presence of not only arches, but also sides so that fidgets remain in place.

As we have already said, such rugs come in several types:

  • with attached sides;
  • with sides that are part of a large rug.

Pillows, bolsters or other soft restraints can become additional sides.

If you want the rug to become your assistant for a long time, then your choice is a rug with lifting sides. After all, it has two sizes - assembled and disassembled.

To sew such a rug, you first need to create the correct pattern. To do this, decide on the size of the initial, small rug. Draw this square or rectangle on paper, and now add a rectangle on each side, the height of which will be the height of the wall. This is exactly what your foundation will be.

In places where the sides will fold, you can sew laces or ribbons. Then to assemble the rug you will only need to tie them tightly together. If you prefer Velcro or buttons, then sew them along the entire height of the side.

The process of creating such a rug can be seen more clearly in a small master class by a young mother.

DIY themed or play mat

And yet, the most popular among educational rugs for children are play mats. After all, they have so many interesting and fun things to do!

The base of such a rug can be sewn in different ways:

  • a single piece of fabric, to which appliqués and educational toys will then be sewn;
  • separate sections that will be connected, increasing the rug in size over time.

But in any case you will need:

  • several large pieces of fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber as a sealant;
  • scraps of bright fabric of different textures;
  • buttons, beads and other accessories;
  • locks, Velcro and elastic, etc.

First, decide on a sketch of your future rug:

  • consider the size finished product and whether you will sew it from scraps or from a solid cut;
  • think over the location of the games and the logical transition between them;
  • come up with a plot for the rug.

It is very important that everything that happens on the mat has meaning and pattern. Do not try to place games with bees and hedgehogs in the middle of the sea - this will only confuse the child.

The choice of rug type can also be an excellent clue. You can sew:

In any case, you will need a base sewn from two pieces of fabric and layered with filler to make the mat as safe as possible for playing.

Afterwards you can sew game elements to it in the order you require.

If you have chosen a map of the area as your subject - a forest, a highway or a park - then you can divide the field into sky and earth. At the bottom place trees, a road, small animals or houses, at the top you will have room for clouds, sun, birds and airplanes.

Don’t limit your imagination, you can always add a new object to the rug by simply sewing it on or swapping it with another one.

Use Velcro, buttons and zippers to connect toys. So an airplane can fly in the sky, attached to a zipper slider, in a house, windows can open and close with a button, and a hedgehog hiding under a bush can pick apples or berries, which are attached to it with Velcro.

Cute soft hedgehog

When creating educational rugs for children with your own hands, be sure to pay attention to the variety of types of toys:

  • sew or knit noisy objects - pour buckwheat or beads into a chocolate egg capsule, tie it or cover it with fabric, giving the toy the image of a bee, butterfly or rabbit;
  • use felt for flat applications, which will move around the playing field and be attached with Velcro, buttons or buttons;
  • provide pockets with zippers in which there will be;
  • sew into separate areas applique rug with a candy wrapper inside, such rustling will not go unnoticed by the little fidget.

Collection of toys for the rug

If you have not yet decided on the plot or are not confident in your abilities, then take a look at the video master class by Handmade Tailor. Here's some inspiration for creating a simple play mat with different elements and principles of fastening toys.

If you doubt your seamstress skills, then you can use the excellent idea of ​​Svetlana Rost, who suggests creating an educational rug based on pillows for stools. This way you can increase or decrease the size of the playing field, swap games and tasks, or even temporarily remove those that your baby is already tired of.

Double-sided developmental mat

Practical parents prefer double-sided rugs that contain two playing fields. This way they will provide their baby with something to do for a long time and save the family budget.

But when creating such educational rugs with your own hands, keep in mind that the baby will move around on it and nothing should interfere with him. Therefore, you should avoid bulky and hard objects that can cause unnecessary abrasions and bruises.

As with play mats, first you need:

  • come up with a plot;
  • draw a sketch and map;
  • prepare materials.

Afterwards, you sew all the game objects and Velcro onto the prepared playing fields and sew them together using the quilting sandwich principle - fold the playing field, apply the padding polyester to the wrong side and place the second playing field, the wrong side to the filler. Sew the resulting sandwich together, sewing tape along the edge.

For playing on such a developmental mat, the most suitable toys are made of felt, which can be rearranged, shifted or used for both sides.

