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How to develop a baby at 1. How to develop a child at home at one year old? What to do and where to start? A set of the most important toys

It would seem that just recently the parents brought from the maternity hospital a small bundle containing such a long-awaited baby. He couldn't do anything on his own yet. And after twelve months, adults see a small personality in front of them: the baby can already walk or is trying to take his first steps, pronounces individual words and shows character. After all, a one-year-old child is already an individual, with his own desires and requirements. Doctors never tire of repeating that each child is individual and the pace of development of children may differ. But the World Health Organization has developed norms and standards within which the baby should fit at the age of one. Let's take a closer look at what a child should be able to do at twelve months. What are the signs that indicate you need to see a doctor?

Features of the physical development of boys and girls

By the age of one year, the baby makes a big leap in physical development. Some children begin to walk on their own, while others take their first steps with caution. At the same time, babies continue to actively crawl; for them, this method of movement is more familiar and faster. It is on all fours that the child fully feels his body and can control it.

Experts point out that parents should not worry if the baby is not yet walking independently at one year old. But the baby must confidently stand and walk with support, hand in hand with adults. If at twelve months the child does not try to perform these actions, this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

By the age of one year, babies are very inquisitive, they know how to sit down and stand up, they can climb onto a sofa or bed and get off it. Many parents notice that by the age of one year, children are very interested in music, they have an excellent sense of rhythm and begin to sway from side to side to the sounds of songs. Despite the fact that each child is individual and the time frame for him to learn new skills may differ, there are generally accepted standards for the physical development of children. A child develops according to his age if by twelve months he can:

  • sit independently, confidently holding your back;
  • Active crawling: Doctors warn that some children go beyond the crawling stage and immediately begin to sit up and then stand up. This is also considered a variant of the norm. Such babies can master crawling after they take their first steps;
  • climb onto the bed, climb the steps of the stairs;
  • stand on your own, with or without support;
  • walk with support or hand in hand with an adult;
  • drink from a cup with the help of parents and try to perform this action independently, eat from a spoon with mother’s help;
  • move objects from place to place, collect your toys, point to an object of interest to the child.

Some children are already walking independently by the age of one year. But experts point out that if a child does not walk on his own at twelve months, this is not a reason to panic. Normally, babies begin to take their first steps on their own by the age of 1.2 years.

By the time of their first anniversary, a baby has an average of 8 teeth. But this figure is approximate: some children have 4-6 baby teeth, while others can boast of having as many as 12 helpers to chew food.

Sleep and rest time at twelve months

The child’s daily routine also changes: the baby is more awake than asleep. Night sleep takes 11 hours, and during the day the baby rests only 3 hours, which are distributed over two daytime naps. Some children already at this age switch to one nap during the day. Dr. Komarovsky explains that this is not a deviation from the norm, but the individual needs of the body. The fact is that babies who go to bed later at night wake up later in the morning, so they do not need rest in the first half of the day. The body needs a nap in the afternoon.

If the child is active, has a good appetite and develops according to norms, then one nap during the day is enough for him. Dr. Komarovsky recommends listening to your baby's needs and not forcing him to sleep twice during the day.

Baby's height and weight depending on gender - table

Height and weight are the main indicators that confirm that the child is developing according to standards. From birth, every month the doctor and nurse evaluate the baby's growth in centimeters and grams. Lack of body weight in children under one year of age can signal anemia, problems in the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as disorders of the central nervous system.

Experts draw the attention of parents that constant underweight, which leads to a child’s underweight, can cause a lag in the physical and mental development of the baby.

Basic reflexes, skills and abilities of a 1 year old child

For children of different ages There are specific parameters for psychological, mental and speech development. Every mother compares her child with others. And if her baby lags behind according to some criteria, he immediately rushes to the doctor. Experts warn that the pace of development depends on the baby’s temperament, as well as genetic predisposition. Therefore, at the appointment, the doctor evaluates the skills that the baby has acquired by the age of one year, his height and weight, and explains to the parents whether they should worry or whether there is time to wait a little for the child to learn new skills.

