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Flower fakes. Crafts flowers: master class on how to make artificial flowers with your own hands (105 photos)

Olga Netrebina

The annual charity event will take place very soon" White flower "

We are preparing for this day All: both schoolchildren and preschoolers with parents, educators and teachers. And our Child Development Center did not ignore this action. After all, love for people, care and compassion must be instilled from early childhood.

I work with the youngest children, 1.5-2.5 years old. Therefore, parents of students take part in the action. They willingly responded to my request for help in making White flowers. However, some had to be taught the simplest and fast way such crafts.

I present to your attention Master Class"Aster" from napkins.

For work we need: white paper napkins , scissors, stapler, wooden sticks, plasticine (you can color, glue.

Cut from napkins circle of desired diameter (about 10cm) and stack 12-16 layers of circles on top of each other.

We cut our circle from the edge to the center, not reaching the middle by about 1.5 cm. The more often you make cuts, the more petals Astra will have.

We fasten the layers of circles in the center with a stapler.

Now, we lift each layer up, giving volume to our flower.

When all the layers are fluffed, we begin to prepare the stem. To do this, string a plasticine ball, the size of a pea, white or yellow, onto a wooden stick from the blunt end. colors. It will serve as a retainer for flower from above.

The next step is to connect the stem and flower. To do this, insert the prepared stick with sharp ends into the top flower.

Now we wrap the stick napkins, having previously coated it with glue.

Glue the leaves of the desired shape and our Astra is ready!

Publications on the topic:

Every year in April, our kindergarten hosts the “White Flower” campaign. We are starting to prepare for the White Flower campaign in advance. We are writing.

Application with napkin balls “Polar Bear” Topic: Polar bears Purpose: familiarization with appliqué along the contour with napkin balls Educational area- artistic - aesthetic.

Among the usual bustle, we do not notice the beauty, we do not rejoice in the small miracles that surround us. Snow is a unique creation of nature. Kids.

On Thursday, September 3, 2015, teachers and parents of MBDOU kindergarten No. 33 in Belgorod took part in a charity fair. Which.

Festival of physical education and sports "Polar Bear" As part of the city festival of physical education and sports " White bear cub", a small Winter Olympics was held in our kindergarten. Except.

Goals: To teach children to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text. Objectives: To develop children's figurative speech.

Project “So White and Insidious” Project type: Dominant method: cognitive - research. Content: short-term (3 weeks). Object of study:.

Children love everything new and unusual. Today we will look for real masterpieces in the world around us. Natural materials are an inexhaustible source of inspiration that is available to everyone!

Don't wait until autumn to start creating with freshly picked chestnuts and acorns. Summer is a great time for creative activities Outdoors. Think back to your childhood. Have you ever done a petal manicure? It's time to teach your daughter how to “sculpt” them!

In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can create real masterpieces from flowers, petals and leaves. In principle, this is purely summer material can be used for creativity all year round, if you collect plants and dry the herbarium.

Flower men

Children love funny people. So let's tell them the secret of making cute and funny inhabitants of the flower country!

To make a flat man, you will need some flowers and leaves. They can be laid directly on the lawn or asphalt, but it is best to glue them to a paper base. So funny applique you can take the masterpiece with you and show it to everyone: at home, in the yard, at school or kindergarten.

You can make little people - as a variant of one of creative competitions. Don’t forget to take pictures of your crafts right away, because fresh petals will quickly wither and become deformed.

Flower dolls

In my childhood yard there were hollyhocks, or hollyhocks. We made dolls out of them. Manufacturing is very simple. You need a thin flexible stick for the base, several buds and mallow flowers. We string flowers on a stick in any order and get a pupa. Any flowers and leaves are suitable for making.

Fashionable looks made from petals

With older girls you can do fashion decorating. To create dresses or paintings with female images in dresses made of flower petals, just draw the outline of the dress and make a petal applique. Paste delicate petals not necessarily - just post the desired composition and take a photo!

Postcards from fresh flowers

There are many design techniques. Complete your collection of ideas by decorating with dried flowers. Agree, it looks beautiful and unusual!

