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How to quickly lose 3 kg

What to do when you don't want to go on a diet, but only 3 extra pounds separates the figure from the ideal? Read the article, find out 40 great ways to help you reset them easily and quickly, be perfect!

These tips on how to quickly lose 3 kg do not take a lot of time and do not turn you into a “gym rat”. There are many ways to lose 3 kilograms, and it is not necessary to spoil your health - it can be done without harm to the body. Forget rigid diets, diet pills, or mindless cocktails. If you need to lose 3 kg, you can do it very easily simply by changing your daily routine and lifestyle. It's all about smart choices, eating right, and being motivated every day. We've compiled a list of great tips on how to lose 3 kg, and by following them, you will be able to climb into your favorite jeans very soon!

Know and control your portions

Controlling portion size is essential if you want to lose a lot of weight, or shed those 3 pounds for an upcoming big event (and the dress you're wearing). In addition, it will be painless for you. Many experts recommend weighing food and measuring problem body parts at least once a week. If time and patience allows - go ahead! There are simpler ways though. For example, just take a look at your portion: starch side dishes (favorite potatoes) should be the size of a palm, a portion of meat - the size of a fist, you can eat as many vegetables as you like, unless, of course, they are cooked in "harmful" ways (down with fatty oil and roast!).

We eat more often

This may seem like a paradox to many, but again, it's about serving size, control, and moderation. Instead of eating three huge servings a day, it is better to eat 5-6 small servings throughout the day. This is a great way to improve metabolism, which will prevent starvation and overuse of unhealthy snacks.

Cutting back on fatty foods

Reducing the amount of fat you eat will also help you lose 3 pounds quickly, but this does not only mean fatty foods. Stay away from salad dressings as well - instead of vegetable oil and vinegar, it is better to use, for example, balsamic vinegar - a tablespoon will be enough.

Avoid temptations

As we already said, the right decisions are the way to lose 3 kilograms. Stay away from foods that tempt you. If you love chebupels or frozen pizza, it is best to bypass them. There are foods that you can simply cut back on — that’s enough, but there are foods that should be avoided altogether.

Active lifestyle

You will not be able to lose 3 kg if you do not exercise. Accept this fact quickly and start realizing your dream. Three kilograms is not much, but even they require activity and mobility. If you don't have time for a gym or regular workout, you can simply bring active activities into your work routine. Ladders instead of lifts, parking away from your destination, walking with a young man and, of course, household chores - all this will help you take the right step towards your goal of "minus 3 kg".

Watch out for drinks

If you are looking for ways to lose 3 kilos, you need, first of all, to learn to monitor your body and listen to it. Some drinks can lead to weight gain, so you need to get rid of them urgently or at least drink less of them. First, drink plenty of water. Avoid sugar-rich drinks. If you have to drink soda, make up for it with a diet. It is also worth seriously considering drinking alcohol, because alcoholic beverages are not only unhealthy but also full of empty calories.

Keep a diary

It is often difficult to remember everything that you ate, and, accordingly, it is difficult to track down what went wrong. After all, many people don't think about what they eat at all. We eat on the run, have a quick snack, and most often these kinds of snacks are our first enemy in the fight against excess weight. Therefore, the idea of ​​keeping a diary is not so bad, because this way you will always be aware of what, how much and when you ate. Once you begin to see what you eat each day, you will become more aware of what is entering your body, which in turn will lead to healthier and healthier eating decisions.

Choosing wholesome and healthy hobbies

Even hobbies and leisure activities can help you lose 3 kilograms. In addition, you will be doing what you love, which means that you will be pleasant and fun. Cleaning the house is not exactly a hobby, but you will burn a huge amount of calories simply by washing the floors, making dinner, or running around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner. If you live in a private house, do not be afraid to make a garden, a vegetable garden or at least a flower bed in the yard, which will have to be looked after, and this, in turn, will allow you to stay active and, besides, there are healthy products grown by your own hands. But even if your favorite pastime is video games, even they can be beneficial for the body: just buy a Kinect and stock up on a couple of active games, for example, dancing!

