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Evening dress quickly. How to sew an evening dress in one evening

A gala evening, a concert, a diplomatic reception, the wedding of a friend or daughter - you never know the occasions when you desperately need Evening Dress? There are, of course, a lot of them in the catalogues. You can also find them in women's clothing stores - short and long, with deep neckline, with slits, with full skirts - you can’t list everything, fortunately, modern fashion allows every woman to wear what suits her. But the problem is that what is classified as evening wear in stores usually costs so much that you will think three hundred times whether to buy it or not. What remains? — Sew an evening dress with your own hands. It will cost much less, and if you are careful enough, it will turn out no worse than the best Parisian fashion designers. Read our article on how to do this.

Is it necessary to sew?

Oddly enough, evening women's clothing sewing is much easier than strict office sewing. There are many reasons for this:

  • For evening dresses, fabrics that drape well are used;
  • the fabric can be so beautiful that you can take the simplest style;
  • many modern models are sewn without patterns at all;
  • you can always choose a style where there is not a single seam at all, and the shape is obtained thanks to draperies and a combination of knots;
  • you can use fabrics that are used for dance and gymnastics clothing - bright, tight-fitting supplex also looks great on evening wear.

Before sewing a floor-length evening dress with your own hands, it makes sense to try to make an outfit for special occasions without any seams at all. You will need:

  • chiffon or polyester 150 cm wide;
  • a piece of fabric for a belt (the same or another, or you can use an elastic band);
  • a spectacular brooch or flower made of the same material.

Turning Cinderella into a princess

Do you think that fairies only in fairy tales turn ordinary girls into princesses by touching their dress with a magic wand? Now you are faced with approximately the same task, only in front of you are not cast-offs, but a very beautiful piece with a length equal to the length of the product. AND magic wand You don’t either, but that’s not a problem.

Important! Leave the edges, but if the fabric frays, it’s best to overcast the cross sections. And you can safely make several interesting styles.

Option 1. Off the shoulder dress:

  1. Tie the top corners with a double knot or pin them with a brooch.
  2. Put on the dress so that the knot is on one shoulder, leaving the other bare.
  3. Place folds.
  4. Tighten the entire structure with a belt.

Important! If the fabric is too thin, transparent and it seems to you that something that should not be visible is shining through, well, buy a piece twice the length and fold it in half. Among other things, you will get rid of the need to overcast one of the cuts. Because there will be a fold.

Option 2. Dress with an open back:

  1. Tie the knots in the same way.
  2. Put on your creation so that the knot is at the back.
  3. Connect the edges at the level of the lower back or slightly higher.
  4. Ask an assistant to grab the fabric in this place so that the halves do not separate.
  5. Place pleats and tie the dress with a belt.

Important! If you don't feel very comfortable and are afraid that the cut will open too much, you can stitch or sew it up by hand back seam– from the lower back to the middle of the thigh, for example. The same can be done with the first style.

Option 3. Polynesian dress

From time immemorial, Polynesian women wore similar outfits - a piece of fabric replaced them with a dress, a skirt, and a cloak. So, once again we tie the corners of our cut with a knot. This time the knot should be approximately level with the bottom of the armhole, in front. Next we proceed in the same way as in previous cases.

If it seems to you that the knot is not tied tightly enough and risks coming undone at the most inopportune moment, well, you can secure it with a few stitches.

Let's start sewing

Still, making evening dresses from a simple rectangular piece of fabric is not exactly what is called sewing. How to sew an evening dress if you only have an hour? Very simple. Make a dress with one seam.

The fabric calculation is as follows:

  • for a dress with a small number of folds - 1 length of the product with a width of 140-150 cm;
  • 2 product lengths if the fabric is narrow or if you want very fluffy gathers.

Important! You need to add another 10 cm to the calculated amount - for the drawstring and processing of the bottom, if you are going to hem it (when sewing from knitwear or polyester, you can simply overcast the hem). In addition to the actual fabric and sewing supplies, you will also need a piece of elastic - regular underwear or a wider one.

