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What pension supplements are envisaged in Russia for rural pensioners. Which village residents should receive a pension supplement? Pensions for rural residents who have worked for more than 30 years

At the beginning of October, a federal law on changes to pension system, where, among other things, substantial material support is provided for village residents. What kind of pension supplement is this? Which villagers received special benefits? Do village residents need to apply for pension recalculation to the Pension Fund? Details are in an interview with the head of the department for organizing the appointment and payment of pensions of the regional branch of the Pension Fund, Irina Neverova.

– Irina Ivanovna, what additional financial support can village residents count on from January 1, 2019?

– From January 1, 2019, changes to the law on pensions will come into force. They provide additional financial support for non-working pensioners who permanently reside in rural areas and have long experience work in agriculture. For them, a 25% increase is introduced to the fixed payment of an old-age or disability insurance pension. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the supplement does not apply to the entire pension, but only to the fixed payment. For most pensioners, the fixed payment in 2019 will be 5,334 rubles. 19 kopecks, respectively, the amount of the premium is 1,333 rubles. 55 kopecks

– What conditions are needed to receive a 25% pension supplement for village residents?

– Villagers can count on an increase to the fixed payment of the insurance pension if three necessary conditions are met. Firstly, at least 30 years of work in certain positions and industries in agriculture. Secondly, living in rural areas. And the third condition is the absence of the very fact of work.

– Irina Ivanovna, have specific professions and specialties of villagers already been determined, in accordance with which their fixed payment will be increased?

– In the near future, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation will approve lists of jobs, industries, positions, professions and specialties, in accordance with which an increase in the size of the fixed payment to the old-age and disability insurance pension will be established. Rules for calculating periods of work (activity) will also be approved, giving the right to establish a 25% bonus to the fixed pension payment.

– How will pensions for rural residents be recalculated?

– The recalculation will be made according to the documents available in the payment files of pensioners, without a declaration. Today, all territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Altai Territory are working to clarify the list of persons applying for the specified payment. The adopted law established the deadline for conducting non-declaration recalculations - until September 1, 2019, with an additional payment for the period from January 1, 2019.

– If the pensioner does not receive this recalculation before September 1, 2019, but believes that he has the right to it, then he has the right to independently contact the client service of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the relevant documents on the length of service until December 31, 2019, and then the specified recalculation will be carried out with January 1, 2019.

If a pensioner applies for recalculation after December 31, 2019, recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month of his application.

Pensions for rural residents

Retired farmers will receive an increase of 1,332.9 rubles from January 1, 2019. You may be eligible for additional payment non-working pensioners who have worked in agriculture for more than 30 years.

The President of the Russian Federation, during a televised address to the people, focused attention on injustice pension provision rural residents. As part of this, Putin proposed increasing payments to former farmers by 25% from 2019. But not all village residents will receive it. To whom and by how much will pensions in the village be increased?

Legislative framework for changing pensions for rural residents

Proposals for promotion were submitted for consideration more than once, but no final decision was made.

Quote . “It has been repeatedly discussed and even decided on the need for a 25 percent supplement to the fixed payment of the insurance pension for non-working pensioners living in rural areas who have at least 30 years of experience in agriculture. But the entry into force of this decision was postponed,” Putin V.V.

For the first time, an amendment to the law “On Insurance Pensions”, providing for an increase in the fixed part of the pension for rural pensioners with 30 years of experience by 25%, was adopted in 2013 - paragraph 14 of Art. 17 Federal Law No. 400.

But the new norm did not come into effect, as it was immediately suspended for one calendar calendar year.

In 2014, as part of the May decrees, the head of state ordered to review the terms of pension provision for employees Agriculture. But the presidential instructions also remained unfulfilled.

Subsequently, in 2016, by Federal Law No. 428 of December 19, the regulatory act on the growth of pensions for residents of rural areas was frozen until the beginning of 2020.

