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Is there a pension increase in the near future? Not everyone's pensions will be increased

2019 is one of the landmark years in pension system Russia. After all, the retirement age is increasing, albeit gradually, but by 5 years. But along with such an increase in age, we should also expect an increase in the amount of pension benefits. Let's figure out who will be affected by indexing and how many times it will happen.

Will the pension amount increase?

In 2018, the media constantly circulated information about pension increases in 2019. Even with numerous clarifications, many pointed specifically to an increase. However, if you analyze all the regulations that relate to pension amounts for 2019, it becomes clear that there will be no increase.

We are talking exclusively about indexing, which is not technically an increase. The fact is that indexation is carried out as planned and from year to year. And there will indeed be an increase in pensions in 2019 through indexation, and not in February, as is usually the case, but from January 1st. And pensioners will receive an additional amount that more than doubles the projected official inflation.

Thus, the January increase coefficient is 1.0705, which is 7.05% of the amount of pension benefits relative to 2018. At the same time, those pensioners who, according to the schedule, receive a pension in the first 10 days of the month received an increased amount already in December 2018.

How many indexations are planned for 2019

Back in the summer of 2018, some officials pointed to double indexation of pensions in 2019. And therefore, many are interested in what month of 2019 pensions will be increased for the second time. To answer this question, let’s break down all the pension increases planned by the authorities.

  1. January 2019 – old-age/end-of-service insurance pensions for non-working pensioners.
  2. February 2019 – increase in social support from the Pension Fund of Russia, that is, indexation of the daily wage, funeral benefits, NSO.
  3. April 2019 – social pensions.
  4. August 2019 – recalculation (correction) of pensions of the working category of pensioners.

As can be seen from the list, there is no talk of double indexing. Let's look at each indexing option in a little more detail.

January 2019

Pensions are indexed in accordance with the indexation schedule developed at transition period increase retirement age. Since the transition will take 5 years, indexation will be carried out for all 5 years and, most likely, in January.

It turns out that from January 1, 2019, the amount of pension benefits will increase by 7.05%. But only those who:

  • received a pension;
  • completed labor activity at least 3 months before indexation (that is, September 30 inclusive);
  • at the time of indexation, is not registered in the state (or out of state) of enterprises, does not conduct business activities and is not a self-employed citizen.

Many pensioners decided to take advantage of the “loophole” left by the state. Thus, some Muscovites quit their jobs in early autumn. Having received the required indexation of 7.05% (taking into account past increases), they plan to find a job again. Since the authorities will not be able to cancel indexation, they will be able to receive an increased pension, but at the same time continue to work.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

As in previous years, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, indexation for working pension recipients is not planned in 2019. But this became known in the fall of 2018, but at the same time a rumor appeared that, in principle, there would be no increase.

Moscow working pensioner Fedor Zh. turned to a lawyer for help: his pension was not indexed. The man explained that he fears that indexation will not affect him even if he quits his job. The lawyer explained that his pension would be raised 3 months after his dismissal, and all missed indexations would be taken into account.

Of course, many working pensioners fear that when they increase the pensions of non-working pensioners in 2019, they will simply be “forgotten” and they will not have to wait for an increase when they finally retire. But this is not so, and all due amounts will be paid to them 3 months after dismissal, and for the 3 “missed” months too.

February 2019

The February increase in pensions will not affect all pensioners, but only those who receive EDV and NSU, and the payments themselves do not relate to the amount of pension benefits. Recipients of one-time cash payments include veterans, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

The indexation coefficient is only 1.034, so for disabled people of group I, the increase will be only 123.32 rubles. Some other categories will not have to count on this amount either. For example, disabled people of group III will be “pleased” with only 70.49 rubles.

April 2019

The April increase applies only to recipients of social pensions and pensions, which are based on the basic rate of social pension. Of course, at the end of 2018 there were rumors that there would be no increase. And, alas, it really won’t happen. However, indexation will still take place, so the question of whether pensions will be increased in 2019 for “social workers” can still be answered positively.