Psychological and emotional development of a one-year-old baby

It is at this age that the baby begins to show character. Some parents are perplexed: just yesterday the child was completely obedient, did not throw tantrums, but today he is simply unrecognizable. Child psychologists explain this behavior as the first psychological crisis. The baby is learning the boundaries of what is permitted: the baby may not pay attention to the word “not allowed” and throw a tantrum on every occasion.

Psychologists explain that parents should not be allowed to a small child manipulate yourself. At this age, children understand that crying can achieve what they want. Adults must clearly define boundaries; if something is forbidden to a child, they must stand their ground, even when he cries and is hysterical. Over time, children understand that a parental ban cannot be canceled with tears.

This behavior can continue for up to six months. At this time, parents need to be patient in order to explain to the baby why certain things are not allowed. At one year old, he already understands well what can and cannot be done. Knows how to recognize praise and also reacts when he is scolded for wrongdoing. The child understands when he is asked to bring or serve something. Distinguishes between parents and acquaintances: joy appears on the face at the sight of mom and dad.

At twelve months of age, communication is important for a child. He learns to communicate with peers. The baby is no longer so afraid of strangers, but his mother remains the most important person for him. The presence of the mother calms the baby, he feels safe. Child psychologists recommend that parents teach their children to communicate in the company of peers. It is at this age that you can explain to your child that toys can be shared and that you cannot offend peers. For social adaptation Early development schools are excellent, where the child will study in a group with other children.

How to determine whether a child’s psychological development is normal - video

Learning to speak: baby’s speech development

Children at twelve months can pronounce the most simple words: mom, dad, baba, give, am, lalya and others. The baby’s vocabulary already contains 10–20 words, although the child does not pronounce many of them completely, and some sounds are missing from them. But he tries to repeat the words after his parents, and over time his vocabulary will expand.

Some children do not speak a year, or their vocabulary is limited to two or three words. If the doctor does not see any developmental abnormalities, this situation may be due to the child’s genetic predisposition and temperamental characteristics. But parents should pay attention to speech development, read more fairy tales to the baby, and talk to him often. During the game, you can explain each action and name objects.

The child is already trying to tell something to his parents using words. For example, when he sees a car, he can say “beep,” or ask for an object or toy that interests him: “give me.” The kid is trying to voice his requests and dissatisfaction. At this age, his facial expressions and intonation are well developed: what the baby cannot express with words, he tries to say with the intonation of his pronunciation.

How to develop your baby's speech

  • read stories and fairy tales every day;
  • look at pictures and illustrations in books, while naming each object, animal, etc., clearly pronouncing the name;
  • explain to the baby all actions and situations: for example, while bathing, you can tell him that this is water, and this is soap, etc.;
  • create children's songs: a child at this age loves music very much, this also develops a sense of rhythm;
  • develop fine motor skills: Scientists have proven that such activities directly affect the mental development of the baby, including the formation of speech.

How to help your baby learn to speak: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Development of a child's motor skills

  • collect your toys in place: in a play corner or toy basket;
  • grasp objects with two fingers;
  • play independently for half an hour;
  • assemble a pyramid;
  • place cube on cube;
  • play with the ball: tries to throw it into a box or basket.

If parents notice that the child does not show interest in toys, a ball, or cannot hold objects in his hands, this is a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician and neurologist. One of the reasons may be hyper- or hypotonicity of the muscles. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations.

Introducing to beauty: musical development

According to psychologists, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the physical and mental development of the child, but also to the musical development of the child. At the age of twelve months, he already has a sense of rhythm, he is interested in moving to music, listening to children's songs and cheerful notes. Many children love to play toy musical instruments: they like to reproduce sounds and make sounds happen. Music has the properties of relaxing and calming: the sounds of nature have a positive effect on the child’s nervous system.

Musical development is simply necessary for children. Music influences active processes in the brain and also has a positive effect on the development of thinking, memory and attention.