According to the Pension Fund of Russia, such a decision will save 17.5 billion rubles in 2017, 18.3 billion rubles in 2018, and 19.1 billion rubles in 2019. and will not affect “...the achievement of the goals of state programs.”

However, against the backdrop of reports on the growth rate of the agro-industrial complex, the success of agriculture and import substitution, the salaries and pensions of farmers remain below the average level - about 55% of the national average.

The president proposed returning to solving the problem in August 2018.

Quote : “We must support the villagers”

The head of state in his speech announced the introduction of a 25% bonus to the fixed part of the pension for non-working pensioners in rural areas.

Deputy Chairman of the Agro-Industrial Complex Trade Union Galina Yurova noted that “... this is a measure of social justice in relation to people who have devoted their entire lives to agriculture and today receive a pension in the amount of 7-10 thousand rubles.”

Who will receive pension increases for residents of rural areas?

The bonus will be received by village residents who worked in the agricultural sector and were able to.

That is, the benefit will be given to farmers who:

  • have more than 30 years of experience in agriculture;
  • live in the countryside;
  • are on well-deserved rest.

If an employee, despite achieving , which will rise annually from 2019, he will not receive an increase in pension.

The benefit does not apply to other village residents who:

  • worked in other areas: village councils, paramedics and medical stations;
  • moved to a permanent place of residence in the village, having earned seniority in the city;
  • retired farmers who left the village for the city.

It turns out that only non-working citizens permanently residing in rural areas and who have 30 years of work experience in the agricultural sector will be able to receive an increase in pensions for residents of rural areas.

Note! If the beneficiary returns to live in the village, he again receives the right to receive an additional payment.

The government estimated the number of rural beneficiaries who can qualify for the bonus at 1.2 million people.

Deadlines for increasing pension payments for residents of rural areas

The innovation will come into effect in January 2019, when most of the bills come into force. That is, they will recalculate from the beginning of the year, and they will receive increased payments at the end of January.

Deputy Prime Minister Golikova said that the trial increase is being introduced for a period of 6 years.

Means, increased pensions non-working rural pensioners will receive until the end of 2024.

Benefits for rural pensioners who worked in the public sector

Benefits are retained for employees of budgetary organizations who worked in rural areas, provided that they have worked at the enterprise giving the right to privileges for at least 10 years.

Pensioners in villages have the right to claim the following types of benefits regarding tax breaks:

  • discount or complete exemption when paying property tax;
  • benefit or 100% exemption from transport tax;
  • exemption or reduction of the tax base for land tax.

The listed tax benefits are controlled by the Government of the Russian Federation at the federal level, however, the authority to determine the tax rate, and to designate the volume of benefits provided has been transferred to the regional authorities, and therefore you need to find out about the possibility of receiving a benefit in the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the pensioner.

At the federal level (regardless of the loyalty of regional authorities), pensioners receive an exemption from personal income tax on the following income:

  • insurance pensions, social pension benefits, state pensions. pension provision;
  • financial assistance from heads of enterprises at the last place of work in the amount of no more than 4,000 rubles per year provided former employees retired due to old age or disability;
  • funds allocated for self-payment of medical procedures, medical care, stay in a sanatorium for former employees who are now receiving an old-age or disability pension.

How much will pensions increase for rural residents?

Not the entire size will increase pension payments, but only its fixed part by 25%.

In 2018, the fixed component is equal to RUB 4,982.9. If this part increases by 25%, the additional payment will be 1,245.7 rubles.

This is exactly how much additional pensioners will receive from January 2019.

But the government promised to raise payments to all non-working pensioners by 7%. This rule also applies to payments to farmers. After indexation in January 2019, the increase will increase to RUB 1,332.9.

Since both increases fall within the same period, the size of the pension for residents of rural areas for the preferential category will increase by 1,332.9 rubles.

For 2019, the pensioner will receive 15,994.8 rubles. more than this year.

