Health Pregnancy beauty

How to protect the mammary glands from diseases

Often women, feeling chest pain, fear a worse diagnosis. If the chest hurts and itches, and the pregnancy test shows that the result is negative, this can cause panic. However, in most situations, the problem is exaggerated due to excessive sensitivity and lack of knowledge. Additional information that answers the main question - why the chest hurts, will certainly help you calm down and decide when you need to visit a doctor.

Pain symptoms in the mammary glands, causes

There may be such manifestations as delayed menstruation, the chest aches, itches and swells, the woman first of all assumes that she is pregnant, however, the test is negative and there is no pregnancy. But still, for complete certainty, it is necessary to repeat the test. What to do if the chest pain does not subside, and the result is again negative. In this situation, it is better to collect your thoughts and not ascribe non-existent diseases to yourself, but try to find answers to exciting questions.

Breast pain is often experienced by women of reproductive age with a constant cyclical menstrual period. Premenopausal and menopausal women do not often suffer from such pain symptoms. Painful sensations in the glands can manifest themselves both on one side and on both sides at once, and have a regular or periodic character. The chest aches a little and itches or sharp pain appears, and the pregnancy test is negative.

Chest pain is classified into two types: cyclic, coming during menstruation; non-cyclical, not related to monthly menstruation, but depending on various other factors.

Cyclic pain

These painful symptoms affect women during menstruation. Hypersensitivity in the mammary glands, as a rule, is minor and does not cause much discomfort. Basically, pain symptoms appear two to three days before the first days of menstruation and disappear with the onset of blood discharge, sometimes accompanied by swelling in the mammary glands. During this period, the gland becomes hard and itches. In some cases, chest pain is acute and begins two weeks before the next cycle of menstruation.

Chest pain associated with menstrual bleeding mainly depends on the restructuring of the hormonal background. This organ is quite hormone-dependent and can react sharply to any fluctuations in hormones during “critical days”, which causes pain syndromes in the mammary glands. This chest pain does not need special treatment and can be suppressed with regular painkillers. When the pain inside is permanent, it can be associated with the use of certain drugs.

Contraceptives in the form of pills, consisting of synthetic female hormone substitutes, or drugs used in hormone replacement therapy, can cause chest pain. Some antidepressants or blood pressure medicines can cause chest pain. In the case of acute painful symptoms associated with the hormonal environment, the doctor may recommend drugs that reduce the hormone estrogen.

Non-cyclic pain

When chest pains have an origin independent of the menstrual cycle, this can be associated with many factors, the causes of which are varied. Characteristic signs of non-cyclic pain:

  • Most often, the pain inside the chest is one-sided.
  • Basically, the pain occurs in the center of the chest, around the nipple.
  • Painful sensations in the glands are sharp, sharp.
  • The pain is constant or episodic.

Inflammatory processes, such as mastitis, often provoke chest pain. The main causes of mastitis are the multiplication of bacteria in the mammary glands. Basically, infection occurs with improper breastfeeding, when microcracks appear. It is accompanied by local unpleasant symptoms - the chest turns red, itches, swells, swells, becomes hard and hurts. Mastitis can cause high body temperature, headache.

A fairly common cause of chest pain is mastopathy. These are benign formations, nodules in the soft tissues of the mammary glands, in frequent cases caused by hormonal imbalance. In some acute cases, the chest itches, and the nipples may secrete fluid.

Other causes of pain sensitivity:

  • deformation of the thoracic region;
  • pectoral muscles are stretched;
  • injury to one or two mammary glands.

Chest pain in some cases is caused by mechanical damage, perhaps there was a blow, excessive compression or squeezing. Often changing the bra to a better and more comfortable one solves this problem. After all, this part of the body is fragile and sensitive, so the choice of accessories must be approached responsibly.

Breast pain often manifests itself during childbearing, especially in the early stages, when changes in the hormonal environment occur. At the first unusual sensations, it is worth buying a pregnancy test. If the test turns out to be negative, then other reasons are possible - in a non-permanent sexual life or its absence.

Tumor of malignant origin

In frequent cases, women with the first occurrence of breast pain suspect that they have breast cancer. However, malignant tumors at first appear painlessly in the form of a tumor, chest pain is felt later. The main indicators of cancer:

What to do when such signs are found? Of course, you should visit a medical facility.

Obviously, qualified assistance is needed from the following specialists: a gynecologist or mammologist, an endocrinologist, and possibly an oncologist. The doctor may order a medical examination, including:

  • Ultrasound monitoring of the mammary glands, x-ray, magnetic tomography. These appointments will allow you to identify the disease in the initial stages of development.
  • The study of the hormonal background.
  • Taking samples if a tumor is present.

The risk of developing a malignant tumor occurs in women who have not yet given birth, or who have given birth to their first child at a later age, with hereditary indications, with a body weight several times higher than the norm, with signs of mastopathy.

Self-examination of the mammary glands

A mandatory diagnostic event should be a regular self-examination, carried out once a month, when the menstrual cycle ends. Basic inspection rules:

  • Stand in front of the mirror, carefully examine if there are any changes in the shape and size of the mammary glands, carefully examine the condition of the skin in the center, is there redness, is the color of the nipples changed.
  • Feeling the chest must be carried out in several positions, both from the sides and in front:
  • hands below;
  • raised up;
  • with an inclined body;
  • with hands on hips.
  • It is advisable to start the examination from the chest on the left, with the fingertips from top to bottom, gently probe the entire mammary gland.
  • It is necessary to examine both the armpit and the areas above and below the collarbone.
  • Gently squeeze the nipple to make sure there is no abnormal discharge.

The question - why the chest hurts, itches, turns red, while the pregnancy test is negative, worries many modern women for a reason. After all, according to statistics from the World Health Organization, breast cancer in women is the first on the list among other cancers. The disease can progress slowly, and manifest itself in a month or many years. In this situation, a woman often does not realize that she is in the stage of the disease. A large number of factors can provoke the disease. Women over forty years of age have a risk of getting sick, with the onset of menopause, hormonal changes occur, so it is advisable for women of this age to examine the mammary glands on a regular basis.

Therapeutic therapy for getting rid of chest pain depends entirely on the origin of the painful symptoms, having found out the reasons why pain occurs in the mammary glands, you should not prescribe the treatment yourself, but consult with a specialist. The doctor will determine the appropriate type of therapy, and if all recommendations are followed correctly, chest pain often disappears after a few months.

When the chest itches and pain appears, there is no need to panic, but try to quickly determine why the chest hurts and decide carefully what to do. Perhaps a test that determines the presence of pregnancy can clarify the situation.