Doctors often recommend using music as a healing therapy. For example, for children with hyperactivity, neurologists prescribe turning on the sound of water and the sounds of dolphins in order to calm the nervous system and relax the baby. Psychologists recommend playing music to your child every day. These don’t have to be classical works; children’s songs or sounds of nature can be used. The main thing is that the baby likes the music. But you shouldn’t overload your baby’s hearing: 10–20 minutes a day to listen to music is enough.

Norms and terms of child development - video

Necessary activities: how to develop, what to teach a child at this age

A child cannot develop independently; he needs help, guidance, and most importantly, create comfortable conditions. Doctors warn that physical and mental development Parents must pay equal attention so that the baby develops harmoniously.

Sports is required

From birth, doctors insist that to strengthen the baby’s muscles, it is necessary to do massage and gymnastics. Although a child is already more independent at one year old, there is no need to give up physical exercise. After waking up, it is recommended to do gymnastics, which will invigorate you and set you up for an active pastime. In the evening you can have a relaxing massage.

  • Walks in the fresh air, games on sports grounds, and ball activities are required;
  • If possible, you can install a sports complex for your baby at home. Doctors are only for it if a child is introduced to sports with early age. This perfectly strengthens muscles and prevents problems with the spine;
  • Swimming in the pool is beneficial. You can study with an instructor or on your own. Hydromassage is also very useful for the general condition of the body, as well as strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
  • Fitball exercises not only appeal to children, but are also useful for training the vestibular system.

Exercises on a fitball for a one-year-old baby - video

Development of fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills plays a huge role for a child at the age of one year. It is at this time that the baby becomes more active and inquisitive. And the task of parents is to direct his interest in the right direction. Today, adults can enroll their children in classes at children's development centers, where experienced teachers will work with them. Parents can also develop an activity program on their own to perform various exercises with their child at home.

There are proprietary methods that are developed for children of different ages. Parents can study according to one method or choose individual tasks that are interesting to the child. The most popular today are the methods of Maria Monessori, Glen Doman and Nikitins.

Fine motor exercises - video

Teachers and child psychologists say that at twelve months you can do the following with your baby:

  • modeling: plasticine, salty dough, or a special modeling compound perfectly develops imagination, thinking and fine motor skills;
  • playing with sand and water: children are interested in learning different shapes. Liquid can be poured from one container to another. And make it out of sand different figures or locks. Today there is special kinetic sand on sale that does not leave stains and you can play with it at home when it’s cold outside and you can’t go to the sandbox;
  • exercises with a busy board: hard or soft educational boards, rugs or books will definitely interest the child. Details and elements that are attached to busy boards perfectly develop fine motor skills, patience, logic, thinking and attention;
  • drawing: development creativity affects speech development. You can begin to introduce the baby to a brush and paints; if the baby is not interested in this method of painting, it is recommended to try finger paints;
  • games with construction sets: for children of this age, there are construction sets on sale with large blocks that they cannot swallow.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that it is imperative to work with children. But there are certain rules: classes must take place in game form, and also only if the child wishes. If the baby is capricious and does not want to do the exercises, it is better to postpone the classes to a later date. late time or another day.

Early child development: opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Caring for a one year old child

Cleanliness is the key to health. This phrase is familiar to everyone since childhood. For a one-year-old baby it is required special care, because he cannot yet perform many actions on his own.

Water treatments

Required water treatments: in the morning it can be a light shower, during which the mother washes the child, brushes her teeth, ears and nose. In the evening, it is better to run a bath and the baby can swim and play in the water for at least 30–40 minutes.

Pediatricians and dermatologists warn that when bathing a child, you need to use special shampoos or soaps designed for children of this age. Adult shower gels can cause an allergic reaction, irritation or excessive dryness of the baby's delicate skin.

How to bathe a child - video

How to dress a child correctly

Another important point - right choice clothes:

  • things should be made from natural materials to allow the skin to breathe and not cause allergic reactions;
  • You should not dress your baby too warmly: children have different thermoregulation from adults, so the child should be dressed according to the weather;
  • clothing should be comfortable: it cannot be too tight or loose. A small margin is allowed so that the baby can move freely.