16.7 billion rubles have already been allocated from the budget for payments in 2019. In total, the innovation will cost the state 117 billion rubles.

How to apply for a pension supplement for rural residents

To receive the benefit, the pensioner must confirm:

  • permanent residence in the village;
  • 30 years of rural experience.

It is with confirmation of experience that problems can arise. The period coincides with the collapse of the USSR, when many collective farmers were forced to work in small firms that replaced state and collective farms.

For the most part, such organizations did not make entries in work books and did not pay insurance premiums for employees. Therefore, confirming rural experience for these periods will be problematic.

Reference! If there is no entry in the work book, the enterprise has been liquidated and it is impossible to provide documents on transfers to extra-budgetary funds, witness testimony can legally confirm the length of service.

Therefore, experts advise pensioners who apply for benefits to start collecting documents in advance that can certify their work experience in the agro-industrial complex.

Those pensioners who, when applying for an old-age labor insurance pension, already had a preferential length of service exceeding 30 years of work in agriculture certified, are not required to re-submit documents and write an application for an increase in payments. Their payments will be recalculated automatically without notification.

Many public sector employees receive a certain package of benefits when carrying out their work activities - we are talking about cultural workers, teachers, social workers, medical employees of state and municipal clinics. For those who work not in cities, but in rural areas, the list of benefits is expanding. In this regard, the question arises - what benefits are granted to rural pensioners, and whether the previous benefits are retained after retirement.

Benefits for rural pensioners who worked in the public sector

Benefits are retained for employees of budgetary organizations who worked in rural areas, provided that the work experience at the enterprise, which gives the right to privileges, is at least 10 years.

Pensioners in villages have the right to claim the following types of benefits regarding tax breaks:

  • discount or complete exemption when paying property tax;
  • benefit or 100% exemption from transport tax;
  • exemption or reduction of the tax base for land tax.

The listed tax benefits are controlled by the Government of the Russian Federation at the federal level, however, the authority to determine the tax rate, to establish preferential categories of citizens and to designate the volume of benefits provided has been transferred to the regional authorities, and therefore the possibility of obtaining a benefit should be found out in the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service at your location pensioner registration.

At the federal level (regardless of the loyalty of regional authorities), pensioners receive an exemption from personal income tax on the following income:

  • insurance pensions, social pension benefits, state pensions. pension provision;
  • financial assistance from the heads of enterprises at their last place of work in the amount of no more than 4,000 rubles per year, provided to former employees who retired due to old age or disability;
  • funds allocated for self-payment of medical procedures, medical care, stay in a sanatorium for former employees who are now receiving an old-age or disability pension.

Benefits for rural pensioners belonging to special categories of citizens

Rural pensioners who are veterans or disabled people have the opportunity to obtain a free voucher through the Fund social insurance to sanatorium and resort institutions.

If a pensioner has officially legalized his status as a labor veteran after receiving certain state awards or raising a large number of children, having received the appropriate certificate through the USZN, he is entitled to additional benefits.

At the federal level, the following preferences are established for labor veterans, which are also available to pensioners living in rural areas:

  1. Free medical services and examination by specialists in district clinics.
  2. Manufacturing and repair of dentures without charging a fee (not in commercial dentistry), except for products made of porcelain, (metal-)ceramics, precious metals.
  3. Additional (30 days) and annual leave (from 28 days) at any time of the year, without taking into account the drawn up vacation schedule.
  4. Compensation for half of the costs of paying for housing and communal services, regardless of whether the apartment belongs to the housing stock (water, gas, electricity, household waste removal, radio, collective TV antenna).
  5. Compensation for half the cost of purchasing firewood, coal or liquefied gas for heating an individual residential building not connected to central heating. Solid fuel is delivered on a priority basis.
  6. A 50% discount when paying rent - calculated according to the total area of ​​housing occupied by the veteran himself and his family.
  7. 50% discount when purchasing tickets for trains and water transport of suburban importance (subject to seasonality).
  8. Travel without payment on any public transport(not a taxi) around the city, regardless of the place of registration. Veterans of rural areas additionally receive the opportunity to travel freely to road transport suburban and intercity communications.