Another conversation about the increase factor. It will be only 2.4%, which is lower compared to 2018 (2.9%), but higher than in 2017 (1.5%). From April 2019, the base rate of social pension will increase to the amount of 5,304.57 rubles. However, taking into account the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal acts, a pensioner cannot receive a monthly allowance less than the level living wage pensioner who federal level set at RUB 8,846.

August 2019

The indexation rate of insurance pensions is 6.6%. The increase will apply exclusively to non-working pensioners. Employed citizens of retirement age will remain without supplements. Their cash support has remained unchanged since 2016, when the last indexing payments for this category of recipients.

The January indexation will affect pensioners receiving minimum cash support, regardless of the type - social, state or insurance pension. The addition is due to changes in the cost of living of a pensioner in the constituent entities of the state.

To whom and by how much will pensions be increased from January 1, 2020: new tables for all categories of pensioners

The scheme according to which pensions will be indexed for non-working and working pensioners in 2020 has practically been approved by law. For insurance pensions, this procedure is already provided for in the law, and regarding social, state pensions and other payments from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, an active discussion of the corresponding bill is currently underway.

The indexation schedule will be as follows:

  • From January 1, insurance pensions will be increased, including minimum ones.
  • From February 1 - sizes social payments Pension Fund. These are EDV, NSU, funeral benefits and other payments made by the Pension Fund.
  • From April 1, social and state pensions will be increased. Due to this, military pensions will also increase for those who receive various types of allowances, determined based on the size of the social pension.
  • From October 1, military pensions will be indexed by 3%.

In May, veterans of the Great Patriotic War will receive a payment of 10 thousand rubles. in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Victory. This increase in pension is also enshrined in law, and will now be paid annually.

Please note that indexation will continue to apply only to unemployed citizens. Working pensioners in 2020 can only count on an increase in August as a result of their usual pension recalculation.

In the presidential amendments to pension reform, the basis of which is to increase the retirement age, the procedure for indexing insurance pensions of non-working pensioners was fixed.

It is already known who will have their pensions increased from January 1, 2020 and by how much. The increase will affect pensioners receiving insurance pensions for old age, disability or in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

Old-age insurance pensions for non-working pensioners were indexed from January 1, 2019 by 7.05%.

Indexation was carried out above the forecast inflation rate for 2018 and affected 32 million non-working pensioners. The old-age insurance pension has increased on average in Russia by 1 thousand rubles per month.

Starting from 2019 and until 2024, pensions are indexed from January 1, and not from February 1, as was previously the case.

The old-age insurance pension may increase by 6.6% in 2020. At the same time, inflation at the end of the year is projected at 3.8%, and for the next - 3%, that is, it is planned to increase pensions by one and a half times higher than inflation.

  • The price of a pension point will increase from 87.24 rubles to 93 rubles. This is written in the explanatory note (available to RG) to the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.
  • The social pension in 2020 is expected to increase by 7% (this year it was raised by 2%).
  • In 2021, the insurance pension is planned to be indexed by 6.3%, in 2022 - by 5.9%.
  • Social - by 2.6% and 3.1%, respectively.
  • Pension point price, as planned, will rise
  • in 2021 to 98.86 rubles,
  • and in 2022 it will be 104.69 rubles.

Accordingly, the size of the average pension will increase.

  • So, the average insurance pension at the end of this year should be 14.6 thousand rubles,
  • and for non-working pensioners - 15.5 thousand rubles.
  • Social pension - 9.3 thousand.

From January 2020, pensioners in Russia will become richer. As a result of indexation, pensions will increase. However, not all. What kind of increase awaits pensioners? How much fatter will their wallets become?

Much has already been said about pension indexation in 2020 and at various levels. Therefore, we will try to be brief and precise.

Who will have their pensions increased from January 2020?