  1. If you are going to overcast the bottom, it is better to do it right away.
  2. Along the top edge, mark a strip for the drawstring - it can be drawn on the wrong side by drawing lines 0.5 cm and 2.5 cm from the edge.
  3. Fold the drawstring 0.5 cm to the wrong side and iron it.
  4. Fold the drawstring again, but this time by 2.5 cm and iron it again (if, of course, the fabric allows this).
  5. Fold the workpiece lengthwise, inside out.
  6. Align the edges.
  7. If you want to make a cut, mark its length from the bottom edge with a marker or stitch. Sew the seam.
  8. Turn the product inside out
  9. If you haven't finished the hem yet, do it now.
  10. On the wrong side, make a hole in the drawstring and overcast it (it is better if it is somewhere under the armpit or in another place that is least noticeable on thin fabric).
  11. Insert the rubber band.
  12. Try on what you get - the dress should hold securely.

Important! If you don’t really like the way it holds, or you’re afraid that it will slip off with sudden movements (this happens if your breasts are small), you can sew on straps (for example, from thin braid to match, or from the same fabric).

Another simple dress

There is also a way to sew an evening dress with your own hands, for which you do not need patterns. This will be a dress with a fitted bodice and a wide skirt, in the manner of a dudes dress. You can do it:

  • of two different types fabrics - the bodice, for example, is made of thick satin, knitwear or supplex, and the bottom is made of guipure, chiffon or tulle;
  • from the same type of fabric - in this case, thin knitwear is most suitable.

We sew from thin knitwear - a skirt

For this model you will need a cut 140-150 cm wide. For the bodice you need approximately 70 cm, for the skirt - 2 lengths of the product. You will also need wide elastic band in tone or a hidden zipper, if the fabric does not stretch particularly well. We cut off what is intended for the bodice evenly and put it aside, and begin to work on the skirt.

The skirt is a ring, so first you need to calculate the size of the neckline:

  1. We measure the waist circumference.
  2. Divide it by 6.28, if it is not divisible by a whole, round up.
  3. We add a centimeter and a half for the loose fit - this is the desired radius.
  4. Fold the cut in half lengthwise.
  5. We fold what happened in half crosswise.
  6. A closed angle is the center of a circle, from it we draw an arc with the radius that you have calculated (if you don’t have a compass, you can measure the length of the radius along the sides of the closed angle, and then connect the points with a smooth line).
  7. Now you need to draw another arc - the hem, this is done from the same point, only you need to add the length of the product to the radius of the recess.
  8. We cut out a notch, trim the hem in a circle - we get a ring.

We cut the bodice

This dress can be made in two ways:

Option 1. With closed shoulders:

  1. Fold the cut in half so that the fold runs perpendicular to the edges.
  2. Find the middle of the fold and put a mark.
  3. Set aside 15 cm on both sides for the boat neckline.
  4. Carefully make a cutout and stitch it.
  5. We sew a line with large stitches where the shoulder seams should be.
  6. Sweeping away side seams on the wrong side.
  7. Turn it right side out and try on what you get.
  8. We make assemblies according to shoulder seams– to do this, just tighten the threads, while maintaining symmetry.
  9. We lay another line along the shoulders, already capturing the gathers.
  10. Sew up the side seams.

Option 2. Off the shoulders

Strictly speaking, there is no need to sew anything here, except for one single seam on the back. But it makes sense to do the following:

  1. Lay the strip of fabric wrong side up.
  2. Mark several stripes perpendicular to the edges.
  3. Sew these strips with large stitches.
  4. Pull the fabric so that you can completely wrap it in it and only have a seam allowance left.
  5. Sew the seam, if there is supposed to be a zipper, leave a section for it (it should go onto both the bodice and the skirt, and you will also have to make a slit on the skirt.


Now there is only one step left - you need to sew the skirt to the bodice. This is again done in two ways:

  • with zipper;
  • with elastic band.