At the regional level, labor veterans also receive many benefits and payments (each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has its own list of benefits, it is better to seek advice from the USZN), namely:

  • voucher to a sanatorium and payment for round-trip train travel, subject to doctor’s recommendations;
  • monthly allowance in the amount of 247 rubles;
  • travel without payment on commuter trains;
  • 50% discount on housing and utility services, calculated taking into account regional consumption standards;
  • compensation for half of the cost of paying for a landline telephone;
  • travel without purchasing a ticket on public transport.

Labor benefits for rural pensioners

If after reaching retirement age the citizen continues to exercise labor activity, including a rural pensioner, the manager is required by law to provide him with additional leave, in addition to the basic annual leave, but without maintaining the average salary. The duration of leave depends on the category of pension benefit recipient:

  • before 14 calendar days old age pensioner;
  • before 35 calendar days a pensioner who has a certificate of participation in the Great Patriotic War;
  • before 60 days, if we are talking about a pensioner with an established disability group.

Social support and benefits for rural pensioners

As in any other region of Russia, a pensioner can contact the authorities social protection population to receive targeted assistance. It is provided exclusively upon the onset of a difficult life situation– death of a relative, robbery, fire, etc. The fact of being in distress must be proven documented - a death certificate, a certificate from the fire service, a certificate from the police department, etc.

Targeted support can be provided not only in cash, but also in in kind– food products, specialized baby milk nutrition, basic necessities, hygiene products, clothing, shoes.

A very significant benefit for pensioners in rural areas is financial aid when supplying gas to a private home, gas connection is an expensive service, and a subsidy for gasification of the premises significantly reduces costs.

Also, citizens of retirement age from 60 to 99 years have the right to undergo a free medical examination once every 3 years. This applies to old-age pensioners who do not belong to any other preferential categories persons And disabled people, residents of besieged Leningrad and disabled people of the Second World War have the right to stay in a dispensary every year at any age.

Pensioners over the age of 60 are offered a free flu vaccine every year.

Pensioners by law have the opportunity to receive benefits for caring for a small child under 1.5 years of age if his mother or father cannot look after him due to various reasons. If the child’s grandparents continue to work on an official basis, they are also entitled to parental leave.

Along with raising the retirement age, the Russian government promised pensioners an annual indexation of pensions. In this regard, at the beginning of October, a very important document was signed - Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018 “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of assignment and payment of pensions." The document was widely announced, but pensioners still have not figured out whether there will be an increase in pensions for old-age pensioners in 2019. Last news inspire optimism. The government promised to keep its promise and find money for indexation.

We will tell you in more detail what awaits pensioners in the new year, how much payments will increase for working and non-working pensioners, former military and rural workers.

Pensions in 2019: increase

Latest news - yesterday good news came from the Duma for working citizens. In the first reading, a law was adopted that will increase the minimum wage from January 1, 2019. The increase cannot be called significant: they will add 117 rubles to the current 11,163 rubles from May 1, 2018, while the “minimum wage” will be 11,280 rubles. Equating the minimum wage with the subsistence level is an important step, but this improves the situation of pensioners only indirectly. It is regulated mainly by Law 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, according to which pensions will increase in 2019. The latest news, as mentioned above, confirms this.

Let’s figure out what pensioners should really expect, since there are different rumors. Some are talking about an increase of 1,000 rubles, others are immediately expecting an increase of 12,000 by the end of the year.

Here are some questions that the site's lawyers received. They clearly demonstrate that pensioners do not quite understand how their material well-being will change in 2019.