Everything should be in moderation

As mentioned above, keep yourself in control. You are responsible for what goes into your body. Don't eat two scoops of ice cream when one is enough, or better yet, eat sorbet or frozen yogurt instead. Take your time - it takes your brain about 20 minutes to realize that you are full. If you're still hungry, eat a supplement, but only less than the main course. Avoid large portion sizes - you don't need to eat that much to function properly!

Don't forget about breakfast

Many people skip their most important meal - breakfast. As paradoxical as it may sound, breakfast can help you quickly lose 3 kg. Breakfast will help improve metabolism, energize the whole day and save you from overeating. If you know what it means to skip breakfast and feel like a hungry wolf by lunchtime, then you know what we mean.

Eat wisely in restaurants

Most restaurants serve 2-2.5 servings per plate, encouraging you to eat more. This means that you will never lose even 3 kg! So now you can safely leave half of the portion on your plate, take it with you, or, for example, give it to a homeless dog sitting at the entrance to a restaurant.

Fruits and vegetables are our friends

Did you know we have to eat up to five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day? Well, now you know. They are packed full of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, and the darker the fruit or vegetable, the healthier it is! So eat fruits and vegetables, get rid of hunger and take another right step towards losing weight by 3 kg!

Smaller plates

Take a serving of the meat dish and place it on a large plate. She seems small! Now take that same serving and place it on a small plate ... better! Using small plates or bowls will make the portions appear larger and you will eat much less.


One small change will bring you a lot of useful stuff. Just swap out the tasteless, chemical-laden white bread for the tastier and healthier bran or pork bread. Why is this so important? Because it contains fiber, you will feel full for much longer, and it is also good for digestion!

Install the app

Still looking for ways to lose 3 pounds? There's an app for that! No, there really is, and not one! Search your store for food journal apps, calorie calculators, motivational apps ... You need to lose weight and one of the most modern things in the world - mobile apps - can help!

Only healthy snacks

If the hand itself is no, no, and even reaches for a pack of sweets or chips, read on. You can "tame" your sweet tooth (or "solezhka") with the help of other, more useful and dietary snacks - for example, fruits, vegetables, nuts. Remember - they should always be at hand. If you don't have time to mess around with slicing fruits, you can buy ready-made fruit or berry platter - look at your nearest supermarket. Fresh fruits and vegetables, however, are still the number one “snacking” option in terms of health benefits.

Drink more water

Drinking as much water as you need will make you feel refreshed, happy, and less hungry. How much is it? For every kilogram of weight, you should drink 30 grams of water. For example, if you weigh 50 kg, you should drink 1500 g of water a day, which is about 7 glasses a day.

Cardio workout

If you're already doing cardio workouts 4 times a week for 40 minutes each, it's time to take it to the next level if you want to lose 3 kg as soon as possible! If this is an elliptical, increase the load. If it's a treadmill, increase your speed. In short, set yourself a challenge and get it done!

Add power loads

In addition to intensity, training should also be strength, so if our goal is minus 3 kg as quickly as possible, add some weight. Use dumbbells or leg weights when running or do all exercises with them.

Strength exercises

Your training plan should include half an hour of strength training (4 times a week!). Strength training can be perfectly combined with cardio training in the form of jogging, walking or earthing.

Not power loads

We strike while the iron is hot: non-power loads should be on your schedule 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes. Again, all of this can be perfectly combined with cardio workouts - rowing or.

Physical Education

Go back to school and remember everything you did in physical education. Grab your wristbands, play 80s music, and do the good old 3 sets of 12 reps exercises: squats, lunges, abs, legs together, legs apart, mill and push-ups. Feel the extra centimeters melting! Fizkult-hello!

Sign up for the section

Most fitness centers not only have gyms, but also fitness classes ranging from aerobics and Pilates to taibo and yoga. Join a group of like-minded people or hire a personal trainer and practice alone. The main thing is to like it!

Try Pilates

By the way, this is what will make you lose weight and burn your hated sides. It is especially recommended if you want to lose a little weight (by 3 kilograms) and as quickly as possible. You will quickly understand what it is like when every muscle in your body hurts. But it hurts nicely.

Relieve stress with yoga

A stressful life will not help you lose weight. So, ladies, relax and at the same time pump muscles during yoga. DVD at home or full class in a group - choose what you like best.

Laugh more

Laughter can help you not only shed excess calories (it's true!), But also relieve stress. Hmm ... maybe you should combine laughter and yoga?