Indexation will affect only non-working pensioners who receive an insurance pension.

How much will the pension increase from January 2020?

Payments will increase by 6.6 percent. This will ensure an increase in payments by an average of one thousand rubles per month.

The size of the pension point will increase to 93 rubles (currently it costs 87 rubles 24 kopecks).

Magnitude fixed payment from January 2020 will increase from 5334.19 rubles. up to 5686.25 rub.

How much will it be in rubles?

As a result of the January indexation, the average size of the insurance pension of non-working pensioners will increase in 2020 to 16.4 thousand. rubles, reports Pension Fund RF.

What will the insurance pension be after indexation in January 2020?

Pension amount in 2019, rub.

Amount of pension in 2020, rub.

Of course, these are preliminary races.

You can find out the exact size of your pension after indexation on January 1 only from specialists at the local branch of the Pension Fund!

What if the pension is below the subsistence level?

If you receive social benefits that are less than the cost of living of a pensioner in your region, then you will be given an additional payment.

According to the new rules, the social supplement to the pension is calculated as follows.

  1. First, the size of the social supplement to the pension is determined without taking into account indexation;
  2. Then this amount of social supplement is summed up with the pension, taking into account the indexation of the current year.

Thus, the pension amount will always be higher than the cost of living of a pensioner in your region by the amount of indexation.

From January 1, 2020, maternity capital will also increase

If the owner of the certificate has not used the maternity capital in full, the balance of funds will also be indexed by 3%.

Directions for use maternity capital still remain the same:

  • improvement living conditions families,
  • training and maintenance of children in educational institutions,
  • increase in mother's pension,
  • purchasing goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society,
  • receiving a monthly payment.

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When will payments to other pensioners be increased?

✅ From February 1, 2020, the amount of the monthly cash payment (EDV) and the set of social services will be indexed. The increase is expected to be 3.8%.

✅ From April 1, 2020, social and state pensions are expected to increase by 7.0%. The increase will affect almost 4 million working and non-working pensioners.

✅ Since August 1, 2020, Russia has been conducting a non-declaration adjustment of insurance pensions of working pensioners based on the results of 2019. The maximum increase will, as usual, be equal to the monetary equivalent of 3 pension points. The increase you can count on will be about 250 rubles.

When will the increased January pensions arrive?

Payment of pensions, benefits and monthly cash payments for January 2020 will be carried out at the beginning of the month.

For some pensioners receiving payments through a bank, the crediting of funds for January 2020 will begin as early as December 30-31, 2019.

For pensioners receiving payments through Russian Post, delivery will be organized according to a special schedule starting from January 3, 2020.

What other social benefits will increase from January 2020

From January 1, social payments established at the regional level will also increase. For example, :

✅The size of basic payments to families with children, for the maintenance of orphans and children left without parental care will increase by 5.6 percent.

✅From January 1, 2020, a new monthly payment children of war. Muscovites who were born between January 1, 1928 and September 3, 1945 and who previously did not have the right to the measures will be able to receive it social support established by federal and (or) city legislation. The payment amount will be 1,584 rubles, which corresponds to the monthly payment to home front workers.

✅In 2020, scholarship funds from colleges and universities included in the Moscow education system will also be indexed. The indexation amount will be 3.7 percent.

This is stated on the official website of the Moscow mayor.

The size of local social payments is also increasing in other Russian cities. You can find out about them from your local authorities. social protection population.

How will pensions increase in 2020 and what is important for those Russians who are about to become pensioners to remember? Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Elena Bibikova spoke about this at the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper.

Elena Vasilyevna, how will insurance pensions increase and is everyone entitled to indexation?

I have to admit that not everyone. Pensions will be indexed only for non-working pensioners, although the issue of indexing pensions for everyone else remains on the agenda. So, from January 1, 2020, insurance pensions will be indexed by 6.6 percent, for 2021 the indexation percentage is set at 6.3 percent, in 2022 - 5.9 percent. Pensions will be indexed once a year, in January.