Puzzle mat or puzzle mat

If your baby is already old enough and independent, then he will like the idea of ​​assembling his own rug. The process of folding itself will become an excellent game for him and a test of logic, spatial thinking, as well as the relationship of shapes to each other. This is exactly why puzzle mats or puzzle mats were invented.

Big puzzle for a little man

Most often, such mats are made of PVC, i.e. It will be difficult to reproduce their production at home. But handicraft mothers found a way out and began sewing puzzle rugs in the form of many soft pillows that can be easily connected to each other.

To create these educational mats with your own hands you will need:

  • fabric - felt, fleece or cotton are best;
  • filler;
  • pattern.

First, think about how many pillows you want to sew and what shape they will be. Draw the assembled puzzle and cut out each piece separately - this will be your pattern. Then simply transfer it to the fabric - each detail should be cut out in duplicate, which will then be sewn into pillows.

Fill the pillows tightly with padding polyester or any other filling, sew up the hole and you can give the finished rug to your child to play with. He will decide for himself how to collect it and what to do with it next.

To add another element of play and test the child's logic, you can sew an applique to the pillows in the form of a labyrinth or a road, which will need to be connected in the correct order.

Eclerka and her detailed master class will help you understand the process of creating a puzzle rug in more detail, in which she shares the intricacies of cutting and sewing pillows.

As you can see, in order to give your child full development and help him understand the world, you don’t have to run to the store and buy everything from its shelves. Sometimes it is enough to show imagination and ingenuity, and also to give him your love by creating a comfortable, useful and interesting educational rug. And what it will be like and what it will teach your baby is up to you to decide.

Many craftswomen love to invent and sew interesting products for young children. It’s so nice if a child has something made with his own hands, because it has a special warmth and energy. You can make not only clothes, but also nice accessories for your baby. A great idea is to learn and understand how to sew a voluminous rug for a child. It’s not at all difficult to make such a patchwork and textured fabric with your own hands, although you will need to stock up on time and perseverance.

A little about the product

What is such a soft accessory for a child? A blanket or rug consists of a base fabric onto which square pieces of fabric are sewn in a special way. They are filled with padding, and the rug acquires volume and incredible softness. This technique is called “bombon”. In addition, it is also known under the terms “biscuit” and “ottomans”.

Important! To add brightness and a childish theme to the rug, pieces of fabric are used in different colors or patterns.

The product can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • As a blanket.
  • A warm and soft rug for your baby to play with.
  • Decorative blanket for the crib.
  • Convenient and comfortable cover for a children's high chair.

You can decorate a rug made from voluminous squares with your own hands in a wide variety of ways - it all depends only on your imagination and taste. Let us outline several ideas for making a rug:

  • Plain fabric of any color. If you are sewing such a rug for a newborn boy, you can make it gently blue color, and for the little princess - pink.
  • Contrasting tones. Bright, catchy and fun.
  • Incredible rainbow combination. Some product models are designed multi-colored stripes diagonally.
  • Rugs that combine two or three related shades look very interesting and stylish.
  • Choose colors that match bed linen baby, and then you will get a single textile composition.
  • Decorate the outer edge of the rug around the entire perimeter with a strip of poufs in a contrasting color. You can continue the idea and make a rectangle from the same shade in the center of the product.
  • You can also arrange bombons of various shades and patterns different ways: chaotic, symmetrical, diagonal, checkerboard.

Preparatory stage

At this stage you need to determine:

  • Rug design. Come up with a pattern and layout of multi-colored patches.

Important! A drawing made on paper helps a lot with this.

  • Fabrics used. Based on the idea, you need to select the material from which the children's canvas will be made. It is necessary not only to choose the fabric, but also its shades, designs and patterns. In addition, the material is used for different purposes: fabric for the base, fabric for poufs, and, if necessary, fabric for the lower base.

Important! For children's clothes, it is better to choose fabrics that are hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch. It is desirable that they be natural.

  • Stuffing material. It is optimal to use padding polyester or holofiber.
  • Availability of decor and its execution.

Important! You can complement the original blanket with a beautiful ruffle along the outer perimeter of the canvas, bright satin ribbon or an interesting braid.