One step away from the scales

So, girls, let's face the facts. Even if you have lost more than 3 kg, chances are that the scales will not show this. Well, or at least they will show it, but wrong. Lean, muscular muscles weigh more (but look and feel much better) than fat. Therefore, instead of looking at the scales, it is better to try on old clothes, take a look in the mirror and measure problem areas with a tape measure.

stairway to Heaven

Burn some more calories, tighten your torso, butt and thighs and shed those same 3 pounds ... just going up and down the stairs, and not on the elevator or escalator. If the office is very high up, you should, of course, change into sneakers - it's probably difficult to climb to the 20th floor in high-heeled shoes!

Down with fast food

Fast food is full of calories, most of which are fat. In general, these kinds of meals are made up of calories that you should be consuming all day! A ban on fast food will help you make the right decisions and lose 3 kg very quickly!

We park

A great way to lose weight and relax a little at the same time. Instead of driving right up to the entrance to the building, park further away to walk to your destination.

We pass along the perimeter of the store

Almost all healthy products in the store are located at the edges, and the most harmful food always “nests” in the very center. Stay away from the "harmful rows" and walk better around the perimeter. You'll automatically be putting healthy foods in your basket because all you'll see is fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins!

Understand the shelves in the pantry

Well, you are now walking the correct aisles in the supermarket, but you may not have done that before. This means that at home you have popcorn, donuts and cookies lurking on the shelves. Clean out your pantry and kitchen cabinets and finally get rid of your favorite, but very junk food. This way you can avoid the temptation to grab any of these to watch the show.

Have a healthy evening

Sharing recipes is fun, but it's even more fun to have a healthy food night where you can sample safe and healthy meals with your best friends. Ask your figure-watchers to bring some low-calorie meals for the evening to swap their recipes, choose an “evening meal” and, of course, assign a tasting prize!

Play bowling

Believe it or not, 2 bowling games burn as many calories as a quick 1 kilometer walk (and an hour of active bowling can burn about 250 kcal). During basic bowling movements, about 130 muscles are used. Who knew your favorite Friday pastime could be so rewarding? By the way, this can also be considered a power load - the ball weighs a lot!

Choose a reward

Girls are purposeful creatures, but we also love to be rewarded for our efforts. And if you choose a reward in advance, it will be a great motivator! For example, you really want those jeans that you saw in the store yesterday. Well, it's time to lose weight, and a new pair of jeans or an awesome swimsuit will be a great reward for your efforts.

Exchange of things

What about jeans that no longer fit or tops that are too loose? Arrange an evening of exchange with your girlfriends! This is a great way to not only cheer each other up, but also look at the results you've already achieved. If you've lost weight from size 42 to size 40, just give your clothes to a friend who lost weight from size 46 to 42! Organize these evenings in advance to be able to lose three kilograms by then!

Take a rest

The body needs to rest in order to function properly, especially during the period of weight loss. You should sleep about 7-10 hours a night!

Do not listen to envious women

Keep your friends close and enemies? Who needs them at all? You are a girl on a mission, and the last thing you need is a person who will slow you down. If a friend cannot support you and say a couple of nice words, maybe she is not your friend at all? Try to avoid communicating with her. She's just jealous, which can undermine your success.

We are looking for the answer on the packages

You've probably seen the weight loss plan on packages of cereals and other healthy foods. It sounds silly, but it works. And some manufacturers also offer online versions of these plans, which, moreover, can be changed and adjusted to suit you. And now there are mobile versions of these sites, so feel free to look for the desired application, install it on your phone and always have it at hand. Plans like these are usually suitable for those who want to fold a little, but as quickly as possible. After all, how long can you live on just cereal?

Find your source of inspiration

We all need inspiration, support and motivation, no matter how strong and determined we are. Find something that can inspire you - demotivators, quotes, photos of celebrities or a picture of a swimsuit that you absolutely must wear in the summer. This will help you stay on top of your diet and workout.

Yes, your goal is minus 3 kg, but remember: you must lose them as safely as possible for your body. Crazy diets and grueling workouts only harm and can even be dangerous to the body. These tips are another matter! They will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your health. Remember, minus 3 kg is a completely achievable goal and a great way to start losing weight thoroughly. Well, what did you like the most?