Animals made from petals

Flower petals, like bright puzzles, can be put together into a variety of images. These can be animals, birds, fish.

Paintings from plants

Having mastered the petal appliqué technique, you can move on to making paintings. This painstaking work will require time and a lot of carefully collected and dried plants. But what a great result awaits you!

Painting with flowers is called "mistake". It turns out that this is a fairly popular direction of creativity.

Leaf and Flower Portraits by Justina Blakeney

Serious adult designers and artists also use flowers and leaves as materials for their creative works. Let's admire their works.

For birthday or other family holiday Together with your child, you can make a family portrait-caricature of leaves and flowers. The result will be a fun and memorable craft!

Kathy Klein Flower and Leaf Crafts

Popular today, interest in images and coloring books - mandalas, kaleidoscopes with colored glass from childhood - perhaps Kathy Klein was inspired by some of them when creating her crafts from flowers and leaves.

Now you have no doubt that summer is a great time for crafts from natural material? And if you dry the flowers and leaves by collecting a herbarium, then for a whole year you can do creative work for school and kindergarten, organize children's contests and competitions, and congratulate loved ones on the holiday original postcards or portraits, make anti-stress “mandalas” or kaleidoscopes!

Photos used from the sites:,,,,,,,,,, moi-detki,,,,,,,,,, liveinternet .ru,,,,,,,,,,,, prigodina .vkrugudruzei,,,,,,,,,, kleinburd .ru,,,,,,,,, xvastunishka.mirtesen,, by.livemaster .ru,,,,,,,,, ,

This thematic section is only for those who love flowers. That is, absolutely for everyone. Its pages contain many publications about real and man-made flowers. Flowers are joy, happiness, the personification of youth, freshness and positive vitality of nature. They are given to us so that we learn to enjoy beauty, life, and appreciate every moment of it! No wonder flowers have always been and will remain the best gift and an exquisite compliment. We are sure that you will appreciate the impressive variety of flower-themed gift crafts that you can make with your children. And be sure to choose from them those that will be useful to you in your work.

Flowers are the subject of our admiration and source of inspiration!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Crafts and bouquets of sweets. Candy gifts, suite design, flowers
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Showing publications 1-10 of 3713.
All sections | Flowers. Flower themed crafts

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Making flowers with your own hands is, of course, a trend, but it originated... back in ancient times. From Ancient Greece and Ancient China, information has reached us about how the craft of creating artificial flowers developed. So this view manual labor- not just a newfangled hobby. By doing it, you are continuing the tradition of thousands of years. Translating the beauty of a flower into available material is not an easy task, but we have collected only simple and proven methods for you!

“Flowers: what to decorate with them”

Traditionally, flowers are placed in a vase, including artificial ones. The advantage is that nothing limits us in choosing a vase. This can be either a beautiful perfume bottle or a thread spool. In this article you will see a variety of examples.

From flowers you can make small bouquets and lush wreaths that hang on the door. And ornate garlands will decorate window openings, window sills, stair railings and flights, walls, balconies. They are equally relevant for the decor of the living room, bedroom, kitchen, nursery and bath. Necessary for decorating a bedside table and table setting.

Mostly, artificial flowers are made from paper - this is the most convenient and pliable material. In second place is fabric: fine silk, lace, or, conversely, thick felt, leather or tweed. In the article, we have selected many master classes that will allow you to choose the method of making flowers with your own hands. Although, none of them are so difficult that you will have noticeable difficulties!

"Paper Flowers"

Paper (colored, plain, newspaper, hard, rough, glossy, shiny, etc.) will be useful to us not only for creating paintings with our own hands - making flowers out of it is as easy as shelling pears! Are we sure?

"Flowers from book pages"

  • The topic of crafts from book pages is inexhaustible! Typography gives the products a special charm, so that impeccable execution fades into the background. Therefore, forget about classic colored paper for a while and try to make a rose flower with your own hands as in the photo below. remember, that newsprint It won’t fit here due to its subtlety; you need a book or high-quality magazine page.

