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7 secrets on how to "shape" your figure naturally

What do we mean when we say "model" a figure? Our figure like raw clay. With an effort, we can make her slim and fit while retaining her seductive curves. It is important to strive to get a healthy and strong body, with toned muscles and.

To achieve this goal, we must act both from the inside and outside.

Find out in this article 7 of the most effective tips on how to "shape" the figure naturally, and get graceful silhouette once and for all.

A beautiful figure does not necessarily imply thinness.

There is a widespread belief that a beautiful figure is necessarily thin.

However, the silhouette trend with healthy curves is gaining momentum. Unlike the model's thinness, this seductive silhouette speaks of health and energy.

The female body "with forms" is in fashion again, which is not prone to excessive thinness, but also does not have extra pounds. This is the result of a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Ideal silhouette: how to "model" the figure

The ideal silhouette depends a lot on the constitution. This does not mean that you need to strive for a figure "like that of that actress." No, we must strive for a better version of ourselves.

These tips will help you with this daunting task. A beautiful, strong body with pleasant curves where it is needed, and with muscles instead of fat is already waiting for you.

1. Learn to eat properly

This does not mean that you only need to cut down on your calorie or fat intake. Rather, there are some tips you should follow when choosing your food. This is undoubtedly will positively affect your figure.

  • Try to make healthy foods enjoyable.
  • Don't go full, stop at 80%. This will help you have a narrower waist.
  • Chew your food well.
  • Drink plenty of water between meals.
  • Choose natural products instead.
  • Your diet should include healthy fats, which are found in foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, red fish, eggs, and olive and coconut oils.

2. Maintain inner harmony

The state in which we find ourselves emotionally and psychologically is also reflected in our appearance.

For this reason, we need to take care of our nervous system, especially with disorders such as anxiety, irritability, stress, or insomnia.

Medicinal plants can be used for relaxation or therapy techniques (yoga). More intense exercise can also bring relaxation.

If you are a supporter of homeopathy, try a complex therapy with essential oils - Bach flowers.

3. Take care of hormonal balance

Hormones can change the shape of bodies. Their imbalance leads to the accumulation of fat in places such as the hips, waist or chest.

If you suffer from hormonal disorders that manifest as painful or irregular periods, cysts, you may need to resort to some natural and traditional therapies.

It will also help you get closer to your dream figure.

Some of the more common remedies are:

  • Evening primrose oil
  • Sage
  • Wild yam
  • Radish

4. Fight edema

Fluid retention also causes our figure to deform.... This is due to water retention and swelling in the legs, abdomen or face.

To combat swelling, follow these tips:

  • Reduce salt intake, eliminate table salt from your diet. Use marine or.
  • Drink plenty of water and homemade fruit and vegetable juices throughout the day.
  • Drink an infusion based on horsetail, burdock and dandelion.

5. Tone and strengthen the body

Exercise is necessary to replace muscle and shape those parts of the body that we want to see nicely rounded, but not flabby.

Sports will help "shape" the figure: get wider hips or bulging buttocks.

High-intensity exercises are most suitable: interval training or cross-fit.

6. Don't forget about correct posture.

Poor posture can bend our spine and body as a whole.

If you have such a problem, then try corrective therapy: Pilates, Shiatsu, etc. Also pay attention to how you sit, walk, and stand.

7. Stretch every day.

Stretching will help improve posture and enhance the positive impact of sports... Plus, flexibility gives us more energy and vitality.

Never forget to stretch, especially your back and other parts of your body where you feel pain.