Option 1. With zipper:

  1. We make a slit on the skirt so that the zipper goes over it too.
  2. We baste the top of the skirt to the bottom of the bodice, the edges of the zipper cut should match.
  3. Attach the skirt to the bodice.
  4. We overcast the allowances together and press them onto the side of the skirt (if the fabric can be ironed, if not, just overcast).
  5. We sew in a zipper.

Option 2. With elastic:

This option is good if the fabric itself stretches well:

  1. We sew the elastic together to make a tight ring - it should be tight enough, but at the same time, not press anywhere.
  2. We baste it to the bodice in three or four places.
  3. Sew along the wrong side, stretching slightly.
  4. We do the same on the side of the skirt.

Important! It is better if the elastic band matches exactly in color, but you can also take a contrasting one, especially if you can choose suitable accessories.

The simplest pattern

DIY evening dress ideas are very diverse. The basic principle to follow is to choose very beautiful fabric, which does not require a complex style. Then you can take the most simple pattern, even a basic pattern, and sew something extraordinary. Would you like to try the classic material for evening dresses - velvet, thick silk, brocade? Of course, it’s difficult to sew from them, but you don’t even have to think about styles - just take basic pattern and everything will work out. But you need the pattern to fit perfectly.

Working with the pattern:

  1. To begin, transfer the main details of the pattern onto a large sheet of paper - it is best to take rolled graph paper or, for example, wallpaper.
  2. Measure from your waist to the bottom of your hem.
  3. Extend the front and back pieces to this length.
  4. Fold the piece in half along the grain thread.
  5. Decide where you will have the clasp - front or back.
  6. Cut the part where there is no fastener so that the middle line of the pattern coincides with the fold, and the part where there will be a zipper and a decorative button - along the edges.
  7. Trace the sleeves into the free spaces, just make sure that the direction of the pile, if we are talking about velvet, is the same.
  8. Leave 1cm allowances on all seams.
  9. The cutout can be made under the neck, just like on the pattern, but on the side where the fastener is, you can also make a small cutout under the button - in the form of a droplet.

Assembling the dress

It just seems that sewing velvet is incredibly difficult. Of course, this is a delicate material that requires careful handling, and the allowances will have to be ironed very carefully so that the pile is smoothed out and shiny spots do not appear. But the assembly procedure is standard, and this material sews well.

Important! This long dress strict style, with long sleeve, under the neck is very suitable, for example, for the mother of the groom or the bride. But it can also be worn by a young girl, who will look especially elegant.

Operating procedure:

  1. We sew together all the darts both front and back.
  2. We sew together the shoulder and side seams - by the way, on one side you can make a cut to the knee or even to the middle of the thigh.
  3. Let's try it on - the dress should fit your figure perfectly, if this is the case, then we'll put everything together.
  4. The most crucial moment is the fit of the sleeve; if it is done poorly, the whole effect will be lost, so we stitch together the seams of the sleeves, and then sew the hem with a basting stitch along the contour.
  5. We tighten the basting.
  6. We thread the sleeve into the armhole, do not forget about the alignment points.
  7. Let's try it on again.
  8. If you like, we sew in the sleeves.
  9. We baste a long zipper.
  10. We do the third fitting - if nothing is puffy anywhere, we sew in a zipper.
  11. We process the neckline with a facing - it can be made from the same material, but if you don’t like the layer to be too thick or if the machine doesn’t accept it, you can make facings from dense but thinner fabric.
  12. We carefully process the droplet, sew on a decorative button and make a beautiful loop from the braid (since we are using velvet, it is quite appropriate to use braid that matches the tone, gold or silver).
  13. We also process the edges of the cut, if there are any, with hems (these are just strips, made of the same velvet or other fabric).
  14. Evening wear allows a woman a lot. You can open those parts of the body that otherwise remain closed, you can allow yourself some frivolity. But in any case, the costume must remain correct.

Sewing a dress is a long process that requires sewing skills, patience and attention to detail. And if you are still a beginner and don’t know how to sew a simple outfit for every day or a festive one for going out, our photo and video tutorials will help you learn how to approach this issue correctly.