  • To make it more like real flowers, the very edges of the petals can be painted - with a spray or with heavily diluted watercolors.

  • Plain paper looks great too rich color in combination with book pages or sheet music. This handmade item will be a worthy decoration for a library or tea table.

  • Remember - the thicker the paper you choose, the wider your options for coloring flowers. It's easier to make them white initially and then add colors as needed. Acrylic or gouache works best for coloring - when working with them, your workpieces will not get wet or lose their shape.

"Colored paper"

Choose the most plain paper For self-made make your own flowers, you can also use any packaging material. The main thing is that it is not thick cardboard, it will be difficult to work with.

"Simple daisies"

  • Sometimes the most simple options look the most impressive. Even a child can make flowers, as in the illustration below. And they look very stylish!
  • First you need to cut out 5-6 heart-shaped petals from paper, that is, from a sheet folded in half. Please note that it is better to make the thin edge not sharp, but slightly rounded.
  • Then the petals are folded together and sewn or glued to a button. A flexible wire is also attached to the back side.
  • The resulting flower is inserted into a pre-decorated spool of thread. The easiest way to make such a “vase” original is to wrap it with colored paper or ribbon.
  • "Roses-candlesticks"

    • A delicate candlestick made of paper roses for your interior is made by analogy with the previous flowers and is attached to a flexible wire pulled into a circle. Create flowers different sizes, and you will get such an unusual decoration.

    "Flowers from baking molds"

    Take a closer look, do the bowls of these flowers remind you of anything? Well, cupcake tins, of course! To make these flowers with your own hands, you will need:

  • floral wire,
  • glue,
  • awl,
  • three or more paper forms.
  • The only caveat is that the molds must be of different sizes. We carefully pierce their base and place them on the wire, starting with the smallest one. We knead the mold with our fingers to give it a more elongated shape. We fit them tightly to each other, giving them a little disheveled natural look. At the end of the work, drop a little glue onto a toothpick and fasten the layers together deep inside so that the upper part of the petals remains movable. Ready!

    To make it even more interesting, you can combine molds in your work different colors and drawings.

    "Flower from the Card"

    In the article about DIY interior ideas, we talked about products made from geographical maps. If you liked it, then take note of this unusual example making a rose. You can use a new atlas with bright glossy pages, or you can take an aged monochromatic map.

    "Flowers for table setting"

    When buying ice cream, would you prefer a waffle cone or paper cup? We vote for the horn - and we suggest you make an unusual decoration for table setting, which you can use on holidays and on weekdays. First we'll find out how to make the same beautiful flowers with your own hands!

    "We'll need it"

  • sheet of colored paper,
  • marker,
  • scissors.

  • We draw on a piece of paper the same irregularly shaped pattern as in the first photo. Cut it out, then roll it into a tube. We repeat the operation until we achieve the desired splendor of the flower. We fasten each circle of petals together with glue.

    Now that the technology for making the flower is known, we can move on. So, let's put it on the table:

    • small waffle cone,
    • stationery knife,
    • glue gun,
    • a small flower pot or other beautiful base,
    • several types of colored paper - yellow, red, pink, orange for flowers, green for leaves, striped for a horn.


  • We cut out a cone from striped paper to wrap our horn in.
  • We secure it with double-sided tape.
  • We assemble a rose from paper according to the example above, insert it into the horn.
  • Cut out leaves from green paper.
  • We roll them around the pencil to give it shape, and glue them to the paper wrapping the horn.
  • We take a thin wooden stick, insert it into the pot, and put our design with a flower on it.
  • That's all! These DIY flowers for decorating a room will brighten up the gloomiest and rainiest day, so don’t put off making them.

    "Flower garlands"

    What about really big flowers made by yourself? Let's create a garland that will be a key accessory for any holiday. Such an unusual thing simply cannot go unnoticed!