“I heard that after raising the retirement age, the payment will be indexed by 1,000 rubles per month. My pension now is 17,900. Tell me, can I count on a pension of 29,900 by the beginning of 2020?” – asks Alexander Sergeevich from Ufa.

“They said on TV that pensions would be raised by 1,000 rubles, but just yesterday there was news from the Duma about the “freezing” of pensions. What does it mean? Will they raise the pension or not? – Lyudmila Ivanovna from Kovrov is interested.

We will try to answer these and other questions about the indexation of pensions from January 1, 2019. She will really only touch social pensions. For state and insurance pensions, there is a separate procedure with lower coefficients, which have not yet been precisely determined, and the amount of payments will change not from January 1, but from April 1, 2019. Next, by category, let's see what the real state of affairs is.

Pensions for non-working pensioners

The data in the table shows how pensions for non-working pensioners will be increased in 2019, and by what indices (in percentage) pension payments will be raised in the next 6 years:

Year Indexation, %
2019 7,05
2020 6,6
2021 6,3
2022 5,8
2023 5,5
2024 5,4

As you can see, indexation will decrease every year. This does not mean that pensions will become lower: it is planned that raising the retirement age will give the first results, and the Pension Fund will be able to manage the incoming funds.

The conditional 1000 rubles as an increase, which pensioners constantly ask about, came from calculations based on the average pension, the size of which is approximately 14.4 thousand rubles.

7.05% of this amount is exactly 1,015 rubles. Accordingly, the total amount of the pension increase for all 12 months of 2019 will be approximately 12,000 rubles. (1000 rubles per month). However, it is a mistake to assume that all non-working pensioners will receive exactly 1,000 rubles a month. The amount of payments depends on the amount of the insurance pension that each citizen receives.

This 7.05% indexation rule does not apply to working pensioners. Their situation has not changed: pension adjustments have been frozen since 2016, and the “freeze” has not yet been lifted.

Will there be an increase in pensions for rural pensioners in 2019?

By decision of the President, this group's pension will be increased by 25%. The allowance existed before (since 2013, the norm has been present in paragraph 14 of Article 17 of the Federal Law-400 “On Insurance Pensions”), but was unfrozen. Now those who worked in agriculture and remained in rural areas for permanent residence will receive a quarter more.

It seems that this is a significant amount, but pensions in this area are small, and a quarter is not even calculated from the full amount, but only from its fixed part. As Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government Tatyana Golikova stated, on average this increase will be 1,300 rubles.

  • agronomists;
  • machine operators;
  • tractor drivers;
  • grain growers;
  • livestock breeders, etc.

A prerequisite is 30 years of work experience and place of residence in a rural area. The President of the Russian Federation V. Putin personally proposed to “unfreeze” the bonus from January 2019. The indexation prescribed in 350-FZ also applies to “rural” pensioners.

Social pensions

Payments provided to certain categories of citizens - for disability, loss of a breadwinner, disabled children - will also be indexed in 2019. The press service of the Pension Fund reported this. However, indexation will take place not from the beginning of the year, but from April. The amount of such payments will be 9.2 thousand rubles, whereas now it is 9,052 rubles. The growth index will be taken into account living wage - 2,4%.

Military pensions

All topics raised concerned civilians. Will there be an increase in military pensions in 2019? For pensioners in uniform, there are different rules for calculating both wages and pensions, and there is its own legislative framework. It is based on 2 documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 941 “On the procedure for calculating length of service, assigning and paying pensions, compensation and benefits to persons who served in military service...”. Last changes currently entered on July 26, 2018.
  • Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops national guard Russian Federation, and their families." It was last edited at the end of 2017.

Increases for military pensioners, police officers, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other bodies are being actively discussed at the State Duma level, but a final decision has not yet been made. Last promotion occurred at the beginning of 2018, when the moratorium on increasing monetary allowances was lifted. For these purposes, Government Resolution No. 1598 of December 21, 2017 was adopted.

