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We create a spring mood in the house

Spring has already come, but the mood is still the same
depressive winter? It's time for a change of scenery. Just an hour of effort, and
spring mood in the house is guaranteed.

We create a spring mood in the house: Change bed linen and

It's time to put the woolen covers and bedding on the shelf.
dramatic underwear: vibrant colors and lightweight materials come onto the scene.

Try changing bed linen, towels in the kitchen and in
bathroom, and also do not forget about pillowcases: such little things have a big effect on
creating a spring mood. You will remember that spring has come
in the first seconds after waking up, which will undoubtedly be pleasant.

Create a spring mood at home: Change the food in the fridge

Ironically, this advice is rarely given by interior designers.
to create a spring mood in the house. But this is the most important thing. V
after all, eating rich soups and canned food, you can never
get rid of winter severity.

Go to the supermarket and buy more vegetables and fruits and fresh
juice. Don't forget about the avocado. Choose low fat instead of regular cheese and sausage
feta cheese or other cream cheese and eat it, spreading on bread or dipping in it
Bell pepper. Lightness in the body will be transmitted to your mood - this

Create a Spring Mood at Home: Get the Best Dress

It will get warmer very soon and you can walk the streets
cities in their most beautiful summer dress. And in order not to forget about it,
get it from the back shelf of the closet.

The dress can be a great spring home decoration,
especially if it is made in the same colors as the bedroom. Put it on
beautiful hangers and hang on a screen or some kind of hook. You can even
ask a guy to drill a hole in the wall specifically for the outfit.

Every morning, when you wake up, you will look at your
stunning dress and think that the warmth is just around the corner. What is not spring

We create a spring mood in the house: Buy fresh flowers

Of course, we could not forget about the real colors that
May are just beginning to appear. All winter you only had shops at your house
roses in packages - it's time for summer flowers.

Pay attention to tulips or daffodils, which are just
appear in May. They cost a long time and are quite inexpensive, so you can
decorate the whole apartment with bouquets. Breathe in their scent and dream: about a vacation,
a man and new shoes.