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Natural causes of menstruation weight gain

What exactly causes weight gain during menstruation, is it part of natural processes? Many girls, especially weight watchers, are frankly concerned about this issue. They mark the extra hundreds of grams by constantly weighing themselves on floor scales. And many simply feel that they are no longer so free to fit into familiar things.

Periodic weight gain in the range of up to a kilogram is the norm. Indicators above this indicate pathology. Also, other signs may indicate a violation: general symptoms of poor health, dizziness, weakness, nausea. A rather strong disorientation in space, along with other signs, is already a symptom of intoxication, fever, chills - evidence of inflammatory processes. With a similar picture, it is worth calling an ambulance.

Natural causes of menstruation weight gain

But the weight gain itself is due to physiological reasons. It:

  1. The accumulation of fluid in the body. Girls with heavy periods are especially affected, a significant loss of fluid is stress for the body. Often just a couple of episodes are enough for the body to begin to accumulate moisture already before the onset of menstruation. Fluid retention provokes edema, excess moisture can be distributed both throughout the body and on the limbs, in specific places, on the face, for example. Usually, the condition returns to normal soon after the end of menstruation completely, but in some cases it is worth drinking diuretic fees. If the situation is worrisome, you should also contact a nephrologist.
  2. Digestion changes. Before menstruation, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases sharply, which provokes relaxation of the uterus. The latter entails pressure on the intestines, due to which gases begin to accumulate, constipation is not uncommon. Usually, the situation changes literally on the first day of the onset of menstruation, the volume of the abdomen is noticeably reduced.
  3. Increased appetite. Premenstrual syndrome is a rather strong stress for many girls, which women often try to seize with chocolate, a lot of flour. In addition, an increase in progesterone affects the body quite noticeably, acute severe bouts of hunger can happen even in the middle of the night. This appetite should be controlled: the body does not really feel the need for additional food. This can be compared to an illusion, only in this case hormones create it. Please note: if you constantly gorge on extra pounds and do not lose them, the weight will gradually increase in a way that is imperceptible for a woman.

Additional factors

Anemia. Naturally, by itself, it does not lead to weight gain, but many women who have brought their bodies to such a state with endless diets begin to feel extremely bad during menstruation due to anemia. Indeed, due to blood loss, the body also loses 30 mg of iron every day. Women may begin to experience severe hunger, but to satisfy it due to anemia, first of all, it is necessary to eat a large amount of iron-containing preparations: fish, red meat, quail eggs, liver. Sweet and starchy foods will only help you gain unnecessary pounds.

Psychosomatics. Many women are afraid of pain, menstruation, because of PMS, their mood deteriorates, and if the listed problems are superimposed on poor self-control, then causeless tears, hysteria, and nervous breakdowns may begin. Therefore, they try to allow themselves what is often forbidden at other times: chocolate, sweets, delicious pastries. From time to time, people around give their loved ones chocolates, sweets, so that they calm down. The natural result is weight gain.

How to avoid weight gain

Fighting periodic weight gain is not worth it: it turns out to be an interference with the natural processes of the body, there is a risk of harm, disrupting the natural hormonal balance. If the weight gradually accumulates, then you can begin to weigh yourself on days, during and after, in order to keep track of how many grams are added, how many - go away. Doctors suggest conducting an experiment and, if desired, weighing the entire menstrual cycle in order to track fluctuations. However, it takes a systematic approach and perseverance to bring this data collection to a victorious end.

In general, if there is an increase in the total mass, you can try to control yourself when you have a sharp appetite. It is necessary to strictly control the total amount of food consumed. They will help with this:

  • conventional floor scales;
  • special computer programs;
  • stickers;
  • Notebook;
  • a request to others - do not feed sweets.

Psychological moment

Often, women, having learned about the naturalness of weight gain during menstruation, begin to allow themselves to eat a lot in this particular period.

This strange attempt at self-deception will lead to weight gain, while many women are subsequently able to be sincerely surprised at the pounds that have appeared.

Separately, it is worth considering a conversation with others: often loved ones do not take seriously the request to exclude sweets from the list of gifts, especially from those with a sweet tooth. Flirtatious women, perceived as frivolous, surfaces, can sometimes face the fact that even loved ones do not take individual requests seriously. Dealing with interpersonal relationships is not with a gynecologist or nutritionist, but with a psychologist, and in general this is a topic for a separate investigation.