    “What is required and how is it done”

  • Cut out 6-8 large petals from pink wrapping paper and thin strips from yellow.
  • We cut the strips of yellow paper into two parts, cutting off a small piece from the bottom of each. We roll this part into a ball - and we get a stamen!
  • We put the ball on a thin wire and wrap it with the remaining long strip. We make three of these for each flower.
  • We tie the stamens into a bundle, put them into large petals, give our model a shape and tighten it with thread.
  • We hang each flower on a separate fishing line and fix it on the wall or ceiling. Make 5-6 flowers - and you will have an unforgettable garland!

  • "Flowers made of thread and fabric"

    Working with fabric is a little more difficult than working with paper. But flowers made from it with your own hands also turn out more realistic. You don't need a lot of material to make a flower. This way, you can always wisely dispose of accumulated scraps.

    "Pompom Flowers"

    • Do you know how to make pompoms from wool yarn? If yes, then the manufacturing process is clear to you. If not, read on. And you will understand how to make flowers that look like roses or peonies in a vintage style.

    “Let’s get ready and get started”

  • a ball of thick pink or red threads,
  • fork,
  • scissors.
  • Wrap the thread around the fork as shown in the photo. This is approximately 50-60 revolutions. Cut a small piece of thread from the ball, pass it under the previously stretched thread and tie it into a knot, as in the second photo. Then remove the yarn from the fork and cut the loop on both sides. Cut off the excess yarn and shape the pompom into a ball shape. Then easily slide it onto a thin wire and place it in a beautiful jar.


    • To make these lush flowers with your own hands for a room, as in the photo below, half an hour will be enough for you. All you need for this: plain fabric, preferably thin corrugated. The diameter of the ball will depend on the width of the piece of fabric; estimate it in advance. The rest is quite simple - we collect the textiles into an accordion along the short side, turning the rectangular ends into semicircular ones, cutting off the corners. Pull the strip tightly in the middle and fluff it into a ball. Ready!

    "Flower pendants"

    • For your baby's room you will need decorations that are as bright, safe, soft and non-toxic as possible and are difficult to tear or wrinkle. In addition, it is necessary that they are easy to wash and, if necessary, replace with new ones. Not an easy task! It’s easier to solve it yourself than to go to the store. Ideal option There will be hand-made butterflies or flowers made from thick, pleasant-to-touch fabric. Traditionally, parents choose felt for this. You can easily sew or cut out anything you want from it, and be calm about the health and safety of your baby!


    Below we will describe three ways to decorate the interior with flowers through textiles. But these methods can also be used for furniture. For example, you can decorate curtains, bed linen, pillows, bedspreads, towels, canopies, etc. with homemade flowers.

    "For pillows"

    • Pleated fabric flowers in the interior can be used not only on their own, but also to decorate furniture, accessories, and textiles. In the photo you can see an example of a DIY pillow to which a huge fabric flower was sewn. Here you are limited only by your imagination, because this accessory can be pinned to a blanket, curtains, headboard, chair back - whatever your imagination takes you to!

    "For curtains"

    • The same applies to knitted flowers. We are used to seeing them only on clothes. But, by analogy with the previous ones, nothing prevents you from using them in the design of the room. For example, you can sew curtains with your own hands and strew them with artificial flowers to decorate the interior, as in the photo below. These are not elements holiday decor, but part of the everyday environment. If you want the flowers not to be too noticeable, just make them from the same fabric as the curtains, as in the above example.

    "For bedspreads"

    • You can also make a replacement accessory that you can easily remove if you get tired of it. If your blanket is made of high-quality expensive fabric, but at the same time it looks quite boring, you must agree that you will not change it. This is where a knitted or sewn cape made from many small flowers will come to the rescue.

    It is done simply: circles of fabric with a floral print are folded and carefully ironed. The leaves are cut out of thick fabric, and veins are embroidered on them using a simple stitch. Then all the small flowers are sewn together into a long piece, and the leaves are sewn on both narrow edges. The cape is ready! You can decorate chairs and armchairs with the same products, and put a similar rug under the bed.


