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Is tanning trendy this spring?

A couple more months - and fashionable disputes around the color of tights can be left until the fall. Legs will peek out from under our dresses and bring many unpleasant minutes to their mistresses. A woman who is satisfied with her legs is, in principle, difficult to find. And in spring, our skin color seems unbearably pale - bluish, greenish and just awful.

Some will endure this panic with firmness, substituting their legs for the first sun. And others will rush to the solarium. How much has already been said that everything should be in moderation, but no! Women have never been obedient. Moreover, skin color has long spoken about many things and demonstrated the status of a woman on a par with her outfit. With the help of the shade of the face, for some reason they always tried to tell others the same thing: “I am rich enough not to work!”.

Today, smoked bums continue to carry the same idea to the world, but times have changed. Lack of work is no longer such a reason to be proud, and prosperity alone will not cause sympathy. You also need to look healthy and stylish. And if we are talking about tanning, then this means finding a delicate balance, which I want to help you find.

A bit of history

In the beginning, snow-white skin was in fashion. She was attributed to the Greek goddesses and sung in poems dedicated to the most beautiful ladies. The mob in those days worked mainly in the fields and stood out with the corresponding skin color.

The Industrial Revolution turned everything upside down. The workers of the factories spent the whole day at the machines. Their sickly pallor became associated with back-breaking cheap labor. Rich young ladies hurriedly turned their faces to the sun. A little later, the fearless Coco Chanel finally approved the trend, returning from vacation with a dazzling tan.

Behind the ears are areas that almost never reach the sun. Doctors found out that she was younger than her face, by as much as 15 years.

When mulatto artists began to appear in the cinema and on the stage, the shocked fans completely lost all sense of proportion. In pursuit of the caramel skin of the owners of mixed blood, the girls burned themselves on the beaches and in tanning salons.

However, in the 2000s of our century, doctors published disappointing research results: those people who regularly used a solarium had a 75% higher risk of developing malignant melanomas than those who decided to keep their natural skin tone.

Then the general panic led to a mass refusal to use the solarium. And the fashion for health laid the foundation for such a trend as a moderate shade of tan and even pallor. The term "photoaging" has become widely known, meaning the processes occurring in tanned skin. More wrinkles appear on it, age spots appear, it becomes dry. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you exhausted your skin with the sun or a solarium.

A bit of biology

The youth of our skin says categorically no to sunburn. Please note: there are areas behind the ears that the sun almost never gets to. How tender and youthful there skin! Doctors found out that she was younger than her face, by as much as 15 years.

At the same time, doctors are not ready to ban ultraviolet lamps altogether. On the contrary, in small doses, for the general condition of the body, a solarium is even useful. Just like the sun, of course. UV rays provide the body with vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones. Boost immunity and help fight seasonal depression. So, tanning is first and foremost a medicine. Therefore, it should be taken in moderate doses - only then will there be benefit, and not harm.

What skin to wear?

"But what's in fashion?" the most responsible will ask. If you are ready to blindly follow any trend - whiten your skin with light powder or, conversely, smoke yourself up to the status of a Malibu lifeguard - then the news is good: drastic measures are not needed. The most notorious naturalness and health are in fashion.

Alas, this does not mean that you can relax and leave the skin of the body and face to themselves. After all, we all remember how much work and time it takes makeup, when looking at which men exclaim: “You look so good without makeup!”. Alas, we will continue to have to deceive others, pretending that we get everything in the world the easy way, including beautiful skin color.

Follow a simple rule: focus on seasonality. While it is relatively early spring outside, it will be frankly bad form to flaunt a distinct tan. Unfortunately, this even extends to the same chic shade brought from vacation. When it gets warmer, it is permissible to treat your body with a modest portion of the solarium. Enough two or three times for five to seven minutes. The shade will be soft and barely noticeable. But the skin will become more even, and its color will be healthier. Well, in the summer you can maintain a tan in the sun, only it will give a natural shade.

And in conclusion, for some reason, I want to recall the lines written by the Roman poet Ovid, which are relevant even now and seem to put a logical end to this endless dispute about the benefits and harms of tanning, despite the fact that these verses were spoken more than two thousand years ago:

“Just be neat and simple.
Sunbathing on the Champ de Mars
Cover your body."