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How to strengthen the body's defenses? We increase immunity

accepted name the body's defenses that fight infectious agents - carriers of foreign genetic information. Typically, these agents are bacteria, viruses and fungi. During normal functioning of the immune system, invisible "executors" cells meet bacteria, viruses and fungi hostile to the body and destroy them.

Thanks to this, we quickly recover from ARVI, we defeat the flu, other infectious and fungal diseases, we do not contract tuberculosis through contact with patients. The pathogens of infectious diseases that have entered our body are immediately rendered harmless by the cells of the immune system.

In addition, the protective forces organism provide us with protection from cancer by detecting and destroying cancer cells in time. However, trying to increase immunity, one must adhere to the golden mean, the increased work of the defenses becomes the cause of the development of allergies when they react to the body's own cells.

For human immunity the lymphatic system, bone marrow, spleen and thymus gland (thymus) are responsible. They are involved in the production and distribution of immune cells - lymphocytes, phagocytes and macrophages throughout the body. Immunity can be innate or specific. Congenital immunity is formed in the fetus in the womb, and specific after the transfer of some kind of disease. For example, chickenpox or measles.

Specific immunity can be natural and artificial. Natural immunity is developed by the forces of the organism itself, and artificial - as a result of vaccination.

Breakdown in any a link of the immune system leads to immunodeficiency - a condition when the body's defenses cannot cope with their task. As a result of a malfunction of the immune system, serious diseases such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, poisoning, and a lack of vitamins and microelements can develop.

Unfortunately, today the number of people with weakened immune systems is growing steadily. This is due to poor ecology, the influence of electromagnetic and radiation radiation, stress, infectious diseases, violation of the rules for taking medications and lifestyle.

The most characteristic signs weakened immunity are the course of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu and bronchitis without fever, frequent colds, increased fatigue, pallor of the facial skin and dark circles under the eyes. With weak immunity, the cervical and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, and sometimes there is an increase in the spleen. Chronic allergic reactions to food also indicate a decrease in immunity.

People with a weakened immunity usually suffer from dysbiosis, which is accompanied by constipation, increased gas production, loss of appetite and body weight. If you have these symptoms, then to strengthen the immune system, we advise you to consult an immunologist.

Do not self-medicate, take vitamin complexes and drugs that increase immunity without a doctor's prescription.

Fortify immunity every person can do it, it's just that this work is not easy, it requires patience and willpower from a person. First you need to change your lifestyle, walk in the fresh air as much as possible, walk every day and do gymnastics in the morning. A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight are the enemies of immunity. But losing weight dramatically is also bad for the immune system.

According to nutritionists, with a loss of one kilogram of weight per week, the activity of T cells that recognize pathogenic microbes is noticeably reduced. Hardening plays a big role in enhancing immunity. Try to take a contrast shower every morning. If this is unacceptable for you, limit yourself to foot baths - alternately immersing your feet in cold and warm water.

In order not to weaken immune system carefully monitor your diet. Try to drink only clean, filtered water, and do not overuse medications, especially antibiotics and dietary supplements. Give preference to natural products. Replace bakery products made from premium flour for bran bread, sweets for honey and dried fruits. After flu, colds and other infectious diseases, drink infusions of rose hips, mint, lemon balm and other medicinal plants.

Increases well immunity green tea with lemon, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, bee products. To strengthen the immune system, you can also take vitamin complexes on a natural basis. Less excitement and more laughter is what immunity needs. After just one minute of emotional laughter, so many antibodies are produced in the body that they are able to protect our respiratory tract from a huge number of viruses and bacteria.

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