As for working pensioners, the procedure for recalculating pensions from August 1 will remain. What is it about? If a person worked for the entire year 2019 or any part of it, then from August 1 his pension will increase based on the amount of insurance contributions that the employer paid for him.

Among our pensioners there are many recipients of monthly cash payments, including disabled people, veterans, Heroes of the USSR and Russia. How will EDV increase?

Indexation of these payments will take place from February 1, 2020. The indexation amount should be 3.8 percent. However, for today this is still a forecast value, because the amount of indexation of the EDV depends on the level of inflation, which has not yet been finally calculated.

As for social pensions (they are paid to people who have not accumulated the required number of points, and are assigned five years later than insurance pensions), indexation is provided for their recipients from April 1. The size of the increase is seven percent, since the increase in such payments is “tied” to the growth rate of the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS) for the year preceding the indexation date.

I would especially like to note that starting from the new year, for the first time ever, maternal (family) capital will be indexed, the amount will be 464,617 rubles, that is, the indexation percentage will be three percent.

This year, the Government approved a unified methodology for calculating the living wage of a pensioner for all regions. How will this affect pensions?

Let me remind you that since 2010 in Russia there has been a rule according to which no one non-working pensioner cannot receive a pension (including EDV) lower than the minimum subsistence level in the region where he lives. And if it turned out that his own “income” was less, he was paid a social supplement up to this amount.

Since last year, at the initiative of the president, pension supplements began to be calculated using a new method: first, the payments received by a person were brought up to the social supplement to the subsistence level in the region, and then they were indexed to the percentage that was planned for the current year. In 2020, let me remind you, this is 6.6 percent. That is, all our pensioners now receive more than the subsistence minimum.

Since 2010, Russia has had a rule according to which no non-working pensioner can receive a pension (including daily allowance) lower than the minimum subsistence level in the region where he lives.

However, previously in the subjects of the Federation the very value of the subsistence minimum was calculated differently, as a result, in many regions it was significantly lower than this value established by Russian Federation. Now the cost of living will be calculated using a new method, and we can already see that in many regions of the Russian Federation - almost half - it has become higher than at the federal level.

For example, in the Pskov region, which I represent in the Federation Council, since January 2020 the cost of living has been set at 9,529 rubles, and it has increased by almost 700 rubles. And this means that pensioners in these regions will receive an even more significant increase in their pensions.

What awaits those citizens who are about to retire in 2020?

Here you need to remember that starting from the new year, on a general basis, women will retire at 56.5 years, men at 61.5 years. Further, to assign pensions, you must have a mandatory length of service. In 2020, the experience must be at least 11 years (this year 10 years - Ed.).

The requirements for pension points. If this year 16.2 points were required to assign a pension, then in 2020 - already 18.6 points. Let me remind you that these requirements will be gradually increased for another six years. In 2025, to assign an insurance pension, at least 15 years of experience and 30 points will be required.

According to the law, some citizens of pre-retirement age may retire early if they do not have the opportunity to find a job. Who exactly can exercise this right and what documents need to be provided for this?

Indeed, if a citizen has two years or less left before a pension is awarded and he remains unemployed either due to staff reductions or due to the liquidation of an enterprise, then he can apply for a pension.

At the same time, there is one more mandatory requirement - the person had to contact the employment service and face the fact that they could not provide him with a place of work that corresponded to his qualifications. If this happens, the employment service recommends this person for early retirement.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that in this case, the pension is assigned on a general basis, and the citizen will be subject to the same requirements as others - I mean having the necessary length of service and points.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, there are more than 46 million pensioners in Russia, 78% of this number, that is, approximately 35 million are unemployed. Most of them receive a pension of 13 thousand rubles. And this modest amount barely covers the pensioner’s expenses. In 2019, pensions will be raised. To whom and for how much, we will consider in this article.

