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How to lose 3 kg in a week

Fantastic! Minus 3 kg per week without hunger and strict restrictions! Find out 65 ways to lose weight, get video advice from a nutritionist and say goodbye to unnecessary pounds!

Do you want to know how you can really lose weight and, finally, get rid of annoying extra pounds and centimeters and lose up to 3 kg in 7 days? If the idea of ​​losing weight quickly scares you, because you think that you will have to eat cabbage soup, cleanse your intestines, drink all sorts of tasteless cocktails, constantly pump your abs and run for hours - take a deep breath and relax, because everything is much easier here. And no cabbage! You can lose 3 kg in a week without turning into a paranoid who has forgotten about a normal life. If you follow these tips, you can lose weight pretty quickly - up to 3 kg per week! Are you ready to change your life? Then go ahead!

Your own cook

To begin with, you must prepare everything you eat yourself. And most importantly, these dishes must be healthy and healthy! Salads, shakes and soups are our best friends. You can lose weight and save money by becoming a chef! It sounds incredible, but this little tip is one of the best ways to lose weight. So, let's start our path to losing 3 kg per week!

Try exercise video

If going to the gym is not your thing, or you just don't have enough time for it, it's time to bring the gym home! Exercise DVD, of course! Now you can find a bunch of useful videos with a variety of exercises that will help you not only lose weight and tighten your body, but also do it consistently and regularly. Don't lose your motivation!

Review your portion sizes

Did you know that a portion of a meat or fish dish should be the size of a deck of cards? And the portion of the rest should be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

Take before and after photos

One of the best ways to track your progress is to take "before" and "after" photos, especially if you are determined to lose not only 3 kg in 7 days, but also maintain a normal weight. In just a few weeks, when you reach your goal, you can look back at your before photo and wonder at your own strength and determination.

More activity

Start cycling, invite your friend to play tennis, run in the park, swim, go hiking - in short, do whatever it takes to stay on the move! Getting active can help you shed those extra pounds quickly, as well as create a healthy lifestyle after the week of miracles is over.

Healthy food basics

Learn the basics of healthy food: what to eat and what to avoid. It sounds simple, but you'd be surprised how many pitfalls there are. Some "natural" foods are not all that natural!

Change for the better

To stay motivated and keep seeing results, change your workouts from time to time. There are plenty of exercises now, so feel free to swap them, add new ones, etc. Otherwise, training will turn into sheer boredom, and this, in turn, will lead to a loss of motivation.

Anticipate success

Imagine how you will look and feel when you achieve your goal, lose 3 kg and your silhouette will be perfect. Now indulge in these dreams every day until you achieve this very goal. It may sound too simple, but this step will allow you to achieve positive results faster and easier!

Eat more fiber-rich foods

Did you know that dietary fiber () is vital in the fight against extra centimeters? If you eat enough fiber (rich in whole grain breads, whole grain pasta, whole grain cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, etc.), the digestive system will work without interruption, and the body will be able to get rid of all harmful substances. in a natural way. Because of this, the metabolism improves, and this, in turn, leads to a charge of vigor and energy necessary to fight overweight. And every day you will meet and see off with a smile!

To lose weight, and especially in a week, you need to move more - everyone knows that. And eat right, of course. Walk and walk as often as possible. Let the legs become your engine for progress!

Be realistic

If your goal is to lose weight - be realistic and take your time. Everything has its time. Don't expect to lose 5kg overnight! Remember: it is safe for the body to lose no more than 3 kg in 7 days.

Don't skimp on protein

Eggs, white meat, and fish are excellent sources of lean protein. If you're a vegetarian, quinoa, tofu, and legumes are excellent sources of protein. Lean protein will help you fight!

Just breathe

Did you know that the more oxygen passes through the body, the better the metabolism works? So relax, take a deep breath and start working on your body!

Cutting back on carbohydrates

Sometimes, we just need carbohydrates. For example, during a period of intense training, when you are preparing for some important sporting event, such as a marathon. But the rest of the time, it's best to cut back on your carbohydrate intake. Why? Excess carbs can lead to weight gain and bloating.

A centimeter in your hands

On the journey to your perfect figure, especially after the first week, you will need a good old centimeter to measure your waist, hips, arms and legs. This is a much more accurate instrument than a scale!

Time to sleep

Make sure you sleep at least 7 hours a day. Lack of sleep will cause the body to release cortisol - the enemy in the fight against excess weight. Sleep is also very important for muscles that get tired after a grueling workout!

Take it easy with gas stations

Salads are full of phytonutrients that speed up metabolism, but do not spoil this healthy dish with fatty dressings rich in salt. Better to add nuts, apples, carrots or onions to the salad instead!