We sew a simple beautiful outfit step by step

I suggest moving on to the lesson, which will help you understand the following question “ how to sew a dress with your own hands"(for beginners patterns and step by step description the whole process).

Straight black sheath dress for girls

I would like to note that the most rated, so to speak, classic cocktail dress is a semi-fitting robe (with a pencil skirt at the bottom). It is suitable for any occasion. During the day you can wear it to the office, and by adding a wide belt, you can go to a party after work.

Material is preferably black, but you can choose checkered or velvet. But remember that velvet will make a more formal option. Stylists advise having a removable element (basque or stylish collar) that will help refresh the look. The basque can be sewn separately from the same material, so no one will dare to reproach you for walking around with a removable basque, and buy the collar at a jewelry store.

Overall, small black dress must be in every woman's wardrobe, and if you have not yet become the owner of such a designer creation, urgently drop everything and start creating it.

Reinforce the facing with thermal fabric. Place on the neckline of the dress face to face. Sweep, grind. Unscrew the facing to the wrong side of the sheath dress, sweep clean, and iron.

Hem the sleeves of the sheath dress. Hem the bottom of the sheath dress.

So, how to sew a sheath dress with your own hands (patterns for beginners).

Baste and stitch the darts. Iron them towards the middle. On the back, sweep the darts, stitch, and iron to the middle of the back.

Baste and stitch the side seams. Sew a hidden zipper along the back. Cut out a facing for the neckline and armhole 3 cm wide. Hem the bottom of the product.

Educational videos for fashionable needlewomen

On YouTube, beginning needlewomen can find a huge number of video tutorials that show in detail the entire process of sewing things. For example, a series of lessons from the master Olga Nikishicheva fell in love with the viewers of Channel One, and we can watch them and get inspired. And such good craftsmen there are a lot, so feel free to choose exactly the one you like.

Simple long dress for plus size ladies at home

For a woman with curvaceous figures, floor-length dresses should be tailored individually to her figure, because such a chic lady should be decorated with no less chic outfits.

Ladies often prefer models bat, but stylists advise choosing “tulip”, “case” or “pencil”.

Beautiful jersey with three-quarter sleeves

A knitted garment is very easy to sew, as it does not require undercuts. With a cowl collar and fringe, you can create a boho-style outfit.

For pregnant women with high waist

Expectant mothers have a lot of free time during pregnancy, which allows them to create, create, create.

How to sew a chic dress for yourself (step by step instructions)

Every fashionista dreams of sewing an exquisite dress like the one in the picture. It can be the same for mother and daughter, for example, the flower in which you will be the most beautiful.

A magnificent wedding dress that is sewn quickly and easily

Not every bride can afford an expensive outfit for one day, so if you are serious, be prepared to spend a lot of time, but the result will meet all your expectations.

It is worth remembering that it is advisable to use satin as a base (it is satin that turns out truly chic). The decorating top can be made of neoprene, chiffon, guipure. If you have chosen an open-shoulder, strapless model with a corset (always lined), the bottom should be sun or half-sun.

Vintage in retro style will allow you to use less material, and Greek in the Empire style - looks good on any figure.

How to simply and easily create a prom dress

Graduation party is one of the most long-awaited events for every girl, so you want to choose the most beautiful dress, but in the store you can’t always find exactly the festive lace dress that you dreamed up in your head.

Fashionable evening with an open back

An elegant flared A-line (or A-line) lace hem with an open back will allow the lady to be the center of attention at any event.

Elsa outfit from “Frozen” for a teenage girl (12 years old)

After the release of the cartoon “Frozen,” girls from all over the world literally fell in love with Elsa and her image with a train. Therefore, more and more often for a little daughter New Year they sew it exactly. For children New Year's party It fits perfectly in the garden.

What interesting things can you come up with for a teenage girl (12 years old)

A child can create a cloud of tulle literally in the evening.