Who will receive 1 thousand rubles in 2019?

Not everyone is entitled to an allowance of this size. Only those citizens whose pension is equal to or greater than 14,414 rubles will receive it. If the amount of payments is less, then the premium is lower.
The declared increase of 1 thousand rubles is nothing more than the annual planned increase in pension benefits. This year it will grow by 7.5%. Indexation is carried out based on the inflation indicators of the previous year. If you look at the table data, you can see that in previous years, indexation was slightly more than inflation, with the exception of 2015, when, with an inflation rate of 12.91%, the pension was increased by only 4%.

In 2019, indexation exceeded inflation by almost 2 times - 7.5% versus 4.3%. This is how much the insurance pension will increase.
Citizens' pensions will be increased once a year - on January 1. Only unemployed pensioners will receive the increase. It is planned to bring the average value by 2024 pension payments throughout the country up to 20 thousand rubles.

From the table you can find out what increase awaits you in 2019. You can make the calculation yourself, just multiply your pension by 0.75.

In the summer of 2018, at one of the working meetings, Tatyana Golikova announced information that the pension would increase by 1000 rubles per month, and the amount of the increase for the year would be 12 thousand rubles.
Many interpreted this message to mean that 1 thousand rubles would be added to the pension every month. In fact, Golikova meant that when indexing payments from 1.01. In 2019, the pension will increase by 7.5% by 1 thousand rubles, and over the year the pensioner will receive payments of 12 thousand more than in the previous year. Therefore, no monthly supplement is expected.

Latest news about pension indexation in 2019

Indexation will continue in subsequent years. If in 2019 it will be 7.5 percent, then from 1.01. In 2020, an increase of 6.6% is planned. In this increased amount, payments will be accrued not only to those citizens who have retired due to old age, but also to disabled people, as well as disabled family members who have lost their breadwinner. In addition, indexing will affect the following categories:

  • military personnel and persons listed in law No. 4467-1 of February 12, 1993. The growth will be 6.3% from October 1, 2019;
  • social pensioners. They will receive an increase in benefits by 2.4% from April 1, 2019.

The growth of pensions is due to the fact that two important parameters have been increased - the fixed payment and the cost of the pension coefficient. It is these values ​​that are used when calculating pensions. The formula is:

P = (IPK * SPK) + FV

P – insurance pension;
IPC – individual pension coefficient;
SPK - cost of 1 pension coefficient; FV - fixed payment.
The PV and cost of a working pensioner’s PC is frozen. But when he quits and retires, Pension Fund employees will calculate the pension taking into account all missed indexations.

Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment in 2019

It is prescribed to disabled people of group 1, 80-year-old pensioners, people who worked in populated areas Far North or in territories equivalent to these areas. The table shows the number of beneficiaries and the amount of payments due to them.

A rural pensioner does not have to submit a special application to recalculate the fixed payment. Pension Fund specialists must carry out calculations based on the data available in the payment file. But to be more confident, consult with FIU specialists in your region.

Age of pensioners under the new law

From 2019, the retirement age will be gradually raised to 60 for women and 65 for men. The table lists the values ​​of length of service and IPC, as well as the age and date of birth of the future pensioner.

Who will not be affected by the new law?

Some citizens may not worry about their retirement date, these include:

  • working in unfavorable working conditions: miners, logging workers, all persons listed in Lists 1 and 2. Men will retire at 50 years old (List 1) and 55 years old (List 2), women at 45 years old (List 1) and 50 years (List 2);
  • one of the parents of disabled children. Men leave at 55, women at 50;
  • mothers of 2 children with 12 years of experience in the Far North - leave at the age of 50;
  • mothers of 2 children with 17 years of experience in places equated to the regions of the Far North - retire at 50 years old.

Also, the increase will not affect mothers of 5 children. They will receive a pension at age 50.