The new law introduced many important changes. In addition to increasing the retirement age, social guarantees have been established for people of pre-retirement age. In addition, retirees can count on regional increases. Residents of Moscow who have had a capital residence permit for more than 10 years are in a more advantageous position. They are paid extra according to the “social standard of a Muscovite.” As a result, this year the pension could be increased to 17,500 rubles. The regional surcharge for 2019 has not yet been announced.

Pension provision is one of those resonant topics that worry the population more than others and cause heated discussions in society. Since the payment of pensions requires significant budget expenditures, the authorities regularly try to cut them off in one form or another. For example, quite recently, instead of indexing payments in the current year, pensioners in the next one. Another frugal idea is the ultimate . And that's not all, in 2017.

Now the Ministry of Labor has come up with a new way to save on pensioners, but now directly on rural ones, who are recognized by experts as the poorest. So, The department proposes to postpone for 3 years (until 2020) the entry into force of the law establishing faster growth rates for pensions for rural pensioners . And this despite the fact that the norm is already delayed - the law was supposed to start working in 2016, however, due to the difficult economic situation, the start of its action was postponed to 2017. tried to find out what this will give to the government and what, if the norm is adopted, should pensioners from villages expect?

Pension outpacing growth

As we have already said, the norm establishing faster growth rates for pensions of rural residents was supposed to come into effect in 2016. According to her, all pensioners whose work experience exceeded 30 years received the right to an annual increase in the fixed part of their pension provision by 25%. But this is not destined to come true, at least in the near future - the government commission has already approved the initiative introduced by the Ministry of Labor, which was first reported by RBC, and then by the website of the department itself. There is little left - the government must approve the freezing project, after which the document will be submitted to the State Duma, which, as a rule, supports the proposals of officials.

If adopted, the law on increasing pensions will come into force only at the beginning of 2020, which many rural pensioners will not live to see. And besides, what is the point in passing a law that will not be in force for 4 years after its adoption?! It is worth noting that fixed size insurance pensions, according to the law, today amount to only a little more than 4.5 thousand rubles, and it, by the way, like all other types of pensions, was also indexed by only 4% instead of the promised 12.9% of inflation in 2015. This once again lowered the base for paying pensions and calculating the necessary indexation.

Expect an increase in pensions for rural pensioners only by 2020.

But even if we do not take into account the size of inflation and the coveted indexation, and proceed only from the moratorium on the law in 2016, then rural pensioners have already lost a lot. Thus, if, due to the difficult economic situation, rapid growth had not been frozen, then today’s fixed part of the pension would already be 5.75 thousand rubles. Actually Every rural pensioner, whose length of service exceeds the legal threshold of 30 years, only during this year lost the additional payment due to him by law of... 15 thousand rubles! For most villagers, this amount would be the 13th, and perhaps half of the 14th pension a year...

Further more. Until 2020, when this law may still come into force, the size of the fixed part of the pension, without taking into account inflation in all subsequent years, should have already amounted to 11.2 thousand rubles. well andthe losses of all those who should have received such an increase over the next 3 years will exceed 65 thousand rubles. Taking into account inflation, this amount may be 15-20 thousand rubles more. Just imagine what colossal budget savings, just by freezing just one norm!

Postponed after the fact

Immediately after the announcement of the intention to freeze the growth of fixed parts of pensions for villagers, as reported by RIA Novosti, the information was confirmed by the Ministry of Labor. In a press release, the government department emphasized that the measure to increase part of pensions by 25% is already “in fact deferred,” and on this moment it has not yet been put into effect. Thus, it will not be able to affect the well-being of pensioner villagers in any way - they will receive support in the amount in which they received before. Moreover, according to the department, such a transfer of this norm was already included in the budget Pension Fund. It turns out that this “freeze” has already been included in the Pension Fund’s budget, although the State Duma has not yet made such a decision... well, everything is as usual.

All this is done just to save money.