DIY ballroom for dancing

For the stylish "Barbie" who is interested in ballroom dancing, you can come up with a robe with full skirt with a petticoat. A bow made of fabric and gloves with an elastic band can become stylish decoration, complementing the image.

Figure skating clothing

For performances, elastic thin materials are most often chosen that do not hinder movement and look good in motion. A flashlight and a bell with a shuttlecock are classics of the genre.

We create without using a pattern

In one evening, you can recreate an outfit by hand with one seam in a few minutes, even without a sewing machine. This science is not difficult to master, since it does not require skill or knowledge, but it is worth remembering the small nuances that significantly save time.

Summer scarves from true masters

Craftsmen can make beach attire for the summer even using ordinary thin scarves. You'll be surprised how much interesting models can be created using simple scarves.

Hoodie for the hot season

Women's fashionable kimono with one-piece sleeves is designed for sunny days. You literally don’t feel such a flyaway on yourself, and the most important thing is that such a one-piece product is sewn with several stitches.

Loose fit wrap

This product looks like a man's white robe, but on female figure it looks special, and all thanks to the flowing fabric.

Shirt + a little imagination = chic outfit for going out

An ordinary shirt makes it possible to create more original clothes when you have nothing at hand except your loved one’s shirt.

The famous Coco Chanel once said: “If you remember a woman, but don’t remember the dress she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly!” Find your perfect dress with us and sew it!
We offer you the most precise patterns dresses for every taste and for any occasion: short and long dresses, patterns for dresses with sleeves and sleeveless, dresses with fluff and figure. You can use ready-made model solutions, or model your own dresses using the modeling methods presented at the Sewing School.
If you are new to sewing, start with simpler models - sew a dress with a simple silhouette, evaluate the accuracy of the pattern, and the fit. If the dress fits perfectly, move on to more complex models. Use high-quality fabrics and threads, because it is the fabric that makes the difference in dresses simple cut, creating a chic image of a sophisticated lady. Be sure to first build one, according to which you will model your future creation.
We have prepared a lot for you useful tips, master classes, ready-made patterns dresses, and basic patterns for different types figures.
Sewing with us is easy; the main thing that is required of you is a great desire to master this fascinating and creative skill. Are you ready to plunge into the world of fashion with us? Then choose and sew!

Puffy voluminous sleeves are a very bright and feminine trend of the season. And since this style emphasizes the figure even more and makes it very graceful, girls are happy to follow fashion trend and choose dresses with similar sleeves. A striking example of this is Celine Dion’s recent appearance at the Alexandre Vauthier show, where the singer appeared in a floor-length minidress with grotesque puffy sleeves. We do not suggest that you plunge headlong into bold experiments, but start with a sophisticated and feminine dress with an open shoulder line and voluminous sleeves.

We couldn't get past original idea viscose dress with a high ascot collar, the bow in which is sewn separately and tied using large eyelets installed directly on the corners of the collar. We are sure that after looking at this wonderful dress, you will want to sew something similar for your wardrobe!

When preparing for vacation, it is better to think through your wardrobe in advance. Clothes should not only be bright, but also comfortable, and the fabrics from which you plan to sew yourself a beach dress or tunic should allow the skin to breathe and at the same time not form too many folds and creases on them when you take them off when you come to the beach. The ideal material for such clothing is undoubtedly cotton jersey. And today we offer you two luxurious models of beach dresses that you can sew without any pattern in just half an hour. All you need for this is a piece of material and a sewing machine.

When sewing products from plain fabrics, designers, in order to emphasize the properties and texture of the fabric, try to create complex and interesting styles, using a variety of modeling techniques in products - relief seams, hems, gathers, tucks... However, there is a simpler, but no less effective way to make This. The play of light and shadow in the folds and draperies of the soft peach knitted dress is unique and changes every time you move. In our today's lesson we will show you in detail how to model a dress pattern with draping at the waist.

