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How to drink black coffee to lose weight?

The benefits of coffee for the body are multifaceted, and therefore it is difficult to describe all aspects of the therapeutic effect in one material. And since this site is devoted to the issues of proper nutrition for weight loss, we will dwell only on how this drink affects the process of losing weight.

Does it burn fat or not?

It cannot be argued that coffee burns fat in some fabulous way. This is not true. Whatever they say there are numerous advertisements for "fat burning" products based on coffee drinks of different colors and brands, offering to lose weight in a week or in 5 days.

But this does not mean that coffee for weight loss is useless. Not at all. How useful! You just need to understand what kind and when drunk.

How does it help to lose weight?

In many ways, the influence of the drink is similar and is associated with the presence of caffeine, which:

  • increases the metabolic rate by 20% (it is not correct to say that it burns fat to the ground, but the speed of this process raises);
  • pre-workout for weight loss is an essential food.

Why is it important to inject caffeine into your body before exercising?

The fact is that in order to lose weight in the process of physical activity really effectively, you need to do it on an empty stomach. However, in this state, the energy of the body is not great, and therefore it cannot afford a significant load. Caffeine provides the body with the lack of energy and allows you to train more intensely, and, therefore, lose weight.

Another positive aspect of the effect of coffee on weight loss is reduction. Caffeine blocks opioid receptors in the brain that are responsible for addiction. Therefore, whenever you want something sweet, you just have to drink a cup of a fragrant drink, and you will no longer want something sweet.

How to drink correctly ?

Do not drink with sugar. Categorically!

The benefits of coffee for the body (for losing weight, improving memory, preventing heart disease, etc.) occurs only when we consume an unsweetened black drink.

Any sweet additives, be it ordinary sugar, honey, artificial sugar substitutes (,), not only completely eliminate the benefits, but cause harm.

We must remember that there is no such thing as "coffee with honey for weight loss." You can either lose weight by using a black bitter drink without any sweeteners, or drink sweet with honey, but then forget about its benefits for a slim figure.

Can't drink with milk and cream

This rule is the same as the previous one. To lose weight, you should not drink it with milk or cream, as these dairy products are rich in sugars. Adding milk is almost the same as adding sugar.

Only natural freshly ground freshly brewed black

Drinking instant coffee or a decaf option is out of the question. Oh, something, but there is no benefit in such drinks. Not for weight loss, not for anything else.

The grains must be freshly ground, the drink itself must be freshly brewed.

The coffee goes rancid quickly. Especially the one that is sold already ground. Rancid is harmful because it contains oxidized vegetable oils.

People are often interested in the question, is it possible to drink expired coffee? It is possible, in the sense that it is not poisonous enough to fall from it dead. However, it is as harmful as any rancid fat.

Do not drink immediately after fitness.

It may seem illogical that, and then is prohibited. But this paradox has a clear scientific explanation.

It is an inhibitor of the mTOR enzyme, which is essential for muscle growth. Muscle growth after the load assigned to them is an obligatory pleasant consequence of fitness classes, which is beneficial to human health, helping to prolong youth.

Drinking a drink immediately after exercise inhibits muscle growth and recovery. Therefore, coffee drinking is allowed no earlier than 2 hours after the end of the workout.

Gotta drink empty

Preferably on an empty stomach and preferably not for breakfast, but instead of breakfast.

Of course, this recommendation is mainly related to losing weight. And for them it is really important. Since coffee, supplemented with sandwiches, pies and other foods with carbohydrates, is an even less healthy meal for burning fat than a lonely drink with honey or sugar.

If you can't deny yourself a morning meal, drink with cheese, nuts, boiled eggs, which are a great snack for weight loss.

How much to drink a day?

The optimal and safe dose is considered to be 2 coffee (120-150 ml) cups of strong espresso (approximately 50 mg of caffeine per cup). If you drink a weaker one, then you can drink more.

Top 6 recipes to help normalize weight

Black with butter

A bit of a weird combination? Perhaps so. But useful. Of course, if you drink without sugar and other sweets.

It is recommended to drink coffee with butter for breakfast. Or rather, instead of breakfast. Such a drink perfectly saturates and tunes the body to work on fats, and not on carbohydrates. By the way, you can add instead of butter.

With whey protein

This invigorating drink is indicated before fitness.

With black bitter chocolate

One has to rub a lot of bitter chocolate into a cup. It will turn out to be a wonderful dessert for those who are losing weight and simply wanderers of healthy eating. Only bitter chocolate should be used with a cocoa percentage of at least 70 and a minimum amount of sugar.

With citrus zest

Finely grated orange or lemon zest is a good accompaniment to a cup of hot coffee. In this case, the additional benefit of the drink is the presence of carotenes in the zest, as well as essential oils, which make the drink more invigorating without introducing additional caffeine into it.

Just don't absorb the zest drink too quickly. First, stir with a spoon (2-3 minutes) so that the essential oils of the zest have time to turn into a liquid.


The traditional combination with additives other than milk and cream is cinnamon coffee, whose medicinal effect is the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. Since cinnamon has this miraculous property.

In addition, the bitter black version with cinnamon, but without sugar, is easier to tolerate by those people who can not accustom themselves to unsweetened drinks, because they suffer from a dependence on sweets. Since this problem is widespread among those who lose weight, the cinnamon recipe can be called a classic drink for losing weight.

By the way, you can supplement with a small amount of cardamom. The drink will be even more aromatic.

With ginger

Another classic coffee recipe for weight loss. ... But unlike the cinnamon recipe, which is shown to everyone, ginger should be drunk with caution. The drink turns out to be quite hot, and in some people it can lead to stomach problems, especially if drunk on an empty stomach, as required by the rules for normalizing weight.

So does coffee help you lose weight? conclusions

  • Does not burn fat, but supports the process of losing weight, as it speeds up metabolism, gives the body energy without food and reduces sugar dependence.
  • In order for the drink to speed up the process of losing weight, it must be drunk correctly, and not the way you want. That is, without sweets, cream and milk. Add spices to help get rid of excess fats (cinnamon, cardamom, ginger). Drink instead of a snack or main meal, not as a supplement to it.