Make a shopping trip plan

Head to the vegetables and fruits first, then the whole grains, and then the paper department. Avoid sections and shelves with cookies, chips and candies, because there you will only find temptation. And now you have already laid a safe "healthy" route through the store in order to buy only the most useful and necessary for our final goal - minus 3 kg per week!

Don't be too hard on yourself

Restrictive diets - like those where you only eat cabbage soup all week - may only work at first, but the pounds will return and your metabolism will slow down. Oh no, we don't need it at all!

No overeating after stress

If you are used to looking to food for relief from stress, break the habit as soon as possible! Resist her! If you are tempted to eat something to numb your emotions, you will be taken a few steps back. You can resist this temptation!

Snacks throughout the day

It is better to have small snacks throughout the day than to eat only 3 times a day. Small, frequent meals will speed up your metabolism and stabilize your blood sugar while keeping you full and energized all day!

Unplug your TV

When you eat, you should give your full attention to the food, not the TV or the phone. We tend to eat more when distracted, so get rid of external media at meal times and enjoy the food instead!

Start your day with a healthy breakfast

Studies have proven that eating a healthy breakfast can help you lose weight faster. It's time to make sure your day starts right - with oatmeal, eggs, or any other healthy meal. Yummy!

An apple a day

One apple a day is enough to get enough fiber, vitamins and pectin, which is a natural fat burner. So take an apple a day - and you are already on your way to losing weight and a healthy body! This point should not be forgotten both during and after your 7-day weight loss plan.

Healthy snack

When hunger strikes, prepare to fight it off with a healthy snack, such as a small packet of almonds, banana, muesli, or any other healthy food that will distract you from your meal for a while.

Eat in a small company

Eating in a small group of people, rather than in a large group, will result in you eating less. spend less time at the table.

Plan your snacks in advance

Our bodies function best when we stick to a certain schedule, so decide when you’re going to snack between meals.

Install a couple of useful apps

Keep up with the times and start tracking what you eat, when and how much, as well as your exercise and physical activity. There are numerous applications at your service, with which the market is full every day. With their help, you organize your diet and daily routine, as well as lose those extra pounds in a week easier!

No junk food

Of course, this is out of the question - and so it goes without saying, but it is worth recalling again: get rid of junk food in the house. You won't be able to eat all kinds of harm if they are not around, right?

Create your list of goals and reasons

Create a list of your goals for losing 3 pounds in 7 days, as well as reasons why you want to lose weight quickly. Every time you feel a lack of motivation, just look at this list and remember why you are going towards your goal.

Pamper yourself from time to time

You can't live in a "can't" world all the time when you can't eat pizza, cookies, cakes and other goodies. Periodically, you can allow yourself to return to the world of "you can", but at the same time it is worth creating more useful and healthy versions of your favorite delicacies. And here the most important word is periodically, that is, from time to time, and not every other day.

Get back into the stream after a stall

Lots of people break their diet (we are all human!), And if this happens, just go back to your healthy plan and don't look back at your own mistakes! A bump on the road should not deprive you of the confidence that sooner or later you will achieve your goal - an ideal figure for yourself! Keep going forward!

If you decide to treat yourself to a dessert in a cafe or restaurant - share it with your friend! You will not only get closer, but also save calories by eating less than if each ordered a separate dessert.

Become a Weekend Fitness Warrior

Sure, we all love to relax on the weekend, but why not include some fun activities on the schedule? For example, a family bike ride or a tennis match will help you not only lose weight, but also spend time with benefit and much more fun than if you spent the whole weekend on the couch watching the TV.

Take your time to eat

It takes 20-30 minutes for the brain to receive a signal that you are full, so, as they say, wow, take it easy :) If you eat as if someone is chasing you, then eat more than you need , and this will definitely slow you down on the path to the perfect figure. This tip is especially helpful in the first week of your plan minus 3 pounds in 7 days.

Forget about food

If you look at your to-do list for the week, you will notice that most of it is most likely centered around food, which is not very good. If you spend more time on other non-food activities and activities, you will eat less!

Don't reward yourself with food

So you're losing weight and feeling great, so why not reward yourself, huh? But not ice cream! Better buy yourself a new fitness suit - it has no calories and will motivate you to work out even more!

Listen to your body

If you listen to your body, you can avoid overeating or overeating from exercise.

Get rid of junk food and drinks

One by one, replace all the junk, unhealthy foods in your home with something healthier. Instead of tasteless white rice - delicious quinoa, instead of soda - water with lemon (which, by the way, quenches your thirst, unlike the same Cola!). Small changes will make big changes!

Don't sweat over trifles

Easier said than done, of course, but try not to give in to the stress. In this state, the body produces cortisol, which leads to weight gain.

Say goodbye to soda and sugar beverages

If you want to lose weight quickly, say goodbye to soda. They are full of harmful chemicals and sugar that will undermine your entire “healthy plan” as well as your health.