Walks in the open air

At any age, a child can benefit from walks outside. Pediatricians recommend walking even in bad weather, with the exception of severe frosts, below - 15 degrees, and downpours. The rest of the time you need to be outside for at least two hours a day. In good weather, one of the following is recommended day dreams spend in the fresh air. This is very beneficial for the baby's health.

Do not forget about fresh air in the room where the child sleeps. The room should be frequently ventilated and wet cleaned at least twice a week. If there are houseplants, make sure that they cannot cause allergies in the baby, otherwise the flowers should be removed from the room.

Child and walks - video

Baby's nutrition at twelve months

At one year old, a child already eats not only breast milk or mixture, but also many solid foods in the form of purees or juices. The baby eats 4-5 times a day, with an interval of 3-4 hours. Children at this age have an average of eight teeth, so chewing skills are actively developing. Parents should help their child learn to chew; to do this, they don’t have to puree the food, but leave small pieces. There are special cereals on sale for training the chewing reflex.

The baby's diet should be balanced; the menu includes:

  • meat and fish purees;
  • vegetable dishes;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir, yogurt;
  • yolk;
  • creamy and vegetable oil added to dishes;
  • fruit purees and juices;
  • porridge.

All dishes are steamed or boiled. It is strictly forbidden to give a child at this age smoked and fried foods, because the unformed gastrointestinal tract is not able to accept food prepared in this way. Pediatric gastroenterologists warn that it is too early to transfer children to a common diet.

Pediatrician's advice on feeding a child at 9–12 months - video

Children develop every day. A one-year-old child is very inquisitive, strives to learn as much new things as possible, and also repeats everything after adults. Experts keep repeating that you definitely need to work with your baby. A properly planned daily routine will allow you to allocate time to have time to walk with the baby, conduct developmental activities, eat food on time, and also leave time for rest. You should pay attention not only to mental development, but also not to forget about physical exercise. The child must develop comprehensively.

Marina Suzdaleva

Last time you and I learned, and today we’ll talk about...

You can continue to carry out the already familiar activities of the previous month, as long as you and the baby enjoy them, and supplement them with the games and exercises from this article, which are aimed at enriching the sensory impressions of the older child and developing his motor abilities.

Let's start, perhaps, with what the baby sees in front of him when he wakes up and falls asleep in his crib. I really hope that this is your loving face. However, the baby is not always next to his mother, and if we are talking about how to develop a 1 month old baby, at this age it is time for the baby to receive more diverse visual, auditory and tactile impressions. This is what we'll do!

Contrasting pictures for the development of a 1 month old baby

Surely, you already know that babies prefer (this was established by psychologists during experimental observations) contrasting black and white images to those wonderful multi-colored bears and butterflies with which you tried so hard to decorate the nursery. No problem! Very soon the baby will grow to look at bears and butterflies, but for now place those very contrasting pictures right in his crib or playpen at eye level at a distance of about 30-35 cm. You can draw them yourself (alternating stripes, spirals, geometric shapes, faces, etc.), use black and white photographs, or print them from the Internet.

Post pictures 1-2 at a time and change them once every 2-3 days. You can also place pictures throughout the apartment and periodically change their places.

Little advice: needlewomen can sew a tactile pillow or rug for a baby using black and white fabrics of different textures, buttons of different sizes and shapes, etc. A one-month-old baby will be happy to touch and examine your creation, developing vision and tactile sensations.

Rainbow butterflies for the development of a 1 month old baby

Make multi-colored butterflies from corrugated or accordion-folded colored paper and colored clothespins and hang the butterflies in turn above the crib, on the arc of a developmental mat or mobile (after removing other toys). Name the colors: “This is a blue butterfly. Where is the blue butterfly? Here is a blue butterfly... etc.” You can glue sheets of paper of a contrasting color (blue with yellow, orange with green, blue with red, etc.), then when the entire structure moves, the baby will receive new interesting visual stimuli.