Tools and materials

So, before starting work, prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. Cotton for the top of the elements: you will need 16 patches measuring 50 by 50 cm.
  2. Cotton for making 144 patches measuring 11 by 11 cm. The color of these elements can be anything, since they are not visible.
  3. Cotton for the base of the canvas measuring 90 by 160 cm. Choose a fairly dense material and not too easily soiled.
  4. To match the base shade, select bias tape approximately 5 meters long.
  5. To fill the poufs you will need holofiber.
  6. Threads, pins, needles.
  7. Sharp scissors.
  8. Sewing machine.

Preparing fabric and cutting out parts

If you want a voluminous rug for a child with your own hands to be smooth, symmetrical and beautiful, pre-decorate the fabric.

Important! This procedure consists of wet and heat treatment of the material, which consists of washing, drying, and ironing cotton. These manipulations eliminate shrinkage of natural fabric and distortion of parts.

After this, we proceed to cutting out the parts. Cutting the front one bright fabric for 144 squares measuring 15 by 15 cm, and additional cotton for the same number of elements, but measuring 11 by 11 cm.

Stitching and stuffing

  • We take two parts different sizes: one square is 11 by 11 cm, and the second is 15 by 15 cm. On a large piece of paper on each side we create counter fold 2 cm in size. As a result of such manipulations, the parameters of the parts will be equal. We fix the folds with pins.
  • We connect both parts facing outwards and secure them with pins again. We sew it on a machine, leaving a small hole for stuffing.
  • We prepare 144 elements of the rug in this way. That is why at the beginning we mentioned some time investment and perseverance, since the work is quite painstaking.
  • We fill all the elements with holofiber.

Important! Do not stuff the poufs too tightly, as the parts will shrink during the assembly process.

  • After stuffing, sew the hole using a machine.

Product assembly

After you have prepared all 144 parts, all that remains is to assemble a three-dimensional rug for a child with your own hands. How to do it? The technique is as follows:

  • Two finished squares are placed facing each other, that is, with the convex side.
  • We combine the parts on one of the sides in the most careful way.
  • Secure with pins.
  • We sew the elements on a machine along this side.
  • We gradually connect all 144 parts.

Important! Assembly must be carried out in sequence, according to your product design.

  • We fold the resulting convex canvas and the base under it facing each other.
  • We machine stitch around the perimeter, leaving a small hole.
  • Turn it right side out and sew up the remaining gap.
  • We decorate the rug from volumetric squares with our own hands along the entire edge with bias tape.

And now the beautiful, bright rug is ready! The baby will certainly be delighted with such a wonderful soft canvas and will happily play on it or sleep sweetly, covered with a blanket.

Another sewing technique:

  1. We draw the fabric for the base of the rug into squares.
  2. Cut out the appropriate number of squares for the bombons.
  3. We lay out the parts on the base and grind them horizontally. As a result, you will get a kind of ribbon of squares.
  4. Next, we apply the first such strip face up to the top line drawn on the base. We fix the parts together with pins.
  5. After this, we combine the remaining sides of the strip and line.
  6. The next step is stitching the top and vertical lines. In the process, you need to make folds on each square.
  7. The result was pockets.
  8. We fill them with padding polyester or holofiber.
  9. We apply the second strip to the already sewn first strip, wrong side up, and secure with pins.
  10. We sew on a machine, forming the same folds as the previous time.
    Turn the second strip right side out.
  11. We correlate all its edges with the drawn diagram, fasten it with pins, and sew it together on a typewriter.
  12. We fill the pockets and repeat all steps the required number of times.
  13. In the end, all that remains is to decorate the canvas with beautiful ruffles along the edges of the product.

Any mother wants her child to develop comprehensively from childhood. Nowadays there are many different games for the development of children, but very often they are not affordable for parents.

There is a way out of this situation - you can sew a developmental mat with your own hands. Mothers who know how to sew and knit can independently make a mat for their baby’s development from material from child development manuals.

Let's look at how and from what you can build a rug for a child from 0 to 2 years old on your own. This article will help mothers who have just become interested in needlework to create an educational mat for their baby with their own hands, and make a very worthy individual, play type of toy.

From this article you will learn

The essence of the technique

A soft, multi-colored rug with a huge number of developmental elements is used for activities with the baby. From what months is it suitable for a child?

The baby is placed on it on its tummy for 3-4 months. The baby gradually learns to focus his gaze on different objects, fabric patterns, tries to raise his head and hold it.

This subject is of great interest to children. Thanks to additional hanging modules, while on its back, the baby has the opportunity to look at a variety of objects and tries to touch them.