Read about fitness

Yes, yes, not only do it, but also read about it as if you were in an English lesson. You must know everything in order to choose the most suitable conditions for yourself!

Sign up for the sports section

Join an aerobics class, join a running club, join an amateur basketball team. In short, find like-minded people! Staying healthy and fit is fun, especially when there are people with the same attitude around you!

Don't confuse hunger with thirst

Drink a glass of water before opening the refrigerator for a snack. Thirst is often confused with hunger, so you should wait a few minutes to understand whether the feeling of hunger is gone after quenching your thirst or not.

Get motivated

Hang a photo of the perfect body you want (like your favorite model or actress) on the refrigerator. This will keep you motivated and keep you on track! And one more thing: this simple trick works really well after you lose your first 3 kg!

A glass of cold water before each meal

Try drinking a glass of cold water before each meal. This will improve digestion and prevent overeating.

With your soul mate, you can spend time not only on the couch watching the TV. And by the way, half an hour of "somersault" under the covers will help you lose about 100 calories!

Drink coffee or tea

Coffee or herbal tea can speed up your metabolism. Drink these drinks every day, but if you prefer coffee, remember that it is best not to drink more than one cup a day, because it can be a harmful stimulant.

Fall in love with an athlete

If you are in love with someone who leads an active lifestyle, you will notice how your motivation grows every day. An active guy can change everything - forget about dinner and movies, how about dinner and rock climbing? You will become a dynamic and at the same time very sexy duo!

Kiss more often and for longer!

Have you ever thought that you can lose weight by kissing? A kiss burns 5-6 calories per minute. Yes, this is not so much, but add up these minutes for a year and you will see that it is not only pleasant, but also useful!

Forget the elevator and escalator

As the experience of some girls shows, you can lose 6 kg in just a few weeks, just forgetting about the elevator! Walk up the stairs in your office, in your home, and in stores. Give it a try and you will see the positive results yourself pretty soon!

With your head held high

No matter what part of the path you are on, train yourself that you can and will do it. Nothing can stop me! This is what should be our motto!

Body in motion 365 days a year

You need to be active every day, even if it's just a walk around the house, stairs instead of an elevator, or a quick jog. Make movement your good everyday habit!

Find a fitness instructor

Find someone who will inspire you. Ask how he (or she) managed to achieve such results and learn more about their diet and lifestyle. If they can, so can you!

Avoid the highs

If you are trying to lead a more active lifestyle and still lose 3 kg in a week, it is better to surround yourself with positive thoughts and positive influences. If someone around you spoils your mood all the time, you can again grab the fork for comfort, so it's best to avoid talking to negative or skeptical people.

Hire a personal trainer

To speed up your weight loss and learn new healthy habits, consider hiring a personal trainer. It will help you stick to your goal and teach you how to choose the right workout, exercise, and nutrition.

Reward yourself for success and progress

And this is the most interesting and enjoyable! Set small, realistic goals for yourself (for example, to lose 1-2 kg or those same 3 kg in 7 days), and when you achieve your goal, pamper yourself, because you deserve it. Not food! Buy yourself a new lipstick or those pretty sneakers you saw yesterday.

Surround yourself with positive people

Do you know the expression "a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar"? This is true, so find like-minded people and positive friends with whom it will be easier to achieve your goal.

Clothes only for the figure

When the results are on the face, it's time to buy new clothes for a new figure! Treat yourself, don't give up halfway. Go from 46 to 42 - it's not easy for you!

Find a fitness friend

Find a friend or relative to join your team and help you unleash your full potential! Even if you only see each other once a week for yoga classes, you can text each other the rest of the time to motivate each other.

Fitness trackers our friends

In order not to lose motivation and go the distance to the end, get a GPS watch to track the kilometers traveled and calories burned. After 7 days of intense weight loss, you can look back and see what exactly helped you lose weight. And on weekends, you can also look back and see what kind of "idleness" took you two steps back :).

A bit of everything

If you don't have enough time to squeeze 45-60 minutes of physical activity into your schedule, break this period into several small ones. Squeezing in 10-minute active breaks from work and household chores is much easier, and the results will be pretty much the same!

Don't let the scales upset you

If the weights don't give you confidence, get rid of them and rely on your own clothes to measure your success.

Exercise in the morning

It could be a 10 minute strength training session or a half hour run, but you should try to get up early and force yourself to exercise. As difficult as it is to get out of bed, you will be surprised how good you will feel afterwards when you lose those extra pounds and maintain your confidence!

Nutritionist opinion

Use some or all of these tips to lose 3kg in 7 days ... to get started! Remember: the hardest part is to start, but the further is easier. Above all, don't stop halfway, keep motivating yourself and you will succeed!