Bells for a 1 month old baby

It's great if you have a collection of bells. They will come in handy for you more than once. While we're talking about how to develop a 1 month old baby, we will use them as follows. Attach the bells to a ribbon and hang them at the level of the baby's chest in the crib (or lower so that the baby can hit them with his legs) at a height of 10-15 cm. You should not immediately introduce the baby to the entire collection - the 3 most contrasting sounding bells will be enough .

A little tip: videotape your virtuoso's first concert.

Tactile games for the development of a 1 month old baby “By touch”

Is your baby already holding his head confidently when lying on his stomach? Offer him something like this. At the edge of the changing table or directly on the wall in front of it, secure (for example, using double-sided tape) pieces of materials of different textures:

Now, during massage and hygiene procedures, the baby can feel these materials. Don’t forget to verbalize his feelings using short simple designs: “This is velvet paper. She's black. Velvet paper is soft. Let's pet it again! Like this. Very nice! etc.". A similar game can be continued during bathing - let the child touch a dry and wet washcloth, toothbrush and terry towel, foam and a piece of soap...

Little tip: squeeze out a little baby cream or massage oil on your baby's hand and watch how he explores new sensations.

Peek-a-boo game for a 1 month old baby

I hasten to please you. Very soon your baby will start to notice you leaving the room and start crying when he does... But I digress. The game of “Peek-a-boo,” beloved by all kids, is designed to help your treasure understand that just because something or someone has disappeared from sight for a while does not mean that it has disappeared forever. And there is no reason for tears!

At first, start playing with your baby like this: literally for a few seconds, hide your face behind your palms with your fingers outstretched (to see the baby’s reaction and so that he can see your face) and say emotionally: “Where is mommy? Here's mom! (we also said “The loss was found!” - my son still uses this expression when he finds something, which always causes tenderness among those present). After a while, try to “hide” under a transparent handkerchief, then behind a newspaper or diaper - the baby will laugh and pull it off you, and by about the age of 4-5 months. he will be ready to hide from you under a diaper.

Have you recently become a mother of a baby?

Excursion for a 1 month old child

At the age of 1 month, the baby has already studied the space in which he lives quite well. He knows where the door is located (from where mom usually appears), the window (light source), sees and remembers the location of pieces of furniture. This means that it’s time to go on an excursion to the “big world”, that is, outside the children’s room.

Take the baby in your arms - it is convenient to use the poses “the baby is lying on his stomach in your hand” or “the baby is in an upright position with his back pressed to your chest.” Slowly travel with your child from room to room, from the corridor to the kitchen, pay his attention to the lighting, smells, and the predominant colors in the interior. Take a closer look at the little one. If you notice that some object particularly attracted him, linger near it and tell him more about it. For example: “Oh, baby, did you like the watch? Of course, they are so bright! Bright red watch! Look, these are arrows. They go tick-tock, tick-tock. This is the dial. It's round. The watch is made of plastic. Touch how hard they are... etc.”

The article “of course, would be incomplete without mentioning classes at physical development baby. In addition, this direction of development is one of the priorities for babies in the first half of life. Here are some ideas:

Game for a 1 month old baby “I have a ball”

Buy a balloon inflated with helium and carefully tie it to your baby's leg (do not leave your baby unattended during this activity!). Babies at this age usually actively move their legs and arms, but you can slightly stimulate this process by telling a nursery rhyme or turning on music familiar to the child. Draw your baby's attention to the moving ball. After some time, the baby will understand that the movements of the ball are caused by his own movements, and will move his legs more actively.

The next 2 exercises are based on the same principle of establishing a cause-and-effect relationship, only now the baby’s movements will cause sounds.

Tumbler for a 1 month old baby

If you already know, then you no doubt have a tumbler. And she knows for sure how to develop a 1 month old baby:) When your baby is lying in a crib, playpen or just on the floor, place a tumbler on his legs so that he can easily hit it when he moves. The baby will love to hear the iridescent sounds of the tumbler, and he will endlessly tap his legs. Be there to return the runaway tumbler to its proper place in time.