At the same time, he begins to develop coordination of movements. Gradually developing, the child tries to roll over to the toy he likes, touch it with his hands, crawl to it, and finally, take it in his hands and study it further.

A baby at this age explores the world around him by touch. His tiny hands are a complex mechanism for studying what surrounds him. When feeling different tissues, he develops a sensory type of perception.

They are a whole complex not only for the development fine motor skills, but also large, visual and tactile perception of the surrounding world with the help of rustling components, for the development of hearing and phonetic memory of the baby with the help of musical components.

The baby grows up and masters the next stage, which helps expand his logical knowledge. The baby already understands that if you touch a certain part of the rug, this particular music will play or a certain sound will be made.

As the baby gets even older, he begins to work more on his fine motor skills: he unfastens different locks, buttons, opens pockets and other elements.

He learns to think and achieve his first goals. When a child grows up, interest in him disappears, so he is perfect for playing on the floor.

Suitable age

The advantage of such rugs is that they can be used almost after birth. And the time of its use depends solely on the parents.

If you are going to build a developmental mat with your own hands for a baby up to a year old, then you need to make more sensory and tactile objects, small details to develop motor skills.

If the rug is for older children, then it becomes a subject of learning and development. The more difficult it is to sew a rug, the longer it will serve as a learning tool.

It will become an assistant not only when studying different forms, colors and sizes, but also while studying topics about animals, continents, numbers, letters. The boy will be delighted with cars and technology, and the girl with flowers and dolls.

Some children, even at 5 or 6 years old, do not want to stop playing with him. It is important to remember that when the baby is young, it is necessary to reduce the time spent working with the mat.

It will evoke a lot of emotions and interest and therefore may soon get boring. But the older the baby, the more it is necessary to practice on the carpet, and so a greater number of different games will appear.


The children's educational mat includes different ideas for its use, it all depends on the imagination and ideas of your little one.

By personal example, you will help your child understand how many interesting and exciting things can be learned only with the help of light exercise. simple elements DIY educational mat. This way you can help develop his imagination.

Options for playing on the mat; later you can add to this list yourself:

  • Examination, observation. At the very beginning, this will be quite enough for the child to learn new knowledge.
  • Acquaintance. Demonstrate to your child that it can make sounds, that it can open and unfasten.

While doing this, recite poems, nursery rhymes, and tongue twisters. Over time, the baby will learn all these actions.

  • Secrets and surprises. This will help your child quickly learn how to work with different locks.
  • We collect the harvest. Items with Velcro can be removed. For example, flowers in bouquets, vegetables or fruits in a basket.
  • Study of color, shapes and sizes.
  • Counting - how many triangles, how many flowers, red objects and the like.
  • Role-playing games.
  • You can also compose your own fairy tales and then play together. After some time, you will be surprised by his fantasy and imagination.

We sew a children's educational rug with our own hands. To do this you will need:

  • the basis
  • material to cover the rug and decorate it
  • additional components

As a rule, the basis for a DIY developmental mat is foam rubber, an old baby blanket, or soft but dense fabric.

For a tight-fitting base, take natural fabric, because the baby will play on the rug a lot of time. The fabric should not provoke any allergies or irritation.

The color scheme can be rich. It all depends on your desire. But it’s better not to take overly bright and neon colors.

To make additional components of the rug you will need:

  • Buttons are different in color and size. You can take them in the form of animals, vehicles, flowers.
  • Colored threads to sew elements together.
  • Several lightning bolts. When choosing them, pay attention to their safety, as the baby will play with them.
  • Various rubber bands and Velcro.
  • Laces, ropes.
  • Plastic components (rings, rattle, etc.)
  • Objects that make a lot of noise and sound.

We do it step by step

Many mothers have thought about how to make a developmental mat. But there is nothing complicated about it. When all the required material, you can start making children's educational rugs with your own hands. The work is divided into 2 halves: working with large elements, and working with small parts.

Step 1

Let's make the base. It includes two pieces of fabric. For the upper part, a plain, dense fabric is usually chosen. It is very easy to sew all the components to it.

For the lower part, you need to choose a thick fabric, for example, denim. This is necessary so that the mat does not slip when the baby crawls on it.

Between these segments a layer of padding polyester, foam rubber or other filler is placed. If your home is cold, you have to insulate the rug, which means you need to place more than one layer to keep your child warm.