As RBC reports, according to preliminary estimates, the budget

over the next 3 years, will be able to save almost 55 billion rubles on rural pensioners: 17.5 billion in 2017, 18.3 billion in 2018 and 19.1 billion in 2019. But what kind of savings can we talk about if, as the Ministry of Labor itself claims, in fact the decision has already been postponed, which means these funds have never been allocated. Moreover, the officials themselves said that the “freeze” had already been taken into account in the PFR budget - that is, the funds were not going to be allocated - this is profanation, not savings... But in return, the department notes that the budget includes the future indexation of pensions according to actual inflation...

Pensioners will be able to save 55 billion rubles.

Let us pay attention to one more point that makes this saving no less dubious. The fact is that the pensions of many rural citizens, who would be subject to the frozen law, clearly do not reach the regional subsistence level (which on average in the Russian Federation for a pensioner is 8.8 thousand rubles). In this case, the pensioner is given a social supplement, which is paid by the Pension Fund of Russia. As a result, many rural pensioners, due to the freezing of the increase due to them by law, will obviously require such additional payment thatmay entail costs that exceed the imaginary savings.

Moreover, the methodology for calculating savings was not announced.

As soon as these initiatives were announced to the public, there were many opponents of such a freeze, including in the government itself. Understanding the social significance of this increase in pensions, many came to the defense of the “people's breadwinners” with 30 years of experience.

Who's against

The first to speak out, as expected, were the relevant department - the Ministry of Agriculture. As RBC wrote, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets had to resolve the conflict. In addition to the Ministry of Agriculture, opponents of the initiative were the Accounts Chamber and the Institute of Legislation under the Government. The latter noted that we are talking about particularly vulnerable and needy segments of the population, so the idea of ​​freezing part of their pension does not seem so convincing.

State Duma deputies also expressed their indignation.

For example, as the Regnum news agency writes, Yaroslav Nilov, a member of the LDPR and chairman of the Labor Committee, spoke out against this moratorium. According to him, such infringement of socially vulnerable citizens is unacceptable. You can always find sources from which you can cut off funding so as not to touch the most sensitive groups of society. The deputy recalled that

over the past year, the growth of agriculture, which became one of the few areas that showed growth, amounted to 3% . In his opinion, against the backdrop of national slogans about import substitution and support for domestic producers, the proposal to stop the growth of rural pensions sounds outrageous, to say the least.

But there are also opponents of such actions; they believe that such infringement of socially vulnerable citizens is unacceptable.

Deputy Chairman of the “Fair Russia” faction Mikhail Emelyanov also agrees with Nilov. In his opinion, this is unfair to the people of the village; they do not deserve such treatment. In addition, the deputy notes that such a move is also incorrect from an economic point of view, because such a policy continues to reduce consumer demand, which lies at the heart of the current crisis. According to the deputy, Social payments should not be reduced today, but, on the contrary, increased, and for this purpose, today’s budget has all the resources . All that is needed is to radically change economic and monetary policies and support agriculture, and not discourage these people from their last desire to engage in socially important work.

However, as Nilov noted, even if the State Duma does not support the initiators of the moratorium and the law does come into force in 2017 (which is, of course, practically impossible), its implementation will be complicated for some reason. Thus, the parliamentarian claims that there is a problem associated with determining the specific status of the territory of residence, as well as the list of persons who specifically should be considered agricultural pensioners . In his opinion, rural doctors and teachers will not legally be included in this list, but they have every right to apply for inclusion there, since it was low rural income that became the reason for the adoption of this law.

But all these issues can be easily resolved within a short period of time.

Another question is that the Ministry of Labor and the government as a whole have already decided to extend the moratorium, which means that it will soon be submitted to the State Duma for consideration. And there, knowing the structural factional division of the parliament, he will definitely find the required number of votes among those who are far from agriculture and life in the village on a pension of 8.8 thousand rubles. One can only guess how they will explain this decision to their rural voters...