Bells for a 1 month old baby

Nowadays in children's stores you can find bracelets for arms or legs with bells and rattles. I recommend purchasing or making a similar (and even more educational) toy yourself. There are many options. For example, you can sew bells (you can buy them at sewing supply stores or cut them from a worn-out toy) directly onto your baby’s socks or onto a soft, loose hair elastic. Or you can tie chocolate egg containers, after putting various rattling fillings inside, and knit or sew Velcro bracelets to them.

Such simple devices help.

Time flies very quickly in the first year of a baby's life. By the age of one year, a child, as a rule, already confidently walks on his own legs, can pick up small objects, understands the speech of mom and dad well, plays with pleasure and, of course, observes the world around him with great curiosity. The main task of parents during this period is to guide his development in the right direction. Experts at the Karkusha Early Development Center tell you how to do this correctly.

Intellectual development

Since the child is still content with the role of observer, games should be aimed at actively receiving visual, auditory and tactile impressions, understanding them, remembering and applying them.

  • Make thematic albums “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Animals”, “Clothes” and others by pasting corresponding pictures into ordinary drawing pads. Let's look at it for the baby, naming what is depicted.
  • It is also useful for a child to look at a family album, which contains high-quality photographs of close relatives whom he knows well.
  • If it's a sunny day, show your child that objects and people cast shadows, play with a mirror, try to step on it or catch a sunbeam.
  • Play different types of music for your child and learn how different sounds sound. musical instruments, this contributes to the development of auditory perception.
  • Games with sorter and geometric shapes will form the child’s ideas about different sizes and forms.
  • Build your child's first library of books with thick cardboard pages and colorful drawings. Of course, he will not learn to read right away, but he will love to study with a book, this is the first step to reading.
  • Encourage your child to socialize with other children and adults.
  • When playing with your baby, give him freedom of action, even if from your point of view he is doing something wrong.
  • Buy a Lego-type construction set with large parts, cubes, toys without musical and other entertainment elements. Playing with them forces you to use your imagination and come up with a scenario on your own.
  • Gradually teach your child to be independent, allow him to help you by giving feasible instructions.

Limit TV viewing and tablet activities. Because of “ready-made” entertainment, the child becomes a passive observer rather than an active participant. gameplay, it should be.

Speech development

Normally, the active vocabulary of a one-year-old child consists of 10-12 one-syllable or two-syllable words. One word often means a complete phrase; in addition, the baby complements the words with gestures and facial expressions. This age is characterized by the formation and improvement of speech skills, but they will not appear on their own. Speech development requires maximum parental attention. So what should you do?

  • Constantly talk to your baby and make sure your speech is correct, because you are almost the only example. One-year-old children understand well what their parents tell them.
  • When looking at illustrations in books, describe them out loud, ask your child simple questions, for example, “where is the cat’s tail?”
  • Read aloud short fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. Play nursery rhymes while your child is awake.
  • Sing vowel sounds and syllables with your baby, gradually complicating the “song.”
  • Tell your baby about the world around him, about everything you see while walking or at home: what it’s called, why it’s needed, what it does, etc. Speak out your actions, describe objects.
  • Discuss the plot pictures, explain to your child how to build a logical chain. Of course, you will do most of the talking, but the child will listen to you and remember the speech pattern.

Be sure to do exercises to develop articulation so that the muscles involved in pronouncing sounds get used to new movements. Don't neglect finger gymnastics and massage. Brain centers associated with nerve endings in the palm and pads and responsible for gross and fine motor skills are located near the speech centers, logical thinking, memory.