Prom is one of the important events in the life of every girl, which is why the dress is prom chosen with special trepidation. After all, such an event happens only once in a lifetime, and on this day you want to be bright, elegant and unique. Modern tendencies dictate new fashion graduation ceremonies, however, ballgowns retain the desire for elegant classical canons. In this article, we have put together for you a collection of fifteen sophisticated dresses that you can sew yourself, and in any of them you will make a real splash at the holiday!

No matter how many dresses you sew for your wardrobe, we are sure that after getting acquainted with the product that we offer in this lesson, you will definitely be inspired by the idea of ​​sewing yourself another dress! This elegant model may well serve as an example of style, because it succinctly combines style, length and fabric. Wing flounces add a touch of playfulness, and the product becomes even more attractive. Luxurious jacquard in discreet white and olive tones completes the picture! Pattern for a dress with wings - in this lesson.

Bright clothes creates a mood, incredibly fills with positive emotions and can even cause euphoria in its owners. Want to check it out? Then take a closer look at this lovely flowy crepe de Chine dress. The model has a simple cut, without a fastener, so even beginners can sew it. In this lesson we will show you how to model a dress pattern.

We all dream of a luxurious vacation by the sea, where we can completely disconnect from everyday routine, breathe clean sea air, swim, sunbathe, and on warm magical evenings stroll along the embankment or enjoy gourmet cuisine in cozy restaurants. So that you can feel like a star every day, you don’t have to take with you on vacation mountains of extra clothes that you will never wear. It’s much more pleasant to sew universal models that can be easily transformed. Openwork dress, the pattern of which we offer you in this lesson - a real find for vacation - depending on the accessories and shoes you choose for it, this dress can be worn both on the beach and on an evening walk. The pattern of an openwork dress is in this lesson.

Quote from Dushka_li's message [Sewing] 50 models of dresses without patterns for every taste!!! A selection of master classes. Part 1

How to sew a dress from chiffon? Maxi dress without pattern

How to sew a dress from chiffon with your own hands in an hour? Topics in this video:
- how to sew and cut chiffon
- how to sew summer dress without pattern
- how to cut a maxi skirt
- how to sew a lining for a dress
- how to cut a one-piece sleeve
- how to sew a floor-length skirt

An elegant and very impressive dress with a half-sun skirt; this skirt suits all body types.

Topics in this video:
- how to cut a half-sun skirt;
- how to calculate fabric for the length of a midi or maxi dress;
- how to cut a sleeve with a high cuff;
- how to sew knitwear;
- how to cut a golf collar;
- how to sew a red dress?

We sew a knitted dress with a wrap neckline without a pattern in an hour.

We sew a very simple knitted tunic dress without a pattern.

How to sew a trapeze dress? We sew without a pattern

A dress without a pattern with your own hands, a dress with a year skirt and flounce.

How to sew a dress with a bow collar and cap sleeves

How to sew a dress with raglan sleeves?

- how to make darts on a dress according to your figure,
- how to cut a raglan sleeve,
- sew a dress with bare shoulders.

How to sew a dress with a flared skirt and a wraparound neckline?

Video of sewing a dress without a pattern, topics in this video:
- how to cut a flared or a-line skirt
- how to sew a cut-off dress
- dress with elastic waist
- how to sew a long bow belt
- wrap neckline dress

How to sew an off-shoulder summer dress

Video of cutting a dress without a pattern, topics in this video:
- how to cut a summer dress
- how to sew a lined dress
- how to cut an off-shoulder dress
- how to cut a belt for a dress

MODEL No. 11
How to sew a dress in the "Retro" style with bat sleeves and draperies

How to sew a dress without a pattern with your own hands? Topics in this video:
- how to cut a bat sleeve
- how to drape a dress
- how to cut a dress
- how to cut a skirt

MODEL No. 12
How to sew a kimono dress? Dress for any figure in an hour
How to sew a kimono dress from silk with your own hands without a pattern. Topics in this video:

- how to sew a kimono dress
- features of cutting and sewing from silk
- dress for any figure