    Paper or fabric flowers for interior decoration are a great material to combine with anything. Everything we described above can only be a blank, and you are free to add the final individual touches to the product yourself. Do you want to create a delicate fabric composition? Additionally, wrap the flower with a lace ribbon and trim it with beads. Needs a little sprucing up paper flower? Place a large artificial pearl in its center or drop a few rhinestones on the petals. Replace wire with natural wooden twigs, paint newspaper with gold spray, and make unusual perforations on leather flowers. In a word - create without limiting yourself in anything!

    Paper flowers will greatly decorate your interior and add aesthetics and comfort to your living space. We will show everyone who wanted to learn how to make paper flowers with their own hands a few simple master classes. Step by step photo for beginners will demonstrate the entire process in detail, and our tips will help you get the job done quickly and without unnecessary fuss. From our article you will learn how to make a tulip from paper, how make voluminous flowers for interior decoration, how to cut a rose from colored paper and much more.

    To cut out all this floral and paper variety, we have selected for you beautiful diagrams and templates so that you can cope with this task easily and quickly.

    Paper flowers have a number of advantages that you will not find in living plants. Firstly, they do not wither, do not require special care and do not cause allergies. With the help of multi-colored paper flowers you can profitable to decorate the interior or clothing, voluminous flowers are attached to the wall or on the door, they are placed in large vases and solemnly presented for the holidays. , you can find out in one of our previous articles.

    But to make your first paper flowers with your own hands, diagrams and templates can be printed on a printer. And then - glue the petals according to the suggested instructions.
    Do you dream of being given a scarlet flower? Make it yourself! Cut out several templates of different sizes and glue the petals onto a special sponge located in the middle of the flower.

    And for this purple flower you will need:

    • white piece of paper;
    • watercolor paints;
    • scissors or stationery knife;
    • aluminum wire;
    • Cork tree;
    • paper tape;
    • green electrical tape or floral tape.
    1. Cut a sheet of paper into even strips, not reaching the edge of the sheet.
    2. Fold the cut leaf into a flower shape.
    3. Make paper leaves and roll them as in the photo.
    4. Connect the flower with the leaves and secure with tape.
    5. Attach a small piece of cork to a wire and twist it in half.
    6. Insert the wire into the middle of the flower instead of the stem.
    7. Wrap the stem with tape and then with electrical tape.
    8. The delicate purple flower is ready.

    For a promotion, for example, to March 8th or May 9th, you can make several origami tulips according to the pattern shown in the photo.

    If you have a special stencil, you can make a whole bouquet of scarlet roses and give them as a gift to a loved one. Detailed instructions for creating flowers just present in the photo. If there is no stencil, draw the flowers yourself on a sheet of A4 paper yourself.

    For other decorative experiments we offer a selection of videos for children and adults With detailed instructions about how to make crafts in the form of flowers.

    Flower templates for paper cutting

    And in this part of our conversation we will introduce you flower templates for paper cutting. Shapes and sizes of flowers for every taste - from the most delicate color apple trees to bright blue cornflowers and fiery red poppies.

    A few more templates will diversify your flower gallery.

    Big flowers from paper for decorating a room with your own hands: templates and diagrams

    Paper flowers are a win-win option when decorating any room.

    Please note the short but very detailed master class for making voluminous paper flowers. Application from such a “pink heart” decorate gift wrapping or greeting card.

    Crepe paper flowers - the most beautiful trend this season. Such giant paper roses You can form them into a chic bouquet, or you can decorate the hall of a restaurant, cafe or your own apartment with them.

    It’s not difficult to make a flower with your own hands from paper, especially if you have instructions and manufacturing diagram. Beautiful roses can be made from simple paper templates.

    Popular flowers such as carnations can be easy to make from a regular napkin. These delicate flowers will certainly not wither soon.

    Scrapbooking is another popular form of creativity for both children and adults. From special colored paper you need cut out simple flowers for cute bouquets or decor.

    Easy ideas for scrapbooking - try cutting roses, leaves and petals from special sheets of paper. And then glue everything onto the card along with bows and decorative embellishments.

    Making flowers can captivate you so much that you won’t notice how you transfer your hobbies to other materials, for example, fabric. Such cute flowers can make an unusual garland or a delicate flower basket.