Fine motor skills

The importance of developed fine motor skills is obvious. Teachers at the Karkusha Early Development Center recommend performing the following games and exercises:

  • Modeling from salt dough, plasticine, clay. Start with a ball, then flatten it into a flat cake and roll it into a sausage, etc.
  • Drawing with regular or finger paints, pencils. First, you will have to help your baby, support his hand, show him how to make strokes and draw lines.
  • Creating compositions from plasticine, sticks, pebbles, buttons, shells, etc.
  • Lacing, winding bright wool threads into a ball.
  • Busy board. You can buy it in a store or make it at home: screw a switch, a latch, an abacus from large beads, socket with attached plug, patches with Velcro, buttons, etc.
  • Games with insert frames and sorter.
  • Start sensory box, you need to put things there different color, shape, size, weight, surface.
  • Games with colored rice, beans, pasta: pouring, laying out patterns, “drawing” pictures.

Various experiments with sand and water give excellent results. They have a constant effect on the receptors and give the child a rich tactile experience. Be sure to take him to the sandbox, play while swimming in the bathtub and children's pool, buy him floating toys, molds, a sieve, bucket, scoop or ladle so that he can play with water and sand.

Developmental activities with a one-year-old baby should be based on the following principles:

    • Regularity. Exercise daily, preferably at the same time. Only in this case the exercises will be effective.
    • Diversity. Alternate exercises aimed at physical,

cognitive, sensory, motor, speech, mental development.

  • A gaming form, since play is the leading activity of a small child.
  • Short duration. A day is enough to spend 10-15 minutes on each exercise.
  • Help. You will have to constantly help your baby, because he will have to perform many actions for the first time.
  • Comfort. Practice in a warm, ventilated room, make sure that the child is wearing a clean diaper, feels well, is not hungry or thirsty, and has slept well.

If the child is capricious, then it is better to postpone the lesson. If you cannot regularly tutor your child yourself, sign up for classes at an early development center. Studying in a mini-group under the guidance of an experienced teacher, the child quickly socializes and masters the necessary skills.

Babies who are 1 year old are inquisitive and need developmental activities. For the development of a child, you can use improvised means that will replace toys. Children really like these activities.

At 1 year of age, the child begins a period of active development. He begins to think, observe, study the world around him. When parents think about what to do one year old child, then two important factors must be taken into account: the baby’s entertainment and his development. During this period, you can teach your baby a lot through play, using various techniques. There are many methods for the development of children from 1 year old, but it is necessary to take into account that each baby is individual. Some children at this age already pronounce a lot of words, walk without support, and ask to go to the potty, but other children still don’t know how to do half of this, although they actively strive for it. If you ask yourself the question of what to teach a child at 1 year old, you will notice that all methods are divided into sections such as speech development, knowledge of the surrounding world, physical development and the development of fine motor skills. Such classes can be carried out under the supervision of good specialists in early development. In every city there are special children's centers staffed by teachers and educators.

Activities with a one-year-old child at home

Group classes are effective, but the main role is played by classes for children from 1 year old at home. One popular one used at home is the Maria Montessori method. In this technique, you can do without toys, and various available materials serve as material for classes. Children enthusiastically reach for colorful boxes, jars, and sticks. The main thing is that all objects and materials are within the child’s reach. Under the supervision of adults, he can choose activities to his liking. The methodology places great emphasis on training with small objects: beads, buttons, cereals. The baby puts these materials into boxes, bottles, and sorts them by color. For example, you can take two bowls, pour cereal into one of them. Show your child how to use a spoon to pour the cereal into another bowl. This activity teaches the baby to confidently use a spoon, develops fine motor skills, coordination, and logic. The development of speech is associated with a specific area of ​​the brain. How to work with a child at 1 year old to help develop this process? It is known that massage and development of the baby’s fingers contributes to the development of the part of the brain responsible for speech. The technique offers a special lesson. You need to take a box, draw an animal’s face on it, and make a hole in place of its mouth. The child will be interested in feeding the animal. You can use beads, pasta, and buttons as “food.” During this action, children's fingers actively work. For the same purpose, a special frame in the form of cardboard, covered with fabric, is used. Buttons, laces, and beads are sewn onto the fabric. A child can study this frame for a long time, touching and tugging. It is important to develop understanding of other people's speech. During games and walks, children encounter new toys, animals, and people. You should focus the child’s attention on this, clearly naming each name. Gradually he will begin to distinguish them and try to name them. Imitation games develop speech well, where the baby acts as a meowing cat or a hissing hedgehog, which develops imaginative thinking. Using the example of a doll, the baby learns where people's eyes, nose, and ears are, which he willingly points out to his parents. Attention should also be paid to rhymes that children love to repeat. At the age of 1 year, the development of all child systems is associated with physical activity. At the same time, it is good to use educational activities for 1-year-old children accompanied by music, which perfectly develops attention, concentration, and emotionality. All exercises are aimed at developing motor skills. Run, jump, dance with your baby. Show him how to overcome obstacles. Let him crawl under the table, climb over the pillow. When conducting any activities with your baby, do not limit his desire for independence. Make the space safe for him to actively explore this world. Just listen to your child, help him and he will succeed.