Social pension for unemployed pensioners in 2019

The social pension will be indexed in April 2019. An increase of 2.4% is forecast. Let us remind you that this type of payment is provided to citizens who have not earned the required amount insurance period and IPC.

You cannot receive a social pension and work

All incoming insurance contributions from the employer are easily tracked by the Pension Fund monitoring system and the pension will not only be canceled, but will also be required to return what was paid during the period when the citizen worked!

Until the end of 2018, it was prescribed at age 65 for men and at age 60 for women. From January 2019 and in subsequent years, the age limit increases:

A little more than 3 million people receive a social pension in our country. In 2019 it is 5,034 rubles. But it is not issued in this size. It is entitled to a social supplement, which allows it to be brought to the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner. From January 1, this figure is equal to 8,846 rubles. That is, below this amount social pension not paid. And if it is increased in April 2019 by 2.4%, then it will be equal to 9,058 rubles.

How to bring your pension to a living wage

Some citizens have a high pension, while others barely reach the subsistence level. In order to bring the small pension of an unemployed pensioner to the minimum threshold established by law, social supplements are paid. They come in 2 types:

  • Regional
    To get it you need to contact social security. It is assigned if the minimum subsistence level (ML) of a pensioner in a given region is less than the LLM established at the federal level.
  • The minimum cost of living throughout the country is 8,846 rubles

    For example, residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region (PM - 8,102 rubles) or the Republic of Mari El (PM - 8,191 rubles) can apply for such an additional payment;

  • Federal
    For its appointment, contact the Pension Fund. Paid if the pension is less than the monthly minimum established in the region.

For example, in the Sakhalin region the monthly salary is 12,333, and pensioner Ivanov receives 8,500 rubles. For this additional payment of 3,833 rubles (12,333 – 8,500 = 3,833 rubles) you need to contact the Pension Fund.

The additional payment is issued exclusively to unemployed pensioners.

Payments to federal beneficiaries in 2019

  • combat veterans and members of their families;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled war veterans;
  • disabled people of groups 1,2,3;
  • citizens injured at the Chernobyl hydroelectric power station;
  • WWII participants and members of their families;
  • disabled people;
  • persons who have been awarded the title of Hero of Russia, the USSR, Socialist Labor and others;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad.

Recipients of the EDV can also use a set of social services (NSS), such as: treatment in a sanatorium, travel benefits and free medicines. The amount of EDV varies greatly depending on the category of pensioner. It can be 460 rubles, or maybe 56 thousand rubles.

From February 1, 2019, the EDV and NSU will be raised by 4.3%. The size of the NSS in 2019 is 1,121.42 rubles. If a beneficiary refuses a set of social services, then the EDV will be paid to him in full. For example, the monthly allowance for a combat veteran in 2019 is 2,972.82 rubles. If he wants to use the NSO, then the monthly payment will be: 2972.82 - 1121.42 = 1851.4 rubles.
The pensioner can also partially refuse the NSS, then the cost of the services used will be deducted from the amount of the EDV:

  • for free medicines – 863.75 rubles;
  • for a travel card – 124.05 rubles;
  • for vouchers to a sanatorium - 133.62 rubles.

What happens if a non-working pensioner gets a job?

If he receives an old-age insurance pension, then nothing bad will happen. He will not lose any payments. It’s just that his pension will not be indexed annually. But there are situations when it will not be possible to work and receive a pension; this will happen if it is assigned:

  • social pension. If employment occurs, it will be suspended;
  • pension due to the loss of a breadwinner. It is only available to unemployed family members;
  • state pension according to length of service. Receive military and military pay at the same time military pension it is forbidden. But if the pensioner decides to take a civilian job, then payments will not be suspended;
  • social supplement to pension. The main condition for receiving it is the absence of additional income from the pensioner, which would increase the amount of the payment to the subsistence level;
  • payment for caring for the elderly or disabled person of group 1.

The overpaid pension or additional payments to it will have to be returned.

be careful

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