Step 2

Making the background. To do this, you need to take large pieces of fabric and sew them to the base. The background can be any landscape, whatever you like, whatever you think is appropriate.

You can simply pin the pieces to the base, or you can baste them. Then sew it on the machine. If the fabric is glued to the base, then such a rug will last much longer.

Then we attach large parts of the fabric (flowers, house, animals, etc.) to the background and attach them using a machine.

Step 3

We are preparing additional components. This is a painstaking process as every detail is done with great care.

The components should be sewn very tightly. But some can be left movable so that the child can play with them.

Step 4

We attach the components to the background. It is better to make a sketch of the rug, laying out all the components on it. This will make it easier for you to navigate adding new elements and, if anything, change them in time.

Elements that are slightly larger in size should be sewn on by machine, some of them will become voluminous. And choose the color of the threads in advance.

If you take into account all these aspects, then it will be much easier for you to complete the job.

Step 5

Working with your hands. At this step, you will need qualities such as perseverance and patience. And if you remember that he is extreme, then you can gain from this.

At this step, mom will also develop fine motor skills; this can be done throughout her life. Take out all your blanks, lay them out on the mat, and if you like everything, then you can sew on it.

He needs constant care. You can only wash it by hand, disconnecting all moving parts. If you notice that the fabric is unraveling, then change it or hem it.

The good thing about a DIY educational mat for children is that it looks like a living creature - it can change with your children. You will decide together with your child what is not needed and what is useful.

This rug is a godsend for all parents. It seems like the same toy, but it is constantly changing, and the benefits only increase. And the baby doesn’t get tired of it.

This rug is worth making, the child will also like it, he will be able to play on it with friends, thereby learning and you will have some free time to do business or devote this time to yourself. So take your time and do it.

A large number of toys and materials for teaching children allows you to choose what you need at any age. For the little ones, you can make a teaching mat with your own hands. The homemade toy is subsequently modernized as the baby grows, so it always remains interesting and useful.

Required tools and materials

You can make a developmental mat for a child from scrap materials.

Tools for sewing a rug you will need:

  • needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors.

Materials for making the base of the product:

  • Cotton fabric. It is pre-washed and dried. You will need two pieces of material suitable in size for the future rug.
  • Filler so that the toy could be used on the floor and at the same time the baby would be warm and comfortable.

The brighter and more varied the selected materials are, the more attention the child will pay to the rug.

Materials for decor and developmental elements:

  • pieces of fabric of different textures, always clean and not crumbling;
  • small toys that can be firmly attached to the base;
  • large buttons and beads;
  • yarn;
  • zippers, Velcro, buttons, rings, fasteners;
  • cereals or plastic balls for filling volumetric parts;
  • multi-colored laces and ribbons.

Step-by-step instructions for making a developmental mat

Before starting work, it is better to draw the rug schematically, decide on the size and location of the parts.

A schematic representation of the future product significantly facilitates the process of its creation and allows you to foresee in advance possible difficulties

A developmental mat will be useful for a long time if you leave room for attaching new aids or figure out how to change the old parts.

Then they get to work:

  1. Cut out the base or sew it together from several pieces of fabric, focusing on the dimensions of the sketch.
  2. Decorative elements are cut out from pieces of fabric. These can be animals, objects or flowers. You can use cutting templates or do it yourself. The figures are made flat or voluminous. All parts are attached to the top of the base fabric.
    Bright fly agaric made from different types fabrics, can arouse the genuine interest of the baby
  3. Volumetric decorative elements are stuffed with holofiber or grains to develop tactile sensations.
    Buckwheat, rice, peas, millet, beans, and sand are great for filling three-dimensional elements, but they must first be well calcined in the oven
  4. Velcro is sewn onto the mat so that the baby learns to separate the toys from the base and return them to their places.
  5. Beads, buttons and others small elements They are firmly attached because the child will want to taste them.
  6. To train fine motor skills, elements with locks, lacing, and fasteners are attached.
    For a children's educational rug, you need to choose locks, zippers and other elements without sharp edges
  7. The base is sewn together on three sides and filled with holofiber or padding polyester. Sew up the fourth edge.
  8. The resulting product is quilted in several places so that the filling does not bunch up.

Thus, creating a developmental mat with your own hands can become exciting activity. As a result, it will not only bring joy, but will also bring great benefits to your baby.