The development and growth of a child is a complex process that includes several components. The child develops both physically and mentally. For the full development of the child’s psyche, its mental, emotional and social spheres, parental support is important.

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to stimulate their child's mental development. Since parental support in this process is very important, the child's development should be encouraged in both kindergarten either at school or at home. The main thing is to find the right, consistent approach that matches individual characteristics child.

Of course, parents want only the best for their children. But today there is a lot of debate about how to maximize a child’s potential: what activities to choose for him, what books to choose for his development, whether to use computers or television for educational purposes. There are many opinions on this subject, but at the end of the day, it's up to you to decide what advice is best for your child.

Let's look at a few ways parents can help mental development child.

1. Communicate with your child

To develop the child's psyche, parents need not only to understand what mental, emotional and social skills the child will need in the future and gradually develop them, but also to find the most suitable way for this. It can be difficult for parents to do this, because they have to search for the right way intuitively. They make a lot of effort to understand the individual needs of the child and develop mental skills in accordance with them. Constant communication with the child helps parents better understand his mental and physical needs.

2. Read books with your child

Parents should actively develop their child's reading and writing skills in a manner appropriate to their age and developmental level. In addition, you should teach him simple arithmetic operations and develop problem-solving skills. Find a suitable way to develop these skills - this will encourage your child, build trust between you and develop your child's attachment to you. Close and trusting communication with a child develops his social and emotional skills. The child begins to understand that emotional development just as important as the mental or social.

3. Zenjoy yourself With child joint affairs

Encourage your child to do a variety of activities. During the work process, support him and encourage him to bring things to a successful conclusion. This way you can teach him to look for the information needed to complete a task on his own, and make this process enjoyable for the child. Your encouragement can also make him enthusiastic and interested in learning and improving himself.

By developing your child's self-confidence, you can create a good environment for his personal and social growth.

4. Develop your child's creative thinking

Creative thinking is necessary for a child to solve various problems, allowing him to see situations from different points of view. Offer your child various activities that develop creativity: drawing, coloring pictures, imagination games, etc. Provide your child with everything he needs for these activities: paper, paints, pencils, plasticine, etc. In addition, allow your child to use improvised objects for his games.

5. Use music and television for child development

Scientists say that a child can perceive music even in the womb. Music has a positive effect on a child's development from a very early age. Choose a style of music that he likes (you have a wide variety of styles at your disposal - from classical to modern foreign music).

When it comes to television, parents should be careful. Television can be both beneficial and harmful to a child. Parents need to carefully select programs that can promote his mental development. You should also devote an amount of time appropriate to the child's age to watching these programs.

6. Explore nature with your child

You can walk with your child in the park for years, but still not notice what plants grow there and what birds live there. So you miss a great opportunity to explore the world around you with your child. Observe how plants grow (together with your child you can sow seeds and watch them germinate), what changes in nature occur in each season, etc.

7. Identify your child's talents and inclinations

Children from an early age can exhibit certain abilities, such as concentrating or remembering information, reading from an early age, etc. A child’s talent can be expressed in various areas: drawing, music, dancing, etc. Talk to school teachers– they will help you identify your child’s talents and advise you on how best to develop them. Encourage your child to improve their talents, but don't put too much pressure on them.