How to sew a dress without a pattern from knitwear with a swing neck
How to sew a dress from knitwear with your own hands without a pattern. Topics in this video:
- how to cut a dress without a pattern
- how to sew a dress without a pattern
- how to cut a boat neck
- how to sew a dress from knitwear
- dress for any figure

MODEL No. 14
How to sew elegant dress without a pattern? Shuttlecock in relief
At the request of the audience, a dress with a flounce!
How to sew such a dress with your own hands without a pattern? Topics in this video:
- how to cut frills, how to sew frills into a dress
- how to sew an elegant evening dress without a pattern
- how to sew and cut an a-line skirt
- how to sew an elastic band

How to sew a long floor-length dress with a flounce on the skirt without a pattern
Dress sewing lesson based on previous videos.
How to sew maxi dress with a flounce at the bottom of the skirt?

How to sew a slip or sundress according to your figure without a pattern? We sew with our own hands in 30 minutes
This video can be taken as an example for sewing a combination ( underdress), the principle is the same!
Sewing video summer sundress or dresses, topics in this video:
- how to sew and cut a summer sundress
- how to sew thin straps
- how to sew and cut binding
- how to sew a belt for a dress
- answers on questions:

How to sew an office or business dress? Imitation jacket
How to sew a dress with your own hands without a pattern? Topics in this video:
- how to cut a shuttlecock,
- how to sew a business dress, office dress
- how to make darts on a dress
- how to sew a belt into a dress

How to sew a summer dress with polka dots with a drawstring with your own hands!

How to sew a robe dress without a pattern? Classic dress by smell
Video tutorial on how to sew a wrap dress without a pattern with your own hands. Topics in this video:
- how to cut a robe dress for any figure;
- how to sew a dress for any body type.

How to sew a dress from coupon fabric and sew in vertical stripes?
How to sew a dress without a pattern, topics in this video:
- how to cut fabric with a coupon, how to sew a coupon
- how to sew a straight-cut skirt, how to make darts
- how to sew a lining to a skirt
- how to sew a sleeve into an armhole

MODEL No. 21
How to sew a tunic with origami decor without a pattern?
How to sew a tunic-shirt without a pattern with your own hands
- how to cut a shirt-style tunic
- how to sew a striped dress, blouse or tunic
- how to sew a straight-cut blouse
- how to make origami on a blouse or dress

How to sew a spectacular dress with a lock knot on the neckline without a pattern

How to sew a dress without a pattern with a beautiful x-twisted neckline with your own hands
- how to cut X drapery, neckline with a knot, lock neckline
- how to sew a dress according to your figure
- how to sew and cut a dress with draperies
- how to make a dress with twisted drapery

MODEL No. 23
How to sew a black dress without a pattern to fit any figure
How to sew an evening or formal dress? We sew a warm little black dress with our own hands. Topics in this video:
- how to cut a dress to your own measurements without a pattern
- how to sew a dress with three-quarter sleeves
- how to sew and cut a dress from warm knitwear
- how to sew a little black dress
- how to sew lace to a dress
- how to process the bottom of the product, neck and sleeves

MODEL No. 24
How to sew an evening or business dress? Dress with drapery knot without pattern
How to sew an elegant dress with your own hands without a pattern? Topics in this video:

- how to cut a sleeve
- how to cut a dress
- how to sew a dress with draperies
- how to make a drapery knot

How to sew a dress A with A-line silhouette without a pattern? for any figure
How to sew warm dress with your own hands without a pattern?
An adult woman, a young girl with a good figure, and a young lady who is slightly plump in the hips or tummy can afford to wear such a dress. The skirt of such dresses always has a flowing texture, which makes the silhouette as elegant as possible. If the dress has a classic, closed-top look, it can easily become a business look and fit into any dress code. A-line dresses will be the perfect complement to an evening, romantic and everyday look.
Topics in this video:
- how to sew and cut a dress from warm fabric
- how to cut a sleeve
- how to cut a dress
- how to sew a dress with a stand-up collar
- how to sew an elegant, business dress
- how to make a facing for a dress or neckline


How I sew dresses without patterns - my daily workflow
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There are situations in every woman's life when it is simply necessary to wear a long evening dress. Buying such an outfit is not always possible, and the reasons for this may vary. However, don't despair. If you have at least minimal experience, you can make your dream come true and create such an outfit with your own hands. How to sew an evening dress? The material presented in this article will help you find the answer to this question.

