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What interferes with the absorption of iron and calcium

It often happens: you seem to eat right, but iron and calcium are still not enough. As a result, doctors stubbornly put anemia, and body composition analyzer scales continue to indicate calcium deficiency in the body. What to do? Where is the error in nutrition? How to adjust the diet to get rid of these problems once and for all? Find answers to these questions in this article...

What interferes with iron absorption?

If you have been diagnosed with anemia, and you expect that the use of iron-containing products will quickly correct the situation, then, unfortunately, we are forced to upset you. It is far from always possible to quickly make up for the lack of iron in the body, since there are subtleties in the absorption of iron.

First, it is very important to understand why anemia has arisen. Not every anemia is a consequence of iron deficiency, therefore, with low hemoglobin, it is necessary to check the content of serum iron in the blood. If iron deficiency is confirmed, then you really have to replenish its reserves. And you need to do this according to special rules.

It should be borne in mind that our body best absorbs ferrous iron, and in order to assimilate ferric iron, it needs additional energy, which is sometimes not enough when health is weakened by anemia. This is why pomegranates and pomegranate juice containing ferric iron do not always effectively fight anemia.

The same applies to iron-based drugs - it is important to know exactly what valence iron is used in the manufacture of this drug.

In addition to valence, the transport of iron from the stomach into the blood and the internal environment of the body also plays an important role. In the binding of iron, mucopolysaccharides, which are involved in the transport of iron, are important. If in the stomach iron has not contacted with mucopolysaccharides, then it will pass through the intestines without benefiting your body.

Difficulties with the binding of iron and mucopolysaccharides may arise if there are any inflammatory diseases of the stomach or problems with its mucosa.

It should also be taken into account that the increase in hemoglobin occurs not only due to iron, but also during the production of the hormone erythropoietin by the kidneys. If the kidneys are not working well, or a person has some kind of kidney disease, then the production of this hormone can be difficult.

Stress also influences the synthesis of erythropoietin. People who are constantly worried and irritated are much more difficult to tolerate anemia and get rid of it for a long time.

Our diet also affects the absorption of iron. For example, combining foods containing calcium and magnesium with foods rich in iron is unacceptable, since iron is almost not absorbed in this company. You need to eat foods or vitamins with calcium and magnesium either two hours before eating iron-containing foods or vitamins, or two hours after.

This is why iron-rich beef or liver should not be combined with dairy
products containing calcium, as well as cereals and nuts, which are rich in magnesium.

Normal absorption of iron will never take place with a large intake of caffeine and tannin. This means that tea and coffee during the treatment of anemia will have to be significantly limited and, moreover, not washed down with dishes with a high iron content or iron-containing vitamins.

Corn, wheat, soybeans and eggs are also not companions for iron, as they contain phosphates and phytates, which impair the absorption of iron from the stomach into the blood. The same can be said about oxalic acid, which is abundant in spinach, sorrel and blueberries.

And the last tip: try not to eat iron-containing foods with foods that are high in dietary fiber. This will complicate the entire process of digestion and the process of assimilation of iron as well.

What helps iron absorption?

When all problems with the absorption of iron are resolved or not allowed, you need to think about the transport of iron in the blood. Copper is essential for good transport of iron. It is she who provides high-quality production of ceruloplasmin - an element that carries iron. Therefore, often iron deficiency is a consequence of a lack of copper in the body and, as a result, a lack of an important ceruloplasmin.

Do not forget about the importance of zinc and cobalt for the absorption of iron, which can be found in the liver, cocoa and seafood. And, of course, in the fight against anemia, one cannot do without ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Vitamin C helps to perfectly absorb iron, which is the reason for its frequent inclusion in iron-containing preparations.

Finding natural ascorbic acid is quite simple: lemons, oranges, apples, grapefruits, kiwi, strawberries, strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes and cauliflower are rich in it.

It should also be borne in mind that any nutrition consultant who has completed a dietetics course will advise combining iron with folic acid, which is the second leading cause of iron deficiency anemia. There is a lot of folic acid in parsley, young nettle and dried apricots.

What interferes with calcium absorption?

Calcium deficiency is as insidious as iron deficiency. There are so many nuances in its assimilation. For example, doctors have long established that only physical activity contributes to the normal absorption of calcium. In other words, if the muscles do not work, then you should not expect calcium to be well absorbed from food or vitamins.

So osteoporosis, a disease characterized by brittle bones, can occur against the background of calcium deficiency and lack of physical activity even at 30 years old. Hardly need more arguments for sports.

Do not forget that calcium absorption is hindered by nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and carbonated drinks, which remove calcium through the kidneys before it is absorbed into the blood.

Please note that foods rich in sodium and phosphorus are also not the best company for calcium - they contribute to its rapid loss. The same can be attributed to oxalic acid. But, fortunately, oxalic acid is easily neutralized by heat treatment of products.

What helps calcium absorption?

In the first place is, of course, physical activity. We have already said that without the regular work of the muscular system, there will be no normal absorption of calcium.

Secondly, vitamin D3 is absolutely necessary for the absorption of calcium, which
produced in the body only under the influence of sunlight. If there is not enough sun, then vitamin D3 will have to be sought in pharmaceutical preparations.

And don't forget magnesium, which can be found in nuts, bran, brown bread, oatmeal, peas, legumes, and brown rice.

Now you are not afraid of any difficulties in the fight against anemia and calcium deficiency. Enjoy proper nutrition and be healthy!

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