The benefits of DIY sewing

Choosing a ready-made dress is not so easy. Either the style turns out to be unsuitable, or the color does not suit you, or the required size is not available. The conclusion suggests itself - you can and should sew an evening dress yourself. This will allow you to create a unique outfit in a single copy and also save money, because the fabric costs much less than ready product. With a responsible approach to work, it is almost impossible to distinguish a finished product from one sewn yourself.

Where to begin?

First you need to select suitable style dresses. Photos in magazines and websites will help you cope with this task. When choosing a dress style, you must take into account the characteristics of your figure.

  • For those with wide hips, floor-length A-line dresses made from well-draped fabrics are suitable.

  • A figure-eight figure requires dresses with an emphasis on the waistline. You should not choose straight-cut dresses or models with a lot of draperies.

  • For those who have little or no waist, you can focus on your décolleté or legs by choosing a dress with a V-neck or above-the-knee length.

  • Dresses for overweight women should not be very tight fitting. It is advisable to create vertical lines using draperies and gathers.

The general rule for all styles is that the shorter the dress, the more covered the neckline should be.

The next step is choosing fabric. To avoid mistakes, you need to remember that the thickness of the fabric you choose directly depends on the slenderness of your figure: the slimmer the figure, the thinner the fabric can be. If you have a very thick build, you should avoid velvet and velor outfits, which visually create additional volume.

The color scheme of the outfit is also important. When planning to sew an evening dress with your own hands, it is better to avoid everyday inexpressive shades. An evening dress is a festive outfit, and its color should create a feeling of celebration.

The finishing touch evening dress- These are decorations that are in harmony with the style and color of the dress.

We sew an evening dress do it yourself: patterns and ideas

For those who are at least a little familiar with sewing machine, we can recommend at least 5 options for styles of evening dresses:

  1. Strapless dress. This style is suitable for slender girls with small breasts. The dress does not slip due to the fact that a wide silicone tape is sewn to the upper edge.

  1. Dress with an asymmetrical neckline. This option is easy to implement, but looks interesting and unusual. The only difficulty is the zipper hidden in the side seam.

  1. Dress with American armhole. Suitable outfit for slender girls with beautiful shoulders. The fabric for it should drape well.

  1. Simple cut dress. The main highlight of this outfit is the fabric with a voluminous pattern. A satin bandeau can be decorated with hand embroidery made of beads or stones.

  1. Dress for fat girls. This style is distinguished by the presence of darts, thanks to which the dress masks figure flaws and emphasizes advantages.

Each of these options is quite within the power of even a novice craftswoman, you just have to want and believe in your capabilities.

Another interesting option

You can sew an evening dress with your own hands without a pattern. This can be done using thin scarves, stoles or scarves that are unnecessarily lying in the closet. The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. First you need to sew the bottom of the dress. To do this, you need to connect the edges of a large scarf or sew two smaller scarves together.
  2. Fold the edge of the fabric along the waistline, hem it and insert an elastic band into the resulting drawstring.
  3. Now it's time to work on the bodice. Having put on a sewn skirt, you can arrange the scarf from which the top of the dress will be sewn in different ways and choose the option that suits you. It is advisable to occasionally sew the folds formed as a result of draping the scarf with invisible stitches so that the dress holds better and does not lose its shape.

The result of this work depends on the pattern on the scarves; it is necessary to ensure their symmetry and the coincidence of the lines on the seams.

An ideal evening dress should attract the attention of others and allow a woman to feel like a queen in it. When choosing a dress style with an open back, you need to take care of high-quality underwear that will help hide figure flaws and highlight its advantages.